[gcr] asn1: Added updates to ASN.1 from RFCs 5480 & 5758 & 5915

commit 81ede79d157e06a6143c41608b56d9bd6c71a963
Author: Scott Schmit <i grok comcast net>
Date:   Sun Feb 9 15:37:12 2014 -0500

    asn1: Added updates to ASN.1 from RFCs 5480 & 5758 & 5915
    Signed-off-by: Stef Walter <stefw gnome org>
     * Fixed conflicts and combined into one commit
     * Moved to pk.asn since it's EXPLICIT tags by default

 egg/pk.asn     |   23 ++++++++
 egg/pk.asn.h   |   13 ++++-
 egg/pkix.asn   |  117 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 egg/pkix.asn.h |  169 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 4 files changed, 321 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)
diff --git a/egg/pk.asn b/egg/pk.asn
index 347323c..de0a74a 100644
--- a/egg/pk.asn
+++ b/egg/pk.asn
@@ -101,5 +101,28 @@ DHParameter ::= SEQUENCE {
        privateValueLength INTEGER OPTIONAL 
+-- The EC parameters structure was amended by RFC 5480
+ECParameters ::= CHOICE {
+  namedCurve         OBJECT IDENTIFIER
+  -- implicitCurve   NULL
+  -- specifiedCurve  SpecifiedECDomain
+  -- implicitCurve and specifiedCurve MUST NOT be used in PKIX.
+  -- Details for SpecifiedECDomain can be found in [X9.62].
+  -- Any future additions to this CHOICE should be coordinated
+  -- with ANSI X9.
+-- rfc5915 (EC private key structure)
+ECPrivateKey ::= SEQUENCE {
+  version        INTEGER { ecPrivkeyVer1(1) },
+  privateKey     OCTET STRING,
+  parameters [0] ECParameters OPTIONAL,
+  publicKey  [1] BIT STRING OPTIONAL
diff --git a/egg/pk.asn.h b/egg/pk.asn.h
index 02d0bde..e0f8125 100644
--- a/egg/pk.asn.h
+++ b/egg/pk.asn.h
@@ -63,9 +63,20 @@ const asn1_static_node pk_asn1_tab[] = {
   { "g", 1073741827, NULL },
   { "Y", 1073741827, NULL },
   { "priv", 3, NULL },
-  { "DHParameter", 536870917, NULL },
+  { "DHParameter", 1610612741, NULL },
   { "prime", 1073741827, NULL },
   { "base", 1073741827, NULL },
   { "privateValueLength", 16387, NULL },
+  { "ECPoint", 1073741831, NULL },
+  { "ECParameters", 1610612754, NULL },
+  { "namedCurve", 12, NULL },
+  { "ECPrivateKey", 536870917, NULL },
+  { "version", 1610874883, NULL },
+  { "ecPrivkeyVer1", 1, "1"},
+  { "privateKey", 1073741831, NULL },
+  { "parameters", 1610637314, "ECParameters"},
+  { NULL, 2056, "0"},
+  { "publicKey", 536895494, NULL },
+  { NULL, 2056, "1"},
   { NULL, 0, NULL }
diff --git a/egg/pkix.asn b/egg/pkix.asn
index 02c2732..00ec3b3 100644
--- a/egg/pkix.asn
+++ b/egg/pkix.asn
 -- This contains both PKIX1Implicit88 and RFC2630 ASN.1 modules.
+-- It also includes updates from RFC 5480 and RFC 5758
 -- ISO arc for standard certificate and CRL extensions
@@ -629,6 +630,122 @@ Dss-Parms  ::=  SEQUENCE  {
      q             INTEGER,
      g             INTEGER  }
+-- EC algorithm OIDs and parameter structures from RFC 3279
+ansi-X9-62  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {
+     iso(1) member-body(2) us(840) 10045 }
+id-ecSigType OBJECT IDENTIFIER  ::=  {
+     ansi-X9-62 signatures(4) }
+ecdsa-with-SHA1  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {
+     id-ecSigType 1 }
+Ecdsa-Sig-Value  ::=  SEQUENCE  {
+     r     INTEGER,
+     s     INTEGER  }
+id-public-key-type OBJECT IDENTIFIER  ::= { ansi-X9-62 2 }
+id-ecPublicKey OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-public-key-type 1 }
+-- The EC parameters structure was amended by RFC 5480
+ECParameters ::= CHOICE {
+  namedCurve         OBJECT IDENTIFIER
+  -- implicitCurve   NULL
+  -- specifiedCurve  SpecifiedECDomain
+  -- implicitCurve and specifiedCurve MUST NOT be used in PKIX.
+  -- Details for SpecifiedECDomain can be found in [X9.62].
+  -- Any future additions to this CHOICE should be coordinated
+  -- with ANSI X9.
+-- Named Elliptic Curves (from RFC 5480)
+-- Note that in X9.62 the curves are referred to as 'ansiX9' as
+-- opposed to 'sec'.  For example secp192r1 is the same curve as
+-- ansix9p192r1.
+-- Note that in RFC 3279 the secp192r1 curve was referred to as
+-- prime192v1 and the secp256r1 curve was referred to as prime256v1.
+-- Note that FIPS186-3 refers to secp192r1 as P-192, secp224r1 as
+-- P-224, secp256r1 as P-256, secp384r1 as P-384, and secp521r1 as
+-- P-521.
+secp192r1 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {
+  iso(1) member-body(2) us(840) ansi-X9-62(10045) curves(3)
+  prime(1) 1 }
+sect163k1 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {
+  iso(1) identified-organization(3) certicom(132) curve(0) 1 }
+sect163r2 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {
+  iso(1) identified-organization(3) certicom(132) curve(0) 15 }
+secp224r1 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {
+  iso(1) identified-organization(3) certicom(132) curve(0) 33 }
+sect233k1 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {
+  iso(1) identified-organization(3) certicom(132) curve(0) 26 }
+sect233r1 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {
+  iso(1) identified-organization(3) certicom(132) curve(0) 27 }
+secp256r1 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {
+  iso(1) member-body(2) us(840) ansi-X9-62(10045) curves(3)
+  prime(1) 7 }
+sect283k1 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {
+  iso(1) identified-organization(3) certicom(132) curve(0) 16 }
+sect283r1 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {
+  iso(1) identified-organization(3) certicom(132) curve(0) 17 }
+secp384r1 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {
+  iso(1) identified-organization(3) certicom(132) curve(0) 34 }
+sect409k1 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {
+  iso(1) identified-organization(3) certicom(132) curve(0) 36 }
+sect409r1 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {
+  iso(1) identified-organization(3) certicom(132) curve(0) 37 }
+secp521r1 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {
+  iso(1) identified-organization(3) certicom(132) curve(0) 35 }
+sect571k1 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {
+  iso(1) identified-organization(3) certicom(132) curve(0) 38 }
+sect571r1 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {
+  iso(1) identified-organization(3) certicom(132) curve(0) 39 }
+-- Algorithm OIDs added by RFC 5758
+id-dsa-with-sha224 OBJECT IDENTIFIER  ::=  { joint-iso-ccitt(2)
+    country(16) us(840) organization(1) gov(101) csor(3)
+    algorithms(4) id-dsa-with-sha2(3) 1 }
+id-dsa-with-sha256 OBJECT IDENTIFIER  ::=  { joint-iso-ccitt(2)
+    country(16) us(840) organization(1) gov(101) csor(3)
+    algorithms(4) id-dsa-with-sha2(3) 2 }
+ecdsa-with-SHA224 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { iso(1) member-body(2)
+     us(840) ansi-X9-62(10045) signatures(4) ecdsa-with-SHA2(3) 1 }
+ecdsa-with-SHA256 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { iso(1) member-body(2)
+     us(840) ansi-X9-62(10045) signatures(4) ecdsa-with-SHA2(3) 2 }
+ecdsa-with-SHA384 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { iso(1) member-body(2)
+     us(840) ansi-X9-62(10045) signatures(4) ecdsa-with-SHA2(3) 3 }
+ecdsa-with-SHA512 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { iso(1) member-body(2)
+     us(840) ansi-X9-62(10045) signatures(4) ecdsa-with-SHA2(3) 4 }
 -- x400 address syntax starts here
 --      OR Names
diff --git a/egg/pkix.asn.h b/egg/pkix.asn.h
index b3a7a2a..b90e203 100644
--- a/egg/pkix.asn.h
+++ b/egg/pkix.asn.h
@@ -604,6 +604,175 @@ const asn1_static_node pkix_asn1_tab[] = {
   { "p", 1073741827, NULL },
   { "q", 1073741827, NULL },
   { "g", 3, NULL },
+  { "ansi-X9-62", 1879048204, NULL },
+  { "iso", 1073741825, "1"},
+  { "member-body", 1073741825, "2"},
+  { "us", 1073741825, "840"},
+  { NULL, 1, "10045"},
+  { "id-ecSigType", 1879048204, NULL },
+  { NULL, 1073741825, "ansi-X9-62"},
+  { "signatures", 1, "4"},
+  { "ecdsa-with-SHA1", 1879048204, NULL },
+  { NULL, 1073741825, "id-ecSigType"},
+  { NULL, 1, "1"},
+  { "Ecdsa-Sig-Value", 1610612741, NULL },
+  { "r", 1073741827, NULL },
+  { "s", 3, NULL },
+  { "id-public-key-type", 1879048204, NULL },
+  { NULL, 1073741825, "ansi-X9-62"},
+  { NULL, 1, "2"},
+  { "id-ecPublicKey", 1879048204, NULL },
+  { NULL, 1073741825, "id-public-key-type"},
+  { NULL, 1, "1"},
+  { "ECPoint", 1073741831, NULL },
+  { "ECParameters", 1610612754, NULL },
+  { "namedCurve", 12, NULL },
+  { "secp192r1", 1879048204, NULL },
+  { "iso", 1073741825, "1"},
+  { "member-body", 1073741825, "2"},
+  { "us", 1073741825, "840"},
+  { "ansi-X9-62", 1073741825, "10045"},
+  { "curves", 1073741825, "3"},
+  { "prime", 1073741825, "1"},
+  { NULL, 1, "1"},
+  { "sect163k1", 1879048204, NULL },
+  { "iso", 1073741825, "1"},
+  { "identified-organization", 1073741825, "3"},
+  { "certicom", 1073741825, "132"},
+  { "curve", 1073741825, "0"},
+  { NULL, 1, "1"},
+  { "sect163r2", 1879048204, NULL },
+  { "iso", 1073741825, "1"},
+  { "identified-organization", 1073741825, "3"},
+  { "certicom", 1073741825, "132"},
+  { "curve", 1073741825, "0"},
+  { NULL, 1, "15"},
+  { "secp224r1", 1879048204, NULL },
+  { "iso", 1073741825, "1"},
+  { "identified-organization", 1073741825, "3"},
+  { "certicom", 1073741825, "132"},
+  { "curve", 1073741825, "0"},
+  { NULL, 1, "33"},
+  { "sect233k1", 1879048204, NULL },
+  { "iso", 1073741825, "1"},
+  { "identified-organization", 1073741825, "3"},
+  { "certicom", 1073741825, "132"},
+  { "curve", 1073741825, "0"},
+  { NULL, 1, "26"},
+  { "sect233r1", 1879048204, NULL },
+  { "iso", 1073741825, "1"},
+  { "identified-organization", 1073741825, "3"},
+  { "certicom", 1073741825, "132"},
+  { "curve", 1073741825, "0"},
+  { NULL, 1, "27"},
+  { "secp256r1", 1879048204, NULL },
+  { "iso", 1073741825, "1"},
+  { "member-body", 1073741825, "2"},
+  { "us", 1073741825, "840"},
+  { "ansi-X9-62", 1073741825, "10045"},
+  { "curves", 1073741825, "3"},
+  { "prime", 1073741825, "1"},
+  { NULL, 1, "7"},
+  { "sect283k1", 1879048204, NULL },
+  { "iso", 1073741825, "1"},
+  { "identified-organization", 1073741825, "3"},
+  { "certicom", 1073741825, "132"},
+  { "curve", 1073741825, "0"},
+  { NULL, 1, "16"},
+  { "sect283r1", 1879048204, NULL },
+  { "iso", 1073741825, "1"},
+  { "identified-organization", 1073741825, "3"},
+  { "certicom", 1073741825, "132"},
+  { "curve", 1073741825, "0"},
+  { NULL, 1, "17"},
+  { "secp384r1", 1879048204, NULL },
+  { "iso", 1073741825, "1"},
+  { "identified-organization", 1073741825, "3"},
+  { "certicom", 1073741825, "132"},
+  { "curve", 1073741825, "0"},
+  { NULL, 1, "34"},
+  { "sect409k1", 1879048204, NULL },
+  { "iso", 1073741825, "1"},
+  { "identified-organization", 1073741825, "3"},
+  { "certicom", 1073741825, "132"},
+  { "curve", 1073741825, "0"},
+  { NULL, 1, "36"},
+  { "sect409r1", 1879048204, NULL },
+  { "iso", 1073741825, "1"},
+  { "identified-organization", 1073741825, "3"},
+  { "certicom", 1073741825, "132"},
+  { "curve", 1073741825, "0"},
+  { NULL, 1, "37"},
+  { "secp521r1", 1879048204, NULL },
+  { "iso", 1073741825, "1"},
+  { "identified-organization", 1073741825, "3"},
+  { "certicom", 1073741825, "132"},
+  { "curve", 1073741825, "0"},
+  { NULL, 1, "35"},
+  { "sect571k1", 1879048204, NULL },
+  { "iso", 1073741825, "1"},
+  { "identified-organization", 1073741825, "3"},
+  { "certicom", 1073741825, "132"},
+  { "curve", 1073741825, "0"},
+  { NULL, 1, "38"},
+  { "sect571r1", 1879048204, NULL },
+  { "iso", 1073741825, "1"},
+  { "identified-organization", 1073741825, "3"},
+  { "certicom", 1073741825, "132"},
+  { "curve", 1073741825, "0"},
+  { NULL, 1, "39"},
+  { "id-dsa-with-sha224", 1879048204, NULL },
+  { "joint-iso-ccitt", 1073741825, "2"},
+  { "country", 1073741825, "16"},
+  { "us", 1073741825, "840"},
+  { "organization", 1073741825, "1"},
+  { "gov", 1073741825, "101"},
+  { "csor", 1073741825, "3"},
+  { "algorithms", 1073741825, "4"},
+  { "id-dsa-with-sha2", 1073741825, "3"},
+  { NULL, 1, "1"},
+  { "id-dsa-with-sha256", 1879048204, NULL },
+  { "joint-iso-ccitt", 1073741825, "2"},
+  { "country", 1073741825, "16"},
+  { "us", 1073741825, "840"},
+  { "organization", 1073741825, "1"},
+  { "gov", 1073741825, "101"},
+  { "csor", 1073741825, "3"},
+  { "algorithms", 1073741825, "4"},
+  { "id-dsa-with-sha2", 1073741825, "3"},
+  { NULL, 1, "2"},
+  { "ecdsa-with-SHA224", 1879048204, NULL },
+  { "iso", 1073741825, "1"},
+  { "member-body", 1073741825, "2"},
+  { "us", 1073741825, "840"},
+  { "ansi-X9-62", 1073741825, "10045"},
+  { "signatures", 1073741825, "4"},
+  { "ecdsa-with-SHA2", 1073741825, "3"},
+  { NULL, 1, "1"},
+  { "ecdsa-with-SHA256", 1879048204, NULL },
+  { "iso", 1073741825, "1"},
+  { "member-body", 1073741825, "2"},
+  { "us", 1073741825, "840"},
+  { "ansi-X9-62", 1073741825, "10045"},
+  { "signatures", 1073741825, "4"},
+  { "ecdsa-with-SHA2", 1073741825, "3"},
+  { NULL, 1, "2"},
+  { "ecdsa-with-SHA384", 1879048204, NULL },
+  { "iso", 1073741825, "1"},
+  { "member-body", 1073741825, "2"},
+  { "us", 1073741825, "840"},
+  { "ansi-X9-62", 1073741825, "10045"},
+  { "signatures", 1073741825, "4"},
+  { "ecdsa-with-SHA2", 1073741825, "3"},
+  { NULL, 1, "3"},
+  { "ecdsa-with-SHA512", 1879048204, NULL },
+  { "iso", 1073741825, "1"},
+  { "member-body", 1073741825, "2"},
+  { "us", 1073741825, "840"},
+  { "ansi-X9-62", 1073741825, "10045"},
+  { "signatures", 1073741825, "4"},
+  { "ecdsa-with-SHA2", 1073741825, "3"},
+  { NULL, 1, "4"},
   { "ORAddress", 1610612741, NULL },
   { "built-in-standard-attributes", 1073741826, "BuiltInStandardAttributes"},
   { "built-in-domain-defined-attributes", 1073758210, "BuiltInDomainDefinedAttributes"},

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