[gnome-music] (343 commits) Created branch wip/merge

The branch 'wip/merge' was created.

Summary of new commits:

  7e4e572... Delete everything
  5c2d0fb... Initial commit
  8d9c16f... Initial directory structure and gitignore.
  c02dcb9... inital commit
  343ded0... fix gtk.Application to Gtk.Application, change src folder n
  4ede739... add data folder content
  135869d... add the src files
  116fff4... write toolbar.py
  991069d... application condition if window exists
  d6ce8c6... write player.py
  1e4cadb... write window.py
  1fff4b6... some fixes for window and player
  b6e0102... write view.py
  796a20f... correct syntax error
  9f52c6a... fixed syntax errors in application windows and player.
  6a586d5... Get autogen.sh phase working
  6bc4fb6... Add git submodule for libgd and  update GTK to 3.9.8
  cc016c0... Update view.py
  6eff9ab... Add LIBGD_INIT to configure.ac
  f546f7b... Merge pull request #1 from shivanipoddariiith/patch-1
  343f327... Run pep8 and pyflakes on travis
  fe1c2fe... travis: add python 3.2
  bbdcb97... travis: first run pyflakes, then pep8
  ae76737... application.py: make pep8 and pyflakes happy again
  f55f999... Merge pull request #1 from roignac/travis
  520f246... Remove files that shouldn't be tracked
  df79e5f... toolbar: make pyflakes and pep8 happy
  3931df9... Merge pull request #3 from kyoushuu/master
  e7a6605... view: make pyflakes and pep8 happy
  01d8925... window: make pyflakes and pep8 happy
  28a76ec... player: make pyflakes and pep8 happy
  343fd3b... player: make pyflakes and pep8 happy (fixed missing comma)
  32c669c... Merge pull request #4 from roignac/pyflake_fixes
  fdc2906... query: Port from JavaScript to Python
  1771d5e... Merge pull request #5 from kyoushuu/master
  b581db2... grilo: Port from JavaScript to Python
  9bf0a29... Merge pull request #6 from kyoushuu/master
  9e91ab2... Update build system
  d10dadb... Merge pull request #7 from roignac/master
  26d5d51...    new file:   widgets.py
  529070c...    deleted:    __pycache__/player.cpython-33.pyc   deleted:   
  58e775e... Merge pull request #8 from sumansai14/master
  043af2f... Almost ready to run :)
  e25fef4... Updated gitignore
  7808e09... albumArtCache: remove unused function
  2a1d32e... Keep pep8 happy
  987b697... Merge pull request #9 from roignac/master
  8c15c89... player: Add MediaPlayer2PlayerIface
  4fdf2ca... albumArtCache: Port icon loading
  e5f300c... Merge pull request #10 from kyoushuu/master
  857a68e... Get distcheck to work
  d455d4a... Add AM_SILENT_RULES to configure.ac
  365f52e... Merge pull request #11 from manish/master
  a53a2f8... potfiles: add existing source files
  6af5085... Merge pull request #12 from roignac/master
  6fbd251... Add widgets.py
  fc3c431... Fixes for widget.py
  12d3fbb... pep8 and pyflakes fixes
  d8c2cae... Added Greek translation (*)
  fdeeb92... pep8 Fixes
  998b3dd... Fix Travis error
  ca7398c... Merge pull request #13 from shivanipoddariiith/master
  7d6ba53... add gnome-music.in
  3939653... use AC_CONFIG_FILES to update gnome-config.in
  d360428... Add albumArtCache.py to the files to install
  626c0fa... Make changes to gquintard work
  8db46c8... Rebased on gnome-music master branch
  2adf7d1... Updated travis.yml
  c26f6ff... Merge pull request #17 from manish/manish-wip
  ec71332... Fixes:
  55ef5d7... Add signals import
  485b566... Fix imports
  bccc4ee... Set data folder for resources
  3a6962d... Fix 'gtk_application_prefer_dark_theme' property read
  5e9e123... Set callbacks correctly
  09ccd33... Use correct name for headerbar.ui
  881f0f7... toolbar: correct stackSwitcher variable name
  f2f11c4... Correct variable name for self.toolbar.headerBar
  93a6281... Correct variable name for selectionToolbar
  26cbd80... Update SONGS_COUNT name
  552e810... Make useStack be optional, call __init__ with self
  a8cb452... Merge pull request #18 from roignac/master
  f700c77... Install all *.py files
  fc34bfa... Run as py3 only
  f0d34b3... Fix AttributeError by checking if self.playlist is None
  5ac1cd6... Set correct path to libgd lib and typelib
  d6efe13... widgets: pass callback correctly
  d15e8a5... view: countQuery should exist
  23e4080... Merge pull request #20 from roignac/master
  9d6d45f... Remove application_id temporary: seems to collide with inst
  e743f39... Set correct exit status for application
  9fefe22... toolbar: correct reference to 'Done' (cancel) button
  358a48c... view: vadjustment -> get_vadjustment()
  c4c9dde... view: use adjustment functions instead of vars
  75b3637... view: updated params for makeDefaultIcon
  e63ae2c... view: correct headerBar var name
  e2ce375... view: correct headerbar name
  6b7c7c8... widgets: correctly call super
  8378111... Merge pull request #21 from roignac/master
  ca1f1dd... widgets: correctly install renderers
  e413e8d... widgets: comment get_style_context
  210788d... toolbar: define _selectionMode
  eb674cb... toolbar: allow emitting signals
  916e0c3... window: append views
  517a6de... views: artists: fix add_renderer
  730e372... player: add playlist-item-changed signal
  ac9fb85... player: remove extra mpris definition
  e4ff260... window: fix playlist class name
  5dcf3b4... window: python has different way to handle arrays
  6c94cd9... window: correctly disconnect the signal
  e59356b... window: correctly call headerbar
  ff123f1... view: user correct callback arguments
  36ed4c2... widgets: use correct arguments in callbacks
  fd91c39... view: set correct params for _onStateChanged
  614dc9d... window: set stack
  03eadfa... grilo: use correct query for albums
  0e3e8f6... _notifyModeDisconnect: update parameter
  ac710da... window: correctly create GLib.Variant
  cb4d551... grilo: correctly create options and make requests
  979198f... view: add missing arguments to _addItem
  94023bf... query: format queries nicely
  304a54f... make albumcache work (with default icons only)
  e501032... Load album art
  bc15cce... keep pep8 happy
  1bd4804... Catch all errors when scanning for errors
  d85efa6... player: remove force argument
  e8fc94d... view: add necessary params
  5cca16a... view: get iter correctly
  ab13df0... widgets: add required params
  80eac76... widgets: correctly pass callback
  1fc4006... widgets: create ListStore
  2addc68... view: remove extra events calling _onScrolledWinChange
  3adc76c... widgets: remove debug output
  79a30cf... widgets: corectly reuse grilo
  9ec4f73... Progress on album view
  a759026... Return me (silly me, the app was runing)
  9bf9db4... Set default toolbar state in window
  6bb686f... Quit GTK if unhandled exception occurs
  d0e49ba... Quit GTK if unhandled exception occurs - fix import
  19c8908... Simplify selection mode check
  1c579c8... Show stack switcher
  b0f8704... Merge pull request #22 from roignac/master
  beaa764... corrected the track names and erroricon display (*)
  6ce35e9... Remove tests (*)
  a543620... Only allow left-button click to trigger events (*)
  d358cb0... Port media art storage functions from tracker (*)
  fd17bfa... Use filename of tracks as title if not available (*)
  974457e... General fixes to make things work
  c9a71ac... Fix pep8 issues
  b9286ac... pep8: remove whitespace
  77988f6... Merge pull request #29 from gnome-prototypes-team/fixes1
  b4c9784... widgets: Add missing parameter in a callback
  abab4e7... Minor pep8 adjustments and small cleanup in application.py 
  3ef450b... Merge pull request #31 from gnome-prototypes-team/fixes1
  0aa7c60... Merge pull request #30 from kyoushuu/master
  727a1c8... widgets: correctly init widgets
  fbf8fc9... view: set title and visible child correctly
  8fd0386... albumArtCache: temporary fix callback
  24be2fa... widgets: use correct method to init
  2d27461... widgets: correct parameters for renderers in album view
  7e88eec... player: proper format for duration string
  e73b327... widgets: handle renderer correctly
  ec38f68... widgets: album: don't draw pixmaps in playlist
  873fbc3... widgets: album: get_iter returns an iter, not an array
  e7f4fec... player: add missing signal
  e9287f1... player: get uri correctly
  d48a504... player: add parameter to _onCacheLookup
  3d491c1... player: get_iter_first returns iter, not the array
  66f0aa7... player: correct params for randint
  70f135a... player: add necessary parameters to playlist-item-changed s
  e30d0ad... widgets: get_iter_first returns iter
  bbdbf44... widgets: get_iter_first returns iter (fixed clause)
  274b35f... player: correct params for query_position
  9ec01ca... Merge pull request #32 from roignac/master
  4b3ffff... Fix some camelCase to lower_case in variable/method names
  51a135f... Fix some indentation
  f087c23... Merge pull request #33 from kyoushuu/master
  8f0f63d... player: set uri correctly
  d4b7e41... widgets: correctly format titles
  753449d... widgets: iter_next returns iter, not sets it
  d9e8aa2... player: set default playing
  f01135f... player: add timeouts correctly
  c5323a2... player: add parameter to _onProgressValueChanged
  c729759... player: fix repeat mode setting
  161c077... player: set sensitivity of prev/next button
  84d1a61... player: set image for playbutton correctly
  622f1ef... player: sensitive -> get/set_sensitive
  85fb689... player: correct params for _onProgressScaleEvent
  a6cb43b... player: corect params for onProgressScaleButtonReleased
  3c52ac5... player: don't set priority in timeout_add
  255bbe2... widgets: correctly hide columns
  121f032... player: correctly check for previous track to exist
  e8e0f3b... player: don't set play button image when its not needed
  98a1fda... player: correctly set next/previous track
  ac58919... player: correct params for query_duration
  d9c2b01... player: correctly verify for playing state
  1f1ac89... player: set correct images for play button
  b97c6a6... player: switch to next song at the end of the track
  1ab04bf... player: fix shiffle mode
  2fb8f3f... player: set icon for repeat state
  c41889a... Merge pull request #35 from roignac/master
  688b07f... Eradicate remaining CamelCase
  5f9f881... Update widgets.py
  2fd334d... fix for undiscoverable urls. (*)
  2c129a5... view: setBlock fix
  76c875e... Merge pull request #36 from roignac/master
  16893d3... Bring back gnome-music.doap
  a0dd4aa... Create gnome-music using sed
  00f1570... Install gnomemusic package to pyexecdir instead of pythondi
  0575234... Add pyexecdir to path instead of pythondir
  577bde3... Load libgd from source dir if we are running there
  c397fb5... Load data from source dir if we are running from there
  918e278... Merge pull request #37 from kyoushuu/master
  23f4fc7... patch for ui fix in artistalbums. (*)
  362ff5b... Fix set_block for LoadMoreButton and make switching to song
  e95411c... Add fixes to albumArtCache
  62039ab... Add fixes to view (so the other views show up)
  989ff77... Other small fixes to widgets
  8ae5f8d... Fix formatting of time
  bc286c4... Merge pull request #39 from kyoushuu/master
  2437e32... fix selection bar
  f59f567... Fix back button for albums view
  28216ab... correctly exit after closing the window
  531322e... toolbar: make pep8 happy
  9388f27... Merge pull request #38 from roignac/view_and_back_button
  0509457... artists: don't crash on playback
  c6f5817... artists: don't crash on load more
  a812297... Remove inactivity timeout
  e244a84... Don't call Gtk.main_quit() on window close
  baaaa12... Separate callback for scrollbar visibility change and adjus
  bc783ae... Merge pull request #40 from kyoushuu/master
  bdf70ab... artists: simplify artists list rendering
  baac0f1... artists: don't crash on undiscoverable urls
  644b8db... artists: code cleanup
  c91a1db... albums: set renderer properties correctly
  ce63720... Load css and uncomment add_class calls
  e22d041... pep8 fixes
  8fceb8b... Merge pull request #41 from roignac/artist_view
  0ce0db3... Fix renderer properties for all views and conitnue un-Camel
  59e5ffd... Merge pull request #42 from gnome-prototypes-team/fixes1
  617e626... Fix scrollbar position on albums with a long list of tracks (*)
  35cb714... Add COPYING file (*)
  5c122b1... Correctly unescape empty titles
  194bf54... album: don't crash on undiscoverable uris
  01cd394... album: display error icon for undiscoverable uris
  6834083... pep8 fix
  2c133c0... Merge pull request #48 from roignac/album_fixes
  6ff9a8f... artists: removed duplicated function
  22e5fb8... artist: make artist view fill in correctly
  f1dd0d3... Use getMediaTitle where possible
  ca584e9... fix pyflakes error
  a7a1cff... Fix duration display on all views
  28302fc... Merge pull request #49 from roignac/artist_fixes
  c88b59b... Merge pull request #52 from roignac/master
  4a1d3e7... application: Load the css file from resources
  8d73901... Make the application identifier and resource paths consiste
  08c21e1... Make the default duration 0:00 instead of 00:00
  ad0275e... view: Fix iter error in songs view
  139f683... view: Define iter_to_clean in songs view
  c4d9c62... player: Fix end of playlist on repeat none
  a69a9ff... Merge pull request #57 from kyoushuu/master
  60ef061... grilo: Create a default options object and use a copy on po
  86820ba... widgets: Use set_label method to set load more button label
  a3658b3... Merge pull request #67 from kyoushuu/load-more-button-label
  930f908... Merge pull request #68 from kyoushuu/grilo-options-profile
  c7977ec... albumArt: don't recalculate degrees
  93ff9d5... albumArt: don't use fancy method to strip chars - python ha
  5920a4e... Wrap grilo requests in GLib.add
  fa002f0... grilo: remove duplicating get_album_songs function
  a0287c4... albumArt: use correct grilo
  d894623... albumArt: fix album art fetching
  6044d5c... albumArtCache: strip profiling decorations
  7cdf836... grilo: make pep8 happy
  abc3ed6... albumArtCache: update regexps for brackets
  c79635e... player: Skip unplayable tracks
  21132b7... albumArtCache: remove double spaces
  2584435... Merge pull request #69 from roignac/album_art_fixes
  f90d473... Merge pull request #70 from kyoushuu/master
  84df92d... player: Skip unplayable tracks
  268a378... Fix redundant Renderers and replace "is not None" condition
  f44094a... Merge pull request #73 from gnome-prototypes-team/fixes3
  be0e3ea... General fixes and code reduction, as well as fix for albumA
  3acc83a... Merge pull request #74 from gnome-prototypes-team/fixes3
  0fde5a3... Fix Long artists to not span on two rows
  e77c01e... Merge pull request #75 from gnome-prototypes-team/fixes3
  b726893... fixed the scrollbar position in albumwidget.
  c8dac58... fixed the width of the artists column in artists view.
  e8fb040... player: Skip unplayable tracks in Songs view and error icon
  a05b711... Merge pull request #76 from sumansai14/master
  61f219f... Fix Selection in artist view to not screw app after untogge
  3cd0320... Fix for disappearing error icon
  3691f16... Merge pull request #78 from gnome-prototypes-team/fixes3
  3a45911... Merge pull request #79 from shivanipoddariiith/master
  7e978db... view: Expand horizontally the artist albums widget in Artis
  71a5f4c... Preserve error icon
  50f4bad... Fix eternal recursion
  7f18c28... Merge pull request #84 from gquintard/WIP/noMoreLooping
  19e25e0... clean the iter before returning.
  c2797b6... Merge pull request #82 from sumansai14/master
  7cad8de... player: Make the error message for unplayable tracks to sho
  c37eaeb... Merge pull request #83 from gquintard/WIP/preserveIcon
  e1a611c... Merge pull request #80 from kyoushuu/expand-artist-albums-w
  c700804... Merge pull request #81 from kyoushuu/unplayable-show-errors
  06b5ea7... Set GSETTINGS_SCHEMA_DIR if running from source and it is n
  12cfa39... Add executable permission to script when created
  bfd25df... Remove INSTALL file
  0f82be1... application: Reshow window if we already have one
  62f6b85... Merge pull request #87 from kyoushuu/on-source-run
  c1bc198... player: correctly pick previous track for Repeat/Shuffle of
  9f92c58... Fix the MediaKeys for keyboard control of music
  8dcf7d8... Remove useless lines
  345cd48... Revert "Remove INSTALL file"
  15ed940... Merge pull request #90 from manish/master
  1c12176... Merge pull request #88 from roignac/master
  0e41415... view: escape titles in album view title
  07cfd2d... Merge pull request #94 from roignac/master
  09ef2d8... application: Destroy window on quit
  89f70e9... Create new file mpris.py
  c11ac66... application: Create MPRIS service after creating the window
  30c1a4e... mpris: Implement MediaPlayer2 Interface
  2fb580b... When updaiting album art update it for all items
  c90e897... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  b4d3219... Updated Czech translation (*)
  1632287... player: Add methods and signals needed by mpris
  e6c34ad... mpris: Implement MediaPlayer2.Player interface
  79207d1... Merge pull request #99 from kyoushuu/mpris
  02eb6a6... window: Use the renamed methods of player
  798024b... Merge pull request #112 from kyoushuu/master
  5a1df2d... Fixs Issue #101 Crashes on cancelling selection
  b568b94... Merge pull request #115 from shivanipoddariiith/master
  14144e5... Merge pull request #97 from roignac/fix1
  7dce8a0... Load gettext on startup
  10f58bb... Set the translation domain of GtkBuilder files
  1de41fd... Remove uses of Pango markups in data/AlbumWidget.ui
  5c8314a... Mark some of the strings as translatable
  a30455d... Add back updated translations
  d092071... view: Set static properties of renderers in Songs view only
  5c90387... view: Set icon name for star renderer of Songs view only on
  f7e66a0... view: Store the media title and artist during populate on S
  cec6cf3... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  756f141... Merge pull request #117 from kyoushuu/i18n
  d2ef72f... Merge pull request #119 from kyoushuu/simplify-songs-view-r
  54c3d84... Merge branch 'wip/rebase' into wip/merge

(*) This commit already existed in another branch; no separate mail sent

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