[gtk+] (26 commits) Created branch composite-templates-new

The branch 'composite-templates-new' was created.

Summary of new commits:

  803cd79... configure.ac, autogen.sh: call IT_PROG_INTLTOOL and intltoo
  c357152... Work around access to global resources without calling gtk_
  b2126a1... GtkBuilder: Added api to allow private signal callbacks
  982e4b4... GtkBuilder: Add private _gtk_builder_extend_with_template()
  1582288... Updated DTDs to include 'template'
  8b40213... Add Composite Child machinery and APIs to GtkWidget
  afa4561... Added directory with Glade catalog
  3df28e3... GtkDialog: Define children with a GtkBuilder template
  8752fcb... GtkMessageDialog: Define children with a GtkBuilder templat
  8426174... GtkInfoBar: Define children with a GtkBuilder template
  2ec5879... GtkAboutDialog: Define children with a GtkBuilder template
  608ff60... GtkLockButton: Define children with a GtkBuilder template
  a7c1647... GtkAssistant: Define children with a GtkBuilder template
  0dcb119... GtkScaleButton: Define children with a GtkBuilder template
  97fe162... GtkStatusbar: Define children with a GtkBuilder template
  090309e... GtkAppChooserWidget: Define children with a GtkBuilder temp
  86392a1... GtkAppChooserDialog: Define children with a GtkBuilder temp
  04b0a35... GtkColorChooserDialog: Define children with a GtkBuilder te
  0e14c38... GtkFileChooserDefault: Define children with a GtkBuilder te
  62443cf... GtkFileChooserDialog: Define children with a GtkBuilder tem
  1e0abdd... GtkFontChooserWidget: Define children with a GtkBuilder tem
  1b85510... GtkFontChooserDialog: Define children with a GtkBuilder tem
  abda4a7... GtkRecentChooserDefault: Define children with a GtkBuilder 
  5354a36... GtkRecentChooserDialog: Removed obsolete calls
  d706207... GtkPageSetupUnixDialog: Define children with a GtkBuilder t
  83db226... GtkPrintUnixDialog: Define children with a GtkBuilder templ

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