[gnome-code-assistance] Add new README

commit d9ec7db6cb0dc15bfaad5f232b09e4c7e567552a
Author: Jesse van den Kieboom <jessevdk gmail com>
Date:   Mon Nov 11 19:32:07 2013 +0100

    Add new README

 README    |   30 -----------
 README.md |  166 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 166 insertions(+), 30 deletions(-)
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0bb3a05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+# Code Assistance
+This page describes the gnome-code-assistance project.
+git: https://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-code-assistance
+bugs: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/browse.cgi?product=gnome-code-assistance
+## Description
+gnome-code-assistance is a project which aims to provide common code assistance
+services for code editors (simple editors as well as IDEs). It is an effort to
+provide a centralized code-assistance as a service for the GNOME platform
+instead of having every editor implement their own solution.
+## Design
+gnome-code-assistance is designed as a set of DBus services which editors can
+query to integrate code assistance. There are several advantages of this design.
+As DBus services, the code assistance code runs out-of-process which ensures
+robustness (in terms of crashing clients). Having each language backend being
+implemented as a separate process further allows backends to be implemented in
+a language of choice (often the language for which the service is being
+provided). Many languages nowadays provide code analysis tools as part of the
+language's standard library which simplifies writing code assistance support.
+The set of DBus interfaces defined in this document represent the contract
+between the client and backend services. This allows clients to implement code
+assistance in a largely language agnostic manner and using DBus
+introspection, clients can find out what kind of services a certain language
+backend supports.
+## Existing clients
+The only existing client currently is being developed as a plugin for gedit
+at https://git.gnome.org/browse/gedit-code-assistance.git. This serves as a
+reference implementation for other clients.
+## DBus objects and interfaces
+The following section describes the various DBus interfaces and objects which
+define the code assistance protocol.
+### Interfaces
+    // All services must implement this interface on the root object.
+    type org.gnome.CodeAssist.Service interface {
+        // Parse and analyse a single document.
+        //
+        // path:     the file path to be parsed.
+        // cursor:   the current location (in bytes) of the cursor. The cursor
+        //           position can be used for the purpose of obtaining
+        //           information for services like auto-completion.
+        // dataPath: the path where the actual file data can be obtained. The
+        //           dataPath should be used to provide the contents of a file
+        //           that has modifications not yet written to disk (i.e. a file
+        //           being edited).
+        // options:  a map of backend specific options.
+        //
+        // returns:  a dbus object path where information on the parsed document
+        //           can be obtained. The object located at this path can
+        //           be introspected to find out which services are available.
+        //
+        Parse(path string, cursor int64, dataPath string, options map[string]variant) object
+        // Dispose the document representing the given file path. Note that this
+        // is a file path, not a dbus object path. Clients can call dispose
+        // to allow backends to cleanup resources (e.g. a cache) associated
+        // with the document. Editors should normally call this as soon as
+        // code assistance for a document is no longer required (e.g. closing
+        // the document).
+        Dispose(path string)
+    }
+    // This interface is implemented by backends that support parsing and
+    // analysing multiple documents at the same time to complete a translation
+    // unit. This is mostly useful for statically typed languages, where multiple
+    // documents are parsed to complete type information (think headers in C).
+    type org.gnome.CodeAssist.Project interface {
+        // Parse a number of documents to complete the translation unit of the
+        // given path.
+        //
+        // path:      the file path to be parsed.
+        // cursor:    the cursor location (see org.gnome.CodeAssist.Service.Parse).
+        // documents: a list of open documents (path string, dataPath string).
+        //            This list serves two purposes. 1) it provides dataPath
+        //            for all being-edited documents and 2) it provides a list
+        //            of all documents in which the editor is currently
+        //            interested in (i.e. all open documents for the given
+        //            language). Note that this list is *not* a list of files
+        //            in a project. It is up to the backend to parse all files
+        //            relevant to complete the file at path.
+        // options:   a map of backend specific options.
+        //
+        // returns:   a list of RemoteDocument (path string, remotePath object).
+        //            The returned list of remote documents is the subset of
+        //            provided documents for which new information is available
+        //            after parsing.
+        //
+        ParseAll(path string, cursor int64, documents []OpenDocument, options map[string]variant) 
+    }
+    // All services must the Document interface on each document
+    type org.gnome.CodeAssist.Document interface {
+    }
+    // The Diagnostics interface can be implemented on a document to provide
+    // diagnostics after parsing.
+    type org.gnome.CodeAssist.Diagnostics {
+        // Obtain diagnostic information for the document. The return value
+        // is a list of Diagnostic structs. Each diagnostic contains at least
+        // a Severity level (e.g. Warning or Error), one or more SourceRange
+        // locations on where the Diagnostic is located and a message. A
+        // diagnostic can optionally also contain a list of Fixits which provide
+        // hints on how to fix a particular problem. A Fixit consists of a
+        // SourceRange location and a suggested replacement of that range.
+        Diagnostics() []Diagnostic
+    }
+### Objects
+A service for a language `X` is available on the dbus name `org.gnome.CodeAssist.X`.
+It further makes available two objects. The first is located at `/org/gnome/CodeAssist/X`
+and implements at least the `org.gnome.CodeAssist.Service` interface. It
+can optionally also implement the `org.gnome.CodeAssist.Project` interface if
+the language supports parsing multiple documents at once.
+The second object that is made available is located at `/org/gnome/CodeAssist/X/document`
+and represents an empty dummy document which can be introspected to find out
+which services are implemented. All documents implement `org.gnome.CodeAssist.Document`,
+but other services are optional.
+### Types
+    // (ua((x(xx)(xx))s)a(x(xx)(xx))s)
+    type Diagnostic struct {
+        Severity  Severity
+        Fixits    []Fixit
+        Locations []SourceRange
+        Message   string
+    }
+    // u
+    type Severity uint32 // None = 0, Info, Warning, Deprecated, Error, Fatal)
+    // ((x(xx)(xx))s)
+    type Fixit struct {
+        Location SourceRange
+        Message  string
+    }
+    // (x(xx)(xx))
+    type SourceRange struct {
+        File  int64
+        Start SourceLocation
+        End   SourceLocation
+    }
+    // (xx)
+    type SourceLocation struct {
+        Line   int64 // Starts at 1
+        Column int64 // Starts at 1
+    }
+    // (so)
+    type RemoteDocument struct {
+        Path       string
+        RemotePath object
+    }
+    // (ss)
+    type OpenDocument struct {
+        Path     string
+        DataPath string
+    }

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