[mutter/wayland] display: Split out input event handling

commit 58f6ab0a27bf4e568e26db5f77b7be1b8ed4bfd5
Author: Jasper St. Pierre <jstpierre mecheye net>
Date:   Thu Oct 3 15:23:24 2013 -0400

    display: Split out input event handling
    This helps with git's diff code by moving all the giant indentation
    changes, letting us know what's going on better when we move to
    Clutter for event handling.

 src/core/display.c |  785 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------
 1 files changed, 407 insertions(+), 378 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/core/display.c b/src/core/display.c
index a781d18..ce209b2 100644
--- a/src/core/display.c
+++ b/src/core/display.c
@@ -178,6 +178,8 @@ static gboolean event_callback          (XEvent         *event,
                                          gpointer        data);
 static Window event_get_modified_window (MetaDisplay    *display,
                                          XEvent         *event);
+static Window xievent_get_modified_window (MetaDisplay    *display,
+                                           XIEvent        *input_event);
 static guint32 event_get_time           (MetaDisplay    *display,
                                          XEvent         *event);
 static void    process_request_frame_extents (MetaDisplay    *display,
@@ -2191,6 +2193,376 @@ handle_window_focus_event (MetaDisplay  *display,
+static gboolean
+handle_input_xevent (MetaDisplay *display,
+                     XIEvent     *input_event,
+                     gulong       serial)
+  XIDeviceEvent *device_event = (XIDeviceEvent *) input_event;
+  XIEnterEvent *enter_event = (XIEnterEvent *) input_event;
+  Window modified;
+  MetaWindow *window;
+  gboolean frame_was_receiver;
+  if (input_event == NULL)
+    return FALSE;
+  modified = xievent_get_modified_window (display, input_event);
+  window = modified != None ? meta_display_lookup_x_window (display, modified) : NULL;
+  frame_was_receiver = (window && window->frame && modified == window->frame->xwindow);
+  if (window && !window->override_redirect &&
+      ((input_event->type == XI_KeyPress) || (input_event->type == XI_ButtonPress)))
+    {
+      if (CurrentTime == display->current_time)
+        {
+          /* We can't use missing (i.e. invalid) timestamps to set user time,
+           * nor do we want to use them to sanity check other timestamps.
+           * See bug 313490 for more details.
+           */
+          meta_warning ("Event has no timestamp! You may be using a broken "
+                        "program such as xse.  Please ask the authors of that "
+                        "program to fix it.\n");
+        }
+      else
+        {
+          meta_window_set_user_time (window, display->current_time);
+          sanity_check_timestamps (display, display->current_time);
+        }
+    }
+  switch (input_event->evtype)
+    {
+    case XI_KeyPress:
+    case XI_KeyRelease:
+      /* For key events, it's important to enforce single-handling, or
+       * we can get into a confused state. So if a keybinding is
+       * handled (because it's one of our hot-keys, or because we are
+       * in a keyboard-grabbed mode like moving a window, we don't
+       * want to pass the key event to the compositor or GTK+ at all.
+       */
+      if (meta_display_process_key_event (display, window, (XIDeviceEvent *) input_event))
+        return TRUE;
+      break;
+    case XI_ButtonPress:
+      if (display->grab_op == META_GRAB_OP_COMPOSITOR)
+        break;
+      display->overlay_key_only_pressed = FALSE;
+      if (device_event->detail == 4 || device_event->detail == 5)
+        /* Scrollwheel event, do nothing and deliver event to compositor below */
+        break;
+      if ((window &&
+           meta_grab_op_is_mouse (display->grab_op) &&
+           (device_event->mods.effective & display->window_grab_modifiers) &&
+           display->grab_button != device_event->detail &&
+           display->grab_window == window) ||
+          grab_op_is_keyboard (display->grab_op))
+        {
+          meta_topic (META_DEBUG_WINDOW_OPS,
+                      "Ending grab op %u on window %s due to button press\n",
+                      display->grab_op,
+                      (display->grab_window ?
+                       display->grab_window->desc :
+                       "none"));
+          if (GRAB_OP_IS_WINDOW_SWITCH (display->grab_op))
+            {
+              MetaScreen *screen;
+              meta_topic (META_DEBUG_WINDOW_OPS,
+                          "Syncing to old stack positions.\n");
+              screen =
+                meta_display_screen_for_root (display, device_event->event);
+              if (screen!=NULL)
+                meta_stack_set_positions (screen->stack,
+                                          display->grab_old_window_stacking);
+            }
+          meta_display_end_grab_op (display,
+                                    device_event->time);
+        }
+      else if (window && display->grab_op == META_GRAB_OP_NONE)
+        {
+          gboolean begin_move = FALSE;
+          unsigned int grab_mask;
+          gboolean unmodified;
+          grab_mask = display->window_grab_modifiers;
+          if (g_getenv ("MUTTER_DEBUG_BUTTON_GRABS"))
+            grab_mask |= ControlMask;
+          /* Two possible sources of an unmodified event; one is a
+           * client that's letting button presses pass through to the
+           * frame, the other is our focus_window_grab on unmodified
+           * button 1.  So for all such events we focus the window.
+           */
+          unmodified = (device_event->mods.effective & grab_mask) == 0;
+          if (unmodified ||
+              device_event->detail == 1)
+            {
+              /* don't focus if frame received, will be lowered in
+               * frames.c or special-cased if the click was on a
+               * minimize/close button.
+               */
+              if (!frame_was_receiver)
+                {
+                  if (meta_prefs_get_raise_on_click ())
+                    meta_window_raise (window);
+                  else
+                    meta_topic (META_DEBUG_FOCUS,
+                                "Not raising window on click due to don't-raise-on-click option\n");
+                  /* Don't focus panels--they must explicitly request focus.
+                   * See bug 160470
+                   */
+                  if (window->type != META_WINDOW_DOCK)
+                    {
+                      meta_topic (META_DEBUG_FOCUS,
+                                  "Focusing %s due to unmodified button %u press (display.c)\n",
+                                  window->desc, device_event->detail);
+                      meta_window_focus (window, device_event->time);
+                    }
+                  else
+                    /* However, do allow terminals to lose focus due to new
+                     * window mappings after the user clicks on a panel.
+                     */
+                    display->allow_terminal_deactivation = TRUE;
+                }
+              /* you can move on alt-click but not on
+               * the click-to-focus
+               */
+              if (!unmodified)
+                begin_move = TRUE;
+            }
+          else if (!unmodified && device_event->detail == meta_prefs_get_mouse_button_resize())
+            {
+              if (window->has_resize_func)
+                {
+                  gboolean north, south;
+                  gboolean west, east;
+                  int root_x, root_y;
+                  MetaGrabOp op;
+                  meta_window_get_position (window, &root_x, &root_y);
+                  west = device_event->root_x <  (root_x + 1 * window->rect.width  / 3);
+                  east = device_event->root_x >  (root_x + 2 * window->rect.width  / 3);
+                  north = device_event->root_y < (root_y + 1 * window->rect.height / 3);
+                  south = device_event->root_y > (root_y + 2 * window->rect.height / 3);
+                  if (north && west)
+                    op = META_GRAB_OP_RESIZING_NW;
+                  else if (north && east)
+                    op = META_GRAB_OP_RESIZING_NE;
+                  else if (south && west)
+                    op = META_GRAB_OP_RESIZING_SW;
+                  else if (south && east)
+                    op = META_GRAB_OP_RESIZING_SE;
+                  else if (north)
+                    op = META_GRAB_OP_RESIZING_N;
+                  else if (west)
+                    op = META_GRAB_OP_RESIZING_W;
+                  else if (east)
+                    op = META_GRAB_OP_RESIZING_E;
+                  else if (south)
+                    op = META_GRAB_OP_RESIZING_S;
+                  else /* Middle region is no-op to avoid user triggering wrong action */
+                    op = META_GRAB_OP_NONE;
+                  if (op != META_GRAB_OP_NONE)
+                    meta_display_begin_grab_op (display,
+                                                window->screen,
+                                                window,
+                                                op,
+                                                TRUE,
+                                                FALSE,
+                                                device_event->detail,
+                                                0,
+                                                device_event->time,
+                                                device_event->root_x,
+                                                device_event->root_y);
+                }
+            }
+          else if (device_event->detail == meta_prefs_get_mouse_button_menu())
+            {
+              if (meta_prefs_get_raise_on_click ())
+                meta_window_raise (window);
+              meta_window_show_menu (window,
+                                     device_event->root_x,
+                                     device_event->root_y,
+                                     device_event->detail,
+                                     device_event->time);
+            }
+          if (!frame_was_receiver && unmodified)
+            {
+              /* This is from our synchronous grab since
+               * it has no modifiers and was on the client window
+               */
+              meta_verbose ("Allowing events time %u\n",
+                            (unsigned int)device_event->time);
+              XIAllowEvents (display->xdisplay, device_event->deviceid,
+                             XIReplayDevice, device_event->time);
+            }
+          if (begin_move && window->has_move_func)
+            {
+              meta_display_begin_grab_op (display,
+                                          window->screen,
+                                          window,
+                                          META_GRAB_OP_MOVING,
+                                          TRUE,
+                                          FALSE,
+                                          device_event->detail,
+                                          0,
+                                          device_event->time,
+                                          device_event->root_x,
+                                          device_event->root_y);
+            }
+        }
+      break;
+    case XI_ButtonRelease:
+      if (display->grab_op == META_GRAB_OP_COMPOSITOR)
+        break;
+      display->overlay_key_only_pressed = FALSE;
+      if (display->grab_window == window &&
+          meta_grab_op_is_mouse (display->grab_op))
+        meta_window_handle_mouse_grab_op_event (window, device_event);
+      break;
+    case XI_Motion:
+      if (display->grab_op == META_GRAB_OP_COMPOSITOR)
+        break;
+      if (display->grab_window == window &&
+          meta_grab_op_is_mouse (display->grab_op))
+        meta_window_handle_mouse_grab_op_event (window, device_event);
+      break;
+    case XI_Enter:
+      if (display->grab_op == META_GRAB_OP_COMPOSITOR)
+        break;
+      /* If the mouse switches screens, active the default window on the new
+       * screen; this will make keybindings and workspace-launched items
+       * actually appear on the right screen.
+       */
+      {
+        MetaScreen *new_screen =
+          meta_display_screen_for_root (display, enter_event->root);
+        if (new_screen != NULL && display->active_screen != new_screen)
+          meta_workspace_focus_default_window (new_screen->active_workspace,
+                                               NULL,
+                                               enter_event->time);
+      }
+      /* Check if we've entered a window; do this even if window->has_focus to
+       * avoid races.
+       */
+      if (window && !crossing_serial_is_ignored (display, serial) &&
+          enter_event->mode != XINotifyGrab &&
+          enter_event->mode != XINotifyUngrab &&
+          enter_event->detail != XINotifyInferior &&
+          meta_display_focus_sentinel_clear (display))
+        {
+          switch (meta_prefs_get_focus_mode ())
+            {
+            case G_DESKTOP_FOCUS_MODE_SLOPPY:
+            case G_DESKTOP_FOCUS_MODE_MOUSE:
+              display->mouse_mode = TRUE;
+              if (window->type != META_WINDOW_DOCK)
+                {
+                  meta_topic (META_DEBUG_FOCUS,
+                              "Queuing a focus change for %s due to "
+                              "enter notify with serial %lu at time %lu, "
+                              "and setting display->mouse_mode to TRUE.\n",
+                              window->desc,
+                              serial,
+                              enter_event->time);
+                  if (meta_prefs_get_focus_change_on_pointer_rest())
+                    meta_display_queue_focus_callback (display, window,
+                                                       enter_event->root_x,
+                                                       enter_event->root_y);
+                  else
+                    meta_display_mouse_mode_focus (display, window,
+                                                   enter_event->time);
+                  /* stop ignoring stuff */
+                  reset_ignored_crossing_serials (display);
+                }
+              break;
+            case G_DESKTOP_FOCUS_MODE_CLICK:
+              break;
+            }
+          if (window->type == META_WINDOW_DOCK)
+            meta_window_raise (window);
+        }
+      break;
+    case XI_Leave:
+      if (display->grab_op == META_GRAB_OP_COMPOSITOR)
+        break;
+      if (window != NULL)
+        {
+          if (window->type == META_WINDOW_DOCK &&
+              enter_event->mode != XINotifyGrab &&
+              enter_event->mode != XINotifyUngrab &&
+              !window->has_focus)
+            meta_window_lower (window);
+        }
+      break;
+    case XI_FocusIn:
+    case XI_FocusOut:
+      handle_window_focus_event (display, window, enter_event, serial);
+      if (!window)
+        {
+          /* Check if the window is a root window. */
+          MetaScreen *screen =
+            meta_display_screen_for_root(display,
+                                         enter_event->event);
+          if (screen == NULL)
+            break;
+          if (enter_event->evtype == XI_FocusIn &&
+              enter_event->mode == XINotifyDetailNone)
+            {
+              meta_topic (META_DEBUG_FOCUS,
+                          "Focus got set to None, probably due to "
+                          "brain-damage in the X protocol (see bug "
+                          "125492).  Setting the default focus window.\n");
+              meta_workspace_focus_default_window (screen->active_workspace,
+                                                   NULL,
+                                                   meta_display_get_current_time_roundtrip (display));
+            }
+          else if (enter_event->evtype == XI_FocusIn &&
+                   enter_event->mode == XINotifyNormal &&
+                   enter_event->detail == XINotifyInferior)
+            {
+              meta_topic (META_DEBUG_FOCUS,
+                          "Focus got set to root window, probably due to "
+                          "gnome-session logout dialog usage (see bug "
+                          "153220).  Setting the default focus window.\n");
+              meta_workspace_focus_default_window (screen->active_workspace,
+                                                   NULL,
+                                                   meta_display_get_current_time_roundtrip (display));
+            }
+        }
+      break;
+    }
+  return FALSE;
 static void
 reload_xkb_rules (MetaScreen  *screen)
@@ -2338,7 +2710,6 @@ meta_display_handle_xevent (MetaDisplay *display,
       property_for_window = window;
       window = NULL;
   frame_was_receiver = FALSE;
   if (window &&
@@ -2411,363 +2782,14 @@ meta_display_handle_xevent (MetaDisplay *display,
 #endif /* HAVE_XI23 */
-  if (input_event != NULL)
+  /* libXi does not properly copy the serial to XI2 events, so pull it
+   * from the parent XAnyEvent and pass it to handle_input_xevent.
+   * See: https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=64687
+   */
+  if (handle_input_xevent (display, input_event, event->xany.serial))
-      XIDeviceEvent *device_event = (XIDeviceEvent *) input_event;
-      XIEnterEvent *enter_event = (XIEnterEvent *) input_event;
-      if (window && !window->override_redirect &&
-          ((input_event->type == XI_KeyPress) || (input_event->type == XI_ButtonPress)))
-        {
-          if (CurrentTime == display->current_time)
-            {
-              /* We can't use missing (i.e. invalid) timestamps to set user time,
-               * nor do we want to use them to sanity check other timestamps.
-               * See bug 313490 for more details.
-               */
-              meta_warning ("Event has no timestamp! You may be using a broken "
-                            "program such as xse.  Please ask the authors of that "
-                            "program to fix it.\n");
-            }
-          else
-            {
-              meta_window_set_user_time (window, display->current_time);
-              sanity_check_timestamps (display, display->current_time);
-            }
-        }
-      switch (input_event->evtype)
-        {
-        case XI_KeyPress:
-        case XI_KeyRelease:
-          /* For key events, it's important to enforce single-handling, or
-           * we can get into a confused state. So if a keybinding is
-           * handled (because it's one of our hot-keys, or because we are
-           * in a keyboard-grabbed mode like moving a window, we don't
-           * want to pass the key event to the compositor or GTK+ at all.
-           */
-          if (meta_display_process_key_event (display, window, (XIDeviceEvent *) input_event))
-            bypass_gtk = bypass_compositor = TRUE;
-          break;
-        case XI_ButtonPress:
-          if (display->grab_op == META_GRAB_OP_COMPOSITOR)
-            break;
-          display->overlay_key_only_pressed = FALSE;
-          if (device_event->detail == 4 || device_event->detail == 5)
-            /* Scrollwheel event, do nothing and deliver event to compositor below */
-            break;
-          if ((window &&
-               meta_grab_op_is_mouse (display->grab_op) &&
-               (device_event->mods.effective & display->window_grab_modifiers) &&
-               display->grab_button != device_event->detail &&
-               display->grab_window == window) ||
-              grab_op_is_keyboard (display->grab_op))
-            {
-              meta_topic (META_DEBUG_WINDOW_OPS,
-                          "Ending grab op %u on window %s due to button press\n",
-                          display->grab_op,
-                          (display->grab_window ?
-                           display->grab_window->desc : 
-                           "none"));
-              if (GRAB_OP_IS_WINDOW_SWITCH (display->grab_op))
-                {
-                  MetaScreen *screen;
-                  meta_topic (META_DEBUG_WINDOW_OPS, 
-                              "Syncing to old stack positions.\n");
-                  screen = 
-                    meta_display_screen_for_root (display, device_event->event);
-                  if (screen!=NULL)
-                    meta_stack_set_positions (screen->stack,
-                                              display->grab_old_window_stacking);
-                }
-              meta_display_end_grab_op (display,
-                                        device_event->time);
-            }
-          else if (window && display->grab_op == META_GRAB_OP_NONE)
-            {
-              gboolean begin_move = FALSE;
-              unsigned int grab_mask;
-              gboolean unmodified;
-              grab_mask = display->window_grab_modifiers;
-              if (g_getenv ("MUTTER_DEBUG_BUTTON_GRABS"))
-                grab_mask |= ControlMask;
-              /* Two possible sources of an unmodified event; one is a
-               * client that's letting button presses pass through to the
-               * frame, the other is our focus_window_grab on unmodified
-               * button 1.  So for all such events we focus the window.
-               */
-              unmodified = (device_event->mods.effective & grab_mask) == 0;
-              if (unmodified ||
-                  device_event->detail == 1)
-                {
-                  /* don't focus if frame received, will be lowered in
-                   * frames.c or special-cased if the click was on a
-                   * minimize/close button.
-                   */
-                  if (!frame_was_receiver)
-                    {
-                      if (meta_prefs_get_raise_on_click ()) 
-                        meta_window_raise (window);
-                      else
-                        meta_topic (META_DEBUG_FOCUS,
-                                    "Not raising window on click due to don't-raise-on-click option\n");
-                      /* Don't focus panels--they must explicitly request focus.
-                       * See bug 160470
-                       */
-                      if (window->type != META_WINDOW_DOCK)
-                        {
-                          meta_topic (META_DEBUG_FOCUS,
-                                      "Focusing %s due to unmodified button %u press (display.c)\n",
-                                      window->desc, device_event->detail);
-                          meta_window_focus (window, device_event->time);
-                        }
-                      else
-                        /* However, do allow terminals to lose focus due to new
-                         * window mappings after the user clicks on a panel.
-                         */
-                        display->allow_terminal_deactivation = TRUE;
-                    }
-                  /* you can move on alt-click but not on
-                   * the click-to-focus
-                   */
-                  if (!unmodified)
-                    begin_move = TRUE;
-                }
-              else if (!unmodified && device_event->detail == meta_prefs_get_mouse_button_resize())
-                {
-                  if (window->has_resize_func)
-                    {
-                      gboolean north, south;
-                      gboolean west, east;
-                      int root_x, root_y;
-                      MetaGrabOp op;
-                      meta_window_get_position (window, &root_x, &root_y);
-                      west = device_event->root_x <  (root_x + 1 * window->rect.width  / 3);
-                      east = device_event->root_x >  (root_x + 2 * window->rect.width  / 3);
-                      north = device_event->root_y < (root_y + 1 * window->rect.height / 3);
-                      south = device_event->root_y > (root_y + 2 * window->rect.height / 3);
-                      if (north && west)
-                        op = META_GRAB_OP_RESIZING_NW;
-                      else if (north && east)
-                        op = META_GRAB_OP_RESIZING_NE;
-                      else if (south && west)
-                        op = META_GRAB_OP_RESIZING_SW;
-                      else if (south && east)
-                        op = META_GRAB_OP_RESIZING_SE;
-                      else if (north)
-                        op = META_GRAB_OP_RESIZING_N;
-                      else if (west)
-                        op = META_GRAB_OP_RESIZING_W;
-                      else if (east)
-                        op = META_GRAB_OP_RESIZING_E;
-                      else if (south)
-                        op = META_GRAB_OP_RESIZING_S;
-                      else /* Middle region is no-op to avoid user triggering wrong action */
-                        op = META_GRAB_OP_NONE;
-                      if (op != META_GRAB_OP_NONE)
-                        meta_display_begin_grab_op (display,
-                                                    window->screen,
-                                                    window,
-                                                    op,
-                                                    TRUE,
-                                                    FALSE,
-                                                    device_event->detail,
-                                                    0,
-                                                    device_event->time,
-                                                    device_event->root_x,
-                                                    device_event->root_y);
-                    }
-                }
-              else if (device_event->detail == meta_prefs_get_mouse_button_menu())
-                {
-                  if (meta_prefs_get_raise_on_click ())
-                    meta_window_raise (window);
-                  meta_window_show_menu (window,
-                                         device_event->root_x,
-                                         device_event->root_y,
-                                         device_event->detail,
-                                         device_event->time);
-                }
-              if (!frame_was_receiver && unmodified)
-                {
-                  /* This is from our synchronous grab since
-                   * it has no modifiers and was on the client window
-                   */
-                  meta_verbose ("Allowing events time %u\n",
-                                (unsigned int)device_event->time);
-                  XIAllowEvents (display->xdisplay, device_event->deviceid,
-                                 XIReplayDevice, device_event->time);
-                }
-              if (begin_move && window->has_move_func)
-                {
-                  meta_display_begin_grab_op (display,
-                                              window->screen,
-                                              window,
-                                              META_GRAB_OP_MOVING,
-                                              TRUE,
-                                              FALSE,
-                                              device_event->detail,
-                                              0,
-                                              device_event->time,
-                                              device_event->root_x,
-                                              device_event->root_y);
-                }
-            }
-          break;
-        case XI_ButtonRelease:
-          if (display->grab_op == META_GRAB_OP_COMPOSITOR)
-            break;
-          display->overlay_key_only_pressed = FALSE;
-          if (display->grab_window == window &&
-              meta_grab_op_is_mouse (display->grab_op))
-            meta_window_handle_mouse_grab_op_event (window, device_event);
-          break;
-        case XI_Motion:
-          if (display->grab_op == META_GRAB_OP_COMPOSITOR)
-            break;
-          if (display->grab_window == window &&
-              meta_grab_op_is_mouse (display->grab_op))
-            meta_window_handle_mouse_grab_op_event (window, device_event);
-          break;
-        case XI_Enter:
-          if (display->grab_op == META_GRAB_OP_COMPOSITOR)
-            break;
-          /* If the mouse switches screens, active the default window on the new
-           * screen; this will make keybindings and workspace-launched items
-           * actually appear on the right screen.
-           */
-          {
-            MetaScreen *new_screen = 
-              meta_display_screen_for_root (display, enter_event->root);
-            if (new_screen != NULL && display->active_screen != new_screen)
-              meta_workspace_focus_default_window (new_screen->active_workspace, 
-                                                   NULL,
-                                                   enter_event->time);
-          }
-          /* Check if we've entered a window; do this even if window->has_focus to
-           * avoid races.
-           */
-          if (window && !crossing_serial_is_ignored (display, event->xany.serial) &&
-              enter_event->mode != XINotifyGrab && 
-              enter_event->mode != XINotifyUngrab &&
-              enter_event->detail != XINotifyInferior &&
-              meta_display_focus_sentinel_clear (display))
-            {
-              switch (meta_prefs_get_focus_mode ())
-                {
-                case G_DESKTOP_FOCUS_MODE_SLOPPY:
-                case G_DESKTOP_FOCUS_MODE_MOUSE:
-                  display->mouse_mode = TRUE;
-                  if (window->type != META_WINDOW_DOCK)
-                    {
-                      meta_topic (META_DEBUG_FOCUS,
-                                  "Queuing a focus change for %s due to "
-                                  "enter notify with serial %lu at time %lu, "
-                                  "and setting display->mouse_mode to TRUE.\n",
-                                  window->desc,
-                                  event->xany.serial,
-                                  enter_event->time);
-                      if (meta_prefs_get_focus_change_on_pointer_rest())
-                        meta_display_queue_focus_callback (display, window,
-                                                           enter_event->root_x,
-                                                           enter_event->root_y);
-                      else
-                        meta_display_mouse_mode_focus (display, window,
-                                                       enter_event->time);
-                      /* stop ignoring stuff */
-                      reset_ignored_crossing_serials (display);
-                    }
-                  break;
-                case G_DESKTOP_FOCUS_MODE_CLICK:
-                  break;
-                }
-              if (window->type == META_WINDOW_DOCK)
-                meta_window_raise (window);
-            }
-          break;
-        case XI_Leave:
-          if (display->grab_op == META_GRAB_OP_COMPOSITOR)
-            break;
-          if (window != NULL)
-            {
-              if (window->type == META_WINDOW_DOCK &&
-                  enter_event->mode != XINotifyGrab &&
-                  enter_event->mode != XINotifyUngrab &&
-                  !window->has_focus)
-                meta_window_lower (window);
-            }
-          break;
-        case XI_FocusIn:
-        case XI_FocusOut:
-          /* libXi does not properly copy the serial to the XIEnterEvent, so pull it
-           * from the parent XAnyEvent.
-           * See: https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=64687
-           */
-          handle_window_focus_event (display, window, enter_event, event->xany.serial);
-          if (!window)
-            {
-              /* Check if the window is a root window. */
-              MetaScreen *screen =
-                meta_display_screen_for_root(display,
-                                             enter_event->event);
-              if (screen == NULL)
-                break;
-              if (enter_event->evtype == XI_FocusIn &&
-                  enter_event->mode == XINotifyDetailNone)
-                {
-                  meta_topic (META_DEBUG_FOCUS, 
-                              "Focus got set to None, probably due to "
-                              "brain-damage in the X protocol (see bug "
-                              "125492).  Setting the default focus window.\n");
-                  meta_workspace_focus_default_window (screen->active_workspace,
-                                                       NULL,
-                                                       meta_display_get_current_time_roundtrip (display));
-                }
-              else if (enter_event->evtype == XI_FocusIn &&
-                       enter_event->mode == XINotifyNormal &&
-                       enter_event->detail == XINotifyInferior)
-                {
-                  meta_topic (META_DEBUG_FOCUS,
-                              "Focus got set to root window, probably due to "
-                              "gnome-session logout dialog usage (see bug "
-                              "153220).  Setting the default focus window.\n");
-                  meta_workspace_focus_default_window (screen->active_workspace,
-                                                       NULL,
-                                                       meta_display_get_current_time_roundtrip (display));
-                }
-            }
-          break;
-        }
+      bypass_gtk = bypass_compositor = TRUE;
+      goto out;
@@ -3252,6 +3274,33 @@ event_callback (XEvent  *event,
   return meta_display_handle_xevent (display, event);
+static Window
+xievent_get_modified_window (MetaDisplay *display,
+                             XIEvent *input_event)
+  switch (input_event->evtype)
+    {
+    case XI_Motion:
+    case XI_ButtonPress:
+    case XI_ButtonRelease:
+    case XI_KeyPress:
+    case XI_KeyRelease:
+      return ((XIDeviceEvent *) input_event)->event;
+    case XI_FocusIn:
+    case XI_FocusOut:
+    case XI_Enter:
+    case XI_Leave:
+      return ((XIEnterEvent *) input_event)->event;
+#ifdef HAVE_XI23
+    case XI_BarrierHit:
+    case XI_BarrierLeave:
+      return ((XIBarrierEvent *) input_event)->event;
+#endif /* HAVE_XI23 */
+    }
+  return None;
 /* Return the window this has to do with, if any, rather
  * than the frame or root window that was selecting
  * for substructure
@@ -3263,27 +3312,7 @@ event_get_modified_window (MetaDisplay *display,
   XIEvent *input_event = get_input_event (display, event);
   if (input_event)
-    {
-      switch (input_event->evtype)
-        {
-        case XI_Motion:
-        case XI_ButtonPress:
-        case XI_ButtonRelease:
-        case XI_KeyPress:
-        case XI_KeyRelease:
-          return ((XIDeviceEvent *) input_event)->event;
-        case XI_FocusIn:
-        case XI_FocusOut:
-        case XI_Enter:
-        case XI_Leave:
-          return ((XIEnterEvent *) input_event)->event;
-#ifdef HAVE_XI23
-        case XI_BarrierHit:
-        case XI_BarrierLeave:
-          return ((XIBarrierEvent *) input_event)->event;
-#endif /* HAVE_XI23 */
-        }
-    }
+    return xievent_get_modified_window (display, input_event);
   switch (event->type)

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