[chronojump] pyserial_pyper_windows.py with py2exe

commit 9b4d2523a8f4120ed0e7768ba0d81290d55d3f26
Author: Xavier de Blas <xaviblas gmail com>
Date:   Tue Jan 29 13:58:01 2013 +0100

    pyserial_pyper_windows.py with py2exe

 encoder/py2exe_instructions.txt         |   11 +
 encoder/pyserial_pyper.py               |    6 +-
 encoder/pyserial_pyper_windows.py       |  618 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 encoder/setup-pyserial_pyper_windows.py |    4 +
 4 files changed, 636 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
diff --git a/encoder/py2exe_instructions.txt b/encoder/py2exe_instructions.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e5abcec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/encoder/py2exe_instructions.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+from MinGW shell:
+python setup-pyserial_pyper_windows.py install
+python setup-pyserial_pyper_windows.py py2exe
+from any terminal:
+cd c:\MinGW\msys\1.0\home\windblows\chronojump\encoder\dist
+pyserial_pyper_windows.exe graphtitle output.txt 10 30 FALSE 70 0.7 c -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 meanPower COM4
+need to copy the wavs into dist directory
diff --git a/encoder/pyserial_pyper.py b/encoder/pyserial_pyper.py
index c897453..17061ad 100644
--- a/encoder/pyserial_pyper.py
+++ b/encoder/pyserial_pyper.py
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ import pygame
 #from pygame.locals import * #mouse and key definitions
 FALSE = 0
 TRUE = 1
@@ -448,7 +448,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
 	ColorBackground = (30,30,30)
 	ColorBad = (255,0,0)
 	ColorGood = (0,255,0)
 	#start capture	
 	file = open(outputFile, 'w')
 	ser = serial.Serial(w_serial_port)
@@ -463,7 +463,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
 	for i in xrange(delete_initial_time):
 		#if ser.readable(): #commented because don't work on linux
 	#print title
 	title = title.replace('_',' ')
 	title = title.replace('-',' ')
diff --git a/encoder/pyserial_pyper_windows.py b/encoder/pyserial_pyper_windows.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b660740
--- /dev/null
+++ b/encoder/pyserial_pyper_windows.py
@@ -0,0 +1,618 @@
+#  This file is part of ChronoJump
+#  ChronoJump is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or   
+#     (at your option) any later version.
+#  ChronoJump is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#     GNU General Public License for more details.
+#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+#    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+#   Copyright (C) 2004-2012   Teng Wei Hua <wadedang gmail com>, Xavier de Blas <xaviblas gmail com> 
+# encoding=utf-8
+# This program is for reading data from Chronopic.
+import serial
+import sys
+from datetime import datetime
+from struct import unpack
+from pyper import *
+#import subprocess
+#import pygame.image
+#import pygame.display
+import pygame
+#from pygame.locals import * #mouse and key definitions
+FALSE = 0
+TRUE = 1
+# ============
+# = Variable =
+# ============
+title = sys.argv[1]
+outputFile = sys.argv[2]
+record_time = int(sys.argv[3])*1000		#from s to ms
+minRange = int(sys.argv[4])			#all is stored, but only display when vertical range is >= minRange
+isJump = sys.argv[5]
+mass = float(sys.argv[6])
+smoothingOne = float(sys.argv[7])
+eccon = sys.argv[8]				#contraction "ec" or "c"
+heightHigherCondition = int(sys.argv[9])
+heightLowerCondition = int(sys.argv[10])
+meanSpeedHigherCondition = float(sys.argv[11])
+meanSpeedLowerCondition = float(sys.argv[12])
+maxSpeedHigherCondition = float(sys.argv[13])
+maxSpeedLowerCondition = float(sys.argv[14])
+powerHigherCondition = int(sys.argv[15])
+powerLowerCondition = int(sys.argv[16])
+peakPowerHigherCondition = int(sys.argv[17])
+peakPowerLowerCondition = int(sys.argv[18])
+mainVariable = sys.argv[19]
+w_serial_port = sys.argv[20]
+delete_initial_time = 20			#delete first records because there's encoder bug
+#w_baudrate = 9600                           # Setting the baudrate of Chronopic(9600)
+w_baudrate = 115200                           # Setting the baudrate of Chronopic(115200)
+#w_serial_port = 4                           # Setting the serial port (Windows), windows's device number need minus 1
+#w_serial_port = "/dev/ttyUSB0"             # Setting the serial port (Linux)
+direction_change_period = 25                # how long to recognize as change direction. (I am not sure if this describe correctly.)
+direction_change_count = 0
+direction_pull_to_push = 'pull_to_push'     # if people change the motion for pull to push, record this value.
+direction_push_to_pull = 'push_to_pull'     # if people change the motion for push to pull, record this value.
+direction_now = 1			# 1 or -1
+direction_last_ms = 1			# 1 or -1
+direction_completed = -1		# 1 or -1
+#TODO: do also something about don't accept a phase that has less tha X cm of distance.
+#This will be useful to know the start of movement
+frames_pull_top1 = list()
+frames_pull_top2 = list()
+frames_push_bottom1 = list()
+frames_push_bottom2 = list()
+previous_frame_change = 0
+mode = "graph"
+#mode = "text"
+#sound stuff
+# global constants
+#FREQ = 44100   # same as audio CD
+FREQ = 8000   # same as audio CD
+BITSIZE = -16  # unsigned 16 bit
+#CHANNELS = 2   # 1 == mono, 2 == stereo
+CHANNELS = 1   # 1 == mono, 2 == stereo
+BUFFER = 1024  # audio buffer size in no. of samples
+FRAMERATE = 30 # how often to check if playback has finished
+def playsound(soundfile):
+    sound = pygame.mixer.Sound(soundfile)
+    clock = pygame.time.Clock()
+    sound.play()
+    while pygame.mixer.get_busy():
+        clock.tick(FRAMERATE)
+soundFileStart = "/home/xavier/informatica/progs_meus/chronojump/chronojump/encoder/Question.wav"
+soundFileGood = "/home/xavier/informatica/progs_meus/chronojump/chronojump/encoder/Asterisk.wav"
+#soundFileBad = "/home/xavier/informatica/progs_meus/chronojump/chronojump/encoder/Beep.wav"
+soundFileBad = "/home/xavier/informatica/progs_meus/chronojump/chronojump/encoder/Hand.wav"
+BLACK = 30
+RED = 31
+GREEN = 32
+BLUE = 34
+REDINV = 41
+def colorize(text, color, bold):
+	ESCAPE = '%s[' % chr(27)
+	RESET = '%s0m' % ESCAPE
+	if(bold):
+		FORMAT = '1;%dm'
+	else:
+		FORMAT = '0;%dm'
+	return ESCAPE + (FORMAT % (color, )) + text + RESET
+def assignColor(found, conditionHigher, conditionLower):
+	if conditionHigher != -1 and found >= conditionHigher:
+		return GREEN
+	elif conditionLower != -1 and found <= conditionLower:
+		return RED
+	else:
+		return BLACK
+rangeList = list()
+meanSpeedList = list()
+maxSpeedList = list()
+meanPowerList = list()
+peakPowerList = list()
+def calculate_all_in_r(temp, top_values, bottom_values, direction_now, smoothingOne, eccon, minRange, isJump):
+	if (len(top_values)>0 and len(bottom_values)>0):
+		if direction_now == 1:
+			start=top_values[len(top_values)-1]
+			end=bottom_values[len(bottom_values)-1]
+		else:
+			start=bottom_values[len(bottom_values)-1]
+			end=top_values[len(top_values)-1]
+		myR.assign('smoothingOne',smoothingOne)
+		myR.assign('a',temp[start:end])
+		if direction_now == -1:
+			myR.run('speed <- smooth.spline( 1:length(a), a, spar=smoothingOne)')
+			#reduce curve by speed, the same way as graph.R
+			myR.run('b=extrema(speed$y)')
+			myR.run('maxSpeedT <- min(which(speed$y == max(speed$y)))')
+			maxSpeedT = myR.get('maxSpeedT')
+			bcrossLen = myR.get('length(b$cross[,2])')
+			bcross = myR.get('b$cross[,2]')
+			if bcrossLen == 0:
+				return
+			if bcrossLen == 1:
+				x_ini = bcrossLen
+			else:
+				for i in bcross:
+					if i < maxSpeedT:
+						x_ini = i  #left adjust
+			myR.assign('a',temp[start+x_ini:end])
+		myR.run('speed <- smooth.spline( 1:length(a), a, spar=smoothingOne)')
+		myR.run('a.cumsum <- cumsum(a)')
+		myR.run('range <- abs(a.cumsum[length(a)]-a.cumsum[1])')
+		myR.run('accel <- predict( speed, deriv=1 )')
+		myR.run('accel$y <- accel$y * 1000') #input data is in mm, conversion to m
+#		if isJump == "True":
+		myR.run('force <- mass*(accel$y+9.81)')
+#		else:
+#			myR.run('force <- mass*accel$y')
+		myR.run('power <- force*speed$y')
+		myR.run('meanPower <- mean(abs(power))')
+		myR.run('peakPower <- max(power)')
+		myR.run('peakPowerT=which(power == peakPower)')
+		meanSpeed = myR.get('mean(abs(speed$y))')
+		if direction_now == 1:
+			maxSpeed = myR.get('min(speed$y)')
+			phase = " down,"
+			phaseCol = colorize(phase,BLACK,FALSE)
+		else:
+			maxSpeed = myR.get('max(speed$y)')
+			phase = "   up,"
+			phaseCol = colorize(phase,BLUE,TRUE)
+		height = myR.get('range')
+		meanPower = myR.get('meanPower')
+		peakPower = myR.get('peakPower')
+		peakPowerT = myR.get('peakPowerT/1000') #ms -> s
+		pp_ppt = peakPower / peakPowerT
+		meanSpeedCol = "%10.2f," % meanSpeed
+#		if(meanSpeed > 2): colSpeed = GREENINV
+#		else: colSpeed = GREEN
+		height = height / 10 #from cm to mm
+		#F mean Formatted
+		heightF = "%6i," % height
+		colorHeight = assignColor(height, heightHigherCondition, heightLowerCondition)
+		meanSpeedF = "%10.2f," % meanSpeed
+		colorMeanSpeed = assignColor(meanSpeed, meanSpeedHigherCondition, meanSpeedLowerCondition)
+		maxSpeedF = "%10.2f," % maxSpeed
+		colorMaxSpeed = assignColor(maxSpeed, maxSpeedHigherCondition, maxSpeedLowerCondition)
+		meanPowerF = "%10.2f," % meanPower
+		colorMeanPower = assignColor(meanPower, powerHigherCondition, powerLowerCondition)
+		peakPowerF = "%10.2f," % peakPower
+		colorPeakPower = assignColor(peakPower, peakPowerHigherCondition, peakPowerLowerCondition)
+		play = False
+		#if only one param is bad, will play soundFileBad
+		if colorHeight == RED or colorMeanSpeed == RED or colorMaxSpeed == RED or colorMeanPower == RED or colorPeakPower == RED:
+			play = True
+			soundFile = soundFileBad
+		elif colorHeight == GREEN or colorMeanSpeed == GREEN or colorMaxSpeed == GREEN or colorMeanPower == GREEN or colorPeakPower == GREEN:
+			play = True
+			soundFile = soundFileGood
+		if eccon == "ec" or direction_now == -1:
+			if height >= minRange:
+				#print phaseCol + colorize(heightF,colorHeight,colorHeight!=BLACK) + colorize(meanSpeedF,colorMeanSpeed,colorMeanSpeed!=BLACK) + colorize(maxSpeedF,colorMaxSpeed,colorMaxSpeed!=BLACK) + colorize(meanPowerF,colorMeanPower,colorMeanPower!=BLACK) + colorize(peakPowerF,colorPeakPower,colorPeakPower!=BLACK) + "%10.2f" % peakPowerT  + "%10.2f" % pp_ppt 
+				print phaseCol + colorize(heightF,colorHeight,colorHeight!=BLACK) + colorize(meanSpeedF,colorMeanSpeed,colorMeanSpeed!=BLACK) + colorize(maxSpeedF,colorMaxSpeed,colorMaxSpeed!=BLACK) + colorize(meanPowerF,colorMeanPower,colorMeanPower!=BLACK) + colorize(peakPowerF,colorPeakPower,colorPeakPower!=BLACK) + "%10.2f" % peakPowerT
+				if play:
+					playsound(soundFile)
+				rangeList.append(height)
+				meanSpeedList.append(meanSpeed)
+				maxSpeedList.append(maxSpeed)
+				meanPowerList.append(meanPower)
+				peakPowerList.append(peakPower)
+				graphsWidth = 792 #800-4-4
+				hasRightMargin = True
+				if (	heightLowerCondition == -1 and heightHigherCondition == -1 and
+					powerLowerCondition == -1 and powerHigherCondition == -1
+				   ):
+					hasRightMargin = False
+				update_graph("Range (cm)", rangeList, 
+						heightLowerCondition, heightHigherCondition, hasRightMargin,
+						graphsWidth, 112, (222,222,222), 4, 40, False)
+				#vertical_height: 112, position it at 40 pixels vert
+				#position it at 40+112+4 pixels vert: 156
+				#vertical_height: 600 -4 (lower sep) - 156 : 440
+				if mainVariable == "meanSpeed":
+					update_graph("Mean Speed (m/s)", meanSpeedList, 
+							meanSpeedLowerCondition, meanSpeedHigherCondition, hasRightMargin,
+							graphsWidth, 440, (222,222,222), 4, 156, True)
+				elif mainVariable == "maxSpeed":
+					update_graph("Max Speed (m/s)", maxSpeedList, 
+							maxSpeedLowerCondition, maxSpeedHigherCondition, hasRightMargin,
+							graphsWidth, 440, (222,222,222), 4, 156, True)
+				elif mainVariable == "meanPower":
+					update_graph("Mean Power (W)", meanPowerList, 
+							powerLowerCondition, powerHigherCondition, hasRightMargin,
+							graphsWidth, 440, (222,222,222), 4, 156, False)
+				else: #mainVariable == "peakPower"
+					update_graph("Peak Power (W)", peakPowerList, 
+							peakPowerLowerCondition, peakPowerHigherCondition, hasRightMargin,
+							graphsWidth, 440, (222,222,222), 4, 156, False)
+			else:
+				print chr(27) + "[0;47m" + phase + "%6i," % height + " " + "Discarded" + chr(27)+"[0m"
+def calculate_range(temp_cumsum, top_values, bottom_values, direction_now):
+	if len(top_values)>0:
+		rmax=temp_cumsum[top_values[len(top_values)-1]]
+		if len(bottom_values)>0:
+			rmin=temp_cumsum[bottom_values[len(bottom_values)-1]]
+		else:
+			rmin=0
+##		if(direction_now == 1): text="rangedown"
+##		else: text="rangeup"
+#		print(text,rmax-rmin)
+		return(rmax-rmin)
+def update_graph(paramName, paramList, lowCondition, highCondition, hasRightMargin,
+		my_surface_width, my_surface_height, color, horizPosToCopy, vertPosToCopy, hasDecimals):
+	s=pygame.Surface((my_surface_width,my_surface_height))
+	s.fill(ColorBackground) #color the surface
+	left_margin = 10
+	right_margin = 0
+	if hasRightMargin:
+		right_margin = 40
+	vert_margin = 40
+	sep=20		#between reps
+	sep_small=2	#between bars
+	count = 0
+	paramMax = max(paramList)
+	if lowCondition > paramMax:
+		paramMax = lowCondition
+	if highCondition > paramMax:
+		paramMax = highCondition
+	param_low_height = my_surface_height - ((my_surface_height -vert_margin ) * lowCondition / paramMax)
+	param_high_height = my_surface_height - ((my_surface_height -vert_margin ) * highCondition / paramMax)
+	pygame.draw.line(s, (255,0,0), (left_margin, param_low_height), (my_surface_width-right_margin, param_low_height), 2)
+	pygame.draw.line(s, (0,255,0), (left_margin, param_high_height), (my_surface_width-right_margin, param_high_height), 2)
+	if lowCondition > 0:
+		string = "%s" % lowCondition
+		text = FontSmall.render(string,1, ColorBad, ColorBackground)
+		textpos = text.get_rect(right=my_surface_width-10,centery=param_low_height)
+		s.blit(text,textpos)
+	if highCondition > 0:
+		string = "%s" % highCondition
+		text = FontSmall.render(string,1, ColorGood, ColorBackground)
+		textpos = text.get_rect(right=my_surface_width-10,centery=param_high_height)
+		s.blit(text,textpos)
+	for param in paramList:
+		if len(paramList) >= 10:
+			sep = 10
+		param_height = ( my_surface_height - vert_margin ) * param / paramMax 
+		if len(paramList) == 1:
+			width = (my_surface_width - left_margin - right_margin) / 2 #do not fill all the screen with only one bar
+		else:
+			width = (my_surface_width - left_margin - right_margin) / len(paramList)
+		colorNow = color
+		if param < lowCondition:
+			colorNow = ColorBad
+		elif highCondition > 0 and param > highCondition:
+			colorNow = ColorGood
+		left = left_margin + width*count
+		param_width = width - sep
+		pygame.draw.rect(s, colorNow, (left, my_surface_height, param_width, -param_height), 0) #0: filled
+		if hasDecimals:
+			string = "%.2f" % param
+		else:
+			string = "%i" % param
+		text = FontBig.render(string,1,color, ColorBackground)
+		if len(paramList) > 20:
+			text = FontSmall.render(string,1,color, ColorBackground)
+		textpos = text.get_rect(centerx=left+(param_width/2), centery=my_surface_height-param_height-vert_margin/2)
+	       	s.blit(text,textpos)
+		count = count +1
+	string = "%s" % paramName
+	text = FontBig.render(string,1, color, ColorBackground)
+	textpos = text.get_rect(left=10,centery=10)
+	s.blit(text,textpos)
+	s_rect=s.get_rect() #get the rectangle bounds for the surface
+        screen.blit(s,(horizPosToCopy,vertPosToCopy)) #render the surface into the rectangle
+	pygame.display.flip() #update the screen
+#option can be "start", "end",
+#or time left: "5 s", "4 s", ..
+def printHeader(option):
+	s=pygame.Surface((792,32))
+	s.fill(ColorBackground) #color the surface
+	string = "%s" % title
+	text = FontBig.render(string,1, (255,255,255))
+	textpos = text.get_rect(left=10,centery=14)
+	s.blit(text,textpos)
+	if option == "start":
+		string = "Start!"
+		text = FontBig.render(string,1, (255,91,0))
+	elif option == "end":
+		string = "Done! Please close this window."
+		text = FontBig.render(string,1, (255,91,0))
+	else:
+		string = option
+		text = FontBig.render(string,1, (255,91,0))
+	textpos = text.get_rect(right=792-10,centery=14)
+	s.blit(text,textpos)
+        screen.blit(s,(4,4)) #render the surface into the rectangle
+	pygame.display.flip() #update the screen
+# ================
+# = Main Problem =
+# ================
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+	print("Please, wait...\n")
+	# initialize pygame.mixer module
+	# if these setting do not work with your audio system
+	# change the global constants accordingly
+	try:
+		pygame.mixer.init(FREQ, BITSIZE, CHANNELS, BUFFER)
+	except pygame.error, exc:
+		print >>sys.stderr, "Could not initialize sound system: %s" % exc
+	#print "connecting with R"
+	#myR = R()
+	myR = R(RCMD="C:\\Program Files\\R\\R-2.15.2\\bin\\R")
+	myR.run('library("EMD")') #needed on reducing curve by speed (extrema)
+	myR.assign('mass',mass)
+	myR.run('weight=mass*9.81')
+	myR.assign('k',2)
+	print("START!\n")
+	playsound(soundFileStart)
+	print("phase, range, meanSpeed, MaxSpeed, meanPower, PeakPower, PeakPowerT")#, PPower/PPT")
+	pygame.font.init
+	pygame.init()
+	screen = pygame.display.set_mode((800,600)) #make window
+	pygame.display.set_caption("Chronojump encoder")
+	#FontBig = pygame.font.Font(None, 22)
+	#FontSmall = pygame.font.Font(None, 18)
+	FontBig = pygame.font.Font(pygame.font.match_font('bitstreamverasans'), 22)
+	FontSmall = pygame.font.Font(pygame.font.match_font('bitstreamverasans'), 18)
+	ColorBackground = (30,30,30)
+	ColorBad = (255,0,0)
+	ColorGood = (0,255,0)
+	#start capture	
+	file = open(outputFile, 'w')
+	ser = serial.Serial(w_serial_port)
+	ser.baudrate = w_baudrate
+	temp = list()		#raw values
+	temp_cumsum = list()	#cumulative sums of raw values
+	temp_cumsum.append(0)
+	temp_speed = list()
+	w_time = datetime.now().second
+	#print "start read data"
+	# Detecting if serial port is available and Recording the data from Chronopic.
+	for i in xrange(delete_initial_time):
+		#if ser.readable(): #commented because don't work on linux
+		ser.read()
+	#print title
+	title = title.replace('_',' ')
+	title = title.replace('-',' ')
+	printHeader("start")
+	secondsLeft = int(record_time / 1000)
+	msCount = 0
+	for i in xrange(record_time):
+		#if ser.readable(): #commented because don't work on linux
+		byte_data = ser.read()
+		# conver HEX to INT value
+		signedChar_data = unpack('b' * len(byte_data), byte_data)[0]
+		temp.append(signedChar_data)
+		if(i>0):
+			temp_cumsum.append(temp_cumsum[i-1]+signedChar_data)
+		if(i>lag):
+			temp_speed.append(1.0*(temp_cumsum[i]-temp_cumsum[i-lag])/lag)
+		else:
+			temp_speed.append(0)
+		msCount = msCount +1
+		if msCount == 1000 :
+			secondsLeft = secondsLeft -1
+			printHeader(`secondsLeft` + " s")
+			msCount = 1
+		# Judging if direction has changed
+		if signedChar_data != 0:
+			direction_now = signedChar_data / abs(signedChar_data) #1 (pull) or -1 (push)
+		if direction_now != direction_last_ms:
+			direction_last_ms = direction_now
+			direction_change_count = 0
+		elif direction_now != direction_completed: 
+			#we cannot addd signedChar_data because then is difficult to come back n frames to know the max point
+			#direction_change_count = direction_change_count + signedChar_data
+			direction_change_count = direction_change_count + 1
+			if direction_change_count >= direction_change_period:
+				k=list(temp_cumsum[previous_frame_change:i-direction_change_period])
+				phase = 0
+				speed = 0
+				if direction_now == 1:
+					#we are going up, we passed the ditection_change_count
+					#then we can record the bottom moment
+					#and print speed on going down
+					new_frame_change = previous_frame_change+k.index(min(k)) 
+					frames_push_bottom1.append(new_frame_change)
+					new_frame_change = previous_frame_change+len(k)-1-k[::-1].index(min(k))
+					frames_push_bottom2.append(new_frame_change)
+					phase = " down"
+					if previous_frame_change != 0 and new_frame_change != 0:
+						speed = min(temp_speed[previous_frame_change:new_frame_change])
+				else:
+					new_frame_change = previous_frame_change+k.index(max(k))
+					frames_pull_top1.append(new_frame_change)
+					new_frame_change = previous_frame_change+len(k)-1-k[::-1].index(max(k))
+					frames_pull_top2.append(new_frame_change)
+					phase = "   up"
+					if previous_frame_change != 0 and new_frame_change != 0:
+						speed = max(temp_speed[previous_frame_change:new_frame_change])
+				if len(frames_pull_top1)>0 and len(frames_push_bottom1)>0:
+					calculate_all_in_r(temp, frames_pull_top1, frames_push_bottom1, 
+							direction_now, smoothingOne, eccon, minRange, isJump)
+				file.write(''+','.join([str(i) for i in temp[
+					previous_frame_change:new_frame_change
+					]])+'')
+	            		file.write("\n")
+	               	        file.flush()
+				previous_frame_change = new_frame_change
+				direction_change_count = 0
+	                        direction_completed = direction_now
+	w_time = datetime.now().second - w_time
+	ser.close()
+	#TODO: arreglar aixo per a que el darrer calculate_range mostri el ultim tram (encara que no hagi acabat)
+	if direction_completed == -1:
+		calculate_range(temp_cumsum, frames_pull_top1, temp_cumsum, 1)
+	else:
+		calculate_range(temp_cumsum, frames_push_bottom1, temp_cumsum, -1)
+	file.write(''+','.join([str(i) for i in temp[previous_frame_change:len(temp)]])+'')
+	file.flush()
+	file.close()
+#	print "creating graph..."
+#	update_graph(0,record_time)
+#	done = 0
+#	mouse_pos=[0,0]
+#	while not done:
+#		for e in pygame.event.get():
+#			if e.type == QUIT or (e.type == KEYUP and e.key == K_ESCAPE):
+#				done = 1
+#				break
+#			elif e.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN and e.button == 1:
+#				mouse_pos[:] = list(e.pos)
+#				print mouse_pos[0]
+#				mouse_pos[0] = mouse_pos[0]*record_time/1020 #mouse_pos scaled to signal width
+#				print mouse_pos[0]
+#				zoom_width=record_time/2
+#				xmin=mouse_pos[0]-zoom_width/2
+#				xmax=mouse_pos[0]+zoom_width/2
+#				#TODO: do all this in R in an interactive way
+#				#TODO: other click makes zoom in more
+#				#TODO: or better, point with mouse and press 2,4,8 to zoom x times
+#				if xmin < 0:
+#					xmax += -xmin
+#					xmin += -xmin
+#				elif xmax > record_time:
+#					xmin -= xmax-record_time
+#					xmax -= xmax-record_time
+#				update_graph(xmin,xmax)
+#			elif e.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN and (e.button == 2 or e.button == 3):
+#				update_graph(0,record_time)
+	print "\nDone! Please, close this window."
+	printHeader("end")
+	while 1:
+		for event in pygame.event.get():
+			if event.type == pygame.QUIT: sys.exit()
+		pygame.time.delay(30)
+		pygame.display.flip() #update the screen
+		#TODO: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10466590/hiding-pygame-display
+#	print "aarrgggggh!!"
+#	print sys.exc_info()
+#	ser.close()
+#	file = open("data.txt", 'w')
+#	for i in temp:
+#		file.write(i)
+#	file.close()
diff --git a/encoder/setup-pyserial_pyper_windows.py b/encoder/setup-pyserial_pyper_windows.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e4c564
--- /dev/null
+++ b/encoder/setup-pyserial_pyper_windows.py
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+from distutils.core import setup
+import py2exe

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