[evolution-data-server/october-code-drop-post-api-change: 12/39] EDataBookCursor: New cursor step() API

commit cab51563d753fb8316c7c5e6f263451d8b207e1e
Author: Tristan Van Berkom <tristanvb openismus com>
Date:   Fri Oct 18 22:40:40 2013 +0200

    EDataBookCursor: New cursor step() API

 addressbook/libedata-book/e-data-book-cursor.c |  278 ++++++++++++++----------
 addressbook/libedata-book/e-data-book-cursor.h |   37 ++--
 2 files changed, 182 insertions(+), 133 deletions(-)
diff --git a/addressbook/libedata-book/e-data-book-cursor.c b/addressbook/libedata-book/e-data-book-cursor.c
index 6f9f70e..e174769 100644
--- a/addressbook/libedata-book/e-data-book-cursor.c
+++ b/addressbook/libedata-book/e-data-book-cursor.c
@@ -69,28 +69,71 @@
  * #EBookBackendClass.create_cursor().
  * </para>
  * <para>
- * Cursor position is always set to last result which
- * was traversed in the most recent query. After moving the
- * cursor through the next batch of results, the last result
- * should always be saved as the new current cursor state, unless
- * the end of the contact list is reached and the requested amount
- * of contacts could not be returned, in which case the cursor
- * should reset itself to a null state (the cursor walks off the
- * end of the results into a reset state).
+ * Initially, the cursor state is assumed to be clear and
+ * positioned naturally at the beginning so that the first
+ * calls to #EDataBookCursorClass.step() using the
+ * %E_BOOK_CURSOR_ORIGIN_CURRENT origin would respond in the
+ * same way as the %E_BOOK_CURSOR_ORIGIN_BEGIN origin would.
  * </para>
  * <para>
- * The cursor must track two states at all times, one
- * state which is the current cursor position, and one
- * state which was the previous cursor position in order
- * to satisfy the %E_BOOK_CURSOR_ORIGIN_PREVIOUS origin
- * in a call to #EDataBookCursorClass.move_by().
+ * Unless the %E_BOOK_CURSOR_STEP_FETCH flag is not specified
+ * in calls to #EDataBookCursorClass.step(), the cursor state
+ * should be always be set to the last contact which was traversed
+ * in every call to #EDataBookCursorClass.step(). In the case
+ * that #EDataBookCursorClass.step() was asked to step beyond the
+ * bounderies of the list, i.e. when stepping passed the end
+ * of the list of before the beginning, then the cursor state
+ * can be cleared and the implementation must track whether
+ * the cursor is at the beginning or the end of the list.
  * </para>
  * <para>
- * Calls to #EDataBookCursorClass.move_by() with the
- * %E_BOOK_CURSOR_ORIGIN_RESET origin resets both current
- * and previous cursor states before proceeding to move.
- * Calls to #EDataBookCursorClass.set_alphabetic_index() also
- * effect both cursor states.
+ * The task of actually collecting the cursor state from a
+ * contact should be done using an #ECollator created for
+ * the locale in which your #EBookBackend is configured for.
+ * </para>
+ * <example>
+ * <title>Collecting sort keys for a given contact</title>
+ * <programlisting><![CDATA[
+ * static void
+ * update_state_from_contact (EBookBackendSmth        *smth,
+ *                            EBookBackendSmthCursor  *cursor,
+ *                            EContact                *contact)
+ * {
+ *      gint i;
+ *
+ *      clear_state (smth, cursor);
+ *
+ *      // For each sort key the cursor was created for
+ *      for (i = 0; i < cursor->n_sort_fields; i++) {
+ *
+ *              // Using an ECollator created for the locale
+ *              // set on your EBookBackend...
+ *              const gchar *string = e_contact_get_const (contact, cursor->sort_fields[i]);
+ *
+ *              // Generate a sort key for each value
+ *              if (string)
+ *                      cursor->state->values[i] =
+ *                              e_collator_generate_key (smth->collator,
+ *                                                       string, NULL);
+ *              else
+ *                      cursor->state->values[i] = g_strdup ("");
+ *      }
+ *
+ *      state->last_uid = e_contact_get (contact, E_CONTACT_UID);
+ * }
+ * ]]></programlisting>
+ * </example>
+ * <para>
+ * Using the strings collected above for a given contact,
+ * two contacts can easily be compared for equality in
+ * a locale sensitive way, using strcmp() directly on
+ * the generated sort keys.
+ * </para>
+ * <para>
+ * Calls to #EDataBookCursorClass.step() with the
+ * the cursor state before fetching results from either the
+ * beginning or ending of the result list respectively.
  * </para>
  * </refsect2>
@@ -203,18 +246,18 @@ static gboolean data_book_cursor_compare_contact (EDataBookCursor  *cursor,
                                                  EContact         *contact,
                                                  gint             *result,
                                                  gboolean         *matches_sexp);
-static void     calculate_move_by_position       (EDataBookCursor  *cursor,
+static void     calculate_step_position          (EDataBookCursor  *cursor,
                                                  EBookCursorOrigin origin,
                                                  gint              count,
                                                  gint              results);
 /* D-Bus callbacks */
-static gint     data_book_cursor_handle_move_by              (EDBusAddressBookCursor *dbus_object,
+static gint     data_book_cursor_handle_step                 (EDBusAddressBookCursor *dbus_object,
                                                              GDBusMethodInvocation  *invocation,
                                                              const gchar            *revision,
+                                                             EBookCursorStepFlags    flags,
                                                              EBookCursorOrigin       origin,
                                                              gint                    count,
-                                                             gboolean                fetch_results,
                                                              EDataBookCursor        *cursor);
 static gboolean data_book_cursor_handle_set_alphabetic_index (EDBusAddressBookCursor *dbus_object,
                                                              GDBusMethodInvocation  *invocation,
@@ -444,77 +487,73 @@ data_book_cursor_compare_contact (EDataBookCursor     *cursor,
 static void
-calculate_move_by_position (EDataBookCursor     *cursor,
-                           EBookCursorOrigin    origin,
-                           gint                 count,
-                           gint                 results)
+calculate_step_position (EDataBookCursor     *cursor,
+                        EBookCursorOrigin    origin,
+                        gint                 count,
+                        gint                 results)
        EDataBookCursorPrivate *priv = cursor->priv;
-       GError *error = NULL;
-       gint new_position;
+       gint new_position = priv->position;
+       gint offset = results;
+       /* The return value of the step() function is the number of contacts traversed,
+        * but here we want the number of units which were successfuly traversed, i.e.
+        * when move from the 1 position to the 0 position, or move from the last contact
+        * off of the end of the list, the position is still effected by 1 even
+        * though the step() function returns 0.
+        */
+       if (count < 0)
+               offset = -offset;
+       if (offset == 0 && count > 0 && priv->position == priv->total)
+               offset = 1;
+       else if (offset == 0 && count < 0 && priv->position == 1)
+               offset = -1;
+       /* Don't assert the boundaries of values here, we
+        * did that in e_data_book_cursor_step() already.
+        */
        switch (origin) {
-               if (count < 0 && priv->position == 0)
-                       new_position = (priv->total + 1) + count;
-               else
-                       new_position = priv->position + count;
-               /* If we ran off the end of the total query, reset to 0 */
-               if (new_position < 0 || new_position > priv->total)
-                       new_position = 0;
-               data_book_cursor_set_values (cursor, priv->total, new_position);
+               new_position = priv->position + offset;
-               /* We don't manually track the previous position, so for now
-                * we need to recalculate the position entirely
-                */
-               if (!e_data_book_cursor_recalculate (cursor, &error)) {
-                       g_warning ("Failed to recalculate the cursor value "
-                                  "after moving the cursor: %s",
-                                  error->message);
-                       g_clear_error (&error);
-               }
+               new_position = offset;
-               if (count < 0)
-                       new_position = (priv->total + 1) + count;
-               else
-                       new_position = count;
-               /* If we ran off the end of the total query, reset to 0 */
-               if (new_position < 0 || new_position > priv->total)
-                       new_position = 0;
-               data_book_cursor_set_values (cursor, priv->total, new_position);
+               new_position = (priv->total + 1) + offset;
+       new_position = CLAMP (new_position, 0, priv->total + 1);
+       data_book_cursor_set_values (cursor, priv->total, new_position);
  *                D-Bus Callbacks               *
 static gboolean
-data_book_cursor_handle_move_by (EDBusAddressBookCursor *dbus_object,
-                                GDBusMethodInvocation  *invocation,
-                                const gchar            *revision,
-                                EBookCursorOrigin       origin,
-                                gint                    count,
-                                gboolean                fetch_results,
-                                EDataBookCursor        *cursor)
+data_book_cursor_handle_step (EDBusAddressBookCursor *dbus_object,
+                             GDBusMethodInvocation  *invocation,
+                             const gchar            *revision,
+                             EBookCursorStepFlags    flags,
+                             EBookCursorOrigin       origin,
+                             gint                    count,
+                             EDataBookCursor        *cursor)
        GSList *results = NULL;
        GError *error = NULL;
        gint n_results;
-       n_results = e_data_book_cursor_move_by (cursor, revision, origin, count,
-                                               fetch_results ? &results : NULL,
-                                               &error);
+       n_results = e_data_book_cursor_step (cursor,
+                                            revision,
+                                            flags,
+                                            origin,
+                                            count,
+                                            &results,
+                                            &error);
        if (n_results < 0) {
                g_dbus_method_invocation_return_gerror (invocation, error);
@@ -537,14 +576,14 @@ data_book_cursor_handle_move_by (EDBusAddressBookCursor *dbus_object,
-               e_dbus_address_book_cursor_complete_move_by (dbus_object,
-                                                            invocation,
-                                                            n_results,
-                                                            strv ? 
-                                                            (const gchar *const *)strv :
-                                                            empty_str,
-                                                            cursor->priv->total,
-                                                            cursor->priv->position);
+               e_dbus_address_book_cursor_complete_step (dbus_object,
+                                                         invocation,
+                                                         n_results,
+                                                         strv ? 
+                                                         (const gchar *const *)strv :
+                                                         empty_str,
+                                                         cursor->priv->total,
+                                                         cursor->priv->position);
                g_strfreev (strv);
@@ -740,73 +779,79 @@ e_data_book_cursor_set_sexp (EDataBookCursor     *cursor,
- * e_data_book_cursor_move_by:
+ * e_data_book_cursor_step:
  * @cursor: an #EDataBookCursor
  * @revision_guard: The expected current addressbook revision, or %NULL
- * @origin: the #EBookCursorOrigin for this move
+ * @flags: The #EBookCursorStepFlags for this step
+ * @origin: The #EBookCursorOrigin from whence to step
  * @count: a positive or negative amount of contacts to try and fetch
  * @results: (out) (allow-none) (element-type utf8) (transfer full):
- *   A return location to store the results, or %NULL to move the cursor without retrieving any results.
+ *   A return location to store the results, or %NULL if %E_BOOK_CURSOR_STEP_FETCH is not specified in %flags
  * @error: (out) (allow-none): return location for a #GError, or %NULL
- * Moves @cursor through the results by @count and fetch a maximum of @count contacts.
+ * Steps @cursor through it's sorted query by a maximum of @count contacts
+ * starting from @origin.
- * If @count is negative, then the cursor will move backwards.
- *
- * If @cursor is in an empty state, or @origin is %E_BOOK_CURSOR_ORIGIN_RESET,
- * then @count contacts will be fetched from the beginning of the cursor's query
- * results, or from the ending of the query results for a negative value of @count.
+ * If @count is negative, then the cursor will move through the list in reverse.
  * If @cursor reaches the beginning or end of the query results, then the
  * returned list might not contain the amount of desired contacts, or might
- * return no results if the cursor currently points to the last contact.
- * This is not considered an error condition.
+ * return no results if the cursor currently points to the last contact. 
+ * Reaching the end of the list is not considered an error condition. Attempts
+ * to step beyond the end of the list after having reached the end of the list
+ * will however trigger an %E_CLIENT_ERROR_END_OF_LIST error.
+ *
+ * If %E_BOOK_CURSOR_STEP_FETCH is specified in %flags, a pointer to 
+ * a %NULL #GSList pointer should be provided for the @results parameter.
- * If @results is specified, it should be a pointer to a %NULL #GSList,
- * the result list will be stored to @results and should be freed with g_slist_free()
+ * The result list will be stored to @results and should be freed with g_slist_free()
  * and all elements freed with g_free().
  * If a @revision_guard is specified, the cursor implementation will issue an
  * %E_CLIENT_ERROR_OUT_OF_SYNC error if the @revision_guard does not match
  * the current addressbook revision.
- * Returns: The number of contacts which the cursor has moved by if successfull.
- * Otherwise -1 is returned and @error is set.
+ * Returns: The number of contacts traversed if successfull, otherwise -1 is
+ * returned and @error is set.
  * Since: 3.12
-e_data_book_cursor_move_by (EDataBookCursor     *cursor,
-                           const gchar         *revision_guard,
-                           EBookCursorOrigin    origin,
-                           gint                 count,
-                           GSList             **results,
-                           GError             **error)
+e_data_book_cursor_step (EDataBookCursor     *cursor,
+                        const gchar         *revision_guard,
+                        EBookCursorStepFlags flags,
+                        EBookCursorOrigin    origin,
+                        gint                 count,
+                        GSList             **results,
+                        GError             **error)
        gint retval;
        g_return_val_if_fail (E_IS_DATA_BOOK_CURSOR (cursor), FALSE);
+       g_return_val_if_fail ((flags & E_BOOK_CURSOR_STEP_FETCH) == 0 ||
+                             (results != NULL && *results == NULL), -1);
-       if (!E_DATA_BOOK_CURSOR_GET_CLASS (cursor)->move_by) {
+       if (!E_DATA_BOOK_CURSOR_GET_CLASS (cursor)->step) {
                g_set_error_literal (error,
-                                    _("Cursor does not support moves"));
+                                    _("Cursor does not support step"));
                return FALSE;
        g_object_ref (cursor);
-       retval = (* E_DATA_BOOK_CURSOR_GET_CLASS (cursor)->move_by) (cursor,
-                                                                     revision_guard,
-                                                                     origin,
-                                                                     count,
-                                                                     results,
-                                                                     error);
+       retval = (* E_DATA_BOOK_CURSOR_GET_CLASS (cursor)->step) (cursor,
+                                                                 revision_guard,
+                                                                 flags,
+                                                                 origin,
+                                                                 count,
+                                                                 results,
+                                                                 error);
        g_object_unref (cursor);
-       if (retval > 0) {
-               /* Calculate new cursor position and notify change */
-               calculate_move_by_position (cursor, origin, count, retval);
+       if (retval >= 0 && (flags & E_BOOK_CURSOR_STEP_MOVE) != 0) {
+               calculate_step_position (cursor, origin, count, retval);
        return retval;
@@ -824,7 +869,7 @@ e_data_book_cursor_move_by (EDataBookCursor     *cursor,
  * into the alphabet active in the @locale of the addressbook.
  * After setting the target to an alphabetic index, for example the
- * index for letter 'E', then further calls to e_data_book_cursor_move_by()
+ * index for letter 'E', then further calls to e_data_book_cursor_step()
  * will return results starting with the letter 'E' (or results starting
  * with the last result in 'D', if moving in a negative direction).
@@ -969,9 +1014,10 @@ e_data_book_cursor_load_locale (EDataBookCursor     *cursor,
                g_free (priv->locale);
                priv->locale = g_strdup (local_locale);
-               if (e_data_book_cursor_move_by (cursor, NULL,
-                                               E_BOOK_CURSOR_ORIGIN_RESET,
-                                               0, NULL, &local_error) < 0) {
+               if (e_data_book_cursor_step (cursor, NULL,
+                                            E_BOOK_CURSOR_STEP_MOVE,
+                                            E_BOOK_CURSOR_ORIGIN_BEGIN,
+                                            0, NULL, &local_error) < 0) {
                        g_warning ("Error resetting cursor position after locale change: %s",
                        g_clear_error (&local_error);
@@ -1137,8 +1183,8 @@ e_data_book_cursor_register_gdbus_object (EDataBookCursor     *cursor,
        if (!priv->dbus_object) {
                priv->dbus_object = e_dbus_address_book_cursor_skeleton_new ();
-               g_signal_connect (priv->dbus_object, "handle-move-by",
-                                 G_CALLBACK (data_book_cursor_handle_move_by), cursor);
+               g_signal_connect (priv->dbus_object, "handle-step",
+                                 G_CALLBACK (data_book_cursor_handle_step), cursor);
                g_signal_connect (priv->dbus_object, "handle-set-alphabetic-index",
                                  G_CALLBACK (data_book_cursor_handle_set_alphabetic_index), cursor);
                g_signal_connect (priv->dbus_object, "handle-set-query",
diff --git a/addressbook/libedata-book/e-data-book-cursor.h b/addressbook/libedata-book/e-data-book-cursor.h
index 1704adc..eb7a879 100644
--- a/addressbook/libedata-book/e-data-book-cursor.h
+++ b/addressbook/libedata-book/e-data-book-cursor.h
@@ -75,16 +75,17 @@ typedef gboolean (*EDataBookCursorSetSexpFunc) (EDataBookCursor     *cursor,
                                                GError             **error);
- * EDataBookCursorMoveByFunc:
+ * EDataBookCursorStepFunc:
  * @cursor: an #EDataBookCursor
  * @revision_guard: (allow-none): The expected current addressbook revision, or %NULL
- * @origin: the #EBookCursorOrigin for this move
+ * @flags: The #EBookCursorStepFlags for this step
+ * @origin: The #EBookCursorOrigin from whence to step
  * @count: a positive or negative amount of contacts to try and fetch
  * @results: (out) (allow-none) (element-type utf8) (transfer full):
- *   A return location to store the results, or %NULL to move the cursor without retrieving any results.
+ *   A return location to store the results, or %NULL if %E_BOOK_CURSOR_STEP_FETCH is not specified in %flags
  * @error: (out) (allow-none): return location for a #GError, or %NULL
- * Method type for #EDataBookCursorClass.move_by()
+ * Method type for #EDataBookCursorClass.step()
  * As all cursor methods may be called either by the addressbook service or
  * directly by a client in Direct Read Access mode, it is important that the
@@ -101,19 +102,20 @@ typedef gboolean (*EDataBookCursorSetSexpFunc) (EDataBookCursor     *cursor,
  * single atomic operation (the data read back from the store must be the correct
  * data for the given addressbook revision).</para></note>
- * See e_data_book_cursor_move_by() for more details on the expected behaviour of this method.
+ * See e_data_book_cursor_step() for more details on the expected behaviour of this method.
- * Returns: The number of contacts which the cursor has moved by if successfull.
- * Otherwise -1 is returned and @error is set.
+ * Returns: The number of contacts traversed if successfull, otherwise -1 is
+ * returned and @error is set.
  * Since: 3.12
-typedef gint (*EDataBookCursorMoveByFunc) (EDataBookCursor     *cursor,
-                                          const gchar         *revision_guard,
-                                          EBookCursorOrigin    origin,
-                                          gint                 count,
-                                          GSList             **results,
-                                          GError             **error);
+typedef gint (*EDataBookCursorStepFunc) (EDataBookCursor     *cursor,
+                                        const gchar         *revision_guard,
+                                        EBookCursorStepFlags flags,
+                                        EBookCursorOrigin    origin,
+                                        gint                 count,
+                                        GSList             **results,
+                                        GError             **error);
  * EDataBookCursorSetAlphabetIndexFunc:
@@ -160,7 +162,7 @@ typedef gboolean (*EDataBookCursorSetAlphabetIndexFunc) (EDataBookCursor     *cu
  * a position that is before and after the entire result set. The cursor
  * position should be %0 at creation time, and should start again from
  * the symbolic %0 position whenever %E_BOOK_CURSOR_ORIGIN_RESET is
- * specified in the #EDataBookCursorClass.move_by() method (or whenever
+ * specified in the #EDataBookCursorClass.step() method (or whenever
  * moving the cursor beyond the end of the result set).
  * This method is called by e_data_book_cursor_recalculate() and in some
@@ -247,7 +249,7 @@ struct _EDataBookCursor {
  * EDataBookCursorClass:
  * @set_sexp: The #EDataBookCursorSetSexpFunc delegate to set the search expression
- * @move_by: The #EDataBookCursorMoveByFunc delegate to navigate the cursor
+ * @step: The #EDataBookCursorStepFunc delegate to navigate the cursor
  * @set_alphabetic_index: The #EDataBookCursorSetAlphabetIndexFunc delegate to set the alphabetic position
  * @get_position: The #EDataBookCursorGetPositionFunc delegate to calculate the current total and position 
  * @compare_contact: The #EDataBookCursorCompareContactFunc delegate to compare an #EContact with the the 
cursor position
@@ -263,7 +265,7 @@ struct _EDataBookCursorClass {
        /*< public >*/
        EDataBookCursorSetSexpFunc set_sexp;
-       EDataBookCursorMoveByFunc move_by;
+       EDataBookCursorStepFunc step;
        EDataBookCursorSetAlphabetIndexFunc set_alphabetic_index;
        EDataBookCursorGetPositionFunc get_position;
        EDataBookCursorCompareContactFunc compare_contact;
@@ -278,8 +280,9 @@ gint                    e_data_book_cursor_get_position          (EDataBookCurso
 gboolean                e_data_book_cursor_set_sexp              (EDataBookCursor     *cursor,
                                                                  const gchar         *sexp,
                                                                  GError             **error);
-gint                    e_data_book_cursor_move_by               (EDataBookCursor     *cursor,
+gint                    e_data_book_cursor_step                  (EDataBookCursor     *cursor,
                                                                  const gchar         *revision_guard,
+                                                                 EBookCursorStepFlags flags,
                                                                  EBookCursorOrigin    origin,
                                                                  gint                 count,
                                                                  GSList             **results,

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