[gnome-software] Reformat the menu-spec data so we can use it in a more useful way

commit 652ecf48f22ec43f6f69e112b6ea3f050e6974f8
Author: Richard Hughes <richard hughsie com>
Date:   Wed Oct 9 18:19:42 2013 +0100

    Reformat the menu-spec data so we can use it in a more useful way
    It also allows us to ref the subcat and remove a minor WTF in the code.

 src/gs-category.c                           |    6 +-
 src/plugins/gs-plugin-hardcoded-menu-spec.c |  749 ++++++++-------------------
 src/plugins/gs-plugin-hardcoded-popular.c   |    1 +
 3 files changed, 218 insertions(+), 538 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/gs-category.c b/src/gs-category.c
index c1c7285..0b7d22e 100644
--- a/src/gs-category.c
+++ b/src/gs-category.c
@@ -111,14 +111,13 @@ gs_category_get_subcategories (GsCategory *category)
  * gs_category_add_subcategory:
- *
- * DANGER WILL ROBINSON! @subcategory is not ref'd
 gs_category_add_subcategory (GsCategory *category, GsCategory *subcategory)
        g_return_if_fail (GS_IS_CATEGORY (category));
-       category->priv->subcategories = g_list_prepend (category->priv->subcategories, subcategory);
+       category->priv->subcategories = g_list_prepend (category->priv->subcategories,
+                                                       g_object_ref (subcategory));
@@ -175,6 +174,7 @@ gs_category_sort_subcategories (GsCategory *category)
                all = gs_category_new (category, NULL, _("Other"));
                all->priv->size = G_MAXUINT;
                gs_category_add_subcategory (category, all);
+               g_object_unref (all);
        /* actually sort the data */
diff --git a/src/plugins/gs-plugin-hardcoded-menu-spec.c b/src/plugins/gs-plugin-hardcoded-menu-spec.c
index bb11f53..27d043d 100644
--- a/src/plugins/gs-plugin-hardcoded-menu-spec.c
+++ b/src/plugins/gs-plugin-hardcoded-menu-spec.c
@@ -24,6 +24,201 @@
 #include <gs-plugin.h>
 #include <glib/gi18n.h>
+typedef struct {
+       const gchar *path;
+       const gchar *text;
+} GsPluginMenuSpecData;
+static GsPluginMenuSpecData msdata[] = {
+       /* TRANSLATORS: this is the menu spec main category for Audio */
+       { "Audio",                      N_("Audio") },
+       { "???::AudioVideoEditing",     NC_("Menu subcategory of Audio", "Editing") },
+       { "???::Database",              NC_("Menu subcategory of Audio", "Databases") },
+       { "???::DiscBurning",           NC_("Menu subcategory of Audio", "Disc Burning") },
+       { "???::HamRadio",              NC_("Menu subcategory of Audio", "Ham Radio") },
+       { "???::Midi",                  NC_("Menu subcategory of Audio", "MIDI") },
+       { "???::Mixer",                 NC_("Menu subcategory of Audio", "Mixer") },
+       { "???::Music",                 NC_("Menu subcategory of Audio", "Music") },
+       { "???::Player",                NC_("Menu subcategory of Audio", "Players") },
+       { "???::Recorder",              NC_("Menu subcategory of Audio", "Recorders") },
+       { "???::Sequencer",             NC_("Menu subcategory of Audio", "Sequencers") },
+       { "???::Tuner",                 NC_("Menu subcategory of Audio", "Tuners") },
+       /* TRANSLATORS: this is the menu spec main category for Development */
+       { "Development",                N_("Development Tools") },
+       { "???::Building",              NC_("Menu subcategory of Development", "Building") },
+       { "???::Database",              NC_("Menu subcategory of Development", "Databases") },
+       { "???::Debugger",              NC_("Menu subcategory of Development", "Debuggers") },
+       { "???::GUIDesigner",           NC_("Menu subcategory of Development", "GUI Designers") },
+       { "???::IDE",                   NC_("Menu subcategory of Development", "IDE") },
+       { "???::Profiling",             NC_("Menu subcategory of Development", "Profiling") },
+       { "???::ProjectManagement",     NC_("Menu subcategory of Development", "Project Management") },
+       { "???::RevisionControl",       NC_("Menu subcategory of Development", "Revision Control") },
+       { "???::Translation",           NC_("Menu subcategory of Development", "Translation") },
+       { "???::WebDevelopment",        NC_("Menu subcategory of Development", "Web Development") },
+       /* TRANSLATORS: this is the menu spec main category for Education */
+       { "Education",                  N_("Education") },
+       { "???::Art",                   NC_("Menu subcategory of Education", "Art") },
+       { "???::ArtificialIntelligence", NC_("Menu subcategory of Education", "Artificial Intelligence") },
+       { "???::Astronomy",             NC_("Menu subcategory of Education", "Astronomy") },
+       { "???::Biology",               NC_("Menu subcategory of Education", "Biology") },
+       { "???::Chemistry",             NC_("Menu subcategory of Education", "Chemistry") },
+       { "???::ComputerScience",       NC_("Menu subcategory of Education", "Computer Science") },
+       { "???::Construction",          NC_("Menu subcategory of Education", "Construction") },
+       { "???::DataVisualization",     NC_("Menu subcategory of Education", "Data Visualization") },
+       { "???::Economy",               NC_("Menu subcategory of Education", "Economy") },
+       { "???::Electricity",           NC_("Menu subcategory of Education", "Electricity") },
+       { "???::Electronics",           NC_("Menu subcategory of Education", "Electronics") },
+       { "???::Engineering",           NC_("Menu subcategory of Education", "Engineering") },
+       { "???::Geography",             NC_("Menu subcategory of Education", "Geography") },
+       { "???::Geology",               NC_("Menu subcategory of Education", "Geology") },
+       { "???::Geoscience",            NC_("Menu subcategory of Education", "Geoscience") },
+       { "???::History",               NC_("Menu subcategory of Education", "History") },
+       { "???::Humanities",            NC_("Menu subcategory of Education", "Humanities") },
+       { "???::ImageProcessing",       NC_("Menu subcategory of Education", "Image Processing") },
+       { "???::Languages",             NC_("Menu subcategory of Education", "Languages") },
+       { "???::Literature",            NC_("Menu subcategory of Education", "Literature") },
+       { "???::Maps",                  NC_("Menu subcategory of Education", "Maps") },
+       { "???::Math",                  NC_("Menu subcategory of Education", "Math") },
+       { "???::MedicalSoftware",       NC_("Menu subcategory of Education", "Medical") },
+       { "???::Music",                 NC_("Menu subcategory of Education", "Music") },
+       { "???::NumericalAnalysis",     NC_("Menu subcategory of Education", "Numerical Analysis") },
+       { "???::ParallelComputing",     NC_("Menu subcategory of Education", "Parallel Computing") },
+       { "???::Physics",               NC_("Menu subcategory of Education", "Physics") },
+       { "???::Robotics",              NC_("Menu subcategory of Education", "Robotics") },
+       { "???::Spirituality",          NC_("Menu subcategory of Education", "Spirituality") },
+       { "???::Sports",                NC_("Menu subcategory of Education", "Sports") },
+       /* TRANSLATORS: this is the menu spec main category for Games */
+       { "Game",                       N_("Games") },
+       { "???::ActionGame",            NC_("Menu subcategory of Games", "Action") },
+       { "???::AdventureGame",         NC_("Menu subcategory of Games", "Adventure") },
+       { "???::ArcadeGame",            NC_("Menu subcategory of Games", "Arcade") },
+       { "???::BlocksGame",            NC_("Menu subcategory of Games", "Blocks") },
+       { "???::BoardGame",             NC_("Menu subcategory of Games", "Board") },
+       { "???::CardGame",              NC_("Menu subcategory of Games", "Card") },
+       { "???::Emulator",              NC_("Menu subcategory of Games", "Emulators") },
+       { "???::KidsGame",              NC_("Menu subcategory of Games", "Kids") },
+       { "???::LogicGame",             NC_("Menu subcategory of Games", "Logic") },
+       { "???::RolePlaying",           NC_("Menu subcategory of Games", "Role Playing") },
+       { "???::Shooter",               NC_("Menu subcategory of Games", "Shooter") },
+       { "???::Simulation",            NC_("Menu subcategory of Games", "Simulation") },
+       { "???::SportsGame",            NC_("Menu subcategory of Games", "Sports") },
+       { "???::StrategyGame",          NC_("Menu subcategory of Games", "Strategy") },
+       /* TRANSLATORS: this is the menu spec main category for Graphics */
+       { "Graphics",                   N_("Graphics") },
+       { "???::2DGraphics",            NC_("Menu subcategory of Graphics", "2D Graphics") },
+       { "???::3DGraphics",            NC_("Menu subcategory of Graphics", "3D Graphics") },
+       { "???::OCR",                   NC_("Menu subcategory of Graphics", "OCR") },
+       { "???::Photography",           NC_("Menu subcategory of Graphics", "Photography") },
+       { "???::Publishing",            NC_("Menu subcategory of Graphics", "Publishing") },
+       { "???::RasterGraphics",        NC_("Menu subcategory of Graphics", "Raster Graphics") },
+       { "???::Scanning",              NC_("Menu subcategory of Graphics", "Scanning") },
+       { "???::VectorGraphics",        NC_("Menu subcategory of Graphics", "Vector Graphics") },
+       { "???::Viewer",                NC_("Menu subcategory of Graphics", "Viewer") },
+       /* TRANSLATORS: this is the menu spec main category for Network */
+       { "Network",                    N_("Internet") },
+       { "???::Chat",                  NC_("Menu subcategory of Network", "Chat") },
+       { "???::Dialup",                NC_("Menu subcategory of Network", "Dialup") },
+       { "???::Email",                 NC_("Menu subcategory of Network", "Email") },
+       { "???::Feed",                  NC_("Menu subcategory of Network", "Feed") },
+       { "???::FileTransfer",          NC_("Menu subcategory of Network", "File Transfer") },
+       { "???::HamRadio",              NC_("Menu subcategory of Network", "Ham Radio") },
+       { "???::InstantMessaging",      NC_("Menu subcategory of Network", "Instant Messaging") },
+       { "???::IRCClient",             NC_("Menu subcategory of Network", "IRC Clients") },
+       { "???::Monitor",               NC_("Menu subcategory of Network", "Monitor") },
+       { "???::News",                  NC_("Menu subcategory of Network", "News") },
+       { "???::P2P",                   NC_("Menu subcategory of Network", "P2P") },
+       { "???::RemoteAccess",          NC_("Menu subcategory of Network", "Remote Access") },
+       { "???::Telephony",             NC_("Menu subcategory of Network", "Telephony") },
+       { "???::VideoConference",       NC_("Menu subcategory of Network", "Video Conference") },
+       { "???::WebBrowser",            NC_("Menu subcategory of Network", "Web Browser") },
+       { "???::WebDevelopment",        NC_("Menu subcategory of Network", "Web Development") },
+       /* TRANSLATORS: this is the menu spec main category for Office */
+       { "Office",                     N_("Office") },
+       { "???::Calendar",              NC_("Menu subcategory of Office", "Calendar") },
+       { "???::Chart",                 NC_("Menu subcategory of Office", "Chart") },
+       { "???::ContactManagement",     NC_("Menu subcategory of Office", "Contact Management") },
+       { "???::Database",              NC_("Menu subcategory of Office", "Database") },
+       { "???::Dictionary",            NC_("Menu subcategory of Office", "Dictionary") },
+       { "???::Email",                 NC_("Menu subcategory of Office", "Email") },
+       { "???::Finance",               NC_("Menu subcategory of Office", "Finance") },
+       { "???::FlowChart",             NC_("Menu subcategory of Office", "Flow Chart") },
+       { "???::PDA",                   NC_("Menu subcategory of Office", "PDA") },
+       { "???::Photography",           NC_("Menu subcategory of Office", "Photography") },
+       { "???::Presentation",          NC_("Menu subcategory of Office", "Presentation") },
+       { "???::ProjectManagement",     NC_("Menu subcategory of Office", "Project Management") },
+       { "???::Publishing",            NC_("Menu subcategory of Office", "Publishing") },
+       { "???::Spreadsheet",           NC_("Menu subcategory of Office", "Spreadsheet") },
+       { "???::Viewer",                NC_("Menu subcategory of Office", "Viewer") },
+       { "???::WordProcessor",         NC_("Menu subcategory of Office", "Word Processor") },
+       /* TRANSLATORS: this is the menu spec main category for Science */
+       { "Science",                    N_("Science") },
+       { "???::Art",                   NC_("Menu subcategory of Science", "Art") },
+       { "???::ArtificialIntelligence",NC_("Menu subcategory of Science", "Artificial Intelligence") },
+       { "???::Astronomy",             NC_("Menu subcategory of Science", "Astronomy") },
+       { "???::Biology",               NC_("Menu subcategory of Science", "Biology") },
+       { "???::Chemistry",             NC_("Menu subcategory of Science", "Chemistry") },
+       { "???::ComputerScience",       NC_("Menu subcategory of Science", "Computer Science") },
+       { "???::Construction",          NC_("Menu subcategory of Science", "Construction") },
+       { "???::DataVisualization",     NC_("Menu subcategory of Science", "Data Visualization") },
+       { "???::Economy",               NC_("Menu subcategory of Science", "Economy") },
+       { "???::Electricity",           NC_("Menu subcategory of Science", "Electricity") },
+       { "???::Electronics",           NC_("Menu subcategory of Science", "Electronics") },
+       { "???::Engineering",           NC_("Menu subcategory of Science", "Engineering") },
+       { "???::Geography",             NC_("Menu subcategory of Science", "Geography") },
+       { "???::Geology",               NC_("Menu subcategory of Science", "Geology") },
+       { "???::Geoscience",            NC_("Menu subcategory of Science", "Geoscience") },
+       { "???::History",               NC_("Menu subcategory of Science", "History") },
+       { "???::Humanities",            NC_("Menu subcategory of Science", "Humanities") },
+       { "???::ImageProcessing",       NC_("Menu subcategory of Science", "Image Processing") },
+       { "???::Languages",             NC_("Menu subcategory of Science", "Languages") },
+       { "???::Literature",            NC_("Menu subcategory of Science", "Literature") },
+       { "???::Maps",                  NC_("Menu subcategory of Science", "Maps") },
+       { "???::Math",                  NC_("Menu subcategory of Science", "Math") },
+       { "???::MedicalSoftware",       NC_("Menu subcategory of Science", "Medical") },
+       { "???::NumericalAnalysis",     NC_("Menu subcategory of Science", "Numerical Analysis") },
+       { "???::ParallelComputing",     NC_("Menu subcategory of Science", "Parallel Computing") },
+       { "???::Physics",               NC_("Menu subcategory of Science", "Physics") },
+       { "???::Robotics",              NC_("Menu subcategory of Science", "Robotics") },
+       { "???::Spirituality",          NC_("Menu subcategory of Science", "Spirituality") },
+       { "???::Sports",                NC_("Menu subcategory of Science", "Sports") },
+       /* TRANSLATORS: this is the menu spec main category for System */
+       { "System",                     N_("System") },
+       { "???::Emulator",              NC_("Menu subcategory of System", "Emulator") },
+       { "???::FileManager",           NC_("Menu subcategory of System", "File Manager") },
+       { "???::Filesystem",            NC_("Menu subcategory of System", "File System") },
+       { "???::FileTools",             NC_("Menu subcategory of System", "File Tools") },
+       { "???::Monitor",               NC_("Menu subcategory of System", "Monitor") },
+       { "???::Security",              NC_("Menu subcategory of System", "Security") },
+       { "???::TerminalEmulator",      NC_("Menu subcategory of System", "Terminal Emulator") },
+       /* TRANSLATORS: this is the menu spec main category for Utility */
+       { "Utility",                    N_("Utilities") },
+       { "???::Accessibility",         NC_("Menu subcategory of Utility", "Accessibility") },
+       { "???::Archiving",             NC_("Menu subcategory of Utility", "Archiving") },
+       { "???::Calculator",            NC_("Menu subcategory of Utility", "Calculator") },
+       { "???::Clock",                 NC_("Menu subcategory of Utility", "Clock") },
+       { "???::Compression",           NC_("Menu subcategory of Utility", "Compression") },
+       { "???::FileTools",             NC_("Menu subcategory of Utility", "File Tools") },
+       { "???::Maps",                  NC_("Menu subcategory of Utility", "Maps") },
+       { "???::Spirituality",          NC_("Menu subcategory of Utility", "Spirituality") },
+       { "???::TelephonyTools",        NC_("Menu subcategory of Utility", "Telephony Tools") },
+       { "???::TextEditor",            NC_("Menu subcategory of Utility", "Text Editor") },
+       /* TRANSLATORS: this is the menu spec main category for Video */
+       { "Video",                      N_("Video") },
+       { "???::AudioVideoEditing",     NC_("Menu subcategory of Video", "Editing") },
+       { "???::Database",              NC_("Menu subcategory of Video", "Database") },
+       { "???::DiscBurning",           NC_("Menu subcategory of Video", "Disc Burning") },
+       { "???::Player",                NC_("Menu subcategory of Video", "Players") },
+       { "???::Recorder",              NC_("Menu subcategory of Video", "Recorders") },
+       { "???::TV",                    NC_("Menu subcategory of Video", "TV") },
+       /* TRANSLATORS: this is the main category for Add-ons */
+       { "Addons",                     N_("Add-ons") },
+       { "???::Fonts",                 NC_("Menu subcategory of Addons", "Fonts") },
+       { "???::Codecs",                NC_("Menu subcategory of Addons", "Codecs") },
+       { "???::InputSources",          NC_("Menu subcategory of Addons", "Input Sources") },
+       { "???::LanguagePacks",         NC_("Menu subcategory of Addons", "Language Packs") },
+       { NULL,                         NULL }
  * gs_plugin_get_name:
@@ -51,542 +246,26 @@ gs_plugin_add_categories (GsPlugin *plugin,
                          GCancellable *cancellable,
                          GError **error)
-       GsCategory *category;
-       /* TRANSLATORS: this is the menu spec main category for Audio */
-       category = gs_category_new (NULL, "Audio", _("Audio"));
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "AudioVideoEditing",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Audio", "Editing")));
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "Database",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Audio", 
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "DiscBurning",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Audio", "Disc 
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "HamRadio",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Audio", "Ham 
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "Midi",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Audio", "MIDI")));
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "Mixer",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Audio", "Mixer")));
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "Music",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Audio", "Music")));
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "Player",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Audio", "Players")));
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "Recorder",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Audio", 
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "Sequencer",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Audio", 
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "Tuner",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Audio", "Tuners")));
-       *list = g_list_prepend (*list, category);
-       /* TRANSLATORS: this is the menu spec main category for Development */
-       category = gs_category_new (NULL, "Development", _("Development Tools"));
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "Building",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Development", 
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "Database",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Development", 
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "Debugger",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Development", 
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "GUIDesigner",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Development", "GUI 
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "IDE",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Development", 
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "Profiling",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Development", 
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "ProjectManagement",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Development", 
"Project Management")));
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "RevisionControl",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Development", 
"Revision Control")));
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "Translation",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Development", 
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "WebDevelopment",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Development", "Web 
-       *list = g_list_prepend (*list, category);
-       /* TRANSLATORS: this is the menu spec main category for Education */
-       category = gs_category_new (NULL, "Education", _("Education"));
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "Art",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Education", "Art")));
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "ArtificialIntelligence",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Education", 
"Artificial Intelligence")));
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "Astronomy",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Education", 
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "Biology",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Education", 
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "Chemistry",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Education", 
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "ComputerScience",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Education", "Computer 
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "Construction",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Education", 
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "DataVisualization",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Education", "Data 
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "Economy",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Education", 
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "Electricity",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Education", 
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "Electronics",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Education", 
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "Engineering",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Education", 
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "Geography",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Education", 
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "Geology",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Education", 
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "Geoscience",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Education", 
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "History",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Education", 
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "Humanities",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Education", 
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "ImageProcessing",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Education", "Image 
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "Languages",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Education", 
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "Literature",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Education", 
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "Maps",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Education", "Maps")));
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "Math",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Education", "Math")));
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "MedicalSoftware",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Education", 
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "Music",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Education", 
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "NumericalAnalysis",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Education", 
"Numerical Analysis")));
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "ParallelComputing",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Education", "Parallel 
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "Physics",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Education", 
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "Robotics",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Education", 
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "Spirituality",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Education", 
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "Sports",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Education", 
-       *list = g_list_prepend (*list, category);
-       /* TRANSLATORS: this is the menu spec main category for Games */
-       category = gs_category_new (NULL, "Game", _("Games"));
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "ActionGame",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Games", "Action")));
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "AdventureGame",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Games", 
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "ArcadeGame",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Games", "Arcade")));
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "BlocksGame",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Games", "Blocks")));
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "BoardGame",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Games", "Board")));
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "CardGame",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Games", "Card")));
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "Emulator",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Games", 
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "KidsGame",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Games", "Kids")));
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "LogicGame",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Games", "Logic")));
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "RolePlaying",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Games", "Role 
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "Shooter",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Games", "Shooter")));
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "Simulation",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Games", 
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "SportsGame",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Games", "Sports")));
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "StrategyGame",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Games", "Strategy")));
-       *list = g_list_prepend (*list, category);
-       /* TRANSLATORS: this is the menu spec main category for Graphics */
-       category = gs_category_new (NULL, "Graphics", _("Graphics"));
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "2DGraphics",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Graphics", "2D 
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "3DGraphics",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Graphics", "3D 
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "OCR",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Graphics", "OCR")));
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "Photography",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Graphics", 
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "Publishing",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Graphics", 
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "RasterGraphics",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Graphics", "Raster 
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "Scanning",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Graphics", 
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "VectorGraphics",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Graphics", "Vector 
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "Viewer",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Graphics", 
-       *list = g_list_prepend (*list, category);
-       /* TRANSLATORS: this is the menu spec main category for Network */
-       category = gs_category_new (NULL, "Network", _("Internet"));
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "Chat",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Network", "Chat")));
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "Dialup",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Network", "Dialup")));
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "Email",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Network", "Email")));
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "Feed",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Network", "Feed")));
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "FileTransfer",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Network", "File 
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "HamRadio",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Network", "Ham 
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "InstantMessaging",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Network", "Instant 
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "IRCClient",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Network", "IRC 
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "Monitor",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Network", 
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "News",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Network", "News")));
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "P2P",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Network", "P2P")));
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "RemoteAccess",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Network", "Remote 
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "Telephony",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Network", 
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "VideoConference",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Network", "Video 
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "WebBrowser",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Network", "Web 
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "WebDevelopment",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Network", "Web 
-       *list = g_list_prepend (*list, category);
-       /* TRANSLATORS: this is the menu spec main category for Office */
-       category = gs_category_new (NULL, "Office", _("Office"));
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "Calendar",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Office", 
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "Chart",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Office", "Chart")));
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "ContactManagement",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Office", "Contact 
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "Database",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Office", 
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "Dictionary",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Office", 
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "Email",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Office", "Email")));
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "Finance",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Office", "Finance")));
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "FlowChart",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Office", "Flow 
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "PDA",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Office", "PDA")));
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "Photography",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Office", 
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "Presentation",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Office", 
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "ProjectManagement",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Office", "Project 
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "Publishing",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Office", 
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "Spreadsheet",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Office", 
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "Viewer",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Office", "Viewer")));
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "WordProcessor",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Office", "Word 
-       *list = g_list_prepend (*list, category);
-       /* TRANSLATORS: this is the menu spec main category for Science */
-       category = gs_category_new (NULL, "Science", _("Science"));
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "Art",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Science", "Art")));
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "ArtificialIntelligence",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Science", "Artificial 
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "Astronomy",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Science", 
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "Biology",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Science", 
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "Chemistry",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Science", 
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "ComputerScience",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Science", "Computer 
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "Construction",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Science", 
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "DataVisualization",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Science", "Data 
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "Economy",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Science", 
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "Electricity",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Science", 
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "Electronics",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Science", 
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "Engineering",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Science", 
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "Geography",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Science", 
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "Geology",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Science", 
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "Geoscience",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Science", 
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "History",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Science", 
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "Humanities",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Science", 
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "ImageProcessing",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Science", "Image 
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "Languages",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Science", 
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "Literature",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Science", 
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "Maps",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Science", "Maps")));
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "Math",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Science", "Math")));
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "MedicalSoftware",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Science", 
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "NumericalAnalysis",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Science", "Numerical 
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "ParallelComputing",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Science", "Parallel 
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "Physics",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Science", 
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "Robotics",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Science", 
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "Spirituality",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Science", 
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "Sports",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Science", "Sports")));
-       *list = g_list_prepend (*list, category);
-       /* TRANSLATORS: this is the menu spec main category for System */
-       category = gs_category_new (NULL, "System", _("System"));
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "Emulator",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of System", 
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "FileManager",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of System", "File 
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "Filesystem",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of System", "File 
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "FileTools",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of System", "File 
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "Monitor",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of System", "Monitor")));
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "Security",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of System", 
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "TerminalEmulator",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of System", "Terminal 
-       *list = g_list_prepend (*list, category);
-       /* TRANSLATORS: this is the menu spec main category for Utility */
-       category = gs_category_new (NULL, "Utility", _("Utilities"));
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "Accessibility",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Utility", 
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "Archiving",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Utility", 
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "Calculator",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Utility", 
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "Clock",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Utility", "Clock")));
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "Compression",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Utility", 
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "FileTools",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Utility", "File 
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "Maps",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Utility", "Maps")));
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "Spirituality",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Utility", 
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "TelephonyTools",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Utility", "Telephony 
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "TextEditor",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Utility", "Text 
-       *list = g_list_prepend (*list, category);
-       /* TRANSLATORS: this is the menu spec main category for Video */
-       category = gs_category_new (NULL, "Video", _("Video"));
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "AudioVideoEditing",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Video", "Editing")));
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "Database",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Video", "Database")));
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "DiscBurning",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Video", "Disc 
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "Player",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Video", "Players")));
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "Recorder",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Video", 
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "TV",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Video", "TV")));
-       *list = g_list_prepend (*list, category);
-       /* TRANSLATORS: this is the main category for Add-ons */
-       category = gs_category_new (NULL, "Addons", _("Add-ons"));
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "Fonts",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Addons", "Fonts")));
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "Codecs",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Addons", "Codecs")));
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "InputSources",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Addons", "Input 
-       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, gs_category_new (category,
-                                                               "LanguagePacks",
-                                                               C_("Menu subcategory of Addons", "Language 
+       GsCategory *category = NULL;
+       GsCategory *sub;
+       gchar *tmp;
+       guint i;
-       *list = g_list_prepend (*list, category);
+       for (i = 0; msdata[i].path != NULL; i++) {
+               tmp = g_strstr_len (msdata[i].path, -1, "::");
+               if (tmp == NULL) {
+                       category = gs_category_new (NULL,
+                                                   msdata[i].path,
+                                                   gettext(msdata[i].text));
+                       *list = g_list_prepend (*list, category);
+               } else {
+                       sub = gs_category_new (category,
+                                              tmp + 2,
+                                              gettext(msdata[i].text));
+                       gs_category_add_subcategory (category, sub);
+                       g_object_unref (sub);
+               }
+       }
        return TRUE;
diff --git a/src/plugins/gs-plugin-hardcoded-popular.c b/src/plugins/gs-plugin-hardcoded-popular.c
index b4f0a1b..1a79c17 100644
--- a/src/plugins/gs-plugin-hardcoded-popular.c
+++ b/src/plugins/gs-plugin-hardcoded-popular.c
@@ -226,6 +226,7 @@ gs_plugin_add_categories (GsPlugin *plugin,
                                if (g_strcmp0 (last_id, id) == 0) {
                                        cat = gs_category_new (parent, "featured", _("Featured"));
                                        gs_category_add_subcategory (parent, cat);
+                                       g_object_unref (cat);

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