[gnome-ostree/wip/libostree: 1/3] task-build: Use the native APIs instead of forking out to commit

commit cd1f038967353118712153959b8d78b32f0a07ea
Author: Jasper St. Pierre <jstpierre mecheye net>
Date:   Fri Sep 6 20:12:57 2013 -0400

    task-build: Use the native APIs instead of forking out to commit

 src/js/tasks/task-build.js |  206 ++++++++++++++++++-------------------------
 1 files changed, 86 insertions(+), 120 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/js/tasks/task-build.js b/src/js/tasks/task-build.js
index 73c18ee..7bed089 100644
--- a/src/js/tasks/task-build.js
+++ b/src/js/tasks/task-build.js
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ const Lang = imports.lang;
 const Format = imports.format;
 const GSystem = imports.gi.GSystem;
+const OSTree = imports.gi.OSTree;
 const Task = imports.task;
 const Params = imports.params;
@@ -291,13 +292,12 @@ const TaskBuild = new Lang.Class({
         JsonUtil.writeJsonFileAtomic(this._componentBuildCachePath, this._componentBuildCache, cancellable);
-    _saveComponentBuild: function(buildRef, expandedComponent, cancellable) {
+    _saveComponentBuild: function(buildRef, rev, expandedComponent, cancellable) {
        let cachedata = {};
        Lang.copyProperties(expandedComponent, cachedata);
-        let [success, ref] = this.ostreeRepo.resolve_rev(buildRef, false);
-        cachedata['ostree'] = ref;
+        cachedata['ostree'] = rev;
        this._writeComponentCache(buildRef, cachedata, cancellable);
-        return ref;
+        return rev;
     _installAndUnlinkRecurse: function(buildResultDir, srcFile, srcInfo, finalResultDir, cancellable) {
@@ -506,7 +506,46 @@ const TaskBuild = new Lang.Class({
     _componentBuildRef: function(component, architecture) {
        return this._componentBuildRefFromName(component['name'], architecture);
+    _commitFilter: function(repo, path, fileInfo, setuidFiles) {
+        fileInfo.set_attribute_uint32("unix::uid", 0);
+        fileInfo.set_attribute_uint32("unix::gid", 0);
+        if (setuidFiles.indexOf(path) >= 0) {
+            const SETUID_MODE = 2048;
+            let mode = fileInfo.get_attribute_uint32("unix::mode");
+            fileInfo.set_attribute_uint32("unix::mode", mode | SETUID_MODE);
+        }
+        return OSTree.RepoCommitFilterResult.ALLOW;
+    },
+    _writeMtreeFromDirectory: function(directory, setuidFiles, cancellable) {
+        let mtree = new OSTree.MutableTree();
+        let modifier = OSTree.RepoCommitModifier.new(OSTree.RepoCommitModifierFlags.SKIP_XATTRS,
+                                                     Lang.bind(this, this._commitFilter, setuidFiles));
+        this.ostreeRepo.write_directory_to_mtree(directory, mtree, modifier, cancellable);
+        let [, file] = this.ostreeRepo.write_mtree(mtree, cancellable);
+        return file;
+    },
+    _commit: function(branch, subject, file, cancellable) {
+        let [, parentRev] = this.ostreeRepo.resolve_rev(branch, true);
+        let [, parent] = this.ostreeRepo.read_commit(parentRev, cancellable);
+        let changed = !file.equal(parent);
+        if (changed) {
+            let [, rev] = this.ostreeRepo.write_commit(parentRev, subject, "", null, file, cancellable);
+            this.ostreeRepo.transaction_set_ref(null, branch, rev);
+            return rev;
+        } else {
+            return parentRev;
+        }
+    },
     _buildOneComponent: function(component, architecture, cancellable, params) {
        params = Params.parse(params, { installedTests: false });
         let basename = component['name'];
@@ -669,36 +708,17 @@ const TaskBuild = new Lang.Class({
         let recordedMetaPath = finalBuildResultDir.get_child('_ostbuild-meta.json');
         JsonUtil.writeJsonFileAtomic(recordedMetaPath, expandedComponent, cancellable);
-        let commitArgs = ['ostree', '--repo=' + this.repo.get_path(),
-                         'commit', '-b', buildRef, '-s', 'Build',
-                         '--owner-uid=0', '--owner-gid=0', '--no-xattrs', 
-                         '--skip-if-unchanged'];
         let setuidFiles = expandedComponent['setuid'] || [];
-        let statoverridePath = null;
-        if (setuidFiles.length > 0) {
-           let [statoverridePath, stream] = Gio.File.new_tmp("ostbuild-statoverride-XXXXXX.txt");
-           let dataOut = Gio.DataOutputStream.new(stream.get_output_stream());
-           for (let i = 0; i < setuidFiles.length; i++) {
-               dataOut.put_string("+2048 ", cancellable);
-               dataOut.put_string(setuidFiles[i], cancellable);
-               dataOut.put_string("\n", cancellable);
-           }
-            dataOut.close(cancellable);
-            commitArgs.push('--statoverride=' + statoverridePath.get_path());
-       }
-        ProcUtil.runSync(commitArgs, cancellable, {cwd: finalBuildResultDir,
-                                                  logInitiation: true});
-        if (statoverridePath != null)
-            GSystem.file_unlink(statoverridePath, cancellable);
-        GSystem.shutil_rm_rf(buildWorkdir, cancellable);
+        this.ostreeRepo.prepare_transaction(cancellable);
+        let file = this._writeMtreeFromDirectory(finalBuildResultDir, setuidFiles, cancellable);
+        let rev = this._commit(buildRef, "Build", file, cancellable);
+        this.ostreeRepo.commit_transaction(cancellable);
-        let ostreeRevision = this._saveComponentBuild(buildRef, expandedComponent, cancellable);
+        let ostreeRevision = this._saveComponentBuild(buildRef, rev, expandedComponent, cancellable);
         return ostreeRevision;
@@ -836,49 +856,20 @@ const TaskBuild = new Lang.Class({
        machineIdPath.replace_contents(machineId, null, false,
                                       Gio.FileCreateFlags.REPLACE_DESTINATION, cancellable);
-    _commitComposedTreeAsync: function(targetName, composeRootdir, cancellable, callback) {
+    _commitComposedTree: function(targetName, composeRootdir, cancellable) {
         let treename = this.osname + '/' + targetName;
-       let args = ['ostree', '--repo=' + this.repo.get_path(),
-                   'commit', '--link-checkout-speedup', '-b', treename, '-s', 'Compose',
-                   '--owner-uid=0', '--owner-gid=0', '--no-xattrs',
-                   '--skip-if-unchanged'];
-       let membuf = Gio.MemoryOutputStream.new_resizable();
+        this.ostreeRepo.prepare_transaction(cancellable);
+        this.ostreeRepo.scan_hardlinks(cancellable);
-       let asyncSet = new AsyncUtil.AsyncSet(Lang.bind(this, function(results, err) {
-            GSystem.shutil_rm_rf(composeRootdir, cancellable);
-           if (err) {
-               callback(null, err);
-               return;
-           }
-           let revision = membuf.steal_as_bytes().toArray().toString();
-           revision = revision.replace(/[ \n]+$/, '');
-           print("Compose of " + targetName + " is " + revision);
-           callback([treename, revision], null);
+        let file = this._writeMtreeFromDirectory(composeRootdir, [], cancellable);
+        let rev = this._commit(treename, "Compose", file, cancellable);
+        print("Compose of " + targetName + " is " + rev);
-       }), cancellable);
-       print("Running: " + args.map(GLib.shell_quote).join(' '));
-       let context = new GSystem.SubprocessContext({ argv: args });
-       context.set_stdout_disposition(GSystem.SubprocessStreamDisposition.PIPE);
-       context.set_cwd(composeRootdir.get_path());
-       let proc = new GSystem.Subprocess({ context: context });
-       proc.init(cancellable);
-       let stdout = proc.get_stdout_pipe();
-       membuf.splice_async(stdout,
-                           Gio.OutputStreamSpliceFlags.CLOSE_SOURCE | 
-                           GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT,
-                           cancellable,
-                           asyncSet.addGAsyncResult("splice",
-                                                    Lang.bind(this, function(stream, result) {
-                                                        stream.splice_finish(result);
-                                                    })));
-       proc.wait(cancellable,
-                 asyncSet.addGAsyncResult("wait",
-                                          Lang.bind(this, function(proc, result) {
-                                              let [success, ecode] = proc.wait_finish(result);
-                                              GLib.spawn_check_exit_status(ecode);
-                                          })));
+        this.ostreeRepo.commit_transaction(cancellable);
+        return [treename, rev];
     // Return a SHA256 checksum of the contents of the kernel and all
@@ -1116,11 +1107,14 @@ const TaskBuild = new Lang.Class({
            let componentType = componentTypes[i];
            let treename = Format.vprintf('%s/bases/%s/%s-%s', [this.osname, basename, architecture, 
            let tarPath = builddir.get_child(Format.vprintf('gnomeos-contents-%s-%s.tar.gz', [componentType, 
-           ProcUtil.runSync(['ostree', '--repo=' + this.repo.get_path(),
-                             'commit', '-s', 'Build', '--skip-if-unchanged',
-                             '-b', treename, '--tree=tar=' + tarPath.get_path()],
-                            cancellable,
-                            {logInitiation: true});
+            this.ostreeRepo.prepare_transaction(cancellable);
+            let mtree = new OSTree.MutableTree();
+            this.ostreeRepo.write_archive_to_mtree(tarPath, mtree, null, false, cancellable);
+            let [, file] = this.ostreeRepo.write_mtree(mtree, cancellable);
+            this._commit(treename, "Build", file, cancellable);
+            this.ostreeRepo.commit_transaction(cancellable);
            GSystem.file_unlink(tarPath, cancellable);
@@ -1412,23 +1406,14 @@ const TaskBuild = new Lang.Class({
                                           let kernelInitramfsData = 
this._prepareKernelAndInitramfs(architecture, composeRootdir, initramfsDepends, cancellable);
                                           archInitramfsImages[architecture] = kernelInitramfsData;
composeRootdir, cancellable);
-                                          this._commitComposedTreeAsync(develTargetName, composeRootdir, 
-                                                                        Lang.bind(this, function(result, 
err) {
-                                                                            if (err) {
-                                                                                if (composeTreeTaskError === 
-                                                                                    composeTreeTaskError = 
-                                                                                composeTreeTaskLoop.quit();
-                                                                                return;
-                                                                            }
-                                                                            composeTreeTaskCount--;
-                                                                            let [treename, ostreeRev] = 
-                                                                            targetRevisions[treename] = 
-                                                                            // Also note the revision of 
this, since it will be used
-                                                                            // as the buildroot for 
installed tests
this._installedTestsBuildrootRev[architecture] = ostreeRev;
-                                                                            if (composeTreeTaskCount == 0)
-                                                                                composeTreeTaskLoop.quit();
-                                                                        }));
+                                          let [treename, ostreeRev] = 
this._commitComposedTree(develTargetName, composeRootdir, cancellable);
+                                          targetRevisions[treename] = ostreeRev;
+                                          // Also note the revision of this, since it will be used
+                                          // as the buildroot for installed tests
+                                          this._installedTestsBuildrootRev[architecture] = ostreeRev;
+                                          composeTreeTaskCount--;
+                                          if (composeTreeTaskCount == 0)
+                                              composeTreeTaskLoop.quit();
@@ -1455,26 +1440,15 @@ const TaskBuild = new Lang.Class({
-                                              composeTreeTaskCount--;
                                               let composeRootdir = result;
                                               let kernelInitramfsData = archInitramfsImages[architecture];
composeRootdir, cancellable);
-                                              composeTreeTaskCount++;
                                               this._cleanupGarbage(composeRootdir, cancellable);
-                                              this._commitComposedTreeAsync(runtimeTargetName, 
composeRootdir, cancellable,
-                                                                            Lang.bind(this, function(result, 
err) {
-                                                                                if (err) {
-                                                                                    if (composeTreeTaskError 
=== null)
-                                                                                        composeTreeTaskError 
= err;
-                                                                                    return;
-                                                                                }
-                                                                                composeTreeTaskCount--;
-                                                                                let [treename, ostreeRev] = 
-                                                                                targetRevisions[treename] = 
-                                                                                if (composeTreeTaskCount == 
-                                                                            }));
+                                              let [treename, ostreeRev] = 
this._commitComposedTree(runtimeTargetName, composeRootdir, cancellable);
+                                              targetRevisions[treename] = ostreeRev;
+                                              composeTreeTaskCount--;
+                                              if (composeTreeTaskCount == 0)
+                                                  composeTreeTaskLoop.quit();
@@ -1538,20 +1512,12 @@ const TaskBuild = new Lang.Class({
                                               let composeRootdir = result;
-                                              this._commitComposedTreeAsync(rootName, composeRootdir, 
-                                                                            Lang.bind(this, function(result, 
err) {
-                                                                                if (err) {
-                                                                                    if (composeTreeTaskError 
=== null)
-                                                                                        composeTreeTaskError 
= err;
-                                                                                    return;
-                                                                                }
-                                                                                let [treename, rev] = result;
finalInstalledTestRevisions[treename] = rev;
-                                                                                composeTreeTaskCount--;
-                                                                                if (composeTreeTaskCount == 
-                                                                            }));
+                                              let [treename, rev] = this._commitComposedTree(rootName, 
composeRootdir, cancellable);
+                                              finalInstalledTestRevisions[treename] = rev;
+                                              composeTreeTaskCount--;
+                                              if (composeTreeTaskCount == 0)
+                                                  composeTreeTaskLoop.quit();
                                          { runTriggers: false });

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