[polari] Created tag 3.11.1

The unsigned tag '3.11.1' was created.

Tagger: Florian Müllner <fmuellner gnome org>
Date: Thu Oct 31 00:16:38 2013 +0100

    Tag release 3.11.1


Carlos Soriano (1):
      connections: Enable newly created accounts

Cheng-Chia Tseng (2):
      Updated Traditional Chinese translation(Hong Kong and Taiwan)
      Updated Traditional Chinese translation(Hong Kong and Taiwan)

Cosimo Cecchi (1):
      build: fix build against latest gnome-common

Daniel Korostil (1):
      Added uk translation

Daniel Mustieles (3):
      Updated Spanish translation
      Updated Spanish translation
      Updated Spanish translation

Enrico Nicoletto (4):
      Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation
      Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation
      Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation
      Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation

Felipe Borges (1):
      mainWindow: Hide user-list while on selection-mode

Florian Müllner (211):
      Initial commit
      Add doap file
      tpClient: Auto-update nickname on connection failure
      Grow maxNickChars if nicks are longer
      Implement connections list
      Mark strings in code as translatable
      po: Add German translation
      window: Move all actions into application
      Remove Utils.createActions()
      Move accels into actionEntries
      Add create_hook parameter to actionEntries
      app: Use hooks to control sensitivity of "room" actions
      Add a 'room-menu' action
      connections: Add callback to set_enabled_async()
      css: Fix backdrop states
      Fix disabling "room" actions
      chatView: Fix indentation for multiline status messages
      room: Add 'message' parameter to disconnect signal
      room: Remove obsolete notify
      room: Consider HandleType in sort function
      chatroomManager: Add getActiveRoom() method
      app: Add overlaid widget for in-app notifications
      appNotifications: Add 2nd notification queue for local command output
      mainWindow: Delegate input processing to a new IrcParser class
      room: Remove send() method
      room: Remove leave() method as well
      joinDialog: Move handling of join dialog into its own class
      telepathyClient: Remove getAccounts()
      mainWindow: Make the userList widget optional
      application: Update user-list action create hook
      mainWindow: Display topic
      room: Add set_topic() method and use it to implement /topic
      ircParser: Implement /query
      ircParser: Add /names
      room: Add add_member/remove_member functions
      ircParser: Use the new room methods to implement invite/kick
      roomList: Baseline-align label and icon
      chatView: Implement URL highlighting
      tpClient: Don't uniquify handler
      chatView: Improve acknowledging message
      chatView: Scroll to the first pending message, not the last acked
      stop doing weird stuff with font sizes
      roomList: Move focus when removing a room
      roomList: Move ui building into its own function
      roomList: Minor cleanup
      roomList: Update header if account name changes
      Minor optimization
      connectionsDialog: Sort connections list
      chatView: Some cleanups
      Add AccountsMonitor
      Move users of AccountManager to AccountsMonitor
      accountsMonitor: Add 'account-status-changed' signal
      mainWindow: Notify users when establishing a connection
      joinDialog: Pass exception on if maximum numbers of retries reached
      Fix updating Nick
      chatView: Close channels on exit
      userList: Request the same width as the room list
      Tentative fix for wrongly-acknowledged pending messages ...
      room: Make :channel contruct-only
      mainWindow: Rely on rooms having an associated channel at any time
      mainWindow: Simplify updates on room changes
      userList: Switch ScrolledWindow / Stack for user list
      roomList: Don't hide the counter, just make it fully transparent
      roomList: Align counter labels
      roomList: Don't move keyboard focus on room changes
      roomList: Let ListBox handle relative selection changes
      app: Add shortcuts to navigate between rooms
      connections: Make it easier to toggle accounts by keynav
      chatroomManager: Merge (again) with telepathyClient
      chatroomManager: Share code between handler and observer
      chatroomManager: Change the active room from the handler, not the observer
      chatroomManager: Do we need those features?
      Present window when handling channels
      chatView: Pick up pending messages on initialization
      ui: Use two headerbars and a separator
      chatView: Update scroll when pending messages are removed
      chatroomManager: Select the first room from the observer
      roomList: Fix spacing of elements
      utils: Import some useful utility functions from gnome-documents
      application: Emit a 'prepare-shutdown' signal before exiting
      chatroomManager: Properly leave all channels on exit
      chatroomManager: Save channel list on shutdown
      chatroomManager: Restore saved channels on startup
      chatroomManager: Only present rooms that are result of user action
      chatroomManager: Pass a user time of 0 when restoring channels
      Fix user times passed to channel requests
      roomList: Ellipsize room labels
      lib: Add PolariFixedSizeFrame
      ui: Move sidebars to PolariFixedSizeFrame
      css: Update sidebar style (and unify room- and user-list)
      chatroomManager: Don't save private chats on shutdown
      ui: Do not grab focus from titlebar buttons
      ui: Increase default window size ...
      ui: Add some spacing around title/subtitle
      ui: Add bottom border to chat view
      mainWindow: Handle connecting accounts on startup
      utils: Add fpaste() helper method
      lib: Add some DND helper methods
      pasteManager: Add class for handling paste via dnd
      ircParser: Use pastebin for long input
      pasteManager: Use in-app notification to notify about uploads
      pasteManager: Actually look at files when called from dragMotion
      ui: Remove send button
      Add small wrapper for fd.o notifications
      chatView: Notify on highlights
      chatView: Change wrap mode to WORD_CHAR
      ui: Move border between view and input entry
      actions: Rename 'join-room' to 'show-join-dialog'
      app: Rename 'leave-room' action to 'leave-current-room' for clarity
      app: Add dedicated actions for join and leave
      chatroomManager: Use new 'join-room' action
      ircParser: Use new join/leave actions
      app: Handle already-registered errors in join-room
      joinDialog: Use join-room action
      ui: Rename titlebar widget
      roomList: Use more consistent variable names
      roomList: Keep track of roomRow objects
      ui: Change leave button in toolbar to selection mode toggle
      app: Add selection-mode action
      ui: Add selection mode toolbar
      mainWindow: React to selection-mode changes
      roomList: Switch to selection UI during selection mode
      app: Add a new action for leaving rooms in selection-mode
      roomList: Implement 'leave-selected-rooms' action
      app: Change how channel saving is done
      mainWindow: Allow canceling selection mode with Escape
      roomList: Allow to enter selection mode on right click
      roomList: Hide rooms immediately when leaving
      ui: Use GtkHeaderBar's builtin close button
      app: Fix disabling join actions if no accounts are enabled
      userList: Remove non-sense code
      mainWindow: Save geometry
      build: Fail if gjs is not found
      build: Add a missing AM_V_GEN
      chatView: Defer setting tag colors to a style-updated handler
      ui: Replace removed hpadding/vpadding properties
      ui: Fix sidebar borders in RTL locales
      ui: Fix CSD window decorations
      ui: Remove bottom border on user-list
      actions: Rename 'message-user' to 'show-message-user-dialog'
      app: Add action for initiating a private conversation
      build: Fix typo
      data: Add application icon
      po: Add missing semicolon
      ui: Fix action name in join-menu
      joinDialog: Remove unused constants
      data: Include a scalable icon
      chatView: Replace margin with border windows
      app: Don't restore saved channels of disabled accounts
      chatView: Include nick in notifications
      app-menu: Remove 'Preference' item for now
      app: Improve handling of stateful actions
      app: Restore previous state when 'user-list' action is enabled
      userList: Fix updateHeaders() function
      joinDialog: Add entry completion for room names
      data: Support launching via DBus activation
      chatroomManager: Request ALIAS feature for contacts
      userList: Use case-insensitive sort function
      app: Only save channels after connecting successfully
      roomList: Explicitly select a new room when removing the current one
      Change condition for enabling room list and selection mode switch
      Disconnect accounts instead of leaving channels on shutdown
      room: Add ::members-changed signal
      mainWindow: Implement nick completion
      mainWindow: Try harder to keep focus on the main entry
      mainWindow: Add missing return
      roomList: Only show unread counter for highlighted messages
      roomList: Dim inactive rooms
      roomList: Don't use markup in room label
      chatView: Don't autoscroll to bottom while reading backlog
      ui: Fix up some whitespace
      roomList: Don't set 'dim-label' style on room icon
      chatView: Add hack to force TextView to wrap rather than grow
      ui: Use a custom title widget in header bar
      chatView: Move findUrls() to utils
      mainWindow: Turn URLs in topics into clickable links
      userList: Add UserListSidebar class
      userList: Allow filtering for long lists
      userList: Add UserListRow class
      userList: Add some useful context to user entries
      userList: Don't animate sidebar and filter entry at the same time
      chatView: Simplify tracking of toplevel focus
      chatView: Simplify tracking of active room
      tabCompletion: Auto-insert colon when completing at line start
      tabCompletion: Support chaining of completions
      Update doap file
      chatView: Ignore status messages for some time after joining
      room: Make highlighting a bit smarter
      notify: Handle DBus error
      chatView: Improve desktop notifications
      room: Only use icons for private chats
      ui: Fix alignment of header bar buttons on left
      data: Communicate to Settings that we use notifications
      notify: Fix typo
      chatView: Activate the correct room when clicking a notification
      app: Implement show-message-user-dialog action
      mainWindow: Reset timeout id in handler
      Fix titlebar spacing in RTL locales
      appNotifications: Disable line wrapping
      userList: Fix user count
      ui: Use more standard colors in room list
      room: Strip color codes from status messages
      chatView: Only disable auto-scrolling for highlighted messages
      chatView: Fix check for outgoing message
      chatView: Add "left-off" indicator
      chatroomManager: Restore channels after network becomes available
      app: Add optional message parameter to 'leave-room' action
      chatView: Explicitly dispose cairo context
      chatView: Slightly move mark for line-indicator
      data: Install an appdata file
      Bump version to 3.11.1

Fran Diéguez (1):
      Added Galician translations

Giovanni Campagna (1):
      Fix typo

Guillaume Desmottes (2):
      make sure to prepare TP_CHANNEL_FEATURE_CONTACTS
      properly check if we are invited to a room

Ignacio Casal Quinteiro (2):
      connectiondlg: fix junctions sides on toolbar and scrolledwindow
      mainWindow: fix typo

Jakub Steiner (1):
      theme: style inactive channels

Jasper St. Pierre (2):
      build: Add a minimum GTK+ version
      ircParser: Add support for /J as an alias for /JOIN

Javier Jardón (4):
      configure.ac: Set the directory to store m4 macros
      build: intltool 0.50 add proper support for gsettings schemas
      configure.ac: Put autotools generated files in auxiliar directory
      configure.ac: Use new libtool syntax

Joe Hansen (1):
      Updated Danish translation

Kenneth Nielsen (1):
      Added da to list of languages

Marek Černocký (5):
      Added Czech language
      Czech translation
      Updated Czech translation
      Updated Czech translation
      Updated Czech translation

Martin Srebotnjak (2):
      Updated Slovenian translation
      Updated Slovenian translation

Matej Urbančič (4):
      Added Slovenian translation
      Added sl for Slovenian translation
      Updated Slovenian translation
      Updated Slovenian translation

Mathieu Bridon (3):
      doap: Fix typo
      doap: Fix URL
      userList: Fix sorting by the user aliases

Milo Casagrande (2):
      [l10n] Added Italian translation.
      [l10n] Updated Italian translation.

Piotr Drąg (6):
      Added Polish translation
      Updated Polish translation
      Fix a translatable string
      Updated LINGUAS
      Updated Polish translation
      Updated Polish translation

Tim Lunn (1):
      Stringify the xml definitions for E4X removal

Timo Jyrinki (1):
      Add Finnish translation by Jiri Grönroos

Volker Sobek (1):
      app: Make _ensureChannel() handle targetTypes other than ROOM

William Jon McCann (4):
      Right justify status messages
      Add some color to nicks
      Add a little air around message blocks
      Reduce the size of the recent activity labels in user list

Yaron Shahrabani (1):
      Added Hebrew translation.

Yosef Or Boczko (3):
      Updated Hebrew translation
      Updated Hebrew translation
      Updated Hebrew translation

malcolmlewis opensuse org (1):
      po: Fix missing semi-colons in desktop translations

tuhaihe (1):
      Add Simplified Chinese (zh_CN) translation

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