[gnome-ostree/wip/libostree: 13/14] Use the native APIs for checkout as well

commit 6019d555747077e759242532bec037d802428438
Author: Jasper St. Pierre <jstpierre mecheye net>
Date:   Sat Sep 7 01:59:31 2013 -0400

    Use the native APIs for checkout as well

 src/js/tasks/task-build.js           |  212 +++++++++++-----------------------
 src/js/tasks/task-integrationtest.js |   17 +++-
 2 files changed, 81 insertions(+), 148 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/js/tasks/task-build.js b/src/js/tasks/task-build.js
index 59a8a00..1388871 100644
--- a/src/js/tasks/task-build.js
+++ b/src/js/tasks/task-build.js
@@ -35,6 +35,11 @@ const Snapshot = imports.snapshot;
 const BuildUtil = imports.buildutil;
 const Vcs = imports.vcs;
+// From ot-gio-utils.h.
+// XXX: Introspect this.
("standard::name,standard::type,standard::size,standard::is-symlink,standard::symlink-target," +
+                                   "unix::device,unix::inode,unix::mode,unix::uid,unix::gid,unix::rdev");
 const OPT_COMMON_CFLAGS = {'i686': '-O2 -g -m32 -march=i686 -mtune=atom -fasynchronous-unwind-tables',
                            'x86_64': '-O2 -g -m64 -mtune=generic'};
@@ -103,19 +108,9 @@ const TaskBuild = new Lang.Class({
        toChecksumData += etcPasswd;
        toChecksumData += etcGroup;
-       let [tmpPath, stream] = Gio.File.new_tmp("ostbuild-buildroot-XXXXXX.txt");
-       let dataOut = Gio.DataOutputStream.new(stream.get_output_stream());
-       for (let i = 0; i < rootContents.length; i++) {
-           let [branch, subpath] = rootContents[i];
-           let rev = refToRev[branch];
-           toChecksumData += refToRev[branch];
-           dataOut.put_string(refToRev[branch], cancellable);
-           dataOut.put_byte(0, cancellable);
-           dataOut.put_string(subpath, cancellable);
-           dataOut.put_byte(0, cancellable);
-       }
-        dataOut.close(cancellable);
+        rootContents.forEach(function([branch, subpath]) {
+            toChecksumData += refToRev[branch];
+        });
        let newRootCacheid = GLib.compute_checksum_for_bytes(GLib.ChecksumType.SHA256, new 
@@ -123,7 +118,6 @@ const TaskBuild = new Lang.Class({
         if (cachedRoot.query_exists(cancellable)) {
             print("Reusing cached buildroot: " + cachedRoot.get_path());
             this._cleanStaleBuildroots(buildrootCachedir, cachedRoot, cancellable);
-            GSystem.file_unlink(tmpPath, cancellable);
             return cachedRoot;
@@ -134,10 +128,18 @@ const TaskBuild = new Lang.Class({
         let cachedRootTmp = cachedRoot.get_parent().get_child(cachedRoot.get_basename() + '.tmp');
        GSystem.shutil_rm_rf(cachedRootTmp, cancellable);
-        ProcUtil.runSync(['ostree', '--repo=' + this.repo.get_path(),
-                         'checkout', '--user-mode', '--union',
-                         '--from-file=' + tmpPath.get_path(), cachedRootTmp.get_path()], cancellable);
-        GSystem.file_unlink(tmpPath, cancellable);
+        rootContents.forEach(Lang.bind(this, function([branch, subpath]) {
+            let [, root] = this.ostreeRepo.read_commit(branch, cancellable);
+            let subtree = root.resolve_relative_path(subpath);
+            let subtreeInfo = subtree.query_info(OSTREE_GIO_FAST_QUERYINFO,
+                                                 Gio.FileQueryInfoFlags.NOFOLLOW_SYMLINKS,
+                                                 cancellable);
+            this.ostreeRepo.checkout_tree(OSTree.RepoCheckoutMode.USER,
+                                          OSTree.RepoCheckoutOverwriteMode.UNION_FILES,
+                                          cachedRootTmp, subtree, subtreeInfo, cancellable);
+        }));
        this._runTriggersInRoot(cachedRootTmp, cancellable);
@@ -721,56 +723,41 @@ const TaskBuild = new Lang.Class({
         return ostreeRevision;
-    _checkoutOneTreeCoreAsync: function(name, composeContents, cancellable, callback,
-                                       params) {
+    _checkoutOneTreeCore: function(name, composeContents, cancellable, params) {
        params = Params.parse(params, { runTriggers: true });
         let composeRootdir = Gio.File.new_for_path(name);
        print("Checking out " + composeRootdir.get_path());
        GSystem.shutil_rm_rf(composeRootdir, cancellable);
         GSystem.file_ensure_directory(composeRootdir, true, cancellable);
-       let [contentsTmpPath, stream] = Gio.File.new_tmp("ostbuild-compose-XXXXXX.txt");
-       let dataOut = Gio.DataOutputStream.new(stream.get_output_stream());
-       for (let i = 0; i < composeContents.length; i++) {
-           let [branch, subpath] = composeContents[i];
-            dataOut.put_string(branch, cancellable);
-           dataOut.put_byte(0, cancellable);
-            dataOut.put_string(subpath, cancellable);
-           dataOut.put_byte(0, cancellable);
-       }
-        dataOut.close(cancellable);
-       let argv = ['ostree', '--repo=' + this.repo.get_path(),
-                   'checkout', '--allow-noent', '--user-mode', '--union', 
-                   '--from-file=' + contentsTmpPath.get_path(), composeRootdir.get_path()];
-       print("Running: " + argv.map(GLib.shell_quote).join(' '));
-       let proc = GSystem.Subprocess.new_simple_argv(argv,
-                                                     GSystem.SubprocessStreamDisposition.INHERIT,
-                                                     GSystem.SubprocessStreamDisposition.INHERIT,
-                                                     cancellable);
-       proc.wait(cancellable, Lang.bind(this, function(proc, result) {
-            GSystem.file_unlink(contentsTmpPath, cancellable);
-           let [success, ecode] = proc.wait_finish(result);
-           try {
-               GLib.spawn_check_exit_status(ecode);
-           } catch (e) {
-               callback(null, ""+e);
-               return;
-           }
+        composeContents.forEach(Lang.bind(this, function([branch, subpath]) {
+            let [, root] = this.ostreeRepo.read_commit(branch, cancellable);
+            let subtree = root.resolve_relative_path(subpath);
+            let subtreeInfo;
+            try {
+                subtreeInfo = subtree.query_info(OSTREE_GIO_FAST_QUERYINFO,
+                                                 Gio.FileQueryInfoFlags.NOFOLLOW_SYMLINKS,
+                                                 cancellable);
+            } catch(e if e.matches(Gio.IOErrorEnum, Gio.IOErrorEnum.NOT_FOUND)) {
+                return;
+            }
-           if (params.runTriggers)
-               this._runTriggersInRoot(composeRootdir, cancellable);
-            let contentsPath = composeRootdir.resolve_relative_path('usr/share/contents.json');
-           GSystem.file_ensure_directory(contentsPath.get_parent(), true, cancellable);
-            JsonUtil.writeJsonFileAtomic(contentsPath, this._snapshot.data, cancellable);
+            this.ostreeRepo.checkout_tree(OSTree.RepoCheckoutMode.USER,
+                                          OSTree.RepoCheckoutOverwriteMode.UNION_FILES,
+                                          composeRootdir, subtree, subtreeInfo, cancellable);
+        }));
+       if (params.runTriggers)
+           this._runTriggersInRoot(composeRootdir, cancellable);
-           callback(composeRootdir, null);
-       }));
+        let contentsPath = composeRootdir.resolve_relative_path('usr/share/contents.json');
+       GSystem.file_ensure_directory(contentsPath.get_parent(), true, cancellable);
+        JsonUtil.writeJsonFileAtomic(contentsPath, this._snapshot.data, cancellable);
+        return composeRootdir;
-    _checkoutOneTreeAsync: function(target, componentBuildRevs, cancellable, callback) {
+    _checkoutOneTree: function(target, componentBuildRevs, cancellable) {
         let base = target['base'];
         let baseName = this.osname + '/bases/' + base['name'];
         let [, baseRevision] = this.ostreeRepo.resolve_rev(baseName, false);
@@ -787,18 +774,9 @@ const TaskBuild = new Lang.Class({
-       this._checkoutOneTreeCoreAsync(target['name'], composeContents, cancellable,
-                                      Lang.bind(this, function(result, err) {
-                                          if (err) {
-                                              callback(null, err);
-                                              return;
-                                          } else {
-                                              let composeRootdir = result;
-                                              this._postComposeTransform(composeRootdir, cancellable);
-                                              callback(composeRootdir, null);
-                                          }
-                                      }));
+       let composeRootdir = this._checkoutOneTreeCore(target['name'], composeContents, cancellable);
+       this._postComposeTransform(composeRootdir, cancellable);
+        return composeRootdir;
     _runTriggersInRoot: function(rootdir, cancellable) {
@@ -1370,10 +1348,6 @@ const TaskBuild = new Lang.Class({
                          targets: targetRevisions };
        buildData['installed-tests'] = finalInstalledTestRevisions;
-       let composeTreeTaskCount = 0;
-       let composeTreeTaskError = null;
-       let composeTreeTaskLoop = GLib.MainLoop.new(null, true);
        // First loop over the -devel trees per architecture, and
        // generate an initramfs.
        let archInitramfsImages = {};
@@ -1393,34 +1367,17 @@ const TaskBuild = new Lang.Class({
                initramfsDepends.push(component['name'] + ':' + buildRev);
-           composeTreeTaskCount++;
-           this._checkoutOneTreeAsync(develTarget, componentBuildRevs, cancellable,
-                                      Lang.bind(this, function (result, err) {
-                                          if (err) {
-                                              if (composeTreeTaskError === null)
-                                                  composeTreeTaskError = err;
-                                              composeTreeTaskLoop.quit();
-                                              return;
-                                          }
-                                          let composeRootdir = result;
-                                          let kernelInitramfsData = 
this._prepareKernelAndInitramfs(architecture, composeRootdir, initramfsDepends, cancellable);
-                                          archInitramfsImages[architecture] = kernelInitramfsData;
-                                          this._installKernelAndInitramfs(kernelInitramfsData, 
composeRootdir, cancellable);
-                                          let [treename, ostreeRev] = 
this._commitComposedTree(develTargetName, composeRootdir, cancellable);
-                                          targetRevisions[treename] = ostreeRev;
-                                          // Also note the revision of this, since it will be used
-                                          // as the buildroot for installed tests
-                                          this._installedTestsBuildrootRev[architecture] = ostreeRev;
-                                          composeTreeTaskCount--;
-                                          if (composeTreeTaskCount == 0)
-                                              composeTreeTaskLoop.quit();
-                                      }));
+           let composeRootdir = this._checkoutOneTree(develTarget, componentBuildRevs, cancellable);
+           let kernelInitramfsData = this._prepareKernelAndInitramfs(architecture, composeRootdir, 
initramfsDepends, cancellable);
+           archInitramfsImages[architecture] = kernelInitramfsData;
+           this._installKernelAndInitramfs(kernelInitramfsData, composeRootdir, cancellable);
+           let [treename, ostreeRev] = this._commitComposedTree(develTargetName, composeRootdir, 
+           targetRevisions[treename] = ostreeRev;
+           // Also note the revision of this, since it will be used
+           // as the buildroot for installed tests
+           this._installedTestsBuildrootRev[architecture] = ostreeRev;
-       composeTreeTaskLoop.run();
-       if (composeTreeTaskError)
-           throw new Error(composeTreeTaskError);
        // Now loop over the other targets per architecture, reusing
        // the initramfs cached from -devel generation.
        let nonDevelTargets = ['runtime', 'runtime-debug', 'devel-debug'];
@@ -1431,32 +1388,15 @@ const TaskBuild = new Lang.Class({
                let runtimeTargetName = 'buildmaster/' + architecture + '-' + target;
                let runtimeTarget = this._findTargetInList(runtimeTargetName, targetsList);
-               composeTreeTaskCount++;
-               this._checkoutOneTreeAsync(runtimeTarget, componentBuildRevs, cancellable,
-                                          Lang.bind(this, function(result, err) {
-                                              if (err) {
-                                                  if (composeTreeTaskError === null)
-                                                      composeTreeTaskError = err;
-                                                  composeTreeTaskLoop.quit();
-                                                  return;
-                                              }
-                                              let composeRootdir = result;
-                                              let kernelInitramfsData = archInitramfsImages[architecture];
-                                              this._installKernelAndInitramfs(kernelInitramfsData, 
composeRootdir, cancellable);
-                                              this._cleanupGarbage(composeRootdir, cancellable);
-                                              let [treename, ostreeRev] = 
this._commitComposedTree(runtimeTargetName, composeRootdir, cancellable);
-                                              targetRevisions[treename] = ostreeRev;
-                                              composeTreeTaskCount--;
-                                              if (composeTreeTaskCount == 0)
-                                                  composeTreeTaskLoop.quit();
-                                          }));
+               let composeRootdir = this._checkoutOneTree(runtimeTarget, componentBuildRevs, cancellable);
+               let kernelInitramfsData = archInitramfsImages[architecture];
+               this._installKernelAndInitramfs(kernelInitramfsData, composeRootdir, cancellable);
+               this._cleanupGarbage(composeRootdir, cancellable);
+               let [treename, ostreeRev] = this._commitComposedTree(runtimeTargetName, composeRootdir, 
+               targetRevisions[treename] = ostreeRev;
-       composeTreeTaskLoop.run();
-       if (composeTreeTaskError)
-           throw new Error(composeTreeTaskError);
        let installedTestComponentNames = this._snapshot.data['installed-tests-components'] || [];
        print("Using installed test components: " + installedTestComponentNames.join(', '));
        let installedTestContents = {};
@@ -1502,29 +1442,11 @@ const TaskBuild = new Lang.Class({
             for (let j = 0; j < contents.length; j++) {
-           composeTreeTaskCount++;
-           this._checkoutOneTreeCoreAsync(rootName, composeContents, cancellable,
-                                          Lang.bind(this, function(result, err) {
-                                              if (err) {
-                                                  if (composeTreeTaskError === null)
-                                                      composeTreeTaskError = err;
-                                                  composeTreeTaskLoop.quit();
-                                                  return;
-                                              }
-                                              let composeRootdir = result;
-                                              let [treename, rev] = this._commitComposedTree(rootName, 
composeRootdir, cancellable);
-                                              finalInstalledTestRevisions[treename] = rev;
-                                              composeTreeTaskCount--;
-                                              if (composeTreeTaskCount == 0)
-                                                  composeTreeTaskLoop.quit();
-                                          }),
-                                         { runTriggers: false });
-       }
-       composeTreeTaskLoop.run();
-       if (composeTreeTaskError)
-           throw new Error(composeTreeTaskError);
+           let composeRootdir = this._checkoutOneTreeCore(rootName, composeContents, cancellable, { 
runTriggers: false });
+           let [treename, rev] = this._commitComposedTree(rootName, composeRootdir, cancellable);
+           finalInstalledTestRevisions[treename] = rev;
+       }
        this._writeStatus('built: ' + this._rebuiltComponents.join(' '), cancellable);
diff --git a/src/js/tasks/task-integrationtest.js b/src/js/tasks/task-integrationtest.js
index afe9695..ecff976 100644
--- a/src/js/tasks/task-integrationtest.js
+++ b/src/js/tasks/task-integrationtest.js
@@ -32,6 +32,11 @@ const LibQA = imports.libqa;
 const JSUtil = imports.jsutil;
 const JSONUtil = imports.jsonutil;
+// From ot-gio-utils.h.
+// XXX: Introspect this.
("standard::name,standard::type,standard::size,standard::is-symlink,standard::symlink-target," +
+                                   "unix::device,unix::inode,unix::mode,unix::uid,unix::gid,unix::rdev");
 const TaskIntegrationTest = new Lang.Class({
     Name: 'TaskIntegrationTest',
     Extends: TestBase.TestBase,
@@ -71,9 +76,15 @@ const TaskIntegrationTest = new Lang.Class({
         let installedTestsRev = this._buildData['installed-tests'][installedTestsName];
         if (!installedTestsRev)
             throw new Error("No installed tests rev for " + installedTestsName);
-        ProcUtil.runSync(['ostree', '--repo=' + this.repo.get_path(),
-                          'checkout', '--user-mode', '--union', installedTestsRev, deployDir.get_path()], 
-                         { logInitiation: true });
+        let [, root] = this.ostreeRepo.read_commit(installedTestsRev, cancellable);
+        let rootInfo = root.query_info(OSTREE_GIO_FAST_QUERYINFO,
+                                       Gio.FileQueryInfoFlags.NOFOLLOW_SYMLINKS,
+                                       cancellable);
+        this.ostreeRepo.checkout_tree(OSTree.RepoCheckoutMode.USER,
+                                      OSTree.RepoCheckoutOverwriteMode.UNION_FILES,
+                                      deployDir, root, rootInfo, cancellable);
         let xfailTests = this._buildData['snapshot']['installed-tests-xfail'] || [];
         for (let i = 0; i < xfailTests.length; i++) {
             let xfail = xfailTests[i];

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