[gnome-software] plugins: Use a hash table in the hardcoded-ratings plugin for speed

commit 5dcd1ae7002a424c75c8642c2d9ff0e381d74979
Author: Richard Hughes <richard hughsie com>
Date:   Thu Mar 7 13:58:01 2013 +0000

    plugins: Use a hash table in the hardcoded-ratings plugin for speed
    Also add some hardcoded ratings data obtained using contrib/get-ratings-for-fas.py

 src/plugins/gs-plugin-hardcoded-ratings.c |  689 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 1 files changed, 677 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/plugins/gs-plugin-hardcoded-ratings.c b/src/plugins/gs-plugin-hardcoded-ratings.c
index 7cde53f..54cea2e 100644
--- a/src/plugins/gs-plugin-hardcoded-ratings.c
+++ b/src/plugins/gs-plugin-hardcoded-ratings.c
@@ -23,6 +23,11 @@
 #include <gs-plugin.h>
+struct GsPluginPrivate {
+       GHashTable              *cache;
+       gboolean                 loaded;
  * gs_plugin_get_name:
@@ -33,6 +38,20 @@ gs_plugin_get_name (void)
+ * gs_plugin_initialize:
+ */
+gs_plugin_initialize (GsPlugin *plugin)
+       /* create private area */
+       plugin->priv = GS_PLUGIN_GET_PRIVATE (GsPluginPrivate);
+       plugin->priv->cache = g_hash_table_new_full (g_str_hash,
+                                                    g_str_equal,
+                                                    NULL,
+                                                    NULL);
  * gs_plugin_get_priority:
@@ -42,30 +61,676 @@ gs_plugin_get_priority (GsPlugin *plugin)
+ * gs_plugin_destroy:
+ */
+gs_plugin_destroy (GsPlugin *plugin)
+       g_hash_table_unref (plugin->priv->cache);
+ * gs_plugin_hardcoded_ratings_add:
+ *
+ * The data was generated by contrib/get-ratings-for-fas.py on 2013-03-07
+ */
+static gboolean
+gs_plugin_hardcoded_ratings_add (GsPlugin *plugin, GError **error)
+       guint i;
+       static struct {
+               gint value;
+               const gchar *id;
+       } ratings[] = {
+               { 26,   "AcetoneISO2" },
+               { 67,   "Azureus" },
+               { 100,  "HP-hplip" },
+               { 44,   "MySQLWorkbench" },
+               { 18,   "PyMca" },
+               { 21,   "QtDMM" },
+               { 87,   "Terminal" },
+               { 100,  "Thunar" },
+               { 100,  "Thunar-bulk-rename" },
+               { 100,  "Thunar-folder-handler" },
+               { 28,   "YAGF" },
+               { 54,   "abiword" },
+               { 38,   "abrt" },
+               { 18,   "acftperf" },
+               { 21,   "airsnort" },
+               { 20,   "alacarte" },
+               { 51,   "alexandria" },
+               { 18,   "alienarena" },
+               { 20,   "alltray" },
+               { 20,   "amsn" },
+               { 33,   "anki" },
+               { 22,   "apvlv" },
+               { 25,   "aqsis" },
+               { 25,   "aqsl" },
+               { 25,   "aqsltell" },
+               { 42,   "ardour2" },
+               { 23,   "arduino" },
+               { 22,   "arora" },
+               { 20,   "asunder" },
+               { 100,  "at-properties" },
+               { 100,  "audacious" },
+               { 100,  "audacious-amidi" },
+               { 62,   "audacity" },
+               { 32,   "authconfig" },
+               { 22,   "autocal" },
+               { 26,   "avahi-discover" },
+               { 51,   "avogadro" },
+               { 17,   "ayttm" },
+               { 31,   "backintime-gnome" },
+               { 31,   "backintime-gnome-root" },
+               { 48,   "bacula-bat" },
+               { 53,   "bacula-traymonitor" },
+               { 27,   "balsa" },
+               { 27,   "balsa-mailto-handler" },
+               { 100,  "banshee-audiocd" },
+               { 100,  "banshee-media-player" },
+               { 42,   "baobab" },
+               { 19,   "berusky" },
+               { 65,   "bibletime" },
+               { 22,   "bisho" },
+               { 32,   "blender" },
+               { 68,   "bluefish" },
+               { 20,   "blueman-manager" },
+               { 100,  "bluetooth-properties" },
+               { 22,   "boinc-manager" },
+               { 55,   "brasero" },
+               { 42,   "brasero-nautilus" },
+               { 26,   "bssh" },
+               { 26,   "bvnc" },
+               { 34,   "bzflag" },
+               { 100,  "caja" },
+               { 100,  "caja-autorun-software" },
+               { 100,  "caja-browser" },
+               { 100,  "caja-computer" },
+               { 100,  "caja-file-management-properties" },
+               { 100,  "caja-folder-handler" },
+               { 100,  "caja-home" },
+               { 30,   "calf-dssi" },
+               { 86,   "calibre-ebook-viewer" },
+               { 86,   "calibre-gui" },
+               { 86,   "calibre-lrfviewer" },
+               { 46,   "caribou" },
+               { 20,   "cellwriter" },
+               { 18,   "centerim" },
+               { 27,   "chatzilla" },
+               { 47,   "cheese" },
+               { 28,   "cherrytree" },
+               { 24,   "chkrootkit" },
+               { 27,   "clamtk" },
+               { 48,   "claws-mail" },
+               { 39,   "clementine" },
+               { 28,   "clusterssh" },
+               { 17,   "colossus" },
+               { 20,   "coot" },
+               { 18,   "dconf-editor" },
+               { 100,  "default-applications" },
+               { 37,   "deja-dup" },
+               { 37,   "deja-dup-preferences" },
+               { 37,   "denemo" },
+               { 22,   "dhc" },
+               { 20,   "diffuse" },
+               { 24,   "dillo" },
+               { 100,  "display-properties" },
+               { 21,   "djvulibre-djview4" },
+               { 19,   "drgeo" },
+               { 27,   "dx" },
+               { 22,   "dxr3view" },
+               { 18,   "easytag" },
+               { 55,   "eclipse" },
+               { 21,   "edb" },
+               { 32,   "eekboard" },
+               { 25,   "eiciel" },
+               { 46,   "emacs" },
+               { 51,   "emacs-terminal" },
+               { 46,   "emacsclient" },
+               { 28,   "emelfm2" },
+               { 38,   "emerillon" },
+               { 100,  "empathy" },
+               { 92,   "engrampa" },
+               { 25,   "epdfview" },
+               { 25,   "eqsl" },
+               { 35,   "esc" },
+               { 20,   "etherape" },
+               { 19,   "etracer" },
+               { 19,   "ettercap" },
+               { 100,  "evince" },
+               { 100,  "evolution" },
+               { 53,   "evolution-calendar" },
+               { 37,   "exaile" },
+               { 22,   "exfalso" },
+               { 100,  "exo-file-manager" },
+               { 100,  "exo-mail-reader" },
+               { 100,  "exo-preferred-applications" },
+               { 100,  "exo-terminal-emulator" },
+               { 100,  "exo-web-browser" },
+               { 30,   "f-spot" },
+               { 30,   "f-spot-import" },
+               { 30,   "f-spot-view" },
+               { 28,   "fcitx" },
+               { 28,   "fcitx-configtool" },
+               { 28,   "fcitx-skin-installer" },
+               { 33,   "ffado.org-ffadomixer" },
+               { 40,   "ffbatterymon" },
+               { 40,   "ffconfiggui" },
+               { 40,   "ffnetloggui" },
+               { 40,   "ffplugingui" },
+               { 18,   "filezilla" },
+               { 60,   "firefox" },
+               { 40,   "firestation" },
+               { 25,   "firewall-config" },
+               { 19,   "fityk" },
+               { 26,   "flarq" },
+               { 26,   "fldigi" },
+               { 18,   "flightdeck" },
+               { 48,   "flumotion-admin" },
+               { 40,   "font-manager" },
+               { 40,   "font-sampler" },
+               { 39,   "fontforge" },
+               { 17,   "fotoprint" },
+               { 44,   "freecell" },
+               { 48,   "frescobaldi" },
+               { 19,   "fslint" },
+               { 40,   "fvfuseviewer" },
+               { 19,   "fwbackups" },
+               { 52,   "gabedit" },
+               { 30,   "gajim" },
+               { 46,   "gambas2" },
+               { 39,   "gambas3" },
+               { 21,   "ganyremote" },
+               { 48,   "gapcmon" },
+               { 20,   "gaupol" },
+               { 29,   "gausssum" },
+               { 28,   "gbrainy" },
+               { 57,   "gcalctool" },
+               { 100,  "gchem3d-0.14" },
+               { 100,  "gchemcalc-0.14" },
+               { 100,  "gchempaint-0.14" },
+               { 100,  "gchemtable-0.14" },
+               { 18,   "gcin-setup" },
+               { 93,   "gcm-calibrate" },
+               { 93,   "gcm-import" },
+               { 93,   "gcm-picker" },
+               { 93,   "gcm-viewer" },
+               { 100,  "gcrystal-0.14" },
+               { 45,   "gda-browser-5.0" },
+               { 45,   "gda-control-center-5.0" },
+               { 27,   "gdesklets" },
+               { 21,   "gdpc" },
+               { 36,   "geany" },
+               { 100,  "gedit" },
+               { 32,   "geeqie" },
+               { 22,   "gendarme-wizard" },
+               { 19,   "ggz-gtk" },
+               { 26,   "ghemical" },
+               { 79,   "gimp" },
+               { 18,   "git-cola" },
+               { 18,   "git-dag" },
+               { 32,   "git-gui" },
+               { 21,   "gitg" },
+               { 35,   "gkbd-keyboard-display" },
+               { 32,   "glade" },
+               { 32,   "glade-3" },
+               { 63,   "globaltime" },
+               { 28,   "glom" },
+               { 21,   "glyphtracer" },
+               { 62,   "gnash" },
+               { 22,   "gnomad2" },
+               { 53,   "gnome-about" },
+               { 38,   "gnome-abrt" },
+               { 100,  "gnome-banshee" },
+               { 71,   "gnome-commander" },
+               { 51,   "gnome-contacts" },
+               { 100,  "gnome-control-center" },
+               { 48,   "gnome-devhelp" },
+               { 59,   "gnome-dictionary" },
+               { 26,   "gnome-documents" },
+               { 31,   "gnome-ekiga" },
+               { 100,  "gnome-eog" },
+               { 92,   "gnome-file-roller" },
+               { 24,   "gnome-gconf-editor" },
+               { 22,   "gnome-genius" },
+               { 61,   "gnome-glchess" },
+               { 67,   "gnome-glines" },
+               { 36,   "gnome-gmail" },
+               { 67,   "gnome-gnect" },
+               { 67,   "gnome-gnibbles" },
+               { 67,   "gnome-gnobots2" },
+               { 74,   "gnome-gnomine" },
+               { 67,   "gnome-gnotravex" },
+               { 67,   "gnome-gnotski" },
+               { 67,   "gnome-gtali" },
+               { 57,   "gnome-gucharmap" },
+               { 66,   "gnome-iagno" },
+               { 25,   "gnome-istanbul" },
+               { 34,   "gnome-lightsoff" },
+               { 25,   "gnome-lirc-properties" },
+               { 67,   "gnome-mahjongg" },
+               { 26,   "gnome-phone-manager" },
+               { 52,   "gnome-power-statistics" },
+               { 64,   "gnome-quadrapassel" },
+               { 22,   "gnome-sabayon" },
+               { 28,   "gnome-screenshot" },
+               { 42,   "gnome-search-tool" },
+               { 70,   "gnome-session-properties" },
+               { 53,   "gnome-shell" },
+               { 53,   "gnome-shell-extension-prefs" },
+               { 55,   "gnome-sound-recorder" },
+               { 33,   "gnome-subtitles" },
+               { 51,   "gnome-sudoku" },
+               { 40,   "gnome-swell-foop" },
+               { 100,  "gnome-system-monitor" },
+               { 87,   "gnome-terminal" },
+               { 34,   "gnome-user-share-properties" },
+               { 36,   "gnome-vino-preferences" },
+               { 100,  "gnome-yelp" },
+               { 29,   "gnomeradio" },
+               { 28,   "gnote" },
+               { 27,   "gnuclient" },
+               { 100,  "gnumeric" },
+               { 20,   "goldendict" },
+               { 46,   "gourmet" },
+               { 64,   "gparted" },
+               { 94,   "gphotoframe" },
+               { 100,  "gpicview" },
+               { 59,   "gpk-application" },
+               { 59,   "gpk-dbus-service" },
+               { 59,   "gpk-distro-upgrade" },
+               { 59,   "gpk-install-catalog" },
+               { 59,   "gpk-install-local-file" },
+               { 59,   "gpk-log" },
+               { 59,   "gpk-prefs" },
+               { 59,   "gpk-service-pack" },
+               { 59,   "gpk-update-viewer" },
+               { 100,  "gpodder" },
+               { 27,   "gpredict" },
+               { 18,   "gpsdrive" },
+               { 52,   "gretl" },
+               { 22,   "griffith" },
+               { 26,   "groovy" },
+               { 23,   "gscan2pdf" },
+               { 22,   "gsharp" },
+               { 100,  "gspectrum-0.14" },
+               { 55,   "gstreamer-properties" },
+               { 18,   "gtg" },
+               { 87,   "gthumb" },
+               { 87,   "gthumb-import" },
+               { 32,   "gtk-gnutella" },
+               { 29,   "gtk-v4l" },
+               { 55,   "gtkwave" },
+               { 76,   "guake" },
+               { 76,   "guake-prefs" },
+               { 46,   "guitarix" },
+               { 27,   "gummi" },
+               { 33,   "gvim" },
+               { 24,   "gweled" },
+               { 71,   "gwibber" },
+               { 28,   "gwsmhg" },
+               { 21,   "hedgewars" },
+               { 19,   "hexter" },
+               { 23,   "hocr-gtk" },
+               { 19,   "homebank" },
+               { 18,   "hotot" },
+               { 18,   "hotot" },
+               { 78,   "hydrogen" },
+               { 41,   "ibus-setup" },
+               { 22,   "ilcontrast" },
+               { 99,   "im-chooser" },
+               { 23,   "immix" },
+               { 30,   "inkscape" },
+               { 37,   "iok" },
+               { 21,   "jack-rack" },
+               { 35,   "jack_capture" },
+               { 25,   "jamin" },
+               { 77,   "java-1.7.0-openjdk-jconsole" },
+               { 77,   "java-1.7.0-openjdk-policytool" },
+               { 52,   "javaws" },
+               { 29,   "jaxodraw" },
+               { 63,   "jbrout" },
+               { 32,   "jd" },
+               { 19,   "jigdo" },
+               { 59,   "jmol" },
+               { 72,   "josm" },
+               { 19,   "k3d" },
+               { 25,   "kanyremote" },
+               { 100,  "keyboard" },
+               { 19,   "kflickr" },
+               { 27,   "kid3" },
+               { 31,   "klash" },
+               { 20,   "klatexformula" },
+               { 17,   "klavaro" },
+               { 29,   "krb5-auth-dialog" },
+               { 100,  "kshutdown" },
+               { 21,   "ksmarttray" },
+               { 30,   "kst" },
+               { 40,   "lasergui" },
+               { 23,   "latexila" },
+               { 34,   "lazarus" },
+               { 26,   "leechcraft" },
+               { 39,   "leksah" },
+               { 39,   "leksah_loadsession" },
+               { 100,  "libfm-pref-apps" },
+               { 100,  "libreoffice-base" },
+               { 100,  "libreoffice-calc" },
+               { 100,  "libreoffice-draw" },
+               { 100,  "libreoffice-impress" },
+               { 100,  "libreoffice-math" },
+               { 100,  "libreoffice-startcenter" },
+               { 100,  "libreoffice-writer" },
+               { 65,   "libsvm-svm-toy-gtk" },
+               { 68,   "libsvm-svm-toy-qt" },
+               { 24,   "linphone" },
+               { 31,   "listen" },
+               { 100,  "liveinst" },
+               { 51,   "lmms" },
+               { 21,   "log4j-chainsaw" },
+               { 21,   "log4j-logfactor5" },
+               { 19,   "logjam" },
+               { 51,   "luckybackup" },
+               { 51,   "luckybackup-gnome-su" },
+               { 51,   "luckybackup-kde-su" },
+               { 31,   "lv2rack" },
+               { 19,   "lxappearance" },
+               { 19,   "lxinput" },
+               { 29,   "lxtask" },
+               { 43,   "lyx" },
+               { 100,  "mail-notification-properties" },
+               { 32,   "maniadrive" },
+               { 32,   "maniadrive-track-editor" },
+               { 100,  "matecc" },
+               { 24,   "mateconf-editor" },
+               { 37,   "mathomatic" },
+               { 19,   "media-explorer" },
+               { 17,   "meiga" },
+               { 28,   "merkaartor" },
+               { 30,   "midori" },
+               { 30,   "midori-private" },
+               { 19,   "minicomputer" },
+               { 22,   "mirage" },
+               { 21,   "mkvinfo" },
+               { 21,   "mkvmergeGUI" },
+               { 19,   "molrender" },
+               { 31,   "monodevelop" },
+               { 22,   "monodoc" },
+               { 25,   "moserial" },
+               { 100,  "mozilla-seamonkey" },
+               { 100,  "mozilla-seamonkey-mail" },
+               { 64,   "mozilla-thunderbird" },
+               { 82,   "mscore" },
+               { 18,   "mtpaint" },
+               { 62,   "muse" },
+               { 20,   "nact" },
+               { 51,   "nautilus" },
+               { 51,   "nautilus-autorun-software" },
+               { 44,   "nautilus-beesu-manager" },
+               { 51,   "nautilus-connect-server" },
+               { 20,   "nemiver" },
+               { 51,   "nemo" },
+               { 51,   "nemo-autorun-software" },
+               { 21,   "netactview" },
+               { 25,   "nfoview" },
+               { 100,  "nm-applet" },
+               { 100,  "nm-connection-editor" },
+               { 100,  "nm-vpnc-auth-dialog" },
+               { 40,   "nmap-zenmap" },
+               { 38,   "nut-monitor" },
+               { 17,   "obconf" },
+               { 30,   "ocp" },
+               { 100,  "octave" },
+               { 24,   "omegat" },
+               { 30,   "openttd" },
+               { 31,   "openvas-client" },
+               { 88,   "orca" },
+               { 19,   "osmo" },
+               { 21,   "pan" },
+               { 100,  "panel-desktop-handler" },
+               { 100,  "panel-preferences" },
+               { 39,   "paraview" },
+               { 30,   "parrot_html" },
+               { 30,   "parrot_pdf" },
+               { 100,  "pcmanfm" },
+               { 100,  "pcmanfm-desktop-pref" },
+               { 27,   "peppy" },
+               { 20,   "perl6_specs_link" },
+               { 22,   "pessulus" },
+               { 33,   "phasex" },
+               { 26,   "phatch" },
+               { 26,   "phatch-inspector" },
+               { 77,   "pidgin" },
+               { 24,   "piklab" },
+               { 24,   "pinta" },
+               { 25,   "piqsl" },
+               { 44,   "pitivi" },
+               { 69,   "planner" },
+               { 18,   "pokerth" },
+               { 26,   "polybori" },
+               { 19,   "portecle" },
+               { 21,   "pragha" },
+               { 45,   "publican" },
+               { 34,   "pulseaudio-equalizer" },
+               { 23,   "pulsecaster" },
+               { 38,   "pybliographic" },
+               { 22,   "pychess" },
+               { 22,   "pymol" },
+               { 26,   "pyvnc2swf" },
+               { 26,   "pyvnc2swf-play" },
+               { 22,   "q4wine" },
+               { 100,  "qBittorrent" },
+               { 30,   "qelectrotech" },
+               { 62,   "qgis" },
+               { 37,   "qjackctl" },
+               { 74,   "qlandkartegt" },
+               { 40,   "qmidiarp" },
+               { 45,   "qmmp" },
+               { 45,   "qmmp_cue" },
+               { 45,   "qmmp_dir" },
+               { 45,   "qmmp_enqueue" },
+               { 38,   "qmpdclient" },
+               { 38,   "qsynth" },
+               { 25,   "quitcount" },
+               { 29,   "quodlibet" },
+               { 41,   "radiotray" },
+               { 45,   "rakarrack" },
+               { 20,   "rakudo_guide_pdf" },
+               { 25,   "rapid-photo-downloader" },
+               { 38,   "rawstudio" },
+               { 48,   "rawtherapee" },
+               { 27,   "rcsslogplayer" },
+               { 18,   "rcssmonitor" },
+               { 25,   "rcssserver" },
+               { 31,   "rcssserver3d" },
+               { 39,   "recoll-searchgui" },
+               { 73,   "redhat-sylpheed" },
+               { 25,   "redhat-userinfo" },
+               { 25,   "redhat-usermount" },
+               { 25,   "redhat-userpasswd" },
+               { 19,   "redmode" },
+               { 27,   "rednotebook" },
+               { 19,   "rekall" },
+               { 24,   "release-notes" },
+               { 24,   "release-notesX" },
+               { 30,   "remmina" },
+               { 49,   "resapplet" },
+               { 29,   "revisor" },
+               { 100,  "rhythmbox" },
+               { 100,  "rhythmbox-device" },
+               { 29,   "root" },
+               { 34,   "rosegarden" },
+               { 23,   "roxterm" },
+               { 18,   "rxvt-unicode" },
+               { 19,   "rxvt-unicode-256color" },
+               { 18,   "rxvt-unicode-256color-ml" },
+               { 19,   "rxvt-unicode-ml" },
+               { 34,   "rygel" },
+               { 34,   "rygel-preferences" },
+               { 18,   "sakura" },
+               { 23,   "sane-pygtk" },
+               { 25,   "scantailor" },
+               { 32,   "scribus" },
+               { 18,   "scummvm" },
+               { 23,   "seahorse" },
+               { 27,   "seahorse-pgp-encrypted" },
+               { 27,   "seahorse-pgp-keys" },
+               { 27,   "seahorse-pgp-preferences" },
+               { 27,   "seahorse-pgp-signature" },
+               { 94,   "selinux-polgengui" },
+               { 25,   "seq24" },
+               { 30,   "setroubleshoot" },
+               { 25,   "shotwell" },
+               { 25,   "shotwell-viewer" },
+               { 21,   "shutter" },
+               { 21,   "sim" },
+               { 36,   "simple-scan" },
+               { 40,   "skillgui" },
+               { 44,   "sol" },
+               { 66,   "solfege" },
+               { 27,   "sooperlooper" },
+               { 95,   "soundconverter" },
+               { 28,   "spe" },
+               { 21,   "spring" },
+               { 26,   "springlobby" },
+               { 21,   "spyder" },
+               { 23,   "starcal2" },
+               { 18,   "streamtuner2" },
+               { 36,   "strigiclient" },
+               { 44,   "subdownloader" },
+               { 22,   "subscription-manager-gui" },
+               { 30,   "subtitleeditor" },
+               { 51,   "sugar-emulator" },
+               { 23,   "swami" },
+               { 22,   "swift" },
+               { 26,   "sync" },
+               { 51,   "synce-trayicon" },
+               { 51,   "synce-trayicon" },
+               { 21,   "synfigstudio" },
+               { 34,   "systemadm" },
+               { 21,   "taskjuggler" },
+               { 23,   "tecnoballz" },
+               { 57,   "terminator" },
+               { 17,   "termit" },
+               { 42,   "texmacs" },
+               { 24,   "texmaker" },
+               { 23,   "texstudio" },
+               { 19,   "texworks" },
+               { 19,   "the-board" },
+               { 23,   "tomboy" },
+               { 22,   "toped" },
+               { 20,   "tortoisehg" },
+               { 40,   "totem" },
+               { 82,   "tracker-needle" },
+               { 82,   "tracker-preferences" },
+               { 49,   "transmission-gtk" },
+               { 50,   "transmission-qt" },
+               { 30,   "tryton" },
+               { 25,   "twinkle" },
+               { 27,   "ufraw" },
+               { 34,   "uget-gtk" },
+               { 27,   "uqm" },
+               { 19,   "uzbl" },
+               { 18,   "vfrairporteditor" },
+               { 18,   "vfrairspaceeditor" },
+               { 18,   "vfrnav" },
+               { 18,   "vfrnavaideditor" },
+               { 18,   "vfrtrackeditor" },
+               { 18,   "vfrwaypointeditor" },
+               { 20,   "vidalia" },
+               { 21,   "vifir" },
+               { 47,   "viking" },
+               { 57,   "vinagre" },
+               { 57,   "vinagre-file" },
+               { 50,   "virtaal" },
+               { 24,   "visualvm" },
+               { 31,   "vncviewer" },
+               { 29,   "vym" },
+               { 21,   "wesnoth" },
+               { 26,   "whaawmp" },
+               { 29,   "whysynth" },
+               { 100,  "window-properties" },
+               { 100,  "wine" },
+               { 100,  "wireshark" },
+               { 18,   "worker" },
+               { 24,   "workrave" },
+               { 20,   "wxmacmolplt" },
+               { 38,   "wxmaxima" },
+               { 51,   "x-tile" },
+               { 26,   "xarchiver" },
+               { 19,   "xchat" },
+               { 30,   "xclips" },
+               { 27,   "xemacs" },
+               { 23,   "xfburn" },
+               { 63,   "xfcalendar" },
+               { 45,   "xgnokii" },
+               { 21,   "xine" },
+               { 21,   "xiphos" },
+               { 19,   "xmaxima" },
+               { 19,   "xmoto" },
+               { 49,   "xnoise" },
+               { 31,   "xournal" },
+               { 23,   "xpaint" },
+               { 68,   "xpbs" },
+               { 68,   "xpbsmon" },
+               { 19,   "xpdf" },
+               { 26,   "xsane" },
+               { 26,   "xsynth-dssi" },
+               { 30,   "xtide" },
+               { 54,   "yumex" },
+               { 54,   "yumex-local" },
+               { 37,   "zeroinstall-add" },
+               { 37,   "zeroinstall-manage" },
+               { 44,   "zim" },
+               { 27,   "zynaddsubfx" },
+               { 31,   "zynjacku" },
+               { 28,   "zyx-liveinstaller" },
+               { -1    ,NULL}
+       };
+       /* add each one to a hash table */
+       for (i = 0; ratings[i].id != NULL; i++) {
+               g_hash_table_insert (plugin->priv->cache,
+                                    (gpointer) (ratings[i].id),
+                                    GINT_TO_POINTER (ratings[i].value));
+       }
+       plugin->priv->loaded = TRUE;
+       return TRUE;
  * gs_plugin_refine:
 gs_plugin_refine (GsPlugin *plugin, GList *list, GError **error)
-       const gchar *id;
-       GsApp *app;
+       gboolean ret = TRUE;
        GList *l;
+       gpointer value;
+       GsApp *app;
-       //FIXME: get some actual data from somewhere
+       /* already loaded */
+       if (!plugin->priv->loaded) {
+               ret = gs_plugin_hardcoded_ratings_add (plugin, error);
+               if (!ret)
+                       goto out;
+       }
+       /* add any missing ratings data */
        for (l = list; l != NULL; l = l->next) {
                app = GS_APP (l->data);
                if (gs_app_get_rating (app) != -1)
-               id = gs_app_get_id (app);
-               if (g_strcmp0 (id, "epiphany") == 0) {
-                       gs_app_set_rating (app, 50);
-                       goto out;
-               }
-               if (g_strcmp0 (id, "sushi") == 0) {
-                       gs_app_set_rating (app, 100);
-                       goto out;
+               value = g_hash_table_lookup (plugin->priv->cache,
+                                            gs_app_get_id (app));
+               if (value != NULL) {
+                       gs_app_set_rating (app, GPOINTER_TO_INT (value));
+               } else {
+                       /* this is the wrong thing to do if we want multiple
+                        * plugins to be able to set ratings data */
+                       gs_app_set_rating (app, 0);
-       return TRUE;
+       return ret;

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