[gnome-user-docs] Prepare user-* for 3.10 updates
- From: Ekaterina Gerasimova <egerasimov src gnome org>
- To: commits-list gnome org
- Cc:
- Subject: [gnome-user-docs] Prepare user-* for 3.10 updates
- Date: Fri, 1 Nov 2013 19:52:22 +0000 (UTC)
commit 15940163c18054ede141964b64f1edbae0ce7e3a
Author: Ekaterina Gerasimova <kittykat3756 gmail com>
Date: Fri Nov 1 16:24:16 2013 +0000
Prepare user-* for 3.10 updates
gnome-help/C/user-add.page | 180 +++++++++++++++++++--------------
gnome-help/C/user-addguest.page | 82 +++++++++------
gnome-help/C/user-admin-change.page | 92 ++++++++---------
gnome-help/C/user-changepassword.page | 159 ++++++++++++++++-------------
gnome-help/C/user-changepicture.page | 45 +++++---
gnome-help/C/user-delete.page | 53 ++++++----
6 files changed, 346 insertions(+), 265 deletions(-)
diff --git a/gnome-help/C/user-add.page b/gnome-help/C/user-add.page
index 6c42976..50e6fce 100644
--- a/gnome-help/C/user-add.page
+++ b/gnome-help/C/user-add.page
@@ -1,105 +1,131 @@
<page xmlns="http://projectmallard.org/1.0/"
+ xmlns:its="http://www.w3.org/2005/11/its"
type="topic" style="task"
<link type="guide" xref="user-accounts#manage" group="#first"/>
<link type="seealso" xref="user-addguest"/>
- <desc>Add new users so that other people can log in to the computer.</desc>
<!-- Setting 3.4.0 version to final for release, but we need to do something
about the various comments in here, so incomplete for 3.4.1.
<revision pkgversion="3.8.0" version="0.3" date="2013-03-09" status="candidate"/>
<credit type="author">
<name>GNOME Documentation Project</name>
- <email>gnome-doc-list gnome org</email>
+ <email its:translate="no">gnome-doc-list gnome org</email>
<credit type="author">
<name>Shaun McCance</name>
- <email>shaunm gnome org</email>
+ <email its:translate="no">shaunm gnome org</email>
<credit type="editor">
<name>Michael Hill</name>
- <email>mdhillca gmail com</email>
+ <email its:translate="no">mdhillca gmail com</email>
<include href="legal.xml" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"/>
+ <desc>Add new users so that other people can log in to the computer.</desc>
<title>Add a new user account</title>
- <cite date="2012-02-19">shaunm</cite>
- <p>We need a note in here about password hints. Share content
- with user-changepassword</p>
- <cite date="2012-03-24">shaunm</cite>
- <p>Let's add a "Disable account" page. Click the account, click the dots
- next to "Password", select "Disable this account" from "Type".</p>
-<cite date="2012-03-24">shaunm</cite>
-<p>Much of the password dialog simply does not work:</p>
-<item><p><gui>Choose a password at next login</gui> does nothing</p></item>
-<item><p><gui>Log in without a password</gui> does nothing</p></item>
-<item><p><gui>Enable this account</gui> does nothing (and it's not even
-clear to me what it should do):
-<link href="https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=655914">665914</link></p></item>
-<item><p><gui>Hint</gui> does nothing:
-<link href="https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=647912">647912</link>,
-<link href="https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=643445">643445</link></p></item>
- <p>You can add multiple user accounts to your computer. Give one account
- to each person in your household or company. Every user has their own
- home folder, documents, and settings.</p>
- <item><p>Click your name on the top bar and select <gui>Settings</gui>.</p></item>
- <item><p>Open <gui>Users</gui>.</p></item>
- <item><p>You need <link xref="user-admin-explain">administrator privileges</link>
- to add user accounts. Click <gui>Unlock</gui> in the top right corner and type
- your password or the administrator password, as prompted.</p></item>
- <item><p>In the list of accounts on the left, click the
- <gui style="button">+</gui> button to add a new user account.</p></item>
- <item><p>If you want the new user to have
- <link xref="user-admin-explain">administrative access</link> to the computer,
- select <gui>Administrator</gui> for the account type. Administrators can do things
- like add and delete users, install software and drivers, and change the date and
- time.</p></item>
- <item><p>Enter the new user's full name. The username will be filled in
- automatically based on the full name. The default is probably OK, but you can
- change it if you like.</p></item>
- <item><p>Click <gui>Add</gui>.</p></item>
- <item><p>The account is initially disabled until you choose what to do about
- the user's password. Select the new account from the list. Under
- <gui>Login Options</gui> click <gui>Account disabled</gui> next to
- <gui>Password</gui>. Select <gui>Set a password now</gui> from the
- <gui>Action</gui> drop-down list, and have the user type their password in the
- <gui>New password</gui> and <gui>Confirm password</gui> fields.
- See <link xref="user-goodpassword"/>.</p>
- <p>You can also click the button next to the
- <gui>New password</gui> field to select a randomly generated secure password.
- These passwords are hard for others to guess, but they can be hard to remember,
- so be careful.</p></item>
- <item><p>Click <gui>Change</gui>.</p></item>
-<note><p>In the <gui>User Accounts</gui> window you can click the image next
- to the user's name on the right to set an image for the account. This image will
- be shown in the login window. GNOME provides some stock photos you can use, or
- you can select your own or take a picture with your webcam.</p>
+ <comment>
+ <cite date="2012-02-19">shaunm</cite>
+ <p>We need a note in here about password hints. Share content with
+ user-changepassword</p>
+ </comment>
+ <comment>
+ <cite date="2012-03-24">shaunm</cite>
+ <p>Let's add a "Disable account" page. Click the account, click the dots
+ next to "Password", select "Disable this account" from "Type".</p>
+ </comment>
+ <comment>
+ <cite date="2012-03-24">shaunm</cite>
+ <p>Much of the password dialog simply does not work:</p>
+ <list>
+ <item>
+ <p><gui>Choose a password at next login</gui> does nothing</p>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <p><gui>Log in without a password</gui> does nothing</p>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <p><gui>Enable this account</gui> does nothing (and it's not even
+ clear to me what it should do):
+ <link href="https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=655914">665914</link></p>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <p><gui>Hint</gui> does nothing:
+ <link href="https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=647912">647912</link>,
+ <link href="https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=643445">643445</link></p>
+ </item>
+ </list>
+ </comment>
+ <p>You can add multiple user accounts to your computer. Give one account to
+ each person in your household or company. Every user has their own home
+ folder, documents, and settings.</p>
+ <steps>
+ <item>
+ <p>Click your name on the top bar and select <gui>Settings</gui>.</p>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <p>Open <gui>Users</gui>.</p>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <p>You need <link xref="user-admin-explain">administrator
+ privileges</link> to add user accounts. Click <gui>Unlock</gui> in the
+ top right corner and type your password or the administrator password, as
+ prompted.</p>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <p>In the list of accounts on the left, click the
+ <gui style="button">+</gui> button to add a new user account.</p>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <p>If you want the new user to have
+ <link xref="user-admin-explain">administrative access</link> to the
+ computer, select <gui>Administrator</gui> for the account type.
+ Administrators can do things like add and delete users, install software
+ and drivers, and change the date and time.</p>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <p>Enter the new user's full name. The username will be filled in
+ automatically based on the full name. The default is probably OK, but you
+ can change it if you like.</p>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <p>Click <gui>Add</gui>.</p>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <p>The account is initially disabled until you choose what to do about
+ the user's password. Select the new account from the list. Under
+ <gui>Login Options</gui> click <gui>Account disabled</gui> next to
+ <gui>Password</gui>. Select <gui>Set a password now</gui> from the
+ <gui>Action</gui> drop-down list, and have the user type their password
+ in the <gui>New password</gui> and <gui>Confirm password</gui> fields.
+ See <link xref="user-goodpassword"/>.</p>
+ <p>You can also click the button next to the <gui>New password</gui>
+ field to select a randomly generated secure password. These passwords are
+ hard for others to guess, but they can be hard to remember, so be
+ careful.</p>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <p>Click <gui>Change</gui>.</p>
+ </item>
+ </steps>
+ <note>
+ <p>In the <gui>User Accounts</gui> window you can click the image next to
+ the user's name on the right to set an image for the account. This image
+ will be shown in the login window. GNOME provides some stock photos you can
+ use, or you can select your own or take a picture with your webcam.</p>
+ </note>
diff --git a/gnome-help/C/user-addguest.page b/gnome-help/C/user-addguest.page
index a3f680e..b368163 100644
--- a/gnome-help/C/user-addguest.page
+++ b/gnome-help/C/user-addguest.page
@@ -1,65 +1,79 @@
<page xmlns="http://projectmallard.org/1.0/"
+ xmlns:its="http://www.w3.org/2005/11/its"
type="topic" style="task"
<link type="guide" xref="user-accounts#manage"/>
- <desc>Allow guests to use your computer temporarily, without having to give
- them a password.</desc>
<revision pkgversion="3.8.0" version="0.3" date="2013-03-09" status="candidate"/>
<credit type="maintainer">
<name>GNOME Documentation Project</name>
- <email>gnome-doc-list gnome org</email>
+ <email its:translate="no">gnome-doc-list gnome org</email>
<credit type="author">
<name>Phil Bull</name>
- <email>philbull gmail com</email>
+ <email its:translate="no">philbull gmail com</email>
<credit type="author">
<name>Shaun McCance</name>
- <email>shaunm gnome org</email>
+ <email its:translate="no">shaunm gnome org</email>
<credit type="editor">
<name>Michael Hill</name>
- <email>mdhillca gmail com</email>
+ <email its:translate="no">mdhillca gmail com</email>
<include href="legal.xml" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"/>
+ <desc>Allow guests to use your computer temporarily, without having to give them a password.</desc>
-<title>Add a guest user account</title>
+ <title>Add a guest user account</title>
<p>You can create a user account for guests, people who will only use the
- computer on a brief, temporary basis. The guest user will be able to use the
- programs on your computer, but they won't be able to access your files, change
- your settings, or install software.</p>
- <title>Create a guest user account:</title>
+ computer on a brief, temporary basis. The guest user will be able to use the
+ programs on your computer, but they won't be able to access your files,
+ change your settings, or install software.</p>
- <item><p>Click your name on the top bar, then click the picture next to your
- name to open the <gui>Users</gui> window.</p></item>
- <item><p>Click <gui>Unlock</gui> in the top right corner and type your
- password to make changes. You must be an administrative user to add user
- accounts.</p></item>
- <item><p>In the list of accounts on the left, click the
- <gui style="button">+</gui> button to add a new user account.</p></item>
- <item><p>Select <gui>Standard</gui> for the account type. You don't want to
- give the guest account administrative access. Then give the account a name
- like <em>Guest</em>, or any other name you like. The username will be filled
- in automatically based on the full name. The default is probably OK, but you
- can change it if you like. Click <gui>Add</gui> when you're done.</p></item>
- <item><p>Select the new guest user account. Under <gui>Login Options</gui>,
- click the label <gui>Account disabled</gui> next to <gui>Password</gui>. You
- will be presented with a window with password options. From the <gui>Action</gui>
- drop-down list, select <gui>Log in without a password</gui>.</p></item>
+ <steps>
+ <title>Create a guest user account:</title>
+ <item>
+ <p>Click your name on the top bar, then click the picture next to your
+ name to open the <gui>Users</gui> window.</p>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <p>Click <gui>Unlock</gui> in the top right corner and type your password
+ to make changes. You must be an administrative user to add user
+ accounts.</p>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <p>In the list of accounts on the left, click the
+ <gui style="button">+</gui> button to add a new user account.</p>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <p>Select <gui>Standard</gui> for the account type. You don't want to
+ give the guest account administrative access. Then give the account a
+ name like <em>Guest</em>, or any other name you like. The username will
+ be filled in automatically based on the full name. The default is
+ probably OK, but you can change it if you like. Click <gui>Add</gui> when
+ you're done.</p>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <p>Select the new guest user account. Under <gui>Login Options</gui>,
+ click the label <gui>Account disabled</gui> next to <gui>Password</gui>.
+ You will be presented with a window with password options. From the
+ <gui>Action</gui> drop-down list, select <gui>Log in without a
+ password</gui>.</p>
+ </item>
+ </steps>
-<note><p>Back in the <gui>User Accounts</gui> window you can click the image
- next to the user's name on the right to set an image for the account. This image
- will be shown in the login window. GNOME provides some stock photos you can use,
- or you can select your own or take a picture with your webcam.</p></note>
+ <note>
+ <p>Back in the <gui>User Accounts</gui> window you can click the image next
+ to the user's name on the right to set an image for the account. This image
+ will be shown in the login window. GNOME provides some stock photos you can
+ use, or you can select your own or take a picture with your webcam.</p>
+ </note>
diff --git a/gnome-help/C/user-admin-change.page b/gnome-help/C/user-admin-change.page
index 9dca639..30841c8 100644
--- a/gnome-help/C/user-admin-change.page
+++ b/gnome-help/C/user-admin-change.page
@@ -1,72 +1,68 @@
<page xmlns="http://projectmallard.org/1.0/"
+ xmlns:its="http://www.w3.org/2005/11/its"
type="topic" style="task"
<link type="guide" xref="user-accounts#privileges"/>
<link type="seealso" xref="user-admin-explain" />
- <desc>You can change which users are allowed to make changes to the system
- by giving them administrative privileges.</desc>
<revision pkgversion="3.8.0" date="2013-03-09" status="candidate"/>
<credit type="author">
<name>GNOME Documentation Project</name>
- <email>gnome-doc-list gnome org</email>
+ <email its:translate="no">gnome-doc-list gnome org</email>
<include href="legal.xml" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"/>
+ <desc>You can change which users are allowed to make changes to the system by giving them administrative
-<title>Change who has administrative privileges</title>
+ <title>Change who has administrative privileges</title>
<p>Administrative privileges are a way of deciding who can make changes to
- important parts of the system. You can change which users have admin privileges
- and which ones don't. They are a good way of keeping your system secure and
- preventing potentially damaging unauthorized changes.</p>
- <item>
- <p>Click your name on the top bar, then click the picture next to your name
- to open the <gui>Users</gui> window.</p>
- </item>
- <item>
- <p>Click <gui>Unlock</gui> and enter your password to unlock the account
- settings. (To give a user admin privileges, you must have admin privileges
- yourself.)</p>
- </item>
- <item>
- <p>Select the user whose privileges you want to change.</p>
- </item>
- <item><p>Click the label <gui>Standard</gui> next to <gui>Account type</gui>
- and select <gui>Administrator</gui>.</p>
- </item>
- <item>
- <p>Close the User Accounts window. The user's privileges will be changed when
- they next log in.</p>
- </item>
- <p>The first user account on the system is usually the one that has admin
- privileges. This is the user account that was created when you first installed
- the system.</p>
- <p> It is unwise to have too many users with <gui>Administrator</gui>
- privileges on one system.</p>
+ important parts of the system. You can change which users have admin
+ privileges and which ones don't. They are a good way of keeping your system
+ secure and preventing potentially damaging unauthorized changes.</p>
+ <steps>
+ <item>
+ <p>Click your name on the top bar, then click the picture next to your
+ name to open the <gui>Users</gui> window.</p>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <p>Click <gui>Unlock</gui> and enter your password to unlock the account
+ settings. (To give a user admin privileges, you must have admin
+ privileges yourself.)</p>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <p>Select the user whose privileges you want to change.</p>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <p>Click the label <gui>Standard</gui> next to <gui>Account type</gui>
+ and select <gui>Administrator</gui>.</p>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <p>Close the User Accounts window. The user's privileges will be changed
+ when they next log in.</p>
+ </item>
+ </steps>
+ <note>
+ <p>The first user account on the system is usually the one that has admin
+ privileges. This is the user account that was created when you first
+ installed the system.</p>
+ <p>It is unwise to have too many users with <gui>Administrator</gui>
+ privileges on one system.</p>
+ </note>
- <cite date="2012-02-19" href="mailto:gnome-doc-list gnome org">GNOME
- Documentation Project</cite>
- <p>Explain how admin privileges can be given to other people, or removed.
- Warn the reader about how it's unwise to have too many admins on a system.</p>
+ <cite date="2012-02-19" href="mailto:gnome-doc-list gnome org">GNOME
+ Documentation Project</cite>
+ <p>Explain how admin privileges can be given to other people, or removed.
+ Warn the reader about how it's unwise to have too many admins on a
+ system.</p>
diff --git a/gnome-help/C/user-changepassword.page b/gnome-help/C/user-changepassword.page
index f75e1c5..15cc600 100644
--- a/gnome-help/C/user-changepassword.page
+++ b/gnome-help/C/user-changepassword.page
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
<page xmlns="http://projectmallard.org/1.0/"
+ xmlns:its="http://www.w3.org/2005/11/its"
type="topic" style="task"
@@ -6,98 +7,117 @@
<link type="guide" xref="user-accounts#passwords"/>
<link type="seealso" xref="user-goodpassword"/>
- <desc>Keep your account secure by changing your password often
- in your account settings.</desc>
<revision pkgversion="3.8.0" date="2013-03-09" status="candidate"/>
<credit type="author">
<name>GNOME Documentation Project</name>
- <email>gnome-doc-list gnome org</email>
+ <email its:translate="no">gnome-doc-list gnome org</email>
<credit type="editor">
<name>Michael Hill</name>
- <email>mdhillca gmail com</email>
+ <email its:translate="no">mdhillca gmail com</email>
<include href="legal.xml" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"/>
+ <desc>Keep your account secure by changing your password often in your account settings.</desc>
-<title>Change your password</title>
- <cite date="2012-02-19">shaunm</cite>
- <p>We need a note in here about password hints. Share content
- with user-add</p>
- <p>Turns out that you get a dialog to change the keyring password when
- you log in after changing your password. Mention that in a blurb above
- the steps above #changepass below. "When you next log in, you will be
- asked to…. If you prefer to change the keyring password immediately,
- do this:</p>
- <cite date="2012-02-19">shaunm</cite>
- <p>We need pages on the keyring. Link to them from the section
- below on changing your keyring password. This page can still go
- final for 3.0.x without that, but leave this comment in for 3.2.</p>
- <cite date="2012-02-19">mdhill</cite>
- <p>Not prompted to change keyring password on next login in 3.2, wording
- changed. Keyring pages still need adding. Bug 643445 indicates password hints
- not implemented yet in GDM.</p>
+ <title>Change your password</title>
+ <comment>
+ <cite date="2012-02-19">shaunm</cite>
+ <p>We need a note in here about password hints. Share content with
+ user-add</p>
+ <p>Turns out that you get a dialog to change the keyring password when
+ you log in after changing your password. Mention that in a blurb above
+ the steps above #changepass below. "When you next log in, you will be
+ asked to…. If you prefer to change the keyring password immediately,
+ do this:</p>
+ </comment>
+ <comment>
+ <cite date="2012-02-19">shaunm</cite>
+ <p>We need pages on the keyring. Link to them from the section
+ below on changing your keyring password. This page can still go
+ final for 3.0.x without that, but leave this comment in for 3.2.</p>
+ </comment>
+ <comment>
+ <cite date="2012-02-19">mdhill</cite>
+ <p>Not prompted to change keyring password on next login in 3.2, wording
+ changed. Keyring pages still need adding. Bug 643445 indicates password
+ hints not implemented yet in GDM.</p>
+ </comment>
<p>It is a good idea to change your password from time to time, especially if
you think someone else knows what your password is.</p>
- <steps>
- <item><p>Click your name on the top bar, then click the picture next to your
- name to open the <gui>Users</gui> window.</p></item>
- <item><p>Click the label next to <gui>Password</gui>.</p><note>
- <p>The label should look
- like a series of dots or boxes if you already have a password set.</p></note></item>
- <item><p>Enter your current password, then a new password. Enter your new
- password again in the <gui>Confirm password</gui> field.</p>
- <p>You can also click the button next to the
- <gui>New password</gui> field to select a randomly generated secure password.
- These passwords are hard for others to guess, but they can be hard to
- remember, so be careful.</p></item>
- <item><p>Click <gui>Change</gui>.</p></item>
- </steps>
- <p>Make sure you <link xref="user-goodpassword">choose a good password</link>.
- This will help to keep your user account safe.</p>
- <section id="changepass">
- <title>Change the keyring password</title>
+ <steps>
+ <item>
+ <p>Click your name on the top bar, then click the picture next to your
+ name to open the <gui>Users</gui> window.</p>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <p>Click the label next to <gui>Password</gui>.</p>
+ <note>
+ <p>The label should look like a series of dots or boxes if you already
+ have a password set.</p>
+ </note>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <p>Enter your current password, then a new password. Enter your new
+ password again in the <gui>Confirm password</gui> field.</p>
+ <p>You can also click the button next to the <gui>New password</gui>
+ field to select a randomly generated secure password. These passwords are
+ hard for others to guess, but they can be hard to remember, so be
+ careful.</p>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <p>Click <gui>Change</gui>.</p>
+ </item>
+ </steps>
+ <p>Make sure you <link xref="user-goodpassword">choose a good
+ password</link>. This will help to keep your user account safe.</p>
+<section id="changepass">
+ <title>Change the keyring password</title>
<p>If you change your login password, it may become out of sync with the
<em>keyring password</em>. The keyring keeps you from having to remember lots
- of different passwords by just requiring one <em>master</em> password to access
- them all. If you change your user password (see above), your keyring password
- will remain the same as your old password. <!-- When you next log in, you will be
- asked to update your keyring password. If you prefer to change the keyring
- password (to match your login password) immediately: --> To change the keyring
- password (to match your login password):</p>
+ of different passwords by just requiring one <em>master</em> password to
+ access them all. If you change your user password (see above), your keyring
+ password will remain the same as your old password. <!-- When you next log
+ in, you will be asked to update your keyring password. If you prefer to
+ change the keyring password (to match your login password) immediately: -->
+ To change the keyring password (to match your login password):</p>
- <item><p>Open the <app>Passwords and Keys</app> application from
- the <gui>Activities</gui> overview.</p></item>
- <item><p>In the <gui>View</gui> menu, ensure <gui>By keyring</gui> is
- checked, and select <gui>Show any</gui>.</p></item>
- <item><p>In the sidebar under <gui>Passwords</gui>, right-click on
- <gui>Login keyring</gui> and select <gui>Change Password</gui>.</p></item>
- <item><p>Enter your old password and click <gui>Continue</gui>. Enter your
- new password and <gui>Type again</gui> to confirm it.</p></item>
- <item><p>Click <gui>Continue</gui>.</p></item>
+ <item>
+ <p>Open the <app>Passwords and Keys</app> application from the
+ <gui>Activities</gui> overview.</p>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <p>In the <gui>View</gui> menu, ensure <gui>By keyring</gui> is checked,
+ and select <gui>Show any</gui>.</p>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <p>In the sidebar under <gui>Passwords</gui>, right-click on <gui>Login
+ keyring</gui> and select <gui>Change Password</gui>.</p>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <p>Enter your old password and click <gui>Continue</gui>. Enter your new
+ password and <gui>Type again</gui> to confirm it.</p>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <p>Click <gui>Continue</gui>.</p>
+ </item>
<note style="info package">
<p>You must have the <sys>seahorse</sys> package installed to use
- <app>Passwords and Keys</app>.</p>
+ <app>Passwords and Keys</app>.</p>
<if:choose xmlns:if="http://projectmallard.org/if/1.0/">
<if:when test="action:install">
<p><link action="install:seahorse" style="button">Install seahorse</link></p>
@@ -105,5 +125,6 @@
- </section>
diff --git a/gnome-help/C/user-changepicture.page b/gnome-help/C/user-changepicture.page
index 4962cee..3d587db 100644
--- a/gnome-help/C/user-changepicture.page
+++ b/gnome-help/C/user-changepicture.page
@@ -1,22 +1,25 @@
<page xmlns="http://projectmallard.org/1.0/"
+ xmlns:its="http://www.w3.org/2005/11/its"
type="topic" style="task"
<link type="guide" xref="user-accounts#manage"/>
- <desc>Add your photo to the login and user screens.</desc>
<revision pkgversion="3.8.0" date="2013-03-09" status="candidate"/>
<credit type="author">
<name>GNOME Documentation Project</name>
- <email>gnome-doc-list gnome org</email>
+ <email its:translate="no">gnome-doc-list gnome org</email>
<credit type="author">
<name>Shaun McCance</name>
- <email>shaunm gnome org</email>
+ <email its:translate="no">shaunm gnome org</email>
<include href="legal.xml" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"/>
+ <desc>Add your photo to the login and user screens.</desc>
<title>Change your login screen photo</title>
@@ -27,20 +30,28 @@
- <item><p>Click your name on the top bar, then click the picture next to your
- name to open the <gui>Users</gui> window.</p></item>
- <item><p>Click the picture next to your name. A drop-down gallery
- will be shown with some stock login photos. If you like one of
- them, click it to use it for yourself.</p>
- <list>
- <item><p>If you'd rather use a picture you already have on your computer,
- click <gui>Browse for more pictures</gui>.</p></item>
- <item><p>If you have a webcam, you can take a new login photo right now
- by clicking <gui>Take a photo</gui>. Take your picture, then move and
- resize the square outline to crop out the parts you don't want. If you
- don't like the picture you took, click <gui>Discard photo</gui> to try
- again, or <gui>Cancel</gui> to give up.</p></item>
- </list>
+ <item>
+ <p>Click your name on the top bar, then click the picture next to your
+ name to open the <gui>Users</gui> window.</p>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <p>Click the picture next to your name. A drop-down gallery will be shown
+ with some stock login photos. If you like one of them, click it to use it
+ for yourself.</p>
+ <list>
+ <item>
+ <p>If you'd rather use a picture you already have on your computer,
+ click <gui>Browse for more pictures</gui>.</p>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <p>If you have a webcam, you can take a new login photo right now by
+ clicking <gui>Take a photo</gui>. Take your picture, then move and
+ resize the square outline to crop out the parts you don't want. If
+ you don't like the picture you took, click <gui>Discard photo</gui>
+ to try again, or <gui>Cancel</gui> to give up.</p>
+ </item>
+ </list>
diff --git a/gnome-help/C/user-delete.page b/gnome-help/C/user-delete.page
index c19390d..d216235 100644
--- a/gnome-help/C/user-delete.page
+++ b/gnome-help/C/user-delete.page
@@ -1,50 +1,63 @@
<page xmlns="http://projectmallard.org/1.0/"
+ xmlns:its="http://www.w3.org/2005/11/its"
type="topic" style="task"
<link type="guide" xref="user-accounts#manage"/>
- <desc>Remove users that no longer use your computer.</desc>
<revision pkgversion="3.8.0" date="2013-03-09" status="candidate"/>
<credit type="author">
<name>Tiffany Antopolski</name>
- <email>tiffany antopolski com</email>
+ <email its:translate="no">tiffany antopolski com</email>
<credit type="author">
<name>GNOME Documentation Project</name>
- <email>gnome-doc-list gnome org</email>
+ <email its:translate="no">gnome-doc-list gnome org</email>
<credit type="author">
<name>Shaun McCance</name>
- <email>shaunm gnome org</email>
+ <email its:translate="no">shaunm gnome org</email>
<credit type="editor">
<name>Michael Hill</name>
- <email>mdhillca gmail com</email>
+ <email its:translate="no">mdhillca gmail com</email>
<include href="legal.xml" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"/>
+ <desc>Remove users that no longer use your computer.</desc>
<title>Delete a user account</title>
<p>You can add multiple user accounts to your computer. See
<link xref="user-add"/> to learn how. If somebody is no longer using
your computer, you can delete that user's account.</p>
- <item><p>Click your name on the top bar, then click the picture next to your
- name to open the <gui>Users</gui> window.</p></item>
- <item><p>Click <gui>Unlock</gui> in the top right corner and type your
- password to make changes. You must be an administrative user to delete user
- accounts.</p></item>
- <item><p>Select the user you want to delete and click the
- <gui style="button">-</gui> button.</p></item>
- <item><p>Each user has their own home folder for their files and settings.
- You can choose to keep or delete the user's home folder. Click <gui>Delete
- Files</gui> if you're sure they won't be used anymore and you need to free up
- disk space. These files are permanently deleted. They can't be recovered. You
- may want to back up the files to an external drive or CD before deleting
- them.</p></item>
+ <steps>
+ <item>
+ <p>Click your name on the top bar, then click the picture next to your
+ name to open the <gui>Users</gui> window.</p>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <p>Click <gui>Unlock</gui> in the top right corner and type your
+ password to make changes. You must be an administrative user to delete
+ user accounts.</p>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <p>Select the user you want to delete and click the
+ <gui style="button">-</gui> button.</p>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <p>Each user has their own home folder for their files and settings. You
+ can choose to keep or delete the user's home folder. Click <gui>Delete
+ Files</gui> if you're sure they won't be used anymore and you need to
+ free up disk space. These files are permanently deleted. They can't be
+ recovered. You may want to back up the files to an external drive or CD
+ before deleting them.</p>
+ </item>
+ </steps>
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