[evolution] Bug 703490 - Stop invoking spamc, just use spamassassin

commit 3b8a9ed601e38a6a0d94fa661fccd4a5000f4b0e
Author: Matthew Barnes <mbarnes redhat com>
Date:   Sun Jul 7 23:51:24 2013 -0400

    Bug 703490 - Stop invoking spamc, just use spamassassin
    SpamAssassin is clearly not intended for use by mail clients, as
    evidenced by the number of backflips Evolution's SA module still has to
    do just to detect the presence and nature of a running spamd (a problem
    which D-Bus solved a decade ago), and recent SA developer comments.
    In lieu of removing SA support entirely, remove all the crazy GSettings
    that are (thankfully) not exposed in the UI and relegate Evolution's SA
    integration to only the most basic usage (spamassassin / sa-learn).
    Users are better off with Bogofilter anyway.  Leave SpamAssassin for
    mail servers.

 configure.ac                                       |   18 -
 data/evolution.convert                             |    4 -
 ...org.gnome.evolution.spamassassin.gschema.xml.in |   10 -
 modules/spamassassin/evolution-spamassassin.c      |  544 +-------------------
 4 files changed, 19 insertions(+), 557 deletions(-)
diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
index aba8b51..aa032f2 100644
--- a/configure.ac
+++ b/configure.ac
@@ -1023,24 +1023,6 @@ if test "x$enable_spamassassin" = "xyes"; then
                SA_LEARN_COMMAND, "$SA_LEARN",
                [SpamAssassin spam training program])
-       dnl The spamc/spamd programs are optional.
-       AC_ARG_VAR([SPAMC], [SpamAssassin client])
-       AC_PATH_PROG([SPAMC], [spamc])
-       if test "x$SPAMC" != "x"; then
-               AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(
-                       SPAMC_COMMAND, "$SPAMC",
-                       [SpamAssassin client])
-       fi
-       dnl The spamc/spamd programs are optional.
-       AC_ARG_VAR([SPAMD], [SpamAssassin daemon])
-       AC_PATH_PROG([SPAMD], [spamd])
-       if test "x$SPAMD" != "x"; then
-               AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(
-                       SPAMD_COMMAND, "$SPAMD",
-                       [SpamAssassin daemon])
-       fi
        msg_spamassassin="$msg_spamassassin ($SPAMASSASSIN)"
 AM_CONDITIONAL([ENABLE_SPAMASSASSIN], [test "x$enable_spamassassin" = "xyes"])
diff --git a/data/evolution.convert b/data/evolution.convert
index 8ea30a6..4ef1a71 100644
--- a/data/evolution.convert
+++ b/data/evolution.convert
@@ -229,10 +229,6 @@ utf8-for-spam-filter = /apps/evolution/mail/junk/bogofilter/unicode
 local-only = /apps/evolution/mail/junk/sa/local_only
-socket-path = /apps/evolution/mail/junk/sa/socket_path
-spamc-binary = /apps/evolution/mail/junk/sa/spamc_binary
-spamd-binary = /apps/evolution/mail/junk/sa/spamd_binary
-use-daemon = /apps/evolution/mail/junk/sa/use_daemon
 attachment-reminder-clues = /apps/evolution/mail/attachment_reminder_clues
diff --git a/data/org.gnome.evolution.spamassassin.gschema.xml.in 
index e0daba1..5bf3599 100644
--- a/data/org.gnome.evolution.spamassassin.gschema.xml.in
+++ b/data/org.gnome.evolution.spamassassin.gschema.xml.in
@@ -5,15 +5,5 @@
       <_summary>Use only local spam tests.</_summary>
       <_description>Use only the local spam tests (no DNS).</_description>
-    <key name="socket-path" type="s">
-      <default>''</default>
-      <_summary>Socket path for SpamAssassin</_summary>
-      <_description>Socket path for SpamAssassin</_description>
-    </key>
-    <key name="use-daemon" type="b">
-      <default>true</default>
-      <_summary>Use SpamAssassin daemon and client</_summary>
-      <_description>Use spamc and spamd programs, if available.</_description>
-    </key>
diff --git a/modules/spamassassin/evolution-spamassassin.c b/modules/spamassassin/evolution-spamassassin.c
index fa08c56..30793ca 100644
--- a/modules/spamassassin/evolution-spamassassin.c
+++ b/modules/spamassassin/evolution-spamassassin.c
@@ -35,47 +35,16 @@
        ((obj), E_TYPE_SPAM_ASSASSIN, ESpamAssassin))
-/* For starting our own daemon. */
-#define DAEMON_RETRY_DELAY 0.05  /* seconds */
 #define SPAM_ASSASSIN_EXIT_STATUS_ERROR                -1
-#if defined(SPAMC_COMMAND) && defined(SPAMD_COMMAND)
-/* This is to reduce the number of #if tests in the code.
- * The logic should never actually use these fallbacks. */
 typedef struct _ESpamAssassin ESpamAssassin;
 typedef struct _ESpamAssassinClass ESpamAssassinClass;
 struct _ESpamAssassin {
        EMailJunkFilter parent;
-       GOnce spamd_testing;
-       GMutex socket_path_mutex;
-       gchar *pid_file;
-       gchar *socket_path;
-       gint version;
        gboolean local_only;
-       gboolean use_daemon;
-       gboolean version_set;
-       /* spamd_testing results */
-       gboolean spamd_using_allow_tell;
-       gboolean system_spamd_available;
-       gboolean use_spamc;
 struct _ESpamAssassinClass {
@@ -84,9 +53,7 @@ struct _ESpamAssassinClass {
 enum {
 /* Module Entry Points */
@@ -341,326 +308,6 @@ spam_assassin_set_local_only (ESpamAssassin *extension,
        g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (extension), "local-only");
-static const gchar *
-spam_assassin_get_socket_path (ESpamAssassin *extension)
-       return extension->socket_path;
-static void
-spam_assassin_set_socket_path (ESpamAssassin *extension,
-                               const gchar *socket_path)
-       if (g_strcmp0 (extension->socket_path, socket_path) == 0)
-               return;
-       g_free (extension->socket_path);
-       extension->socket_path = g_strdup (socket_path);
-       g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (extension), "socket-path");
-static gboolean
-spam_assassin_get_use_daemon (ESpamAssassin *extension)
-       return extension->use_daemon;
-static void
-spam_assassin_set_use_daemon (ESpamAssassin *extension,
-                              gboolean use_daemon)
-       if (extension->use_daemon == use_daemon)
-               return;
-       extension->use_daemon = use_daemon;
-       g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (extension), "use-daemon");
-static void
-spam_assassin_test_spamd_allow_tell (ESpamAssassin *extension)
-       gint exit_code;
-       GError *error = NULL;
-       const gchar *argv[] = {
-               SPAMC_COMMAND,
-               "--learntype=forget",
-               NULL
-       };
-       /* Check if spamd is running with --allow-tell. */
-       exit_code = spam_assassin_command (argv, NULL, "\n", NULL, &error);
-       extension->spamd_using_allow_tell = (exit_code == 0);
-       if (error != NULL) {
-               g_warning ("%s", error->message);
-               g_error_free (error);
-       }
-static gboolean
-spam_assassin_test_spamd_running (ESpamAssassin *extension,
-                                  gboolean system_spamd)
-       const gchar *argv[5];
-       gint exit_code;
-       gint ii = 0;
-       GError *error = NULL;
-       g_mutex_lock (&extension->socket_path_mutex);
-       argv[ii++] = SPAMC_COMMAND;
-       argv[ii++] = "--no-safe-fallback";
-       if (!system_spamd) {
-               argv[ii++] = "--socket";
-               argv[ii++] = extension->socket_path;
-       }
-       argv[ii] = NULL;
-       g_assert (ii < G_N_ELEMENTS (argv));
-       exit_code = spam_assassin_command (
-               argv, NULL, "From test 127 0 0 1", NULL, &error);
-       if (error != NULL) {
-               g_warning ("%s", error->message);
-               g_error_free (error);
-       }
-       g_mutex_unlock (&extension->socket_path_mutex);
-       return (exit_code == 0);
-static void
-spam_assassin_kill_our_own_daemon (ESpamAssassin *extension)
-       gint pid;
-       gchar *contents = NULL;
-       GError *error = NULL;
-       g_mutex_lock (&extension->socket_path_mutex);
-       g_free (extension->socket_path);
-       extension->socket_path = NULL;
-       g_mutex_unlock (&extension->socket_path_mutex);
-       if (extension->pid_file == NULL)
-               return;
-       g_file_get_contents (extension->pid_file, &contents, NULL, &error);
-       if (error != NULL) {
-               g_warn_if_fail (contents == NULL);
-               g_warning ("%s", error->message);
-               g_error_free (error);
-               return;
-       }
-       g_return_if_fail (contents != NULL);
-       pid = atoi (contents);
-       g_free (contents);
-       if (pid > 0 && kill (pid, SIGTERM) == 0)
-               waitpid (pid, NULL, 0);
-static void
-spam_assassin_prepare_for_quit (EShell *shell,
-                                EActivity *activity,
-                                ESpamAssassin *extension)
-       spam_assassin_kill_our_own_daemon (extension);
-static gboolean
-spam_assassin_start_our_own_daemon (ESpamAssassin *extension)
-       const gchar *argv[8];
-       const gchar *user_runtime_dir;
-       gchar *pid_file;
-       gchar *socket_path;
-       gboolean started = FALSE;
-       gint exit_code;
-       gint ii = 0;
-       gint fd;
-       GError *error = NULL;
-       g_mutex_lock (&extension->socket_path_mutex);
-       /* Don't put the PID files in Evolution's tmp directory
-        * (as defined in e-mktemp.c) because that gets cleaned
-        * every few hours, and these files need to persist. */
-       user_runtime_dir = g_get_user_runtime_dir ();
-       pid_file = g_build_filename (
-               user_runtime_dir, "spamd-pid-file-XXXXXX", NULL);
-       socket_path = g_build_filename (
-               user_runtime_dir, "spamd-socket-path-XXXXXX", NULL);
-       /* The template filename is modified in place. */
-       fd = g_mkstemp (pid_file);
-       if (fd >= 0) {
-               close (fd);
-               g_unlink (pid_file);
-       } else {
-               g_warning (
-                       "Failed to create spamd-pid-file: %s",
-                       g_strerror (errno));
-               goto exit;
-       }
-       /* The template filename is modified in place. */
-       fd = g_mkstemp (socket_path);
-       if (fd >= 0) {
-               close (fd);
-               g_unlink (socket_path);
-       } else {
-               g_warning (
-                       "Failed to create spamd-socket-path: %s",
-                       g_strerror (errno));
-               goto exit;
-       }
-       argv[ii++] = SPAMD_COMMAND;
-       argv[ii++] = "--socketpath";
-       argv[ii++] = socket_path;
-       if (spam_assassin_get_local_only (extension))
-               argv[ii++] = "--local";
-       argv[ii++] = "--max-children=1";
-       argv[ii++] = "--pidfile";
-       argv[ii++] = pid_file;
-       argv[ii] = NULL;
-       g_assert (ii < G_N_ELEMENTS (argv));
-       exit_code = spam_assassin_command_full (
-               argv, NULL, NULL, NULL, FALSE, NULL, &error);
-       if (error != NULL) {
-               g_warning ("%s", error->message);
-               g_error_free (error);
-               goto exit;
-       }
-       if (exit_code == SPAM_ASSASSIN_EXIT_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
-               /* Wait for the socket path to appear. */
-               for (ii = 0; ii < DAEMON_MAX_RETRIES; ii++) {
-                       if (g_file_test (socket_path, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS)) {
-                               started = TRUE;
-                               break;
-                       }
-                       g_usleep (DAEMON_RETRY_DELAY * G_USEC_PER_SEC);
-               }
-       }
-       /* Set these directly to avoid emitting "notify" signals. */
-       if (started) {
-               g_free (extension->pid_file);
-               extension->pid_file = pid_file;
-               pid_file = NULL;
-               g_free (extension->socket_path);
-               extension->socket_path = socket_path;
-               socket_path = NULL;
-               /* XXX EMailSession is too prone to reference leaks to leave
-                *     this for our finalize() method.  We want to be sure to
-                *     kill the spamd process we started when Evolution shuts
-                *     down, so connect to an EShell signal instead. */
-               g_signal_connect (
-                       e_shell_get_default (), "prepare-for-quit",
-                       G_CALLBACK (spam_assassin_prepare_for_quit),
-                       extension);
-       }
-       g_free (pid_file);
-       g_free (socket_path);
-       g_mutex_unlock (&extension->socket_path_mutex);
-       return started;
-static void
-spam_assassin_test_spamd (ESpamAssassin *extension)
-       gboolean try_system_spamd = TRUE;
-       /* XXX SpamAssassin could really benefit from a D-Bus interface
-        *     these days.  These tests are just needlessly painful for
-        *     clients trying to talk to an already-running spamd. */
-       extension->use_spamc = FALSE;
-       if (extension->local_only && try_system_spamd) {
-               gint exit_code;
-               /* Run a shell command to check for a running
-                * spamd process with a -L/--local option or a
-                * -p/--port option. */
-               const gchar *argv[] = {
-                       "/bin/sh",
-                       "-c",
-                       "ps ax | grep -v grep | "
-                       "grep -E 'spamd.*(\\-L|\\-\\-local)' | "
-                       "grep -E -v '\\ \\-p\\ |\\ \\-\\-port\\ '",
-                       NULL
-               };
-               exit_code = spam_assassin_command (
-                       argv, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
-               try_system_spamd = (exit_code == 0);
-       }
-       /* Try to use the system spamd first. */
-       if (try_system_spamd) {
-               if (spam_assassin_test_spamd_running (extension, TRUE)) {
-                       extension->use_spamc = TRUE;
-                       extension->system_spamd_available = TRUE;
-               }
-       }
-       /* If there's no system spamd running, try
-        * to use one with a user specified socket. */
-       if (!extension->use_spamc && extension->socket_path != NULL) {
-               if (spam_assassin_test_spamd_running (extension, FALSE)) {
-                       extension->use_spamc = TRUE;
-                       extension->system_spamd_available = FALSE;
-               }
-       }
-       /* Still unsuccessful?  Try to start our own spamd. */
-       if (!extension->use_spamc) {
-               extension->use_spamc =
-                       spam_assassin_start_our_own_daemon (extension) &&
-                       spam_assassin_test_spamd_running (extension, FALSE);
-       }
-static gpointer
-spam_assassin_test_spamd_once (gpointer user_data)
-       ESpamAssassin *extension = E_SPAM_ASSASSIN (user_data);
-       spam_assassin_test_spamd (extension);
-       spam_assassin_test_spamd_allow_tell (extension);
-       return NULL;
-#endif /* HAVE_SPAM_DAEMON */
 static void
 spam_assassin_set_property (GObject *object,
                             guint property_id,
@@ -673,18 +320,6 @@ spam_assassin_set_property (GObject *object,
                                E_SPAM_ASSASSIN (object),
                                g_value_get_boolean (value));
-               case PROP_SOCKET_PATH:
-                       spam_assassin_set_socket_path (
-                               E_SPAM_ASSASSIN (object),
-                               g_value_get_string (value));
-                       return;
-               case PROP_USE_DAEMON:
-                       spam_assassin_set_use_daemon (
-                               E_SPAM_ASSASSIN (object),
-                               g_value_get_boolean (value));
-                       return;
        G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, property_id, pspec);
@@ -702,37 +337,11 @@ spam_assassin_get_property (GObject *object,
                                value, spam_assassin_get_local_only (
                                E_SPAM_ASSASSIN (object)));
-               case PROP_SOCKET_PATH:
-                       g_value_set_string (
-                               value, spam_assassin_get_socket_path (
-                               E_SPAM_ASSASSIN (object)));
-                       return;
-               case PROP_USE_DAEMON:
-                       g_value_set_boolean (
-                               value, spam_assassin_get_use_daemon (
-                               E_SPAM_ASSASSIN (object)));
-                       return;
        G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, property_id, pspec);
-static void
-spam_assassin_finalize (GObject *object)
-       ESpamAssassin *extension = E_SPAM_ASSASSIN (object);
-       g_mutex_clear (&extension->socket_path_mutex);
-       g_free (extension->pid_file);
-       g_free (extension->socket_path);
-       /* Chain up to parent's finalize() method. */
-       G_OBJECT_CLASS (e_spam_assassin_parent_class)->finalize (object);
 static GtkWidget *
 spam_assassin_new_config_widget (EMailJunkFilter *junk_filter)
@@ -797,34 +406,13 @@ spam_assassin_classify (CamelJunkFilter *junk_filter,
        gint exit_code;
        gint ii = 0;
-       if (extension->use_daemon)
-               g_once (
-                       &extension->spamd_testing,
-                       spam_assassin_test_spamd_once,
-                       extension);
-#endif /* HAVE_SPAM_DAEMON */
        if (g_cancellable_set_error_if_cancelled (cancellable, error))
                return FALSE;
-       g_mutex_lock (&extension->socket_path_mutex);
-       if (extension->use_spamc) {
-               g_assert (SPAMC_COMMAND != NULL);
-               argv[ii++] = SPAMC_COMMAND;
-               argv[ii++] = "--check";
-               argv[ii++] = "--timeout=60";
-               if (!extension->system_spamd_available) {
-                       argv[ii++] = "--socket";
-                       argv[ii++] = extension->socket_path;
-               }
-       } else {
-               argv[ii++] = SPAMASSASSIN_COMMAND;
-               argv[ii++] = "--exit-code";
-               if (extension->local_only)
-                       argv[ii++] = "--local";
-       }
+       argv[ii++] = SPAMASSASSIN_COMMAND;
+       argv[ii++] = "--exit-code";
+       if (extension->local_only)
+               argv[ii++] = "--local";
        argv[ii] = NULL;
        g_assert (ii < G_N_ELEMENTS (argv));
@@ -836,22 +424,13 @@ spam_assassin_classify (CamelJunkFilter *junk_filter,
        if (exit_code == SPAM_ASSASSIN_EXIT_STATUS_ERROR)
                status = CAMEL_JUNK_STATUS_ERROR;
-       /* For either program, exit code 0 means the message is ham. */
+       /* Zero exit code means the message is ham. */
        else if (exit_code == 0)
                status = CAMEL_JUNK_STATUS_MESSAGE_IS_NOT_JUNK;
-       /* spamassassin(1) only specifies zero and non-zero exit codes. */
-       else if (!extension->use_spamc)
-               status = CAMEL_JUNK_STATUS_MESSAGE_IS_JUNK;
-       /* Whereas spamc(1) explicitly states exit code 1 means spam. */
-       else if (exit_code == 1)
-               status = CAMEL_JUNK_STATUS_MESSAGE_IS_JUNK;
-       /* Consider any other spamc(1) exit code to be inconclusive
-        * since it most likely failed to process the message. */
+       /* Non-zero exit code means the message is spam. */
-               status = CAMEL_JUNK_STATUS_INCONCLUSIVE;
+               status = CAMEL_JUNK_STATUS_MESSAGE_IS_JUNK;
        /* Check that the return value and GError agree. */
        if (status != CAMEL_JUNK_STATUS_ERROR)
@@ -859,8 +438,6 @@ spam_assassin_classify (CamelJunkFilter *junk_filter,
                g_warn_if_fail (error == NULL || *error != NULL);
-       g_mutex_unlock (&extension->socket_path_mutex);
        return status;
@@ -875,31 +452,14 @@ spam_assassin_learn_junk (CamelJunkFilter *junk_filter,
        gint exit_code;
        gint ii = 0;
-       if (extension->use_daemon)
-               g_once (
-                       &extension->spamd_testing,
-                       spam_assassin_test_spamd_once,
-                       extension);
-#endif /* HAVE_SPAM_DAEMON */
        if (g_cancellable_set_error_if_cancelled (cancellable, error))
                return FALSE;
-       if (extension->spamd_using_allow_tell) {
-               g_assert (SPAMC_COMMAND != NULL);
-               argv[ii++] = SPAMC_COMMAND;
-               argv[ii++] = "--learntype=spam";
-       } else {
-               argv[ii++] = SA_LEARN_COMMAND;
-               argv[ii++] = "--spam";
-               if (extension->version >= 3)
-                       argv[ii++] = "--no-sync";
-               else
-                       argv[ii++] = "--no-rebuild";
-               if (extension->local_only)
-                       argv[ii++] = "--local";
-       }
+       argv[ii++] = SA_LEARN_COMMAND;
+       argv[ii++] = "--spam";
+       argv[ii++] = "--no-sync";
+       if (extension->local_only)
+               argv[ii++] = "--local";
        argv[ii] = NULL;
        g_assert (ii < G_N_ELEMENTS (argv));
@@ -927,31 +487,14 @@ spam_assassin_learn_not_junk (CamelJunkFilter *junk_filter,
        gint exit_code;
        gint ii = 0;
-       if (extension->use_daemon)
-               g_once (
-                       &extension->spamd_testing,
-                       spam_assassin_test_spamd_once,
-                       extension);
-#endif /* HAVE_SPAM_DAEMON */
        if (g_cancellable_set_error_if_cancelled (cancellable, error))
                return FALSE;
-       if (extension->spamd_using_allow_tell) {
-               g_assert (SPAMC_COMMAND != NULL);
-               argv[ii++] = SPAMC_COMMAND;
-               argv[ii++] = "--learntype=ham";
-       } else {
-               argv[ii++] = SA_LEARN_COMMAND;
-               argv[ii++] = "--ham";
-               if (extension->version >= 3)
-                       argv[ii++] = "--no-sync";
-               else
-                       argv[ii++] = "--no-rebuild";
-               if (extension->local_only)
-                       argv[ii++] = "--local";
-       }
+       argv[ii++] = SA_LEARN_COMMAND;
+       argv[ii++] = "--ham";
+       argv[ii++] = "--no-sync";
+       if (extension->local_only)
+               argv[ii++] = "--local";
        argv[ii] = NULL;
        g_assert (ii < G_N_ELEMENTS (argv));
@@ -978,27 +521,11 @@ spam_assassin_synchronize (CamelJunkFilter *junk_filter,
        gint exit_code;
        gint ii = 0;
-       if (extension->use_daemon)
-               g_once (
-                       &extension->spamd_testing,
-                       spam_assassin_test_spamd_once,
-                       extension);
-#endif /* HAVE_SPAM_DAEMON */
        if (g_cancellable_set_error_if_cancelled (cancellable, error))
                return FALSE;
-       /* If we're using a spamd that allows learning,
-        * there's no need to synchronize anything. */
-       if (extension->spamd_using_allow_tell)
-               return TRUE;
        argv[ii++] = SA_LEARN_COMMAND;
-       if (extension->version >= 3)
-               argv[ii++] = "--sync";
-       else
-               argv[ii++] = "--rebuild";
+       argv[ii++] = "--sync";
        if (extension->local_only)
                argv[ii++] = "--local";
        argv[ii] = NULL;
@@ -1026,7 +553,6 @@ e_spam_assassin_class_init (ESpamAssassinClass *class)
        object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (class);
        object_class->set_property = spam_assassin_set_property;
        object_class->get_property = spam_assassin_get_property;
-       object_class->finalize = spam_assassin_finalize;
        junk_filter_class = E_MAIL_JUNK_FILTER_CLASS (class);
        junk_filter_class->filter_name = "SpamAssassin";
@@ -1042,26 +568,6 @@ e_spam_assassin_class_init (ESpamAssassinClass *class)
                        "Do not use tests requiring DNS lookups",
-       g_object_class_install_property (
-               object_class,
-               PROP_SOCKET_PATH,
-               g_param_spec_string (
-                       "socket-path",
-                       "Socket Path",
-                       "Socket path for a SpamAssassin daemon",
-                       NULL,
-                       G_PARAM_READWRITE));
-       g_object_class_install_property (
-               object_class,
-               PROP_USE_DAEMON,
-               g_param_spec_boolean (
-                       "use-daemon",
-                       "Use Daemon",
-                       "Whether to use a SpamAssassin daemon",
-                       FALSE,
-                       G_PARAM_READWRITE));
 static void
@@ -1083,24 +589,12 @@ e_spam_assassin_init (ESpamAssassin *extension)
        GSettings *settings;
-       g_mutex_init (&extension->socket_path_mutex);
        settings = g_settings_new ("org.gnome.evolution.spamassassin");
        g_settings_bind (
                settings, "local-only",
                extension, "local-only",
-       g_settings_bind (
-               settings, "socket-path",
-               extension, "socket-path",
-               G_SETTINGS_BIND_DEFAULT);
-       g_settings_bind (
-               settings, "use-daemon",
-               extension, "use-daemon",
-               G_SETTINGS_BIND_DEFAULT);
-#endif /* HAVE_SPAM_DAEMON */
        g_object_unref (settings);

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