[gnome-user-docs] keyboard-layouts update. Bug #696167

commit 6bac3829cf46787be8e7551dc32f6d353696d61a
Author: Juanjo Marín <juanj marin juntadeandalucia es>
Date:   Sat Mar 23 01:54:37 2013 +0100

    keyboard-layouts update. Bug #696167

 gnome-help/C/figures/emblem-system-symbolic.svg |   31 ++++++++
 gnome-help/C/figures/input-methods-switcher.png |  Bin 0 -> 52549 bytes
 gnome-help/C/figures/system-run-symbolic.svg    |   31 ++++++++
 gnome-help/C/keyboard-layouts.page              |   94 +++++++++--------------
 gnome-help/Makefile.am                          |    3 +
 5 files changed, 101 insertions(+), 58 deletions(-)
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Binary files /dev/null and b/gnome-help/C/figures/input-methods-switcher.png differ
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diff --git a/gnome-help/C/keyboard-layouts.page b/gnome-help/C/keyboard-layouts.page
index 0b739cc..de2b255 100644
--- a/gnome-help/C/keyboard-layouts.page
+++ b/gnome-help/C/keyboard-layouts.page
@@ -4,8 +4,9 @@
     <link type="guide" xref="prefs-language"/>
     <link type="guide" xref="keyboard" group="i18n"/>
+    <link type="guide" xref="keyboard-shortcuts-set"/>
-    <revision pkgversion="3.7.1" version="0.2" date="2012-11-16" status="outdated"/>
+    <revision pkgversion="3.8.0" version="0.3" date="2013-03-21" status="review"/>
     <credit type="author copyright">
       <name>Shaun McCance</name>
@@ -19,7 +20,7 @@
     <credit type="editor">
       <name>Michael Hill</name>
       <email>mdhillca gmail com</email>
-    </credit>
+    </credit>-a
     <desc>Make your keyboard behave like a keyboard for another language.</desc>
     <include href="legal.xml" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"/>
@@ -29,7 +30,7 @@
   <p>Keyboards come in hundreds of different layouts for different languages.
   Even for a single language, there are often multiple keyboard layouts, such
-  as the Dvorak layout for English. You can make your keyboard behave like a
+  as the Dvorak layout for English. You can make your keyboard behaves like a
   keyboard with a different layout, regardless of the letters and symbols
   printed on the keys. This is useful if you often switch between multiple
@@ -39,8 +40,7 @@
      <p>Click your name on the top bar and select <gui>Settings</gui>.</p>
-     <p>Open <gui>Region &amp; Language</gui> and select the
-     <gui>Input Sources</gui> tab.</p>
+     <p>Open <gui>Region &amp; Language</gui>.</p>
      <p>Click the <key>+</key> button, select a layout, and click
@@ -52,34 +52,43 @@
   <note style="sidebar">
-    <p>You can preview an image of any layout by selecting it in the list and clicking
-    <gui><media type="image" src="figures/input-keyboard-symbolic.png" width="16" 
-    or by clicking <gui>Preview</gui> in the pop-up window when adding a layout.</p>
+    <p>You can preview an image of any layout by selecting it in the list and
+    clicking <gui><media type="image" src="figures/input-keyboard-symbolic.png"
+    width="16" height="16">preview</media></gui></p>
-  <p>When you add multiple layouts, you can quickly switch between them using
-  the keyboard layout icon on the top bar. The top bar will display a short
-  identifier for the current layout, such as <gui>en</gui> for the standard
-  English layout. Click the layout indicator and select the layout you want to
-  use from the menu.</p>
+  <p>Certain languages offer some extra configuration options. You can
+  identify those languages because they have an icon
+  <gui><media type="image" src="figures/system-run-symbolic.svg" width="16"
+  height="16">preview</media></gui> depicted. If you want to access to these
+  extra parameters, select the language from the input source list and a new
+  <gui style="button"><media type="image" src="figures/emblem-system-symbolic.svg"
+  width="16" height="16">preview</media></gui> button will give you access to
+  the extra settings.</p>
   <p>When you use multiple layouts, you can choose to have all windows use the
   same layout or to set a different layout for each window. Using a different
   layout for each window is useful, for example, if you're writing an article
   in another language in a word processor window. Your keyboard selection will
-  be remembered for each window as you switch between windows.</p>
-  <p>By default, new windows will use the default keyboard layout. You can
-  instead choose to have them use the layout of the window you were last
-  using. The default layout is the layout at the top of the list. Use the
-  <gui>↑</gui> and <gui>↓</gui> buttons to move layouts up and down in
-  the list.</p>
-  <p>You can also set a keyboard shortcut to quickly switch between your selected
-  keyboard layouts. Click <gui>Options</gui>, then locate the option group
-  <gui>Key(s) to change layout</gui>. Select one or more keyboard shortcuts to
-  change layouts. Some of the options only modify the layout while you hold down
-  a key, rather than change the layout when you press the key.</p>
+  be remembered for each window as you switch between windows. Press the
+  <gui style="button">Options</gui> button to select how you want to manage
+  multiple layouts.</p>
+  <p>The top bar will display a short identifier for the current layout, such as
+  <gui>en</gui> for the standard English layout. Click the layout indicator and
+  select the layout you want to use from the menu. If the selected language has
+  any extra settings, they will be shown below the list of available layouts.
+  This gives you a quick overview of your settings. You can also open an image
+  with the current keyboard layout for reference.</p>
+  <p>The fastest way to change to another layout is by using the input source
+  keyboard shortcuts. These shortcuts open the input source chooser where you
+  can move forward and backward. By default, you can switch to the next input
+  source with <keyseq><key>Super</key><key>Space</key></keyseq> and to the
+  previous one with <keyseq><key>Shift</key><key>Super</key><key>Space</key>
+  </keyseq>. You can change these shortcuts in the keyboard settings.</p>
+  <p><media type="image" src="figures/input-methods-switcher.png"/></p>
     <cite date="2012-02-19">shaunm</cite>
@@ -92,35 +101,4 @@
     task pages for them.</p>
-  <note>
-   <title>Custom options</title>
-   <p>
-     You may want to add certain symbols to specific keys or adjust custom option and behaviors.  You can do 
this by clicking <gui>Options</gui>.
-   </p>
-  </note>
-  <section id="system">
-    <info>
-      <link type="seealso" xref="session-language#system"/>
-    </info>
-    <title>Change the system keyboard</title>
-    <p>When you change your keyboard layout, you only change it for your account
-    after you log in. You can also change the <em>system layouts</em>, the keyboard
-    layouts used in places like the login screen.</p>
-    <steps>
-      <item><p>Change your keyboard layout, as described above.</p></item>
-      <item><p>Select the <gui>System</gui> tab.</p></item>
-      <item><p>Click <gui>Copy Settings</gui>.</p></item>
-      <item><p><link xref="user-admin-explain">Administrative privileges</link> are
-      required. Enter your password, or the password for the requested administrator
-      account.</p></item>
-    </steps>
-    <p>The layouts are shown next to the <gui>Input source</gui> label.</p>
-    <p>If you use multiple layouts, the login screen will present the keyboard
-    layout menu on the top bar.</p>
-  </section>
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        figures/display-dual-monitors.webm \
        figures/documents-icon.png \
+       figures/emblem-system-symbolic.svg \
        figures/gnome.png \
        figures/go-down.png \
        figures/input-keyboard-symbolic.png \
+       figures/input-methods-switcher.png \
        figures/keyboard-key-menu.svg \
        figures/nautilus.png \
        figures/nautilus-icons.png \
@@ -90,6 +92,7 @@ HELP_MEDIA = \
        figures/network-wireless-signal-none-symbolic.svg \
        figures/network-wireless-signal-ok-symbolic.svg \
        figures/network-wireless-signal-weak-symbolic.svg \
+       figures/system-run-symbolic.svg \
        figures/view-more-symbolic.svg \

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