[gnome-chess/chess-telepathy-networking-support-664946-communicate: 1/15] Separate GnomeChessChannelHandler and HandlerApplication
- From: Chandni Verma <vchandni src gnome org>
- To: commits-list gnome org
- Cc:
- Subject: [gnome-chess/chess-telepathy-networking-support-664946-communicate: 1/15] Separate GnomeChessChannelHandler and HandlerApplication
- Date: Sun, 16 Jun 2013 15:51:03 +0000 (UTC)
commit 02c9f62ed0a417673c5f8f0f98420fa5b22b92b8
Author: Chandni Verma <chandniverma2112 gmail com>
Date: Sun Dec 23 18:04:36 2012 +0530
Separate GnomeChessChannelHandler and HandlerApplication
src/Makefile.am | 2 +
src/gnome-chess-channel-handler.vala | 968 +-----------------------------
src/gnome-chess-handler-application.vala | 988 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
3 files changed, 991 insertions(+), 967 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/Makefile.am b/src/Makefile.am
index 594e51b..a42afe1 100644
--- a/src/Makefile.am
+++ b/src/Makefile.am
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ gnome_chess_SOURCES = \
gnome-chess.vala \
gnome-chess-application.vala \
chess-launcher.vala \
+ gnome-chess-handler-application.vala \
ai-profile.vala \
chess-bitboard.vala \
chess-clock.vala \
@@ -37,6 +38,7 @@ gnome_chess_channel_handler_SOURCES = \
gnome-chess-application.vala \
chess-launcher.vala \
gnome-chess-channel-handler.vala \
+ gnome-chess-handler-application.vala \
ai-profile.vala \
chess-bitboard.vala \
chess-clock.vala \
diff --git a/src/gnome-chess-channel-handler.vala b/src/gnome-chess-channel-handler.vala
index 7fb863a..f416d73 100644
--- a/src/gnome-chess-channel-handler.vala
+++ b/src/gnome-chess-channel-handler.vala
@@ -19,973 +19,7 @@
* Author: Chandni Verma <chandniverma2112 gmail com>
-public class HandlerApplication : Application
- private Gtk.Builder builder;
- /* Objects from gnome-chess-network-window.ui */
- private Gtk.Window? handler_window = null;
- private Gtk.Widget grid_main;
- private Gtk.Widget grid_contacts_presence_and_channels;
- private Gtk.Widget combobox_presence;
- private Gtk.Widget button_goa;
- private Gtk.Action radioaction_channel_list;
- private Gtk.Action radioaction_contact_list;
- private Gtk.Container scrolledwindow_list;
- private Gtk.Widget alignment_play;
- private Gtk.Widget contacts_box;
- private GamesContacts.IndividualStore? individual_store = null;
- private GamesContacts.IndividualManager? individual_manager = null;
- private GamesContacts.IndividualView? individual_view = null;
- private GamesContacts.LiveSearch? search_widget;
- private Gtk.Container scrolledwindow_channels;
- private Gtk.TreeView channel_view;
- private Gtk.TreeSelection channel_view_selection;
- /* Objects from gnome-chess-game-window.ui */
- private Gtk.Widget navigation_box;
- private Gtk.Widget view_box;
- private Gtk.Widget handler_menubar;
- private bool is_activated = false;
- private TelepathyGLib.SimpleHandler tp_handler;
- private enum ChannelsColumn
- {
- USER_ACTION_TIME, /* tp-time of channel creation */
- TARGET_CONTACT, /* target contact */
- CHANNEL, /* tube channel */
- OUR_COLOUR_WHITE, /* our piece color */
- }
- /* Channels */
- Gtk.ListStore channels;
- Gtk.TreeIter? selected_channel_iter = null;
- HashTable <string, int32> channel_count;
- public HandlerApplication ()
- {
- Object (
- application_id: "org.gnome.gnome-chess.handler",
- flags: ApplicationFlags.FLAGS_NONE);
- chess_networking_init ();
- channels = new Gtk.ListStore (ChannelsColumn.NUM_COLS,
- typeof (int64), /* USER_ACTION_TIME */
- typeof (TelepathyGLib.Contact), /* TARGET_CONTACT */
- typeof (TelepathyGLib.Channel), /* CHANNEL */
- typeof (bool), /* OUR_COLOUR_WHITE */
- typeof (PGNGame), /* PGN_GAME */
- typeof (Gtk.TreeModel), /* HISTORY_MODEL */
- typeof (Gtk.TreeIter), /* HISTORY_COMBO_ACTIVE_ITER */
- typeof (ChessGame), /* CHESS_GAME */
- typeof (ChessScene), /* CHESS_SCENE */
- typeof (Gtk.InfoBar), /* INFO_BAR */
- typeof (bool), /* GAME_NEEDS_SAVING */
- typeof (bool), /* CHANNEL_APPROVED */
- typeof (bool), /* SHOW_STATUS_SCREEN */
- typeof (string) /* STATUS_MESSAGE */
- );
- assert (channels != null);
- channel_count = new HashTable <string, int32> (str_hash, str_equal);
- settings = new Settings ("org.gnome.gnome-chess");
- settings_common = new Settings ("org.gnome.gnome-chess.games-common");
- builder = new Gtk.Builder ();
- try
- {
- builder.add_from_file (Path.build_filename (Config.PKGDATADIR,
- "gnome-chess-network-window.ui", null));
- }
- catch (Error e)
- {
- warning ("Could not load UI: %s", e.message);
- }
- settings_common.changed.connect (settings_changed_cb);
- create_handler_window ();
- /* Associate the window to this application */
- handler_window.application = this;
- if (settings.get_boolean ("network-window-fullscreen"))
- handler_window.fullscreen ();
- else if (settings.get_boolean ("network-window-maximized"))
- handler_window.maximize ();
- handler_window.resize (settings.get_int ("network-window-width"),
- settings.get_int ("network-window-height"));
- handler_window.show_all ();
- }
- private bool change_view (Gtk.TreeModel model, Gtk.TreePath path, Gtk.TreeIter channel_iter)
- {
- ChessGame? game = null;
- ChessScene? scene = null;
- model get (channel_iter, ChannelsColumn.CHESS_GAME, out game, ChannelsColumn.CHESS_SCENE, out
- assert (game != null && scene != null);
- ChessView chess_view = (game as Object).get_data<ChessView> ("chess-view");
- if (chess_view != null)
- {
- if ((chess_view as Gtk.Widget).get_parent () == view_container)
- view_container.remove (chess_view);
- chess_view.destroy ();
- }
- if (settings_common.get_boolean ("show-3d"))
- chess_view = new ChessView3D ();
- else
- chess_view = new ChessView2D ();
- chess_view.set_size_request (300, 300);
- chess_view.scene = scene;
- if (channel_iter == selected_channel_iter)
- view_container.add (chess_view);
- chess_view.set_visible (true);
- return false;
- }
- private void settings_changed_cb (Settings settings_common, string key)
- {
- if (key == "show-3d")
- {
- channels foreach (change_view);
- }
- }
- private void clear_view_box (Gtk.Widget child)
- {
- (view_box as Gtk.Container).remove (child);
- }
- private void set_game_screen (bool show_status_screen, string message = "")
- {
- List view_box_children = (view_box as Gtk.Container).get_children ();
- if (view_box_children.length () > 0)
- (view_box as Gtk.Container) foreach (clear_view_box);
- if (show_status_screen)
- {
- (view_box as Gtk.Box).pack_start (new Gtk.Label (message));
- /* Update menus' sensitivities */
- resign_menu.sensitive =
- save_menu.sensitive =
- save_as_menu.sensitive = false;
- }
- else
- {
- ChessGame game;
- bool game_needs_saving;
- ChessScene chess_scene;
- Gtk.InfoBar info_bar;
- Gtk.TreeModel history_model;
- assert (selected_channel_iter != null);
- channels get (selected_channel_iter,
- ChannelsColumn.CHESS_GAME, out game,
- ChannelsColumn.GAME_NEEDS_SAVING, out game_needs_saving,
- ChannelsColumn.CHESS_SCENE, out chess_scene,
- ChannelsColumn.INFO_BAR, out info_bar,
- ChannelsColumn.HISTORY_MODEL, out history_model);
- /* Place the selected channel's infobar into view_box */
- (view_box as Gtk.Box).pack_start (info_bar, false, true, 0);
- (view_box as Gtk.Box).pack_start (view_container, false, true, 0);
- (view_box as Gtk.Box).pack_start (navigation_box, false, true, 0);
- /* Place the selected channel's view into view_container */
- Gtk.Widget child = (view_container as Gtk.Bin).get_child ();
- if (child != null)
- view_container.remove (child);
- Gtk.Widget view = (game as Object).get_data<ChessView> ("chess-view");
- view_container.add (view);
- view.show ();
- /* Update menus' sensitivities */
- if (game_needs_saving)
- {
- resign_menu.sensitive = game.n_moves > 0;
- save_menu.sensitive = true;
- save_as_menu.sensitive = true;
- }
- /* Update history-combo's model */
- history_combo.set_model (history_model);
- /* Update history panel */
- update_history_panel (game, chess_scene, history_combo.model);
- white_time_label.queue_draw ();
- black_time_label.queue_draw ();
- }
- }
- private void show_game ()
- {
- TelepathyGLib.Contact remote_player;
- int64 action_time = -1;
- bool channel_approved;
- if (selected_channel_iter == null)
- {
- debug ("No channel selected");
- return;
- }
- channels get (selected_channel_iter,
- ChannelsColumn.TARGET_CONTACT, out remote_player,
- ChannelsColumn.USER_ACTION_TIME, out action_time,
- ChannelsColumn.CHANNEL_APPROVED, out channel_approved);
- assert (action_time != -1);
- debug ("Showing game with %s. Initiation timeframe: %lld", remote_player.identifier, action_time);
- if (!channel_approved)
- {
- string status_message = "Waiting for game request to be approved by %s".printf
(remote_player.get_alias ());
- set_game_screen (true, status_message);
- }
- else
- {
- set_game_screen (false);
- }
- }
- private void channel_selection_changed_cb ()
- {
- Gtk.TreeIter? selected_channel_iter = null;
- if (! channel_view_selection.get_selected (null, out selected_channel_iter))
- {
- debug ("Couldn't obtain selected channel iterator");
- return;
- }
- this.selected_channel_iter = selected_channel_iter;
- show_game ();
- }
- private void channel_name_func (Gtk.TreeViewColumn tree_column, Gtk.CellRenderer cell, Gtk.TreeModel
tree_model, Gtk.TreeIter iter)
- {
- string player_name;
- TelepathyGLib.Contact target_contact;
- int64 initiation_time;
- channels get (iter, ChannelsColumn.TARGET_CONTACT, out target_contact,
ChannelsColumn.USER_ACTION_TIME, out initiation_time);
- player_name = target_contact.alias;
- (cell as Gtk.CellRendererText).text = "Game %d with %s".printf (channel_count get
(target_contact.identifier), player_name);
- }
- private void create_handler_window ()
- {
- string [] objects_from_traditional_window =
- {
- "window_game_screen",
- "undo_move_image",
- "warning_image",
- "help_image"
- };
- handler_window = (Gtk.Window) builder.get_object
- ("window_networked_chess");
- handler_window.delete_event.connect (handler_window.hide_on_delete);
- grid_main = (Gtk.Widget) builder.get_object ("grid_main");
- grid_contacts_presence_and_channels = (Gtk.Widget) builder.get_object
- combobox_presence = (Gtk.Widget) builder.get_object
- ("combobox_presence");
- button_goa = (Gtk.Widget) builder.get_object ("button_goa");
- radioaction_channel_list = (Gtk.Action) builder.get_object ("radioaction_channel_list");
- radioaction_contact_list = (Gtk.Action) builder.get_object ("radioaction_contact_list");
- scrolledwindow_list = (Gtk.Container) builder.get_object ("scrolledwindow_list");
- contacts_box = (Gtk.Widget) builder.get_object ("contacts_box");
- alignment_play = (Gtk.Widget) builder.get_object ("alignment_play");
- /* Add objects from gnome-chess-game-window.ui */
- try {
- builder.add_objects_from_file (Path.build_filename (Config.PKGDATADIR,
- "gnome-chess-game-window.ui", null),
- objects_from_traditional_window);
- handler_menubar = (Gtk.Widget) builder.get_object ("menubar");
- handler_menubar.unparent ();
- (grid_main as Gtk.Grid).attach (handler_menubar, 0, 0, 1, 1);
- save_menu = (Gtk.Widget) builder.get_object ("menu_save_item");
- save_as_menu = (Gtk.Widget) builder.get_object ("menu_save_as_item");
- fullscreen_menu = (Gtk.MenuItem) builder.get_object ("fullscreen_item");
- resign_menu = (Gtk.Widget) builder.get_object ("resign_item");
- view_box = (Gtk.Widget) builder.get_object ("view_box");
- view_box.reparent (alignment_play);
- view_container = (Gtk.Container) builder.get_object ("view_container");
- first_move_button = (Gtk.Widget) builder.get_object ("first_move_button");
- prev_move_button = (Gtk.Widget) builder.get_object ("prev_move_button");
- next_move_button = (Gtk.Widget) builder.get_object ("next_move_button");
- last_move_button = (Gtk.Widget) builder.get_object ("last_move_button");
- history_combo = (Gtk.ComboBox) builder.get_object ("history_combo");
- white_time_label = (Gtk.Widget) builder.get_object ("white_time_label");
- black_time_label = (Gtk.Widget) builder.get_object ("black_time_label");
- navigation_box = (Gtk.Widget) builder.get_object ("navigation_box");
- settings_common.bind ("show-history", navigation_box, "visible", SettingsBindFlags.DEFAULT);
- }
- catch (Error e)
- {
- warning ("Could not load UI: %s", e.message);
- }
- /* Connect signals of all objects to their respective handlers */
- builder.connect_signals (this);
- handler_window.title = _("Chess");
- prepare_contact_list ();
- scrolledwindow_channels = new Gtk.ScrolledWindow (null, null);
- channel_view = new Gtk.TreeView ();
- channel_view.model = channels;
- scrolledwindow_channels.add (channel_view);
- Gtk.CellRendererText text_renderer = new Gtk.CellRendererText ();
- channel_view.insert_column_with_data_func (-1, "", text_renderer, channel_name_func);
- channel_view_selection = channel_view.get_selection ();
- /* Enforce: user can't deselect a currently selected element except by selecting
- * another element*/
- channel_view_selection.set_mode (Gtk.SelectionMode.BROWSE);
- channel_view_selection.changed.connect (channel_selection_changed_cb);
- (channel_view as Gtk.Widget).show ();
- (scrolledwindow_channels as Gtk.Widget).expand = true;
- (scrolledwindow_channels as Gtk.Widget).show ();
- grid_main.show_all ();
- }
- private void prepare_contact_list ()
- {
- individual_manager =
- GamesContacts.IndividualManager.dup_singleton ();
- individual_store = new GamesContacts.IndividualStoreManager (
- individual_manager);
- individual_view = new GamesContacts.IndividualView (
- individual_store,
- GamesContacts.IndividualViewFeatureFlags.GROUPS_SAVE);
- /* Create searching capability for the treeview */
- search_widget = new GamesContacts.LiveSearch (
- individual_view as Gtk.Widget);
- individual_view.set_live_search (search_widget);
- /* Add filter for contacts capable of playing chess */
- individual_view.set_custom_filter ((model, iter, data)=>{
- return (data as GamesContacts.IndividualView).filter_default (
- model, iter, GamesContacts.ActionType.PLAY_GLCHESS);
- });
- /* Evaluate contacts' presence using filter */
- individual_view.refilter ();
- /* Add to scrolled window and show */
- scrolledwindow_list.add (individual_view);
- scrolledwindow_list.show ();
- individual_view.show ();
- (contacts_box as Gtk.Container).add (search_widget);
- }
- [CCode (cname = "G_MODULE_EXPORT list_changed_cb", instance_pos=-1)]
- public void list_changed_cb (Gtk.RadioAction action, Gtk.RadioAction current_action)
- {
- if (action != current_action)
- return;
- if (current_action == radioaction_channel_list &&
- (grid_contacts_presence_and_channels as Gtk.Grid).get_child_at (0, 1) == contacts_box &&
- contacts_box.get_parent () == grid_contacts_presence_and_channels)
- {
- (grid_contacts_presence_and_channels as Gtk.Container).remove (contacts_box);
- (grid_contacts_presence_and_channels as Gtk.Grid).attach (scrolledwindow_channels, 0, 1, 1, 1);
- }
- else
- {
- if (current_action == radioaction_contact_list &&
- (grid_contacts_presence_and_channels as Gtk.Grid).get_child_at (0, 1) ==
scrolledwindow_channels &&
- (scrolledwindow_channels as Gtk.Widget).get_parent () ==
- {
- (grid_contacts_presence_and_channels as Gtk.Container).remove (scrolledwindow_channels);
- (grid_contacts_presence_and_channels as Gtk.Grid).attach (contacts_box, 0, 1, 1, 1);
- }
- }
- }
- [CCode (cname = "G_MODULE_EXPORT goa_clicked_cb", instance_pos=-1)]
- public void goa_clicked_cb (Gtk.Button button)
- {
- }
- [CCode (cname = "G_MODULE_EXPORT quit_cb", instance_pos = -1)]
- public override void quit_cb (Gtk.Widget widget)
- {
- quit_game ();
- }
- private bool save_game_and_remove_channel (Gtk.TreeModel model, Gtk.TreePath path, Gtk.TreeIter
- {
- TelepathyGLib.Channel? channel = null;
- int64 initiation_time = -1;
- ChessGame game;
- PGNGame pgn_game;
- bool game_needs_saving;
- channels get (channel_iter, ChannelsColumn.USER_ACTION_TIME, out initiation_time,
ChannelsColumn.CHANNEL, out channel);
- var target_id = channel.target_contact.identifier;
- debug ("Removing chess tube channel with %s initiated at instance: %lld", target_id,
- /* Decrease channel count */
- var count = channel_count get (target_id);
- if (count == 1)
- channel_count.remove (target_id);
- else
- channel_count set (target_id, count-1);
- return false;
- }
- /* Quits the application */
- private void quit_game ()
- {
- Settings.sync ();
- if (channels != null)
- channels foreach (save_game_and_remove_channel);
- (handler_window as Gtk.Widget).destroy ();
- }
- private new void game_move_cb (ChessGame game, ChessMove move)
- {
- Gtk.TreeIter channel_iter;
- ChessView chess_view;
- PGNGame pgn_game;
- string channel_path_string = (game as Object).get_data<string> ("channel-path-string");
- channels.get_iter_from_string (out channel_iter, channel_path_string);
- chess_view = (game as Object).get_data<ChessView> ("chess-view");
- pgn_game = (game as Object).get_data<PGNGame> ("pgn-game");
- /* Need to save after each move */
- channels set (channel_iter, ChannelsColumn.GAME_NEEDS_SAVING, true);
- if (move.number > pgn_game.moves.length ())
- pgn_game.moves.append (move.get_san ());
- Gtk.ListStore model;
- ChessScene scene;
- channels get (channel_iter, ChannelsColumn.HISTORY_MODEL, out model, ChannelsColumn.CHESS_SCENE,
out scene);
- Gtk.TreeIter iter;
- model.append (out iter);
- model set (iter, 1, move.number);
- set_move_text (iter, move, scene, model);
- /* Follow the latest move */
- if (move.number == game.n_moves && scene.move_number == -1)
- channels set (channel_iter, ChannelsColumn.HISTORY_COMBO_ACTIVE_ITER, iter);
- update_history_model (game, scene, model);
- /* UI updation */
- if (selected_channel_iter == channel_iter)
- {
- update_history_panel (game, scene, model);
- resign_menu.sensitive = game.n_moves > 0;
- save_menu.sensitive = true;
- save_as_menu.sensitive = true;
- }
- /* TODO: Acknowledge if opponent made this move */
- chess_view.queue_draw ();
- }
- private void create_and_add_game (TelepathyGLib.DBusTubeChannel tube,
- Gtk.TreeIter channel_iter)
- {
- /* Create a new game with the offered parameters */
- Variant tube_params = tube.dup_parameters_vardict ();
- bool offerer_white, our_color_white;
- tube_params.lookup ("offerer-white", "b", out offerer_white);
- our_color_white = (tube as TelepathyGLib.Channel).requested ? offerer_white : !offerer_white;
- int32 duration;
- tube_params.lookup ("duration", "i", out duration);
- debug ("Creating a new chess match with our colour:%s and timeout duration:%s",
- our_color_white ? "white" : "black",
- duration > 0 ? duration.to_string () + " seconds" : "no limit");
- var pgn_game = new PGNGame ();
- var now = new DateTime.now_local ();
- var now_UTC = now.to_utc ();
- pgn_game.date = now.format ("%Y.%m.%d");
- pgn_game.time = now.format ("%H:%M:%S");
- pgn_game.utcdate = now_UTC.format ("%Y.%m.%d");
- pgn_game.utctime = now_UTC.format ("%H:%M:%S");
- if (duration > 0)
- pgn_game.time_control = "%d".printf (duration);
- Gtk.ListStore? history_model = null;
- history_model = new Gtk.ListStore (2, typeof (string), typeof (int));
- assert (history_model != null);
- history_model.insert_with_values (null, -1, 0, _("Game Start"), 1, 0);
- string fen = ChessGame.STANDARD_SETUP;
- string[] moves = new string[pgn_game.moves.length ()];
- var i = 0;
- foreach (var move in pgn_game.moves)
- moves[i++] = move;
- if (pgn_game.set_up)
- {
- if (pgn_game.fen != null)
- fen = pgn_game.fen;
- else
- warning ("Chess game has SetUp tag but no FEN tag");
- }
- var game = new ChessGame (fen, moves);
- (game as Object).set_data<PGNGame> ("pgn-game", pgn_game);
- (game as Object).set_data<string> ("channel-path-string", channels.get_string_from_iter
- /* Associate history_model for access in scene_changed_cb */
- game.set_data<Gtk.TreeModel> ("history-model", history_model);
- if (pgn_game.time_control != null)
- {
- var controls = pgn_game.time_control.split (":");
- foreach (var control in controls)
- {
- /* We only support simple timeouts */
- var timeout_duration = int.parse (control);
- if (timeout_duration > 0)
- game.clock = new ChessClock (timeout_duration, timeout_duration);
- }
- }
- game.moved.connect (game_move_cb);
- game.ended.connect (game_end_cb);
- if (game.clock != null)
- game.clock.tick.connect (game_clock_tick_cb);
- ChessScene scene = new ChessScene ();
- scene.changed.connect (scene_changed_cb);
- scene.choose_promotion_type.connect (show_promotion_type_selector);
- scene.game = game;
- settings_common.bind ("show-move-hints", scene, "show-move-hints", SettingsBindFlags.GET);
- settings_common.bind ("show-numbering", scene, "show-numbering", SettingsBindFlags.GET);
- settings_common.bind ("piece-theme", scene, "theme-name", SettingsBindFlags.GET);
- settings_common.bind ("show-3d-smooth", scene, "show-3d-smooth", SettingsBindFlags.GET);
- settings_common.bind ("move-format", scene, "move-format", SettingsBindFlags.GET);
- settings_common.bind ("board-side", scene, "board-side", SettingsBindFlags.GET);
- Gtk.InfoBar info_bar;
- info_bar = new Gtk.InfoBar ();
- var content_area = (Gtk.Container) info_bar.get_content_area ();
- var vbox = new Gtk.Box (Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL, 6);
- vbox.show ();
- content_area.add (vbox);
- var info_title_label = new Gtk.Label ("");
- info_title_label.show ();
- vbox.pack_start (info_title_label, false, true, 0);
- vbox.hexpand = true;
- vbox.vexpand = false;
- var info_label = new Gtk.Label ("");
- info_label.show ();
- vbox.pack_start (info_label, true, true, 0);
- /* All info-bars are hidden when created with visibility updated as and when needed */
- info_bar.hide ();
- (game as Object).set_data<Gtk.InfoBar> ("info-bar", info_bar);
- (game as Object).set_data<Gtk.Label> ("info-title-label", info_title_label);
- (game as Object).set_data<Gtk.Label> ("info-label", info_label);
- ChessView chess_view;
- if (settings_common.get_boolean ("show-3d"))
- chess_view = new ChessView3D ();
- else
- chess_view = new ChessView2D ();
- chess_view.set_size_request (300, 300);
- /* This connects scene.changed() to a handler that draws view everytime scene changes */
- chess_view.scene = scene;
- (game as Object).set_data<ChessView> ("chess-view", chess_view);
- bool game_needs_saving = false;
- game.start ();
- if (game.result != ChessResult.IN_PROGRESS)
- game_end_cb (game);
- white_time_label.queue_draw ();
- black_time_label.queue_draw ();
- channels set (channel_iter,
- ChannelsColumn.OUR_COLOUR_WHITE, our_color_white,
- ChannelsColumn.PGN_GAME, pgn_game,
- ChannelsColumn.HISTORY_MODEL, history_model,
- ChannelsColumn.CHESS_GAME, game,
- ChannelsColumn.CHESS_SCENE, scene,
- ChannelsColumn.INFO_BAR, info_bar,
- ChannelsColumn.GAME_NEEDS_SAVING, game_needs_saving);
- }
- private void register_objects (DBusConnection connection,
- TelepathyGLib.DBusTubeChannel tube,
- Gtk.TreeIter channel_iter)
- {
- debug ("Registering objects over dbus connection");
- }
- private void offer_tube (TelepathyGLib.DBusTubeChannel tube,
- Gtk.TreeIter channel_iter)
- {
- DBusConnection? connection = null;
- bool play_as_white = settings_common.get_boolean ("play-as-white");
- Value colour_val = play_as_white;
- int32 duration = settings_common.get_int ("duration");
- Value duration_val = duration;
- HashTable<string, Value?>? tube_params = new HashTable<string, Value?> (str_hash, str_equal);
- tube_params.insert ("offerer-white", colour_val);
- tube_params.insert ("duration", duration_val);
- debug ("Offering tube with offerer-white:%s and duration:%ld",
- colour_val.get_boolean () ? "true" : "false", duration_val.get_int ());
- /* This hashtable is purely offerer defined and cast here is the secret gotcha */
- tube.offer_async.begin ((HashTable<void*, void*>?)tube_params,
- (obj, res)=>{
- try
- {
- connection = tube.offer_async.end (res);
- }
- catch (Error e)
- {
- debug ("Failed to offer tube to %s: %s",
- (tube as TelepathyGLib.Channel).target_contact.identifier,
- e.message);
- channels set (channel_iter,
- ChannelsColumn.SHOW_STATUS_SCREEN, true,
- ChannelsColumn.STATUS_MESSAGE, "Failed to offer chess game channel to %s\n The error
was: %s", (tube as TelepathyGLib.Channel).target_contact.identifier, e.message);
- /* Nothing to do */
- return;
- }
- assert (connection != null);
- debug ("Offered tube opened.");
- connection.notify["closed"].connect (
- (s, p)=>{
- debug ("Connection to %s closed unexpectedly",
- (tube as
- TelepathyGLib.Channel).target_contact.identifier);
- }
- );
- create_and_add_game (tube, channel_iter);
- register_objects (connection, tube, channel_iter);
- /* Now we can display the game */
- channels set (channel_iter, ChannelsColumn.CHANNEL_APPROVED, true);
- /* If this is the selected channel, update it's display since it has been approved */
- if (channel_iter == selected_channel_iter)
- set_game_screen (false);
- }
- );
- /* This offered tube has not yet been approved by remote contact */
- channels set (channel_iter, ChannelsColumn.CHANNEL_APPROVED, false);
- }
- private void accept_tube (TelepathyGLib.DBusTubeChannel tube,
- Gtk.TreeIter channel_iter)
- {
- DBusConnection? connection = null;
- debug ("Accepting tube");
- tube.accept_async.begin (
- (obj, res)=>{
- try
- {
- connection = tube.accept_async.end (res);
- }
- catch (Error e)
- {
- debug ("Failed to accept tube from %s: %s",
- (tube as TelepathyGLib.Channel).target_contact.identifier, e.message);
- channels set (channel_iter,
- ChannelsColumn.SHOW_STATUS_SCREEN, true,
- ChannelsColumn.STATUS_MESSAGE, "Failed to accept chess game channel from %s\n The
error was: %s", (tube as TelepathyGLib.Channel).target_contact.identifier, e.message);
- /* Nothing to do */
- return;
- }
- assert (connection != null);
- debug ("Accepted tube opened.");
- connection.notify["closed"].connect (
- (s, p)=>{
- debug ("Connection to %s closed unexpectedly",
- (tube as
- TelepathyGLib.Channel).target_contact.identifier);
- }
- );
- create_and_add_game (tube, channel_iter);
- /* We can now display the game */
- channels set (channel_iter, ChannelsColumn.CHANNEL_APPROVED, true);
- /* If this is the selected channel, update it's display since it has been approved */
- if (channel_iter == selected_channel_iter)
- set_game_screen (false);
- }
- );
- /* Channels at accepter end are never waiting for approval from anyone
- * but just for accept_async() to finish and call the callback */
- channels set (channel_iter, ChannelsColumn.CHANNEL_APPROVED, false);
- }
- private void close_channel (TelepathyGLib.Channel tube)
- {
- debug ("Closing channel.");
- (tube).close_async.begin ((obj, res)=>
- {
- try
- {
- (tube).close_async.end (res);
- }
- catch (Error e)
- {
- debug ("Couldn't close the channel: %s", e.message);
- }
- }
- );
- }
- private void tube_invalidated_cb (TelepathyGLib.Proxy tube_channel,
- uint domain,
- int code,
- string message)
- {
- debug ("Tube has been invalidated: %s", message);
- (channels as Gtk.TreeModel) foreach ((model, path, iter)=>
- {
- TelepathyGLib.Channel stored_tube;
- int64 user_action_time;
- (channels as Gtk.TreeModel) get (iter, ChannelsColumn.CHANNEL, out stored_tube,
- ChannelsColumn.USER_ACTION_TIME, out user_action_time);
- if (stored_tube == tube_channel)
- {
- debug ("Removing chess dbus-tube channel initiated at timeframe %lld with remote player
- user_action_time, stored_tube.target_contact.identifier);
- channels.remove (iter);
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- );
- }
- public void handle_channels (TelepathyGLib.SimpleHandler handler,
- TelepathyGLib.Account account,
- TelepathyGLib.Connection conn,
- List<TelepathyGLib.Channel> channel_bundle,
- List<TelepathyGLib.ChannelRequest> requests,
- int64 action_time,
- TelepathyGLib.HandleChannelsContext context)
- {
- Error error = new TelepathyGLib.Error.NOT_AVAILABLE ("No channel to be handled");
- debug ("Handling channels");
- foreach (TelepathyGLib.Channel tube_channel in channel_bundle)
- {
- Gtk.TreeIter channel_iter;
- if (! (tube_channel is TelepathyGLib.DBusTubeChannel))
- continue;
- if ((tube_channel as TelepathyGLib.DBusTubeChannel).service_name !=
- TelepathyGLib.CLIENT_BUS_NAME_BASE + "Games.Glchess")
- continue;
- /* Add channel to list of currently handled channels */
- channels.insert_with_values (out channel_iter, -1,
- ChannelsColumn.USER_ACTION_TIME, action_time,
- ChannelsColumn.TARGET_CONTACT, tube_channel.target_contact,
- ChannelsColumn.CHANNEL, tube_channel);
- debug ("Channel inserted into cache. Total channels: %d", channels.iter_n_children (null));
- var target_id = tube_channel.target_contact.identifier;
- if (channel_count.contains (target_id))
- channel_count set (target_id, channel_count get (target_id) + 1);
- else
- channel_count.insert (target_id, 1);
- debug ("We now hold %d channels with %s", channel_count get (target_id), target_id);
- /* If this is the first insertion, set it as selected */
- if (channels.iter_n_children (null) == 1)
- channel_view_selection.select_iter (channel_iter);
- if (tube_channel.requested)
- {
- /* We created this channel. Make a tube offer and wait for approval */
- offer_tube (tube_channel as TelepathyGLib.DBusTubeChannel, channel_iter);
- }
- else
- {
- /* This is an incoming channel request */
- accept_tube (tube_channel as TelepathyGLib.DBusTubeChannel, channel_iter);
- }
- (tube_channel as TelepathyGLib.Proxy).invalidated.connect (
- tube_invalidated_cb);
- context.accept ();
- /* Only one of accept() or fail() can be called on context */
- return;
- }
- debug ("Rejecting channels");
- context.fail (error);
- return;
- }
- public override void activate ()
- {
- if (!is_activated)
- {
- /* Create and register our telepathy client handler as a one-off */
- tp_handler = new TelepathyGLib.SimpleHandler.with_am (
- TelepathyGLib.AccountManager.dup (),
- true, /* Bypass approval */
- true, /* Requests */
- "Games.Glchess",
- false, /* Uniquify name */
- handle_channels);
- var filter = new HashTable<string, Value?> (str_hash, str_equal);
- filter.insert (
- filter.insert (
- 1);
- filter.insert (
- TelepathyGLib.CLIENT_BUS_NAME_BASE + "Games.Glchess");
- (tp_handler as TelepathyGLib.BaseClient).add_handler_filter (filter);
- try {
- (tp_handler as TelepathyGLib.BaseClient).register ();
- }
- catch (Error e) {
- debug ("Failed to register handler: %s", e.message);
- }
- debug ("Waiting for tube offer");
- is_activated = true;
- }
- /* Handler window has been created by constructor already. Show it. */
- handler_window.show_all ();
- handler_window.present ();
- }
- [CCode (cname = "G_MODULE_EXPORT network_window_configure_event_cb", instance_pos = -1)]
- public bool network_window_configure_event_cb (Gtk.Widget widget, Gdk.EventConfigure event)
- {
- if (!settings.get_boolean ("network-window-maximized") &&
- !settings.get_boolean ("network-window-fullscreen"))
- {
- settings.set_int ("network-window-width", event.width);
- settings.set_int ("network-window-height", event.height);
- }
- return false;
- }
- [CCode (cname = "G_MODULE_EXPORT network_window_window_state_event_cb", instance_pos = -1)]
- public bool network_window_window_state_event_cb (Gtk.Widget widget, Gdk.EventWindowState event)
- {
- if ((event.changed_mask & Gdk.WindowState.MAXIMIZED) != 0)
- {
- var is_maximized = (event.new_window_state & Gdk.WindowState.MAXIMIZED) != 0;
- settings.set_boolean ("network-window-maximized", is_maximized);
- }
- if ((event.changed_mask & Gdk.WindowState.FULLSCREEN) != 0)
- {
- bool is_fullscreen = (event.new_window_state & Gdk.WindowState.FULLSCREEN) != 0;
- settings.set_boolean ("network-window-fullscreen", is_fullscreen);
- fullscreen_menu.label = is_fullscreen ? Gtk.Stock.LEAVE_FULLSCREEN : Gtk.Stock.FULLSCREEN;
- }
- return false;
- }
- [CCode (cname = "G_MODULE_EXPORT new_game_cb", instance_pos = -1)]
- private new void new_game_cb (Gtk.Widget widget)
- {
- }
-class GlChessChannelHandler
+class GnomeChessChannelHandler
private static int main (string[] args)
diff --git a/src/gnome-chess-handler-application.vala b/src/gnome-chess-handler-application.vala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b1c71d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gnome-chess-handler-application.vala
@@ -0,0 +1,988 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2012 Chandni Verma
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
+ * License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+ * License along with this program; if not, write to the
+ * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ *
+ * Author: Chandni Verma <chandniverma2112 gmail com>
+ */
+public class HandlerApplication : Application
+ private Gtk.Builder builder;
+ /* Objects from gnome-chess-network-window.ui */
+ private Gtk.Window? handler_window = null;
+ private Gtk.Widget grid_main;
+ private Gtk.Widget grid_contacts_presence_and_channels;
+ private Gtk.Widget combobox_presence;
+ private Gtk.Widget button_goa;
+ private Gtk.Action radioaction_channel_list;
+ private Gtk.Action radioaction_contact_list;
+ private Gtk.Container scrolledwindow_list;
+ private Gtk.Widget alignment_play;
+ private Gtk.Widget contacts_box;
+ private GamesContacts.IndividualStore? individual_store = null;
+ private GamesContacts.IndividualManager? individual_manager = null;
+ private GamesContacts.IndividualView? individual_view = null;
+ private GamesContacts.LiveSearch? search_widget;
+ private Gtk.Container scrolledwindow_channels;
+ private Gtk.TreeView channel_view;
+ private Gtk.TreeSelection channel_view_selection;
+ /* Objects from gnome-chess-game-window.ui */
+ private Gtk.Widget navigation_box;
+ private Gtk.Widget view_box;
+ private Gtk.Widget handler_menubar;
+ private bool is_activated = false;
+ private TelepathyGLib.SimpleHandler tp_handler;
+ private enum ChannelsColumn
+ {
+ USER_ACTION_TIME, /* tp-time of channel creation */
+ TARGET_CONTACT, /* target contact */
+ CHANNEL, /* tube channel */
+ OUR_COLOUR_WHITE, /* our piece color */
+ }
+ /* Channels */
+ Gtk.ListStore channels;
+ Gtk.TreeIter? selected_channel_iter = null;
+ HashTable <string, int32> channel_count;
+ public HandlerApplication ()
+ {
+ Object (
+ application_id: "org.gnome.gnome-chess.handler",
+ flags: ApplicationFlags.FLAGS_NONE);
+ chess_networking_init ();
+ channels = new Gtk.ListStore (ChannelsColumn.NUM_COLS,
+ typeof (int64), /* USER_ACTION_TIME */
+ typeof (TelepathyGLib.Contact), /* TARGET_CONTACT */
+ typeof (TelepathyGLib.Channel), /* CHANNEL */
+ typeof (bool), /* OUR_COLOUR_WHITE */
+ typeof (PGNGame), /* PGN_GAME */
+ typeof (Gtk.TreeModel), /* HISTORY_MODEL */
+ typeof (Gtk.TreeIter), /* HISTORY_COMBO_ACTIVE_ITER */
+ typeof (ChessGame), /* CHESS_GAME */
+ typeof (ChessScene), /* CHESS_SCENE */
+ typeof (Gtk.InfoBar), /* INFO_BAR */
+ typeof (bool), /* GAME_NEEDS_SAVING */
+ typeof (bool), /* CHANNEL_APPROVED */
+ typeof (bool), /* SHOW_STATUS_SCREEN */
+ typeof (string) /* STATUS_MESSAGE */
+ );
+ assert (channels != null);
+ channel_count = new HashTable <string, int32> (str_hash, str_equal);
+ settings = new Settings ("org.gnome.gnome-chess");
+ settings_common = new Settings ("org.gnome.gnome-chess.games-common");
+ builder = new Gtk.Builder ();
+ try
+ {
+ builder.add_from_file (Path.build_filename (Config.PKGDATADIR,
+ "gnome-chess-network-window.ui", null));
+ }
+ catch (Error e)
+ {
+ warning ("Could not load UI: %s", e.message);
+ }
+ settings_common.changed.connect (settings_changed_cb);
+ create_handler_window ();
+ /* Associate the window to this application */
+ handler_window.application = this;
+ if (settings.get_boolean ("network-window-fullscreen"))
+ handler_window.fullscreen ();
+ else if (settings.get_boolean ("network-window-maximized"))
+ handler_window.maximize ();
+ handler_window.resize (settings.get_int ("network-window-width"),
+ settings.get_int ("network-window-height"));
+ handler_window.show_all ();
+ }
+ private bool change_view (Gtk.TreeModel model, Gtk.TreePath path, Gtk.TreeIter channel_iter)
+ {
+ ChessGame? game = null;
+ ChessScene? scene = null;
+ model get (channel_iter, ChannelsColumn.CHESS_GAME, out game, ChannelsColumn.CHESS_SCENE, out
+ assert (game != null && scene != null);
+ ChessView chess_view = (game as Object).get_data<ChessView> ("chess-view");
+ if (chess_view != null)
+ {
+ if ((chess_view as Gtk.Widget).get_parent () == view_container)
+ view_container.remove (chess_view);
+ chess_view.destroy ();
+ }
+ if (settings_common.get_boolean ("show-3d"))
+ chess_view = new ChessView3D ();
+ else
+ chess_view = new ChessView2D ();
+ chess_view.set_size_request (300, 300);
+ chess_view.scene = scene;
+ if (channel_iter == selected_channel_iter)
+ view_container.add (chess_view);
+ chess_view.set_visible (true);
+ return false;
+ }
+ private void settings_changed_cb (Settings settings_common, string key)
+ {
+ if (key == "show-3d")
+ {
+ channels foreach (change_view);
+ }
+ }
+ private void clear_view_box (Gtk.Widget child)
+ {
+ (view_box as Gtk.Container).remove (child);
+ }
+ private void set_game_screen (bool show_status_screen, string message = "")
+ {
+ List view_box_children = (view_box as Gtk.Container).get_children ();
+ if (view_box_children.length () > 0)
+ (view_box as Gtk.Container) foreach (clear_view_box);
+ if (show_status_screen)
+ {
+ (view_box as Gtk.Box).pack_start (new Gtk.Label (message));
+ /* Update menus' sensitivities */
+ resign_menu.sensitive =
+ save_menu.sensitive =
+ save_as_menu.sensitive = false;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ChessGame game;
+ bool game_needs_saving;
+ ChessScene chess_scene;
+ Gtk.InfoBar info_bar;
+ Gtk.TreeModel history_model;
+ assert (selected_channel_iter != null);
+ channels get (selected_channel_iter,
+ ChannelsColumn.CHESS_GAME, out game,
+ ChannelsColumn.GAME_NEEDS_SAVING, out game_needs_saving,
+ ChannelsColumn.CHESS_SCENE, out chess_scene,
+ ChannelsColumn.INFO_BAR, out info_bar,
+ ChannelsColumn.HISTORY_MODEL, out history_model);
+ /* Place the selected channel's infobar into view_box */
+ (view_box as Gtk.Box).pack_start (info_bar, false, true, 0);
+ (view_box as Gtk.Box).pack_start (view_container, false, true, 0);
+ (view_box as Gtk.Box).pack_start (navigation_box, false, true, 0);
+ /* Place the selected channel's view into view_container */
+ Gtk.Widget child = (view_container as Gtk.Bin).get_child ();
+ if (child != null)
+ view_container.remove (child);
+ Gtk.Widget view = (game as Object).get_data<ChessView> ("chess-view");
+ view_container.add (view);
+ view.show ();
+ /* Update menus' sensitivities */
+ if (game_needs_saving)
+ {
+ resign_menu.sensitive = game.n_moves > 0;
+ save_menu.sensitive = true;
+ save_as_menu.sensitive = true;
+ }
+ /* Update history-combo's model */
+ history_combo.set_model (history_model);
+ /* Update history panel */
+ update_history_panel (game, chess_scene, history_combo.model);
+ white_time_label.queue_draw ();
+ black_time_label.queue_draw ();
+ }
+ }
+ private void show_game ()
+ {
+ TelepathyGLib.Contact remote_player;
+ int64 action_time = -1;
+ bool channel_approved;
+ if (selected_channel_iter == null)
+ {
+ debug ("No channel selected");
+ return;
+ }
+ channels get (selected_channel_iter,
+ ChannelsColumn.TARGET_CONTACT, out remote_player,
+ ChannelsColumn.USER_ACTION_TIME, out action_time,
+ ChannelsColumn.CHANNEL_APPROVED, out channel_approved);
+ assert (action_time != -1);
+ debug ("Showing game with %s. Initiation timeframe: %lld", remote_player.identifier, action_time);
+ if (!channel_approved)
+ {
+ string status_message = "Waiting for game request to be approved by %s".printf
(remote_player.get_alias ());
+ set_game_screen (true, status_message);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ set_game_screen (false);
+ }
+ }
+ private void channel_selection_changed_cb ()
+ {
+ Gtk.TreeIter? selected_channel_iter = null;
+ if (! channel_view_selection.get_selected (null, out selected_channel_iter))
+ {
+ debug ("Couldn't obtain selected channel iterator");
+ return;
+ }
+ this.selected_channel_iter = selected_channel_iter;
+ show_game ();
+ }
+ private void channel_name_func (Gtk.TreeViewColumn tree_column, Gtk.CellRenderer cell, Gtk.TreeModel
tree_model, Gtk.TreeIter iter)
+ {
+ string player_name;
+ TelepathyGLib.Contact target_contact;
+ int64 initiation_time;
+ channels get (iter, ChannelsColumn.TARGET_CONTACT, out target_contact,
ChannelsColumn.USER_ACTION_TIME, out initiation_time);
+ player_name = target_contact.alias;
+ (cell as Gtk.CellRendererText).text = "Game %d with %s".printf (channel_count get
(target_contact.identifier), player_name);
+ }
+ private void create_handler_window ()
+ {
+ string [] objects_from_traditional_window =
+ {
+ "window_game_screen",
+ "undo_move_image",
+ "warning_image",
+ "help_image"
+ };
+ handler_window = (Gtk.Window) builder.get_object
+ ("window_networked_chess");
+ handler_window.delete_event.connect (handler_window.hide_on_delete);
+ grid_main = (Gtk.Widget) builder.get_object ("grid_main");
+ grid_contacts_presence_and_channels = (Gtk.Widget) builder.get_object
+ combobox_presence = (Gtk.Widget) builder.get_object
+ ("combobox_presence");
+ button_goa = (Gtk.Widget) builder.get_object ("button_goa");
+ radioaction_channel_list = (Gtk.Action) builder.get_object ("radioaction_channel_list");
+ radioaction_contact_list = (Gtk.Action) builder.get_object ("radioaction_contact_list");
+ scrolledwindow_list = (Gtk.Container) builder.get_object ("scrolledwindow_list");
+ contacts_box = (Gtk.Widget) builder.get_object ("contacts_box");
+ alignment_play = (Gtk.Widget) builder.get_object ("alignment_play");
+ /* Add objects from gnome-chess-game-window.ui */
+ try {
+ builder.add_objects_from_file (Path.build_filename (Config.PKGDATADIR,
+ "gnome-chess-game-window.ui", null),
+ objects_from_traditional_window);
+ handler_menubar = (Gtk.Widget) builder.get_object ("menubar");
+ handler_menubar.unparent ();
+ (grid_main as Gtk.Grid).attach (handler_menubar, 0, 0, 1, 1);
+ save_menu = (Gtk.Widget) builder.get_object ("menu_save_item");
+ save_as_menu = (Gtk.Widget) builder.get_object ("menu_save_as_item");
+ fullscreen_menu = (Gtk.MenuItem) builder.get_object ("fullscreen_item");
+ resign_menu = (Gtk.Widget) builder.get_object ("resign_item");
+ view_box = (Gtk.Widget) builder.get_object ("view_box");
+ view_box.reparent (alignment_play);
+ view_container = (Gtk.Container) builder.get_object ("view_container");
+ first_move_button = (Gtk.Widget) builder.get_object ("first_move_button");
+ prev_move_button = (Gtk.Widget) builder.get_object ("prev_move_button");
+ next_move_button = (Gtk.Widget) builder.get_object ("next_move_button");
+ last_move_button = (Gtk.Widget) builder.get_object ("last_move_button");
+ history_combo = (Gtk.ComboBox) builder.get_object ("history_combo");
+ white_time_label = (Gtk.Widget) builder.get_object ("white_time_label");
+ black_time_label = (Gtk.Widget) builder.get_object ("black_time_label");
+ navigation_box = (Gtk.Widget) builder.get_object ("navigation_box");
+ settings_common.bind ("show-history", navigation_box, "visible", SettingsBindFlags.DEFAULT);
+ }
+ catch (Error e)
+ {
+ warning ("Could not load UI: %s", e.message);
+ }
+ /* Connect signals of all objects to their respective handlers */
+ builder.connect_signals (this);
+ handler_window.title = _("Chess");
+ prepare_contact_list ();
+ scrolledwindow_channels = new Gtk.ScrolledWindow (null, null);
+ channel_view = new Gtk.TreeView ();
+ channel_view.model = channels;
+ scrolledwindow_channels.add (channel_view);
+ Gtk.CellRendererText text_renderer = new Gtk.CellRendererText ();
+ channel_view.insert_column_with_data_func (-1, "", text_renderer, channel_name_func);
+ channel_view_selection = channel_view.get_selection ();
+ /* Enforce: user can't deselect a currently selected element except by selecting
+ * another element*/
+ channel_view_selection.set_mode (Gtk.SelectionMode.BROWSE);
+ channel_view_selection.changed.connect (channel_selection_changed_cb);
+ (channel_view as Gtk.Widget).show ();
+ (scrolledwindow_channels as Gtk.Widget).expand = true;
+ (scrolledwindow_channels as Gtk.Widget).show ();
+ grid_main.show_all ();
+ }
+ private void prepare_contact_list ()
+ {
+ individual_manager =
+ GamesContacts.IndividualManager.dup_singleton ();
+ individual_store = new GamesContacts.IndividualStoreManager (
+ individual_manager);
+ individual_view = new GamesContacts.IndividualView (
+ individual_store,
+ GamesContacts.IndividualViewFeatureFlags.GROUPS_SAVE);
+ /* Create searching capability for the treeview */
+ search_widget = new GamesContacts.LiveSearch (
+ individual_view as Gtk.Widget);
+ individual_view.set_live_search (search_widget);
+ /* Add filter for contacts capable of playing chess */
+ individual_view.set_custom_filter ((model, iter, data)=>{
+ return (data as GamesContacts.IndividualView).filter_default (
+ model, iter, GamesContacts.ActionType.PLAY_GLCHESS);
+ });
+ /* Evaluate contacts' presence using filter */
+ individual_view.refilter ();
+ /* Add to scrolled window and show */
+ scrolledwindow_list.add (individual_view);
+ scrolledwindow_list.show ();
+ individual_view.show ();
+ (contacts_box as Gtk.Container).add (search_widget);
+ }
+ [CCode (cname = "G_MODULE_EXPORT list_changed_cb", instance_pos=-1)]
+ public void list_changed_cb (Gtk.RadioAction action, Gtk.RadioAction current_action)
+ {
+ if (action != current_action)
+ return;
+ if (current_action == radioaction_channel_list &&
+ (grid_contacts_presence_and_channels as Gtk.Grid).get_child_at (0, 1) == contacts_box &&
+ contacts_box.get_parent () == grid_contacts_presence_and_channels)
+ {
+ (grid_contacts_presence_and_channels as Gtk.Container).remove (contacts_box);
+ (grid_contacts_presence_and_channels as Gtk.Grid).attach (scrolledwindow_channels, 0, 1, 1, 1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (current_action == radioaction_contact_list &&
+ (grid_contacts_presence_and_channels as Gtk.Grid).get_child_at (0, 1) ==
scrolledwindow_channels &&
+ (scrolledwindow_channels as Gtk.Widget).get_parent () ==
+ {
+ (grid_contacts_presence_and_channels as Gtk.Container).remove (scrolledwindow_channels);
+ (grid_contacts_presence_and_channels as Gtk.Grid).attach (contacts_box, 0, 1, 1, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ [CCode (cname = "G_MODULE_EXPORT goa_clicked_cb", instance_pos=-1)]
+ public void goa_clicked_cb (Gtk.Button button)
+ {
+ }
+ [CCode (cname = "G_MODULE_EXPORT quit_cb", instance_pos = -1)]
+ public override void quit_cb (Gtk.Widget widget)
+ {
+ quit_game ();
+ }
+ private bool save_game_and_remove_channel (Gtk.TreeModel model, Gtk.TreePath path, Gtk.TreeIter
+ {
+ TelepathyGLib.Channel? channel = null;
+ int64 initiation_time = -1;
+ ChessGame game;
+ PGNGame pgn_game;
+ bool game_needs_saving;
+ channels get (channel_iter, ChannelsColumn.USER_ACTION_TIME, out initiation_time,
ChannelsColumn.CHANNEL, out channel);
+ var target_id = channel.target_contact.identifier;
+ debug ("Removing chess tube channel with %s initiated at instance: %lld", target_id,
+ /* Decrease channel count */
+ var count = channel_count get (target_id);
+ if (count == 1)
+ channel_count.remove (target_id);
+ else
+ channel_count set (target_id, count-1);
+ return false;
+ }
+ /* Quits the application */
+ private void quit_game ()
+ {
+ Settings.sync ();
+ if (channels != null)
+ channels foreach (save_game_and_remove_channel);
+ (handler_window as Gtk.Widget).destroy ();
+ }
+ private new void game_move_cb (ChessGame game, ChessMove move)
+ {
+ Gtk.TreeIter channel_iter;
+ ChessView chess_view;
+ PGNGame pgn_game;
+ string channel_path_string = (game as Object).get_data<string> ("channel-path-string");
+ channels.get_iter_from_string (out channel_iter, channel_path_string);
+ chess_view = (game as Object).get_data<ChessView> ("chess-view");
+ pgn_game = (game as Object).get_data<PGNGame> ("pgn-game");
+ /* Need to save after each move */
+ channels set (channel_iter, ChannelsColumn.GAME_NEEDS_SAVING, true);
+ if (move.number > pgn_game.moves.length ())
+ pgn_game.moves.append (move.get_san ());
+ Gtk.ListStore model;
+ ChessScene scene;
+ channels get (channel_iter, ChannelsColumn.HISTORY_MODEL, out model, ChannelsColumn.CHESS_SCENE,
out scene);
+ Gtk.TreeIter iter;
+ model.append (out iter);
+ model set (iter, 1, move.number);
+ set_move_text (iter, move, scene, model);
+ /* Follow the latest move */
+ if (move.number == game.n_moves && scene.move_number == -1)
+ channels set (channel_iter, ChannelsColumn.HISTORY_COMBO_ACTIVE_ITER, iter);
+ update_history_model (game, scene, model);
+ /* UI updation */
+ if (selected_channel_iter == channel_iter)
+ {
+ update_history_panel (game, scene, model);
+ resign_menu.sensitive = game.n_moves > 0;
+ save_menu.sensitive = true;
+ save_as_menu.sensitive = true;
+ }
+ /* TODO: Acknowledge if opponent made this move */
+ chess_view.queue_draw ();
+ }
+ private void create_and_add_game (TelepathyGLib.DBusTubeChannel tube,
+ Gtk.TreeIter channel_iter)
+ {
+ /* Create a new game with the offered parameters */
+ Variant tube_params = tube.dup_parameters_vardict ();
+ bool offerer_white, our_color_white;
+ tube_params.lookup ("offerer-white", "b", out offerer_white);
+ our_color_white = (tube as TelepathyGLib.Channel).requested ? offerer_white : !offerer_white;
+ int32 duration;
+ tube_params.lookup ("duration", "i", out duration);
+ debug ("Creating a new chess match with our colour:%s and timeout duration:%s",
+ our_color_white ? "white" : "black",
+ duration > 0 ? duration.to_string () + " seconds" : "no limit");
+ var pgn_game = new PGNGame ();
+ var now = new DateTime.now_local ();
+ var now_UTC = now.to_utc ();
+ pgn_game.date = now.format ("%Y.%m.%d");
+ pgn_game.time = now.format ("%H:%M:%S");
+ pgn_game.utcdate = now_UTC.format ("%Y.%m.%d");
+ pgn_game.utctime = now_UTC.format ("%H:%M:%S");
+ if (duration > 0)
+ pgn_game.time_control = "%d".printf (duration);
+ Gtk.ListStore? history_model = null;
+ history_model = new Gtk.ListStore (2, typeof (string), typeof (int));
+ assert (history_model != null);
+ history_model.insert_with_values (null, -1, 0, _("Game Start"), 1, 0);
+ string fen = ChessGame.STANDARD_SETUP;
+ string[] moves = new string[pgn_game.moves.length ()];
+ var i = 0;
+ foreach (var move in pgn_game.moves)
+ moves[i++] = move;
+ if (pgn_game.set_up)
+ {
+ if (pgn_game.fen != null)
+ fen = pgn_game.fen;
+ else
+ warning ("Chess game has SetUp tag but no FEN tag");
+ }
+ var game = new ChessGame (fen, moves);
+ (game as Object).set_data<PGNGame> ("pgn-game", pgn_game);
+ (game as Object).set_data<string> ("channel-path-string", channels.get_string_from_iter
+ /* Associate history_model for access in scene_changed_cb */
+ game.set_data<Gtk.TreeModel> ("history-model", history_model);
+ if (pgn_game.time_control != null)
+ {
+ var controls = pgn_game.time_control.split (":");
+ foreach (var control in controls)
+ {
+ /* We only support simple timeouts */
+ var timeout_duration = int.parse (control);
+ if (timeout_duration > 0)
+ game.clock = new ChessClock (timeout_duration, timeout_duration);
+ }
+ }
+ game.moved.connect (game_move_cb);
+ game.ended.connect (game_end_cb);
+ if (game.clock != null)
+ game.clock.tick.connect (game_clock_tick_cb);
+ ChessScene scene = new ChessScene ();
+ scene.changed.connect (scene_changed_cb);
+ scene.choose_promotion_type.connect (show_promotion_type_selector);
+ scene.game = game;
+ settings_common.bind ("show-move-hints", scene, "show-move-hints", SettingsBindFlags.GET);
+ settings_common.bind ("show-numbering", scene, "show-numbering", SettingsBindFlags.GET);
+ settings_common.bind ("piece-theme", scene, "theme-name", SettingsBindFlags.GET);
+ settings_common.bind ("show-3d-smooth", scene, "show-3d-smooth", SettingsBindFlags.GET);
+ settings_common.bind ("move-format", scene, "move-format", SettingsBindFlags.GET);
+ settings_common.bind ("board-side", scene, "board-side", SettingsBindFlags.GET);
+ Gtk.InfoBar info_bar;
+ info_bar = new Gtk.InfoBar ();
+ var content_area = (Gtk.Container) info_bar.get_content_area ();
+ var vbox = new Gtk.Box (Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL, 6);
+ vbox.show ();
+ content_area.add (vbox);
+ var info_title_label = new Gtk.Label ("");
+ info_title_label.show ();
+ vbox.pack_start (info_title_label, false, true, 0);
+ vbox.hexpand = true;
+ vbox.vexpand = false;
+ var info_label = new Gtk.Label ("");
+ info_label.show ();
+ vbox.pack_start (info_label, true, true, 0);
+ /* All info-bars are hidden when created with visibility updated as and when needed */
+ info_bar.hide ();
+ (game as Object).set_data<Gtk.InfoBar> ("info-bar", info_bar);
+ (game as Object).set_data<Gtk.Label> ("info-title-label", info_title_label);
+ (game as Object).set_data<Gtk.Label> ("info-label", info_label);
+ ChessView chess_view;
+ if (settings_common.get_boolean ("show-3d"))
+ chess_view = new ChessView3D ();
+ else
+ chess_view = new ChessView2D ();
+ chess_view.set_size_request (300, 300);
+ /* This connects scene.changed() to a handler that draws view everytime scene changes */
+ chess_view.scene = scene;
+ (game as Object).set_data<ChessView> ("chess-view", chess_view);
+ bool game_needs_saving = false;
+ game.start ();
+ if (game.result != ChessResult.IN_PROGRESS)
+ game_end_cb (game);
+ white_time_label.queue_draw ();
+ black_time_label.queue_draw ();
+ channels set (channel_iter,
+ ChannelsColumn.OUR_COLOUR_WHITE, our_color_white,
+ ChannelsColumn.PGN_GAME, pgn_game,
+ ChannelsColumn.HISTORY_MODEL, history_model,
+ ChannelsColumn.CHESS_GAME, game,
+ ChannelsColumn.CHESS_SCENE, scene,
+ ChannelsColumn.INFO_BAR, info_bar,
+ ChannelsColumn.GAME_NEEDS_SAVING, game_needs_saving);
+ }
+ private void register_objects (DBusConnection connection,
+ TelepathyGLib.DBusTubeChannel tube,
+ Gtk.TreeIter channel_iter)
+ {
+ debug ("Registering objects over dbus connection");
+ }
+ private void offer_tube (TelepathyGLib.DBusTubeChannel tube,
+ Gtk.TreeIter channel_iter)
+ {
+ DBusConnection? connection = null;
+ bool play_as_white = settings_common.get_boolean ("play-as-white");
+ Value colour_val = play_as_white;
+ int32 duration = settings_common.get_int ("duration");
+ Value duration_val = duration;
+ HashTable<string, Value?>? tube_params = new HashTable<string, Value?> (str_hash, str_equal);
+ tube_params.insert ("offerer-white", colour_val);
+ tube_params.insert ("duration", duration_val);
+ debug ("Offering tube with offerer-white:%s and duration:%ld",
+ colour_val.get_boolean () ? "true" : "false", duration_val.get_int ());
+ /* This hashtable is purely offerer defined and cast here is the secret gotcha */
+ tube.offer_async.begin ((HashTable<void*, void*>?)tube_params,
+ (obj, res)=>{
+ try
+ {
+ connection = tube.offer_async.end (res);
+ }
+ catch (Error e)
+ {
+ debug ("Failed to offer tube to %s: %s",
+ (tube as TelepathyGLib.Channel).target_contact.identifier,
+ e.message);
+ channels set (channel_iter,
+ ChannelsColumn.SHOW_STATUS_SCREEN, true,
+ ChannelsColumn.STATUS_MESSAGE, "Failed to offer chess game channel to %s\n The error
was: %s", (tube as TelepathyGLib.Channel).target_contact.identifier, e.message);
+ /* Nothing to do */
+ return;
+ }
+ assert (connection != null);
+ debug ("Offered tube opened.");
+ connection.notify["closed"].connect (
+ (s, p)=>{
+ debug ("Connection to %s closed unexpectedly",
+ (tube as
+ TelepathyGLib.Channel).target_contact.identifier);
+ }
+ );
+ create_and_add_game (tube, channel_iter);
+ register_objects (connection, tube, channel_iter);
+ /* Now we can display the game */
+ channels set (channel_iter, ChannelsColumn.CHANNEL_APPROVED, true);
+ /* If this is the selected channel, update it's display since it has been approved */
+ if (channel_iter == selected_channel_iter)
+ set_game_screen (false);
+ }
+ );
+ /* This offered tube has not yet been approved by remote contact */
+ channels set (channel_iter, ChannelsColumn.CHANNEL_APPROVED, false);
+ }
+ private void accept_tube (TelepathyGLib.DBusTubeChannel tube,
+ Gtk.TreeIter channel_iter)
+ {
+ DBusConnection? connection = null;
+ debug ("Accepting tube");
+ tube.accept_async.begin (
+ (obj, res)=>{
+ try
+ {
+ connection = tube.accept_async.end (res);
+ }
+ catch (Error e)
+ {
+ debug ("Failed to accept tube from %s: %s",
+ (tube as TelepathyGLib.Channel).target_contact.identifier, e.message);
+ channels set (channel_iter,
+ ChannelsColumn.SHOW_STATUS_SCREEN, true,
+ ChannelsColumn.STATUS_MESSAGE, "Failed to accept chess game channel from %s\n The
error was: %s", (tube as TelepathyGLib.Channel).target_contact.identifier, e.message);
+ /* Nothing to do */
+ return;
+ }
+ assert (connection != null);
+ debug ("Accepted tube opened.");
+ connection.notify["closed"].connect (
+ (s, p)=>{
+ debug ("Connection to %s closed unexpectedly",
+ (tube as
+ TelepathyGLib.Channel).target_contact.identifier);
+ }
+ );
+ create_and_add_game (tube, channel_iter);
+ /* We can now display the game */
+ channels set (channel_iter, ChannelsColumn.CHANNEL_APPROVED, true);
+ /* If this is the selected channel, update it's display since it has been approved */
+ if (channel_iter == selected_channel_iter)
+ set_game_screen (false);
+ }
+ );
+ /* Channels at accepter end are never waiting for approval from anyone
+ * but just for accept_async() to finish and call the callback */
+ channels set (channel_iter, ChannelsColumn.CHANNEL_APPROVED, false);
+ }
+ private void close_channel (TelepathyGLib.Channel tube)
+ {
+ debug ("Closing channel.");
+ (tube).close_async.begin ((obj, res)=>
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ (tube).close_async.end (res);
+ }
+ catch (Error e)
+ {
+ debug ("Couldn't close the channel: %s", e.message);
+ }
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ private void tube_invalidated_cb (TelepathyGLib.Proxy tube_channel,
+ uint domain,
+ int code,
+ string message)
+ {
+ debug ("Tube has been invalidated: %s", message);
+ (channels as Gtk.TreeModel) foreach ((model, path, iter)=>
+ {
+ TelepathyGLib.Channel stored_tube;
+ int64 user_action_time;
+ (channels as Gtk.TreeModel) get (iter, ChannelsColumn.CHANNEL, out stored_tube,
+ ChannelsColumn.USER_ACTION_TIME, out user_action_time);
+ if (stored_tube == tube_channel)
+ {
+ debug ("Removing chess dbus-tube channel initiated at timeframe %lld with remote player
+ user_action_time, stored_tube.target_contact.identifier);
+ channels.remove (iter);
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ public void handle_channels (TelepathyGLib.SimpleHandler handler,
+ TelepathyGLib.Account account,
+ TelepathyGLib.Connection conn,
+ List<TelepathyGLib.Channel> channel_bundle,
+ List<TelepathyGLib.ChannelRequest> requests,
+ int64 action_time,
+ TelepathyGLib.HandleChannelsContext context)
+ {
+ Error error = new TelepathyGLib.Error.NOT_AVAILABLE ("No channel to be handled");
+ debug ("Handling channels");
+ foreach (TelepathyGLib.Channel tube_channel in channel_bundle)
+ {
+ Gtk.TreeIter channel_iter;
+ if (! (tube_channel is TelepathyGLib.DBusTubeChannel))
+ continue;
+ if ((tube_channel as TelepathyGLib.DBusTubeChannel).service_name !=
+ TelepathyGLib.CLIENT_BUS_NAME_BASE + "Games.Glchess")
+ continue;
+ /* Add channel to list of currently handled channels */
+ channels.insert_with_values (out channel_iter, -1,
+ ChannelsColumn.USER_ACTION_TIME, action_time,
+ ChannelsColumn.TARGET_CONTACT, tube_channel.target_contact,
+ ChannelsColumn.CHANNEL, tube_channel);
+ debug ("Channel inserted into cache. Total channels: %d", channels.iter_n_children (null));
+ var target_id = tube_channel.target_contact.identifier;
+ if (channel_count.contains (target_id))
+ channel_count set (target_id, channel_count get (target_id) + 1);
+ else
+ channel_count.insert (target_id, 1);
+ debug ("We now hold %d channels with %s", channel_count get (target_id), target_id);
+ /* If this is the first insertion, set it as selected */
+ if (channels.iter_n_children (null) == 1)
+ channel_view_selection.select_iter (channel_iter);
+ if (tube_channel.requested)
+ {
+ /* We created this channel. Make a tube offer and wait for approval */
+ offer_tube (tube_channel as TelepathyGLib.DBusTubeChannel, channel_iter);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* This is an incoming channel request */
+ accept_tube (tube_channel as TelepathyGLib.DBusTubeChannel, channel_iter);
+ }
+ (tube_channel as TelepathyGLib.Proxy).invalidated.connect (
+ tube_invalidated_cb);
+ context.accept ();
+ /* Only one of accept() or fail() can be called on context */
+ return;
+ }
+ debug ("Rejecting channels");
+ context.fail (error);
+ return;
+ }
+ public override void activate ()
+ {
+ if (!is_activated)
+ {
+ /* Create and register our telepathy client handler as a one-off */
+ tp_handler = new TelepathyGLib.SimpleHandler.with_am (
+ TelepathyGLib.AccountManager.dup (),
+ true, /* Bypass approval */
+ true, /* Requests */
+ "Games.Glchess",
+ false, /* Uniquify name */
+ handle_channels);
+ var filter = new HashTable<string, Value?> (str_hash, str_equal);
+ filter.insert (
+ filter.insert (
+ 1);
+ filter.insert (
+ TelepathyGLib.CLIENT_BUS_NAME_BASE + "Games.Glchess");
+ (tp_handler as TelepathyGLib.BaseClient).add_handler_filter (filter);
+ try {
+ (tp_handler as TelepathyGLib.BaseClient).register ();
+ }
+ catch (Error e) {
+ debug ("Failed to register handler: %s", e.message);
+ }
+ debug ("Waiting for tube offer");
+ is_activated = true;
+ }
+ /* Handler window has been created by constructor already. Show it. */
+ handler_window.show_all ();
+ handler_window.present ();
+ }
+ [CCode (cname = "G_MODULE_EXPORT network_window_configure_event_cb", instance_pos = -1)]
+ public bool network_window_configure_event_cb (Gtk.Widget widget, Gdk.EventConfigure event)
+ {
+ if (!settings.get_boolean ("network-window-maximized") &&
+ !settings.get_boolean ("network-window-fullscreen"))
+ {
+ settings.set_int ("network-window-width", event.width);
+ settings.set_int ("network-window-height", event.height);
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ [CCode (cname = "G_MODULE_EXPORT network_window_window_state_event_cb", instance_pos = -1)]
+ public bool network_window_window_state_event_cb (Gtk.Widget widget, Gdk.EventWindowState event)
+ {
+ if ((event.changed_mask & Gdk.WindowState.MAXIMIZED) != 0)
+ {
+ var is_maximized = (event.new_window_state & Gdk.WindowState.MAXIMIZED) != 0;
+ settings.set_boolean ("network-window-maximized", is_maximized);
+ }
+ if ((event.changed_mask & Gdk.WindowState.FULLSCREEN) != 0)
+ {
+ bool is_fullscreen = (event.new_window_state & Gdk.WindowState.FULLSCREEN) != 0;
+ settings.set_boolean ("network-window-fullscreen", is_fullscreen);
+ fullscreen_menu.label = is_fullscreen ? Gtk.Stock.LEAVE_FULLSCREEN : Gtk.Stock.FULLSCREEN;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ [CCode (cname = "G_MODULE_EXPORT new_game_cb", instance_pos = -1)]
+ private new void new_game_cb (Gtk.Widget widget)
+ {
+ }
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