[gimp/soc-2013-combined-selection-tool] app: selectbyshapetool added base functions

commit 016669bfa69398b48be677b60c2c8bb4d06da7da
Author: Ajay Ramanathan <ajay 010293 gmail com>
Date:   Fri Jul 26 18:37:59 2013 +0530

    app: selectbyshapetool added base functions

 app/tools/gimpselectbyshapetool.c |  957 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
 app/tools/gimpselectbyshapetool.h |   17 +-
 2 files changed, 896 insertions(+), 78 deletions(-)
diff --git a/app/tools/gimpselectbyshapetool.c b/app/tools/gimpselectbyshapetool.c
index 8c6ad5a..582d724 100644
--- a/app/tools/gimpselectbyshapetool.c
+++ b/app/tools/gimpselectbyshapetool.c
@@ -20,39 +20,135 @@
 #include <gegl.h>
 #include <gtk/gtk.h>
+#include "libgimpmath/gimpmath.h"
 #include "libgimpwidgets/gimpwidgets.h"
 #include "tools-types.h"
+#include "core/gimpchannel.h"
 #include "core/gimpchannel-select.h"
+#include "core/gimplayer-floating-sel.h"
 #include "core/gimpimage.h"
+#include "core/gimpimage-undo.h"
+#include "core/gimppickable.h"
+#include "core/gimp-utils.h"
+#include "core/gimpundostack.h"
+#include "widgets/gimpdialogfactory.h"
 #include "widgets/gimphelp-ids.h"
+#include "widgets/gimpviewabledialog.h"
+#include "widgets/gimpwidgets-utils.h"
+#include "display/gimpcanvasgroup.h"
 #include "display/gimpdisplay.h"
+#include "display/gimpdisplayshell.h"
+#include "display/gimpdisplayshell-transform.h"
+#include "display/gimpdisplayshell-appearance.h"
+#include "gimpeditselectiontool.h"
+#include "gimpselectiontool.h"
+#include "gimpselectionoptions.h"
+#include "gimprectangletool.h"
+#include "gimprectangleoptions.h"
 #include "gimpselectbyshapetool.h"
 #include "gimprectangleselectoptions.h"
 #include "gimptoolcontrol.h"
 #include "gimp-intl.h"
+typedef struct GimpSelectByShapeToolPrivate
+  GimpChannelOps     operation;            /* remember for use when modifying   */
+  gboolean           use_saved_op;         /* use operation or get from options */
+  gboolean           saved_show_selection; /* used to remember existing value   */
+  GimpUndo          *undo;
+  GimpUndo          *redo;
-static void   gimp_select_by_shape_tool_draw   (GimpDrawTool            *draw_tool);
+  gboolean           round_corners;
+  gdouble            corner_radius;
-static void   gimp_select_by_shape_tool_select (GimpRectangleSelectTool *rect_tool,
-                                               GimpChannelOps           operation,
-                                               gint                     x,
-                                               gint                     y,
-                                               gint                     w,
-                                               gint                     h);
+  gdouble            press_x;
+  gdouble            press_y;
+} GimpSelectByShapeToolPrivate;
+  ((GimpSelectByShapeToolPrivate *) ((GimpSelectByShapeTool *) (obj))->priv)
-G_DEFINE_TYPE (GimpSelectByShapeTool, gimp_select_by_shape_tool,
-#define parent_class gimp_select_by_shape_tool_parent_class
+static void     gimp_select_by_shape_tool_rectangle_tool_iface_init (GimpRectangleToolInterface *iface);
+static void     gimp_select_by_shape_tool_constructed    (GObject               *object);
+static void     gimp_select_by_shape_tool_control        (GimpTool              *tool,
+                                                           GimpToolAction         action,
+                                                           GimpDisplay           *display);
+static void     gimp_select_by_shape_tool_button_press   (GimpTool              *tool,
+                                                           const GimpCoords      *coords,
+                                                           guint32                time,
+                                                           GdkModifierType        state,
+                                                           GimpButtonPressType    press_type,
+                                                           GimpDisplay           *display);
+static void     gimp_select_by_shape_tool_button_release (GimpTool              *tool,
+                                                           const GimpCoords      *coords,
+                                                           guint32                time,
+                                                           GdkModifierType        state,
+                                                           GimpButtonReleaseType  release_type,
+                                                           GimpDisplay           *display);
+static void     gimp_select_by_shape_tool_active_modifier_key
+                                                          (GimpTool              *tool,
+                                                           GdkModifierType        key,
+                                                           gboolean               press,
+                                                           GdkModifierType        state,
+                                                           GimpDisplay           *display);
+static gboolean gimp_select_by_shape_tool_key_press      (GimpTool              *tool,
+                                                           GdkEventKey           *kevent,
+                                                           GimpDisplay           *display);
+static void     gimp_select_by_shape_tool_oper_update    (GimpTool              *tool,
+                                                           const GimpCoords      *coords,
+                                                           GdkModifierType        state,
+                                                           gboolean               proximity,
+                                                           GimpDisplay           *display);
+static void     gimp_select_by_shape_tool_cursor_update  (GimpTool              *tool,
+                                                           const GimpCoords      *coords,
+                                                           GdkModifierType        state,
+                                                           GimpDisplay           *display);
+static void     gimp_select_by_shape_tool_draw           (GimpDrawTool          *draw_tool);
+static gboolean gimp_select_by_shape_tool_select         (GimpRectangleTool     *rect_tool,
+                                                           gint                   x,
+                                                           gint                   y,
+                                                           gint                   w,
+                                                           gint                   h);
+static gboolean gimp_select_by_shape_tool_execute        (GimpRectangleTool     *rect_tool,
+                                                           gint                   x,
+                                                           gint                   y,
+                                                           gint                   w,
+                                                           gint                   h);
+static void     gimp_select_by_shape_tool_cancel         (GimpRectangleTool     *rect_tool);
+static gboolean gimp_select_by_shape_tool_rectangle_change_complete
+                                                          (GimpRectangleTool     *rect_tool);
+static void     gimp_select_by_shape_tool_real_select    (GimpSelectByShapeTool *rect_sel_tool,
+                                                           GimpChannelOps         operation,
+                                                           gint                   x,
+                                                           gint                   y,
+                                                           gint                   w,
+                                                           gint                   h);
+static GimpChannelOps
+                gimp_select_by_shape_tool_get_operation  (GimpSelectByShapeTool    *rect_sel_tool);
+static void     gimp_select_by_shape_tool_update_option_defaults
+                                                          (GimpSelectByShapeTool    *rect_sel_tool,
+                                                           gboolean                    ignore_pending);
+static void     gimp_select_by_shape_tool_round_corners_notify
+                                                          (GimpRectangleSelectOptions *options,
+                                                           GParamSpec                 *pspec,
+                                                           GimpSelectByShapeTool    *rect_sel_tool);
+G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_CODE (GimpSelectByShapeTool, gimp_select_by_shape_tool,
+                         GIMP_TYPE_SELECTION_TOOL,
+                                                gimp_select_by_shape_tool_rectangle_tool_iface_init))
+#define parent_class gimp_select_by_shape_tool_parent_class
 gimp_select_by_shape_tool_register (GimpToolRegisterCallback  callback,
@@ -69,67 +165,125 @@ gimp_select_by_shape_tool_register (GimpToolRegisterCallback  callback,
 static void
 gimp_select_by_shape_tool_class_init (GimpSelectByShapeToolClass *klass)
-  GimpDrawToolClass            *draw_tool_class = GIMP_DRAW_TOOL_CLASS (klass);
-  GimpRectangleSelectToolClass *rect_tool_class = GIMP_RECTANGLE_SELECT_TOOL_CLASS (klass);
+  GObjectClass      *object_class    = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);
+  GimpToolClass     *tool_class      = GIMP_TOOL_CLASS (klass);
+  GimpDrawToolClass *draw_tool_class = GIMP_DRAW_TOOL_CLASS (klass);
+  g_type_class_add_private (klass, sizeof (GimpSelectByShapeToolPrivate));
+  object_class->constructed       = gimp_select_by_shape_tool_constructed;
+  object_class->set_property      = gimp_rectangle_tool_set_property;
+  object_class->get_property      = gimp_rectangle_tool_get_property;
+  tool_class->control             = gimp_select_by_shape_tool_control;
+  tool_class->button_press        = gimp_select_by_shape_tool_button_press;
+  tool_class->button_release      = gimp_select_by_shape_tool_button_release;
+  tool_class->motion              = gimp_rectangle_tool_motion;
+  tool_class->key_press           = gimp_select_by_shape_tool_key_press;
+  tool_class->active_modifier_key = gimp_select_by_shape_tool_active_modifier_key;
+  tool_class->oper_update         = gimp_select_by_shape_tool_oper_update;
+  tool_class->cursor_update       = gimp_select_by_shape_tool_cursor_update;
+  draw_tool_class->draw           = gimp_select_by_shape_tool_draw;
-  draw_tool_class->draw   = gimp_select_by_shape_tool_draw;
+  klass->select                   = gimp_select_by_shape_tool_real_select;
-  rect_tool_class->select = gimp_select_by_shape_tool_select;
+  gimp_rectangle_tool_install_properties (object_class);
 static void
-gimp_select_by_shape_tool_init (GimpSelectByShapeTool *select_by_shape)
+gimp_select_by_shape_tool_rectangle_tool_iface_init (GimpRectangleToolInterface *iface)
-  GimpTool *tool = GIMP_TOOL (select_by_shape);
+  iface->execute                   = gimp_select_by_shape_tool_execute;
+  iface->cancel                    = gimp_select_by_shape_tool_cancel;
+  iface->rectangle_change_complete = gimp_select_by_shape_tool_rectangle_change_complete;
+static void
+gimp_select_by_shape_tool_init (GimpSelectByShapeTool *rect_sel_tool)
+  GimpTool                       *tool = GIMP_TOOL (rect_sel_tool);
+  GimpSelectByShapeToolPrivate *priv;
+  gimp_rectangle_tool_init (GIMP_RECTANGLE_TOOL (rect_sel_tool));
+  rect_sel_tool->priv = G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_PRIVATE (rect_sel_tool,
+                                                     GIMP_TYPE_SELECT_BY_SHAPE_TOOL,
+                                                     GimpSelectByShapeToolPrivate);
+  priv = GIMP_SELECT_BY_SHAPE_TOOL_GET_PRIVATE (rect_sel_tool);
+  gimp_tool_control_set_wants_click (tool->control, TRUE);
+  gimp_tool_control_set_precision   (tool->control,
+                                     GIMP_CURSOR_PRECISION_PIXEL_BORDER);
   gimp_tool_control_set_tool_cursor (tool->control,
-                                     GIMP_TOOL_CURSOR_ELLIPSE_SELECT);
-  //Need to add new Cursors :'(
+                                     GIMP_TOOL_CURSOR_RECT_SELECT);
+  gimp_tool_control_set_preserve    (tool->control, FALSE);
+  gimp_tool_control_set_dirty_mask  (tool->control,
+                                     GIMP_DIRTY_IMAGE_SIZE |
+                                     GIMP_DIRTY_SELECTION);
+  priv->undo    = NULL;
+  priv->redo    = NULL;
+  priv->press_x = 0.0;
+  priv->press_y = 0.0;
 static void
-gimp_select_by_shape_tool_draw (GimpDrawTool *draw_tool)
+gimp_select_by_shape_tool_constructed (GObject *object)
-  GimpCanvasGroup                *stroke_group = NULL;
-  /*GimpSelectByShapeTool          *shp_sel_tool;
-  GimpSelectByShapeTool           *priv;
+  GimpSelectByShapeTool        *rect_sel_tool;
+  GimpRectangleSelectOptions     *options;
+  GimpSelectByShapeToolPrivate *priv;
-  gint x1, y1, x2, y2;
+  G_OBJECT_CLASS (parent_class)->constructed (object);
-  GIMP_DRAW_TOOL_CLASS (parent_class)->draw (draw_tool);
-  shp_sel_tool = GIMP_SELECT_BY_SHAPE_TOOL (draw_tool);
-  priv          = GIMP_SELECT_BY_SHAPE_TOOL_GET (shp_sel_tool);
-  switch(priv->shape_type)
-  {
-    gimp_rectangle_tool_draw (draw_tool, stroke_group);
-    break;
+  gimp_rectangle_tool_constructor (object);
-    {
-     g_object_get (draw_tool,
-                "x1", &x1,
-                "y1", &y1,
-                "x2", &x2,
-                "y2", &y2,
-                NULL);
+  rect_sel_tool = GIMP_SELECT_BY_SHAPE_TOOL (object);
+  options       = GIMP_SELECT_BY_SHAPE_TOOL_GET_OPTIONS (rect_sel_tool);
+  priv          = GIMP_SELECT_BY_SHAPE_TOOL_GET_PRIVATE (rect_sel_tool);
-     gimp_draw_tool_add_arc (draw_tool,
-                          FALSE,
-                          x1, y1,
-                          x2 - x1, y2 - y1,
-                          0.0, 2 * G_PI);
-     break;
-    }
+  priv->round_corners = options->round_corners;
+  priv->corner_radius = options->corner_radius;
+  g_signal_connect_object (options, "notify::round-corners",
+                           G_CALLBACK (gimp_select_by_shape_tool_round_corners_notify),
+                           object, 0);
+  g_signal_connect_object (options, "notify::corner-radius",
+                           G_CALLBACK (gimp_select_by_shape_tool_round_corners_notify),
+                           object, 0);
+  gimp_select_by_shape_tool_update_option_defaults (rect_sel_tool, FALSE);
+static void
+gimp_select_by_shape_tool_control (GimpTool       *tool,
+                                    GimpToolAction  action,
+                                    GimpDisplay    *display)
+  gimp_rectangle_tool_control (tool, action, display);
+  GIMP_TOOL_CLASS (parent_class)->control (tool, action, display);
+static void
+gimp_select_by_shape_tool_draw (GimpDrawTool *draw_tool)
+  GimpSelectByShapeTool        *rect_sel_tool;
+  GimpSelectByShapeToolPrivate *priv;
+  GimpCanvasGroup                *stroke_group = NULL;
+  rect_sel_tool = GIMP_SELECT_BY_SHAPE_TOOL (draw_tool);
+  priv          = GIMP_SELECT_BY_SHAPE_TOOL_GET_PRIVATE (rect_sel_tool);
+  if (priv->round_corners)
       GimpCanvasItem *item;
       gint            x1, y1, x2, y2;
@@ -178,36 +332,284 @@ gimp_select_by_shape_tool_draw (GimpDrawTool *draw_tool)
                                      G_PI, G_PI / 2.0);
       gimp_canvas_group_add_item (stroke_group, item);
       gimp_draw_tool_remove_item (draw_tool, item);
-      break;
-    default
-     {
-      gimp_rectangle_tool_draw (draw_tool, stroke_group);
-      break;
-     }
-  }*/  
   gimp_rectangle_tool_draw (draw_tool, stroke_group);
+} //Need to edit this.
+static void
+gimp_select_by_shape_tool_button_press (GimpTool            *tool,               
+                                         const GimpCoords    *coords,
+                                         guint32              time,
+                                         GdkModifierType      state,
+                                         GimpButtonPressType  press_type,
+                                         GimpDisplay         *display)
+  GimpRectangleTool              *rectangle;
+  GimpSelectByShapeTool          *rect_sel_tool;
+  GimpDisplayShell               *shell;
+  GimpSelectByShapeToolPrivate    *priv;
+  GimpRectangleFunction           function;
+  rectangle     = GIMP_RECTANGLE_TOOL (tool);
+  rect_sel_tool = GIMP_SELECT_BY_SHAPE_TOOL (tool);
+  shell         = gimp_display_get_shell (display);
+  priv          = GIMP_SELECT_BY_SHAPE_TOOL_GET_PRIVATE (rect_sel_tool);
+  if (tool->display && display != tool->display)
+    {
+      gimp_rectangle_tool_cancel (GIMP_RECTANGLE_TOOL (tool));
+    }
+  if (gimp_selection_tool_start_edit (GIMP_SELECTION_TOOL (tool),
+                                      display, coords))
+    {
+      gimp_rectangle_tool_execute (rectangle);
+      gimp_rectangle_tool_control (tool, GIMP_TOOL_ACTION_HALT, display);
+      gimp_select_by_shape_tool_update_option_defaults (rect_sel_tool,
+                                                         TRUE);
+      return;
+    }
+  gimp_tool_control_activate (tool->control);
+  priv->saved_show_selection = gimp_display_shell_get_show_selection (shell);
+  /* if the shift or ctrl keys are down, we don't want to adjust, we
+   * want to create a new rectangle, regardless of pointer loc */
+  if (state & (gimp_get_extend_selection_mask () |
+               gimp_get_modify_selection_mask ()))
+    {
+      gimp_rectangle_tool_set_function (rectangle,
+                                        GIMP_RECTANGLE_TOOL_CREATING);
+    }
+  gimp_rectangle_tool_button_press (tool, coords, time, state, display);
+  priv->press_x = coords->x;
+  priv->press_y = coords->y;
+  /* if we have an existing rectangle in the current display, then
+   * we have already "executed", and need to undo at this point,
+   * unless the user has done something in the meantime
+   */
+  function = gimp_rectangle_tool_get_function (rectangle);
+    {
+      priv->use_saved_op = FALSE;
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      GimpImage      *image      = gimp_display_get_image (tool->display);
+      GimpUndoStack  *undo_stack = gimp_image_get_undo_stack (image);
+      GimpUndoStack  *redo_stack = gimp_image_get_redo_stack (image);
+      GimpUndo       *undo;
+      GimpChannelOps  operation;
+      undo = gimp_undo_stack_peek (undo_stack);
+      if (undo && priv->undo == undo)
+        {
+          /* prevent this change from halting the tool */
+          gimp_tool_control_push_preserve (tool->control, TRUE);
+          gimp_image_undo (image);
+          gimp_tool_control_pop_preserve (tool->control);
+          /* we will need to redo if the user cancels or executes */
+          priv->redo = gimp_undo_stack_peek (redo_stack);
+        }
+      /* if the operation is "Replace", turn off the marching ants,
+         because they are confusing */
+      operation = gimp_select_by_shape_tool_get_operation (rect_sel_tool);
+      if (operation == GIMP_CHANNEL_OP_REPLACE)
+        gimp_display_shell_set_show_selection (shell, FALSE);
+    }
+  priv->undo = NULL;
+static void
+gimp_select_by_shape_tool_button_release (GimpTool              *tool,
+                                           const GimpCoords      *coords,
+                                           guint32                time,
+                                           GdkModifierType        state,
+                                           GimpButtonReleaseType  release_type,
+                                           GimpDisplay           *display)
+  GimpSelectByShapeTool        *rect_sel_tool;
+  GimpSelectByShapeToolPrivate *priv;
+  GimpImage                      *image;
+  rect_sel_tool = GIMP_SELECT_BY_SHAPE_TOOL (tool);
+  priv          = GIMP_SELECT_BY_SHAPE_TOOL_GET_PRIVATE (rect_sel_tool);
+  image = gimp_display_get_image (tool->display);
+  gimp_tool_control_halt (tool->control);
+  gimp_tool_pop_status (tool, display);
+  gimp_display_shell_set_show_selection (gimp_display_get_shell (display),
+                                         priv->saved_show_selection);
+  /*
+   * if the user has not moved the mouse, we need to redo the operation
+   * that was undone on button press.
+   */
+  if (release_type == GIMP_BUTTON_RELEASE_CLICK)
+    {
+      GimpUndoStack *redo_stack = gimp_image_get_redo_stack (image);
+      GimpUndo      *redo       = gimp_undo_stack_peek (redo_stack);
+      if (redo && priv->redo == redo)
+        {
+          /* prevent this from halting the tool */
+          gimp_tool_control_push_preserve (tool->control, TRUE);
+          gimp_image_redo (image);
+          priv->redo = NULL;
+          gimp_tool_control_pop_preserve (tool->control);
+        }
+    }
+  gimp_rectangle_tool_button_release (tool, coords, time, state, release_type,
+                                      display);
+  if (release_type == GIMP_BUTTON_RELEASE_CANCEL)
+    {
+      if (priv->redo)
+        {
+          /* prevent this from halting the tool */
+          gimp_tool_control_push_preserve (tool->control, TRUE);
+          gimp_image_redo (image);
+          gimp_tool_control_pop_preserve (tool->control);
+        }
+      priv->use_saved_op = TRUE;  /* is this correct? */
+    }
+  priv->redo = NULL;
 static void
-gimp_select_by_shape_tool_select (GimpRectangleSelectTool *rect_tool,
-                                 GimpChannelOps           operation,
-                                 gint                     x,
-                                 gint                     y,
-                                 gint                     w,
-                                 gint                     h)
+gimp_select_by_shape_tool_active_modifier_key (GimpTool        *tool,
+                                                GdkModifierType  key,
+                                                gboolean         press,
+                                                GdkModifierType  state,
+                                                GimpDisplay     *display)
-  GimpTool                   *tool    = GIMP_TOOL (rect_tool);
-  GimpSelectionOptions       *options = GIMP_SELECTION_TOOL_GET_OPTIONS (rect_tool);
-  GimpRectangleSelectOptions *sel_options     = GIMP_RECTANGLE_SELECT_TOOL_GET_OPTIONS (tool);
+  GIMP_TOOL_CLASS (parent_class)->active_modifier_key (tool, key, press, state,
+                                                       display);
+  gimp_rectangle_tool_active_modifier_key (tool, key, press, state, display);
+static gboolean
+gimp_select_by_shape_tool_key_press (GimpTool    *tool,
+                                      GdkEventKey *kevent,
+                                      GimpDisplay *display)
+  return (gimp_rectangle_tool_key_press (tool, kevent, display) ||
+          gimp_edit_selection_tool_key_press (tool, kevent, display));
+static void
+gimp_select_by_shape_tool_oper_update (GimpTool         *tool,
+                                        const GimpCoords *coords,
+                                        GdkModifierType   state,
+                                        gboolean          proximity,
+                                        GimpDisplay      *display)
+  gimp_rectangle_tool_oper_update (tool, coords, state, proximity, display);
+  GIMP_TOOL_CLASS (parent_class)->oper_update (tool, coords, state, proximity,
+                                               display);
+static void
+gimp_select_by_shape_tool_cursor_update (GimpTool         *tool,
+                                          const GimpCoords *coords,
+                                          GdkModifierType   state,
+                                          GimpDisplay      *display)
+  gimp_rectangle_tool_cursor_update (tool, coords, state, display);
+  /* override the previous if shift or ctrl are down */
+  if (state & (gimp_get_extend_selection_mask () |
+               gimp_get_modify_selection_mask ()))
+    {
+      gimp_tool_control_set_cursor (tool->control,
+                                    GIMP_CURSOR_CROSSHAIR_SMALL);
+    }
+  GIMP_TOOL_CLASS (parent_class)->cursor_update (tool, coords, state, display);
+static gboolean
+gimp_select_by_shape_tool_select (GimpRectangleTool *rectangle,
+                                   gint               x,
+                                   gint               y,
+                                   gint               w,
+                                   gint               h)
+  GimpTool                *tool;
+  GimpSelectByShapeTool *rect_sel_tool;
+  GimpImage               *image;
+  gboolean                 rectangle_exists;
+  GimpChannelOps           operation;
+  tool          = GIMP_TOOL (rectangle);
+  rect_sel_tool = GIMP_SELECT_BY_SHAPE_TOOL (rectangle);
+  image         = gimp_display_get_image (tool->display);
+  gimp_tool_pop_status (tool, tool->display);
+  rectangle_exists = (x <= gimp_image_get_width  (image) &&
+                      y <= gimp_image_get_height (image) &&
+                      x + w >= 0                         &&
+                      y + h >= 0                         &&
+                      w > 0                              &&
+                      h > 0);
+  operation = gimp_select_by_shape_tool_get_operation (rect_sel_tool);
+  /* if rectangle exists, turn it into a selection */
+  if (rectangle_exists)
+    GIMP_SELECT_BY_SHAPE_TOOL_GET_CLASS (rect_sel_tool)->select (rect_sel_tool,
+                                                                  operation,
+                                                                  x, y, w, h);
+  return rectangle_exists;
+static void
+gimp_select_by_shape_tool_real_select (GimpSelectByShapeTool *rect_sel_tool,
+                                        GimpChannelOps           operation,
+                                        gint                     x,
+                                        gint                     y,
+                                        gint                     w,
+                                        gint                     h)
+  GimpTool                   *tool    = GIMP_TOOL (rect_sel_tool);
+  GimpSelectionOptions       *options = GIMP_SELECTION_TOOL_GET_OPTIONS (tool);
+  GimpRectangleOptions       *shape_select_options;
   GimpChannel                *channel;
-  GimpImage                *image;
-  channel = gimp_image_get_mask (gimp_display_get_image (tool->display));
-  image = gimp_display_get_image (tool->display);
+  GimpImage                  *image;
+  shape_select_options = GIMP_SELECT_BY_SHAPE_TOOL_GET_OPTIONS (tool);
-  switch(sel_options->shape_type)
+  channel = gimp_image_get_mask (gimp_display_get_image (tool->display));           
+  switch(shape_select_options->shape_type)
       gimp_channel_select_rectangle (channel,
@@ -233,8 +635,7 @@ gimp_select_by_shape_tool_select (GimpRectangleSelectTool *rect_tool,
        gdouble max    = MIN (w / 2.0, h / 2.0);
-       //gdouble radius = MIN (sel_options->corner_radius, max);
-       gdouble radius = sel_options->corner_radius*max/100;
+       gdouble radius = shape_select_options->corner_radius*max/100;
        gimp_channel_select_round_rect (channel,
                                       x, y, w, h,
@@ -254,7 +655,7 @@ gimp_select_by_shape_tool_select (GimpRectangleSelectTool *rect_tool,
         gdouble w1 = gimp_image_get_width (image);
         gdouble h1 = gimp_image_get_height (image);
-       switch(sel_options->line_orientation)
+       switch(shape_select_options->line_orientation)
           gimp_channel_select_rectangle (channel,
@@ -303,5 +704,411 @@ gimp_select_by_shape_tool_select (GimpRectangleSelectTool *rect_tool,
-   } 
+   }
+static GimpChannelOps
+gimp_select_by_shape_tool_get_operation (GimpSelectByShapeTool *rect_sel_tool)
+  GimpSelectByShapeToolPrivate *priv;
+  GimpSelectionOptions           *options;
+  priv    = GIMP_SELECT_BY_SHAPE_TOOL_GET_PRIVATE (rect_sel_tool);
+  options = GIMP_SELECTION_TOOL_GET_OPTIONS (rect_sel_tool);
+  if (priv->use_saved_op)
+    return priv->operation;
+  else
+    return options->operation;
+ * gimp_select_by_shape_tool_update_option_defaults:
+ * @crop_tool:
+ * @ignore_pending: %TRUE to ignore any pending crop rectangle.
+ *
+ * Sets the default Fixed: Aspect ratio and Fixed: Size option
+ * properties.
+ */
+static void
+gimp_select_by_shape_tool_update_option_defaults (GimpSelectByShapeTool *rect_sel_tool,
+                                                   gboolean                 ignore_pending)
+  GimpTool             *tool;
+  GimpRectangleTool    *rectangle_tool;
+  GimpRectangleOptions *rectangle_options;
+  tool              = GIMP_TOOL (rect_sel_tool);
+  rectangle_tool    = GIMP_RECTANGLE_TOOL (tool);
+  rectangle_options = GIMP_RECTANGLE_TOOL_GET_OPTIONS (rectangle_tool);
+  if (tool->display != NULL && !ignore_pending)
+    {
+      /* There is a pending rectangle and we should not ignore it, so
+       * set default Fixed: Size to the same as the current pending
+       * rectangle width/height.
+       */
+      gimp_rectangle_tool_pending_size_set (rectangle_tool,
+                                            G_OBJECT (rectangle_options),
+                                            "default-aspect-numerator",
+                                            "default-aspect-denominator");
+      g_object_set (G_OBJECT (rectangle_options),
+                    "use-string-current", TRUE,
+                    NULL);
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      g_object_set (G_OBJECT (rectangle_options),
+                    "default-aspect-numerator",   1.0,
+                    "default-aspect-denominator", 1.0,
+                    NULL);
+      g_object_set (G_OBJECT (rectangle_options),
+                    "use-string-current", FALSE,
+                    NULL);
+    }
+ * This function is called if the user clicks and releases the left
+ * button without moving it.  There are the things we might want
+ * to do here:
+ * 1) If there is an existing rectangle and we are inside it, we
+ *    convert it into a selection.
+ * 2) If there is an existing rectangle and we are outside it, we
+ *    clear it.
+ * 3) If there is no rectangle and there is a floating selection,
+ *    we anchor it.
+ * 4) If there is no rectangle and we are inside the selection, we
+ *    create a rectangle from the selection bounds.
+ * 5) If there is no rectangle and we are outside the selection,
+ *    we clear the selection.
+ */
+static gboolean
+gimp_select_by_shape_tool_execute (GimpRectangleTool *rectangle,
+                                    gint               x,
+                                    gint               y,
+                                    gint               w,
+                                    gint               h)
+  GimpTool                       *tool = GIMP_TOOL (rectangle);
+  GimpSelectByShapeTool        *rect_sel_tool;
+  GimpSelectByShapeToolPrivate *priv;
+  rect_sel_tool = GIMP_SELECT_BY_SHAPE_TOOL (rectangle);
+  priv          = GIMP_SELECT_BY_SHAPE_TOOL_GET_PRIVATE (rect_sel_tool);
+  if (w == 0 && h == 0 && tool->display != NULL)
+    {
+      GimpImage   *image     = gimp_display_get_image (tool->display);
+      GimpChannel *selection = gimp_image_get_mask (image);
+      gint         pressx;
+      gint         pressy;
+      if (gimp_image_get_floating_selection (image))
+        {
+          floating_sel_anchor (gimp_image_get_floating_selection (image));
+          gimp_image_flush (image);
+          return TRUE;
+        }
+      pressx = ROUND (priv->press_x);
+      pressy = ROUND (priv->press_y);
+      /*  if the click was inside the marching ants  */
+      if (gimp_pickable_get_opacity_at (GIMP_PICKABLE (selection),
+                                        pressx, pressy) > 0.5)
+        {
+          gint x1, y1, x2, y2;
+          if (gimp_channel_bounds (selection, &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2))
+            {
+              g_object_set (rectangle,
+                            "x1", x1,
+                            "y1", y1,
+                            "x2", x2,
+                            "y2", y2,
+                            NULL);
+            }
+          gimp_rectangle_tool_set_function (rectangle,
+                                            GIMP_RECTANGLE_TOOL_MOVING);
+          gimp_select_by_shape_tool_update_option_defaults (rect_sel_tool,
+                                                             FALSE);
+          return FALSE;
+        }
+      else
+        {
+          GimpTool       *tool = GIMP_TOOL (rectangle);
+          GimpChannelOps  operation;
+          /* prevent this change from halting the tool */
+          gimp_tool_control_push_preserve (tool->control, TRUE);
+          /* We can conceptually think of a click outside of the
+           * selection as adding a 0px selection. Behave intuitivly
+           * for the current selection mode
+           */
+          operation = gimp_select_by_shape_tool_get_operation (rect_sel_tool);
+          switch (operation)
+            {
+            case GIMP_CHANNEL_OP_REPLACE:
+            case GIMP_CHANNEL_OP_INTERSECT:
+              gimp_channel_clear (selection, NULL, TRUE);
+              gimp_image_flush (image);
+              break;
+            case GIMP_CHANNEL_OP_ADD:
+            case GIMP_CHANNEL_OP_SUBTRACT:
+            default:
+              /* Do nothing */
+              break;
+            }
+          gimp_tool_control_pop_preserve (tool->control);
+        }
+    }
+  gimp_select_by_shape_tool_update_option_defaults (rect_sel_tool, FALSE);
+  /* Reset the automatic undo/redo mechanism */
+  priv->undo = NULL;
+  priv->redo = NULL;
+  return TRUE;
+static void
+gimp_select_by_shape_tool_cancel (GimpRectangleTool *rectangle)
+  GimpTool                       *tool;
+  GimpSelectByShapeTool        *rect_sel_tool;
+  GimpSelectByShapeToolPrivate *priv;
+  tool          = GIMP_TOOL (rectangle);
+  rect_sel_tool = GIMP_SELECT_BY_SHAPE_TOOL (rectangle);
+  priv          = GIMP_SELECT_BY_SHAPE_TOOL_GET_PRIVATE (rect_sel_tool);
+  if (tool->display)
+    {
+      GimpImage     *image      = gimp_display_get_image (tool->display);
+      GimpUndoStack *undo_stack = gimp_image_get_undo_stack (image);
+      GimpUndo      *undo       = gimp_undo_stack_peek (undo_stack);
+      /* if we have an existing rectangle in the current display, then
+       * we have already "executed", and need to undo at this point,
+       * unless the user has done something in the meantime
+       */
+      if (undo && priv->undo == undo)
+        {
+          /* prevent this change from halting the tool */
+          gimp_tool_control_push_preserve (tool->control, TRUE);
+          gimp_image_undo (image);
+          gimp_image_flush (image);
+          gimp_tool_control_pop_preserve (tool->control);
+        }
+    }
+  gimp_select_by_shape_tool_update_option_defaults (rect_sel_tool, TRUE);
+  priv->undo = NULL;
+  priv->redo = NULL;
+static gboolean
+gimp_select_by_shape_tool_rectangle_change_complete (GimpRectangleTool *rectangle)
+  GimpTool                       *tool;
+  GimpSelectByShapeTool        *rect_sel_tool;
+  GimpSelectByShapeToolPrivate *priv;
+  tool          = GIMP_TOOL (rectangle);
+  rect_sel_tool = GIMP_SELECT_BY_SHAPE_TOOL (tool);
+  priv          = GIMP_SELECT_BY_SHAPE_TOOL_GET_PRIVATE (rect_sel_tool);
+  /* prevent change in selection from halting the tool */
+  gimp_tool_control_push_preserve (tool->control, TRUE);
+  if (tool->display && ! gimp_tool_control_is_active (tool->control))
+    {
+      GimpImage     *image      = gimp_display_get_image (tool->display);
+      GimpUndoStack *undo_stack = gimp_image_get_undo_stack (image);
+      GimpUndo      *undo       = gimp_undo_stack_peek (undo_stack);
+      gint           x1, y1, x2, y2;
+      /* if we got here via button release, we have already undone the
+       * previous operation.  But if we got here by some other means,
+       * we need to undo it now.
+       */
+      if (undo && priv->undo == undo)
+        {
+          gimp_image_undo (image);
+          priv->undo = NULL;
+        }
+      g_object_get (rectangle,
+                    "x1", &x1,
+                    "y1", &y1,
+                    "x2", &x2,
+                    "y2", &y2,
+                    NULL);
+      if (gimp_select_by_shape_tool_select (rectangle, x1, y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1))
+        {
+          /* save the undo that we got when executing, but only if
+           * we actually selected something
+           */
+          priv->undo = gimp_undo_stack_peek (undo_stack);
+          priv->redo = NULL;
+        }
+      if (! priv->use_saved_op)
+        {
+          GimpSelectionOptions *options;
+          options = GIMP_SELECTION_TOOL_GET_OPTIONS (tool);
+          /* remember the operation now in case we modify the rectangle */
+          priv->operation    = options->operation;
+          priv->use_saved_op = TRUE;
+        }
+      gimp_image_flush (image);
+    }
+  gimp_tool_control_pop_preserve (tool->control);
+  gimp_select_by_shape_tool_update_option_defaults (rect_sel_tool, FALSE);
+  return TRUE;
+static void
+gimp_select_by_shape_tool_round_corners_notify (GimpRectangleOptions *options,
+                                                 GParamSpec                 *pspec,
+                                                 GimpSelectByShapeTool    *rect_sel_tool)
+  GimpDrawTool                   *draw_tool = GIMP_DRAW_TOOL (rect_sel_tool);
+  GimpRectangleTool              *rect_tool = GIMP_RECTANGLE_TOOL (rect_sel_tool);
+  GimpSelectByShapeToolPrivate *priv;
+  priv = GIMP_SELECT_BY_SHAPE_TOOL_GET_PRIVATE (rect_sel_tool);
+  gimp_draw_tool_pause (draw_tool);
+  priv->round_corners = options->round_corners;
+  priv->corner_radius = options->corner_radius;
+  gimp_select__by_shape_tool_rectangle_change_complete (rect_tool);
+  gimp_draw_tool_resume (draw_tool);
+static void
+gimp_select_by_shape_tool_draw (GimpDrawTool *draw_tool)
+  GimpCanvasGroup                *stroke_group = NULL;
+  GimpSelectByShapeTool          *shp_sel_tool;
+  GimpSelectByShapeTool           *priv;
+  gint x1, y1, x2, y2;
+  GIMP_DRAW_TOOL_CLASS (parent_class)->draw (draw_tool);
+  shp_sel_tool = GIMP_SELECT_BY_SHAPE_TOOL (draw_tool);
+  priv          = GIMP_SELECT_BY_SHAPE_TOOL_GET (shp_sel_tool);
+  switch(priv->shape_type)
+  {
+    gimp_rectangle_tool_draw (draw_tool, stroke_group);
+    break;
+    {
+     g_object_get (draw_tool,
+                "x1", &x1,
+                "y1", &y1,
+                "x2", &x2,
+                "y2", &y2,
+                NULL);
+     gimp_draw_tool_add_arc (draw_tool,
+                          FALSE,
+                          x1, y1,
+                          x2 - x1, y2 - y1,
+                          0.0, 2 * G_PI);
+     break;
+    }
+    {
+      GimpCanvasItem *item;
+      gint            x1, y1, x2, y2;
+      gdouble         radius;
+      gint            square_size;
+      g_object_get (rect_sel_tool,
+                    "x1", &x1,
+                    "y1", &y1,
+                    "x2", &x2,
+                    "y2", &y2,
+                    NULL);
+      radius = MIN (priv->corner_radius,
+                    MIN ((x2 - x1) / 2.0, (y2 - y1) / 2.0));
+      square_size = (int) (radius * 2);
+      stroke_group =
+        GIMP_CANVAS_GROUP (gimp_draw_tool_add_stroke_group (draw_tool));
+      item = gimp_draw_tool_add_arc (draw_tool, FALSE,
+                                     x1, y1,
+                                     square_size, square_size,
+                                     G_PI / 2.0, G_PI / 2.0);
+      gimp_canvas_group_add_item (stroke_group, item);
+      gimp_draw_tool_remove_item (draw_tool, item);
+      item = gimp_draw_tool_add_arc (draw_tool, FALSE,
+                                     x2 - square_size, y1,
+                                     square_size, square_size,
+                                     0.0, G_PI / 2.0);
+      gimp_canvas_group_add_item (stroke_group, item);
+      gimp_draw_tool_remove_item (draw_tool, item);
+      item = gimp_draw_tool_add_arc (draw_tool, FALSE,
+                                     x2 - square_size, y2 - square_size,
+                                     square_size, square_size,
+                                     G_PI * 1.5, G_PI / 2.0);
+      gimp_canvas_group_add_item (stroke_group, item);
+      gimp_draw_tool_remove_item (draw_tool, item);
+      item = gimp_draw_tool_add_arc (draw_tool, FALSE,
+                                     x1, y2 - square_size,
+                                     square_size, square_size,
+                                     G_PI, G_PI / 2.0);
+      gimp_canvas_group_add_item (stroke_group, item);
+      gimp_draw_tool_remove_item (draw_tool, item);
+      break;
+    }
+    default
+     {
+      gimp_rectangle_tool_draw (draw_tool, stroke_group);
+      break;
+     }
+  }*/ /* 
+  gimp_rectangle_tool_draw (draw_tool, stroke_group);
diff --git a/app/tools/gimpselectbyshapetool.h b/app/tools/gimpselectbyshapetool.h
index cf18501..cdcc4ca 100644
--- a/app/tools/gimpselectbyshapetool.h
+++ b/app/tools/gimpselectbyshapetool.h
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
-#include "gimprectangleselecttool.h"
+#include "gimpselectiontool.h"
 #define GIMP_TYPE_SELECT_BY_SHAPE_TOOL            (gimp_select_by_shape_tool_get_type ())
@@ -29,18 +29,29 @@
(GIMP_TOOL (t)))) //Not sure whether GIMP_RECTANGLE_SELECT_OPTIONS or anything else.
 typedef struct _GimpSelectByShapeTool      GimpSelectByShapeTool;
 typedef struct _GimpSelectByShapeToolClass GimpSelectByShapeToolClass;
 struct _GimpSelectByShapeTool
-  GimpRectangleSelectTool  parent_instance;
+  GimpSelectionTool  parent_instance;
+  gpointer           priv;
 struct _GimpSelectByShapeToolClass
-  GimpRectangleSelectToolClass  parent_class;
+  GimpSelectionToolClass  parent_class;
+  void (* select) (GimpSelectByShapeTool *rect_select,
+                   GimpChannelOps           operation,
+                   gint                     x,
+                   gint                     y,
+                   gint                     w,
+                   gint                     h);

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