[transmageddon] More fixes for DVD ripping support, getting there
- From: Christian Fredrik Kalager Schaller <uraeus src gnome org>
- To: commits-list gnome org
- Cc:
- Subject: [transmageddon] More fixes for DVD ripping support, getting there
- Date: Sun, 31 Mar 2013 10:26:33 +0000 (UTC)
commit 17abf1d17cccf7962d10dd60faf2a17344f3b579
Author: Christian Fredrik Kalager Schaller <uraeus linuxrising org>
Date: Sun Mar 31 12:24:42 2013 +0200
More fixes for DVD ripping support, getting there
src/dvdtrackchooser.py | 20 +++++++++++---------
src/transcoder_engine.py | 36 ++++++++++++++++++++++--------------
src/transmageddon.py | 12 +++++++-----
3 files changed, 40 insertions(+), 28 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/dvdtrackchooser.py b/src/dvdtrackchooser.py
index aaef8f5..2e9b435 100644
--- a/src/dvdtrackchooser.py
+++ b/src/dvdtrackchooser.py
@@ -19,8 +19,9 @@ class dvdtrackchooser(Gtk.Dialog):
self.dvdpickui.connect_signals(self) # Initialize User Interface
self.dvdtrack=None # this will hold the selected DVD track value
+ self.dvdtitle=False
- store = Gtk.ListStore(str)
+ store = Gtk.ListStore(str, int)
# udev code to find DVD drive on system - This code needs to go into Transmageddon proper
client = GUdev.Client(subsystems=['block'])
for device in client.query_by_subsystem("block"):
@@ -52,14 +53,15 @@ class dvdtrackchooser(Gtk.Dialog):
# create a string to push into the listview
- self.listoftracks.append(_("Track ") + str(scounter) + ", " + _("Languages: ") +
languages[scounter] + _(" Lenght: ") + str(round((self.Tracks[scounter]['length']/60), 2)) + " Minutes")
+ self.listoftracks.append(_("Title:b ") + str(scounter) + ", " + _("Languages: ") +
languages[scounter] + _(" Lenght: ") + str(round((self.Tracks[scounter]['length']/60), 2)) + " Minutes")
# For testing purposes look for longest track
+ x=1
for act in self.listoftracks:
- store.append([act])
+ store.append([act,x])
+ x=x+1
self.dvdtrackview = Gtk.TreeView(store)
@@ -85,13 +87,13 @@ class dvdtrackchooser(Gtk.Dialog):
def on_selectbutton_clicked(self, widget):
- dvdtrack=self.dvdtrackview.get_selection()
- (model, pathlist) = dvdtrack.get_selected_rows()
+ dvdtitle = self.dvdtrackview.get_selection()
+ (model, pathlist) = dvdtitle.get_selected_rows()
for path in pathlist :
tree_iter = model.get_iter(path)
- value = model.get_value(tree_iter,0)
- numvalue=path.to_string()
- self.dvdtrack=1 #FIXME
+ value = model.get_value(tree_iter,1)
+ self.dvdtitle=value
+ print("TITLE IS " +str(value))
diff --git a/src/transcoder_engine.py b/src/transcoder_engine.py
index dc9fbd9..61da245 100644
--- a/src/transcoder_engine.py
+++ b/src/transcoder_engine.py
@@ -70,6 +70,7 @@ class Transcoder(GObject.GObject):
self.missingplugin= False
self.probestreamid = False
self.sinkpad = False
+ self.usedstreamids = []
# switching width and height around for rotationchoices where it makes sense
if self.rotationvalue == 1 or self.rotationvalue == 3:
@@ -151,7 +152,6 @@ class Transcoder(GObject.GObject):
self.audioprofile =
GstPbutils.EncodingAudioProfile.new(self.audiodata[x]['outputaudiocaps'], audiopreset, Gst.Caps.new_any(), 0)
- print("audioprofilenames " + str(self.audioprofilenames))
@@ -329,7 +329,10 @@ class Transcoder(GObject.GObject):
while x < len(self.audiodata):
if self.probestreamid==self.audiodata[x]['streamid']:
- print(str(pad)+" - "+"streamid from parse_stream_start "+ str(self.probestreamid))
+ if self.probestreamid not in self.usedstreamids:
+ #FIXME - Need to clean usedstreamid list at some point
+ self.usedstreamids.append(self.probestreamid)
+ # print(str(pad)+" - "+"streamid from parse_stream_start "+ str(self.probestreamid))
self.sinkpad = self.encodebin.emit("request-profile-pad", self.audioprofilenames[x])
@@ -360,6 +363,7 @@ class Transcoder(GObject.GObject):
elif mtype == Gst.MessageType.EOS:
if (self.multipass != 0):
if (self.passcounter == 0):
+ self.usedstreamids=[]
#removing multipass cache file when done
if os.access(self.cachefile, os.F_OK):
@@ -399,15 +403,16 @@ class Transcoder(GObject.GObject):
if c.startswith("audio/"):
# print(c)
if self.passcounter == int(0):
- stick=src_pad.get_sticky_event(Gst.EventType.STREAM_START, 0)
- print(stick)
- while x < len(self.audiodata):
- if stick==self.audiodata[x]['streamid']:
- #print(str(pad)+" - "+"streamid from parse_stream_start "+
- sinkpad = self.encodebin.emit("request-profile-pad",
- src_pad.link(sinkpad)
- x=x+1
- #src_pad.add_probe(Gst.PadProbeType.EVENT_DOWNSTREAM, self.padprobe, None)
+ #stick=src_pad.get_sticky_event(Gst.EventType.STREAM_START, 0)
+ #print("stick is " +str(stick))
+ #x=0
+ #while x < len(self.audiodata):
+ # if stick==self.audiodata[x]['streamid']:
+ # print(str(pad)+" - "+"streamid from parse_stream_start "+
+ # sinkpad = self.encodebin.emit("request-profile-pad",
+ # src_pad.link(sinkpad)
+ #x=x+1
+ src_pad.add_probe(Gst.PadProbeType.EVENT_DOWNSTREAM, self.padprobe, None)
elif ((c.startswith("video/") or c.startswith("image/")) and
(self.videodata[0]['outputvideocaps'] != False)):
if self.videodata[0]['dopassthrough']==False:
if (self.multipass != 0) and (self.passcounter != int(0)):
@@ -421,9 +426,12 @@ class Transcoder(GObject.GObject):
def dvdreadproperties(self, parent, element):
- # if self.isdvd:
- element.set_property("device", self.streamdata['filename'])
- element.set_property("chapter", 1)
+ print("setting DVD properties")
+ print(self.streamdata['filename'])
+ print(self.streamdata['dvdtitle'])
+ #if self.streamdata['dvdtitle']:
+ element.set_property("device", self.streamdata['filename'])
+ element.set_property("title", self.streamdata['dvdtitle'])
def OnEncodebinElementAdd(self, encodebin, element):
diff --git a/src/transmageddon.py b/src/transmageddon.py
index d67db6b..34831fc 100644
--- a/src/transmageddon.py
+++ b/src/transmageddon.py
@@ -280,8 +280,8 @@ class TransmageddonUI(Gtk.ApplicationWindow):
self.cancelbutton = self.builder.get_object("cancelbutton")
self.StatusBar = self.builder.get_object("StatusBar")
self.table1 = self.builder.get_object("table1")
- self.CodecBox.attach(self.audiobox, 0, 1, 1, 2, yoptions = Gtk.AttachOptions.FILL)
- self.CodecBox.attach(self.videobox, 2, 3, 1, 2, yoptions = Gtk.AttachOptions.FILL)
+ self.CodecBox.attach(self.audiobox, 0, 1, 1, 2) #, yoptions = Gtk.AttachOptions.FILL)
+ self.CodecBox.attach(self.videobox, 2, 3, 1, 2, yoptions = Gtk.AttachOptions.SHRINK)
self.containerchoice.connect("changed", self.on_containerchoice_changed)
self.presetchoice.connect("changed", self.on_presetchoice_changed)
@@ -393,7 +393,7 @@ class TransmageddonUI(Gtk.ApplicationWindow):
self.audiodata =[]
self.videodata =[]
# all other data will go into streamdata
- self.streamdata = {'filechoice' : False, 'filename' : False, 'outputdirectory' : False, 'container' :
False, 'devicename' : "nopreset", 'multipass': 0, 'passcounter': 0, 'outputfilename' : False, 'timestamp':
+ self.streamdata = {'filechoice' : False, 'filename' : False, 'outputdirectory' : False, 'container' :
False, 'devicename' : "nopreset", 'multipass': 0, 'passcounter': 0, 'outputfilename' : False, 'timestamp':
False, 'dvdtitle': False}
# Populate the Container format combobox
# print("do we try to populate container choice")
@@ -620,8 +620,9 @@ class TransmageddonUI(Gtk.ApplicationWindow):
def dvdreadproperties(self, parent, element):
if self.isdvd:
element.set_property("device", self.dvddevice)
- element.set_property("chapter", 1)
- print("set dvd properties")
+ # print("Title " + str(self.dvdttitle))
+ element.set_property("title", 0)
def succeed(self, discoverer, info, error):
@@ -1295,6 +1296,7 @@ class TransmageddonUI(Gtk.ApplicationWindow):
self.streamdata['filename'] = self.dvddevice
self.streamdata['filechoice'] = "dvd://"+self.dvddevice
+ self.streamdata['dvdtitle']=dvd.dvdtitle
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