[beast: 168/210] DOCS: remove legacy doc handling

commit d0705c2415c6d86c9c36cd3fc20c7e75cec30afd
Author: Tim Janik <timj gnu org>
Date:   Tue Jun 18 20:41:13 2013 +0200

    DOCS: remove legacy doc handling

 docs/.gitignore  |    3 --
 docs/Makefile.am |   99 ------------------------------------------------------
 2 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 102 deletions(-)
diff --git a/docs/.gitignore b/docs/.gitignore
index 3b8945b..e69de29 100644
--- a/docs/.gitignore
+++ b/docs/.gitignore
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/Makefile.am b/docs/Makefile.am
index 8ecbf83..675dbe3 100644
--- a/docs/Makefile.am
+++ b/docs/Makefile.am
@@ -3,105 +3,6 @@ include $(top_srcdir)/Makefile.decl
 SUBDIRS = imports images
-# = Build & Dist Items =
-# manual pages to be installed, downloaded from beast.testbit.eu
-man_MANS      = ${MANUAL_PAGES} # automake-1.11 needs this expandable w/o patsubst
-# html pages to be installed, some downloaded from beast.testbit.eu
-htmldocsdir   = ${beastdocsdir}/html
-# == Html File Builds ==
-HTML_SIMPLE_DOCS = html/beast-index.html html/news-file.txt
-html/news-file.txt: $(top_srcdir)/NEWS
-       $(AM_V_GEN)
-       $(Q) cp $< $@
-html/beast-index.html: beast-index.html
-       $(AM_V_GEN)
-       $(Q) cp $< $@
-EXTRA_DIST += beast-index.html
-# == Download Imports ==
-IMPORT_FILES = # files to be imported/updated
-EXTRA_DIST  += $(IMPORT_FILES:%=import/%) import/stamp
-import:        # online docs are downloaded and stored in $(srcdir)/import/
-       $(Q) test "$(srcdir)" = "$(builddir)" -a -d html/
-       $(Q) rm -rf newimport/ && mkdir newimport/
-       $(Q) for FN in $(IMPORT_FILES) ; do \
-         echo "  IMPORT" $$FN; \
-         curl -sfS http://beast.testbit.eu/$$FN?action=render > newimport/$$FN || exit $? ; \
-       done
-       $(Q) date +%s > newimport/stamp
-       $(Q) rm -rf import/ && mv newimport/ import/
-.PHONY: import
-# == Html Online Docs ==
-HTML_ONLINE_DOCS      = html/Beast-Quickstart.html html/Beast_FAQ.html
-IMPORT_FILES         += $(HTML_ONLINE_DOCS:html/%.html=%)
-       mkdir -p $@
-$(HTML_ONLINE_DOCS): html/%.html: import/% | html/
-       $(AM_V_GEN)
-       $(Q) echo -e $(HTML1)            > $(@D)/xgen-$(@F)
-       $(Q) sed -n $(H1SED) $<         >> $(@D)/xgen-$(@F)
-       $(Q) echo -e $(HTML2)           >> $(@D)/xgen-$(@F)
-       $(Q) cat $<                     >> $(@D)/xgen-$(@F)
-       $(Q) echo -e $(HTML3)           >> $(@D)/xgen-$(@F)
-       $(Q) mv $(@D)/xgen-$(@F) $@
-HTML1 = '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" 
"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd";>\n' \
-       '<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"; lang="en" xml:lang="en">\n' \
-       '<head>  <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />\n' \
-       '<title>'
-HTML2 = '</title></head>\n' \
-       '<body>\n'
-HTML3 = '\n</body></html>\n'
-H1SED = '/<[hH]1\b/{ s/<[^>]\+>//g ; s/^\s\+//; p ; q }' # sed hack to extract first H1 title
-# == Online Manual Pages ==
-MANUAL_PAGES          = mans/bse.5 mans/beast.1 mans/bsescm.1 mans/bsewavetool.1 mans/sfidl.1
-IMPORT_FILES         += $(MANUAL_PAGES:mans/%=%)
-EXTRA_DIST           += $(MANUAL_PAGES)
-mans/: # manual pages are downloaded and stored in $(srcdir)/mans/
-       mkdir -p $@
-$(MANUAL_PAGES): mans/%: import/% | mans/
-       $(AM_V_GEN)
-       $(Q) $(WIKIHTML2MAN) $< >$(@D)/xgen-$(@F)
-       $(Q) mv $(@D)/xgen-$(@F) $@
-# == HTML Manual Pages ==
-HTMLMAN_PAGES = $(patsubst mans/%, html/%.html, $(MANUAL_PAGES))
-html/%.html: mans/%
-       $(AM_V_GEN)
-       $(Q) set -o pipefail \
-       && groff -mandoc -Thtml $< \
-       | sed $(HREFS) >$(@D)/xgen-$(@F)
-       $(Q) mv $(@D)/xgen-$(@F) $@
-HREFS = 's,&lt;\(\(http\|ftp\)s\?:[^<>]\+\)&gt;,\&lt;<a href="\1">\1</a>\&gt;,g'
-# == File Checks ==
-MISSING_MSG = "  Some files hosted online appear missing or outdated; please issue: make import  "
-CURRENTNESS = 86400 # 86400 seconds = 24 hours
-check-aging-files: check-missing-files
-       $(Q) LAST=`cd $(srcdir) && test -e import/stamp && cat import/stamp || echo 0` ; NOW=`date +%s` \
-       ; test $$(($$NOW - $$LAST)) -lt $(CURRENTNESS) || { \
-         echo $(MISSING_MSG) | sed 's/./=/g' && echo $(MISSING_MSG) && echo $(MISSING_MSG) | sed 's/./=/g' \
-         && false ; }
-dist-hook: check-aging-files
-       $(Q) { cd $(srcdir) && test 1 $(patsubst %, -a -e $(srcdir)/import/%, $(IMPORT_FILES)) ; } || { \
-         echo $(MISSING_MSG) | sed 's/./=/g' && echo $(MISSING_MSG) && echo $(MISSING_MSG) | sed 's/./=/g' \
-         && false ; }
-       $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) check-missing-files
-# == Custom Rules ==
-all: check-missing-files
 # == Misc Distribution Files ==
 EXTRA_DIST += $(strip          \
        bse-categories.txt      \

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