[adwaita-icon-theme] Rename to adwaita-icon-theme

commit bdd94a3ad2b2cf277e3f5d77dde1a2bf563b8ff6
Author: William Jon McCann <william jon mccann gmail com>
Date:   Fri Apr 25 10:38:38 2014 -0400

    Rename to adwaita-icon-theme

 .../16x16/actions/address-book-new.png             |  Bin 883 -> 883 bytes
 .../16x16/actions/application-exit.png             |  Bin 781 -> 781 bytes
 .../16x16/actions/appointment-new.png              |  Bin 1029 -> 1029 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/actions/bookmark-new.png  |  Bin 720 -> 720 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/actions/call-start.png    |  Bin 599 -> 599 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/actions/call-stop.png     |  Bin 563 -> 563 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/actions/contact-new.png   |  Bin 618 -> 618 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/actions/document-new.png  |  Bin 851 -> 851 bytes
 .../16x16/actions/document-open-recent.png         |  Bin 1017 -> 1017 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/actions/document-open.png |  Bin 780 -> 780 bytes
 .../16x16/actions/document-page-setup.png          |  Bin 910 -> 910 bytes
 .../16x16/actions/document-print-preview.png       |  Bin 889 -> 889 bytes
 .../16x16/actions/document-print.png               |  Bin 698 -> 698 bytes
 .../16x16/actions/document-properties.png          |  Bin 927 -> 927 bytes
 .../16x16/actions/document-revert-rtl.png          |  Bin 951 -> 951 bytes
 .../16x16/actions/document-revert.png              |  Bin 948 -> 948 bytes
 .../16x16/actions/document-save-as.png             |  Bin 689 -> 689 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/actions/document-save.png |  Bin 660 -> 660 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/actions/document-send.png |  Bin 480 -> 480 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/actions/edit-clear.png    |  Bin 739 -> 739 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/actions/edit-copy.png     |  Bin 549 -> 549 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/actions/edit-cut.png      |  Bin 959 -> 959 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/actions/edit-delete.png   |  Bin 1031 -> 1031 bytes
 .../16x16/actions/edit-find-replace.png            |  Bin 1059 -> 1059 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/actions/edit-find.png     |  Bin 949 -> 949 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/actions/edit-paste.png    |  Bin 722 -> 722 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/actions/edit-redo-rtl.png |  Bin 656 -> 656 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/actions/edit-redo.png     |  Bin 647 -> 647 bytes
 .../16x16/actions/edit-select-all.png              |  Bin 822 -> 822 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/actions/edit-undo-rtl.png |  Bin 642 -> 642 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/actions/edit-undo.png     |  Bin 636 -> 636 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/actions/folder-new.png    |  Bin 841 -> 841 bytes
 .../16x16/actions/format-indent-less-rtl.png       |  Bin 611 -> 611 bytes
 .../16x16/actions/format-indent-less.png           |  Bin 616 -> 616 bytes
 .../16x16/actions/format-indent-more-rtl.png       |  Bin 621 -> 621 bytes
 .../16x16/actions/format-indent-more.png           |  Bin 647 -> 647 bytes
 .../16x16/actions/format-justify-center.png        |  Bin 411 -> 411 bytes
 .../16x16/actions/format-justify-fill.png          |  Bin 393 -> 393 bytes
 .../16x16/actions/format-justify-left.png          |  Bin 427 -> 427 bytes
 .../16x16/actions/format-justify-right.png         |  Bin 402 -> 402 bytes
 .../16x16/actions/format-text-bold.png             |  Bin 799 -> 799 bytes
 .../16x16/actions/format-text-direction-ltr.png    |  Bin 738 -> 738 bytes
 .../16x16/actions/format-text-direction-rtl.png    |  Bin 719 -> 719 bytes
 .../16x16/actions/format-text-italic.png           |  Bin 826 -> 826 bytes
 .../16x16/actions/format-text-strikethrough.png    |  Bin 637 -> 637 bytes
 .../16x16/actions/format-text-underline.png        |  Bin 734 -> 734 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/actions/go-bottom.png     |  Bin 735 -> 735 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/actions/go-down.png       |  Bin 705 -> 705 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/actions/go-first-rtl.png  |  Bin 709 -> 709 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/actions/go-first.png      |  Bin 720 -> 720 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/actions/go-home.png       |  Bin 844 -> 844 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/actions/go-jump.png       |  Bin 596 -> 596 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/actions/go-last-rtl.png   |  Bin 720 -> 720 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/actions/go-last.png       |  Bin 709 -> 709 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/actions/go-next-rtl.png   |  Bin 677 -> 677 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/actions/go-next.png       |  Bin 640 -> 640 bytes
 .../16x16/actions/go-previous-rtl.png              |  Bin 640 -> 640 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/actions/go-previous.png   |  Bin 677 -> 677 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/actions/go-top.png        |  Bin 742 -> 742 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/actions/go-up.png         |  Bin 643 -> 643 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/actions/help-about.png    |  Bin 669 -> 669 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/actions/help-contents.png |  Bin 680 -> 680 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/actions/help-faq.png      |  Bin 805 -> 805 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/actions/insert-image.png  |  Bin 650 -> 650 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/actions/insert-link.png   |  Bin 760 -> 760 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/actions/insert-object.png |  Bin 530 -> 530 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/actions/insert-text.png   |  Bin 556 -> 556 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/actions/list-add.png      |  Bin 520 -> 520 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/actions/list-remove.png   |  Bin 333 -> 333 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/actions/mail-forward.png  |  Bin 454 -> 454 bytes
 .../16x16/actions/mail-mark-important.png          |  Bin 591 -> 591 bytes
 .../16x16/actions/mail-mark-junk.png               |  Bin 946 -> 946 bytes
 .../16x16/actions/mail-mark-notjunk.png            |  Bin 804 -> 804 bytes
 .../16x16/actions/mail-mark-read.png               |  Bin 876 -> 876 bytes
 .../16x16/actions/mail-mark-unread.png             |  Bin 782 -> 782 bytes
 .../16x16/actions/mail-message-new.png             |  Bin 807 -> 807 bytes
 .../16x16/actions/mail-reply-all.png               |  Bin 573 -> 573 bytes
 .../16x16/actions/mail-reply-sender.png            |  Bin 456 -> 456 bytes
 .../16x16/actions/mail-send-receive.png            |  Bin 393 -> 393 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/actions/mail-send.png     |  Bin 678 -> 678 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/actions/media-eject.png   |  Bin 530 -> 530 bytes
 .../16x16/actions/media-playback-pause.png         |  Bin 398 -> 398 bytes
 .../16x16/actions/media-playback-start-rtl.png     |  Bin 532 -> 532 bytes
 .../16x16/actions/media-playback-start.png         |  Bin 549 -> 549 bytes
 .../16x16/actions/media-playback-stop.png          |  Bin 370 -> 370 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/actions/media-record.png  |  Bin 604 -> 604 bytes
 .../16x16/actions/media-seek-backward-rtl.png      |  Bin 518 -> 518 bytes
 .../16x16/actions/media-seek-backward.png          |  Bin 504 -> 504 bytes
 .../16x16/actions/media-seek-forward-rtl.png       |  Bin 504 -> 504 bytes
 .../16x16/actions/media-seek-forward.png           |  Bin 518 -> 518 bytes
 .../16x16/actions/media-skip-backward-rtl.png      |  Bin 610 -> 610 bytes
 .../16x16/actions/media-skip-backward.png          |  Bin 555 -> 555 bytes
 .../16x16/actions/media-skip-forward-rtl.png       |  Bin 555 -> 555 bytes
 .../16x16/actions/media-skip-forward.png           |  Bin 610 -> 610 bytes
 .../16x16/actions/object-flip-horizontal.png       |  Bin 579 -> 579 bytes
 .../16x16/actions/object-flip-vertical.png         |  Bin 539 -> 539 bytes
 .../16x16/actions/object-rotate-left.png           |  Bin 638 -> 638 bytes
 .../16x16/actions/object-rotate-right.png          |  Bin 626 -> 626 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/actions/process-stop.png  |  Bin 673 -> 673 bytes
 .../16x16/actions/system-lock-screen.png           |  Bin 922 -> 922 bytes
 .../16x16/actions/system-log-out.png               |  Bin 809 -> 809 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/actions/system-run.png    |  Bin 414 -> 414 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/actions/system-search.png |  Bin 996 -> 996 bytes
 .../16x16/actions/system-shutdown.png              |  Bin 547 -> 547 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/actions/tab-new.png       |  Bin 723 -> 723 bytes
 .../16x16/actions/tools-check-spelling.png         |  Bin 642 -> 642 bytes
 .../16x16/actions/view-fullscreen.png              |  Bin 559 -> 559 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/actions/view-refresh.png  |  Bin 922 -> 922 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/actions/view-restore.png  |  Bin 444 -> 444 bytes
 .../16x16/actions/view-sort-ascending.png          |  Bin 503 -> 503 bytes
 .../16x16/actions/view-sort-descending.png         |  Bin 489 -> 489 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/actions/window-close.png  |  Bin 505 -> 505 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/actions/window-new.png    |  Bin 461 -> 461 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/actions/zoom-fit-best.png |  Bin 629 -> 629 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/actions/zoom-in.png       |  Bin 664 -> 664 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/actions/zoom-original.png |  Bin 657 -> 657 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/actions/zoom-out.png      |  Bin 596 -> 596 bytes
 .../16x16/animations/process-working.png           |  Bin 2916 -> 2916 bytes
 .../16x16/apps/accessories-calculator.png          |  Bin 598 -> 598 bytes
 .../16x16/apps/accessories-character-map.png       |  Bin 640 -> 640 bytes
 .../16x16/apps/accessories-dictionary.png          |  Bin 816 -> 816 bytes
 .../16x16/apps/accessories-text-editor.png         |  Bin 912 -> 912 bytes
 .../16x16/apps/applets-screenshooter.png           |  Bin 868 -> 868 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/apps/help-browser.png     |  Bin 1058 -> 1058 bytes
 .../16x16/apps/multimedia-volume-control.png       |  Bin 554 -> 554 bytes
 .../apps/preferences-desktop-accessibility.png     |  Bin 1026 -> 1026 bytes
 .../16x16/apps/preferences-desktop-display.png     |  Bin 873 -> 873 bytes
 .../16x16/apps/preferences-desktop-font.png        |  Bin 678 -> 678 bytes
 .../preferences-desktop-keyboard-shortcuts.png     |  Bin 679 -> 679 bytes
 .../16x16/apps/preferences-desktop-keyboard.png    |  Bin 763 -> 763 bytes
 .../16x16/apps/preferences-desktop-locale.png      |  Bin 658 -> 658 bytes
 .../apps/preferences-desktop-remote-desktop.png    |  Bin 748 -> 748 bytes
 .../16x16/apps/preferences-desktop-screensaver.png |  Bin 802 -> 802 bytes
 .../16x16/apps/preferences-desktop-theme.png       |  Bin 917 -> 917 bytes
 .../16x16/apps/preferences-desktop-wallpaper.png   |  Bin 792 -> 792 bytes
 .../apps/preferences-system-notifications.png      |  Bin 859 -> 859 bytes
 .../16x16/apps/preferences-system-privacy.png      |  Bin 804 -> 804 bytes
 .../16x16/apps/preferences-system-search.png       |  Bin 760 -> 760 bytes
 .../16x16/apps/preferences-system-sharing.png      |  Bin 908 -> 908 bytes
 .../16x16/apps/preferences-system-windows.png      |  Bin 390 -> 390 bytes
 .../16x16/apps/system-file-manager.png             |  Bin 777 -> 777 bytes
 .../16x16/apps/system-software-install.png         |  Bin 591 -> 591 bytes
 .../16x16/apps/system-software-update.png          |  Bin 918 -> 918 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/apps/system-users.png     |  Bin 840 -> 840 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/apps/user-info.png        |  Bin 953 -> 953 bytes
 .../16x16/apps/utilities-system-monitor.png        |  Bin 727 -> 727 bytes
 .../16x16/apps/utilities-terminal.png              |  Bin 689 -> 689 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/apps/web-browser.png      |  Bin 1120 -> 1120 bytes
 .../16x16/categories/applications-accessories.png  |  Bin 1003 -> 1003 bytes
 .../16x16/categories/applications-development.png  |  Bin 611 -> 611 bytes
 .../16x16/categories/applications-engineering.png  |  Bin 638 -> 638 bytes
 .../16x16/categories/applications-games.png        |  Bin 473 -> 473 bytes
 .../16x16/categories/applications-graphics.png     |  Bin 966 -> 966 bytes
 .../16x16/categories/applications-internet.png     |  Bin 1097 -> 1097 bytes
 .../16x16/categories/applications-multimedia.png   |  Bin 632 -> 632 bytes
 .../16x16/categories/applications-office.png       |  Bin 864 -> 864 bytes
 .../16x16/categories/applications-other.png        |  Bin 796 -> 796 bytes
 .../16x16/categories/applications-science.png      |  Bin 981 -> 981 bytes
 .../16x16/categories/applications-system.png       |  Bin 991 -> 991 bytes
 .../16x16/categories/applications-utilities.png    |  Bin 850 -> 850 bytes
 .../categories/preferences-desktop-peripherals.png |  Bin 585 -> 585 bytes
 .../categories/preferences-desktop-personal.png    |  Bin 438 -> 438 bytes
 .../16x16/categories/preferences-desktop.png       |  Bin 482 -> 482 bytes
 .../16x16/categories/preferences-other.png         |  Bin 772 -> 772 bytes
 .../categories/preferences-system-network.png      |  Bin 860 -> 860 bytes
 .../16x16/categories/preferences-system.png        |  Bin 1080 -> 1080 bytes
 .../16x16/categories/system-help.png               |  Bin 738 -> 738 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/devices/ac-adapter.png    |  Bin 606 -> 606 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/devices/audio-card.png    |  Bin 669 -> 669 bytes
 .../16x16/devices/audio-headphones.png             |  Bin 854 -> 854 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/devices/audio-headset.png |  Bin 862 -> 862 bytes
 .../16x16/devices/audio-input-microphone.png       |  Bin 878 -> 878 bytes
 .../16x16/devices/audio-speakers.png               |  Bin 1041 -> 1041 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/devices/battery.png       |  Bin 456 -> 456 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/devices/camera-photo.png  |  Bin 898 -> 898 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/devices/camera-video.png  |  Bin 766 -> 766 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/devices/camera-web.png    |  Bin 978 -> 978 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/devices/computer.png      |  Bin 805 -> 805 bytes
 .../16x16/devices/drive-harddisk.png               |  Bin 847 -> 847 bytes
 .../16x16/devices/drive-multidisk.png              |  Bin 780 -> 780 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/devices/drive-optical.png |  Bin 873 -> 873 bytes
 .../16x16/devices/drive-removable-media.png        |  Bin 644 -> 644 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/devices/input-dialpad.png |  Bin 737 -> 737 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/devices/input-gaming.png  |  Bin 817 -> 817 bytes
 .../16x16/devices/input-keyboard.png               |  Bin 588 -> 588 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/devices/input-mouse.png   |  Bin 744 -> 744 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/devices/input-tablet.png  |  Bin 966 -> 966 bytes
 .../16x16/devices/input-touchpad.png               |  Bin 622 -> 622 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/devices/media-flash.png   |  Bin 478 -> 478 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/devices/media-floppy.png  |  Bin 723 -> 723 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/devices/media-optical.png |  Bin 960 -> 960 bytes
 .../16x16/devices/media-removable.png              |  Bin 808 -> 808 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/devices/media-tape.png    |  Bin 619 -> 619 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/devices/modem.png         |  Bin 670 -> 670 bytes
 .../16x16/devices/multimedia-player.png            |  Bin 351 -> 351 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/devices/network-vpn.png   |  Bin 738 -> 738 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/devices/network-wired.png |  Bin 703 -> 703 bytes
 .../16x16/devices/network-wireless.png             |  Bin 1025 -> 1025 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/devices/pda.png           |  Bin 382 -> 382 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/devices/phone.png         |  Bin 752 -> 752 bytes
 .../16x16/devices/printer-network.png              |  Bin 1070 -> 1070 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/devices/printer.png       |  Bin 616 -> 616 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/devices/scanner.png       |  Bin 801 -> 801 bytes
 .../16x16/devices/uninterruptible-power-supply.png |  Bin 911 -> 911 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/devices/video-display.png |  Bin 741 -> 741 bytes
 .../16x16/emblems/emblem-default.png               |  Bin 974 -> 974 bytes
 .../16x16/emblems/emblem-documents.png             |  Bin 862 -> 862 bytes
 .../16x16/emblems/emblem-downloads.png             |  Bin 381 -> 381 bytes
 .../16x16/emblems/emblem-favorite.png              |  Bin 742 -> 742 bytes
 .../16x16/emblems/emblem-generic.png               |  Bin 998 -> 998 bytes
 .../16x16/emblems/emblem-important.png             |  Bin 832 -> 832 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/emblems/emblem-mail.png   |  Bin 783 -> 783 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/emblems/emblem-new.png    |  Bin 808 -> 808 bytes
 .../16x16/emblems/emblem-package.png               |  Bin 658 -> 658 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/emblems/emblem-photos.png |  Bin 611 -> 611 bytes
 .../16x16/emblems/emblem-readonly.png              |  Bin 625 -> 625 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/emblems/emblem-shared.png |  Bin 669 -> 669 bytes
 .../16x16/emblems/emblem-symbolic-link.png         |  Bin 659 -> 659 bytes
 .../16x16/emblems/emblem-synchronizing.png         |  Bin 790 -> 790 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/emblems/emblem-system.png |  Bin 739 -> 739 bytes
 .../16x16/emblems/emblem-unreadable.png            |  Bin 677 -> 677 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/emblems/emblem-urgent.png |  Bin 808 -> 808 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/emblems/emblem-web.png    |  Bin 973 -> 973 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/emotes/face-angel.png     |  Bin 1060 -> 1060 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/emotes/face-angry.png     |  Bin 1046 -> 1046 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/emotes/face-cool.png      |  Bin 1032 -> 1032 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/emotes/face-crying.png    |  Bin 1085 -> 1085 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/emotes/face-devilish.png  |  Bin 1102 -> 1102 bytes
 .../16x16/emotes/face-embarrassed.png              |  Bin 1067 -> 1067 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/emotes/face-glasses.png   |  Bin 1114 -> 1114 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/emotes/face-kiss.png      |  Bin 1074 -> 1074 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/emotes/face-laugh.png     |  Bin 1075 -> 1075 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/emotes/face-monkey.png    |  Bin 892 -> 892 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/emotes/face-plain.png     |  Bin 1049 -> 1049 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/emotes/face-raspberry.png |  Bin 1054 -> 1054 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/emotes/face-sad.png       |  Bin 1057 -> 1057 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/emotes/face-sick.png      |  Bin 1080 -> 1080 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/emotes/face-smile-big.png |  Bin 1066 -> 1066 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/emotes/face-smile.png     |  Bin 1057 -> 1057 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/emotes/face-smirk.png     |  Bin 1062 -> 1062 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/emotes/face-surprise.png  |  Bin 1069 -> 1069 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/emotes/face-tired.png     |  Bin 1068 -> 1068 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/emotes/face-uncertain.png |  Bin 1047 -> 1047 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/emotes/face-wink.png      |  Bin 1052 -> 1052 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/emotes/face-worried.png   |  Bin 1043 -> 1043 bytes
 .../16x16/mimetypes/application-certificate.png    |  Bin 644 -> 644 bytes
 .../16x16/mimetypes/application-x-addon.png        |  Bin 764 -> 764 bytes
 .../16x16/mimetypes/application-x-executable.png   |  Bin 684 -> 684 bytes
 .../16x16/mimetypes/audio-x-generic.png            |  Bin 688 -> 688 bytes
 .../16x16/mimetypes/font-x-generic.png             |  Bin 974 -> 974 bytes
 .../16x16/mimetypes/image-x-generic.png            |  Bin 672 -> 672 bytes
 .../16x16/mimetypes/package-x-generic.png          |  Bin 637 -> 637 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/mimetypes/text-html.png   |  Bin 875 -> 875 bytes
 .../16x16/mimetypes/text-x-generic-template.png    |  Bin 834 -> 834 bytes
 .../16x16/mimetypes/text-x-generic.png             |  Bin 778 -> 778 bytes
 .../16x16/mimetypes/text-x-preview.png             |  Bin 741 -> 741 bytes
 .../16x16/mimetypes/text-x-script.png              |  Bin 913 -> 913 bytes
 .../16x16/mimetypes/video-x-generic.png            |  Bin 949 -> 949 bytes
 .../16x16/mimetypes/x-office-address-book.png      |  Bin 838 -> 838 bytes
 .../16x16/mimetypes/x-office-calendar.png          |  Bin 570 -> 570 bytes
 .../16x16/mimetypes/x-office-document-template.png |  Bin 949 -> 949 bytes
 .../16x16/mimetypes/x-office-document.png          |  Bin 831 -> 831 bytes
 .../16x16/mimetypes/x-office-drawing-template.png  |  Bin 1043 -> 1043 bytes
 .../16x16/mimetypes/x-office-drawing.png           |  Bin 938 -> 938 bytes
 .../mimetypes/x-office-presentation-template.png   |  Bin 878 -> 878 bytes
 .../16x16/mimetypes/x-office-presentation.png      |  Bin 712 -> 712 bytes
 .../mimetypes/x-office-spreadsheet-template.png    |  Bin 981 -> 981 bytes
 .../16x16/mimetypes/x-office-spreadsheet.png       |  Bin 857 -> 857 bytes
 .../16x16/mimetypes/x-package-repository.png       |  Bin 985 -> 985 bytes
 .../16x16/places/folder-documents.png              |  Bin 844 -> 844 bytes
 .../16x16/places/folder-download.png               |  Bin 811 -> 811 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/places/folder-music.png   |  Bin 853 -> 853 bytes
 .../16x16/places/folder-pictures.png               |  Bin 946 -> 946 bytes
 .../16x16/places/folder-publicshare.png            |  Bin 791 -> 791 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/places/folder-remote.png  |  Bin 758 -> 758 bytes
 .../16x16/places/folder-saved-search.png           |  Bin 826 -> 826 bytes
 .../16x16/places/folder-templates.png              |  Bin 788 -> 788 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/places/folder-videos.png  |  Bin 829 -> 829 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/places/folder.png         |  Bin 675 -> 675 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/places/network-server.png |  Bin 832 -> 832 bytes
 .../16x16/places/network-workgroup.png             |  Bin 720 -> 720 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/places/start-here.png     |  Bin 946 -> 946 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/places/user-bookmarks.png |  Bin 885 -> 885 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/places/user-desktop.png   |  Bin 875 -> 875 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/places/user-home.png      |  Bin 896 -> 896 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/places/user-trash.png     |  Bin 997 -> 997 bytes
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 .../16x16/status/appointment-soon.png              |  Bin 915 -> 915 bytes
 .../16x16/status/audio-volume-high.png             |  Bin 906 -> 906 bytes
 .../16x16/status/audio-volume-low.png              |  Bin 577 -> 577 bytes
 .../16x16/status/audio-volume-medium.png           |  Bin 714 -> 714 bytes
 .../16x16/status/audio-volume-muted.png            |  Bin 711 -> 711 bytes
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 .../16x16/status/battery-caution-charging.png      |  Bin 857 -> 857 bytes
 .../16x16/status/battery-caution.png               |  Bin 728 -> 728 bytes
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 .../16x16/status/battery-full-charged.png          |  Bin 729 -> 729 bytes
 .../16x16/status/battery-full-charging.png         |  Bin 848 -> 848 bytes
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 .../16x16/status/battery-good-charging.png         |  Bin 839 -> 839 bytes
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 .../16x16/status/battery-low-charging.png          |  Bin 940 -> 940 bytes
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 .../16x16/status/battery-missing.png               |  Bin 635 -> 635 bytes
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 .../16x16/status/changes-prevent.png               |  Bin 845 -> 845 bytes
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 .../16x16/status/dialog-information.png            |  Bin 813 -> 813 bytes
 .../16x16/status/dialog-password.png               |  Bin 787 -> 787 bytes
 .../16x16/status/dialog-question.png               |  Bin 644 -> 644 bytes
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 .../16x16/status/folder-drag-accept.png            |  Bin 695 -> 695 bytes
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 .../16x16/status/folder-visiting.png               |  Bin 819 -> 819 bytes
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 .../16x16/status/mail-attachment.png               |  Bin 648 -> 648 bytes
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 .../16x16/status/mail-signed-verified.png          |  Bin 823 -> 823 bytes
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 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/status/mail-unread.png    |  Bin 773 -> 773 bytes
 .../16x16/status/media-playlist-repeat.png         |  Bin 579 -> 579 bytes
 .../16x16/status/media-playlist-shuffle.png        |  Bin 706 -> 706 bytes
 .../16x16/status/microphone-sensitivity-high.png   |  Bin 950 -> 950 bytes
 .../16x16/status/microphone-sensitivity-low.png    |  Bin 967 -> 967 bytes
 .../16x16/status/microphone-sensitivity-medium.png |  Bin 984 -> 984 bytes
 .../16x16/status/microphone-sensitivity-muted.png  |  Bin 814 -> 814 bytes
 .../16x16/status/network-cellular-connected.png    |  Bin 882 -> 882 bytes
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 .../16x16/status/network-offline.png               |  Bin 773 -> 773 bytes
 .../16x16/status/network-receive.png               |  Bin 759 -> 759 bytes
 .../16x16/status/network-transmit-receive.png      |  Bin 725 -> 725 bytes
 .../16x16/status/network-transmit.png              |  Bin 774 -> 774 bytes
 .../16x16/status/network-wired-disconnected.png    |  Bin 488 -> 488 bytes
 .../16x16/status/network-wireless-encrypted.png    |  Bin 1033 -> 1033 bytes
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 .../16x16/status/printer-printing.png              |  Bin 646 -> 646 bytes
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 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/status/security-low.png   |  Bin 845 -> 845 bytes
 .../16x16/status/security-medium.png               |  Bin 828 -> 828 bytes
 .../16x16/status/semi-starred-rtl.png              |  Bin 743 -> 743 bytes
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 .../16x16/status/software-update-available.png     |  Bin 752 -> 752 bytes
 .../16x16/status/software-update-urgent.png        |  Bin 762 -> 762 bytes
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 .../16x16/status/user-trash-full.png               |  Bin 1056 -> 1056 bytes
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 .../16x16/status/weather-few-clouds-night.png      |  Bin 830 -> 830 bytes
 .../16x16/status/weather-few-clouds.png            |  Bin 915 -> 915 bytes
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 .../16x16/status/weather-overcast.png              |  Bin 626 -> 626 bytes
 .../16x16/status/weather-severe-alert.png          |  Bin 807 -> 807 bytes
 .../16x16/status/weather-showers-scattered.png     |  Bin 740 -> 740 bytes
 .../16x16/status/weather-showers.png               |  Bin 846 -> 846 bytes
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 {gnome => Adwaita}/16x16/status/weather-storm.png  |  Bin 831 -> 831 bytes
 .../22x22/actions/address-book-new.png             |  Bin 1305 -> 1305 bytes
 .../22x22/actions/application-exit.png             |  Bin 1091 -> 1091 bytes
 .../22x22/actions/appointment-new.png              |  Bin 1651 -> 1651 bytes
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 {gnome => Adwaita}/22x22/actions/call-start.png    |  Bin 1035 -> 1035 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/22x22/actions/call-stop.png     |  Bin 840 -> 840 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/22x22/actions/contact-new.png   |  Bin 969 -> 969 bytes
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 .../22x22/actions/document-open-recent.png         |  Bin 1617 -> 1617 bytes
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 .../22x22/actions/document-page-setup.png          |  Bin 1349 -> 1349 bytes
 .../22x22/actions/document-print-preview.png       |  Bin 1511 -> 1511 bytes
 .../22x22/actions/document-print.png               |  Bin 1178 -> 1178 bytes
 .../22x22/actions/document-properties.png          |  Bin 1372 -> 1372 bytes
 .../22x22/actions/document-revert-rtl.png          |  Bin 1322 -> 1322 bytes
 .../22x22/actions/document-revert.png              |  Bin 1281 -> 1281 bytes
 .../22x22/actions/document-save-as.png             |  Bin 1158 -> 1158 bytes
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 {gnome => Adwaita}/22x22/actions/edit-delete.png   |  Bin 1418 -> 1418 bytes
 .../22x22/actions/edit-find-replace.png            |  Bin 1627 -> 1627 bytes
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 {gnome => Adwaita}/22x22/actions/edit-redo.png     |  Bin 1027 -> 1027 bytes
 .../22x22/actions/edit-select-all.png              |  Bin 1188 -> 1188 bytes
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 {gnome => Adwaita}/22x22/actions/folder-new.png    |  Bin 1137 -> 1137 bytes
 .../22x22/actions/format-indent-less-rtl.png       |  Bin 747 -> 747 bytes
 .../22x22/actions/format-indent-less.png           |  Bin 753 -> 753 bytes
 .../22x22/actions/format-indent-more-rtl.png       |  Bin 741 -> 741 bytes
 .../22x22/actions/format-indent-more.png           |  Bin 779 -> 779 bytes
 .../22x22/actions/format-justify-center.png        |  Bin 498 -> 498 bytes
 .../22x22/actions/format-justify-fill.png          |  Bin 444 -> 444 bytes
 .../22x22/actions/format-justify-left.png          |  Bin 509 -> 509 bytes
 .../22x22/actions/format-justify-right.png         |  Bin 466 -> 466 bytes
 .../22x22/actions/format-text-bold.png             |  Bin 1016 -> 1016 bytes
 .../22x22/actions/format-text-direction-ltr.png    |  Bin 1146 -> 1146 bytes
 .../22x22/actions/format-text-direction-rtl.png    |  Bin 1168 -> 1168 bytes
 .../22x22/actions/format-text-italic.png           |  Bin 1102 -> 1102 bytes
 .../22x22/actions/format-text-strikethrough.png    |  Bin 898 -> 898 bytes
 .../22x22/actions/format-text-underline.png        |  Bin 997 -> 997 bytes
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 {gnome => Adwaita}/22x22/actions/go-first.png      |  Bin 1216 -> 1216 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/22x22/actions/go-home.png       |  Bin 1332 -> 1332 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/22x22/actions/go-jump.png       |  Bin 1043 -> 1043 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/22x22/actions/go-last-rtl.png   |  Bin 1216 -> 1216 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/22x22/actions/go-last.png       |  Bin 1188 -> 1188 bytes
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 {gnome => Adwaita}/22x22/actions/go-next.png       |  Bin 1114 -> 1114 bytes
 .../22x22/actions/go-previous-rtl.png              |  Bin 1114 -> 1114 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/22x22/actions/go-previous.png   |  Bin 1111 -> 1111 bytes
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 {gnome => Adwaita}/22x22/actions/help-contents.png |  Bin 966 -> 966 bytes
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 .../22x22/actions/mail-mark-important.png          |  Bin 870 -> 870 bytes
 .../22x22/actions/mail-mark-junk.png               |  Bin 1333 -> 1333 bytes
 .../22x22/actions/mail-mark-notjunk.png            |  Bin 1233 -> 1233 bytes
 .../22x22/actions/mail-mark-read.png               |  Bin 1214 -> 1214 bytes
 .../22x22/actions/mail-mark-unread.png             |  Bin 1111 -> 1111 bytes
 .../22x22/actions/mail-message-new.png             |  Bin 1146 -> 1146 bytes
 .../22x22/actions/mail-reply-all.png               |  Bin 1153 -> 1153 bytes
 .../22x22/actions/mail-reply-sender.png            |  Bin 1157 -> 1157 bytes
 .../22x22/actions/mail-send-receive.png            |  Bin 1004 -> 1004 bytes
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 {gnome => Adwaita}/22x22/actions/media-eject.png   |  Bin 762 -> 762 bytes
 .../22x22/actions/media-playback-pause.png         |  Bin 624 -> 624 bytes
 .../22x22/actions/media-playback-start-rtl.png     |  Bin 915 -> 915 bytes
 .../22x22/actions/media-playback-start.png         |  Bin 882 -> 882 bytes
 .../22x22/actions/media-playback-stop.png          |  Bin 521 -> 521 bytes
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 .../22x22/actions/media-seek-backward-rtl.png      |  Bin 803 -> 803 bytes
 .../22x22/actions/media-seek-backward.png          |  Bin 794 -> 794 bytes
 .../22x22/actions/media-seek-forward-rtl.png       |  Bin 794 -> 794 bytes
 .../22x22/actions/media-seek-forward.png           |  Bin 803 -> 803 bytes
 .../22x22/actions/media-skip-backward-rtl.png      |  Bin 829 -> 829 bytes
 .../22x22/actions/media-skip-backward.png          |  Bin 902 -> 902 bytes
 .../22x22/actions/media-skip-forward-rtl.png       |  Bin 902 -> 902 bytes
 .../22x22/actions/media-skip-forward.png           |  Bin 829 -> 829 bytes
 .../22x22/actions/object-flip-horizontal.png       |  Bin 964 -> 964 bytes
 .../22x22/actions/object-flip-vertical.png         |  Bin 1042 -> 1042 bytes
 .../22x22/actions/object-rotate-left.png           |  Bin 1006 -> 1006 bytes
 .../22x22/actions/object-rotate-right.png          |  Bin 1028 -> 1028 bytes
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 .../22x22/actions/system-lock-screen.png           |  Bin 1434 -> 1434 bytes
 .../22x22/actions/system-log-out.png               |  Bin 1196 -> 1196 bytes
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 .../22x22/actions/system-shutdown.png              |  Bin 717 -> 717 bytes
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 .../22x22/actions/tools-check-spelling.png         |  Bin 900 -> 900 bytes
 .../22x22/actions/view-fullscreen.png              |  Bin 582 -> 582 bytes
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 {gnome => Adwaita}/22x22/actions/view-restore.png  |  Bin 601 -> 601 bytes
 .../22x22/actions/view-sort-ascending.png          |  Bin 914 -> 914 bytes
 .../22x22/actions/view-sort-descending.png         |  Bin 872 -> 872 bytes
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 {gnome => Adwaita}/22x22/actions/zoom-original.png |  Bin 871 -> 871 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/22x22/actions/zoom-out.png      |  Bin 779 -> 779 bytes
 .../22x22/animations/process-working.png           |  Bin 4263 -> 4263 bytes
 .../22x22/apps/accessories-calculator.png          |  Bin 843 -> 843 bytes
 .../22x22/apps/accessories-character-map.png       |  Bin 1025 -> 1025 bytes
 .../22x22/apps/accessories-dictionary.png          |  Bin 1269 -> 1269 bytes
 .../22x22/apps/accessories-text-editor.png         |  Bin 1266 -> 1266 bytes
 .../22x22/apps/applets-screenshooter.png           |  Bin 1304 -> 1304 bytes
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 .../22x22/apps/multimedia-volume-control.png       |  Bin 1209 -> 1209 bytes
 .../apps/preferences-desktop-accessibility.png     |  Bin 1636 -> 1636 bytes
 .../22x22/apps/preferences-desktop-display.png     |  Bin 1268 -> 1268 bytes
 .../22x22/apps/preferences-desktop-font.png        |  Bin 1135 -> 1135 bytes
 .../preferences-desktop-keyboard-shortcuts.png     |  Bin 917 -> 917 bytes
 .../22x22/apps/preferences-desktop-keyboard.png    |  Bin 1056 -> 1056 bytes
 .../22x22/apps/preferences-desktop-locale.png      |  Bin 1321 -> 1321 bytes
 .../apps/preferences-desktop-remote-desktop.png    |  Bin 1141 -> 1141 bytes
 .../22x22/apps/preferences-desktop-screensaver.png |  Bin 1227 -> 1227 bytes
 .../22x22/apps/preferences-desktop-theme.png       |  Bin 1299 -> 1299 bytes
 .../22x22/apps/preferences-desktop-wallpaper.png   |  Bin 1231 -> 1231 bytes
 .../apps/preferences-system-notifications.png      |  Bin 1243 -> 1243 bytes
 .../22x22/apps/preferences-system-privacy.png      |  Bin 1184 -> 1184 bytes
 .../22x22/apps/preferences-system-search.png       |  Bin 1102 -> 1102 bytes
 .../22x22/apps/preferences-system-sharing.png      |  Bin 1199 -> 1199 bytes
 .../22x22/apps/preferences-system-windows.png      |  Bin 554 -> 554 bytes
 .../22x22/apps/system-file-manager.png             |  Bin 1142 -> 1142 bytes
 .../22x22/apps/system-software-install.png         |  Bin 1230 -> 1230 bytes
 .../22x22/apps/system-software-update.png          |  Bin 1379 -> 1379 bytes
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 .../22x22/apps/utilities-system-monitor.png        |  Bin 1083 -> 1083 bytes
 .../22x22/apps/utilities-terminal.png              |  Bin 946 -> 946 bytes
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 .../22x22/categories/applications-accessories.png  |  Bin 1570 -> 1570 bytes
 .../22x22/categories/applications-development.png  |  Bin 969 -> 969 bytes
 .../22x22/categories/applications-engineering.png  |  Bin 973 -> 973 bytes
 .../22x22/categories/applications-games.png        |  Bin 801 -> 801 bytes
 .../22x22/categories/applications-graphics.png     |  Bin 1539 -> 1539 bytes
 .../22x22/categories/applications-internet.png     |  Bin 1676 -> 1676 bytes
 .../22x22/categories/applications-multimedia.png   |  Bin 940 -> 940 bytes
 .../22x22/categories/applications-office.png       |  Bin 1194 -> 1194 bytes
 .../22x22/categories/applications-other.png        |  Bin 1253 -> 1253 bytes
 .../22x22/categories/applications-science.png      |  Bin 1403 -> 1403 bytes
 .../22x22/categories/applications-system.png       |  Bin 1523 -> 1523 bytes
 .../22x22/categories/applications-utilities.png    |  Bin 1341 -> 1341 bytes
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 .../categories/preferences-desktop-personal.png    |  Bin 922 -> 922 bytes
 .../22x22/categories/preferences-desktop.png       |  Bin 704 -> 704 bytes
 .../22x22/categories/preferences-other.png         |  Bin 1212 -> 1212 bytes
 .../categories/preferences-system-network.png      |  Bin 1342 -> 1342 bytes
 .../22x22/categories/preferences-system.png        |  Bin 1488 -> 1488 bytes
 .../22x22/categories/system-help.png               |  Bin 1182 -> 1182 bytes
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 .../22x22/devices/audio-headphones.png             |  Bin 1198 -> 1198 bytes
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 .../22x22/devices/audio-input-microphone.png       |  Bin 1191 -> 1191 bytes
 .../22x22/devices/audio-speakers.png               |  Bin 1419 -> 1419 bytes
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 .../22x22/devices/drive-harddisk.png               |  Bin 1222 -> 1222 bytes
 .../22x22/devices/drive-multidisk.png              |  Bin 1073 -> 1073 bytes
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 .../22x22/devices/drive-removable-media.png        |  Bin 897 -> 897 bytes
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 .../22x22/devices/input-keyboard.png               |  Bin 710 -> 710 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/22x22/devices/input-mouse.png   |  Bin 1038 -> 1038 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/22x22/devices/input-tablet.png  |  Bin 1296 -> 1296 bytes
 .../22x22/devices/input-touchpad.png               |  Bin 860 -> 860 bytes
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 {gnome => Adwaita}/22x22/devices/media-floppy.png  |  Bin 1006 -> 1006 bytes
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 .../22x22/devices/media-removable.png              |  Bin 1104 -> 1104 bytes
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 .../22x22/devices/multimedia-player.png            |  Bin 739 -> 739 bytes
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 .../22x22/devices/network-wireless.png             |  Bin 1340 -> 1340 bytes
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 .../22x22/devices/printer-network.png              |  Bin 1530 -> 1530 bytes
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 .../22x22/mimetypes/image-x-generic.png            |  Bin 993 -> 993 bytes
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 .../22x22/mimetypes/x-office-spreadsheet.png       |  Bin 1350 -> 1350 bytes
 .../22x22/mimetypes/x-package-repository.png       |  Bin 1539 -> 1539 bytes
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 .../22x22/status/audio-volume-medium.png           |  Bin 1078 -> 1078 bytes
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 .../22x22/status/battery-caution-charging.png      |  Bin 1324 -> 1324 bytes
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 .../22x22/status/battery-full-charged.png          |  Bin 1099 -> 1099 bytes
 .../22x22/status/battery-full-charging.png         |  Bin 1258 -> 1258 bytes
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 .../22x22/status/dialog-password.png               |  Bin 909 -> 909 bytes
 .../22x22/status/dialog-question.png               |  Bin 1086 -> 1086 bytes
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 .../22x22/status/microphone-sensitivity-muted.png  |  Bin 1270 -> 1270 bytes
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 .../22x22/status/network-transmit-receive.png      |  Bin 1176 -> 1176 bytes
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 .../22x22/status/weather-few-clouds-night.png      |  Bin 1328 -> 1328 bytes
 .../22x22/status/weather-few-clouds.png            |  Bin 1420 -> 1420 bytes
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 .../22x22/status/weather-severe-alert.png          |  Bin 1277 -> 1277 bytes
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 .../22x22/status/weather-showers.png               |  Bin 1326 -> 1326 bytes
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 .../24x24/actions/format-indent-more-rtl.png       |  Bin 795 -> 795 bytes
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 .../24x24/actions/format-text-direction-rtl.png    |  Bin 1284 -> 1284 bytes
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 .../24x24/actions/go-previous-rtl.png              |  Bin 1129 -> 1129 bytes
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 .../24x24/actions/mail-mark-junk.png               |  Bin 1326 -> 1326 bytes
 .../24x24/actions/mail-mark-notjunk.png            |  Bin 1238 -> 1238 bytes
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 .../24x24/actions/mail-mark-unread.png             |  Bin 1244 -> 1244 bytes
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 .../24x24/actions/mail-reply-sender.png            |  Bin 1282 -> 1282 bytes
 .../24x24/actions/mail-send-receive.png            |  Bin 1135 -> 1135 bytes
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 .../24x24/actions/media-playback-start-rtl.png     |  Bin 920 -> 920 bytes
 .../24x24/actions/media-playback-start.png         |  Bin 893 -> 893 bytes
 .../24x24/actions/media-playback-stop.png          |  Bin 532 -> 532 bytes
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 .../24x24/actions/media-seek-backward-rtl.png      |  Bin 809 -> 809 bytes
 .../24x24/actions/media-seek-backward.png          |  Bin 798 -> 798 bytes
 .../24x24/actions/media-seek-forward-rtl.png       |  Bin 798 -> 798 bytes
 .../24x24/actions/media-seek-forward.png           |  Bin 809 -> 809 bytes
 .../24x24/actions/media-skip-backward-rtl.png      |  Bin 842 -> 842 bytes
 .../24x24/actions/media-skip-backward.png          |  Bin 928 -> 928 bytes
 .../24x24/actions/media-skip-forward-rtl.png       |  Bin 928 -> 928 bytes
 .../24x24/actions/media-skip-forward.png           |  Bin 842 -> 842 bytes
 .../24x24/actions/object-flip-horizontal.png       |  Bin 1010 -> 1010 bytes
 .../24x24/actions/object-flip-vertical.png         |  Bin 1052 -> 1052 bytes
 .../24x24/actions/object-rotate-left.png           |  Bin 1030 -> 1030 bytes
 .../24x24/actions/object-rotate-right.png          |  Bin 1046 -> 1046 bytes
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 .../24x24/actions/system-lock-screen.png           |  Bin 1430 -> 1430 bytes
 .../24x24/actions/system-log-out.png               |  Bin 1221 -> 1221 bytes
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 .../24x24/actions/system-shutdown.png              |  Bin 733 -> 733 bytes
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 .../24x24/actions/tools-check-spelling.png         |  Bin 1023 -> 1023 bytes
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 .../24x24/actions/view-sort-descending.png         |  Bin 880 -> 880 bytes
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 .../24x24/apps/preferences-desktop-display.png     |  Bin 1287 -> 1287 bytes
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 .../24x24/apps/preferences-desktop-keyboard.png    |  Bin 1195 -> 1195 bytes
 .../24x24/apps/preferences-desktop-locale.png      |  Bin 1383 -> 1383 bytes
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 .../24x24/apps/preferences-system-windows.png      |  Bin 596 -> 596 bytes
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 .../24x24/apps/system-software-update.png          |  Bin 1503 -> 1503 bytes
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 .../24x24/apps/utilities-terminal.png              |  Bin 999 -> 999 bytes
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 .../24x24/categories/applications-multimedia.png   |  Bin 1072 -> 1072 bytes
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 .../24x24/categories/applications-utilities.png    |  Bin 1473 -> 1473 bytes
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 .../24x24/categories/preferences-desktop.png       |  Bin 840 -> 840 bytes
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 .../24x24/categories/preferences-system.png        |  Bin 1524 -> 1524 bytes
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 .../24x24/devices/audio-input-microphone.png       |  Bin 1227 -> 1227 bytes
 .../24x24/devices/audio-speakers.png               |  Bin 1444 -> 1444 bytes
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 .../24x24/emblems/emblem-favorite.png              |  Bin 1092 -> 1092 bytes
 .../24x24/emblems/emblem-generic.png               |  Bin 1577 -> 1577 bytes
 .../24x24/emblems/emblem-important.png             |  Bin 1272 -> 1272 bytes
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 .../24x24/emblems/emblem-readonly.png              |  Bin 852 -> 852 bytes
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 .../24x24/emblems/emblem-symbolic-link.png         |  Bin 872 -> 872 bytes
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 .../24x24/mimetypes/application-certificate.png    |  Bin 976 -> 976 bytes
 .../24x24/mimetypes/application-x-addon.png        |  Bin 1114 -> 1114 bytes
 .../24x24/mimetypes/application-x-executable.png   |  Bin 1348 -> 1348 bytes
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 .../24x24/mimetypes/image-x-generic.png            |  Bin 1114 -> 1114 bytes
 .../24x24/mimetypes/package-x-generic.png          |  Bin 1042 -> 1042 bytes
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 .../24x24/mimetypes/text-x-generic-template.png    |  Bin 1191 -> 1191 bytes
 .../24x24/mimetypes/text-x-generic.png             |  Bin 1140 -> 1140 bytes
 .../24x24/mimetypes/text-x-preview.png             |  Bin 1081 -> 1081 bytes
 .../24x24/mimetypes/text-x-script.png              |  Bin 1362 -> 1362 bytes
 .../24x24/mimetypes/video-x-generic.png            |  Bin 1542 -> 1542 bytes
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 .../24x24/mimetypes/x-office-calendar.png          |  Bin 967 -> 967 bytes
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 .../24x24/mimetypes/x-office-document.png          |  Bin 1291 -> 1291 bytes
 .../24x24/mimetypes/x-office-drawing-template.png  |  Bin 1589 -> 1589 bytes
 .../24x24/mimetypes/x-office-drawing.png           |  Bin 1366 -> 1366 bytes
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 .../24x24/mimetypes/x-office-presentation.png      |  Bin 1230 -> 1230 bytes
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 .../24x24/mimetypes/x-office-spreadsheet.png       |  Bin 1393 -> 1393 bytes
 .../24x24/mimetypes/x-package-repository.png       |  Bin 1589 -> 1589 bytes
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 .../24x24/places/folder-download.png               |  Bin 1092 -> 1092 bytes
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 .../24x24/places/folder-pictures.png               |  Bin 1210 -> 1210 bytes
 .../24x24/places/folder-publicshare.png            |  Bin 1114 -> 1114 bytes
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 .../24x24/places/folder-saved-search.png           |  Bin 1101 -> 1101 bytes
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 .../24x24/status/appointment-soon.png              |  Bin 1456 -> 1456 bytes
 .../24x24/status/audio-volume-high.png             |  Bin 1368 -> 1368 bytes
 .../24x24/status/audio-volume-low.png              |  Bin 998 -> 998 bytes
 .../24x24/status/audio-volume-medium.png           |  Bin 1161 -> 1161 bytes
 .../24x24/status/audio-volume-muted.png            |  Bin 1123 -> 1123 bytes
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 .../24x24/status/battery-caution-charging.png      |  Bin 1315 -> 1315 bytes
 .../24x24/status/battery-caution.png               |  Bin 1138 -> 1138 bytes
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 .../24x24/status/battery-full-charged.png          |  Bin 1077 -> 1077 bytes
 .../24x24/status/battery-full-charging.png         |  Bin 1250 -> 1250 bytes
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 .../24x24/status/battery-good-charging.png         |  Bin 1283 -> 1283 bytes
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 .../24x24/status/battery-low-charging.png          |  Bin 1308 -> 1308 bytes
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 .../24x24/status/battery-missing.png               |  Bin 882 -> 882 bytes
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 .../24x24/status/changes-prevent.png               |  Bin 1095 -> 1095 bytes
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 .../24x24/status/dialog-information.png            |  Bin 1248 -> 1248 bytes
 .../24x24/status/dialog-password.png               |  Bin 894 -> 894 bytes
 .../24x24/status/dialog-question.png               |  Bin 1054 -> 1054 bytes
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 .../24x24/status/folder-drag-accept.png            |  Bin 921 -> 921 bytes
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 .../24x24/status/folder-visiting.png               |  Bin 1233 -> 1233 bytes
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 .../24x24/status/mail-attachment.png               |  Bin 1074 -> 1074 bytes
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 .../24x24/status/mail-signed-verified.png          |  Bin 1505 -> 1505 bytes
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 .../24x24/status/media-playlist-shuffle.png        |  Bin 1223 -> 1223 bytes
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 .../24x24/status/microphone-sensitivity-low.png    |  Bin 1362 -> 1362 bytes
 .../24x24/status/microphone-sensitivity-medium.png |  Bin 1378 -> 1378 bytes
 .../24x24/status/microphone-sensitivity-muted.png  |  Bin 1348 -> 1348 bytes
 .../24x24/status/network-cellular-connected.png    |  Bin 1361 -> 1361 bytes
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 .../24x24/status/network-offline.png               |  Bin 1124 -> 1124 bytes
 .../24x24/status/network-receive.png               |  Bin 1135 -> 1135 bytes
 .../24x24/status/network-transmit-receive.png      |  Bin 1056 -> 1056 bytes
 .../24x24/status/network-transmit.png              |  Bin 1137 -> 1137 bytes
 .../24x24/status/network-wired-disconnected.png    |  Bin 1026 -> 1026 bytes
 .../24x24/status/network-wireless-encrypted.png    |  Bin 1630 -> 1630 bytes
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 .../24x24/status/security-medium.png               |  Bin 1416 -> 1416 bytes
 .../24x24/status/semi-starred-rtl.png              |  Bin 1264 -> 1264 bytes
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 .../24x24/status/software-update-available.png     |  Bin 1381 -> 1381 bytes
 .../24x24/status/software-update-urgent.png        |  Bin 1285 -> 1285 bytes
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 .../24x24/status/user-trash-full.png               |  Bin 1724 -> 1724 bytes
 .../24x24/status/weather-clear-night.png           |  Bin 1361 -> 1361 bytes
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 .../24x24/status/weather-few-clouds-night.png      |  Bin 1439 -> 1439 bytes
 .../24x24/status/weather-few-clouds.png            |  Bin 1517 -> 1517 bytes
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 .../24x24/status/weather-overcast.png              |  Bin 984 -> 984 bytes
 .../24x24/status/weather-severe-alert.png          |  Bin 1401 -> 1401 bytes
 .../24x24/status/weather-showers-scattered.png     |  Bin 1318 -> 1318 bytes
 .../24x24/status/weather-showers.png               |  Bin 1424 -> 1424 bytes
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 {gnome => Adwaita}/24x24/status/weather-storm.png  |  Bin 1244 -> 1244 bytes
 .../256x256/actions/address-book-new.png           |  Bin 31514 -> 31514 bytes
 .../256x256/actions/appointment-new.png            |  Bin 41724 -> 41724 bytes
 .../256x256/actions/document-new.png               |  Bin 17181 -> 17181 bytes
 .../256x256/actions/document-open-recent.png       |  Bin 40571 -> 40571 bytes
 .../256x256/actions/document-open.png              |  Bin 44907 -> 44907 bytes
 .../256x256/actions/document-page-setup.png        |  Bin 46636 -> 46636 bytes
 .../256x256/actions/document-print-preview.png     |  Bin 35663 -> 35663 bytes
 .../256x256/actions/document-print.png             |  Bin 18913 -> 18913 bytes
 .../256x256/actions/document-properties.png        |  Bin 31535 -> 31535 bytes
 .../256x256/actions/document-revert-rtl.png        |  Bin 31404 -> 31404 bytes
 .../256x256/actions/document-revert.png            |  Bin 28838 -> 28838 bytes
 .../256x256/actions/document-save-as.png           |  Bin 38332 -> 38332 bytes
 .../256x256/actions/document-save.png              |  Bin 39828 -> 39828 bytes
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 .../256x256/actions/edit-find-replace.png          |  Bin 50577 -> 50577 bytes
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 .../256x256/actions/edit-select-all.png            |  Bin 27886 -> 27886 bytes
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 .../256x256/actions/go-first-rtl.png               |  Bin 15923 -> 15923 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/256x256/actions/go-first.png    |  Bin 15569 -> 15569 bytes
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 {gnome => Adwaita}/256x256/actions/go-last.png     |  Bin 15923 -> 15923 bytes
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 .../256x256/actions/mail-message-new.png           |  Bin 29318 -> 29318 bytes
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 .../256x256/actions/system-lock-screen.png         |  Bin 30218 -> 30218 bytes
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 .../256x256/actions/system-shutdown.png            |  Bin 14675 -> 14675 bytes
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 .../256x256/apps/preferences-desktop-display.png   |  Bin 32109 -> 32109 bytes
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 .../256x256/apps/preferences-desktop-keyboard.png  |  Bin 26738 -> 26738 bytes
 .../256x256/apps/preferences-desktop-locale.png    |  Bin 42453 -> 42453 bytes
 .../apps/preferences-desktop-remote-desktop.png    |  Bin 26856 -> 26856 bytes
 .../apps/preferences-desktop-screensaver.png       |  Bin 27795 -> 27795 bytes
 .../256x256/apps/preferences-desktop-theme.png     |  Bin 38440 -> 38440 bytes
 .../256x256/apps/preferences-desktop-wallpaper.png |  Bin 26748 -> 26748 bytes
 .../apps/preferences-system-notifications.png      |  Bin 29645 -> 29645 bytes
 .../256x256/apps/preferences-system-privacy.png    |  Bin 26900 -> 26900 bytes
 .../256x256/apps/preferences-system-search.png     |  Bin 16846 -> 16846 bytes
 .../256x256/apps/preferences-system-sharing.png    |  Bin 33138 -> 33138 bytes
 .../256x256/apps/system-file-manager.png           |  Bin 27233 -> 27233 bytes
 .../256x256/apps/system-software-install.png       |  Bin 28264 -> 28264 bytes
 .../256x256/apps/system-software-update.png        |  Bin 35544 -> 35544 bytes
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 .../256x256/categories/applications-internet.png   |  Bin 48456 -> 48456 bytes
 .../256x256/categories/applications-office.png     |  Bin 34945 -> 34945 bytes
 .../256x256/categories/applications-system.png     |  Bin 20460 -> 20460 bytes
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 .../256x256/categories/preferences-system.png      |  Bin 40789 -> 40789 bytes
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 .../256x256/devices/audio-headset.png              |  Bin 24953 -> 24953 bytes
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 .../256x256/devices/input-keyboard.png             |  Bin 15163 -> 15163 bytes
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 .../256x256/devices/media-removable.png            |  Bin 39140 -> 39140 bytes
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 .../devices/uninterruptible-power-supply.png       |  Bin 12469 -> 12469 bytes
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 .../256x256/emblems/emblem-package.png             |  Bin 22401 -> 22401 bytes
 .../256x256/emblems/emblem-readonly.png            |  Bin 12678 -> 12678 bytes
 .../256x256/emblems/emblem-shared.png              |  Bin 17200 -> 17200 bytes
 .../256x256/emblems/emblem-symbolic-link.png       |  Bin 14133 -> 14133 bytes
 .../256x256/emblems/emblem-synchronizing.png       |  Bin 17559 -> 17559 bytes
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 .../256x256/mimetypes/application-x-addon.png      |  Bin 44049 -> 44049 bytes
 .../256x256/mimetypes/application-x-executable.png |  Bin 30489 -> 30489 bytes
 .../256x256/mimetypes/audio-x-generic.png          |  Bin 29979 -> 29979 bytes
 .../256x256/mimetypes/font-x-generic.png           |  Bin 38627 -> 38627 bytes
 .../256x256/mimetypes/image-x-generic.png          |  Bin 30341 -> 30341 bytes
 .../256x256/mimetypes/package-x-generic.png        |  Bin 27676 -> 27676 bytes
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 .../256x256/mimetypes/text-x-generic-template.png  |  Bin 21792 -> 21792 bytes
 .../256x256/mimetypes/text-x-generic.png           |  Bin 27338 -> 27338 bytes
 .../256x256/mimetypes/text-x-preview.png           |  Bin 14122 -> 14122 bytes
 .../256x256/mimetypes/text-x-script.png            |  Bin 30797 -> 30797 bytes
 .../256x256/mimetypes/video-x-generic.png          |  Bin 66793 -> 66793 bytes
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 .../256x256/mimetypes/x-office-document.png        |  Bin 33113 -> 33113 bytes
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 .../256x256/mimetypes/x-office-drawing.png         |  Bin 23763 -> 23763 bytes
 .../mimetypes/x-office-presentation-template.png   |  Bin 34287 -> 34287 bytes
 .../256x256/mimetypes/x-office-presentation.png    |  Bin 22939 -> 22939 bytes
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 .../256x256/mimetypes/x-office-spreadsheet.png     |  Bin 30399 -> 30399 bytes
 .../256x256/mimetypes/x-package-repository.png     |  Bin 26869 -> 26869 bytes
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 .../256x256/places/folder-pictures.png             |  Bin 50040 -> 50040 bytes
 .../256x256/places/folder-publicshare.png          |  Bin 48794 -> 48794 bytes
 .../256x256/places/folder-remote.png               |  Bin 51793 -> 51793 bytes
 .../256x256/places/folder-saved-search.png         |  Bin 49840 -> 49840 bytes
 .../256x256/places/folder-templates.png            |  Bin 47680 -> 47680 bytes
 .../256x256/places/folder-videos.png               |  Bin 47675 -> 47675 bytes
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 .../256x256/places/network-server.png              |  Bin 32917 -> 32917 bytes
 .../256x256/places/network-workgroup.png           |  Bin 39869 -> 39869 bytes
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 .../256x256/status/appointment-soon.png            |  Bin 54263 -> 54263 bytes
 .../256x256/status/audio-volume-high.png           |  Bin 50626 -> 50626 bytes
 .../256x256/status/audio-volume-low.png            |  Bin 38400 -> 38400 bytes
 .../256x256/status/audio-volume-medium.png         |  Bin 44075 -> 44075 bytes
 .../256x256/status/audio-volume-muted.png          |  Bin 38992 -> 38992 bytes
 .../256x256/status/avatar-default.png              |  Bin 25710 -> 25710 bytes
 .../256x256/status/battery-caution-charging.png    |  Bin 57022 -> 57022 bytes
 .../256x256/status/battery-caution.png             |  Bin 34851 -> 34851 bytes
 .../256x256/status/battery-empty.png               |  Bin 19864 -> 19864 bytes
 .../256x256/status/battery-full-charged.png        |  Bin 44363 -> 44363 bytes
 .../256x256/status/battery-full-charging.png       |  Bin 54995 -> 54995 bytes
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 .../256x256/status/battery-good-charging.png       |  Bin 59848 -> 59848 bytes
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 .../256x256/status/battery-low-charging.png        |  Bin 56718 -> 56718 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/256x256/status/battery-low.png  |  Bin 24194 -> 24194 bytes
 .../256x256/status/battery-missing.png             |  Bin 21837 -> 21837 bytes
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 .../256x256/status/dialog-information.png          |  Bin 41373 -> 41373 bytes
 .../256x256/status/dialog-password.png             |  Bin 20394 -> 20394 bytes
 .../256x256/status/dialog-question.png             |  Bin 36388 -> 36388 bytes
 .../256x256/status/dialog-warning.png              |  Bin 27527 -> 27527 bytes
 .../256x256/status/folder-drag-accept.png          |  Bin 49941 -> 49941 bytes
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 .../256x256/status/folder-visiting.png             |  Bin 16389 -> 16389 bytes
 .../256x256/status/image-loading.png               |  Bin 32851 -> 32851 bytes
 .../256x256/status/image-missing.png               |  Bin 22121 -> 22121 bytes
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 .../256x256/status/network-cellular-connected.png  |  Bin 21719 -> 21719 bytes
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 .../256x256/status/network-offline.png             |  Bin 49335 -> 49335 bytes
 .../256x256/status/network-receive.png             |  Bin 46937 -> 46937 bytes
 .../256x256/status/network-transmit-receive.png    |  Bin 48452 -> 48452 bytes
 .../256x256/status/network-transmit.png            |  Bin 47618 -> 47618 bytes
 .../256x256/status/network-wired-disconnected.png  |  Bin 21555 -> 21555 bytes
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 .../256x256/status/printer-error.png               |  Bin 18723 -> 18723 bytes
 .../256x256/status/printer-printing.png            |  Bin 18488 -> 18488 bytes
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 .../256x256/status/security-medium.png             |  Bin 38144 -> 38144 bytes
 .../256x256/status/semi-starred-rtl.png            |  Bin 24449 -> 24449 bytes
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 .../256x256/status/software-update-available.png   |  Bin 28058 -> 28058 bytes
 .../256x256/status/software-update-urgent.png      |  Bin 26876 -> 26876 bytes
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 .../256x256/status/trophy-bronze.png               |  Bin 28822 -> 28822 bytes
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 .../256x256/status/trophy-silver.png               |  Bin 23949 -> 23949 bytes
 .../256x256/status/user-available.png              |  Bin 18123 -> 18123 bytes
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 {gnome => Adwaita}/256x256/status/user-busy.png    |  Bin 13933 -> 13933 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/256x256/status/user-idle.png    |  Bin 16740 -> 16740 bytes
 .../256x256/status/user-invisible.png              |  Bin 13177 -> 13177 bytes
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 .../256x256/status/user-trash-full.png             |  Bin 71142 -> 71142 bytes
 .../32x32/actions/address-book-new.png             |  Bin 2280 -> 2280 bytes
 .../32x32/actions/application-exit.png             |  Bin 1686 -> 1686 bytes
 .../32x32/actions/appointment-new.png              |  Bin 2611 -> 2611 bytes
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 {gnome => Adwaita}/32x32/actions/call-stop.png     |  Bin 1157 -> 1157 bytes
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 .../32x32/actions/document-open-recent.png         |  Bin 2487 -> 2487 bytes
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 .../32x32/actions/document-page-setup.png          |  Bin 2031 -> 2031 bytes
 .../32x32/actions/document-print-preview.png       |  Bin 2192 -> 2192 bytes
 .../32x32/actions/document-print.png               |  Bin 1784 -> 1784 bytes
 .../32x32/actions/document-properties.png          |  Bin 1959 -> 1959 bytes
 .../32x32/actions/document-revert-rtl.png          |  Bin 1977 -> 1977 bytes
 .../32x32/actions/document-revert.png              |  Bin 1921 -> 1921 bytes
 .../32x32/actions/document-save-as.png             |  Bin 1889 -> 1889 bytes
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 .../32x32/actions/edit-find-replace.png            |  Bin 2558 -> 2558 bytes
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 {gnome => Adwaita}/32x32/actions/edit-redo.png     |  Bin 1448 -> 1448 bytes
 .../32x32/actions/edit-select-all.png              |  Bin 1614 -> 1614 bytes
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 .../32x32/actions/format-indent-less-rtl.png       |  Bin 1148 -> 1148 bytes
 .../32x32/actions/format-indent-less.png           |  Bin 1146 -> 1146 bytes
 .../32x32/actions/format-indent-more-rtl.png       |  Bin 1181 -> 1181 bytes
 .../32x32/actions/format-indent-more.png           |  Bin 1163 -> 1163 bytes
 .../32x32/actions/format-justify-center.png        |  Bin 708 -> 708 bytes
 .../32x32/actions/format-justify-fill.png          |  Bin 656 -> 656 bytes
 .../32x32/actions/format-justify-left.png          |  Bin 723 -> 723 bytes
 .../32x32/actions/format-justify-right.png         |  Bin 660 -> 660 bytes
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 .../32x32/actions/format-text-direction-ltr.png    |  Bin 1531 -> 1531 bytes
 .../32x32/actions/format-text-direction-rtl.png    |  Bin 1532 -> 1532 bytes
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 .../32x32/actions/format-text-strikethrough.png    |  Bin 1575 -> 1575 bytes
 .../32x32/actions/format-text-underline.png        |  Bin 1717 -> 1717 bytes
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 {gnome => Adwaita}/32x32/actions/go-last.png       |  Bin 1855 -> 1855 bytes
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 {gnome => Adwaita}/32x32/actions/go-next.png       |  Bin 1701 -> 1701 bytes
 .../32x32/actions/go-previous-rtl.png              |  Bin 1701 -> 1701 bytes
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 .../32x32/actions/mail-mark-important.png          |  Bin 1238 -> 1238 bytes
 .../32x32/actions/mail-mark-junk.png               |  Bin 2211 -> 2211 bytes
 .../32x32/actions/mail-mark-notjunk.png            |  Bin 1961 -> 1961 bytes
 .../32x32/actions/mail-mark-read.png               |  Bin 2024 -> 2024 bytes
 .../32x32/actions/mail-mark-unread.png             |  Bin 1620 -> 1620 bytes
 .../32x32/actions/mail-message-new.png             |  Bin 1731 -> 1731 bytes
 .../32x32/actions/mail-reply-all.png               |  Bin 1963 -> 1963 bytes
 .../32x32/actions/mail-reply-sender.png            |  Bin 1748 -> 1748 bytes
 .../32x32/actions/mail-send-receive.png            |  Bin 1805 -> 1805 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/32x32/actions/mail-send.png     |  Bin 1452 -> 1452 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/32x32/actions/media-eject.png   |  Bin 1228 -> 1228 bytes
 .../32x32/actions/media-playback-pause.png         |  Bin 608 -> 608 bytes
 .../32x32/actions/media-playback-start-rtl.png     |  Bin 1055 -> 1055 bytes
 .../32x32/actions/media-playback-start.png         |  Bin 1012 -> 1012 bytes
 .../32x32/actions/media-playback-stop.png          |  Bin 629 -> 629 bytes
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 .../32x32/actions/media-seek-backward-rtl.png      |  Bin 1265 -> 1265 bytes
 .../32x32/actions/media-seek-backward.png          |  Bin 1292 -> 1292 bytes
 .../32x32/actions/media-seek-forward-rtl.png       |  Bin 1292 -> 1292 bytes
 .../32x32/actions/media-seek-forward.png           |  Bin 1265 -> 1265 bytes
 .../32x32/actions/media-skip-backward-rtl.png      |  Bin 1327 -> 1327 bytes
 .../32x32/actions/media-skip-backward.png          |  Bin 1365 -> 1365 bytes
 .../32x32/actions/media-skip-forward-rtl.png       |  Bin 1365 -> 1365 bytes
 .../32x32/actions/media-skip-forward.png           |  Bin 1327 -> 1327 bytes
 .../32x32/actions/object-flip-horizontal.png       |  Bin 1482 -> 1482 bytes
 .../32x32/actions/object-flip-vertical.png         |  Bin 1491 -> 1491 bytes
 .../32x32/actions/object-rotate-left.png           |  Bin 1540 -> 1540 bytes
 .../32x32/actions/object-rotate-right.png          |  Bin 1560 -> 1560 bytes
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 .../32x32/actions/system-lock-screen.png           |  Bin 2061 -> 2061 bytes
 .../32x32/actions/system-log-out.png               |  Bin 1707 -> 1707 bytes
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 .../32x32/actions/tools-check-spelling.png         |  Bin 1225 -> 1225 bytes
 .../32x32/actions/view-fullscreen.png              |  Bin 856 -> 856 bytes
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 .../32x32/actions/view-sort-ascending.png          |  Bin 1533 -> 1533 bytes
 .../32x32/actions/view-sort-descending.png         |  Bin 1463 -> 1463 bytes
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 {gnome => Adwaita}/32x32/actions/zoom-original.png |  Bin 1214 -> 1214 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/32x32/actions/zoom-out.png      |  Bin 1057 -> 1057 bytes
 .../32x32/animations/process-working.png           |  Bin 6874 -> 6874 bytes
 .../32x32/apps/accessories-calculator.png          |  Bin 1367 -> 1367 bytes
 .../32x32/apps/accessories-character-map.png       |  Bin 1618 -> 1618 bytes
 .../32x32/apps/accessories-dictionary.png          |  Bin 1782 -> 1782 bytes
 .../32x32/apps/accessories-text-editor.png         |  Bin 1839 -> 1839 bytes
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 .../32x32/apps/multimedia-volume-control.png       |  Bin 1862 -> 1862 bytes
 .../apps/preferences-desktop-accessibility.png     |  Bin 2508 -> 2508 bytes
 .../32x32/apps/preferences-desktop-display.png     |  Bin 2187 -> 2187 bytes
 .../32x32/apps/preferences-desktop-font.png        |  Bin 1691 -> 1691 bytes
 .../preferences-desktop-keyboard-shortcuts.png     |  Bin 1568 -> 1568 bytes
 .../32x32/apps/preferences-desktop-keyboard.png    |  Bin 1454 -> 1454 bytes
 .../32x32/apps/preferences-desktop-locale.png      |  Bin 2034 -> 2034 bytes
 .../apps/preferences-desktop-remote-desktop.png    |  Bin 1712 -> 1712 bytes
 .../32x32/apps/preferences-desktop-screensaver.png |  Bin 2038 -> 2038 bytes
 .../32x32/apps/preferences-desktop-theme.png       |  Bin 1958 -> 1958 bytes
 .../32x32/apps/preferences-desktop-wallpaper.png   |  Bin 2038 -> 2038 bytes
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 .../32x32/apps/preferences-system-privacy.png      |  Bin 2046 -> 2046 bytes
 .../32x32/apps/preferences-system-search.png       |  Bin 1525 -> 1525 bytes
 .../32x32/apps/preferences-system-sharing.png      |  Bin 1983 -> 1983 bytes
 .../32x32/apps/preferences-system-windows.png      |  Bin 723 -> 723 bytes
 .../32x32/apps/system-file-manager.png             |  Bin 1575 -> 1575 bytes
 .../32x32/apps/system-software-install.png         |  Bin 1731 -> 1731 bytes
 .../32x32/apps/system-software-update.png          |  Bin 2073 -> 2073 bytes
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 .../32x32/apps/utilities-system-monitor.png        |  Bin 1704 -> 1704 bytes
 .../32x32/apps/utilities-terminal.png              |  Bin 1527 -> 1527 bytes
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 .../32x32/categories/applications-engineering.png  |  Bin 1392 -> 1392 bytes
 .../32x32/categories/applications-games.png        |  Bin 1357 -> 1357 bytes
 .../32x32/categories/applications-graphics.png     |  Bin 2532 -> 2532 bytes
 .../32x32/categories/applications-internet.png     |  Bin 2654 -> 2654 bytes
 .../32x32/categories/applications-multimedia.png   |  Bin 1692 -> 1692 bytes
 .../32x32/categories/applications-office.png       |  Bin 2064 -> 2064 bytes
 .../32x32/categories/applications-other.png        |  Bin 1898 -> 1898 bytes
 .../32x32/categories/applications-science.png      |  Bin 2566 -> 2566 bytes
 .../32x32/categories/applications-system.png       |  Bin 2308 -> 2308 bytes
 .../32x32/categories/applications-utilities.png    |  Bin 2245 -> 2245 bytes
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 .../categories/preferences-desktop-personal.png    |  Bin 1579 -> 1579 bytes
 .../32x32/categories/preferences-desktop.png       |  Bin 1390 -> 1390 bytes
 .../32x32/categories/preferences-other.png         |  Bin 2354 -> 2354 bytes
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 .../32x32/categories/preferences-system.png        |  Bin 2479 -> 2479 bytes
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 .../32x32/devices/audio-input-microphone.png       |  Bin 1917 -> 1917 bytes
 .../32x32/devices/audio-speakers.png               |  Bin 2388 -> 2388 bytes
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 .../32x32/devices/drive-harddisk.png               |  Bin 1519 -> 1519 bytes
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 .../32x32/devices/drive-removable-media.png        |  Bin 1146 -> 1146 bytes
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 .../32x32/devices/input-keyboard.png               |  Bin 972 -> 972 bytes
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 .../32x32/devices/input-touchpad.png               |  Bin 1421 -> 1421 bytes
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 .../32x32/devices/media-removable.png              |  Bin 1554 -> 1554 bytes
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 .../32x32/devices/multimedia-player.png            |  Bin 1240 -> 1240 bytes
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 .../32x32/devices/uninterruptible-power-supply.png |  Bin 1588 -> 1588 bytes
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 .../32x32/emblems/emblem-documents.png             |  Bin 1739 -> 1739 bytes
 .../32x32/emblems/emblem-downloads.png             |  Bin 1158 -> 1158 bytes
 .../32x32/emblems/emblem-favorite.png              |  Bin 1660 -> 1660 bytes
 .../32x32/emblems/emblem-generic.png               |  Bin 1954 -> 1954 bytes
 .../32x32/emblems/emblem-important.png             |  Bin 1897 -> 1897 bytes
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 {gnome => Adwaita}/32x32/emblems/emblem-new.png    |  Bin 1756 -> 1756 bytes
 .../32x32/emblems/emblem-package.png               |  Bin 1369 -> 1369 bytes
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 .../32x32/emblems/emblem-readonly.png              |  Bin 1126 -> 1126 bytes
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 .../32x32/emblems/emblem-symbolic-link.png         |  Bin 1239 -> 1239 bytes
 .../32x32/emblems/emblem-synchronizing.png         |  Bin 1470 -> 1470 bytes
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 .../32x32/emblems/emblem-unreadable.png            |  Bin 1301 -> 1301 bytes
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 {gnome => Adwaita}/32x32/emotes/face-angry.png     |  Bin 2565 -> 2565 bytes
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 .../32x32/emotes/face-embarrassed.png              |  Bin 2774 -> 2774 bytes
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 {gnome => Adwaita}/32x32/emotes/face-monkey.png    |  Bin 2149 -> 2149 bytes
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 {gnome => Adwaita}/32x32/emotes/face-sad.png       |  Bin 2580 -> 2580 bytes
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 {gnome => Adwaita}/32x32/emotes/face-smirk.png     |  Bin 2604 -> 2604 bytes
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 {gnome => Adwaita}/32x32/emotes/face-worried.png   |  Bin 2587 -> 2587 bytes
 .../32x32/mimetypes/application-certificate.png    |  Bin 1106 -> 1106 bytes
 .../32x32/mimetypes/application-x-addon.png        |  Bin 2597 -> 2597 bytes
 .../32x32/mimetypes/application-x-executable.png   |  Bin 1912 -> 1912 bytes
 .../32x32/mimetypes/audio-x-generic.png            |  Bin 1461 -> 1461 bytes
 .../32x32/mimetypes/font-x-generic.png             |  Bin 2204 -> 2204 bytes
 .../32x32/mimetypes/image-x-generic.png            |  Bin 1521 -> 1521 bytes
 .../32x32/mimetypes/package-x-generic.png          |  Bin 1708 -> 1708 bytes
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 .../32x32/mimetypes/text-x-generic-template.png    |  Bin 1588 -> 1588 bytes
 .../32x32/mimetypes/text-x-generic.png             |  Bin 1404 -> 1404 bytes
 .../32x32/mimetypes/text-x-preview.png             |  Bin 1342 -> 1342 bytes
 .../32x32/mimetypes/text-x-script.png              |  Bin 1865 -> 1865 bytes
 .../32x32/mimetypes/video-x-generic.png            |  Bin 2645 -> 2645 bytes
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 .../32x32/mimetypes/x-office-calendar.png          |  Bin 1741 -> 1741 bytes
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 .../32x32/mimetypes/x-office-document.png          |  Bin 1682 -> 1682 bytes
 .../32x32/mimetypes/x-office-drawing-template.png  |  Bin 2251 -> 2251 bytes
 .../32x32/mimetypes/x-office-drawing.png           |  Bin 1898 -> 1898 bytes
 .../mimetypes/x-office-presentation-template.png   |  Bin 2151 -> 2151 bytes
 .../32x32/mimetypes/x-office-presentation.png      |  Bin 1678 -> 1678 bytes
 .../mimetypes/x-office-spreadsheet-template.png    |  Bin 2206 -> 2206 bytes
 .../32x32/mimetypes/x-office-spreadsheet.png       |  Bin 1827 -> 1827 bytes
 .../32x32/mimetypes/x-package-repository.png       |  Bin 2314 -> 2314 bytes
 .../32x32/places/folder-documents.png              |  Bin 1365 -> 1365 bytes
 .../32x32/places/folder-download.png               |  Bin 1323 -> 1323 bytes
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 .../32x32/places/folder-pictures.png               |  Bin 1629 -> 1629 bytes
 .../32x32/places/folder-publicshare.png            |  Bin 1438 -> 1438 bytes
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 .../32x32/places/folder-saved-search.png           |  Bin 1357 -> 1357 bytes
 .../32x32/places/folder-templates.png              |  Bin 1327 -> 1327 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/32x32/places/folder-videos.png  |  Bin 1415 -> 1415 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/32x32/places/folder.png         |  Bin 1042 -> 1042 bytes
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 .../32x32/places/network-workgroup.png             |  Bin 1840 -> 1840 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/32x32/places/start-here.png     |  Bin 2132 -> 2132 bytes
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 {gnome => Adwaita}/32x32/places/user-home.png      |  Bin 1608 -> 1608 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/32x32/places/user-trash.png     |  Bin 2695 -> 2695 bytes
 .../32x32/status/appointment-missed.png            |  Bin 2562 -> 2562 bytes
 .../32x32/status/appointment-soon.png              |  Bin 2400 -> 2400 bytes
 .../32x32/status/audio-volume-high.png             |  Bin 2150 -> 2150 bytes
 .../32x32/status/audio-volume-low.png              |  Bin 1778 -> 1778 bytes
 .../32x32/status/audio-volume-medium.png           |  Bin 1952 -> 1952 bytes
 .../32x32/status/audio-volume-muted.png            |  Bin 1970 -> 1970 bytes
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 .../32x32/status/battery-caution-charging.png      |  Bin 2589 -> 2589 bytes
 .../32x32/status/battery-caution.png               |  Bin 1865 -> 1865 bytes
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 .../32x32/status/battery-full-charged.png          |  Bin 2268 -> 2268 bytes
 .../32x32/status/battery-full-charging.png         |  Bin 2469 -> 2469 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/32x32/status/battery-full.png   |  Bin 1223 -> 1223 bytes
 .../32x32/status/battery-good-charging.png         |  Bin 2566 -> 2566 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/32x32/status/battery-good.png   |  Bin 1371 -> 1371 bytes
 .../32x32/status/battery-low-charging.png          |  Bin 2599 -> 2599 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/32x32/status/battery-low.png    |  Bin 1407 -> 1407 bytes
 .../32x32/status/battery-missing.png               |  Bin 1561 -> 1561 bytes
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 .../32x32/status/changes-prevent.png               |  Bin 1860 -> 1860 bytes
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 .../32x32/status/dialog-information.png            |  Bin 1925 -> 1925 bytes
 .../32x32/status/dialog-password.png               |  Bin 1352 -> 1352 bytes
 .../32x32/status/dialog-question.png               |  Bin 1848 -> 1848 bytes
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 .../32x32/status/folder-drag-accept.png            |  Bin 1218 -> 1218 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/32x32/status/folder-open.png    |  Bin 1238 -> 1238 bytes
 .../32x32/status/folder-visiting.png               |  Bin 1609 -> 1609 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/32x32/status/image-loading.png  |  Bin 2129 -> 2129 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/32x32/status/image-missing.png  |  Bin 1039 -> 1039 bytes
 .../32x32/status/mail-attachment.png               |  Bin 1443 -> 1443 bytes
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 {gnome => Adwaita}/32x32/status/mail-replied.png   |  Bin 1962 -> 1962 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/32x32/status/mail-unread.png    |  Bin 1687 -> 1687 bytes
 .../32x32/status/media-playlist-repeat.png         |  Bin 1287 -> 1287 bytes
 .../32x32/status/media-playlist-shuffle.png        |  Bin 1530 -> 1530 bytes
 .../32x32/status/microphone-sensitivity-high.png   |  Bin 2048 -> 2048 bytes
 .../32x32/status/microphone-sensitivity-low.png    |  Bin 2137 -> 2137 bytes
 .../32x32/status/microphone-sensitivity-medium.png |  Bin 2144 -> 2144 bytes
 .../32x32/status/microphone-sensitivity-muted.png  |  Bin 2269 -> 2269 bytes
 .../32x32/status/network-cellular-connected.png    |  Bin 2010 -> 2010 bytes
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 {gnome => Adwaita}/32x32/status/network-idle.png   |  Bin 1555 -> 1555 bytes
 .../32x32/status/network-offline.png               |  Bin 1870 -> 1870 bytes
 .../32x32/status/network-receive.png               |  Bin 1797 -> 1797 bytes
 .../32x32/status/network-transmit-receive.png      |  Bin 1578 -> 1578 bytes
 .../32x32/status/network-transmit.png              |  Bin 1782 -> 1782 bytes
 .../32x32/status/network-wired-disconnected.png    |  Bin 1757 -> 1757 bytes
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 .../32x32/status/printer-printing.png              |  Bin 1696 -> 1696 bytes
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 {gnome => Adwaita}/32x32/status/security-low.png   |  Bin 1865 -> 1865 bytes
 .../32x32/status/security-medium.png               |  Bin 2050 -> 2050 bytes
 .../32x32/status/semi-starred-rtl.png              |  Bin 1819 -> 1819 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/32x32/status/semi-starred.png   |  Bin 1812 -> 1812 bytes
 .../32x32/status/software-update-available.png     |  Bin 1801 -> 1801 bytes
 .../32x32/status/software-update-urgent.png        |  Bin 1754 -> 1754 bytes
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 {gnome => Adwaita}/32x32/status/user-away.png      |  Bin 1572 -> 1572 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/32x32/status/user-busy.png      |  Bin 1277 -> 1277 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/32x32/status/user-idle.png      |  Bin 1422 -> 1422 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/32x32/status/user-invisible.png |  Bin 1290 -> 1290 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/32x32/status/user-offline.png   |  Bin 1485 -> 1485 bytes
 .../32x32/status/user-trash-full.png               |  Bin 2649 -> 2649 bytes
 .../32x32/status/weather-clear-night.png           |  Bin 1885 -> 1885 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/32x32/status/weather-clear.png  |  Bin 2252 -> 2252 bytes
 .../32x32/status/weather-few-clouds-night.png      |  Bin 2143 -> 2143 bytes
 .../32x32/status/weather-few-clouds.png            |  Bin 2180 -> 2180 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/32x32/status/weather-fog.png    |  Bin 1398 -> 1398 bytes
 .../32x32/status/weather-overcast.png              |  Bin 1224 -> 1224 bytes
 .../32x32/status/weather-severe-alert.png          |  Bin 1746 -> 1746 bytes
 .../32x32/status/weather-showers-scattered.png     |  Bin 1619 -> 1619 bytes
 .../32x32/status/weather-showers.png               |  Bin 2390 -> 2390 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/32x32/status/weather-snow.png   |  Bin 1289 -> 1289 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/32x32/status/weather-storm.png  |  Bin 1724 -> 1724 bytes
 .../48x48/actions/address-book-new.png             |  Bin 3787 -> 3787 bytes
 .../48x48/actions/application-exit.png             |  Bin 2633 -> 2633 bytes
 .../48x48/actions/appointment-new.png              |  Bin 4804 -> 4804 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/48x48/actions/bookmark-new.png  |  Bin 1500 -> 1500 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/48x48/actions/call-start.png    |  Bin 2155 -> 2155 bytes
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 .../48x48/actions/document-page-setup.png          |  Bin 3328 -> 3328 bytes
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 .../48x48/actions/document-print.png               |  Bin 2899 -> 2899 bytes
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 .../48x48/actions/format-indent-more-rtl.png       |  Bin 1458 -> 1458 bytes
 .../48x48/actions/format-indent-more.png           |  Bin 1466 -> 1466 bytes
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 .../48x48/actions/format-justify-left.png          |  Bin 931 -> 931 bytes
 .../48x48/actions/format-justify-right.png         |  Bin 850 -> 850 bytes
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 .../48x48/actions/format-text-direction-rtl.png    |  Bin 2125 -> 2125 bytes
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 .../48x48/actions/format-text-strikethrough.png    |  Bin 2659 -> 2659 bytes
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 .../48x48/actions/go-previous-rtl.png              |  Bin 2323 -> 2323 bytes
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 .../48x48/actions/mail-mark-important.png          |  Bin 1856 -> 1856 bytes
 .../48x48/actions/mail-mark-junk.png               |  Bin 3583 -> 3583 bytes
 .../48x48/actions/mail-mark-notjunk.png            |  Bin 3728 -> 3728 bytes
 .../48x48/actions/mail-mark-read.png               |  Bin 3317 -> 3317 bytes
 .../48x48/actions/mail-mark-unread.png             |  Bin 2128 -> 2128 bytes
 .../48x48/actions/mail-message-new.png             |  Bin 2616 -> 2616 bytes
 .../48x48/actions/mail-reply-all.png               |  Bin 3054 -> 3054 bytes
 .../48x48/actions/mail-reply-sender.png            |  Bin 2552 -> 2552 bytes
 .../48x48/actions/mail-send-receive.png            |  Bin 2553 -> 2553 bytes
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 .../48x48/actions/media-playback-start-rtl.png     |  Bin 1577 -> 1577 bytes
 .../48x48/actions/media-playback-start.png         |  Bin 1619 -> 1619 bytes
 .../48x48/actions/media-playback-stop.png          |  Bin 729 -> 729 bytes
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 .../48x48/actions/media-seek-backward-rtl.png      |  Bin 2126 -> 2126 bytes
 .../48x48/actions/media-seek-backward.png          |  Bin 2250 -> 2250 bytes
 .../48x48/actions/media-seek-forward-rtl.png       |  Bin 2250 -> 2250 bytes
 .../48x48/actions/media-seek-forward.png           |  Bin 2126 -> 2126 bytes
 .../48x48/actions/media-skip-backward-rtl.png      |  Bin 2197 -> 2197 bytes
 .../48x48/actions/media-skip-backward.png          |  Bin 2264 -> 2264 bytes
 .../48x48/actions/media-skip-forward-rtl.png       |  Bin 2264 -> 2264 bytes
 .../48x48/actions/media-skip-forward.png           |  Bin 2197 -> 2197 bytes
 .../48x48/actions/object-flip-horizontal.png       |  Bin 1824 -> 1824 bytes
 .../48x48/actions/object-flip-vertical.png         |  Bin 2121 -> 2121 bytes
 .../48x48/actions/object-rotate-left.png           |  Bin 2235 -> 2235 bytes
 .../48x48/actions/object-rotate-right.png          |  Bin 2332 -> 2332 bytes
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 .../48x48/actions/system-lock-screen.png           |  Bin 3417 -> 3417 bytes
 .../48x48/actions/system-log-out.png               |  Bin 2486 -> 2486 bytes
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 .../48x48/actions/system-shutdown.png              |  Bin 1612 -> 1612 bytes
 .../48x48/actions/tools-check-spelling.png         |  Bin 2050 -> 2050 bytes
 .../48x48/actions/view-fullscreen.png              |  Bin 1510 -> 1510 bytes
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 .../48x48/actions/view-sort-ascending.png          |  Bin 2090 -> 2090 bytes
 .../48x48/actions/view-sort-descending.png         |  Bin 1819 -> 1819 bytes
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 .../48x48/animations/process-working.png           |  Bin 14110 -> 14110 bytes
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 .../48x48/apps/accessories-character-map.png       |  Bin 2369 -> 2369 bytes
 .../48x48/apps/accessories-dictionary.png          |  Bin 3037 -> 3037 bytes
 .../48x48/apps/accessories-text-editor.png         |  Bin 2767 -> 2767 bytes
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 .../48x48/apps/multimedia-volume-control.png       |  Bin 3443 -> 3443 bytes
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 .../48x48/apps/preferences-desktop-display.png     |  Bin 3341 -> 3341 bytes
 .../48x48/apps/preferences-desktop-font.png        |  Bin 2413 -> 2413 bytes
 .../preferences-desktop-keyboard-shortcuts.png     |  Bin 2795 -> 2795 bytes
 .../48x48/apps/preferences-desktop-keyboard.png    |  Bin 2183 -> 2183 bytes
 .../48x48/apps/preferences-desktop-locale.png      |  Bin 3158 -> 3158 bytes
 .../apps/preferences-desktop-remote-desktop.png    |  Bin 2704 -> 2704 bytes
 .../48x48/apps/preferences-desktop-screensaver.png |  Bin 3156 -> 3156 bytes
 .../48x48/apps/preferences-desktop-theme.png       |  Bin 3474 -> 3474 bytes
 .../48x48/apps/preferences-desktop-wallpaper.png   |  Bin 2884 -> 2884 bytes
 .../apps/preferences-system-notifications.png      |  Bin 2322 -> 2322 bytes
 .../48x48/apps/preferences-system-privacy.png      |  Bin 3059 -> 3059 bytes
 .../48x48/apps/preferences-system-search.png       |  Bin 2352 -> 2352 bytes
 .../48x48/apps/preferences-system-sharing.png      |  Bin 3015 -> 3015 bytes
 .../48x48/apps/preferences-system-windows.png      |  Bin 940 -> 940 bytes
 .../48x48/apps/system-file-manager.png             |  Bin 2674 -> 2674 bytes
 .../48x48/apps/system-software-install.png         |  Bin 2232 -> 2232 bytes
 .../48x48/apps/system-software-update.png          |  Bin 2605 -> 2605 bytes
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 .../48x48/apps/utilities-system-monitor.png        |  Bin 2798 -> 2798 bytes
 .../48x48/apps/utilities-terminal.png              |  Bin 2603 -> 2603 bytes
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 .../48x48/categories/applications-development.png  |  Bin 1656 -> 1656 bytes
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 .../48x48/categories/applications-games.png        |  Bin 2040 -> 2040 bytes
 .../48x48/categories/applications-graphics.png     |  Bin 4381 -> 4381 bytes
 .../48x48/categories/applications-internet.png     |  Bin 4680 -> 4680 bytes
 .../48x48/categories/applications-multimedia.png   |  Bin 2448 -> 2448 bytes
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 .../48x48/categories/applications-other.png        |  Bin 2764 -> 2764 bytes
 .../48x48/categories/applications-science.png      |  Bin 4577 -> 4577 bytes
 .../48x48/categories/applications-system.png       |  Bin 3937 -> 3937 bytes
 .../48x48/categories/applications-utilities.png    |  Bin 3604 -> 3604 bytes
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 .../categories/preferences-desktop-personal.png    |  Bin 2180 -> 2180 bytes
 .../48x48/categories/preferences-desktop.png       |  Bin 2083 -> 2083 bytes
 .../48x48/categories/preferences-other.png         |  Bin 3769 -> 3769 bytes
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 .../48x48/categories/preferences-system.png        |  Bin 3855 -> 3855 bytes
 .../48x48/categories/system-help.png               |  Bin 2567 -> 2567 bytes
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 .../48x48/devices/audio-input-microphone.png       |  Bin 3375 -> 3375 bytes
 .../48x48/devices/audio-speakers.png               |  Bin 3904 -> 3904 bytes
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 .../48x48/devices/input-keyboard.png               |  Bin 1381 -> 1381 bytes
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 .../48x48/devices/input-touchpad.png               |  Bin 1949 -> 1949 bytes
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 .../48x48/devices/media-removable.png              |  Bin 2800 -> 2800 bytes
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 .../48x48/devices/multimedia-player.png            |  Bin 1902 -> 1902 bytes
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 .../48x48/devices/network-wireless.png             |  Bin 4747 -> 4747 bytes
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 .../48x48/emblems/emblem-downloads.png             |  Bin 1408 -> 1408 bytes
 .../48x48/emblems/emblem-favorite.png              |  Bin 2614 -> 2614 bytes
 .../48x48/emblems/emblem-generic.png               |  Bin 3030 -> 3030 bytes
 .../48x48/emblems/emblem-important.png             |  Bin 2897 -> 2897 bytes
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 .../48x48/emblems/emblem-package.png               |  Bin 1961 -> 1961 bytes
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 .../48x48/emblems/emblem-readonly.png              |  Bin 1703 -> 1703 bytes
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 .../48x48/emblems/emblem-symbolic-link.png         |  Bin 1800 -> 1800 bytes
 .../48x48/emblems/emblem-synchronizing.png         |  Bin 2115 -> 2115 bytes
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 .../48x48/emblems/emblem-unreadable.png            |  Bin 2045 -> 2045 bytes
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 .../48x48/emotes/face-embarrassed.png              |  Bin 4733 -> 4733 bytes
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 {gnome => Adwaita}/48x48/emotes/face-worried.png   |  Bin 4079 -> 4079 bytes
 .../48x48/mimetypes/application-certificate.png    |  Bin 1740 -> 1740 bytes
 .../48x48/mimetypes/application-x-addon.png        |  Bin 3871 -> 3871 bytes
 .../48x48/mimetypes/application-x-executable.png   |  Bin 3105 -> 3105 bytes
 .../48x48/mimetypes/audio-x-generic.png            |  Bin 2290 -> 2290 bytes
 .../48x48/mimetypes/font-x-generic.png             |  Bin 3978 -> 3978 bytes
 .../48x48/mimetypes/image-x-generic.png            |  Bin 2603 -> 2603 bytes
 .../48x48/mimetypes/package-x-generic.png          |  Bin 2450 -> 2450 bytes
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 .../48x48/mimetypes/text-x-generic-template.png    |  Bin 2753 -> 2753 bytes
 .../48x48/mimetypes/text-x-generic.png             |  Bin 2118 -> 2118 bytes
 .../48x48/mimetypes/text-x-preview.png             |  Bin 2095 -> 2095 bytes
 .../48x48/mimetypes/text-x-script.png              |  Bin 3056 -> 3056 bytes
 .../48x48/mimetypes/video-x-generic.png            |  Bin 4665 -> 4665 bytes
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 .../48x48/mimetypes/x-office-document.png          |  Bin 2625 -> 2625 bytes
 .../48x48/mimetypes/x-office-drawing-template.png  |  Bin 3719 -> 3719 bytes
 .../48x48/mimetypes/x-office-drawing.png           |  Bin 2998 -> 2998 bytes
 .../mimetypes/x-office-presentation-template.png   |  Bin 3244 -> 3244 bytes
 .../48x48/mimetypes/x-office-presentation.png      |  Bin 2293 -> 2293 bytes
 .../mimetypes/x-office-spreadsheet-template.png    |  Bin 3449 -> 3449 bytes
 .../48x48/mimetypes/x-office-spreadsheet.png       |  Bin 2774 -> 2774 bytes
 .../48x48/mimetypes/x-package-repository.png       |  Bin 3469 -> 3469 bytes
 .../48x48/places/folder-documents.png              |  Bin 2162 -> 2162 bytes
 .../48x48/places/folder-download.png               |  Bin 2081 -> 2081 bytes
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 .../48x48/places/folder-pictures.png               |  Bin 2691 -> 2691 bytes
 .../48x48/places/folder-publicshare.png            |  Bin 2185 -> 2185 bytes
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 .../48x48/places/folder-saved-search.png           |  Bin 2175 -> 2175 bytes
 .../48x48/places/folder-templates.png              |  Bin 1951 -> 1951 bytes
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 {gnome => Adwaita}/48x48/places/folder.png         |  Bin 1564 -> 1564 bytes
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 .../48x48/places/network-workgroup.png             |  Bin 3146 -> 3146 bytes
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 {gnome => Adwaita}/48x48/places/user-trash.png     |  Bin 5204 -> 5204 bytes
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 .../48x48/status/appointment-soon.png              |  Bin 4836 -> 4836 bytes
 .../48x48/status/audio-volume-high.png             |  Bin 3499 -> 3499 bytes
 .../48x48/status/audio-volume-low.png              |  Bin 2866 -> 2866 bytes
 .../48x48/status/audio-volume-medium.png           |  Bin 3134 -> 3134 bytes
 .../48x48/status/audio-volume-muted.png            |  Bin 3227 -> 3227 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/48x48/status/avatar-default.png |  Bin 3123 -> 3123 bytes
 .../48x48/status/battery-caution-charging.png      |  Bin 4589 -> 4589 bytes
 .../48x48/status/battery-caution.png               |  Bin 3049 -> 3049 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/48x48/status/battery-empty.png  |  Bin 1969 -> 1969 bytes
 .../48x48/status/battery-full-charged.png          |  Bin 3743 -> 3743 bytes
 .../48x48/status/battery-full-charging.png         |  Bin 4244 -> 4244 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/48x48/status/battery-full.png   |  Bin 1854 -> 1854 bytes
 .../48x48/status/battery-good-charging.png         |  Bin 4497 -> 4497 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/48x48/status/battery-good.png   |  Bin 2125 -> 2125 bytes
 .../48x48/status/battery-low-charging.png          |  Bin 4552 -> 4552 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/48x48/status/battery-low.png    |  Bin 2220 -> 2220 bytes
 .../48x48/status/battery-missing.png               |  Bin 2270 -> 2270 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/48x48/status/changes-allow.png  |  Bin 3178 -> 3178 bytes
 .../48x48/status/changes-prevent.png               |  Bin 2924 -> 2924 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/48x48/status/computer-fail.png  |  Bin 3658 -> 3658 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/48x48/status/dialog-error.png   |  Bin 2383 -> 2383 bytes
 .../48x48/status/dialog-information.png            |  Bin 3165 -> 3165 bytes
 .../48x48/status/dialog-password.png               |  Bin 2083 -> 2083 bytes
 .../48x48/status/dialog-question.png               |  Bin 2502 -> 2502 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/48x48/status/dialog-warning.png |  Bin 2844 -> 2844 bytes
 .../48x48/status/folder-drag-accept.png            |  Bin 1801 -> 1801 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/48x48/status/folder-open.png    |  Bin 2012 -> 2012 bytes
 .../48x48/status/folder-visiting.png               |  Bin 2621 -> 2621 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/48x48/status/image-loading.png  |  Bin 3585 -> 3585 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/48x48/status/image-missing.png  |  Bin 1728 -> 1728 bytes
 .../48x48/status/mail-attachment.png               |  Bin 1947 -> 1947 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/48x48/status/mail-read.png      |  Bin 1621 -> 1621 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/48x48/status/mail-replied.png   |  Bin 2886 -> 2886 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/48x48/status/mail-unread.png    |  Bin 2609 -> 2609 bytes
 .../48x48/status/media-playlist-repeat.png         |  Bin 2094 -> 2094 bytes
 .../48x48/status/media-playlist-shuffle.png        |  Bin 2551 -> 2551 bytes
 .../48x48/status/microphone-sensitivity-high.png   |  Bin 3519 -> 3519 bytes
 .../48x48/status/microphone-sensitivity-low.png    |  Bin 3629 -> 3629 bytes
 .../48x48/status/microphone-sensitivity-medium.png |  Bin 3632 -> 3632 bytes
 .../48x48/status/microphone-sensitivity-muted.png  |  Bin 3903 -> 3903 bytes
 .../48x48/status/network-cellular-connected.png    |  Bin 3213 -> 3213 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/48x48/status/network-error.png  |  Bin 3571 -> 3571 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/48x48/status/network-idle.png   |  Bin 3031 -> 3031 bytes
 .../48x48/status/network-offline.png               |  Bin 3502 -> 3502 bytes
 .../48x48/status/network-receive.png               |  Bin 3438 -> 3438 bytes
 .../48x48/status/network-transmit-receive.png      |  Bin 3213 -> 3213 bytes
 .../48x48/status/network-transmit.png              |  Bin 3434 -> 3434 bytes
 .../48x48/status/network-wired-disconnected.png    |  Bin 3358 -> 3358 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/48x48/status/non-starred.png    |  Bin 2310 -> 2310 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/48x48/status/printer-error.png  |  Bin 2760 -> 2760 bytes
 .../48x48/status/printer-printing.png              |  Bin 2704 -> 2704 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/48x48/status/security-high.png  |  Bin 4147 -> 4147 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/48x48/status/security-low.png   |  Bin 3088 -> 3088 bytes
 .../48x48/status/security-medium.png               |  Bin 3129 -> 3129 bytes
 .../48x48/status/semi-starred-rtl.png              |  Bin 2997 -> 2997 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/48x48/status/semi-starred.png   |  Bin 3010 -> 3010 bytes
 .../48x48/status/software-update-available.png     |  Bin 3058 -> 3058 bytes
 .../48x48/status/software-update-urgent.png        |  Bin 3005 -> 3005 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/48x48/status/starred.png        |  Bin 3670 -> 3670 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/48x48/status/task-due.png       |  Bin 2155 -> 2155 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/48x48/status/task-past-due.png  |  Bin 1850 -> 1850 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/48x48/status/trophy-bronze.png  |  Bin 3491 -> 3491 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/48x48/status/trophy-gold.png    |  Bin 3447 -> 3447 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/48x48/status/trophy-silver.png  |  Bin 3319 -> 3319 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/48x48/status/user-available.png |  Bin 2242 -> 2242 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/48x48/status/user-away.png      |  Bin 2303 -> 2303 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/48x48/status/user-busy.png      |  Bin 1984 -> 1984 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/48x48/status/user-idle.png      |  Bin 2179 -> 2179 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/48x48/status/user-invisible.png |  Bin 1933 -> 1933 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/48x48/status/user-offline.png   |  Bin 2013 -> 2013 bytes
 .../48x48/status/user-trash-full.png               |  Bin 4937 -> 4937 bytes
 .../48x48/status/weather-clear-night.png           |  Bin 3141 -> 3141 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/48x48/status/weather-clear.png  |  Bin 4053 -> 4053 bytes
 .../48x48/status/weather-few-clouds-night.png      |  Bin 3699 -> 3699 bytes
 .../48x48/status/weather-few-clouds.png            |  Bin 3637 -> 3637 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/48x48/status/weather-fog.png    |  Bin 2608 -> 2608 bytes
 .../48x48/status/weather-overcast.png              |  Bin 1914 -> 1914 bytes
 .../48x48/status/weather-severe-alert.png          |  Bin 2618 -> 2618 bytes
 .../48x48/status/weather-showers-scattered.png     |  Bin 2849 -> 2849 bytes
 .../48x48/status/weather-showers.png               |  Bin 4297 -> 4297 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/48x48/status/weather-snow.png   |  Bin 1925 -> 1925 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/48x48/status/weather-storm.png  |  Bin 2861 -> 2861 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/8x8/emblems/emblem-default.png  |  Bin 332 -> 332 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/8x8/emblems/emblem-new.png      |  Bin 328 -> 328 bytes
 {gnome => Adwaita}/8x8/emblems/emblem-readonly.png |  Bin 343 -> 343 bytes
 .../8x8/emblems/emblem-symbolic-link.png           |  Bin 353 -> 353 bytes
 .../8x8/emblems/emblem-synchronizing.png           |  Bin 357 -> 357 bytes
 .../8x8/emblems/emblem-unreadable.png              |  Bin 362 -> 362 bytes
 Makefile.am                                        |    8 ++++----
 gnome-icon-theme.doap => adwaita-icon-theme.doap   |    8 ++++----
 gnome-icon-theme.pc.in => adwaita-icon-theme.pc.in |    0
 autogen.sh                                         |    4 ++--
 configure.ac                                       |   12 ++++++------
 index.theme.in.in                                  |    4 ++--
 render-icon-theme.py                               |    6 +++---
 2083 files changed, 21 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-)
diff --git a/Makefile.am b/Makefile.am
index be78945..4da243a 100644
--- a/Makefile.am
+++ b/Makefile.am
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ theme_DATA = $(theme_in_files:.theme.in.in=.theme)
 THEME_DIRS=$(shell SIZES="$(render_sizes)"; for size in $$SIZES; do for dir in `find 
$(srcdir)/$(SVGOUTDIR)/$$size/* -type d`; do printf "$$dir,"; done; done; echo 
 %.theme.in: %.theme.in.in $(SVGOUTDIR) Makefile
-       dirs="`echo $(THEME_DIRS) | sed -e 's#$(srcdir)/gnome/##g'`"; \
+       dirs="`echo $(THEME_DIRS) | sed -e 's#$(srcdir)/Adwaita/##g'`"; \
        sed -e "s|\ THEME_DIRS\@|$$dirs|g" < $< > $@; \
        for dir in `echo $$dirs | sed -e "s/,/ /g"`; do \
                sizefull="`dirname $$dir`"; \
@@ -91,11 +91,11 @@ uninstall-hook:
        @rm -f  $(DESTDIR)$(themedir)/icon-theme.cache
 pkgconfigdir = $(datadir)/pkgconfig
-pkgconfig_DATA = gnome-icon-theme.pc
+pkgconfig_DATA = adwaita-icon-theme.pc
 EXTRA_DIST =                   \
-       gnome-icon-theme.pc.in  \
-       gnome                   \
+       adwaita-icon-theme.pc.in  \
+       Adwaita                 \
        COPYING_CCBYSA3         \
        COPYING_LGPL            \
diff --git a/gnome-icon-theme.doap b/adwaita-icon-theme.doap
similarity index 84%
rename from gnome-icon-theme.doap
rename to adwaita-icon-theme.doap
index 5e2e95b..ad0d47f 100644
--- a/gnome-icon-theme.doap
+++ b/adwaita-icon-theme.doap
@@ -4,11 +4,11 @@
-  <name xml:lang="en">gnome-icon-theme</name>
-  <shortdesc xml:lang="en">GNOME default icons</shortdesc>
+  <name xml:lang="en">adwaita-icon-theme</name>
+  <shortdesc xml:lang="en">Standard Icons</shortdesc>
   <homepage rdf:resource="http://www.gnome.org/"; />
-  <download-page rdf:resource="http://download.gnome.org/sources/gnome-icon-theme/"; />
-  <bug-database rdf:resource="http://bugzilla.gnome.org/browse.cgi?product=gnome-icon-theme"; />
+  <download-page rdf:resource="http://download.gnome.org/sources/adwaita-icon-theme/"; />
+  <bug-database rdf:resource="http://bugzilla.gnome.org/browse.cgi?product=adwaita-icon-theme"; />
   <category rdf:resource="http://api.gnome.org/doap-extensions#desktop"; />
diff --git a/gnome-icon-theme.pc.in b/adwaita-icon-theme.pc.in
similarity index 100%
rename from gnome-icon-theme.pc.in
rename to adwaita-icon-theme.pc.in
diff --git a/autogen.sh b/autogen.sh
index cd7b2b4..f3f1373 100755
--- a/autogen.sh
+++ b/autogen.sh
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 srcdir=`dirname $0`
 test -z "$srcdir" && srcdir=.
 (test -f $srcdir/configure.ac \
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ REQUIRED_AUTOMAKE_VERSION=1.9
 which gnome-autogen.sh || {
-    echo "You need to install gnome-common from the GNOME CVS"
+    echo "You need to install gnome-common from GNOME git"
     exit 1
 USE_GNOME2_MACROS=1 . gnome-autogen.sh
diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
index 18d4351..f5d33ea 100644
--- a/configure.ac
+++ b/configure.ac
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 dnl Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script.
-AC_INIT([gnome-icon-theme], [3.12.1],
-        [http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=gnome-icon-theme])
+AC_INIT([adwaita-icon-theme], [3.12.1],
+        [http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=adwaita-icon-theme])
@@ -20,11 +20,11 @@ AC_SUBST(localedir)
 # Define the toplevel path here
-AC_SUBST(themedir, "\${datadir}/icons/gnome")
+AC_SUBST(themedir, "\${datadir}/icons/Adwaita")
 # Input and Output dirs for the rendering
 # Icon sizes we want to install
 AC_SUBST([render_sizes], ["8x8 16x16 22x22 24x24 32x32 48x48 256x256"])
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ if test "x$enable_mapping" != "xno"; then
       AC_MSG_ERROR([icon-naming-utils >= $UTILS_REQUIRED is required to build
-                    and install gnome-icon-theme])
+                    and install adwaita-icon-theme])
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ fi
diff --git a/index.theme.in.in b/index.theme.in.in
index b07e7ee..4f60166 100644
--- a/index.theme.in.in
+++ b/index.theme.in.in
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 [Icon Theme]
-_Comment=Default GNOME Theme
+_Comment=The Only One
 # KDE Specific Stuff
diff --git a/render-icon-theme.py b/render-icon-theme.py
index 9473d0a..008e5c2 100755
--- a/render-icon-theme.py
+++ b/render-icon-theme.py
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ class ContentHandler(xml.sax.ContentHandler):
                 height = rect['height']
                 id = rect['id']
-                dir = os.path.join("gnome", "%sx%s" % (width, height), self.context)
+                dir = os.path.join("Adwaita", "%sx%s" % (width, height), self.context)
                 outfile = os.path.join(dir, self.icon_name+'.png')
                 if not os.path.exists(dir):
@@ -145,8 +145,8 @@ class ContentHandler(xml.sax.ContentHandler):
         self.chars += chars.strip()
 if len(sys.argv) == 1:
-    if not os.path.exists('gnome'):
-        os.mkdir('gnome')
+    if not os.path.exists('Adwaita'):
+        os.mkdir('Adwaita')
     print ('Rendering from SVGs in', SRC)
     for file in os.listdir(SRC):
         if file[-4:] == '.svg':

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