[gnumeric] gnm_fact: rearrange factorial computations.
- From: Morten Welinder <mortenw src gnome org>
- To: commits-list gnome org
- Cc:
- Subject: [gnumeric] gnm_fact: rearrange factorial computations.
- Date: Thu, 7 Nov 2013 01:16:17 +0000 (UTC)
commit 56dfcb38250ed0ce5ef1255f7f6ac4564fec0719
Author: Morten Welinder <terra gnome org>
Date: Sat Nov 2 13:31:03 2013 -0400
gnm_fact: rearrange factorial computations.
This fixes a number of problems pointed out by the amath tests.
The core change is the introduction of qfactf which is able to compute
very large factorials accurately. The magnitude of the result is
returned seperately as a number of power-2-magnitudes that the
given (quad precision) result should be scaled. It's log-like without
the error magnification that goes with lgamma.
configure.ac | 2 +-
plugins/fn-derivatives/options.c | 2 +-
plugins/fn-math/functions.c | 11 +-
src/mathfunc.c | 467 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------
src/mathfunc.h | 5 +-
src/numbers.h | 18 ++
6 files changed, 391 insertions(+), 114 deletions(-)
diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
index afbceaf..5f5b713 100644
--- a/configure.ac
+++ b/configure.ac
@@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ PKG_PROG_PKG_CONFIG(0.18)
dnl *****************************
- libgoffice-${GOFFICE_API_VER} >= 0.10.3
+ libgoffice-${GOFFICE_API_VER} >= 0.10.9
libgsf-1 >= 1.14.24
libxml-2.0 >= 2.4.12
diff --git a/plugins/fn-derivatives/options.c b/plugins/fn-derivatives/options.c
index 925a65b..724151d 100644
--- a/plugins/fn-derivatives/options.c
+++ b/plugins/fn-derivatives/options.c
@@ -705,7 +705,7 @@ opt_jump_diff1 (OptionSide side, gnm_float s, gnm_float x, gnm_float t, gnm_floa
sum = 0.0;
for (i = 0; i != 11; ++i) {
vi = gnm_sqrt ((Z * Z) + (delta * delta) * (i / t));
- sum = sum + gnm_exp (-lambda * t) * gnm_pow (lambda * t, i) / fact(i) *
+ sum = sum + gnm_exp (-lambda * t) * gnm_pow (lambda * t, i) / gnm_fact(i) *
opt_bs1 (side, s, x, t, r, vi, r);
return sum;
diff --git a/plugins/fn-math/functions.c b/plugins/fn-math/functions.c
index 9caedb4..993a7f1 100644
--- a/plugins/fn-math/functions.c
+++ b/plugins/fn-math/functions.c
@@ -906,14 +906,7 @@ gnumeric_fact (GnmFuncEvalInfo *ei, GnmValue const * const *argv)
if (x < 0 && x_is_integer)
return value_new_error_NUM (ei->pos);
- if (x_is_integer)
- return value_new_float (fact (x));
- else {
- gnm_float res = gnm_exp (lgamma1p (x));
- if (x < 0 && gnm_fmod (gnm_floor (-x), 2.0) != 0.0)
- res = 0 - res;
- return value_new_float (res);
- }
+ return value_new_float (gnm_fact (x));
@@ -1793,7 +1786,7 @@ gnumeric_factdouble (GnmFuncEvalInfo *ei, GnmValue const * const *argv)
/* Round as the result ought to be integer. */
res = gnm_floor (0.5 + gnm_exp (lres) / gnm_sqrt (M_PIgnum));
} else
- res = fact (n) * gnm_pow2 (n);
+ res = gnm_fact (n) * gnm_pow2 (n);
return value_new_float (res);
diff --git a/src/mathfunc.c b/src/mathfunc.c
index ef9c02c..a8156a3 100644
--- a/src/mathfunc.c
+++ b/src/mathfunc.c
@@ -81,6 +81,10 @@ static gnm_float bessel_y_ex(gnm_float x, gnm_float alpha, gnm_float *by);
static gnm_float bessel_k(gnm_float x, gnm_float alpha, gnm_float expo);
static gnm_float bessel_y(gnm_float x, gnm_float alpha);
+static void pochhammer_small_n (gnm_float x, gnm_float n, GnmQuad *r);
+static void gamma_error_factor (GnmQuad *res, const GnmQuad *x);
/* MW ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
@@ -95,7 +99,6 @@ mathfunc_init (void)
* Returns: The co-tangent of the given angle.
gnm_cot (gnm_float x)
@@ -114,7 +117,6 @@ gnm_cot (gnm_float x)
* Returns: The inverse co-tangent of the given number.
gnm_acot (gnm_float x)
@@ -136,7 +138,6 @@ gnm_acot (gnm_float x)
* Returns: The hyperbolic co-tangent of the given number.
gnm_coth (gnm_float x)
@@ -4654,16 +4655,16 @@ static void J_bessel(gnm_float *x, gnm_float *alpha, long *nb,
t = (gnu - (xm - 3.)) * (gnu + (xm - 3.));
t1= (gnu - (xm + 1.)) * (gnu + (xm + 1.));
k = m + m;
- capp = s * t / fact(k);
- capq = s * t1/ fact(k + 1);
+ capp = s * t / gnm_fact(k);
+ capq = s * t1/ gnm_fact(k + 1);
xk = xm;
for (; k >= 4; k -= 2) {/* k + 2(j-2) == 2m */
xk -= 4.;
s = (xk - 1. - gnu) * (xk - 1. + gnu);
t1 = t;
t = (gnu - (xk - 3.)) * (gnu + (xk - 3.));
- capp = (capp + 1. / fact(k - 2)) * s * t * xin;
- capq = (capq + 1. / fact(k - 1)) * s * t1 * xin;
+ capp = (capp + 1. / gnm_fact(k - 2)) * s * t * xin;
+ capq = (capq + 1. / gnm_fact(k - 1)) * s * t1 * xin;
capp += 1.;
@@ -6309,7 +6310,7 @@ static gnm_float ptukey_wprob(gnm_float w, gnm_float rr, gnm_float cc)
const int nleg = G_N_ELEMENTS (xleg) * 2;
- gnm_float pr_w, binc, qsqz, blb;
+ gnm_float pr_w, binc, qsqz, blb;
int i, jj;
qsqz = w * 0.5;
@@ -8016,9 +8017,9 @@ combin (gnm_float n, gnm_float k)
return n;
ok = (n < G_MAXINT &&
- !qfact ((int)n, &m1, &e1) &&
- !qfact ((int)k, &m2, &e2) &&
- !qfact ((int)(n - k), &m3, &e3));
+ !qfactf (n, &m1, &e1) &&
+ !qfactf (k, &m2, &e2) &&
+ !qfactf (n - k, &m3, &e3));
if (ok) {
void *state = gnm_quad_start ();
@@ -8066,14 +8067,29 @@ permut (gnm_float n, gnm_float k)
return pochhammer (n - k + 1, k, FALSE);
-qfact (int n, GnmQuad *mant, int *exp2)
+static void
+rescale_mant_exp (GnmQuad *mant, int *exp2)
- static GnmQuad mants[50000];
- static int exp2s[G_N_ELEMENTS (mants)];
+ GnmQuad s;
+ int e;
+ (void)gnm_frexp (gnm_quad_value (mant), &e);
+ *exp2 += e;
+ gnm_quad_init (&s, gnm_ldexp (1.0, -e));
+ gnm_quad_mul (mant, mant, &s);
+/* Tabulate up to, but not including, this number. */
+#define QFACTI_LIMIT 10000
+static gboolean
+qfacti (int n, GnmQuad *mant, int *exp2)
+ static GnmQuad mants[QFACTI_LIMIT];
+ static int exp2s[QFACTI_LIMIT];
static int init = 0;
- if (n < 0 || n >= (int)G_N_ELEMENTS(mants)) {
+ if (n < 0 || n >= QFACTI_LIMIT) {
*mant = gnm_quad_zero;
*exp2 = 0;
return TRUE;
@@ -8089,15 +8105,12 @@ qfact (int n, GnmQuad *mant, int *exp2)
while (n >= init) {
- GnmQuad m, s;
- int e;
+ GnmQuad m;
gnm_quad_init (&m, init);
- gnm_quad_mul (&m, &m, &mants[init - 1]);
- (void)gnm_frexp (gnm_quad_value (&m), &e);
- exp2s[init] = exp2s[init - 1] + e;
- gnm_quad_init (&s, gnm_ldexp (1.0, -e));
- gnm_quad_mul (&mants[init], &m, &s);
+ gnm_quad_mul (&mants[init], &m, &mants[init - 1]);
+ exp2s[init] = exp2s[init - 1];
+ rescale_mant_exp (&mants[init], &exp2s[init]);
@@ -8110,20 +8123,145 @@ qfact (int n, GnmQuad *mant, int *exp2)
return FALSE;
+/* 0: ok, 1: overflow, 2: nan */
+qfactf (gnm_float x, GnmQuad *mant, int *exp2)
+ void *state;
+ gboolean res = 0;
+ if (gnm_isnan (x))
+ return 2;
+ if (x >= G_MAXINT / 2)
+ return 1;
+ if (x == gnm_floor (x)) {
+ /* Integer or infinite. */
+ if (x < 0)
+ return 2;
+ if (!qfacti ((int)x, mant, exp2))
+ return 0;
+ }
+ state = gnm_quad_start ();
+ if (x < -1) {
+ if (qfactf (-x - 1, mant, exp2))
+ res = 1;
+ else {
+ GnmQuad a, b;
+ gnm_float xm2 = gnm_fmod (x, 2);
+ gnm_quad_init (&a, -M_PIgnum); /* FIXME: Do better */
+ gnm_quad_init (&b, gnm_sin (xm2 * M_PIgnum)); /* ? */
+ gnm_quad_mul (&b, &b, mant);
+ gnm_quad_div (mant, &a, &b);
+ *exp2 = -*exp2;
+ }
+ } else if (x >= QFACTI_LIMIT - 0.5) {
+ /*
+ * Let y = x + 1 = m * 2^e; c = sqrt(2Pi).
+ *
+ * G(y) = c * y^(y-1/2) * exp(-y) * E(y)
+ * = c * (y/e)^y / sqrt(y) * E(y)
+ */
+ GnmQuad y, f1, f2, f3, f4;
+ gnm_float ef2;
+ gboolean debug = FALSE;
+ if (debug) g_printerr ("x=%.20g\n", x);
+ gnm_quad_init (&y, x + 1);
+ *exp2 = 0;
+ /* sqrt(2Pi) */
+ gnm_quad_add (&f1, &gnm_quad_pi, &gnm_quad_pi);
+ gnm_quad_sqrt (&f1, &f1);
+ if (debug) g_printerr ("f1=%.20g\n", gnm_quad_value (&f1));
+ /* (y/e)^y */
+ gnm_quad_div (&f2, &y, &gnm_quad_e);
+ gnm_quad_pow (&f2, &ef2, &f2, &y);
+ if (ef2 > G_MAXINT || ef2 < G_MININT)
+ res = 1;
+ else
+ *exp2 += (int)ef2;
+ if (debug) g_printerr ("f2=%.20g\n", gnm_quad_value (&f2));
+ /* sqrt(y) */
+ gnm_quad_sqrt (&f3, &y);
+ if (debug) g_printerr ("f3=%.20g\n", gnm_quad_value (&f3));
+ /* E(x) */
+ gamma_error_factor (&f4, &y);
+ if (debug) g_printerr ("f4=%.20g\n", gnm_quad_value (&f4));
+ gnm_quad_mul (mant, &f1, &f2);
+ gnm_quad_div (mant, mant, &f3);
+ gnm_quad_mul (mant, mant, &f4);
+ if (debug) g_printerr ("G(x+1)=%.20g * 2^%d %s\n", gnm_quad_value (mant), *exp2, res ?
"overflow" : "");
+ } else {
+ GnmQuad s, mFw;
+ gnm_float w, f;
+ int eFw;
+ /*
+ * w integer, |f|<=0.5, x=w+f.
+ *
+ * Do this before we do the stepping below which would kill
+ * up to 4 bits of accuracy of f.
+ */
+ w = gnm_floor (x + 0.5);
+ f = x - w;
+ gnm_quad_init (&s, 1);
+ while (x < 20) {
+ GnmQuad a;
+ x++;
+ w++;
+ gnm_quad_init (&a, x);
+ gnm_quad_mul (&s, &s, &a);
+ }
+ if (qfacti ((int)w, &mFw, &eFw)) {
+ res = 1;
+ } else {
+ GnmQuad r;
+ pochhammer_small_n (w + 1, f, &r);
+ gnm_quad_mul (mant, &mFw, &r);
+ gnm_quad_div (mant, mant, &s);
+ *exp2 = eFw;
+ }
+ }
+ if (res == 0)
+ rescale_mant_exp (mant, exp2);
+ gnm_quad_end (state);
+ return res;
+ * gnm_fact:
+ * @x: number
+ *
+ * Returns: the factorial of @x, which must not be a negative integer.
+ */
-fact (int n)
+gnm_fact (gnm_float x)
GnmQuad r;
int e;
- if (n < 0)
- return gnm_nan;
- if (qfact (n, &r, &e))
- return pochhammer (1, n, FALSE);
- return ldexp (gnm_quad_value (&r), e);
+ switch (qfactf (x, &r, &e)) {
+ case 0: return ldexp (gnm_quad_value (&r), e);
+ case 1: return gnm_pinf;
+ default: return gnm_nan;
+ }
@@ -8848,6 +8986,130 @@ gnm_owent (gnm_float h, gnm_float a)
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+static void
+gamma_error_factor (GnmQuad *res, const GnmQuad *x)
+ gnm_float num[] = {
+ 1.,
+ 1.,
+ -139.,
+ -571.,
+ 163879.,
+ 5246819.,
+ -534703531.,
+ -4483131259.
+ };
+ gnm_float den[] = {
+ 12.,
+ 288.,
+ 51840.,
+ 2488320.,
+ 209018880.,
+ 75246796800.,
+ 902961561600.,
+ 86684309913600.
+ };
+ GnmQuad zn;
+ int i;
+ gnm_quad_init (&zn, 1);
+ *res = zn;
+ for (i = 0; i < (int)G_N_ELEMENTS (num); i++) {
+ GnmQuad t, c;
+ gnm_quad_mul (&zn, &zn, x);
+ gnm_quad_init (&c, den[i]);
+ gnm_quad_mul (&t, &zn, &c);
+ gnm_quad_init (&c, num[i]);
+ gnm_quad_div (&t, &c, &t);
+ gnm_quad_add (res, res, &t);
+ }
+static void
+pochhammer_small_n (gnm_float x, gnm_float n, GnmQuad *res)
+ GnmQuad qx, qn, qr, qs, qone, f1, f2, f3, f4, f5;
+ gnm_float r;
+ gboolean debug = FALSE;
+ g_return_if_fail (x >= 20);
+ g_return_if_fail (gnm_abs (n) <= 1);
+ /*
+ * G(x) = c * x^(x-1/2) * exp(-x) * E(x)
+ * G(x+n) = c * (x+n)^(x+n-1/2) * exp(-(x+n)) * E(x+n)
+ * = c * (x+n)^(x-1/2) * (x+n)^n * exp(-x) * exp(-n) * E(x+n)
+ *
+ * G(x+n)/G(x)
+ * = (1+n/x)^(x-1/2) * (x+n)^n * exp(-n) * E(x+n)/E(x)
+ * = (1+n/x)^x / sqrt(1+n/x) * (x+n)^n * exp(-n) * E(x+n)/E(x)
+ * = exp(x*log(1+n/x) - n) / sqrt(1+n/x) * (x+n)^n * E(x+n)/E(x)
+ * = exp(x*log1p(n/x) - n) / sqrt(1+n/x) * (x+n)^n * E(x+n)/E(x)
+ * = exp(x*(log1pmx(n/x)+n/x) - n) / sqrt(1+n/x) * (x+n)^n * E(x+n)/E(x)
+ * = exp(x*log1pmx(n/x) + n - n) / sqrt(1+n/x) * (x+n)^n * E(x+n)/E(x)
+ * = exp(x*log1pmx(n/x)) / sqrt(1+n/x) * (x+n)^n * E(x+n)/E(x)
+ */
+ gnm_quad_init (&qx, x);
+ gnm_quad_init (&qn, n);
+ gnm_quad_div (&qr, &qn, &qx);
+ r = gnm_quad_value (&qr);
+ gnm_quad_add (&qs, &qx, &qn);
+ gnm_quad_init (&qone, 1);
+ /* exp(x*log1pmx(n/x)) */
+ gnm_quad_mul12 (&f1, log1pmx (r), x); /* sub-opt */
+ gnm_quad_exp (&f1, NULL, &f1);
+ if (debug) g_printerr ("f1=%.20g\n", gnm_quad_value (&f1));
+ /* sqrt(1+n/x) */
+ gnm_quad_add (&f2, &qone, &qr);
+ gnm_quad_sqrt (&f2, &f2);
+ if (debug) g_printerr ("f2=%.20g\n", gnm_quad_value (&f2));
+ /* (x+n)^n */
+ gnm_quad_pow (&f3, NULL, &qs, &qn);
+ if (debug) g_printerr ("f3=%.20g\n", gnm_quad_value (&f3));
+ /* E(x+n) */
+ gamma_error_factor (&f4, &qs);
+ if (debug) g_printerr ("f4=%.20g\n", gnm_quad_value (&f4));
+ /* E(x) */
+ gamma_error_factor (&f5, &qx);
+ if (debug) g_printerr ("f5=%.20g\n", gnm_quad_value (&f5));
+ gnm_quad_div (res, &f1, &f2);
+ gnm_quad_mul (res, res, &f3);
+ gnm_quad_mul (res, res, &f4);
+ gnm_quad_div (res, res, &f5);
+static gnm_float
+pochhammer_naive (gnm_float x, int n)
+ void *state = gnm_quad_start ();
+ GnmQuad qp, qx, qone;
+ gnm_float r;
+ gnm_quad_init (&qone, 1);
+ qp = qone;
+ gnm_quad_init (&qx, x);
+ while (n-- > 0) {
+ gnm_quad_mul (&qp, &qp, &qx);
+ gnm_quad_add (&qx, &qx, &qone);
+ }
+ r = gnm_quad_value (&qp);
+ gnm_quad_end (state);
+ return r;
* Pochhammer's symbol: (x)_n = Gamma(x+n)/Gamma(x).
@@ -8857,6 +9119,10 @@ gnm_owent (gnm_float h, gnm_float a)
pochhammer (gnm_float x, gnm_float n, gboolean give_log)
+ gnm_float rn, rx, lr;
+ GnmQuad m1, m2;
+ int e1, e2;
if (gnm_isnan (x) || gnm_isnan (n))
return gnm_nan;
@@ -8864,62 +9130,80 @@ pochhammer (gnm_float x, gnm_float n, gboolean give_log)
if (x <= 0 || x + n <= 0)
return gnm_nan;
- if (n == gnm_floor (n) && n >= 0) {
- if (x == gnm_floor (x) && x + n < G_MAXINT) {
- void *state = gnm_quad_start ();
- GnmQuad m1, m2;
- int e1, e2;
- gboolean ok;
- gnm_float r = 0;
+ if (n == 0)
+ return give_log ? 0 : 1;
- ok = (!qfact ((int)(x + n - 1), &m1, &e1) &&
- !qfact ((int)(x - 1), &m2, &e2));
+ rx = gnm_floor (x + 0.5);
+ rn = gnm_floor (n + 0.5);
- if (ok) {
- int de = e1 - e2;
+ /*
+ * Use naive multiplication when n is a small integer.
+ * We don't want to use this if x is also an integer
+ * (but we might do so below if x is insanely large).
+ */
+ if (n == rn && x != rx && n >= 0 && n < 40) {
+ gnm_float r = pochhammer_naive (x, (int)n);
+ return give_log ? gnm_log (r) : r;
+ }
- gnm_quad_div (&m1, &m1, &m2);
- r = gnm_quad_value (&m1);
+ if (!qfactf (x + n - 1, &m1, &e1) &&
+ !qfactf (x - 1, &m2, &e2)) {
+ void *state = gnm_quad_start ();
+ int de = e1 - e2;
+ GnmQuad qr;
+ gnm_float r;
- r = give_log
- ? gnm_log (r) + M_LN2gnum * de
- : gnm_ldexp (r, de);
- ok = gnm_finite (r);
- }
+ gnm_quad_div (&qr, &m1, &m2);
+ r = gnm_quad_value (&qr);
+ gnm_quad_end (state);
- gnm_quad_end (state);
+ return give_log
+ ? gnm_log (r) + M_LN2gnum * de
+ : gnm_ldexp (r, de);
+ }
- if (ok)
- return r;
- }
+ /*
+ * We have left the common cases. One of x+n and x is
+ * insanely big, possibly both.
+ */
- if (n <= 40 && !give_log) {
- gnm_float r;
- for (r = 1; n-- > 0; x++)
- r *= x;
- return r;
- }
+ if (gnm_abs (x) < 1) {
+ /* n is big. */
+ if (give_log)
+ goto via_log;
+ else
+ return gnm_pinf;
- if (give_log) {
- gnm_float lf = 0, lr;
- while (x < 10 || x + n < 10) {
- /* P(x,n) = (x/(x+n)) * P(x+1,n) */
- lf -= gnm_log1p (n / x);
- x++;
- }
+ if (n < 0) {
+ gnm_float r = pochhammer (x + n, -n, give_log);
+ return give_log ? -r : 1 / r;
+ }
- lr = ((x - 0.5) * gnm_log1p (n / x) +
- n * gnm_log (x + n) -
- n +
- (lgammacor (x + n) - lgammacor (x)));
+ if (n == rn && n >= 0 && n < 100) {
+ gnm_float r = pochhammer_naive (x, (int)n);
+ return give_log ? gnm_log (r) : r;
+ }
- return lr + lf;
- } else {
- gnm_float lr = pochhammer (x, n, TRUE);
- return gnm_exp (lr);
+ if (gnm_abs (n) < 1) {
+ /* x is big. */
+ void *state = gnm_quad_start ();
+ GnmQuad qr;
+ gnm_float r;
+ pochhammer_small_n (x, n, &qr);
+ r = gnm_quad_value (&qr);
+ gnm_quad_end (state);
+ return give_log ? gnm_log (r) : r;
+ /* Panic mode. */
+ g_printerr ("x=%.20g n=%.20g\n", x, n);
+ lr = ((x - 0.5) * gnm_log1p (n / x) +
+ n * gnm_log (x + n) -
+ n +
+ (lgammacor (x + n) - lgammacor (x)));
+ return give_log ? lr : gnm_exp (lr);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
@@ -8928,36 +9212,17 @@ pochhammer (gnm_float x, gnm_float n, gboolean give_log)
* gnm_gamma:
* @x: a number
- * Returns: gamma(@x) for for positive or non-integer @x.
+ * Returns: the Gamma function evaluated at @x for positive or
+ * non-integer @x.
gnm_gamma (gnm_float x)
- if (gnm_isnan (x))
- return x;
- if (x > 0) {
- if (x == gnm_floor (x) && x < G_MAXINT)
- return fact ((int)x - 1);
- if (x > 10) {
- /* Overflow protection. */
- if (x > 170)
- return (x - 1) * gnm_gamma (x - 1);
- return gnm_pow (x / M_Egnum, x) /
- gnm_sqrt (x / M_2PIgnum)
- * gnm_exp (lgammacor (x));
- }
- /* We can probably do better than this. */
- return gnm_exp (gnm_lgamma (x));
- } else if (x == gnm_floor (x))
- return gnm_nan;
- else {
- return M_PIgnum /
- (gnm_sin (x * M_PIgnum) * gnm_gamma (1 - x));
- }
+ if (gnm_abs (x) < 0.5) {
+ gnm_float a = gnm_exp (gnm_lgamma (x));
+ return (x > 0) ? a : -a;
+ } else
+ return gnm_fact (x - 1);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
diff --git a/src/mathfunc.h b/src/mathfunc.h
index dd360cd..6e70aa6 100644
--- a/src/mathfunc.h
+++ b/src/mathfunc.h
@@ -178,8 +178,9 @@ gboolean gnm_matrix_eigen (GnmMatrix const *m, GnmMatrix *EIG, gnm_float *eigenv
gnm_float combin (gnm_float n, gnm_float k);
gnm_float permut (gnm_float n, gnm_float k);
-gnm_float fact (int n);
-gboolean qfact (int n, GnmQuad *mant, int *exp2);
+int qfact (const GnmQuad *x, GnmQuad *mant, int *exp2);
+int qfactf (gnm_float x, GnmQuad *mant, int *exp2);
+gnm_float gnm_fact (gnm_float x);
gint gnm_float_equal (gnm_float const *a, const gnm_float *b);
guint gnm_float_hash (gnm_float const *d);
diff --git a/src/numbers.h b/src/numbers.h
index c88c7c2..bbcd510 100644
--- a/src/numbers.h
+++ b/src/numbers.h
@@ -118,10 +118,19 @@ gnm_float gnm_erfc (gnm_float x);
#define gnm_quad_init go_quad_initl
#define gnm_quad_value go_quad_valuel
#define gnm_quad_add go_quad_addl
+#define gnm_quad_sub go_quad_subl
#define gnm_quad_mul go_quad_mull
#define gnm_quad_div go_quad_divl
#define gnm_quad_mul12 go_quad_mul12l
+#define gnm_quad_sqrt go_quad_sqrtl
+#define gnm_quad_pow go_quad_powl
+#define gnm_quad_exp go_quad_expl
+#define gnm_quad_expm1 go_quad_expm1l
#define gnm_quad_zero go_quad_zerol
+#define gnm_quad_one go_quad_onel
+#define gnm_quad_pi go_quad_pil
+#define gnm_quad_e go_quad_el
+#define gnm_quad_sqrt2 go_quad_sqrt2l
#define GnmAccumulator GOAccumulatorl
#define gnm_accumulator_start go_accumulator_startl
#define gnm_accumulator_end go_accumulator_endl
@@ -206,10 +215,19 @@ typedef double gnm_float;
#define gnm_quad_init go_quad_init
#define gnm_quad_value go_quad_value
#define gnm_quad_add go_quad_add
+#define gnm_quad_sub go_quad_sub
#define gnm_quad_mul go_quad_mul
#define gnm_quad_div go_quad_div
#define gnm_quad_mul12 go_quad_mul12
+#define gnm_quad_sqrt go_quad_sqrt
+#define gnm_quad_pow go_quad_pow
+#define gnm_quad_exp go_quad_exp
+#define gnm_quad_expm1 go_quad_expm1
#define gnm_quad_zero go_quad_zero
+#define gnm_quad_one go_quad_one
+#define gnm_quad_pi go_quad_pi
+#define gnm_quad_e go_quad_e
+#define gnm_quad_sqrt2 go_quad_sqrt2
#define GnmAccumulator GOAccumulator
#define gnm_accumulator_start go_accumulator_start
#define gnm_accumulator_end go_accumulator_end
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