[gnome-documents] sharing: add a first version of a Sharing dialog for GDocs

commit 9b4b43787170ab2fb849d2b8387235fa84c97dfe
Author: Meg Ford <megford gnome org>
Date:   Tue Jan 8 11:18:37 2013 -0600

    sharing: add a first version of a Sharing dialog for GDocs
    This allows to change the sharing permissions of a Google Document
    directly from the application.

 src/Makefile-js.am |    1 +
 src/selections.js  |   27 ++
 src/sharing.js     |  722 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 750 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/Makefile-js.am b/src/Makefile-js.am
index 0e609f4..d8eb073 100644
--- a/src/Makefile-js.am
+++ b/src/Makefile-js.am
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ dist_js_DATA = \
     search.js \
     searchbar.js \
     selections.js \
+    sharing.js \
     shellSearchProvider.js \
     trackerController.js \
     trackerUtils.js \
diff --git a/src/selections.js b/src/selections.js
index 435bbe1..f44d6cf 100644
--- a/src/selections.js
+++ b/src/selections.js
@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ const Manager = imports.manager;
 const Notifications = imports.notifications;
 const Properties = imports.properties;
 const Query = imports.query;
+const Sharing = imports.sharing;
 const Tweener = imports.util.tweener;
 const Utils = imports.utils;
@@ -792,6 +793,13 @@ const SelectionToolbar = new Lang.Class({
         this._toolbarProperties.connect('clicked', Lang.bind(this, this._onToolbarProperties));
+        // share button
+	    this._toolbarShare = new Gtk.Button({ child: new Gtk.Image ({ icon_name: 'emblem-shared-symbolic',
+                                                                      pixel_size: 16 })});
+        this._toolbarShare.set_tooltip_text(_("Share"));
+        this._rightBox.add(this._toolbarShare);
+        this._toolbarShare.connect('clicked', Lang.bind(this, this._onToolbarShare));
@@ -843,6 +851,7 @@ const SelectionToolbar = new Lang.Class({
         let showPrint = true;
         let showProperties = true;
         let showOpen = true;
+        let showShare = true;
         this._insideRefresh = true;
@@ -854,6 +863,10 @@ const SelectionToolbar = new Lang.Class({
                 if ((doc.defaultAppName) &&
                     (apps.indexOf(doc.defaultAppName) == -1))
+                if ((doc instanceof Documents.LocalDocument) ||
+                    (doc.collection != false) ||
+                    (selection.length > 1))
+                    showShare = false;
                 showTrash &= doc.canTrash();
                 showPrint &= !doc.collection;
@@ -880,6 +893,7 @@ const SelectionToolbar = new Lang.Class({
+        this._toolbarShare.set_visible(showShare);
         this._insideRefresh = false;
@@ -933,6 +947,19 @@ const SelectionToolbar = new Lang.Class({
+   _onToolbarShare: function(widget) {
+	    let dialog = new Sharing.SharingDialog();
+        this._fadeOut();
+        dialog.widget.connect('response', Lang.bind(this,
+            function(widget, response) {
+                if (response == Gtk.ResponseType.OK) {
+                    dialog.widget.destroy();
+                    this._fadeIn();
+                }
+            }));
+    },
     _onToolbarPrint: function(widget) {
         let selection = Application.selectionController.getSelection();
diff --git a/src/sharing.js b/src/sharing.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cfd26de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/sharing.js
@@ -0,0 +1,722 @@
+ * Copyright(c) 2012 Meg Ford
+ * Except for Line 530: 
+ * JavaScript function to check an email address conforms to RFC822 (http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc0822.txt)
+ *
+ * Version: 0.2
+ * Author: Ross Kendall
+ * Created: 2006-12-16
+ * Updated: 2007-03-22
+ *
+ * Based on the PHP code by Cal Henderson
+ * http://iamcal.com/publish/articles/php/parsing_email/
+ * Portions copyright (C) 2006  Ross Kendall - http://rosskendall.com
+ * Portions copyright (C) 1993-2005 Cal Henderson - http://iamcal.com
+ *
+ * Gnome Documents is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+ * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
+ * option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Gnome Documents is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+ * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+ * for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with Gnome Documents; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+ *
+ * Author: Meg Ford <megford gnome org>
+ *
+ */
+const Clutter = imports.gi.Clutter;
+const Gd = imports.gi.Gd;
+const GdPrivate = imports.gi.GdPrivate;
+const GData = imports.gi.GData;
+const Gdk = imports.gi.Gdk;
+const Gio = imports.gi.Gio;
+const GLib = imports.gi.GLib;
+const GObject = imports.gi.GObject;
+const Gtk = imports.gi.Gtk;
+const GtkClutter = imports.gi.GtkClutter;
+const _ = imports.gettext.gettext;
+const Application = imports.application;
+const Documents = imports.documents;
+const Manager = imports.manager;
+const Query = imports.query;
+const Selections = imports.selections;
+const TrackerUtils = imports.trackerUtils;
+const Utils = imports.utils;
+const View = imports.view;
+const Lang = imports.lang;
+const Signals = imports.signals;
+const SharingDialogColumns = {
+    NAME: 0,
+    ROLE: 1
+const SharingDialog = new Lang.Class({
+    Name: 'SharingDialog',
+    _init: function() {             
+        let urn = Application.selectionController.getSelection();
+        let doc = Application.documentManager.getItemById(urn);
+        this.identifier = doc.identifier;
+        this.resourceUrn = doc.resourceUrn;
+        let accountName = "";
+        let allowChanges = false;
+        let docPrivate = "";
+        let entry = null;
+        let errorStr ="";
+        let feed = null;      
+        let newPub = false;
+        let noPermissionText = "";
+        this.pubEdit = false;
+        let rows = 0;
+        let isVisible = true;
+        this.changeEdit = false;
+        this._createGDataEntry();
+        let toplevel = Application.application.get_windows()[0];
+        this.widget = new Gtk.Dialog({ resizable: false,
+                                       transient_for: toplevel,
+                                       modal: true,
+                                       destroy_with_parent: true,
+                                       width_request: 335,
+                                       height_request: 200,
+                                       margin_top: 5,
+                                       title: _("Sharing Settings"),
+                                       hexpand: true });
+        this.widget.add_button(_("Done"), Gtk.ResponseType.OK);  // Label for Done button in Sharing dialog
+        this.grid = new Gtk.Grid({ orientation: Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL,
+                                   column_spacing: 6,
+                                   row_spacing: 6,
+                                   margin_left: 12,
+                                   margin_right: 12,
+                                   margin_bottom: 12 });
+      	let contentArea = this.widget.get_content_area();
+        contentArea.pack_start(this.grid, true, true, 0);
+        this._spinner = new Gtk.Spinner ({ active: true, 
+                                           halign: Gtk.Align.CENTER });
+        this._spinner.set_size_request(86, 86);
+        this._swSpinner = new Gtk.ScrolledWindow({ shadow_type: Gtk.ShadowType.IN,
+                                                   margin_bottom: 3,
+                                                   hexpand: true }); 
+        this._swSpinner.set_size_request(-1, 250);
+        this._swSpinner.add_with_viewport(this._spinner);
+        this.grid.attach(this._swSpinner, 0, 0, 3, 1);
+        this.sw = new Gtk.ScrolledWindow({ shadow_type: Gtk.ShadowType.IN,
+                                           margin_bottom: 3,
+                                           hexpand: true });
+        this.sw.set_size_request(-1, 250);
+        rows++;
+        this.model = Gtk.ListStore.new(
+            [ GObject.TYPE_STRING,
+              GObject.TYPE_STRING ]);
+        this.tree = new Gtk.TreeView({ headers_visible: false,
+                                       vexpand: true,
+                                       hexpand: true });
+        this.tree.set_model(this.model);
+        this.tree.show();
+        this.sw.add(this.tree);
+        this._viewCol = new Gtk.TreeViewColumn();
+        this.tree.append_column(this._viewCol);
+        // Name column
+        this._rendererText = new Gtk.CellRendererText({ xpad: 6,
+                                                        ypad: 4 });
+        this._viewCol.pack_start(this._rendererText, true);
+        this._viewCol.add_attribute(this._rendererText,
+                                    'text', SharingDialogColumns.NAME);       
+        // Role column
+        this._rendererDetail = new Gd.StyledTextRenderer({ xpad: 16 });
+        this._rendererDetail.add_class('dim-label');
+        this._viewCol.pack_start(this._rendererDetail, false);
+        this._viewCol.add_attribute(this._rendererDetail,
+                                    'text', SharingDialogColumns.ROLE);
+        this._docSharing = new Gtk.Label ({ label: '<b>' + _("Document permissions") + '</b>', 
+                                            // Label for widget group for changing document permissions
+                                            halign: Gtk.Align.START,
+                                            use_markup: true,
+                                            hexpand: false });
+        this._docSharing.get_style_context().add_class('dim-label');
+        this.grid.add(this._docSharing);
+        rows++;
+        this.dw = new Gtk.ButtonBox({ orientation: Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL,
+                                      margin_bottom: 3,
+                                      hexpand: false });
+        this.dw.set_layout(Gtk.ButtonBoxStyle.EDGE);
+        this.dw.set_spacing(6);
+        this.docPrivate = docPrivate;
+        this._permissionLabel = this.docPrivate;
+        this._setting = new Gtk.Label({ label: _(this._permissionLabel),
+                                        halign: Gtk.Align.START,
+                                        hexpand: false });
+        this.dw.add(this._setting);
+        this._changePermission = new Gtk.Button({ label: _("Change"), 
+                                                  // Label for permission change in Sharing dialog
+                                                  sensitive: false,
+                                                  halign: Gtk.Align.END });
+        this._changePermission.connect("clicked", Lang.bind(this, function() {
+                                                               this._permissionPopUp()
+							    }));
+        this.dw.pack_start(this._changePermission, false, 0, 6);
+        this.grid.attach(this.dw, 0, rows, 3, 1);
+        rows++; 
+        this.dpb = new Gtk.ButtonBox({ orientation: Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL,
+                                       hexpand: true });
+        this.dpb.set_layout(Gtk.ButtonBoxStyle.END);
+        this.dpb.set_spacing(0);
+        this.button1 = new Gtk.RadioButton({ label:  _("Private") }); 
+                                             // Label for radiobutton that sets doc permission to private
+        this.button1.connect('clicked', Lang.bind (this, this._setDoc));
+        this.grid.add(this.button1);
+        rows++;
+        this.button2 =  new Gtk.RadioButton({ group: this.button1, 
+                                              label: _("Public") });
+                                              // Label for radiobutton that sets doc permission to Public    
+        this.button2.connect('clicked', Lang.bind (this, this._setDoc));
+        this.grid.add(this.button2);
+        rows++;
+        this._check = new Gtk.CheckButton({ label: _("Can edit"),
+                                            // Label for checkbutton that sets doc permission to Can edit 
+                                            sensitive: false,
+                                            margin_left: 25 });
+        this._setButtons();
+        this.grid.add(this._check);
+        this._close = new Gtk.Button({ label: _("Save"),
+                                       margin_left: 50 });  // Label for Save button for document permissions 
+        this._close.connect('clicked', Lang.bind(this,
+            function() {
+                this._close.set_sensitive(false);             
+                this._sendNewDocumentRule();
+            }));
+        this.grid.attach(this._close, 1, rows, 2, 1);
+        rows++;
+        this._add = new Gtk.Label ({ label: '<b>' +  _("Add people") + '</b>', // Label for widget group used for adding new contacts
+                                     halign: Gtk.Align.START,
+                                     use_markup: true,
+                                     hexpand: false });
+        this._add.get_style_context().add_class('dim-label');
+        this.grid.attach(this._add, 0, rows, 1, 1);
+        rows++;
+        this._addContact = new Gtk.Entry({ placeholder_text: _("Enter an email address"), // Editable text in entry field
+                                           editable: true,
+                                           hexpand: true,
+                                           halign: Gtk.Align.START });
+        this._addContact.connect('changed', Lang.bind(this,
+            function() {
+                let hasText = !!this._isValidEmail();
+                this._saveShare.sensitive = hasText;
+                this._comboBoxText.sensitive = hasText;
+            }));
+        this.grid.add(this._addContact);
+        this._comboBoxText = new Gtk.ComboBoxText({ sensitive: false });
+        let combo = [_("Can edit"), _("Can view") ]; // Permission setting labels in combobox
+        for (let i = 0; i < combo.length; i++)
+            this._comboBoxText.append_text(combo[i]);
+        this._comboBoxText.set_active(0);
+        this.grid.attach_next_to(this._comboBoxText, this._addContact, 1, 1, 1);
+        this._saveShare = new Gtk.Button({ label: _("Add"),
+                                           sensitive: false });
+        this._saveShare.connect ('clicked', Lang.bind(this, this._onAddClicked));
+        this.grid.attach_next_to(this._saveShare, this._comboBoxText, 1, 1, 1);
+        this.noPermissionText = noPermissionText;
+        this._noPermissionLabel = this.noPermissionText;       
+        this._noPermission = new Gtk.Label({ label: _(this._noPermissionLabel),
+                                             halign: Gtk.Align.START,
+                                             hexpand: true });
+        this.grid.attach(this._noPermission, 0, rows, 3, 1);
+        this.widget.show_all();
+        this.isVisible = isVisible;
+        this._docPermissionButtons(this.isVisible);
+        this._addContact.hide();
+        this._comboBoxText.hide();
+        this._saveShare.hide();
+    },
+    _permissionPopUp: function() { 
+        this.isVisible = false;
+        this._docPermissionButtons(this.isVisible);
+    },
+    _permissionPopUpDestroy: function() {
+        if (this.changeEdit == false) {
+        if (this.button1.get_active())
+            this.docPrivate = "Private";
+        else
+            this.docPrivate = "Public";
+        } else {
+           this.docPrivate = "";
+        }
+        this._setting.set_text(this.docPrivate);
+        this.isVisible = true;
+        this._docPermissionButtons(this.isVisible);
+        this._close.set_sensitive(true);//what does this do?
+    },
+    _docPermissionButtons: function(isVisible) {
+        this.isVisible = isVisible;
+        if (this.isVisible) {
+            this.dw.show();
+            this.button1.hide();
+            this.button2.hide();
+            this._check.hide();
+            this._close.hide();
+        }
+        else {
+            this.dw.hide();
+            this.button1.show();
+            this.button2.show();
+            this._check.show();
+            this._close.show();  
+            if (this.docPrivate == "Public")
+                this.button2.set_active(true);
+            else if (this.docPrivate == "Private")
+                this.button1.set_active(true);            
+            this._setDoc();          
+        }
+    },
+    // Get the id of the selected doc from the sourceManager, give auth info to Google, and start the service
+    _createGDataEntry: function() {
+        let source = Application.sourceManager.getItemById(this.resourceUrn);
+        let authorizer = new GData.GoaAuthorizer({ goa_object: source.object });
+        let service = new GData.DocumentsService({ authorizer: authorizer });
+        // Query the service for the entry related to the doc
+        service.query_single_entry_async(service.get_primary_authorization_domain(),
+            this.identifier, null, GData.DocumentsText, null, Lang.bind(this,
+                function(object, res) {
+                    try {
+                        this.entry = object.query_single_entry_finish(res);
+                        this._getGDataEntryRules(this.entry, service);
+                    } catch (e) {
+                        log("Error getting GData Entry " + e.message);
+                    }
+                }));
+    },
+    // Return a feed containing the acl related to the entry
+    _getGDataEntryRules: function(entry, service) {
+        this.entry.get_rules_async(service, null, null, Lang.bind(this,
+            function(entry, result) {
+                try {
+                    this.feed = service.query_finish(result);
+                    this._getScopeRulesEntry(this.feed);
+	        } catch(e) {
+                    log("Error getting ACL Feed " + e.message);
+	        }
+            }));
+    },
+    // Get each entry (person) from the feed, and get the scope for each person, and then store the emails and values in an array
+    _getScopeRulesEntry: function(feed) {
+        let entries = this.feed.get_entries();
+        let testValues = [];
+        let values = [];
+        this._getAccountName();
+        entries.forEach(Lang.bind(this,
+            function(entry) {
+                let [type, value] = entry.get_scope();
+                let role = entry.get_role();
+                if (value != null) {
+                    values.push({ name: value, role: this._getUserRoleString(role) });
+                    if ((this.accountName == value) && (role == 'writer' || role == 'owner'))
+                        this.allowChanges = true;                  
+                } else if (value == null) {
+                    if (role != 'none')
+                        this.docPrivate = "Public"; // Text for document permission label
+                    this._setting.set_text(this.docPrivate); 
+                    if (role == 'writer') {
+                        this.pubEdit = true;
+                    } 
+                }
+                if(role == 'owner')
+                   this.noPermissionText = value; 
+             }));
+        // Set values in the treemodel
+        if (this.changeEdit == false) {
+        values.forEach(Lang.bind (this,
+            function(value) {
+                 let iter = this.model.append();
+                 this.model.set(iter,
+                     [ SharingDialogColumns.NAME,
+                       SharingDialogColumns.ROLE ],
+                     [ value.name, value.role ])
+            }));
+         }
+        this.grid.attach(this.sw, 0, 0, 3, 1);
+        this.sw.set_visible(false);
+        this._swSpinner.destroy();
+        this.sw.set_visible(true);
+        if (this.docPrivate == "")
+            this.docPrivate = "Private"; // Text for document permission label
+        this._setting.set_text(this.docPrivate);  
+        if(this.allowChanges) { 
+            this._changePermission.set_sensitive(true);
+            this._noPermission.hide();
+            this._addContact.show();
+            this._comboBoxText.show();
+            this._saveShare.show();
+        } else {
+            this._noPermission.set_text("You can ask " + 
+                                        this.noPermissionText + " for access");
+        }
+    },
+    // Get the roles, and make a new array containing strings that start with capital letters
+    _getUserRoleString: function(role) {
+        if (role.charAt(0) == 'o')
+            return _("Owner"); // Owner permission for document user listed in treeview
+        if (role.charAt(0) == 'w')
+            return _("Can edit"); // Writer permission for document user listed in treeview
+        if (role.charAt(0) == 'r')
+            return _("Can view"); // Reader permission for document user listed in treeview
+        return '';
+    },
+    // Send the new contact and its permissions to Google Docs
+    _onAddClicked: function() {
+        let source = Application.sourceManager.getItemById(this.resourceUrn);
+        let authorizer = new GData.GoaAuthorizer({ goa_object: source.object });
+        let service = new GData.DocumentsService({ authorizer: authorizer });
+        let accessRule = new GData.AccessRule();
+        let newContact = this._getNewContact();
+        accessRule.set_role(newContact.role);
+        accessRule.set_scope(GData.ACCESS_SCOPE_USER, newContact.name);
+        let aclLink = this.entry.look_up_link(GData.LINK_ACCESS_CONTROL_LIST);
+        service.insert_entry_async(service.get_primary_authorization_domain(),
+            aclLink.get_uri(), accessRule, null, Lang.bind(this,
+                function(service, res) {
+                    try {
+                        let insertedAccessRule = service.insert_entry_finish(res);
+                        let roleString = this._getUserRoleString(newContact.role);
+                        let iter = this.model.append();
+                        this.model.set(iter,
+                        [ SharingDialogColumns.NAME,
+                        SharingDialogColumns.ROLE ],
+                        [ newContact.name,
+                        roleString]);
+                        this._addContact.set_text("");
+                        this._addContact.set_placeholder_text("Enter an email address"); // Editable text in entry field      
+                    } catch(e) {
+                        log("Error inserting new ACL rule " + e.message);
+                        this.errorStr = "The document was not updated";
+                        this._showErrorDialog(this.errorStr);
+		    }
+                }));
+    },
+    _sendNewDocumentRule: function() {
+        let source = Application.sourceManager.getItemById(this.resourceUrn);
+        let authorizer = new GData.GoaAuthorizer({ goa_object: source.object });
+        let service = new GData.DocumentsService({ authorizer: authorizer });
+        let docAccessRule = this._getDocumentPermission();
+        let newDocRole = this._getDocumentRole();
+        let entries = this.feed.get_entries();
+        let values = [];
+        let count = 0;
+        let arrIndex = 0;
+        let flag = "";
+        this.changeEdit = true;
+        entries.forEach(Lang.bind(this,
+            function(individualEntry) {
+                let [type, value] = individualEntry.get_scope();
+                let role = individualEntry.get_role();
+                if (type == "default") {
+                    arrIndex = count;
+                    if (docAccessRule == GData.ACCESS_SCOPE_USER)
+                        flag = "deletePub";
+                    else if (newDocRole != role && role != "none")
+                        flag = "changePub";
+                    else if (role == "none")
+                        flag = "deleteLinkToPub";
+                    else 
+                        flag = "doNotSend";                           
+                }
+                count++;  
+            }));
+        if (flag == "" && docAccessRule == GData.ACCESS_SCOPE_DEFAULT)
+            flag = "addPub";
+        if (flag != "") {
+            if (flag == "addPub") { 
+            // If we are making the doc public, send a new permission
+                let accessRule = new GData.AccessRule();
+                let aclLink = this.entry.look_up_link(GData.LINK_ACCESS_CONTROL_LIST);
+                accessRule.set_scope(docAccessRule, null);
+                accessRule.set_role(newDocRole);
+                service.insert_entry_async(service.get_primary_authorization_domain(),
+                    aclLink.get_uri(), accessRule, null, Lang.bind(this,
+                        function(service, res) {
+                            try {
+                                let insertedAccessRule = service.insert_entry_finish(res);
+                                this._createGDataEntry();
+                               // this._setButtons();
+                            } catch(e) {
+                                log("Error inserting new ACL scope for document " + e.message);
+                                this.errorStr = "The document was not updated";
+                                this._showErrorDialog(this.errorStr);
+		            } 
+                this._permissionPopUpDestroy();                          
+                        }));               
+            }
+            if (flag == "changePub") { 
+            // If we are changing the role, update the entry              
+                let accessRule = entries[arrIndex];
+                accessRule.set_role(newDocRole);
+                service.update_entry_async(service.get_primary_authorization_domain(), 
+                    accessRule, null, Lang.bind(this,
+                        function(service, res) {
+                            try {
+                                let updatedAccessRule = service.update_entry_finish(res); 
+                                this._createGDataEntry();
+                               // this._setButtons();
+                            } catch(e) {
+                                log("Error updating ACL scope for document " + e.message);
+                                this.errorStr = "The document was not updated";
+                                this._showErrorDialog(this.errorStr);
+		            }
+                 this._permissionPopUpDestroy();
+                        }));
+            }
+            if (flag == "deletePub") { 
+            // If we are changing the permission to private, delete the public entry.
+                let accessRule = entries[arrIndex];
+                service.delete_entry_async(service.get_primary_authorization_domain(), 
+                    accessRule, null, Lang.bind(this,
+                        function(service, res) {
+                            try {
+                                let afterDeletedAccessRule = service.delete_entry_finish(res);
+                                this._createGDataEntry();
+                            } catch(e) {
+                                log("Error deleting ACL scope for document  " + e.message);
+                                this.errorStr = "The document was not updated";
+                                this._showErrorDialog(this.errorStr);
+		            }
+                                this._permissionPopUpDestroy();
+                        }));
+            }
+            if ( flag == "deleteLinkToPub") { 
+            // Workaround if the doc is shared with link: step 1 delete shared with link permission.
+                let accessRule = entries[arrIndex];
+                service.delete_entry_async(service.get_primary_authorization_domain(), 
+                    accessRule, null, Lang.bind(this,
+                        function(service, res) {
+                            try {
+                                let afterDeletedAccessRule = service.delete_entry_finish(res);
+                            } catch(e) {
+                                log("Error deleting ACL scope for document  " + e.message);
+                                this.errorStr = "The document was not updated";
+                                this._showErrorDialog(this.errorStr);
+		            }
+                        }));
+            }
+            if (flag == "deleteLinkToPub") {
+            // Workaround if the doc is shared with link: step 2 add the new public permisssion.
+                let newAccessRule = new GData.AccessRule();
+                let aclLink = this.entry.look_up_link(GData.LINK_ACCESS_CONTROL_LIST);
+                newAccessRule.set_scope(docAccessRule, null);
+                newAccessRule.set_role(newDocRole);
+                service.insert_entry_async(service.get_primary_authorization_domain(),
+                    aclLink.get_uri(), newAccessRule, null, Lang.bind(this,
+                        function(service, res) {
+                            try {
+                                let insertedAccessRule = service.insert_entry_finish(res);
+                                this._createGDataEntry();
+                            } catch(e) {
+                                log("Error inserting new ACL scope for document " + e.message);
+                                this.errorStr = "The document was not updated";
+                                this._showErrorDialog(this.errorStr);
+		            } 
+                this._permissionPopUpDestroy();                           
+                        }));
+            }
+            if (flag == "doNotSend") {
+                this.changeEdit = false;
+                this._permissionPopUpDestroy();
+            } 
+        } else {
+            this.changeEdit = false;
+            this._permissionPopUpDestroy();
+        }  
+    },
+    // Get the role for the new contact from the combobox
+    _getNewContact: function() {
+        let activeItem = this._comboBoxText.get_active();
+        let newContact = { name: this._addContact.get_text() };
+        if (activeItem == 0)
+            newContact.role = GData.DOCUMENTS_ACCESS_ROLE_WRITER;
+        else if (activeItem == 1)
+            newContact.role = GData.DOCUMENTS_ACCESS_ROLE_READER;
+        return newContact;
+    },
+    // Get the scope from the radiobuttons
+    _getDocumentPermission: function() {
+        let docAccRule = null; 
+        if (this.button1.get_active()) {
+        	this.docAccRule = GData.ACCESS_SCOPE_USER;
+        } else if (this.button2.get_active()) {
+        	this.docAccRule = GData.ACCESS_SCOPE_DEFAULT;   
+        }
+        return this.docAccRule;              
+    },
+    // Get the role from the checkbox
+    _getDocumentRole: function() {
+        let newDocRole = null;
+        if (this._check.get_active()) 
+            this.newDocRole = GData.DOCUMENTS_ACCESS_ROLE_WRITER;                           
+        else
+            this.newDocRole = GData.DOCUMENTS_ACCESS_ROLE_READER;
+        return this.newDocRole;
+    },
+    // Set the checkbox to the sensitive if the public radiobutton is active
+    _setDoc: function() { 
+        if (this.button2.get_active()) {
+            this._check.set_sensitive(true);
+        } else {
+            this._check.set_active(false);
+            this._check.set_sensitive(false);
+        }   
+    },
+    _setButtons: function() {
+        if (this.pubEdit == false) {
+            this._check.set_active(false);
+        } else {
+            this._check.set_active(true);
+        }
+        if (this.docPrivate == "Public" ) {
+            this.button2.set_active(true);
+            this._check.set_sensitive(true);
+        }
+    },
+    _isValidEmail: function() { 
+        let emailString = this._addContact.get_text();
+        // Use Ross Kendell's RegEx to check for valid email address
+        return /^([^\x00-\x20\x22\x28\x29\x2c\x2e\x3a-\x3c\x3e\x40\x5b-\x5d\x7f-\xff]+|\x22([^\x0d\x22\x5c\x80-\xff]|\x5c[\x00-\x7f])*\x22)(\x2e([^\x00-\x20\x22\x28\x29\x2c\x2e\x3a-\x3c\x3e\x40\x5b-\x5d\x7f-\xff]+|\x22([^\x0d\x22\x5c\x80-\xff]|\x5c[\x00-\x7f])*\x22))*\x40([^\x00-\x20\x22\x28\x29\x2c\x2e\x3a-\x3c\x3e\x40\x5b-\x5d\x7f-\xff]+|\x5b([^\x0d\x5b-\x5d\x80-\xff]|\x5c[\x00-\x7f])*\x5d)(\x2e([^\x00-\x20\x22\x28\x29\x2c\x2e\x3a-\x3c\x3e\x40\x5b-\x5d\x7f-\xff]+|\x5b([^\x0d\x5b-\x5d\x80-\xff]|\x5c[\x00-\x7f])*\x5d))*$/.test(emailString);
+    },
+    _getAccountName: function() {
+        // Get the email address for the goa account from dbus
+        let client = Application.goaClient.new_sync(null);
+        let accounts = client.get_accounts();
+        accounts.forEach(Lang.bind(this,
+            function(object) {
+                if (object.get_account()) {
+                    let accountInfo = object.get_account();
+                    /* Since object.get_account() returns the Goa.AccountProxy, 
+                    use the .operator to access the Dbus interface's elements */
+                    let accountType = accountInfo.provider_name;
+                    if(accountType == "Google") // Check that we are getting the identity from the correct account
+                        this.accountName = accountInfo.identity;
+                    else
+                        this.accountName = "noMatch";  
+                }
+            }));  
+    },
+    _showErrorDialog: function(errorStr) {
+        let msg = this.errorStr;
+        this._errorDialog = new Gtk.MessageDialog ({ transient_for: this.widget,
+                                                     modal: true,
+                                                     destroy_with_parent: true,
+                                                     buttons: Gtk.ButtonsType.OK,
+                                                     message_type: Gtk.MessageType.WARNING,
+                                                     text: msg }); 
+        this._errorDialog.connect ('response', Lang.bind(this, this._closeErrorDialog));
+        this._errorDialog.show();
+    },
+    _closeErrorDialog: function() {
+        this._errorDialog.destroy();
+    }

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