[evolution] EClientSelector: Show an initial icon based on host name.

commit 192ac20a72567c25c653893c12bb2be0c21a2436
Author: Matthew Barnes <mbarnes redhat com>
Date:   Sat Sep 14 18:57:05 2013 -0400

    EClientSelector: Show an initial icon based on host name.
    Have GNetworkMonitor make an initial guess at the online state of
    backends by evaluating the reachability of their host name.  This
    will show an initial status icon for all displayed ESources without
    actually opening a connection, since some backends are expensive to
    start unnecssarily.

 e-util/e-client-selector.c |  151 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 1 files changed, 150 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)
diff --git a/e-util/e-client-selector.c b/e-util/e-client-selector.c
index e164c80..32a53e4 100644
--- a/e-util/e-client-selector.c
+++ b/e-util/e-client-selector.c
@@ -32,6 +32,8 @@
        ((obj), E_TYPE_CLIENT_SELECTOR, EClientSelectorPrivate))
+typedef struct _AsyncContext AsyncContext;
 struct _EClientSelectorPrivate {
        EClientCache *client_cache;
        gulong backend_died_handler_id;
@@ -39,6 +41,11 @@ struct _EClientSelectorPrivate {
        gulong client_notify_online_handler_id;
+struct _AsyncContext {
+       EClientSelector *selector;
+       ESource *source;
 enum {
@@ -50,6 +57,15 @@ G_DEFINE_TYPE (
 static void
+async_context_free (AsyncContext *async_context)
+       g_clear_object (&async_context->selector);
+       g_clear_object (&async_context->source);
+       g_slice_free (AsyncContext, async_context);
+static void
 client_selector_update_status_icon_cb (GtkTreeViewColumn *column,
                                        GtkCellRenderer *renderer,
                                        GtkTreeModel *model,
@@ -85,8 +101,17 @@ client_selector_update_status_icon_cb (GtkTreeViewColumn *column,
                        dead_backend = e_client_selector_is_backend_dead (
                                E_CLIENT_SELECTOR (tree_view), source);
-                       if (dead_backend)
+                       if (dead_backend) {
                                icon_name = "network-error-symbolic";
+                       } else {
+                               gpointer data;
+                               /* See client_selector_can_reach_cb() */
+                               data = g_object_get_data (
+                                       G_OBJECT (source),
+                                       "initial-icon-name");
+                               icon_name = (const gchar *) data;
+                       }
                        g_object_unref (source);
@@ -141,6 +166,50 @@ client_selector_client_notify_cb (EClientCache *client_cache,
 static void
+client_selector_can_reach_cb (GObject *source_object,
+                              GAsyncResult *result,
+                              gpointer user_data)
+       EClient *client;
+       AsyncContext *async_context;
+       gboolean reachable;
+       async_context = (AsyncContext *) user_data;
+       /* We don't care about errors here.  This is just to show some
+        * initial icon next to the ESource before creating an EClient. */
+       reachable = g_network_monitor_can_reach_finish (
+               G_NETWORK_MONITOR (source_object), result, NULL);
+       client = e_client_selector_ref_cached_client (
+               async_context->selector, async_context->source);
+       /* EClient's online state is authoritative.
+        * Defer to it if an instance already exists. */
+       if (client == NULL) {
+               const gchar *icon_name;
+               if (reachable)
+                       icon_name = "network-idle-symbolic";
+               else
+                       icon_name = "network-offline-symbolic";
+               /* XXX Hackish way to stash the initial icon name. */
+               g_object_set_data (
+                       G_OBJECT (async_context->source),
+                       "initial-icon-name", (gpointer) icon_name);
+               e_source_selector_update_row (
+                       E_SOURCE_SELECTOR (async_context->selector),
+                       async_context->source);
+       }
+       g_clear_object (&client);
+       async_context_free (async_context);
+static void
 client_selector_set_client_cache (EClientSelector *selector,
                                   EClientCache *client_cache)
@@ -224,9 +293,13 @@ client_selector_constructed (GObject *object)
        EClientSelector *selector;
        EClientCache *client_cache;
+       ESourceRegistry *registry;
        GtkTreeView *tree_view;
        GtkTreeViewColumn *column;
        GtkCellRenderer *renderer;
+       GNetworkMonitor *network_monitor;
+       const gchar *extension_name;
+       GList *list, *link;
        gulong handler_id;
        selector = E_CLIENT_SELECTOR (object);
@@ -270,6 +343,82 @@ client_selector_constructed (GObject *object)
        selector->priv->client_notify_online_handler_id = handler_id;
        g_object_unref (client_cache);
+       /* Have GNetworkMonitor make an initial guess at the online
+        * state of backends by evaluating the reachability of their
+        * host name.  This will show an initial status icon for all
+        * displayed ESources without actually opening a connection,
+        * since some backends are expensive to start unnecessarily.
+        *
+        * XXX It occurred to me after writing this that it would be
+        *     better for ESourceSelector to evaluate reachability of
+        *     ESource host names, and keep it up-to-date in response
+        *     to network changes.  It could automatically trigger a
+        *     GtkTreeModel::row-changed signal when it has a new host
+        *     reachability result, and provide that result via some
+        *     e_source_selector_get_host_reachable() for us to fall
+        *     back on if no EClient instance is available.
+        *
+        *     But the approach below is good enough for now.
+        */
+       network_monitor = g_network_monitor_get_default ();
+       registry = e_source_selector_get_registry (
+               E_SOURCE_SELECTOR (selector));
+       extension_name = e_source_selector_get_extension_name (
+               E_SOURCE_SELECTOR (selector));
+       list = e_source_registry_list_sources (registry, extension_name);
+       for (link = list; link != NULL; link = g_list_next (link)) {
+               ESource *source = E_SOURCE (link->data);
+               ESource *auth_source;
+               ESourceAuthentication *auth_extension;
+               GSocketConnectable *socket_connectable;
+               const gchar *host;
+               guint16 port;
+               auth_source = e_source_registry_find_extension (
+                       registry, source, extension_name);
+               if (auth_source == NULL)
+                       continue;
+               auth_extension = e_source_get_extension (
+                       auth_source, extension_name);
+               host = e_source_authentication_get_host (auth_extension);
+               port = e_source_authentication_get_port (auth_extension);
+               socket_connectable = g_network_address_new (host, port);
+               /* XXX GNetworkAddress will happily take a NULL host
+                *     but then crash while enumerating the address,
+                *     so watch out for that. */
+               if (host == NULL)
+                       g_clear_object (&socket_connectable);
+               if (socket_connectable != NULL) {
+                       AsyncContext *async_context;
+                       async_context = g_slice_new0 (AsyncContext);
+                       async_context->selector = g_object_ref (selector);
+                       async_context->source = g_object_ref (source);
+                       g_network_monitor_can_reach_async (
+                               network_monitor, socket_connectable, NULL,
+                               client_selector_can_reach_cb, async_context);
+                       g_object_unref (socket_connectable);
+               }
+               g_object_unref (auth_source);
+       }
+       g_list_free_full (list, (GDestroyNotify) g_object_unref);
 static void

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