[glom] gmenu: Move the main menu into the .glade file.

commit 84f62454f518b114eceb31becb1f201af4d91ba5
Author: Murray Cumming <murrayc murrayc com>
Date:   Tue Sep 17 21:44:57 2013 +0200

    gmenu: Move the main menu into the .glade file.
    * glom/appwindow.[h|cc]: Move the GMenu XML into:
    * ui/operator/window_main.glade
      and use it from the regular Gtk::Builder instance.
    The GMenu XML needs to be in a separate file so that
    its human-readable parts can be translated.
    However, glade does not seem to support GMenu yet,
    so we cannot edit this file inside glade.

 glom/appwindow.cc             |  283 +++--------------------------------------
 glom/appwindow.h              |    3 +-
 ui/operator/window_main.glade |  216 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 3 files changed, 235 insertions(+), 267 deletions(-)
diff --git a/glom/appwindow.cc b/glom/appwindow.cc
index b034afb..db2367c 100644
--- a/glom/appwindow.cc
+++ b/glom/appwindow.cc
@@ -76,7 +76,8 @@ const bool AppWindow::glade_developer(false);
 AppWindow::AppWindow(BaseObjectType* cobject, const Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::Builder>& builder)
 : GlomBakery::AppWindow_WithDoc("Glom"),
-  Gtk::ApplicationWindow(cobject), 
+  Gtk::ApplicationWindow(cobject),
+  m_builder(builder),
@@ -103,6 +104,19 @@ AppWindow::AppWindow(BaseObjectType* cobject, const Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::Builder>&
   builder->get_widget_derived("vbox_frame", m_pFrame); //This one is derived. There's a lot happening here.
   builder->get_widget_derived("infobar_progress", m_infobar_progress);
+  //Add menu bar at the top:
+  Glib::RefPtr<Glib::Object> object =
+    builder->get_object("mainmenu");
+  Glib::RefPtr<Gio::Menu> gmenu =
+    Glib::RefPtr<Gio::Menu>::cast_dynamic(object);
+  if(!gmenu)
+    g_warning("GMenu not found");
+  m_menubar = new Gtk::MenuBar(gmenu);
+  m_menubar->show();
+  m_pBoxTop->pack_start(*m_menubar, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK);
   add_mime_type("application/x-glom"); //TODO: make this actually work - we need to register it properly.
@@ -226,12 +240,6 @@ void AppWindow::set_stop_auto_server_shutdown(bool val)
 void AppWindow::init_layout()
-  //Add menu bar at the top:
-  m_pBoxTop->pack_start(*m_menubar, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK);
-  //Add placeholder, to be used by add():
-  //m_pBoxTop->pack_start(m_VBox_PlaceHolder);
-  //m_VBox_PlaceHolder.show();
 void AppWindow::init_menus_file()
@@ -286,8 +294,6 @@ void AppWindow::init_menus_file()
 void AppWindow::init_menus()
-  m_builder_menu = Gtk::Builder::create();
@@ -418,257 +424,6 @@ void AppWindow::init_menus()
     sigc::mem_fun(*this, &AppWindow::on_menu_help_contents) );
   insert_action_group("help", m_refHelpActionGroup);                       
-  //The placeholders allow us to merge menu items in later:
-  static const Glib::ustring ui_description =
-    "<interface>"
-    "  <menu id='mainmenu'>"
-    "    <submenu>"
-    "      <attribute name='label' translatable='yes'>_File</attribute>"
-    "      <section>"
-    "        <item>"
-    "          <attribute name='label' translatable='yes'>_New</attribute>"
-    "          <attribute name='action'>file.new</attribute>"
-    "          <attribute name='accel'>&lt;Primary&gt;n</attribute>"
-    "        </item>"
-    "        <item>"
-    "          <attribute name='label' translatable='yes'>_Open</attribute>"
-    "          <attribute name='action'>file.open</attribute>"
-    "          <attribute name='accel'>&lt;Primary&gt;o</attribute>"
-    "        </item>"
-    "        <item>"
-    "          <attribute name='label' translatable='yes'>_Save as Example</attribute>"
-    "          <attribute name='action'>file.save-as-example</attribute>"
-    "        </item>"
-    "      </section>"
-    "      <section>"
-    "        <item>"
-    "          <attribute name='label' translatable='yes'>_Export</attribute>"
-    "          <attribute name='action'>file.export</attribute>"
-    "        </item>"
-    "        <item>"
-    "          <attribute name='label' translatable='yes'>I_mport</attribute>"
-    "          <attribute name='action'>file.import</attribute>"
-    "        </item>"
-    "        <item>"
-    "          <attribute name='label' translatable='yes'>S_hared on Network</attribute>"
-    "          <attribute name='action'>file.share</attribute>"
-    "        </item>"
-    "      </section>"
-    "      <submenu>"
-    "        <attribute name='label' translatable='yes'>_Print</attribute>"
-    "        <section id='print-layouts-list'/>"
-    "        <section>"
-    "          <item>"
-    "            <attribute name='label' translatable='yes'>_Edit Print Layouts</attribute>"
-    "            <attribute name='action'>file.edit-print-layouts</attribute>"
-    "          </item>"
-    "        </section>"
-    "      </submenu>"
-    "      <section>"
-    "        <item>"
-    "          <attribute name='label' translatable='yes'>_Close</attribute>"
-    "          <attribute name='action'>file.close</attribute>"
-    "          <attribute name='accel'>&lt;Primary&gt;w</attribute>"
-    "        </item>"
-    "      </section>"
-    "    </submenu>"
-    "    <submenu>"
-    "      <attribute name='label' translatable='yes'>_Edit</attribute>"
-    "      <section>"
-    "        <item>"
-    "          <attribute name='label' translatable='yes'>Cu_t</attribute>"
-    "          <attribute name='action'>edit.cut</attribute>"
-    "        </item>"
-    "        <item>"
-    "          <attribute name='label' translatable='yes'>_Copy</attribute>"
-    "          <attribute name='action'>edit.copy</attribute>"
-    "          <attribute name='accel'>&lt;Primary&gt;c</attribute>"
-    "        </item>"
-    "        <item>"
-    "          <attribute name='label' translatable='yes'>_Paste</attribute>"
-    "          <attribute name='action'>edit.paste</attribute>"
-    "          <attribute name='accel'>&lt;Primary&gt;v</attribute>"
-    "        </item>"
-    "        <item>"
-    "          <attribute name='label' translatable='yes'>_Clear</attribute>"
-    "          <attribute name='action'>edit.clear</attribute>"
-    "        </item>"
-    "      </section>"
-    "      <section>"
-    "        <item>"
-    "          <attribute name='label' translatable='yes'>_Find</attribute>"
-    "          <attribute name='action'>edit.find</attribute>"
-    "          <attribute name='accel'>&lt;control&gt;F</attribute>"
-    "        </item>"
-    "      </section>"
-    "    </submenu>"
-    "    <submenu id='tables'>"
-    "      <attribute name='label' translatable='yes'>_Tables</attribute>"
-    "      <section id='tables-list'/>"
-    "      <section>"
-    "        <item>"
-    "          <attribute name='label' translatable='yes'>_Edit Tables</attribute>"
-    "          <attribute name='action'>tables.edit-tables</attribute>"
-    "        </item>"
-    "      </section>"
-    "    </submenu>"
-    "    <submenu>"
-    "      <attribute name='label' translatable='yes'>R_eports</attribute>"
-    "      <section id='reports-list'/>"
-    "      <section>"
-    "        <item>"
-    "          <attribute name='label' translatable='yes'>_Edit Reports</attribute>"
-    "          <attribute name='action'>reports.edit-reports</attribute>"
-    "        </item>"
-    "      </section>"
-    "    </submenu>"
-    "    <submenu>"
-    "      <attribute name='label' translatable='yes'>_Developer</attribute>"
-    "      <section>"
-    "        <item>"
-    "          <attribute name='label' translatable='yes'>_Operator</attribute>"
-    "          <attribute name='action'>developer.usermode</attribute>"
-    "          <attribute name='target' type='i'>0</attribute>"
-    "        </item>"
-    "        <item>"
-    "          <attribute name='label' translatable='yes'>_Developer</attribute>"
-    "          <attribute name='action'>developer.usermode</attribute>"
-    "          <attribute name='target' type='i'>1</attribute>"
-    "        </item>"
-    "      </section>"
-    "      <section>"
-    "        <item>"
-    "          <attribute name='label' translatable='yes'>_Fields</attribute>"
-    "          <attribute name='action'>developer.fields</attribute>"
-    "        </item>"
-    "        <item>"
-    "          <attribute name='label' translatable='yes'>_Relationships</attribute>"
-    "          <attribute name='action'>developer.relationships</attribute>"
-    "        </item>"
-    "        <item>"
-    "          <attribute name='label' translatable='yes'>Relationships _Overview</attribute>"
-    "          <attribute name='action'>developer.relationships-overview</attribute>"
-    "        </item>"
-    "        <item>"
-    "          <attribute name='label' translatable='yes'>_Layout</attribute>"
-    "          <attribute name='action'>developer.layout</attribute>"
-    "        </item>"
-    "        <item>"
-    "          <attribute name='label' translatable='yes'>_Print Layouts</attribute>"
-    "          <attribute name='action'>developer.print-layouts</attribute>"
-    "        </item>"
-    "        <item>"
-    "          <attribute name='label' translatable='yes'>_Reports</attribute>"
-    "          <attribute name='action'>developer.reports</attribute>"
-    "        </item>"
-    "      </section>"
-    "      <section>"
-    "        <item>"
-    "          <attribute name='label' translatable='yes'>_Database Preferences</attribute>"
-    "          <attribute name='action'>developer.database-preferences</attribute>"
-    "        </item>"
-    "        <item>"
-    "          <attribute name='label' translatable='yes'>_Users</attribute>"
-    "          <attribute name='action'>developer.users</attribute>"
-    "        </item>"
-    "        <item>"
-    "          <attribute name='label' translatable='yes'>Script _Library</attribute>"
-    "          <attribute name='action'>developer.script-library</attribute>"
-    "        </item>"
-    "      </section>"
-    "      <section>"
-    "        <item>"
-    "          <attribute name='label' translatable='yes'>_Translations</attribute>"
-    "          <attribute name='action'>developer.translations</attribute>"
-    "        </item>"
-    "        <item>"
-    "          <attribute name='label' translatable='yes'>Test Tra_nslation</attribute>"
-    "          <attribute name='action'>developer.change-language</attribute>"
-    "        </item>"
-    "      </section>"
-    "      <section>"
-    "      <submenu>"
-    "        <attribute name='label' translatable='yes'>Active Platform</attribute>"
-    "        <item>"
-    "         <attribute name='label' translatable='yes'>_Normal</attribute>"
-    "          <attribute name='action'>developer.active-platform</attribute>"
-//TODO:    "          <attribute >The layout to use for normal desktop environments.</attribute>
-    "          <attribute name='target'></attribute>"
-    "        </item>"
-    "        <item>"
-    "          <attribute name='label' translatable='yes'>_Maemo</attribute>" //TODO: This is obsolete
-    "          <attribute name='action'>developer.active-platform</attribute>"
-//TODO:    "          <attribute >The layout to use for Maemo devices.</attribute>"
-    "          <attribute name='target'>maemo</attribute>"
-    "        </item>"
-    "      </submenu>"
-    "      <item>"
-    "        <attribute name='label' translatable='yes'>_Drag and Drop Layout</attribute>" //TODO: This is 
-    "        <attribute name='action'>developer.drag-and-drop-layout</attribute>"
-    "      </item>"
-    "      </section>"
-    "      <section>"
-    "        <item>"
-    "          <attribute name='label' translatable='yes'>_Export Backup</attribute>"
-    "          <attribute name='action'>developer.export-backup</attribute>"
-    "        </item>"
-    "        <item>"
-    "          <attribute name='label' translatable='yes'>_Restore Backup</attribute>"
-    "          <attribute name='action'>developer.restore-backup</attribute>"
-    "        </item>"
-    "      </section>"
-    "    </submenu>"
-    "    <submenu>"
-    "      <attribute name='label' translatable='yes'>_Help</attribute>"
-    "      <section>"
-    "        <item>"
-    "          <attribute name='label' translatable='yes'>_About</attribute>"
-    "          <attribute name='action'>help.about</attribute>"
-//TODO:    "          <attribute >About the application</attribute>"
-    "        </item>"
-    "        <item>"
-    "          <attribute name='label' translatable='yes'>_Contents</attribute>"
-    "          <attribute name='action'>help.contents</attribute>"
-//TODO:    "          <attribute >Help with the application</attribute>"
-    "        </item>"
-    "      </section>"
-    "    </submenu>"
-    "  </menu>"
-    "</interface>";
-   try
-  {
-    m_builder_menu->add_from_string(ui_description);
-  }
-  catch(const Glib::Error& ex)
-  {
-    std::cerr << G_STRFUNC << ": building menus failed: " <<  ex.what() << std::endl;
-  }
-  Glib::RefPtr<Glib::Object> object =
-    m_builder_menu->get_object("mainmenu");
-  Glib::RefPtr<Gio::Menu> gmenu =
-    Glib::RefPtr<Gio::Menu>::cast_dynamic(object);
-  if(!gmenu)
-    g_warning("GMenu not found");
-  m_menubar = new Gtk::MenuBar(gmenu);
-  m_menubar->show();
@@ -2067,14 +1822,14 @@ void AppWindow::fill_menu_tables()
-    //TODO? m_builder_menu->remove_action_group(m_refNavTablesActionGroup);
+    //TODO? remove_action_group(m_refNavTablesActionGroup);
   m_refNavTablesActionGroup = Gio::SimpleActionGroup::create();
   Glib::RefPtr<Glib::Object> object =
-    m_builder_menu->get_object("tables-list");
+    m_builder->get_object("tables-list");
   Glib::RefPtr<Gio::Menu> menu =
@@ -2118,7 +1873,7 @@ void AppWindow::fill_menu_reports(const Glib::ustring& table_name)
   //Remove existing items.
   Glib::RefPtr<Glib::Object> object =
-    m_builder_menu->get_object("reports-list");
+    m_builder->get_object("reports-list");
   Glib::RefPtr<Gio::Menu> menu =
@@ -2198,7 +1953,7 @@ void AppWindow::fill_menu_print_layouts(const Glib::ustring& table_name)
   //Remove existing items.
   Glib::RefPtr<Glib::Object> object =
-    m_builder_menu->get_object("print-layouts-list");
+    m_builder->get_object("print-layouts-list");
   Glib::RefPtr<Gio::Menu> menu =
diff --git a/glom/appwindow.h b/glom/appwindow.h
index 42d0f26..1478feb 100644
--- a/glom/appwindow.h
+++ b/glom/appwindow.h
@@ -203,8 +203,8 @@ protected:
   void on_recent_files_activate(Gtk::RecentChooser& recent_chooser);
   //Menu Builder and Actions
+  Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::Builder> m_builder;
   Gtk::MenuBar* m_menubar;
-  Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::Builder> m_builder_menu;
   Glib::RefPtr<Gio::SimpleActionGroup> m_refActionGroup_File,
      m_refActionGroup_Edit, m_refActionGroup_Tables,
      m_refActionGroup_Developer, m_refActionGroup_Reports;
@@ -287,7 +287,6 @@ private:
 #endif // !G_OS_WIN32
   typedef std::list< Glib::RefPtr<Gio::SimpleAction> > type_listActions;
   type_listActions m_listDeveloperActions; //Only enabled when in developer mode.
   type_listActions m_listTableSensitiveActions; // Only enabled when a table is loaded.
diff --git a/ui/operator/window_main.glade b/ui/operator/window_main.glade
index a9ce0d9..655a347 100644
--- a/ui/operator/window_main.glade
+++ b/ui/operator/window_main.glade
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-  <!-- interface-requires gtk+ 3.0 -->
+  <!-- interface-requires gtk+ 3.10 -->
   <object class="GtkWindow" id="window_main">
     <property name="can_focus">False</property>
     <property name="title" translatable="yes">Glom</property>
@@ -143,4 +143,218 @@
+  <menu id='mainmenu'>
+    <submenu>
+      <attribute name='label' translatable='yes'>_File</attribute>
+      <section>
+        <item>
+          <attribute name='label' translatable='yes'>_New</attribute>
+          <attribute name='action'>file.new</attribute>
+          <attribute name='accel'>&lt;Primary&gt;n</attribute>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+          <attribute name='label' translatable='yes'>_Open</attribute>
+          <attribute name='action'>file.open</attribute>
+          <attribute name='accel'>&lt;Primary&gt;o</attribute>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+          <attribute name='label' translatable='yes'>_Save as Example</attribute>
+          <attribute name='action'>file.save-as-example</attribute>
+        </item>
+      </section>
+      <section>
+        <item>
+          <attribute name='label' translatable='yes'>_Export</attribute>
+          <attribute name='action'>file.export</attribute>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+          <attribute name='label' translatable='yes'>I_mport</attribute>
+          <attribute name='action'>file.import</attribute>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+          <attribute name='label' translatable='yes'>S_hared on Network</attribute>
+          <attribute name='action'>file.share</attribute>
+        </item>
+      </section>
+      <submenu>
+        <attribute name='label' translatable='yes'>_Print</attribute>
+        <section id='print-layouts-list'/>
+        <section>
+          <item>
+            <attribute name='label' translatable='yes'>_Edit Print Layouts</attribute>
+            <attribute name='action'>file.edit-print-layouts</attribute>
+          </item>
+        </section>
+      </submenu>
+      <section>
+        <item>
+          <attribute name='label' translatable='yes'>_Close</attribute>
+          <attribute name='action'>file.close</attribute>
+          <attribute name='accel'>&lt;Primary&gt;w</attribute>
+        </item>
+      </section>
+    </submenu>
+    <submenu>
+      <attribute name='label' translatable='yes'>_Edit</attribute>
+      <section>
+        <item>
+          <attribute name='label' translatable='yes'>Cu_t</attribute>
+          <attribute name='action'>edit.cut</attribute>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+          <attribute name='label' translatable='yes'>_Copy</attribute>
+          <attribute name='action'>edit.copy</attribute>
+          <attribute name='accel'>&lt;Primary&gt;c</attribute>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+          <attribute name='label' translatable='yes'>_Paste</attribute>
+          <attribute name='action'>edit.paste</attribute>
+          <attribute name='accel'>&lt;Primary&gt;v</attribute>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+          <attribute name='label' translatable='yes'>_Clear</attribute>
+          <attribute name='action'>edit.clear</attribute>
+        </item>
+      </section>
+      <section>
+        <item>
+          <attribute name='label' translatable='yes'>_Find</attribute>
+          <attribute name='action'>edit.find</attribute>
+          <attribute name='accel'>&lt;Primary&gt;f</attribute>
+        </item>
+      </section>
+    </submenu>
+    <submenu id='tables'>
+      <attribute name='label' translatable='yes'>_Tables</attribute>
+      <section id='tables-list'/>
+      <section>
+        <item>
+          <attribute name='label' translatable='yes'>_Edit Tables</attribute>
+          <attribute name='action'>tables.edit-tables</attribute>
+        </item>
+      </section>
+    </submenu>
+    <submenu>
+      <attribute name='label' translatable='yes'>R_eports</attribute>
+      <section id='reports-list'/>
+      <section>
+        <item>
+          <attribute name='label' translatable='yes'>_Edit Reports</attribute>
+          <attribute name='action'>reports.edit-reports</attribute>
+        </item>
+      </section>
+    </submenu>
+    <submenu>
+      <attribute name='label' translatable='yes'>_Developer</attribute>
+      <section>
+        <item>
+          <attribute name='label' translatable='yes'>_Operator</attribute>
+          <attribute name='action'>developer.usermode</attribute>
+          <attribute name='target' type='i'>0</attribute>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+          <attribute name='label' translatable='yes'>_Developer</attribute>
+          <attribute name='action'>developer.usermode</attribute>
+          <attribute name='target' type='i'>1</attribute>
+        </item>
+      </section>
+      <section>
+        <item>
+          <attribute name='label' translatable='yes'>_Fields</attribute>
+          <attribute name='action'>developer.fields</attribute>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+          <attribute name='label' translatable='yes'>_Relationships</attribute>
+          <attribute name='action'>developer.relationships</attribute>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+          <attribute name='label' translatable='yes'>Relationships _Overview</attribute>
+          <attribute name='action'>developer.relationships-overview</attribute>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+          <attribute name='label' translatable='yes'>_Layout</attribute>
+          <attribute name='action'>developer.layout</attribute>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+          <attribute name='label' translatable='yes'>_Print Layouts</attribute>
+          <attribute name='action'>developer.print-layouts</attribute>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+          <attribute name='label' translatable='yes'>_Reports</attribute>
+          <attribute name='action'>developer.reports</attribute>
+        </item>
+      </section>
+      <section>
+        <item>
+          <attribute name='label' translatable='yes'>_Database Preferences</attribute>
+          <attribute name='action'>developer.database-preferences</attribute>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+          <attribute name='label' translatable='yes'>_Users</attribute>
+          <attribute name='action'>developer.users</attribute>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+          <attribute name='label' translatable='yes'>Script _Library</attribute>
+          <attribute name='action'>developer.script-library</attribute>
+        </item>
+      </section>
+      <section>
+        <item>
+          <attribute name='label' translatable='yes'>_Translations</attribute>
+          <attribute name='action'>developer.translations</attribute>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+          <attribute name='label' translatable='yes'>Test Tra_nslation</attribute>
+          <attribute name='action'>developer.change-language</attribute>
+        </item>
+      </section>
+      <section>
+      <submenu>
+        <attribute name='label' translatable='yes'>Active Platform</attribute>
+        <item>
+         <attribute name='label' translatable='yes'>_Normal</attribute>
+          <attribute name='action'>developer.active-platform</attribute>
+<!-- TODO:          <attribute >The layout to use for normal desktop environments.</attribute> -->
+          <attribute name='target'></attribute>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+          <attribute name='label' translatable='yes'>_Maemo</attribute> <!-- //TODO: This is obsolete -->
+          <attribute name='action'>developer.active-platform</attribute>
+<!-- TODO:          <attribute >The layout to use for Maemo devices.</attribute> -->
+          <attribute name='target'>maemo</attribute>
+        </item>
+      </submenu>
+      <item>
+        <attribute name='label' translatable='yes'>_Drag and Drop Layout</attribute> <!-- //TODO: This is 
obsolete -->
+        <attribute name='action'>developer.drag-and-drop-layout</attribute>
+      </item>
+      </section>
+      <section>
+        <item>
+          <attribute name='label' translatable='yes'>_Export Backup</attribute>
+          <attribute name='action'>developer.export-backup</attribute>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+          <attribute name='label' translatable='yes'>_Restore Backup</attribute>
+          <attribute name='action'>developer.restore-backup</attribute>
+        </item>
+      </section>
+    </submenu>
+    <submenu>
+      <attribute name='label' translatable='yes'>_Help</attribute>
+      <section>
+        <item>
+          <attribute name='label' translatable='yes'>_About</attribute>
+          <attribute name='action'>help.about</attribute>
+<!-- TODO:         <attribute >About the application</attribute> -->
+        </item>
+        <item>
+          <attribute name='label' translatable='yes'>_Contents</attribute>
+          <attribute name='action'>help.contents</attribute>
+<!-- TODO:          <attribute >Help with the application</attribute> -->
+        </item>
+      </section>
+    </submenu>
+  </menu>

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