[chronojump] More rotary encoder and con-ec

commit 00a45880d1812fc9aeb675ad997e392ae5b102da
Author: Xavier de Blas <xaviblas gmail com>
Date:   Mon Jul 22 16:32:43 2013 +0200

    More rotary encoder and con-ec

 encoder/graph.R |  143 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------
 1 files changed, 85 insertions(+), 58 deletions(-)
diff --git a/encoder/graph.R b/encoder/graph.R
index cc7b563..752f26b 100644
--- a/encoder/graph.R
+++ b/encoder/graph.R
@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ findCurves <- function(rawdata, eccon, min_height, draw, title) {
                                        startH[row] = a[start[row]]             #height at start
-                               } else {
+                               } else {        #("ec" || "ce")
                                        start[row] = tempStart
                                        end[row]   = tempEnd
                                        startH[row] = a[referenceindex[i,1]]            #height at start
@@ -215,13 +215,6 @@ findCurves <- function(rawdata, eccon, min_height, draw, title) {
                title(title, cex.main=1, font.main=1)
                mtext("time (s) ",side=1,adj=1,line=-1)
                mtext("height (cm) ",side=2,adj=1,line=-1)
-               mtext("ABS speed*50 (cm) ",side=4,adj=1,line=-1,col="green")
-               #abline(v=b$maxindex/1000,lty=3); abline(v=b$minindex/1000,lty=3)       #ms -> s
-               #plot speed (currently disabled)        
-               abline(h=0,lty=2,col="green")
-               speed <- smooth.spline( 1:length(rawdata), rawdata, spar=smoothingAll)
-               lines((1:length(rawdata))/1000, abs(speed$y*50), col="green")
@@ -248,26 +241,54 @@ fixRawdataRI <- function(rawdata) {
 reduceCurveBySpeed <- function(eccon, row, startT, rawdata, smoothingOneEC, smoothingOneC) {
-       #debug
        print("at reduceCurveBySpeed")
-       #print("startT and aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa")
-       #print(startT)
-       #print(a)
-       smoothing = 0
+       smoothing = smoothingOneEC
        if(eccon == "c")
                smoothing = smoothingOneC
        speed <- smooth.spline( 1:length(a), a, spar=smoothing) 
-       speed$y=abs(speed$y)
-       #from searchValue, go to the left, searchValue is at max speed on going up (also going down because 
we use abs(speed$y)
-       searchValue = max(speed$y)
+       #in order to reduce curve by speed, we search the cross of speed (in 0m/s)
+        #before and after the peak value, but in "ec" and "ce" there are two peak values:
+       #
+       #ec         2
+       #\         / \
+       # \       /   \
+       #-----------------
+       #   \   /       \
+       #    \ /         \
+       #     1     
+       #
+       #ce   1
+       #    / \         /
+       #   /   \       /
+       #-----------------
+       # /       \   /
+       #/         \ /
+       #           2
+       #
+       #then we need two times: time1, time2 to search cross speed 0 before and after them
+       time1 = 0
+       time2 = 0
+       if(eccon=="ec") {
+               time1 = min(which(speed$y == min(speed$y)))
+               time2 = max(which(speed$y == max(speed$y)))
+       } else if(eccon=="ce") {
+               time1 = min(which(speed$y == max(speed$y)))
+               time2 = max(which(speed$y == min(speed$y)))
+       } else {
+               speed$y=abs(speed$y)
+               time1 = min(which(speed$y == max(speed$y)))
+               time2 = max(which(speed$y == max(speed$y)))
+       }
+       #now that times are defined we can work in ABS for all the curves
+       speed$y=abs(speed$y)
-       maxSpeedT <- min(which(speed$y == searchValue))
        #left adjust
        #find the b$cross at left of max speed
        x.ini = 0 #good to declare here
@@ -275,11 +296,11 @@ reduceCurveBySpeed <- function(eccon, row, startT, rawdata, smoothingOneEC, smoo
        if(bcrossLen == 0)
                x.ini = 0
        else if(bcrossLen == 1) {
-               if(b$cross[,2] < maxSpeedT) 
+               if(b$cross[,2] < time1) 
                        x.ini = b$cross[,2]
        } else { 
                for(i in b$cross[,2]) 
-                       if(i < maxSpeedT) 
+                       if(i < time1) 
                                x.ini = i
@@ -290,20 +311,18 @@ reduceCurveBySpeed <- function(eccon, row, startT, rawdata, smoothingOneEC, smoo
        if(bcrossLen == 0)
                x.end = length(rawdata)
        else if(bcrossLen == 1) {
-               if(b$cross[,2] > maxSpeedT) 
+               if(b$cross[,2] > time2) 
                        x.end = b$cross[,2]
        } else { 
                for(i in rev(b$cross[,2])) 
-                       if(i > maxSpeedT) 
+                       if(i > time2) 
                                x.end = i
-       #print(b)
-       #print(maxSpeedT)
+       print(c("time1,time2",time1,time2))
        print(c("x.ini x.end",x.ini,x.end))
        return(c(startT + x.ini, startT + x.end))
@@ -311,7 +330,8 @@ reduceCurveBySpeed <- function(eccon, row, startT, rawdata, smoothingOneEC, smoo
 findECPhases <- function(a,speed) {
-       print(b)
+       #print(b)
+       #print(speed)
        #In all the extrema minindex values, search which range (row) has the min values,
        #and in this range search last value
@@ -446,6 +466,8 @@ powerBars <- function(eccon, kinematics) {
                meanPower <- mean(abs(kinematics$power))
+       #print(c("eccon meanPowerSigned meanPowerABS",eccon, mean(kinematics$power), 
        peakPower <- max(abs(kinematics$power))
        peakPowerT <- min(which(abs(kinematics$power) == peakPower))
        pp_ppt <- peakPower / (peakPowerT/1000) # ms->s
@@ -608,28 +630,24 @@ paint <- function(rawdata, eccon, xmin, xmax, yrange, knRanges, superpose, highl
        if(eccon=="c") {
-       } else {        #"ec", "ecS"
+       } else {        #"ec", "ce". Eccons "ecS" and "ceS" are not painted
-               #In all the extrema minindex values, search which range (row) has the min values,
-               #and in this range search last value
-               print("searchMinSpeedEnd")
-               searchMinSpeedEnd = max(which(speed$y == min(speed$y)))
-               #In all the extrema maxindex values, search which range (row) has the max values,
-               #and in this range search first value
-               print("searchMaxSpeedIni")
-               searchMaxSpeedIni = min(which(speed$y == max(speed$y)))
-               #find the cross between both
-               print("search min cross: crossMinRow")
-               crossMinRow=which(b$cross[,1] > searchMinSpeedEnd & b$cross[,1] < searchMaxSpeedIni)
-               print("AT PAINT")
-               print(crossMinRow)
-               #maybe there are some crossMinRow's because speed crosses more than one time
-               #use min and max values of crossMinRow
+               time1 = 0
+               time2 = 0
+               if(eccon=="ec") {
+                       time1 = max(which(speed$y == min(speed$y)))
+                       time2 = min(which(speed$y == max(speed$y)))
+                       labelsXeXc = c("Xe","Xc")
+               } else { #(eccon=="ce")
+                       time1 = max(which(speed$y == max(speed$y)))
+                       time2 = min(which(speed$y == min(speed$y)))
+                       labelsXeXc = c("Xc","Xe")
+               }
+               crossMinRow=which(b$cross[,1] > time1 & b$cross[,1] < time2)
                isometricUse = TRUE
                if(isometricUse) {
@@ -710,7 +728,7 @@ paint <- function(rawdata, eccon, xmin, xmax, yrange, knRanges, superpose, highl
                                     col=cols[1], lty=lty[1], line=0, lwd=1, padj=-.5)
                                axis(4, at=c(meanSpeedE,meanSpeedC),
-                                    labels=c("Xe","Xc"),
+                                    labels=labelsXeXc,
                                     col=cols[1], lty=lty[1], line=0, lwd=0, padj=-2)
@@ -834,7 +852,7 @@ paint <- function(rawdata, eccon, xmin, xmax, yrange, knRanges, superpose, highl
                                     col=cols[3], lty=lty[1], line=6, lwd=1, padj=-.5)
                                axis(4, at=c(meanPowerE,meanPowerC),
-                                    labels=c("Xe","Xc"),
+                                    labels=labelsXeXc,
                                     col=cols[3], lty=lty[1], line=6, lwd=0, padj=-2)
@@ -1496,14 +1514,13 @@ doProcess <- function(options) {
                quitIfNoData(n, curves, OutputData1)
-               if(analysisCurves[1] != "curvesRI") {
-                       for(i in 1:n) { 
-                               reduceTemp=reduceCurveBySpeed(Eccon, i, curves[i,1], 
-                                                             SmoothingOneEC, SmoothingOneC)
-                               curves[i,1] = reduceTemp[1]
-                               curves[i,2] = reduceTemp[2]
-                       }
+               for(i in 1:n) { 
+                       reduceTemp=reduceCurveBySpeed(Eccon, i, curves[i,1], 
+                                                     SmoothingOneEC, SmoothingOneC)
+                       curves[i,1] = reduceTemp[1]
+                       curves[i,2] = reduceTemp[2]
                if(curvesPlot) {
                        #/10 mm -> cm
                        for(i in 1:length(curves[,1])) { 
@@ -1527,12 +1544,23 @@ doProcess <- function(options) {
                                text(x=((curves[i,1]+curves[i,2])/2/1000),      #/1000 ms -> s
-                                    y=myY,labels=myLabel, adj=c(0.5,adjVert),cex=1,col="blue")
+                                    y=myY,labels=myLabel, adj=c(0.5,adjVert),cex=.9,col="blue")
                                arrows(x0=(curves[i,1]/1000),y0=myY,x1=(curves[i,2]/1000),      #/1000 ms -> s
-                                      y1=myY, col="blue",code=3,length=0.1)
-                               abline(v=curves[i,1]/1000, lty=3, col="green")
-                               abline(v=curves[i,2]/1000, lty=3, col="green")
+                                      y1=myY, col="blue",code=0,length=0.1)
+                               #mtext(at=((curves[i,1]+curves[i,2])/2/1000),   #/1000 ms -> s
+                               #     side=1,text=myLabel, cex=.8, col="blue")
+                               abline(v=mean(curves[i,1],curves[i,2])/1000, lty=3, col="gray")
+                       #plot speed
+                       par(new=T)      
+                       speed <- smooth.spline( 1:length(rawdata), rawdata, spar=smoothingAll)
+                       plot((1:length(rawdata))/1000, speed$y, col="gray",
+                               type="l", 
+                               xlim=c(1,length(rawdata))/1000, #ms -> s
+                               xlab="",ylab="",axes=F)
+                       mtext("speed ",side=4,adj=1,line=-1,col="gray")
+                       abline(h=0,lty=2,col="gray")
@@ -1694,8 +1722,7 @@ doProcess <- function(options) {
-                       print("i:")
-                       print(i)
+                       print(c("i, curves[i,1], curves[i,2]", i, curves[i,1],curves[i,2]))
                        #if ecS go kinematics first time with "e" and second with "c"
                        myEcconKn = myEccon

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