[adwaita-icon-theme: 147/410] Tweaks to weather-severe-alert.
- From: William Jon McCann <mccann src gnome org>
- To: commits-list gnome org
- Cc:
- Subject: [adwaita-icon-theme: 147/410] Tweaks to weather-severe-alert.
- Date: Fri, 25 Apr 2014 18:19:34 +0000 (UTC)
commit 1893158bbec47bbb2f8f41863933f5af16588cfd
Author: Lapo Calamandrei <calamandrei gmail com>
Date: Mon Oct 11 04:57:15 2010 +0200
Tweaks to weather-severe-alert.
.../status/weather-severe-alert-symbolic.svg | 6 +-
src/gnome-stencils.svg | 82 +++++++++++++-------
2 files changed, 57 insertions(+), 31 deletions(-)
diff --git a/gnome/scalable/status/weather-severe-alert-symbolic.svg
index f5215e7..1c65347 100644
--- a/gnome/scalable/status/weather-severe-alert-symbolic.svg
+++ b/gnome/scalable/status/weather-severe-alert-symbolic.svg
@@ -11,15 +11,15 @@
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diff --git a/src/gnome-stencils.svg b/src/gnome-stencils.svg
index ef6a1ca..11cab6d 100644
--- a/src/gnome-stencils.svg
+++ b/src/gnome-stencils.svg
@@ -41,9 +41,9 @@
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0.625,0.27875 0.625,0.625 l 0,2.75 c 0,0.34625 -0.27875,0.625 -0.625,0.625 l -0.75,0 C 188.27875,290
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284.28125 C 183.73156 284.10201 183.37464 284 183 284 C 181.89543 284 181 284.89543 181 286 C 181 287.10457
181.89543 288 183 288 L 188 288 L 188 285.875 C 188 284.86466 188.86465 284 189.875 284 L 194.9375 284 C
194.72838 283.0142 193.93846 282.2417 192.9375 282.0625 C 192.9794 281.88114 193 281.69407 193 281.5 C 193
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+ </g>
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