[gnome-contacts] SetupWindow: use new AccountsList widget

commit 5ae5f2e57d6f88138bbfbbf56edf3b84592f3c19
Author: Erick Pérez Castellanos <erick red gmail com>
Date:   Wed Jul 24 01:13:33 2013 -0400

    SetupWindow: use new AccountsList widget

 src/contacts-setup-window.vala |  197 +++++++++-------------------------------
 1 files changed, 44 insertions(+), 153 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/contacts-setup-window.vala b/src/contacts-setup-window.vala
index d8fca39..d91fdad 100644
--- a/src/contacts-setup-window.vala
+++ b/src/contacts-setup-window.vala
@@ -22,94 +22,8 @@ using Folks;
 public class Contacts.SetupWindow : Gtk.Window {
   public bool succeeded;
   private ulong source_list_changed_id;
-  public Label title_label;
-  public Grid content_grid;
-  ToolButton select_button;
-  ListStore list_store;
-  TreeView tree_view;
-  public void update_content () {
-    foreach (var w in content_grid.get_children ()) {
-      w.destroy ();
-    }
-    var l = new Label (_("Welcome to Contacts! Please select where you want to keep your address book:"));
-    l.set_line_wrap (true);
-    l.set_max_width_chars (5);
-    l.set_halign (Align.FILL);
-    l.set_alignment (0.0f, 0.5f);
-    content_grid.add (l);
-    Button goa_button;
-    if (has_goa_account ()) {
-      select_button.show ();
-      tree_view = new TreeView ();
-      var store = new ListStore (2, typeof (string), typeof (Folks.PersonaStore));
-      list_store = store;
-      tree_view.set_model (store);
-      tree_view.set_headers_visible (false);
-      tree_view.get_selection ().set_mode (SelectionMode.BROWSE);
-      var column = new Gtk.TreeViewColumn ();
-      tree_view.append_column (column);
-      var renderer = new Gtk.CellRendererText ();
-      column.pack_start (renderer, false);
-      column.add_attribute (renderer, "text", 0);
-      var scrolled = new ScrolledWindow(null, null);
-      scrolled.set_size_request (340, 220);
-      scrolled.set_policy (PolicyType.NEVER, PolicyType.AUTOMATIC);
-      scrolled.set_vexpand (false);
-      scrolled.set_shadow_type (ShadowType.IN);
-      scrolled.add (tree_view);
-      content_grid.add (scrolled);
-      TreeIter iter;
-      foreach (var persona_store in App.get_eds_address_books ()) {
-       var name = Contact.format_persona_store_name (persona_store);
-       store.append (out iter);
-       store.set (iter, 0, name, 1, persona_store);
-       if (persona_store == App.app.contacts_store.aggregator.primary_store) {
-         tree_view.get_selection ().select_iter (iter);
-       }
-      }
-      goa_button = new Button.with_label (_("Online Account Settings"));
-      content_grid.add (goa_button);
-    } else {
-      select_button.hide ();
-      l = new Label (_("Setup an online account or use a local address book"));
-      content_grid.add (l);
-      goa_button = new Button.with_label (_("Online Accounts"));
-      content_grid.add (goa_button);
-      var b = new Button.with_label (_("Use Local Address Book"));
-      content_grid.add (b);
-      b.clicked.connect ( () => {
-         var source = eds_source_registry.ref_builtin_address_book ();
-         select_source (source);
-       });
-    }
-    goa_button.clicked.connect ( (button) => {
-       try {
-         update_content ();
-         Process.spawn_command_line_async ("gnome-control-center online-accounts");
-       }
-       catch (Error e) {
-         // TODO: Show error dialog
-       }
-      });
-    content_grid.show_all ();
-  }
+  AccountsList accounts_list;
+  Button done_button;
   private void select_source (E.Source source) {
     eds_source_registry.set_default_address_book (source);
@@ -118,76 +32,64 @@ public class Contacts.SetupWindow : Gtk.Window {
     destroy ();
   public SetupWindow () {
-    var grid = new Grid ();
-    this.add (grid);
-    this.set_title (_("Contacts Setup"));
     this.set_default_size (640, 480);
-    this.hide_titlebar_when_maximized = true;
+    var titlebar = new HeaderBar ();
+    titlebar.set_title (_("Contacts Setup"));
+    set_titlebar (titlebar);
-    var toolbar = new Toolbar ();
-    toolbar.set_icon_size (IconSize.MENU);
-    toolbar.get_style_context ().add_class (STYLE_CLASS_MENUBAR);
-    toolbar.set_vexpand (false);
-    toolbar.set_hexpand (true);
-    grid.attach (toolbar, 0, 0, 1, 1);
-    var cancel_button = new ToolButton (null, _("Cancel"));
-    cancel_button.is_important = true;
-    toolbar.add (cancel_button);
+    var cancel_button = new Button.with_label (_("Cancel"));
+    cancel_button.get_child ().margin = 3;
+    cancel_button.get_child ().margin_left = 6;
+    cancel_button.get_child ().margin_right = 6;
+    titlebar.pack_start (cancel_button);
     cancel_button.clicked.connect ( (button) => {
        this.destroy ();
-    var item = new ToolItem ();
-    title_label = new Label ("");
-    title_label.set_markup (Markup.printf_escaped ("<b>%s</b>",_("Contacts Setup")));
-    title_label.set_no_show_all (true);
-    item.add (title_label);
-    item.set_expand (true);
-    toolbar.add (item);
-    select_button = new ToolButton (null, _("Select"));
-    select_button.is_important = true;
-    select_button.set_no_show_all (true);
-    toolbar.add (select_button);
-    select_button.clicked.connect ( (button) => {
-       PersonaStore selected_store;
-       TreeIter iter;
-       if (tree_view.get_selection() .get_selected (null, out iter)) {
-         list_store.get (iter, 1, out selected_store);
+    /* hack to avoid accounts_list getting the focus and
+     * triggering row_selected signal */
+    cancel_button.grab_focus ();
-         var e_store = selected_store as Edsf.PersonaStore;
-         select_source (e_store.source);
-       }
-      });
+    done_button = new Button.with_label (_("Done"));
+    done_button.get_child ().margin = 3;
+    done_button.get_child ().margin_left = 6;
+    done_button.get_child ().margin_right = 6;
+    done_button.set_sensitive (false);
+    titlebar.pack_end (done_button);
-    var frame = new Frame (null);
-    frame.get_style_context ().add_class ("contacts-content");
+    titlebar.show_all ();
-    var box = new EventBox ();
-    box.set_hexpand (true);
-    box.set_vexpand (true);
-    box.get_style_context ().add_class ("contacts-main-view");
-    box.get_style_context ().add_class ("view");
+    var grid = new Grid ();
+    grid.set_orientation (Orientation.VERTICAL);
+    grid.set_border_width (24);
+    grid.set_row_spacing (24);
+    this.add (grid);
-    frame.add (box);
-    grid.attach (frame, 0, 1, 1, 1);
+    var l = new Label (_("Please select your primary Contacts account"));
+    l.set_halign (Align.CENTER);
+    grid.add (l);
-    content_grid = new Grid ();
-    content_grid.set_border_width (12);
-    content_grid.set_orientation (Orientation.VERTICAL);
-    content_grid.set_halign (Align.CENTER);
-    content_grid.set_row_spacing (8);
-    box.add (content_grid);
+    var accounts_list = new AccountsList ();
+    accounts_list.set_halign (Align.CENTER);
+    accounts_list.update_contents (false);
-    update_content ();
+    grid.add (accounts_list);
     source_list_changed_id = eds_source_registry.source_changed.connect ( () => {
-       update_content ();
+       accounts_list.update_contents (false);
+      });
+    accounts_list.account_selected.connect (() => {
+       done_button.set_sensitive (true);
+      });
+    done_button.clicked.connect ( (button) => {
+       PersonaStore selected_store;
+       var e_store = accounts_list.selected_store as Edsf.PersonaStore;
+       select_source (e_store.source);
     grid.show_all ();
@@ -200,15 +102,4 @@ public class Contacts.SetupWindow : Gtk.Window {
     base.destroy ();
-  public override bool window_state_event (Gdk.EventWindowState e) {
-    base.window_state_event (e);
-    if ((e.new_window_state & Gdk.WindowState.MAXIMIZED) != 0)
-      title_label.show ();
-    else
-      title_label.hide ();
-    return false;
-  }

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