[gimp-web] Added AutomatedJpgToXcf tutoria by Stephen Kiel

commit 1734eda994f52455d6998eb282dda64feabf4b04
Author: Marco Ciampa <ciampix libero it>
Date:   Fri Oct 4 15:55:14 2013 +0200

    Added AutomatedJpgToXcf tutoria by Stephen Kiel

 tutorials/AutomatedJpgToXcf/example-jpeg-to-xcf.py |   81 ++++
 .../AutomatedJpgToXcf/gimp_jpg_to_xcf_popup.jpg    |  Bin 0 -> 50118 bytes
 tutorials/AutomatedJpgToXcf/gimp_menu_compare.jpg  |  Bin 0 -> 62086 bytes
 tutorials/AutomatedJpgToXcf/index.htrw             |  463 ++++++++++++++++++++
 .../script-fu-example-jpg-to-xcf.scm               |  150 +++++++
 tutorials/index.htrw                               |   10 +-
 6 files changed, 703 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)
diff --git a/tutorials/AutomatedJpgToXcf/example-jpeg-to-xcf.py 
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1a93a8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tutorials/AutomatedJpgToXcf/example-jpeg-to-xcf.py
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env python
+#   File = example-jpeg-to-xcf.py
+#   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#   the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+#   (at your option) any later version.
+#   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#   GNU General Public License for more details.
+#   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#   along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+from gimpfu import *
+import os
+import re
+def exampleJpgToXcf(srcPath, tgtPath):
+    """Registered function exampleJpgToXcf, Converts all of the
+    jpegs in the source directory into xcf files in a target 
+    directory.  Requires two arguments, the paths to the source and
+    target directories.  DOES NOT require an image to be open.
+    """
+    ###
+    open_images, image_ids = pdb.gimp_image_list()
+    if open_images > 0:
+        pdb.gimp_message ("Close open Images & Rerun")
+    else:
+        # list all of the files in source & target directories
+        allFileList = os.listdir(srcPath)
+        existingList = os.listdir(tgtPath)
+        srcFileList = []
+        tgtFileList = []
+        xform = re.compile('\.jpg', re.IGNORECASE)
+        # Find all of the jpeg files in the list & make xcf file names
+        for fname in allFileList:
+            fnameLow = fname.lower()
+            if fnameLow.count('.jpg') > 0:
+                srcFileList.append(fname)
+                tgtFileList.append(xform.sub('.xcf',fname))
+        # Dictionary - source & target file names
+        tgtFileDict = dict(zip(srcFileList, tgtFileList))
+        # Loop on jpegs, open each & save as xcf
+        for srcFile in srcFileList:
+            # Don't overwrite existing, might be work in Progress
+            if tgtFileDict[srcFile] not in existingList:
+                # os.path.join inserts the right kind of file separator
+                tgtFile = os.path.join(tgtPath, tgtFileDict[srcFile])
+                srcFile = os.path.join(srcPath, srcFile)
+                theImage = pdb.file_jpeg_load(srcFile, srcFile)
+                theDrawable = theImage.active_drawable
+                pdb.gimp_xcf_save(0, theImage, theDrawable, tgtFile, tgtFile)
+                pdb.gimp_image_delete(theImage)
+register (
+    "exampleJpgToXcf",         # Name registered in Procedure Browser
+    "Convert jpg files to xcf", # Widget title
+    "Convert jpg files to xcf", # 
+    "Stephen Kiel",         # Author
+    "Stephen Kiel",         # Copyright Holder
+    "July 2013",            # Date
+    "1) Import JPG to XCF (Directory)", # Menu Entry
+    "",     # Image Type - No image required
+    [
+    ( PF_DIRNAME, "srcPath", "JPG Originals (source) Directory:", "" ),
+    ( PF_DIRNAME, "tgtPath", "XCF Working (target) Directory:", "" ),
+    ],
+    [],
+    exampleJpgToXcf,   # Matches to name of function being defined
+    menu = "<Image>/Example-Py"  # Menu Location
+    )   # End register
diff --git a/tutorials/AutomatedJpgToXcf/gimp_jpg_to_xcf_popup.jpg 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..953d3f8
Binary files /dev/null and b/tutorials/AutomatedJpgToXcf/gimp_jpg_to_xcf_popup.jpg differ
diff --git a/tutorials/AutomatedJpgToXcf/gimp_menu_compare.jpg 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8546c7e
Binary files /dev/null and b/tutorials/AutomatedJpgToXcf/gimp_menu_compare.jpg differ
diff --git a/tutorials/AutomatedJpgToXcf/index.htrw b/tutorials/AutomatedJpgToXcf/index.htrw
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1a24794
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tutorials/AutomatedJpgToXcf/index.htrw
@@ -0,0 +1,463 @@
+<!--#include virtual="/includes/wgo-xhtml-init.xhtml" -->
+<title>GIMP - Automated Jpeg to XCF</title>
+<!--#include virtual="/includes/wgo-look-feel.xhtml" -->
+<!--#include virtual="/includes/wgo-page-init.xhtml" -->
+<h1>Automate Creation of XCF from JPG</h1>
+  <a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed.en_US"; rel="license"><img alt="Creative 
Commons License" src="http://i.creativecommons.org/l/by-sa/3.0/80x15.png"; style="border-width:0"></a><br/>
+  <span property="dct:title" xmlns:dct="http://purl.org/dc/terms/";>GIMP Tutorial - Automated Jpeg to XCF 
(text &amp; images)</span>
+  by <a property="cc:attributionName" rel="cc:attributionURL" 
xmlns:cc="http://creativecommons.org/ns#";>Stephen Kiel</a> <br/>
+  is licensed under a <a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed.en_US"; 
rel="license">Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License</a>.
+  The code sources in this tutorial are licensed by Stephen Kiel under the conditions of the <a 
href="http://www.gnu.org/";>GNU</a> Public License GPL V3.
+<p class="images">
+       <img src="gimp_jpg_to_xcf_popup.jpg" alt="" />
+<p>While it is easy to do, opening a Jpeg file and saving it in the native 
+       gimp *.xcf format is tedious and time consuming. You may also want to 
+       perform the same operation, like setting the grid spacing as an example, 
+       on all of the images that you import as part of the process. Automating 
+       the parts of the editing process that are the same for each image saves 
+       time, produces consistent results, and allows you to focus your attention 
+       on the part of the image editing process that really needs your attention.
+<p>This tutorial is a scripting example is intended to illustrate automating 
+       part of the editing process. The script opens all of the Jpeg images in 
+       the source directory, and saves them as xcf files in the target directory. 
+       This is not a basic scripting tutorial, a basic understanding of writing 
+       gimp scripts is assumed.
+<h2>Requirements that are different than most scripts.</h2>
+       <li>The script needs to be available and run when there is no image open.
+       </li>
+       <li>The script has to be able to provide a GUI to identify the Source and 
+               Target directories, identify all of jpg files in the source directory 
+               and convert them.
+       </li>
+       <li>The script needs to be aware of the type of operating system of the 
+               host machine, or more specifically whether the filename separator is 
+               a "\" or a "/".
+       </li>
+       <li>The script has to be smart enough to not overwrite work in progress, 
+               (Xcf files with the same name in the target directory).
+       </li>
+<p>Let's look at the <b>first requirement</b>, to be able to run the script 
+       without an open image. We are working on a group of several images not 
+       just one, and since we want to start our script from a know point, we 
+       don't want to have an image open for edit, just the gimp framework or 
+       application.
+<p>The availability of a script from within the Gimp application is 
+       established and controlled within the script-fu-register block. After the 
+       function name are an ordered set of strings of required information 
+       followed by an optional number of GUI widget declarations that may feed 
+       selected information to the script. The required strings are:
+       <li><i>Function Name</i> - Matches the name of the function in the opening 
+               'define' statement.
+       </li>
+       <li><i>Menu Label</i> - The label identifying the function in the menus and 
+               the way to invoke the script.
+       </li>
+       <li><i>Description</i> - The description that will be displayed about the 
+               script in the Procedure Browser.
+       </li>
+       <li><i>Author</i> - Name of the Author
+       </li>
+       <li><i>Copyright</i> - Copyright information.
+       </li>
+       <li><i>Creation Date</i> - Date you wrote the script.
+       </li>
+       <li><i><b>Valid Image Type</b></i> - The type of image the script is 
+       permitted to work upon.
+       </li>
+<p>The content of the <i>Valid Image Type</i> is the way that we specify 
+       whether we can run the script without  an image open. You might be tempted 
+       to use an image type of "*" to specify running all of the time, but that 
+       is not quite what it does. The "Valid Image Type" is a way to restrict the 
+       script from running in an unintended context, "*" is the way to specify 
+       "any open image". What we want instead is an <b>empty string - ""</b> - 
+       to specify running without an image open.   The registration block for 
+       the script-fu version of the program would look like (the Python 
+       registration block follows a similar pattern):
+<div style="text-align: center"><h4>Registration Block</h4></div>
+<pre class="code">
+( script-fu-register "script-fu-example-jpg-to-xcf" ; Function Name
+   "1 ) Import JPG to XCF (Directory)"    ; Menu Label
+   "This script is an interactive script to convert all of the jpegs 
+   in a source directory into Gimp xcf format files in a target 
+   directory.  The script is designed to be run WITHOUT ANY IMAGE 
+   LOADED. Runs from Gimp shell in Linux and Windows."
+   "Stephen Kiel"       ; Author
+   "2013, Stephen Kiel" ; Copyright
+   "July 2013"          ; Creation Date
+   <b>""                   ; Valid Image Type - No Image required</b>
+    ; We actually don't want any images open when we run this
+    ;   script, so it must be available from the menu when an
+    ;   image is not loaded.  This script will determine the IDs
+    ;   of the Image and Drawable itself rather than having them
+    ;   passed as parameters.
+   ; Interactive widgets
+   SF-DIRNAME "JPG Originals (source) Directory" ""
+   SF-DIRNAME "XCF Working   (target) Directory" ""
+) ; End script-fu-register
+( script-fu-menu-register 
+   "script-fu-example-jpg-to-xcf" "&lt;Image&gt;/Example-Scm")
+<p>The image below shows menu items with and without an image loaded. 
+       The menu items numbered 1 &amp; 2 have image type =  <b>""</b>. 
+       The items numbered 3 &amp; 4 have image type = <b>"*"</b>.
+<div style="text-align: center">
+       <h4>Function Menus</h4>
+<div style="text-align: center">
+       <img src="gimp_menu_compare.jpg"  
+               alt="Menu Compare - Image types" />
+<p>Our <b>second requirement</b>, to be able to use the GUI to browse 
+       to our Jpeg source file directory and our Xcf target file directory 
+       is handled first in the registration block by using the 
+       "<b>SF-DIRNAME</b>" widgets to label the GUI selection fields and 
+       pass the collected results as inputs to the script (above). Once 
+       we have the path names to our source and target directories we will 
+       use the "<b>file-glob</b>" (os.listdir in python-fu) function 
+       within the main program to create a list of all of the image files 
+       in those directories.
+<p>We address the <b>third requirement</b> of determining the operating 
+       system type within the function itself. We want the function to be 
+       portable, so it can run on either the Linux desktop unit you have in 
+       your home, or the Windows laptop you carry out on the road. We need 
+       to know the OS type in order to determine the pathname separator, 
+       either a "\" or "/" and deal with it in the script.
+<p>Fortunately once we have the pathname to the source directory it is 
+       easy to determine which operating system generated it by using the 
+       script-fu "<b>strbreakup</b>" function. We can compare the number 
+       of pieces by breaking on the "/" and "\" character and use the 
+       result with the greater number of pieces to determine the platform's 
+       operating system. If we are using the python-fu scripting language 
+       we can check the value of os.name directly.
+<div style="text-align: center">
+       <h4>Script-fu file-glob and strbreakup</h4>
+<pre class="code">
+         ( isLinux (  >  
+            ( length ( strbreakup sourceDirectory "/" ) )
+            ( length ( strbreakup sourceDirectory "\\" ) ) ) )
+         ; Form path/file patternSource based on OS 
+         ( patternSource ( if isLinux
+            ( string-append sourceDirectory "/*.[jJ][pP][gG]" )
+            ( string-append sourceDirectory "\\*.[jJ][pP][gG]" ) ) )
+         ( patternTarget ( if isLinux
+            ( string-append targetDirectory "/*.[xX][cC][fF]" )
+            ( string-append targetDirectory "\\*.[xX][cC][fF]" ) ) )
+         ; List of files to be converted formatted for current Host
+         ; O/S
+         ( filelistSource ( cadr ( file-glob patternSource 1 ) ) )
+         ( filelistExists ( cadr ( file-glob patternTarget 1 ) ) )
+<p>Our <b>fourth requirement</b> to not overwrite existing *.xcf 
+       files which may have ongoing work in progress is solved by 
+       building a list of files in the target directory and checking 
+       that list for existence before writing each new file.
+<p>The working example script is pretty straightforward; building 
+       a list of file names, running through that list in a loop, 
+       opening each source file and exporting it in turn. An equivalent 
+       python-fu version is included as well. You should be able to use 
+       this example as a model to build similar functions, examples of 
+       similar functions might be to convert a directory of xcf files 
+       to jpg files, to scale original jpg files to a smaller size, etc.
+<p>When using the gimp widgets to Browse through the file system, 
+       you will probably need to select "Other" to get to navigate where 
+       you really want. When using an automated script it is 
+       <b>ALWAYS</b> a good idea to run on a <b>COPY</b> of your original 
+       images.
+<h2>The Scripts</h2>
+<p>The following scripts are the <i>script-fu</i> and <i>python-fu</i> 
+       versions of the Jpg to Xcf function discussed above.
+       <li>
+               <a href="script-fu-example-jpg-to-xcf.scm" 
+                       id="script-fu-example-jpg-to-xcf.scm"> 
+                       script-fu-example-jpg-to-xcf.scm
+               </a> 
+       <li>
+               <a href="example-jpeg-to-xcf.py" 
+                       id="example-jpeg-to-xcf.py">
+                       example-jpeg-to-xcf.py
+               </a>
+       </li>
+<pre class="code">
+;   File = example-jpeg-to-xcf.py
+;   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;   the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+;   (at your option) any later version.
+;   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;   GNU General Public License for more details.
+;   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;   along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+;;;  Function - script-fu-example-jpg-to-xcf
+;;;  Converts all jpeg images in selected directory to gimp xcf
+;;;  format.
+;;;  Filename Case insensitive. (converts xyz.jpg or XYZ.JPG)
+;;;  Interactive program to be run WITHOUT AN IMAGE LOADED.
+;;;  Program prompts for a source (jpgs) and target (xcfs)
+;;;  directories.
+;;;  Program runs on either Linux or Windows Host O/S, using the
+;;;  appropriate path - filename separator ( "/" or "\").
+( define ( script-fu-example-jpg-to-xcf 
+   sourceDirectory targetDirectory )
+   ( let*
+      (
+         ; Declare and Init local variables
+         ( returnVal #f )
+         ; Guess host OS based on directory path separator
+         ( isLinux (  >  
+            ( length ( strbreakup sourceDirectory "/" ) )
+            ( length ( strbreakup sourceDirectory "\\" ) ) ) )
+         ; Form path/file patternSource based on OS 
+         ( patternSource ( if isLinux
+            ( string-append sourceDirectory "/*.[jJ][pP][gG]" )
+            ( string-append sourceDirectory "\\*.[jJ][pP][gG]" ) ) )
+         ( patternTarget ( if isLinux
+            ( string-append targetDirectory "/*.[xX][cC][fF]" )
+            ( string-append targetDirectory "\\*.[xX][cC][fF]" ) ) )
+         ; List of files to be converted formatted for current Host
+         ; O/S
+         ( filelistSource ( cadr ( file-glob patternSource 1 ) ) )
+         ( filelistExists ( cadr ( file-glob patternTarget 1 ) ) )
+         ( checkFileExists filelistExists )
+         ; Place holders for image variables - updated per image
+         ( theImage 0 )
+         ( theDrawable 0 )
+         ( currentFile "" )
+         ( baseName "" )
+         ( outFilename "" )
+         ; Constants used to assign values to parasites on new image
+         ( doIt #t )
+         ( checkFile "" )
+      ) ; End declaration of Local Variables
+      ;
+      ; Run if images closed, message if not.
+      ( if ( < 0 ( car ( gimp-image-list ) ) )
+         ( gimp-message "Close open Images & Rerun" )
+         ( begin
+            ;
+            ; Run within scope of let* and local variables
+            ; 'baseName' is filename without .jpg extension
+            ; 'outFilename' is filename with .xcf extension
+            ; Step through each file in list with while loop.
+            ( while ( not ( null? filelistSource ) )
+               ( set! doIt #t )
+               ( set! checkFileExists filelistExists )
+               ( set! currentFile ( car filelistSource ) )
+               ; Get open and get Image ID of current file
+               ( set! theImage
+                  ( car ( gimp-file-load RUN-NONINTERACTIVE 
+                     currentFile currentFile ) ) )
+               ( if isLinux
+                  ; Target path-filename if Host OS is Linux
+                  ( begin 
+                     ( set! baseName ( car ( reverse
+                        ( strbreakup currentFile "/" ) ) ) )
+                     ( set! baseName ( car ( strbreakup baseName "." ) ) )
+                     ( set! outFilename ( string-append
+                           targetDirectory "/" baseName ".xcf" ) )
+                  ) ; End begin - Host OS is Linux
+                  ; Target path-filename if Host OS is Windows
+                  ( begin 
+                     ( set! baseName ( car ( reverse
+                        ( strbreakup currentFile "\\" ) ) ) )
+                     ( set! baseName ( car ( strbreakup baseName "." ) ) )
+                     ( set! outFilename ( string-append
+                           targetDirectory "\\" baseName ".xcf" ) )
+                  ) ; End begin - if Host OS is Windows
+               ) ; End if isLinux
+               ; Check to see if outFilename exists so we don't overwrite
+               ( while ( not ( null? checkFileExists ) )
+                  ( set! checkFile ( car checkFileExists ) )
+                  ( if ( string=? outFilename checkFile )
+                     ( set! doIt #f ) )
+                  (set! checkFileExists ( cdr checkFileExists ) )
+               ) ; End while checkFileExists
+               ( if doIt
+                  ( begin
+                     ; Get / set Drawable ID, need it for file save.
+                     ( set! theDrawable ( car 
+                        ( gimp-image-merge-visible-layers theImage 0 ) ) )
+                     ; Save file - gimp xcf format
+                     ( gimp-xcf-save 
+                        RUN-NONINTERACTIVE theImage theDrawable
+                        outFilename outFilename )
+                  ) ; End begin
+               ) ; End if doIt
+               ( gimp-image-delete theImage )
+               ; Update while loop iteration parameter
+               (set! filelistSource ( cdr filelistSource ) )
+            ) ; End while
+         ); End outer begin
+      ) ; End outer if
+      ( set! returnVal #t )
+   ) ; End let*
+) ; End define
+( script-fu-register "script-fu-example-jpg-to-xcf" ; Function Name
+   "1 ) Import JPG to XCF (Directory)"    ; Menu Label
+   "This script is an interactive script to convert all of the jpegs 
+   in a source directory into Gimp xcf format files in a target 
+   directory.  The script is designed to be run WITHOUT ANY IMAGE 
+   LOADED. Runs from Gimp shell in Linux and Windows."
+   "Stephen Kiel"       ; Author
+   "2013, Stephen Kiel" ; Copyright
+   "July 2013"          ; Creation Date
+   ""                   ; Valid Image Type - No Image required
+    ; We actually don't want any images open when we run this
+    ;   script, so it must be available from the menu when an
+    ;   image is not loaded.  This script will determine the IDs
+    ;   of the Image and Drawable itself rather than having them
+    ;   passed as parameters.
+   ; Interactive widgets
+   SF-DIRNAME "JPG Originals (source) Directory" ""
+   SF-DIRNAME "XCF Working   (target) Directory" ""
+) ; End script-fu-register
+( script-fu-menu-register 
+   "script-fu-example-jpg-to-xcf" "&lt;Image&gt;/Example-Scm")
+<pre class="code">
+#! /usr/bin/env python
+#   File = example-jpeg-to-xcf.py
+#   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#   the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+#   (at your option) any later version.
+#   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#   GNU General Public License for more details.
+#   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#   along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+from gimpfu import *
+import os
+import re
+def exampleJpgToXcf(srcPath, tgtPath):
+    """Registered function exampleJpgToXcf, Converts all of the
+    jpegs in the source directory into xcf files in a target 
+    directory.  Requires two arguments, the paths to the source and
+    target directories.  DOES NOT require an image to be open.
+    """
+    ###
+    open_images, image_ids = pdb.gimp_image_list()
+    if open_images > 0:
+        pdb.gimp_message ("Close open Images & Rerun")
+    else:
+        # list all of the files in source & target directories
+        allFileList = os.listdir(srcPath)
+        existingList = os.listdir(tgtPath)
+        srcFileList = []
+        tgtFileList = []
+        xform = re.compile('\.jpg', re.IGNORECASE)
+        # Find all of the jpeg files in the list & make xcf file names
+        for fname in allFileList:
+            fnameLow = fname.lower()
+            if fnameLow.count('.jpg') > 0:
+                srcFileList.append(fname)
+                tgtFileList.append(xform.sub('.xcf',fname))
+        # Dictionary - source & target file names
+        tgtFileDict = dict(zip(srcFileList, tgtFileList))
+        # Loop on jpegs, open each & save as xcf
+        for srcFile in srcFileList:
+            # Don't overwrite existing, might be work in Progress
+            if tgtFileDict[srcFile] not in existingList:
+                # os.path.join inserts the right kind of file separator
+                tgtFile = os.path.join(tgtPath, tgtFileDict[srcFile])
+                srcFile = os.path.join(srcPath, srcFile)
+                theImage = pdb.file_jpeg_load(srcFile, srcFile)
+                theDrawable = theImage.active_drawable
+                pdb.gimp_xcf_save(0, theImage, theDrawable, tgtFile, tgtFile)
+                pdb.gimp_image_delete(theImage)
+register (
+    "exampleJpgToXcf",         # Name registered in Procedure Browser
+    "Convert jpg files to xcf", # Widget title
+    "Convert jpg files to xcf", # 
+    "Stephen Kiel",         # Author
+    "Stephen Kiel",         # Copyright Holder
+    "July 2013",            # Date
+    "1) Import JPG to XCF (Directory)", # Menu Entry
+    "",     # Image Type - No image required
+    [
+    ( PF_DIRNAME, "srcPath", "JPG Originals (source) Directory:", "" ),
+    ( PF_DIRNAME, "tgtPath", "XCF Working (target) Directory:", "" ),
+    ],
+    [],
+    exampleJpgToXcf,   # Matches to name of function being defined
+    menu = "&lt;Image&gt;/Example-Py"  # Menu Location
+    )   # End register
+<!--#include virtual="/includes/wgo-page-fini.xhtml" -->
+    <div>
+      <span id="footerleft">
+        Tutorial &copy; 2013 Stephen Kiel
+      </span>
+      <span id="footerright">
+      </span>
+    </div>
+<!--#include virtual="/includes/wgo-xhtml-fini.xhtml" -->
diff --git a/tutorials/AutomatedJpgToXcf/script-fu-example-jpg-to-xcf.scm 
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3c94feb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tutorials/AutomatedJpgToXcf/script-fu-example-jpg-to-xcf.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+;   File = example-jpeg-to-xcf.py
+;   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;   the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+;   (at your option) any later version.
+;   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;   GNU General Public License for more details.
+;   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;   along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+;;;  Function - script-fu-example-jpg-to-xcf
+;;;  Converts all jpeg images in selected directory to gimp xcf
+;;;  format.
+;;;  Filename Case insensitive. (converts xyz.jpg or XYZ.JPG)
+;;;  Interactive program to be run WITHOUT AN IMAGE LOADED.
+;;;  Program prompts for a source (jpgs) and target (xcfs)
+;;;  directories.
+;;;  Program runs on either Linux or Windows Host O/S, using the
+;;;  appropriate path - filename separator ( "/" or "\").
+( define ( script-fu-example-jpg-to-xcf 
+   sourceDirectory targetDirectory )
+   ( let*
+      (
+         ; Declare and Init local variables
+         ( returnVal #f )
+         ; Guess host OS based on directory path separator
+         ( isLinux (  >  
+            ( length ( strbreakup sourceDirectory "/" ) )
+            ( length ( strbreakup sourceDirectory "\\" ) ) ) )
+         ; Form path/file patternSource based on OS 
+         ( patternSource ( if isLinux
+            ( string-append sourceDirectory "/*.[jJ][pP][gG]" )
+            ( string-append sourceDirectory "\\*.[jJ][pP][gG]" ) ) )
+         ( patternTarget ( if isLinux
+            ( string-append targetDirectory "/*.[xX][cC][fF]" )
+            ( string-append targetDirectory "\\*.[xX][cC][fF]" ) ) )
+         ; List of files to be converted formatted for current Host
+         ; O/S
+         ( filelistSource ( cadr ( file-glob patternSource 1 ) ) )
+         ( filelistExists ( cadr ( file-glob patternTarget 1 ) ) )
+         ( checkFileExists filelistExists )
+         ; Place holders for image variables - updated per image
+         ( theImage 0 )
+         ( theDrawable 0 )
+         ( currentFile "" )
+         ( baseName "" )
+         ( outFilename "" )
+         ; Constants used to assign values to parasites on new image
+         ( doIt #t )
+         ( checkFile "" )
+      ) ; End declaration of Local Variables
+      ;
+      ; Run if images closed, message if not.
+      ( if ( < 0 ( car ( gimp-image-list ) ) )
+         ( gimp-message "Close open Images & Rerun" )
+         ( begin
+            ;
+            ; Run within scope of let* and local variables
+            ; 'baseName' is filename without .jpg extension
+            ; 'outFilename' is filename with .xcf extension
+            ; Step through each file in list with while loop.
+            ( while ( not ( null? filelistSource ) )
+               ( set! doIt #t )
+               ( set! checkFileExists filelistExists )
+               ( set! currentFile ( car filelistSource ) )
+               ; Get open and get Image ID of current file
+               ( set! theImage
+                  ( car ( gimp-file-load RUN-NONINTERACTIVE 
+                     currentFile currentFile ) ) )
+               ( if isLinux
+                  ; Target path-filename if Host OS is Linux
+                  ( begin 
+                     ( set! baseName ( car ( reverse
+                        ( strbreakup currentFile "/" ) ) ) )
+                     ( set! baseName ( car ( strbreakup baseName "." ) ) )
+                     ( set! outFilename ( string-append
+                           targetDirectory "/" baseName ".xcf" ) )
+                  ) ; End begin - Host OS is Linux
+                  ; Target path-filename if Host OS is Windows
+                  ( begin 
+                     ( set! baseName ( car ( reverse
+                        ( strbreakup currentFile "\\" ) ) ) )
+                     ( set! baseName ( car ( strbreakup baseName "." ) ) )
+                     ( set! outFilename ( string-append
+                           targetDirectory "\\" baseName ".xcf" ) )
+                  ) ; End begin - if Host OS is Windows
+               ) ; End if isLinux
+               ; Check to see if outFilename exists so we don't overwrite
+               ( while ( not ( null? checkFileExists ) )
+                  ( set! checkFile ( car checkFileExists ) )
+                  ( if ( string=? outFilename checkFile )
+                     ( set! doIt #f ) )
+                  (set! checkFileExists ( cdr checkFileExists ) )
+               ) ; End while checkFileExists
+               ( if doIt
+                  ( begin
+                     ; Get / set Drawable ID, need it for file save.
+                     ( set! theDrawable ( car 
+                        ( gimp-image-merge-visible-layers theImage 0 ) ) )
+                     ; Save file - gimp xcf format
+                     ( gimp-xcf-save 
+                        RUN-NONINTERACTIVE theImage theDrawable
+                        outFilename outFilename )
+                  ) ; End begin
+               ) ; End if doIt
+               ( gimp-image-delete theImage )
+               ; Update while loop iteration parameter
+               (set! filelistSource ( cdr filelistSource ) )
+            ) ; End while
+         ); End outer begin
+      ) ; End outer if
+      ( set! returnVal #t )
+   ) ; End let*
+) ; End define
+( script-fu-register "script-fu-example-jpg-to-xcf" ; Function Name
+   "1 ) Import JPG to XCF (Directory)"    ; Menu Label
+   "This script is an interactive script to convert all of the jpegs 
+   in a source directory into Gimp xcf format files in a target 
+   directory.  The script is designed to be run WITHOUT ANY IMAGE 
+   LOADED. Runs from Gimp shell in Linux and Windows."
+   "Stephen Kiel"       ; Author
+   "2013, Stephen Kiel" ; Copyright
+   "July 2013"          ; Creation Date
+   ""                   ; Valid Image Type - No Image required
+    ; We actually don't want any images open when we run this
+    ;   script, so it must be available from the menu when an
+    ;   image is not loaded.  This script will determine the IDs
+    ;   of the Image and Drawable itself rather than having them
+    ;   passed as parameters.
+   ; Interactive widgets
+   SF-DIRNAME "JPG Originals (source) Directory" ""
+   SF-DIRNAME "XCF Working   (target) Directory" ""
+) ; End script-fu-register
+( script-fu-menu-register 
+   "script-fu-example-jpg-to-xcf" "<Image>/Example-Scm")
diff --git a/tutorials/index.htrw b/tutorials/index.htrw
index 851a614..09d492f 100644
--- a/tutorials/index.htrw
+++ b/tutorials/index.htrw
@@ -183,12 +183,20 @@
   <a href="Basic_Scheme2/">GIMP Script-Fu 2</a> Write More Scheme for GIMP.
+<h2><a name="Automation"></a>Automating Gimp</h2>
+  <a href="AutomatedJpgToXcf/">Automated Jpg to Xcf</a> Import Xcf Images a Directory at a Time.
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