[gxml/gsoc2013: 34/69] Document.vala: update error checking to use g_warning; add more error checks from spec

commit c647f8ad808a91b590800f8a22f5462b6e273e73
Author: Richard Schwarting <aquarichy gmail com>
Date:   Sat Jul 27 00:01:53 2013 -0400

    Document.vala: update error checking to use g_warning; add more error checks from spec

 gxml/Document.vala |   85 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 1 files changed, 52 insertions(+), 33 deletions(-)
diff --git a/gxml/Document.vala b/gxml/Document.vala
index 5664a64..7f2a1de 100644
--- a/gxml/Document.vala
+++ b/gxml/Document.vala
@@ -275,18 +275,20 @@ namespace GXml {
                        Xml.Node *root;
-                       if (doc == null)
-                               this.last_error = new DomError.INVALID_DOC ("Failed to parse document.");
+                       if (doc == null) // should be impossible
+                               GLib.warning ("INVALID_DOC_ERR: Failed to parse document, xmlDoc* was NULL");
                        if (require_root) {
                                root = doc->get_root_element ();
-                               if (root == null)
-                                       this.last_error = new DomError.INVALID_ROOT ("Could not obtain root 
for document.");
+                               if (root == null) {
+                                       GLib.warning ("INVALID_ROOT_ERR: Could not obtain a valid root for 
the document; xmlDoc*'s root was NULL");
+                               }
                        // TODO: consider passing root as a base node?
                        base.for_document ();
-                       this.owner_document = this; // this doesn't exist until after base()
+                       this.owner_document = this; // must come after base ()
                        this.xmldoc = doc;
                        if (doc->int_subset == null && doc->ext_subset == null) {
                                this.doctype = null;
@@ -389,7 +391,7 @@ namespace GXml {
                                this.from_stream (instream, can);
                                instream.close ();
                        } catch (GLib.Error e) {
-                               this.last_error = new DomError.INVALID_DOC (e.message);
+                               GLib.warning ("INVALID_DOC_ERR: Could not load document from GFile: %s", 
@@ -498,10 +500,9 @@ namespace GXml {
                 * URL: [[http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-DOM-Level-1/level-one-core.html#method-createElement]]
                public Element create_element (string tag_name) {
-                       /* TODO: libxml2 doesn't complain about invalid names, but the spec
-                          for DOM Level 1 Core wants us to. Handle ourselves? */
-                       // TODO: what does libxml2 do with Elements?  should we just use nodes? probably
-                       // TODO: what should we be passing for ns other than old_ns?  Figure it out
+                       check_invalid_characters (tag_name, "element");
+                       // TODO: what should we be passing for ns other than old_ns?  Figure it out; needed 
for level 2+ support
                        Xml.Node *xmlelem;
                        Element new_elem;
@@ -559,7 +560,7 @@ namespace GXml {
                 * URL: [[http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-DOM-Level-1/level-one-core.html#method-createCDATASection]]
                public CDATASection create_cdata_section (string data) {
-                       check_html ("CDATA section"); // TODO: i18n
+                       check_not_supported_html ("CDATA section");
                        return new CDATASection (this.xmldoc->new_cdata_block (data, (int)data.length), this);
@@ -575,9 +576,8 @@ namespace GXml {
                 * URL: 
                public ProcessingInstruction create_processing_instruction (string target, string data) {
-                       check_html ("processing instructions"); // TODO: i18n
-                       check_character_validity (target);
-                       check_character_validity (data); // TODO: do these use different rules?
+                       check_not_supported_html ("processing instructions");
+                       check_invalid_characters (target, "processing instruction");
                        // TODO: want to see whether we can find a libxml2 structure for this
                        ProcessingInstruction pi = new ProcessingInstruction (target, data, this);
@@ -594,7 +594,7 @@ namespace GXml {
                 * URL: [[http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-DOM-Level-1/level-one-core.html#method-createAttribute]]
                public Attr create_attribute (string name) {
-                       check_character_validity (name);
+                       check_invalid_characters (name, "attribute");
                        return new Attr (this.xmldoc->new_prop (name, ""), this);
                        // TODO: should we pass something other than "" for the unspecified value?  probably 
not, "" is working fine so far
@@ -608,8 +608,8 @@ namespace GXml {
                 * URL: 
                public EntityReference create_entity_reference (string name) {
-                       check_html ("entity reference"); // TODO: i18n
-                       check_character_validity (name);
+                       check_not_supported_html ("entity reference");
+                       check_invalid_characters (name, "entity reference");
                        return new EntityReference (name, this);
                        // TODO: doublecheck that libxml2 doesn't have a welldefined ER
@@ -632,15 +632,33 @@ namespace GXml {
                        return this.document_element.get_elements_by_tag_name (tag_name);
-               private void check_html (string feature) {
-                       if (this.doctype != null && this.doctype.name == "html") {
-                               // TODO: ^ check name == html by icase
-                               this.last_error = new DomError.NOT_SUPPORTED ("HTML documents do not support 
'%s'".printf (feature)); // i18n
+               private bool check_read_only (DomNode node) {
+                       // TODO: introduce a concept of read-only-ness, perhaps
+                       return false;
+               }
+               private void check_wrong_document (DomNode node) {
+                       if (node.owner_document != this) {
+                               GLib.warning ("WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR: Node tried to interact with this document 
'%p' but belonged to document '%p'", this, node.owner_document);
-               private void check_character_validity (string str) {
-                       if (true == false) { // TODO: define validity
-                               this.last_error = new DomError.INVALID_CHARACTER ("'%s' contains invalid 
characters.".printf (str));
+               /**
+                * Feature should be something like "processing instructions"
+                */
+               private void check_not_supported_html (string feature) {
+                       if (this.doctype != null && (this.doctype.name.casefold () == "html".casefold ())) {
+                               GLib.warning ("NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR: HTML documents do not support '%s'".printf 
(feature)); // TODO: i18n
+                       }
+               }
+               /**
+                * Subject should be something like "element" or "processing instruction"
+                */
+               internal static void check_invalid_characters (string name, string subject) {
+                       /* TODO: use Xml.validate_name instead  */
+                       if (Xml.validate_name (name, 0) != 0) { // TODO: define validity
+                               GLib.warning ("INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR: Provided name '%s' for %s is not a 
valid XML name", name, subject);
@@ -670,26 +688,27 @@ namespace GXml {
                 * URL: [[http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-DOM-Level-1/level-one-core.html#method-appendChild]]
                public override DomNode? append_child (DomNode new_child) {
+                       check_wrong_document (new_child);
+                       check_read_only (this);
                        if (new_child.node_type == NodeType.ELEMENT) {
                                if (xmldoc->get_root_element () == null) {
                                        xmldoc->set_root_element (((Element)new_child).node);
                                } else {
-                                       this.last_error = new DomError.HIERARCHY_REQUEST ("Document already 
has a root element.  Could not add child element with name '%s'".printf (new_child.node_name));
+                                       GLib.warning ("HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR: Document already has a root 
element.  Could not add child element with name '%s'", new_child.node_name);
                        } else if (new_child.node_type == NodeType.DOCUMENT_TYPE) {
+                               if (this.doctype == null) {
+                                       this.doctype = (DocumentType)new_child;
+                               } else {
+                                       GLib.warning ("HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR: Document already has a doctype. 
 Could not add new doctype with name '%s'.", ((DocumentType)new_child).name);
+                               }
                                GLib.warning ("Appending document_types not yet supported");
                        } else {
                                GLib.warning ("Appending '%s' not yet supported", 
new_child.node_type.to_string ());
-                       return null;
-               }
-               /**
-                * Sets the last error encountered.
-                */
-               public DomError last_error {
-                       get;
-                       internal set;
+                       return null;

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