[glade/ui-incubator: 5/7] Removed GladeFixed (DnD) support for GtkBox, GtkTable and GtkGrid. Optimized glade_gtk_grid_refresh_

commit 494114caf9d881988702038b6e1c9c307c606ce3
Author: Juan Pablo Ugarte <juanpablougarte gmail com>
Date:   Mon Dec 17 22:31:21 2012 -0300

    Removed GladeFixed (DnD) support for GtkBox, GtkTable and GtkGrid.
    Optimized glade_gtk_grid_refresh_placeholders() by passing the children list to
    glade_gtk_grid_has_child() instead of getting it each time from the container.

 plugins/gtk+/glade-gtk-grid.c  |  417 +++----------------------------------
 plugins/gtk+/glade-gtk-table.c |  453 +---------------------------------------
 plugins/gtk+/glade-gtk.c       |  224 --------------------
 plugins/gtk+/gtk+.xml.in       |    5 -
 4 files changed, 30 insertions(+), 1069 deletions(-)
diff --git a/plugins/gtk+/glade-gtk-grid.c b/plugins/gtk+/glade-gtk-grid.c
index 87e38cc..05259bf 100644
--- a/plugins/gtk+/glade-gtk-grid.c
+++ b/plugins/gtk+/glade-gtk-grid.c
@@ -55,9 +55,6 @@ typedef enum
 } GladeGridDir;
-static GladeGridChild grid_edit = { 0, };
-static GladeGridChild grid_cur_attach = { 0, };
 static void
 glade_gtk_grid_get_child_attachments (GtkWidget            *grid,
 				      GtkWidget            *child,
@@ -71,354 +68,6 @@ glade_gtk_grid_get_child_attachments (GtkWidget            *grid,
-/* Takes a point (x or y depending on 'row') relative to
- * grid, and returns the row or column in which the point
- * was found.
- */
-static gint
-glade_gtk_grid_get_row_col_from_point (GtkGrid * grid,
-				       gboolean row, gint point)
-  GladeGridAttachments attach;
-  GtkAllocation allocation;
-  GList *list, *children;
-  gint span, trans_point, size, base, end;
-  children = gtk_container_get_children (GTK_CONTAINER (grid));
-  for (list = children; list; list = list->next)
-    {
-      GtkWidget *widget = list->data;
-      glade_gtk_grid_get_child_attachments (GTK_WIDGET (grid), widget, &attach);
-      if (row)
-        gtk_widget_translate_coordinates (GTK_WIDGET (grid), widget, 0, point, NULL, &trans_point);
-      else
-        gtk_widget_translate_coordinates (GTK_WIDGET (grid), widget, point, 0, &trans_point, NULL);
-      gtk_widget_get_allocation (widget, &allocation);
-      /* Find any widget in our row/column
-       */
-      end = row ? allocation.height : allocation.width;
-      if (trans_point >= 0 &&
-          /* should be trans_point < end ... test FIXME ! */
-          trans_point < end)
-        {
-          base = row ? attach.top_attach : attach.left_attach;
-          size = row ? allocation.height : allocation.width;
-          span = row ? attach.height     : attach.width;
-          return base + (trans_point * span / size);
-        }
-    }
-  g_list_free (children);
-  return -1;
-static gboolean
-glade_gtk_grid_point_crosses_threshold (GtkGrid     *grid,
-					gboolean     row,
-					gint         num,
-					GladeGridDir dir, 
-					gint         point)
-  GladeGridAttachments attach;
-  GtkAllocation allocation;
-  GList *list, *children;
-  gint span, trans_point, size, rowcol_size, base;
-  children = gtk_container_get_children (GTK_CONTAINER (grid));
-  for (list = children; list; list = list->next)
-    {
-      GtkWidget *widget = list->data;
-      glade_gtk_grid_get_child_attachments (GTK_WIDGET (grid), widget, &attach);
-      /* Find any widget in our row/column
-       */
-      if ((row  && num >= attach.top_attach  && num < attach.top_attach  + attach.height) ||
-          (!row && num >= attach.left_attach && num < attach.left_attach + attach.width))
-        {
-          if (row)
-            gtk_widget_translate_coordinates (GTK_WIDGET (grid), widget, 0, point, NULL, &trans_point);
-          else
-            gtk_widget_translate_coordinates (GTK_WIDGET (grid), widget, point, 0, &trans_point, NULL);
-          span = row ? attach.height : attach.width;
-          gtk_widget_get_allocation (widget, &allocation);
-          size = row ? allocation.height : allocation.width;
-          base = row ? attach.top_attach : attach.left_attach;
-          rowcol_size = size / span;
-          trans_point -= (num - base) * rowcol_size;
-#if 0
-          g_print ("dir: %s, widget size: %d, rowcol size: %d, "
-                   "requested rowcol: %d, widget base rowcol: %d, trim: %d, "
-                   "widget point: %d, thresh: %d\n",
-                   dir == DIR_UP ? "up" : dir == DIR_DOWN ? "down" :
-                   dir == DIR_LEFT ? "left" : "right",
-                   size, rowcol_size, num, base, (num - base) * rowcol_size,
-                   trans_point,
-                   dir == DIR_UP || dir == DIR_LEFT ?
-                   (rowcol_size / 2) : (rowcol_size / 2));
-          switch (dir)
-            {
-              case DIR_UP:
-              case DIR_LEFT:
-                return trans_point <= (rowcol_size / 2);
-              case DIR_DOWN:
-              case DIR_RIGHT:
-                return trans_point >= (rowcol_size / 2);
-              default:
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-  g_list_free (children);
-  return FALSE;
-static gboolean
-glade_gtk_grid_get_attachments (GladeFixed        *fixed,
-				GtkGrid           *grid,
-				GdkRectangle      *rect,
-				GladeGridChild    *configure)
-  GladeWidget *widget = GLADE_WIDGET (fixed);
-  gint center_x, center_y, row, column;
-  guint n_columns, n_rows;
-  center_x = rect->x + (rect->width / 2);
-  center_y = rect->y + (rect->height / 2);
-  column = glade_gtk_grid_get_row_col_from_point (grid, FALSE, center_x);
-  row    = glade_gtk_grid_get_row_col_from_point (grid, TRUE, center_y);
-  /* its a start, now try to grow when the rect extents
-   * reach at least half way into the next row/column 
-   */
-  configure->left_attach   = column;
-  configure->width         = 1;
-  configure->top_attach    = row;
-  configure->height        = 1;
-  glade_widget_property_get (widget, "n-columns", &n_columns);
-  glade_widget_property_get (widget, "n-rows", &n_rows);
-  if (column >= 0 && row >= 0)
-    {
-      /* Check and expand left
-       */
-      while (configure->left_attach > 0)
-        {
-          if (rect->x < fixed->child_x_origin &&
-              fixed->operation != GLADE_CURSOR_DRAG &&
-              GLADE_FIXED_CURSOR_LEFT (fixed->operation) == FALSE)
-            break;
-          if (glade_gtk_grid_point_crosses_threshold
-              (grid, FALSE, configure->left_attach - 1,
-               DIR_LEFT, rect->x) == FALSE)
-            break;
-          configure->left_attach--;
-        }
-      /* Check and expand right
-       */
-      while (configure->left_attach + configure->width < n_columns)
-        {
-          if (rect->x + rect->width >
-              fixed->child_x_origin + fixed->child_width_origin &&
-              fixed->operation != GLADE_CURSOR_DRAG &&
-              GLADE_FIXED_CURSOR_RIGHT (fixed->operation) == FALSE)
-            break;
-          if (glade_gtk_grid_point_crosses_threshold
-              (grid, FALSE, configure->left_attach + configure->width,
-               DIR_RIGHT, rect->x + rect->width) == FALSE)
-            break;
-          configure->width++;
-        }
-      /* Check and expand top
-       */
-      while (configure->top_attach > 0)
-        {
-          if (rect->y < fixed->child_y_origin &&
-              fixed->operation != GLADE_CURSOR_DRAG &&
-              GLADE_FIXED_CURSOR_TOP (fixed->operation) == FALSE)
-            break;
-          if (glade_gtk_grid_point_crosses_threshold
-              (grid, TRUE, configure->top_attach - 1,
-               DIR_UP, rect->y) == FALSE)
-            break;
-          configure->top_attach--;
-        }
-      /* Check and expand bottom
-       */
-      while (configure->top_attach + configure->height < n_rows)
-        {
-          if (rect->y + rect->height >
-              fixed->child_y_origin + fixed->child_height_origin &&
-              fixed->operation != GLADE_CURSOR_DRAG &&
-              GLADE_FIXED_CURSOR_BOTTOM (fixed->operation) == FALSE)
-            break;
-          if (glade_gtk_grid_point_crosses_threshold
-              (grid, TRUE, configure->top_attach + configure->height,
-               DIR_DOWN, rect->y + rect->height) == FALSE)
-            break;
-          configure->height++;
-        }
-    }
-  return column >= 0 && row >= 0;
-static gboolean
-glade_gtk_grid_configure_child (GladeFixed * fixed,
-                                 GladeWidget * child,
-                                 GdkRectangle * rect, GtkWidget * grid)
-  GladeGridChild configure = { child, };
-  /* Sometimes we are unable to find a widget in the appropriate column,
-   * usually because a placeholder hasnt had its size allocation yet.
-   */
-  if (glade_gtk_grid_get_attachments (fixed, GTK_GRID (grid), rect, &configure))
-    {
-      if (memcmp (&configure, &grid_cur_attach, sizeof (GladeGridChild)) != 0)
-        {
-          glade_property_push_superuser ();
-          glade_widget_pack_property_set (child, "left-attach",
-                                          configure.left_attach);
-          glade_widget_pack_property_set (child, "width",
-                                          configure.width);
-          glade_widget_pack_property_set (child, "top-attach",
-                                          configure.top_attach);
-          glade_widget_pack_property_set (child, "height",
-                                          configure.height);
-          glade_property_pop_superuser ();
-          memcpy (&grid_cur_attach, &configure, sizeof (GladeGridChild));
-        }
-    }
-  return TRUE;
-static gboolean
-glade_gtk_grid_configure_begin (GladeFixed * fixed,
-                                 GladeWidget * child, GtkWidget * grid)
-  grid_edit.widget = child;
-  glade_widget_pack_property_get (child, "left-attach", &grid_edit.left_attach);
-  glade_widget_pack_property_get (child, "width",       &grid_edit.width);
-  glade_widget_pack_property_get (child, "top-attach",  &grid_edit.top_attach);
-  glade_widget_pack_property_get (child, "height",      &grid_edit.height);
-  memcpy (&grid_cur_attach, &grid_edit, sizeof (GladeGridChild));
-  return TRUE;
-static gboolean
-glade_gtk_grid_configure_end (GladeFixed * fixed,
-                               GladeWidget * child, GtkWidget * grid)
-  GladeGridChild new_child = { child, };
-  glade_widget_pack_property_get (child, "left-attach", &new_child.left_attach);
-  glade_widget_pack_property_get (child, "width",       &new_child.width);
-  glade_widget_pack_property_get (child, "top-attach",  &new_child.top_attach);
-  glade_widget_pack_property_get (child, "height",      &new_child.height);
-  /* Compare the meaningfull part of the current edit. */
-  if (memcmp (&new_child, &grid_edit, sizeof (GladeGridChild)) != 0)
-    {
-      GValue left_attach_value = { 0, };
-      GValue width_attach_value = { 0, };
-      GValue top_attach_value = { 0, };
-      GValue height_attach_value = { 0, };
-      GValue new_left_attach_value = { 0, };
-      GValue new_width_attach_value = { 0, };
-      GValue new_top_attach_value = { 0, };
-      GValue new_height_attach_value = { 0, };
-      GladeProperty *left_attach_prop, *width_attach_prop,
-          *top_attach_prop, *height_attach_prop;
-      left_attach_prop   = glade_widget_get_pack_property (child, "left-attach");
-      width_attach_prop  = glade_widget_get_pack_property (child, "width");
-      top_attach_prop    = glade_widget_get_pack_property (child, "top-attach");
-      height_attach_prop = glade_widget_get_pack_property (child, "height");
-      g_return_val_if_fail (GLADE_IS_PROPERTY (left_attach_prop), FALSE);
-      g_return_val_if_fail (GLADE_IS_PROPERTY (width_attach_prop), FALSE);
-      g_return_val_if_fail (GLADE_IS_PROPERTY (top_attach_prop), FALSE);
-      g_return_val_if_fail (GLADE_IS_PROPERTY (height_attach_prop), FALSE);
-      glade_property_get_value (left_attach_prop, &new_left_attach_value);
-      glade_property_get_value (width_attach_prop, &new_width_attach_value);
-      glade_property_get_value (top_attach_prop, &new_top_attach_value);
-      glade_property_get_value (height_attach_prop, &new_height_attach_value);
-      g_value_init (&left_attach_value, G_TYPE_INT);
-      g_value_init (&width_attach_value, G_TYPE_INT);
-      g_value_init (&top_attach_value, G_TYPE_INT);
-      g_value_init (&height_attach_value, G_TYPE_INT);
-      g_value_set_int (&left_attach_value, grid_edit.left_attach);
-      g_value_set_int (&width_attach_value, grid_edit.width);
-      g_value_set_int (&top_attach_value, grid_edit.top_attach);
-      g_value_set_int (&height_attach_value, grid_edit.height);
-      glade_command_push_group (_("Placing %s inside %s"),
-                                glade_widget_get_name (child), 
-				glade_widget_get_name (GLADE_WIDGET (fixed)));
-      glade_command_set_properties
-	(left_attach_prop,   &left_attach_value,   &new_left_attach_value,
-	 width_attach_prop,  &width_attach_value,  &new_width_attach_value,
-	 top_attach_prop,    &top_attach_value,    &new_top_attach_value,
-	 height_attach_prop, &height_attach_value, &new_height_attach_value,
-	 NULL);
-      glade_command_pop_group ();
-      g_value_unset (&left_attach_value);
-      g_value_unset (&width_attach_value);
-      g_value_unset (&top_attach_value);
-      g_value_unset (&height_attach_value);
-      g_value_unset (&new_left_attach_value);
-      g_value_unset (&new_width_attach_value);
-      g_value_unset (&new_top_attach_value);
-      g_value_unset (&new_height_attach_value);
-    }
-  return TRUE;
 static void
 glade_gtk_grid_parse_finished (GladeProject *project, GObject *container)
@@ -456,15 +105,6 @@ glade_gtk_grid_post_create (GladeWidgetAdaptor * adaptor,
   GladeWidget *gwidget = glade_widget_get_from_gobject (container);
-  g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (gwidget), "configure-child",
-                    G_CALLBACK (glade_gtk_grid_configure_child), container);
-  g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (gwidget), "configure-begin",
-                    G_CALLBACK (glade_gtk_grid_configure_begin), container);
-  g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (gwidget), "configure-end",
-                    G_CALLBACK (glade_gtk_grid_configure_end), container);
   if (reason == GLADE_CREATE_LOAD)
     g_signal_connect (glade_widget_get_project (gwidget), "parse-finished",
 		      G_CALLBACK (glade_gtk_grid_parse_finished),
@@ -472,13 +112,13 @@ glade_gtk_grid_post_create (GladeWidgetAdaptor * adaptor,
 static gboolean
-glade_gtk_grid_has_child (GtkGrid * grid, guint left_attach,
-                           guint top_attach)
+glade_gtk_grid_has_child (GtkGrid *grid,
+                          GList *children,
+                          guint left_attach,
+                          guint top_attach)
-  GList *list, *children;
   gboolean ret = FALSE;
-  children = gtk_container_get_children (GTK_CONTAINER (grid));
+  GList *list;
   for (list = children; list && list->data; list = list->next)
@@ -495,8 +135,6 @@ glade_gtk_grid_has_child (GtkGrid * grid, guint left_attach,
-  g_list_free (children);
   return ret;
@@ -531,34 +169,38 @@ glade_gtk_grid_widget_exceeds_bounds (GtkGrid *grid, gint n_rows, gint n_cols)
 static void
-glade_gtk_grid_refresh_placeholders (GtkGrid * grid)
+glade_gtk_grid_refresh_placeholders (GtkGrid *grid)
   GladeWidget *widget;
+  GtkContainer *container;
   GList *list, *children;
   guint n_columns, n_rows;
   gint i, j;
-  widget = glade_widget_get_from_gobject (GTK_WIDGET (grid));
+  widget = glade_widget_get_from_gobject (grid);
   glade_widget_property_get (widget, "n-columns", &n_columns);
   glade_widget_property_get (widget, "n-rows", &n_rows);
-  children = gtk_container_get_children (GTK_CONTAINER (grid));
+  container = GTK_CONTAINER (grid);
+  children = gtk_container_get_children (container);
   for (list = children; list && list->data; list = list->next)
-      if (GLADE_IS_PLACEHOLDER (list->data))
-        gtk_container_remove (GTK_CONTAINER (grid), GTK_WIDGET (list->data));
+      GtkWidget *child = list->data;
+      if (GLADE_IS_PLACEHOLDER (child))
+        gtk_container_remove (container, child);
   g_list_free (children);
+  children = gtk_container_get_children (container);
   for (i = 0; i < n_columns; i++)
     for (j = 0; j < n_rows; j++)
-      if (glade_gtk_grid_has_child (grid, i, j) == FALSE)
-        {
-          gtk_grid_attach (grid, glade_placeholder_new (),
-			   i, j, 1, 1);
-        }
-  gtk_container_check_resize (GTK_CONTAINER (grid));
+      if (glade_gtk_grid_has_child (grid, children, i, j) == FALSE)
+        gtk_grid_attach (grid, glade_placeholder_new (), i, j, 1, 1);
+  gtk_container_check_resize (container);
+  g_list_free (children);
 static void
@@ -609,20 +251,20 @@ glade_gtk_grid_remove_child (GladeWidgetAdaptor * adaptor,
-glade_gtk_grid_replace_child (GladeWidgetAdaptor * adaptor,
-                               GtkWidget * container,
-                               GtkWidget * current, GtkWidget * new_widget)
+glade_gtk_grid_replace_child (GladeWidgetAdaptor *adaptor,
+                              GObject *container,
+                              GObject *current,
+                              GObject *new_widget)
   g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_GRID (container));
   g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_WIDGET (current));
   g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_WIDGET (new_widget));
   /* Chain Up */
-      (GTK_TYPE_CONTAINER)->replace_child (adaptor,
-                                           G_OBJECT (container),
-                                           G_OBJECT (current),
-                                           G_OBJECT (new_widget));
+  GWA_GET_CLASS (GTK_TYPE_CONTAINER)->replace_child (adaptor,
+                                                     container,
+                                                     current,
+                                                     new_widget);
   /* If we are replacing a GladeWidget, we must refresh placeholders
    * because the widget may have spanned multiple rows/columns, we must
@@ -631,9 +273,8 @@ glade_gtk_grid_replace_child (GladeWidgetAdaptor * adaptor,
    * (since the remaining placeholder templates no longer exist, only the
    * first pasted widget would have proper packing properties).
-  if (glade_widget_get_from_gobject (new_widget) == NULL)
+  if (!GLADE_IS_PLACEHOLDER (new_widget))
     glade_gtk_grid_refresh_placeholders (GTK_GRID (container));
 static void
diff --git a/plugins/gtk+/glade-gtk-table.c b/plugins/gtk+/glade-gtk-table.c
index e61193b..f93893c 100644
--- a/plugins/gtk+/glade-gtk-table.c
+++ b/plugins/gtk+/glade-gtk-table.c
@@ -47,9 +47,6 @@ typedef enum
 } GladeTableDir;
-static GladeGtkTableChild table_edit = { 0, };
-static GladeGtkTableChild table_cur_attach = { 0, };
 static void
 glade_gtk_table_get_child_attachments (GtkWidget * table,
                                        GtkWidget * child,
@@ -70,454 +67,6 @@ glade_gtk_table_get_child_attachments (GtkWidget * table,
   tchild->bottom_attach = bottom;
-/* Takes a point (x or y depending on 'row') relative to
- * table, and returns the row or column in which the point
- * was found.
- */
-static gint
-glade_gtk_table_get_row_col_from_point (GtkTable * table,
-                                        gboolean row, gint point)
-  GtkTableChild tchild;
-  GtkAllocation allocation;
-  GList *list, *children;
-  gint span, trans_point, size, base, end;
-  children = gtk_container_get_children (GTK_CONTAINER (table));
-  for (list = children; list; list = list->next)
-    {
-      glade_gtk_table_get_child_attachments (GTK_WIDGET (table),
-                                             GTK_WIDGET (list->data), &tchild);
-      if (row)
-        gtk_widget_translate_coordinates
-            (GTK_WIDGET (table), tchild.widget, 0, point, NULL, &trans_point);
-      else
-        gtk_widget_translate_coordinates
-            (GTK_WIDGET (table), tchild.widget, point, 0, &trans_point, NULL);
-      gtk_widget_get_allocation (tchild.widget, &allocation);
-      /* Find any widget in our row/column
-       */
-      end = row ? allocation.height : allocation.width;
-      if (trans_point >= 0 &&
-          /* should be trans_point < end ... test FIXME ! */
-          trans_point < end)
-        {
-          base = row ? tchild.top_attach : tchild.left_attach;
-          size = row ? allocation.height : allocation.width;
-          span = row ? (tchild.bottom_attach - tchild.top_attach) :
-              (tchild.right_attach - tchild.left_attach);
-          return base + (trans_point * span / size);
-        }
-    }
-  g_list_free (children);
-  return -1;
-static gboolean
-glade_gtk_table_point_crosses_threshold (GtkTable * table,
-                                         gboolean row,
-                                         gint num,
-                                         GladeTableDir dir, gint point)
-  GtkTableChild tchild;
-  GtkAllocation allocation;
-  GList *list, *children;
-  gint span, trans_point, size, rowcol_size, base;
-  children = gtk_container_get_children (GTK_CONTAINER (table));
-  for (list = children; list; list = list->next)
-    {
-      glade_gtk_table_get_child_attachments (GTK_WIDGET (table),
-                                             GTK_WIDGET (list->data), &tchild);
-      /* Find any widget in our row/column
-       */
-      if ((row && num >= tchild.top_attach && num < tchild.bottom_attach) ||
-          (!row && num >= tchild.left_attach && num < tchild.right_attach))
-        {
-          if (row)
-            gtk_widget_translate_coordinates
-                (GTK_WIDGET (table), tchild.widget,
-                 0, point, NULL, &trans_point);
-          else
-            gtk_widget_translate_coordinates
-                (GTK_WIDGET (table), tchild.widget,
-                 point, 0, &trans_point, NULL);
-          span = row ? (tchild.bottom_attach - tchild.top_attach) :
-              (tchild.right_attach - tchild.left_attach);
-          gtk_widget_get_allocation (tchild.widget, &allocation);
-          size = row ? allocation.height : allocation.width;
-          base = row ? tchild.top_attach : tchild.left_attach;
-          rowcol_size = size / span;
-          trans_point -= (num - base) * rowcol_size;
-#if 0
-          g_print ("dir: %s, widget size: %d, rowcol size: %d, "
-                   "requested rowcol: %d, widget base rowcol: %d, trim: %d, "
-                   "widget point: %d, thresh: %d\n",
-                   dir == DIR_UP ? "up" : dir == DIR_DOWN ? "down" :
-                   dir == DIR_LEFT ? "left" : "right",
-                   size, rowcol_size, num, base, (num - base) * rowcol_size,
-                   trans_point,
-                   dir == DIR_UP || dir == DIR_LEFT ?
-                   (rowcol_size / 2) : (rowcol_size / 2));
-          switch (dir)
-            {
-              case DIR_UP:
-              case DIR_LEFT:
-                return trans_point <= (rowcol_size / 2);
-              case DIR_DOWN:
-              case DIR_RIGHT:
-                return trans_point >= (rowcol_size / 2);
-              default:
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-  g_list_free (children);
-  return FALSE;
-static gboolean
-glade_gtk_table_get_attachments (GladeFixed * fixed,
-                                 GtkTable * table,
-                                 GdkRectangle * rect,
-                                 GladeGtkTableChild * configure)
-  gint center_x, center_y, row, column;
-  guint n_columns, n_rows;
-  center_x = rect->x + (rect->width / 2);
-  center_y = rect->y + (rect->height / 2);
-  column = glade_gtk_table_get_row_col_from_point (table, FALSE, center_x);
-  row = glade_gtk_table_get_row_col_from_point (table, TRUE, center_y);
-  /* its a start, now try to grow when the rect extents
-   * reach at least half way into the next row/column 
-   */
-  configure->left_attach = column;
-  configure->right_attach = column + 1;
-  configure->top_attach = row;
-  configure->bottom_attach = row + 1;
-  if (column >= 0 && row >= 0)
-    {
-      g_object_get (table, "n-columns", &n_columns, "n-rows", &n_rows, NULL);
-      /* Check and expand left
-       */
-      while (configure->left_attach > 0)
-        {
-          if (rect->x < fixed->child_x_origin &&
-              fixed->operation != GLADE_CURSOR_DRAG &&
-              GLADE_FIXED_CURSOR_LEFT (fixed->operation) == FALSE)
-            break;
-          if (glade_gtk_table_point_crosses_threshold
-              (table, FALSE, configure->left_attach - 1,
-               DIR_LEFT, rect->x) == FALSE)
-            break;
-          configure->left_attach--;
-        }
-      /* Check and expand right
-       */
-      while (configure->right_attach < n_columns)
-        {
-          if (rect->x + rect->width >
-              fixed->child_x_origin + fixed->child_width_origin &&
-              fixed->operation != GLADE_CURSOR_DRAG &&
-              GLADE_FIXED_CURSOR_RIGHT (fixed->operation) == FALSE)
-            break;
-          if (glade_gtk_table_point_crosses_threshold
-              (table, FALSE, configure->right_attach,
-               DIR_RIGHT, rect->x + rect->width) == FALSE)
-            break;
-          configure->right_attach++;
-        }
-      /* Check and expand top
-       */
-      while (configure->top_attach > 0)
-        {
-          if (rect->y < fixed->child_y_origin &&
-              fixed->operation != GLADE_CURSOR_DRAG &&
-              GLADE_FIXED_CURSOR_TOP (fixed->operation) == FALSE)
-            break;
-          if (glade_gtk_table_point_crosses_threshold
-              (table, TRUE, configure->top_attach - 1,
-               DIR_UP, rect->y) == FALSE)
-            break;
-          configure->top_attach--;
-        }
-      /* Check and expand bottom
-       */
-      while (configure->bottom_attach < n_rows)
-        {
-          if (rect->y + rect->height >
-              fixed->child_y_origin + fixed->child_height_origin &&
-              fixed->operation != GLADE_CURSOR_DRAG &&
-              GLADE_FIXED_CURSOR_BOTTOM (fixed->operation) == FALSE)
-            break;
-          if (glade_gtk_table_point_crosses_threshold
-              (table, TRUE, configure->bottom_attach,
-               DIR_DOWN, rect->y + rect->height) == FALSE)
-            break;
-          configure->bottom_attach++;
-        }
-    }
-  /* Keep the same row/col span when performing a drag
-   */
-  if (fixed->operation == GLADE_CURSOR_DRAG)
-    {
-      gint col_span = table_edit.right_attach - table_edit.left_attach;
-      gint row_span = table_edit.bottom_attach - table_edit.top_attach;
-      if (rect->x < fixed->child_x_origin)
-        configure->right_attach = configure->left_attach + col_span;
-      else
-        configure->left_attach = configure->right_attach - col_span;
-      if (rect->y < fixed->child_y_origin)
-        configure->bottom_attach = configure->top_attach + row_span;
-      else
-        configure->top_attach = configure->bottom_attach - row_span;
-    }
-  else if (fixed->operation == GLADE_CURSOR_RESIZE_RIGHT)
-    {
-      configure->left_attach = table_edit.left_attach;
-      configure->top_attach = table_edit.top_attach;
-      configure->bottom_attach = table_edit.bottom_attach;
-    }
-  else if (fixed->operation == GLADE_CURSOR_RESIZE_LEFT)
-    {
-      configure->right_attach = table_edit.right_attach;
-      configure->top_attach = table_edit.top_attach;
-      configure->bottom_attach = table_edit.bottom_attach;
-    }
-  else if (fixed->operation == GLADE_CURSOR_RESIZE_TOP)
-    {
-      configure->left_attach = table_edit.left_attach;
-      configure->right_attach = table_edit.right_attach;
-      configure->bottom_attach = table_edit.bottom_attach;
-    }
-  else if (fixed->operation == GLADE_CURSOR_RESIZE_BOTTOM)
-    {
-      configure->left_attach = table_edit.left_attach;
-      configure->right_attach = table_edit.right_attach;
-      configure->top_attach = table_edit.top_attach;
-    }
-  return column >= 0 && row >= 0;
-static gboolean
-glade_gtk_table_configure_child (GladeFixed * fixed,
-                                 GladeWidget * child,
-                                 GdkRectangle * rect, GtkWidget * table)
-  GladeGtkTableChild configure = { child, };
-  /* Sometimes we are unable to find a widget in the appropriate column,
-   * usually because a placeholder hasnt had its size allocation yet.
-   */
-  if (glade_gtk_table_get_attachments
-      (fixed, GTK_TABLE (table), rect, &configure))
-    {
-      if (memcmp (&configure, &table_cur_attach, sizeof (GladeGtkTableChild)) != 0)
-        {
-          glade_property_push_superuser ();
-          glade_widget_pack_property_set (child, "left-attach",
-                                          configure.left_attach);
-          glade_widget_pack_property_set (child, "right-attach",
-                                          configure.right_attach);
-          glade_widget_pack_property_set (child, "top-attach",
-                                          configure.top_attach);
-          glade_widget_pack_property_set (child, "bottom-attach",
-                                          configure.bottom_attach);
-          glade_property_pop_superuser ();
-          memcpy (&table_cur_attach, &configure, sizeof (GladeGtkTableChild));
-        }
-    }
-  return TRUE;
-static gboolean
-glade_gtk_table_configure_begin (GladeFixed * fixed,
-                                 GladeWidget * child, GtkWidget * table)
-  table_edit.widget = child;
-  glade_widget_pack_property_get (child, "left-attach",
-                                  &table_edit.left_attach);
-  glade_widget_pack_property_get (child, "right-attach",
-                                  &table_edit.right_attach);
-  glade_widget_pack_property_get (child, "top-attach", &table_edit.top_attach);
-  glade_widget_pack_property_get (child, "bottom-attach",
-                                  &table_edit.bottom_attach);
-  memcpy (&table_cur_attach, &table_edit, sizeof (GladeGtkTableChild));
-  return TRUE;
-static gboolean
-glade_gtk_table_configure_end (GladeFixed * fixed,
-                               GladeWidget * child, GtkWidget * table)
-  GladeGtkTableChild new_child = { child, };
-  glade_widget_pack_property_get (child, "left-attach", &new_child.left_attach);
-  glade_widget_pack_property_get (child, "right-attach",
-                                  &new_child.right_attach);
-  glade_widget_pack_property_get (child, "top-attach", &new_child.top_attach);
-  glade_widget_pack_property_get (child, "bottom-attach",
-                                  &new_child.bottom_attach);
-  /* Compare the meaningfull part of the current edit. */
-  if (memcmp (&new_child, &table_edit, sizeof (GladeGtkTableChild)) != 0)
-    {
-      GValue left_attach_value = { 0, };
-      GValue right_attach_value = { 0, };
-      GValue top_attach_value = { 0, };
-      GValue bottom_attach_value = { 0, };
-      GValue new_left_attach_value = { 0, };
-      GValue new_right_attach_value = { 0, };
-      GValue new_top_attach_value = { 0, };
-      GValue new_bottom_attach_value = { 0, };
-      GladeProperty *left_attach_prop, *right_attach_prop,
-          *top_attach_prop, *bottom_attach_prop;
-      left_attach_prop = glade_widget_get_pack_property (child, "left-attach");
-      right_attach_prop =
-          glade_widget_get_pack_property (child, "right-attach");
-      top_attach_prop = glade_widget_get_pack_property (child, "top-attach");
-      bottom_attach_prop =
-          glade_widget_get_pack_property (child, "bottom-attach");
-      g_return_val_if_fail (GLADE_IS_PROPERTY (left_attach_prop), FALSE);
-      g_return_val_if_fail (GLADE_IS_PROPERTY (right_attach_prop), FALSE);
-      g_return_val_if_fail (GLADE_IS_PROPERTY (top_attach_prop), FALSE);
-      g_return_val_if_fail (GLADE_IS_PROPERTY (bottom_attach_prop), FALSE);
-      glade_property_get_value (left_attach_prop, &new_left_attach_value);
-      glade_property_get_value (right_attach_prop, &new_right_attach_value);
-      glade_property_get_value (top_attach_prop, &new_top_attach_value);
-      glade_property_get_value (bottom_attach_prop, &new_bottom_attach_value);
-      g_value_init (&left_attach_value, G_TYPE_UINT);
-      g_value_init (&right_attach_value, G_TYPE_UINT);
-      g_value_init (&top_attach_value, G_TYPE_UINT);
-      g_value_init (&bottom_attach_value, G_TYPE_UINT);
-      g_value_set_uint (&left_attach_value, table_edit.left_attach);
-      g_value_set_uint (&right_attach_value, table_edit.right_attach);
-      g_value_set_uint (&top_attach_value, table_edit.top_attach);
-      g_value_set_uint (&bottom_attach_value, table_edit.bottom_attach);
-      glade_command_push_group (_("Placing %s inside %s"),
-                                glade_widget_get_name (child), 
-				glade_widget_get_name (GLADE_WIDGET (fixed)));
-      glade_command_set_properties
-          (left_attach_prop, &left_attach_value, &new_left_attach_value,
-           right_attach_prop, &right_attach_value, &new_right_attach_value,
-           top_attach_prop, &top_attach_value, &new_top_attach_value,
-           bottom_attach_prop, &bottom_attach_value, &new_bottom_attach_value,
-           NULL);
-      glade_command_pop_group ();
-      g_value_unset (&left_attach_value);
-      g_value_unset (&right_attach_value);
-      g_value_unset (&top_attach_value);
-      g_value_unset (&bottom_attach_value);
-      g_value_unset (&new_left_attach_value);
-      g_value_unset (&new_right_attach_value);
-      g_value_unset (&new_top_attach_value);
-      g_value_unset (&new_bottom_attach_value);
-    }
-  return TRUE;
-glade_gtk_table_post_create (GladeWidgetAdaptor * adaptor,
-                             GObject * container, GladeCreateReason reason)
-  GladeWidget *gwidget = glade_widget_get_from_gobject (container);
-  g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (gwidget), "configure-child",
-                    G_CALLBACK (glade_gtk_table_configure_child), container);
-  g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (gwidget), "configure-begin",
-                    G_CALLBACK (glade_gtk_table_configure_begin), container);
-  g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (gwidget), "configure-end",
-                    G_CALLBACK (glade_gtk_table_configure_end), container);
-static gboolean
-glade_gtk_table_has_child (GtkTable * table, guint left_attach,
-                           guint top_attach)
-  GList *list, *children;
-  gboolean ret = FALSE;
-  children = gtk_container_get_children (GTK_CONTAINER (table));
-  for (list = children; list && list->data; list = list->next)
-    {
-      GtkTableChild child;
-      glade_gtk_table_get_child_attachments (GTK_WIDGET (table),
-                                             GTK_WIDGET (list->data), &child);
-      if (left_attach >= child.left_attach && left_attach < child.right_attach
-          && top_attach >= child.top_attach && top_attach < child.bottom_attach)
-        {
-          ret = TRUE;
-          break;
-        }
-    }
-  g_list_free (children);
-  return ret;
 static gboolean
 glade_gtk_table_widget_exceeds_bounds (GtkTable * table, gint n_rows,
                                        gint n_cols)
@@ -697,7 +246,7 @@ glade_gtk_table_replace_child (GladeWidgetAdaptor * adaptor,
    * (since the remaining placeholder templates no longer exist, only the
    * first pasted widget would have proper packing properties).
-  if (glade_widget_get_from_gobject (new_widget) == NULL)
+  if (!GLADE_IS_PLACEHOLDER (new_widget))
     glade_gtk_table_refresh_placeholders (GTK_TABLE (container));
diff --git a/plugins/gtk+/glade-gtk.c b/plugins/gtk+/glade-gtk.c
index 510c592..f095994 100644
--- a/plugins/gtk+/glade-gtk.c
+++ b/plugins/gtk+/glade-gtk.c
@@ -1447,230 +1447,6 @@ glade_gtk_create_fixed_widget (GladeWidgetAdaptor * adaptor,
                                               first_property_name, var_args);
-typedef struct
-  GtkWidget *widget;
-  gint position;
-} GladeGtkBoxChild;
-static GList *glade_gtk_box_original_positions = NULL;
-static gboolean
-glade_gtk_box_configure_child (GladeFixed * fixed,
-                               GladeWidget * child,
-                               GdkRectangle * rect, GtkWidget * box)
-  GList *list, *children;
-  GtkWidget *bchild;
-  GtkAllocation allocation, bchild_allocation;
-  gint point, trans_point, span,
-      iter_span, position, old_position, offset, orig_offset;
-  gboolean found = FALSE;
-  gtk_widget_get_allocation (GTK_WIDGET (glade_widget_get_object (child)), &allocation);
-  if (GTK_IS_HBOX (box) || GTK_IS_HBUTTON_BOX (box))
-    {
-      point = fixed->mouse_x;
-      span = allocation.width;
-      offset = rect->x;
-      orig_offset = fixed->child_x_origin;
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      point = fixed->mouse_y;
-      span = allocation.height;
-      offset = rect->y;
-      orig_offset = fixed->child_y_origin;
-    }
-  glade_widget_pack_property_get (child, "position", &old_position);
-  children = gtk_container_get_children (GTK_CONTAINER (box));
-  for (list = children; list; list = list->next)
-    {
-      bchild = list->data;
-      if (bchild == GTK_WIDGET (glade_widget_get_object (child)))
-        continue;
-      /* Find the widget in the box where the center of
-       * this rectangle fits... and set the position to that
-       * position.
-       */
-      gtk_widget_get_allocation (GTK_WIDGET (bchild), &bchild_allocation);
-      if (GTK_IS_HBOX (box) || GTK_IS_HBUTTON_BOX (box))
-        {
-          gtk_widget_translate_coordinates
-              (GTK_WIDGET (box), bchild, point, 0, &trans_point, NULL);
-          iter_span = bchild_allocation.width;
-        }
-      else
-        {
-          gtk_widget_translate_coordinates
-              (GTK_WIDGET (box), bchild, 0, point, NULL, &trans_point);
-          iter_span = bchild_allocation.height;
-        }
-#if 0
-      gtk_container_child_get (GTK_CONTAINER (box),
-                               bchild, "position", &position, NULL);
-      g_print ("widget: %p pos %d, point %d, trans_point %d, iter_span %d\n",
-               bchild, position, point, trans_point, iter_span);
-      if (iter_span <= span)
-        {
-          found = trans_point >= 0 && trans_point < iter_span;
-        }
-      else
-        {
-          if (offset > orig_offset)
-            found = trans_point >= iter_span - span && trans_point < iter_span;
-          else if (offset < orig_offset)
-            found = trans_point >= 0 && trans_point < span;
-        }
-      if (found)
-        {
-          gtk_container_child_get (GTK_CONTAINER (box),
-                                   bchild, "position", &position, NULL);
-#if 0
-          g_print ("setting position of %s from %d to %d, "
-                   "(point %d iter_span %d)\n",
-                   child->name, old_position, position, trans_point, iter_span);
-          glade_widget_pack_property_set (child, "position", position);
-          break;
-        }
-    }
-  g_list_free (children);
-  return TRUE;
-static gboolean
-glade_gtk_box_configure_begin (GladeFixed * fixed,
-                               GladeWidget * child, GtkWidget * box)
-  GList *list, *children;
-  GtkWidget *bchild;
-  g_assert (glade_gtk_box_original_positions == NULL);
-  children = gtk_container_get_children (GTK_CONTAINER (box));
-  for (list = children; list; list = list->next)
-    {
-      GladeGtkBoxChild *gbchild;
-      GladeWidget *gchild;
-      bchild = list->data;
-      if ((gchild = glade_widget_get_from_gobject (bchild)) == NULL)
-        continue;
-      gbchild = g_new0 (GladeGtkBoxChild, 1);
-      gbchild->widget = bchild;
-      glade_widget_pack_property_get (gchild, "position", &gbchild->position);
-      glade_gtk_box_original_positions =
-          g_list_prepend (glade_gtk_box_original_positions, gbchild);
-    }
-  g_list_free (children);
-  return TRUE;
-static gboolean
-glade_gtk_box_configure_end (GladeFixed * fixed,
-                             GladeWidget * child, GtkWidget * box)
-  GList *list, *l, *children;
-  GList *prop_list = NULL;
-  children = gtk_container_get_children (GTK_CONTAINER (box));
-  for (list = children; list; list = list->next)
-    {
-      GtkWidget *bchild = list->data;
-      for (l = glade_gtk_box_original_positions; l; l = l->next)
-        {
-          GladeGtkBoxChild *gbchild = l->data;
-          GladeWidget *gchild = glade_widget_get_from_gobject (gbchild->widget);
-          if (bchild == gbchild->widget)
-            {
-              GCSetPropData *prop_data = g_new0 (GCSetPropData, 1);
-              prop_data->property =
-                  glade_widget_get_pack_property (gchild, "position");
-              prop_data->old_value = g_new0 (GValue, 1);
-              prop_data->new_value = g_new0 (GValue, 1);
-              glade_property_get_value (prop_data->property,
-                                        prop_data->new_value);
-              g_value_init (prop_data->old_value, G_TYPE_INT);
-              g_value_set_int (prop_data->old_value, gbchild->position);
-              prop_list = g_list_prepend (prop_list, prop_data);
-              break;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-  g_list_free (children);
-  glade_command_push_group (_("Ordering children of %s"),
-                            glade_widget_get_name (GLADE_WIDGET (fixed)));
-  glade_property_push_superuser ();
-  if (prop_list)
-    glade_command_set_properties_list (glade_widget_get_project (GLADE_WIDGET (fixed)),
-                                       prop_list);
-  glade_property_pop_superuser ();
-  glade_command_pop_group ();
-  for (l = glade_gtk_box_original_positions; l; l = l->next)
-    g_free (l->data);
-  glade_gtk_box_original_positions =
-      (g_list_free (glade_gtk_box_original_positions), NULL);
-  return TRUE;
-glade_gtk_box_post_create (GladeWidgetAdaptor * adaptor,
-                           GObject * container, GladeCreateReason reason)
-  GladeWidget *gwidget = glade_widget_get_from_gobject (container);
-  /* Implement drag in GtkBox but not resize.
-   */
-  g_object_set (gwidget, "can-resize", FALSE, NULL);
-  g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (gwidget), "configure-child",
-                    G_CALLBACK (glade_gtk_box_configure_child), container);
-  g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (gwidget), "configure-begin",
-                    G_CALLBACK (glade_gtk_box_configure_begin), container);
-  g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (gwidget), "configure-end",
-                    G_CALLBACK (glade_gtk_box_configure_end), container);
 static gint
 sort_box_children (GtkWidget * widget_a, GtkWidget * widget_b)
diff --git a/plugins/gtk+/gtk+.xml.in b/plugins/gtk+/gtk+.xml.in
index ae21c5b..f6d20cf 100644
--- a/plugins/gtk+/gtk+.xml.in
+++ b/plugins/gtk+/gtk+.xml.in
@@ -321,8 +321,6 @@ embedded in another object</_tooltip>
     <glade-widget-class name="GtkBox" generic-name="box" _title="Box">
-      <create-widget-function>glade_gtk_create_fixed_widget</create-widget-function>
-      <post-create-function>glade_gtk_box_post_create</post-create-function>
@@ -1431,8 +1429,6 @@ embedded in another object</_tooltip>
     <glade-widget-class name="GtkTable" generic-name="table" _title="Table">
-      <create-widget-function>glade_gtk_create_fixed_widget</create-widget-function>
-      <post-create-function>glade_gtk_table_post_create</post-create-function>
@@ -1476,7 +1472,6 @@ embedded in another object</_tooltip>
     <glade-widget-class name="GtkGrid" generic-name="grid" _title="Grid">
-      <create-widget-function>glade_gtk_create_fixed_widget</create-widget-function>

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