[gtk+/gtk-3-6] quartz: make sure all old properties are set on the new toplevel

commit d302c2e7a4d95af607aadc906e555f2eb07cc306
Author: Kristian Rietveld <kris loopnest org>
Date:   Fri Dec 28 21:59:02 2012 +0100

    quartz: make sure all old properties are set on the new toplevel
    Apply patch by Paul Davies; part of bug 669808.
    (cherry picked from commit b4b42ba54d26243d16251a6a41fc1bd1291176fc)

 gdk/quartz/gdkwindow-quartz.c |   34 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
 1 files changed, 29 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
diff --git a/gdk/quartz/gdkwindow-quartz.c b/gdk/quartz/gdkwindow-quartz.c
index 106a46b..1d61250 100644
--- a/gdk/quartz/gdkwindow-quartz.c
+++ b/gdk/quartz/gdkwindow-quartz.c
@@ -2624,28 +2624,52 @@ gdk_quartz_window_set_decorations (GdkWindow       *window,
           rect = [NSWindow contentRectForFrameRect:rect styleMask:old_mask];
-      /* Note, before OS 10.6 there doesn't seem to be a way to change this without
-       * recreating the toplevel. There might be bad side-effects of doing
-       * that, but it seems alright.
+      /* Note, before OS 10.6 there doesn't seem to be a way to change this
+       * without recreating the toplevel. From 10.6 onward, a simple call to
+       * setStyleMask takes care of most of this, except for ensuring that the
+       * title is set.
       if ([impl->toplevel respondsToSelector:@selector(setStyleMask:)])
+          NSString *title = [impl->toplevel title];
           [(id<CanSetStyleMask>)impl->toplevel setStyleMask:new_mask];
+          /* It appears that unsetting and then resetting NSTitledWindowMask
+           * does not reset the title in the title bar as might be expected.
+           *
+           * In theory we only need to set this if new_mask includes
+           * NSTitledWindowMask. This behaved extremely oddly when
+           * conditionalized upon that and since it has no side effects (i.e.
+           * if NSTitledWindowMask is not requested, the title will not be
+           * displayed) just do it unconditionally.
+           */
+          [impl->toplevel setTitle:title];
+          NSString *title = [impl->toplevel title];
+          NSColor *bg = [impl->toplevel backgroundColor];
+          NSScreen *screen = [impl->toplevel screen];
           [impl->toplevel release];
           impl->toplevel = [[GdkQuartzNSWindow alloc] initWithContentRect:rect
-                                                                    defer:NO];
+                                                                    defer:NO
+                                                                   screen:screen];
           [impl->toplevel setHasShadow: window_type_hint_to_shadow (impl->type_hint)];
           [impl->toplevel setLevel: window_type_hint_to_level (impl->type_hint)];
+          [impl->toplevel setTitle:title];
+          [impl->toplevel setBackgroundColor:bg];
           [impl->toplevel setHidesOnDeactivate: window_type_hint_to_hides_on_deactivate (impl->type_hint)];
           [impl->toplevel setContentView:old_view];
-      [impl->toplevel setFrame:rect display:YES];
+      if (new_mask == NSBorderlessWindowMask)
+        [impl->toplevel setContentSize:rect.size];
+      else
+        [impl->toplevel setFrame:rect display:YES];
       /* Invalidate the window shadow for non-opaque views that have shadow
        * enabled, to get the shadow shape updated.

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