[orca] Remove the GNOME2ish locusOfFocusChanged() method from the Evolution script

commit 6a5dfc94b84a10f16fc89b364d48541738b9c23e
Author: Joanmarie Diggs <jdiggs igalia com>
Date:   Sun Jan 13 16:10:38 2013 -0500

    Remove the GNOME2ish locusOfFocusChanged() method from the Evolution script

 src/orca/scripts/apps/evolution/script.py |  723 -----------------------------
 1 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 723 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/orca/scripts/apps/evolution/script.py b/src/orca/scripts/apps/evolution/script.py
index 9ba2080..8476bc6 100644
--- a/src/orca/scripts/apps/evolution/script.py
+++ b/src/orca/scripts/apps/evolution/script.py
@@ -140,729 +140,6 @@ class Script(default.Script):
         return True
-    # This method tries to detect and handle the following cases:
-    # 1) Mail view: current message pane: individual lines of text.
-    # 2) Mail view: current message pane: "standard" mail header lines.
-    # 3) Mail view: message header list
-    # 4) Calendar view: day view: tabbing to day with appts.
-    # 5) Calendar view: day view: moving with arrow keys.
-    # 6) Preferences Dialog: options list.
-    # 7) Mail view: insert attachment dialog: unlabelled arrow button.
-    # 8) Mail compose window: message area
-    # 9) Spell Checking Dialog
-    # 10) Mail view: message area - attachments.
-    # [[[TODO - JD: This method is way, way too huge]]]
-    #
-    def locusOfFocusChanged(self, event, oldLocusOfFocus, newLocusOfFocus):
-        """Called when the visual object with focus changes.
-        Arguments:
-        - event: if not None, the Event that caused the change
-        - oldLocusOfFocus: Accessible that is the old locus of focus
-        - newLocusOfFocus: Accessible that is the new locus of focus
-        """
-        brailleGen = self.brailleGenerator
-        speechGen = self.speechGenerator
-        # We always automatically go back to focus tracking mode when
-        # the focus changes.
-        #
-        if self.flatReviewContext:
-            self.toggleFlatReviewMode()
-        # 1) Mail view: current message pane: individual lines of text.
-        #
-        # When the focus is in the pane containing the lines of an
-        # actual mail message, then, for each of those lines, we
-        # don't want to speak "text", the role of the component that
-        # currently has focus.
-        #
-        # The situation is determine by checking the roles of the current
-        # component, plus its parent, plus its parent. We are looking for
-        # "text", "panel" and "unknown". If we find that, then (hopefully)
-        # it's a line in the mail message and we get the utterances to
-        # speak for that Text.
-        if self.utilities.isMessageBody(event.source) \
-           and not event.source.getState().contains(pyatspi.STATE_EDITABLE):
-            debug.println(self.debugLevel,
-                          "evolution.locusOfFocusChanged - mail view: " \
-                          + "current message pane: " \
-                          + "individual lines of text.")
-            self.presentMessageLine(event.source, newLocusOfFocus)
-            return
-        # 2) Mail view: current message pane: "standard" mail header lines.
-        #
-        # Check if the focus is in the From:, To:, Subject: or Date: headers
-        # of a message in the message area, and that we want to speak all of
-        # the tables cells for that current row.
-        #
-        # The situation is determine by checking the roles of the current
-        # component, plus its parent, plus its parent. We are looking for
-        # "text", "panel" and "table cell". If we find that, then (hopefully)
-        # it's a header line in the mail message.
-        #
-        # For each of the table cells in the current row in the table, we
-        # have to work our way back down the component hierarchy until we
-        # get a component with no children. We then use the role of that
-        # component to determine how to speak its contents.
-        #
-        # NOTE: the code assumes that there is only one child within each
-        # component and that the final component (with no children) is of
-        # role TEXT.
-        self.rolesList = [pyatspi.ROLE_TEXT, \
-                          pyatspi.ROLE_PANEL, \
-                          pyatspi.ROLE_TABLE_CELL]
-        if _settingsManager.getSetting('readTableCellRow') \
-            and (self.utilities.hasMatchingHierarchy(
-                    event.source, self.rolesList)):
-            debug.println(self.debugLevel,
-                          "evolution.locusOfFocusChanged - mail view: " \
-                          + "current message pane: " \
-                          + "standard mail header lines.")
-            obj = event.source.parent.parent
-            parent = obj.parent
-            if parent.getRole() == pyatspi.ROLE_TABLE:
-                parentTable = parent.queryTable()
-                index = self.utilities.cellIndex(obj)
-                row = parentTable.getRowAtIndex(index)
-                utterances = []
-                regions = []
-                for i in range(0, parentTable.nColumns):
-                    cell = parentTable.getAccessibleAt(row, i)
-                    while cell.childCount:
-                        cell = cell[0]
-                    if cell.getRole() == pyatspi.ROLE_TEXT:
-                        regions.append(self.getNewBrailleText(cell))
-                        [string, caretOffset, startOffset] = \
-                            self.getTextLineAtCaret(cell)
-                        utterances.append(string)
-                self.displayBrailleRegions([regions, regions[0]])
-                speech.speak(utterances)
-                return
-        # 3) Mail view: message header list
-        #
-        # Check if the focus is in the message header list. If this focus
-        # event is for a different row that the last time we got a similar
-        # focus event, we want to speak all of the tables cells (and the
-        # header for the one that currently has focus) in the current
-        # highlighted message. (The role is only spoken/brailled for the
-        # table cell that currently has focus).
-        #
-        # If this focus event is just for a different table cell on the same
-        # row as last time, then we just speak the current cell (and its
-        # header).
-        #
-        # The braille cursor to set to point to the current cell.
-        #
-        # Note that the Evolution user can adjust which columns appear in
-        # the message list and the order in which they appear, so that
-        # Orca will just speak the ones that they are interested in.
-        self.rolesList = [pyatspi.ROLE_TABLE_CELL, \
-                          pyatspi.ROLE_TREE_TABLE]
-        if _settingsManager.getSetting('readTableCellRow') \
-                and self.utilities.hasMatchingHierarchy(event.source,
-                                                        self.rolesList):
-            debug.println(self.debugLevel,
-                          "evolution.locusOfFocusChanged - mail view: " \
-                          + "message header list.")
-            # Unfortunately the default read table cell row handling won't
-            # just work with Evolution (see bogusity comment below). We
-            # quickly solve this by setting readTableCellRow to False
-            # for the duration of this code section, then resetting it to
-            # True at the end.
-            #
-            _settingsManager.setSetting('readTableCellRow', False)
-            parent = event.source.parent
-            parentTable = parent.queryTable()
-            index = self.utilities.cellIndex(event.source)
-            row = parentTable.getRowAtIndex(index)
-            column = parentTable.getColumnAtIndex(index)
-            # If we are on the same row, then just speak/braille the table
-            # cell as if settings.readTableCellRow was False.
-            # See bug #503874 for more details.
-            #
-            if self.lastMessageRow == row:
-                default.Script.locusOfFocusChanged(self, event,
-                                           oldLocusOfFocus, newLocusOfFocus)
-                _settingsManager.setSetting('readTableCellRow', True)
-                return
-            # This is an indication of whether we should speak all the table
-            # cells (the user has moved focus up or down the list, or just
-            # deleted a message), or just the current one (focus has moved
-            # left or right in the same row). If we at the start or the end
-            # of the message header list and the row and column haven't
-            # changed, then speak all the table cells.
-            #
-            justDeleted = False
-            string, mods = self.utilities.lastKeyAndModifiers()
-            if string == "Delete":
-                justDeleted = True
-            speakAll = (self.lastMessageRow != row) or \
-                       ((row == 0 or row == parentTable.nRows-1) and \
-                        self.lastMessageColumn == column) or \
-                       justDeleted
-            savedBrailleVerbosityLevel = \
-                _settingsManager.getSetting('brailleVerbosityLevel')
-            savedSpeechVerbosityLevel = \
-                _settingsManager.getSetting('speechVerbosityLevel')
-            brailleRegions = []
-            cellWithFocus = None
-            # If the current locus of focus is not a table cell, then we
-            # are entering the mail message header list (rather than moving
-            # around inside it), so speak/braille the number of mail messages
-            # total.
-            #
-            # This code section handles one other bogusity. As Evolution is
-            # initially being rendered on the screen, the focus at some point
-            # is given to the highlighted row in the mail message header list.
-            # Because of this, self.lastMessageRow and self.lastMessageColumn
-            # will be set to that row number and column number, making the
-            # setting of the speakAll variable above, incorrect. We fix that
-            # up here.
-            if orca_state.locusOfFocus.getRole() != pyatspi.ROLE_TABLE_CELL:
-                speakAll = True
-                message = "%d messages" % parentTable.nRows
-                brailleRegions.append(self.brailleRegionsFromStrings(message))
-                speech.speak(message)
-            for i in range(0, parentTable.nColumns):
-                cell = parentTable.getAccessibleAt(row, i)
-                if cell:
-                    verbose = (cell.getIndexInParent() == \
-                               event.source.getIndexInParent())
-                    # Check if the current table cell is a check box. If it
-                    # is, then to reduce verbosity, only speak and braille it,
-                    # if it's checked or if we are moving the focus from to the
-                    # left or right on the same row.
-                    #
-                    # The one exception to the above is if this is for the
-                    # Status checkbox, in which case we speake/braille it if
-                    # the message is unread (not checked).
-                    #
-                    header = parentTable.getColumnHeader(i)
-                    checkbox = False
-                    toRead = True
-                    # Whether or not we want to replace the cell's column
-                    # header with a more user-friendly alternative name.
-                    # Currently we only do this with the "status" column,
-                    # which we replace with "unread" if it is not checked.
-                    #
-                    useAlternativeName = False
-                    try:
-                        action = cell.queryAction()
-                    except NotImplementedError:
-                        action = None
-                    if action:
-                        for j in range(0, action.nActions):
-                            # Translators: this is the action name for
-                            # the 'toggle' action. It must be the same
-                            # string used in the *.po file for gail.
-                            #
-                            if action.getName(j) in ["toggle", _("toggle")]:
-                                checkbox = True
-                                checked = cell.getState().contains( \
-                                    pyatspi.STATE_CHECKED)
-                                if speakAll:
-                                    # Translators: this is the name of the
-                                    # status column header in the message
-                                    # list in Evolution.  The name needs to
-                                    # match what Evolution is using.
-                                    #
-                                    if header.name == _("Status"):
-                                        toRead = not checked
-                                        useAlternativeName = True
-                                        break
-                                    # Translators: this is the name of the
-                                    # flagged column header in the message
-                                    # list in Evolution.  The name needs to
-                                    # match what Evolution is using.
-                                    #
-                                    elif header.name == _("Flagged"):
-                                        toRead = checked
-                                        break
-                                    if not checked:
-                                        toRead = False
-                                break
-                    if toRead:
-                        # Speak/braille the column header for this table cell
-                        # if it has focus (unless it's a checkbox).
-                        #
-                        if (verbose or (checkbox and column == i)) \
-                           and not useAlternativeName:
-                            _settingsManager.setSetting(
-                                'brailleVerbosityLevel',
-                                settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL_BRIEF)
-                            _settingsManager.setSetting(
-                                'speechVerbosityLevel',
-                                settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL_BRIEF)
-                            utterances = speechGen.generateSpeech(
-                                header,
-                                includeContext=False,
-                                priorObj=oldLocusOfFocus)
-                            [headerRegions, focusedRegion] = \
-                                         brailleGen.generateBraille(header)
-                            brailleRegions.extend(headerRegions)
-                            brailleRegions.append(braille.Region(" "))
-                            if column == i:
-                                cellWithFocus = focusedRegion
-                            if speakAll or (column == i):
-                                speech.speak(utterances)
-                        # Speak/braille the table cell.
-                        #
-                        # If this cell has a column header of "Status",
-                        # then speak/braille "read".
-                        # If this cell has a column header of "Attachment",
-                        # then speak/braille "attachment".
-                        #
-                        if verbose:
-                            level = settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL_VERBOSE
-                        else:
-                            level = settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL_BRIEF
-                        _settingsManager.setSetting(
-                            'brailleVerbosityLevel', level)
-                        _settingsManager.setSetting(
-                            'speechVerbosityLevel',
-                            savedSpeechVerbosityLevel)
-                        utterances = speechGen.generateSpeech(
-                            cell,
-                            includeContext=False,
-                            priorObj=oldLocusOfFocus)
-                        [cellRegions, focusedRegion] = \
-                                           brailleGen.generateBraille(cell)
-                        # Translators: this is the name of the
-                        # status column header in the message
-                        # list in Evolution.  The name needs to
-                        # match what Evolution is using.
-                        #
-                        if header.name == _("Status"):
-                            # Translators: we present this to the user to
-                            # indicate that an email message has not been
-                            # marked as having been read.
-                            #
-                            text = _("unread")
-                            utterances = [ text ]
-                            brailleRegions.append(braille.Region(text))
-                            brailleRegions.append(braille.Region(" "))
-                        # Translators: this is the name of the
-                        # attachment column header in the message
-                        # list in Evolution.  The name needs to
-                        # match what Evolution is using.
-                        #
-                        elif header.name == _("Attachment"):
-                            text = header.name
-                            utterances = [ text ]
-                            if column != i:
-                                brailleRegions.append(braille.Region(text))
-                                brailleRegions.append(braille.Region(" "))
-                        # Translators: this is the name of the
-                        # flagged column header in the message
-                        # list in Evolution.  The name needs to
-                        # match what Evolution is using.
-                        #
-                        elif header.name == _("Flagged"):
-                            text = header.name
-                            utterances = [ text ]
-                            if column != i:
-                                brailleRegions.append(braille.Region(text))
-                                brailleRegions.append(braille.Region(" "))
-                        else:
-                            brailleRegions.extend(cellRegions)
-                            brailleRegions.append(braille.Region(" "))
-                        # If the current focus is on a checkbox then we won't
-                        # have set braille line focus to its header above, so
-                        # set it to the cell instead.
-                        #
-                        if column == i and cellWithFocus == None:
-                            cellWithFocus = focusedRegion
-                        if speakAll or (column == i):
-                            speech.speak(utterances)
-            if brailleRegions != []:
-                self.displayBrailleRegions([brailleRegions, cellWithFocus])
-            _settingsManager.setSetting(
-                'brailleVerbosityLevel', savedBrailleVerbosityLevel)
-            _settingsManager.setSetting(
-                'speechVerbosityLevel', savedSpeechVerbosityLevel)
-            self.lastMessageColumn = column
-            self.lastMessageRow = row
-            _settingsManager.setSetting('readTableCellRow', True)
-            return
-        # 4) Calendar view: day view: tabbing to day with appts.
-        #
-        # If the focus is in the Calendar Day View on an appointment, then
-        # provide the user with useful feedback. First we get the current
-        # date and appointment summary from the parent. This is then followed
-        # by getting the information on the current appointment.
-        #
-        # The start time for the appointment is determined by detecting the
-        # equivalent child in the parent Calendar View's table has the same
-        # y position on the screen.
-        #
-        # The end time for the appointment is determined by using the height
-        # of the current appointment component divided by the height of a
-        # single child in the parent Calendar View's table
-        #
-        # Both of these time values depend upon the value of a time increment
-        # which is determined by the number of children in the parent Calendar
-        # View's table.
-        self.rolesList = ['Calendar Event', 'Calendar View']
-        if self.utilities.hasMatchingHierarchy(event.source, self.rolesList):
-            debug.println(self.debugLevel,
-                          "evolution.locusOfFocusChanged - calendar view: " \
-                          + "day view: tabbing to day with appts.")
-            parent = event.source.parent
-            utterances = speechGen.generateSpeech(parent,
-                                                  includeContext=False,
-                                                  priorObj=oldLocusOfFocus)
-            [brailleRegions, focusedRegion] = \
-                    brailleGen.generateBraille(parent)
-            speech.speak(utterances)
-            apptExtents = event.source.queryComponent().getExtents(0)
-            for child in parent:
-                if (child.getRole() == pyatspi.ROLE_TABLE):
-                    childTable = child.queryTable()
-                    noRows = childTable.nRows
-                    for j in range(0, noRows):
-                        row = childTable.getRowAtIndex(j)
-                        appt = childTable.getAccessibleAt(row, 0)
-                        extents = appt.queryComponent().getExtents(0)
-                        if extents.y == apptExtents.y:
-                            utterances = speechGen.generateSpeech(
-                                event.source,
-                                includeContext=False,
-                                priorObj=oldLocusOfFocus)
-                            [apptRegions, focusedRegion] = \
-                                brailleGen.generateBraille(event.source)
-                            brailleRegions.extend(apptRegions)
-                            speech.speak(utterances)
-                            startTime = 'Start time ' + \
-                                self.utilities.timeForCalRow(j, noRows)
-                            brailleRegions.append(braille.Region(startTime))
-                            speech.speak(startTime)
-                            apptLen = apptExtents.height / extents.height
-                            endTime = 'End time ' + \
-                                self.utilities.timeForCalRow(j + apptLen,
-                                                             noRows)
-                            brailleRegions.append(braille.Region(endTime))
-                            speech.speak(endTime)
-                            self.displayBrailleRegions([brailleRegions,
-                                                    brailleRegions[0]])
-                            return
-        # 5) Calendar view: day view: moving with arrow keys.
-        #
-        # If the focus is in the Calendar Day View, check to see if there
-        # are any appointments starting at the current time. If there are,
-        # then provide the user with useful feedback for that appointment,
-        # otherwise output the current time and state that there are no
-        # appointments.
-        #
-        # First get the y position of the current table entry. Then compare
-        # this will any Calendar Events in the parent Calendar View. If their
-        # y position is the same, then speak that information.
-        #
-        # The end time for the appointment is determined by using the height
-        # of the current appointment component divided by the height of a
-        # single child in the parent Calendar View's table
-        #
-        # Both of these time values depend upon the value of a time increment
-        # which is determined by the number of children in the parent Calendar
-        # View's table.
-        self.rolesList = [pyatspi.ROLE_UNKNOWN, \
-                          pyatspi.ROLE_TABLE, \
-                          'Calendar View']
-        if self.utilities.hasMatchingHierarchy(event.source, self.rolesList):
-            debug.println(self.debugLevel,
-                      "evolution.locusOfFocusChanged - calendar view: " \
-                      + "day view: moving with arrow keys.")
-            brailleRegions = []
-            index = event.source.getIndexInParent()
-            parent = event.source.parent
-            calendarView = event.source.parent.parent
-            extents = event.source.queryComponent().getExtents(0)
-            noRows = parent.queryTable().nRows
-            found = False
-            for child in calendarView:
-                if child.getRoleName() == 'Calendar Event':
-                    apptExtents = child.queryComponent().getExtents(0)
-                    if extents.y == apptExtents.y:
-                        utterances = speechGen.generateSpeech(
-                            child,
-                            includeContext=False,
-                            priorObj=oldLocusOfFocus)
-                        [apptRegions, focusedRegion] = \
-                            brailleGen.generateBraille(child)
-                        brailleRegions.extend(apptRegions)
-                        speech.speak(utterances)
-                        startTime = 'Start time ' + \
-                            self.utilities.timeForCalRow(index, noRows)
-                        brailleRegions.append(braille.Region(startTime))
-                        speech.speak(startTime)
-                        apptLen = apptExtents.height / extents.height
-                        endTime = 'End time ' + \
-                            self.utilities.timeForCalRow(index + apptLen,
-                                                         noRows)
-                        brailleRegions.append(braille.Region(endTime))
-                        speech.speak(endTime)
-                        self.displayBrailleRegions([brailleRegions,
-                                                brailleRegions[0]])
-                        found = True
-            if not found:
-                startTime = 'Start time ' + \
-                    self.utilities.timeForCalRow(index, noRows)
-                brailleRegions.append(braille.Region(startTime))
-                speech.speak(startTime)
-                # Translators: this means there are no scheduled entries
-                # in the calendar.
-                #
-                utterance = _("No appointments")
-                speech.speak(utterance)
-                brailleRegions.append(braille.Region(utterance))
-                self.displayBrailleRegions([brailleRegions,
-                                        brailleRegions[0]])
-            return
-        # 6) Preferences Dialog: options list.
-        #
-        # Check if the focus is in one of the various options on the left
-        # side of the Preferences dialog. If it is, then we just want to
-        # speak the name of the page we are currently on.
-        #
-        # Even though it looks like the focus is on one of the page tabs
-        # in this dialog, it's possible that it's actually on a table cell,
-        # within a table which is contained within a scroll pane. We check
-        # for this my looking for a component hierarchy of "table cell",
-        # "table", "unknown" and "scroll pane".
-        #
-        # If this is the case, then we get the parent of the scroll pane
-        # and look to see if one of its other children is a "page tab list".
-        # If that's true, then we get the Nth child, when N is the index of
-        # the initial table cell minus 1. We double check that this is a
-        # "page tab", then if so, speak and braille that component.
-        #
-        # NOTE: assumes there is only one "page tab list" in the "filler"
-        # component.
-        self.rolesList = [pyatspi.ROLE_TABLE_CELL, \
-                          pyatspi.ROLE_TABLE, \
-                          pyatspi.ROLE_UNKNOWN, \
-                          pyatspi.ROLE_SCROLL_PANE]
-        if self.utilities.hasMatchingHierarchy(event.source, self.rolesList):
-            debug.println(self.debugLevel,
-                      "evolution.locusOfFocusChanged - preferences dialog: " \
-                      + "table cell in options list.")
-            index = event.source.getIndexInParent()
-            obj = event.source.parent.parent.parent
-            parent = obj.parent
-            if parent.getRole() == pyatspi.ROLE_FILLER:
-                for child in parent:
-                    if (child.getRole() == pyatspi.ROLE_PAGE_TAB_LIST):
-                        tabList = child
-                        tab = tabList[index-1]
-                        if (tab.getRole() == pyatspi.ROLE_PAGE_TAB):
-                            self.readPageTab(tab)
-                            return
-        # 7) Mail view: insert attachment dialog: unlabelled arrow button.
-        #
-        # Check if the focus is on the unlabelled arrow button near the
-        # top of the mail view Insert Attachment dialog. If it is, then
-        # rather than just speak/braille "button", output something a
-        # little more useful.
-        self.rolesList = [pyatspi.ROLE_PUSH_BUTTON, \
-                          pyatspi.ROLE_PANEL, \
-                          pyatspi.ROLE_FILLER, \
-                          pyatspi.ROLE_FILLER, \
-                          pyatspi.ROLE_SPLIT_PANE, \
-                          pyatspi.ROLE_FILLER, \
-                          pyatspi.ROLE_FILLER, \
-                          pyatspi.ROLE_FILLER, \
-                          pyatspi.ROLE_FILLER, \
-                          pyatspi.ROLE_DIALOG]
-        if self.utilities.hasMatchingHierarchy(event.source, self.rolesList):
-            debug.println(self.debugLevel,
-                          "evolution.locusOfFocusChanged - mail insert " \
-                          + "attachment dialog: unlabelled button.")
-            brailleRegions = []
-            # Translators: this is the unlabelled arrow button near the
-            # top of the mail view Insert Attachment dialog in Evolution.
-            # We give it a name.
-            #
-            utterance = _("Directories button")
-            speech.speak(utterance)
-            brailleRegions.append(braille.Region(utterance))
-            self.displayBrailleRegions([brailleRegions,
-                                    brailleRegions[0]])
-            return
-        # 8) Mail compose window: message area
-        #
-        # This works in conjunction with code in section 9). Check to see if
-        # focus is currently in the Mail compose window message area. If it
-        # is, then, if this is the first time, save a pointer to the HTML
-        # panel that will contain a variety of components that will, in turn,
-        # contain the message text.
-        #
-        # Note that this drops through to then use the default event
-        # processing in the parent class for this "focus:" event.
-        if self.utilities.isMessageBody(event.source) \
-           and event.source.getState().contains(pyatspi.STATE_EDITABLE):
-            debug.println(self.debugLevel,
-                          "evolution.locusOfFocusChanged - mail " \
-                          + "compose window: message area.")
-            # We are getting extra (bogus?) "focus:" events from Evolution
-            # when we type the first character at the beginning of a line.
-            # If the last input event was a keyboard event and the parent
-            # of the locusOfFocus and the event.source are the same, and
-            # the last roles hierarchy is the same as this one and
-            # the last key pressed wasn't a navigation key, then just
-            # ignore it. See bug #490317 for more details.
-            #
-            if self.utilities.isSameObject(event.source.parent,
-                                           orca_state.locusOfFocus.parent):
-                lastKey, mods = self.utilities.lastKeyAndModifiers()
-                if self.utilities.isMessageBody(orca_state.locusOfFocus) \
-                   and lastKey not in ["Left", "Right", "Up", "Down",
-                                       "Home", "End", "Return", "Tab"]:
-                    return
-                # If the last keyboard event was a "same line"
-                # navigation key, then pass this event onto the
-                # onCaretMoved() method in the parent class for
-                # speaking. See bug #516565 for more details.
-                #
-                if lastKey in ["Left", "Right", "Home", "End"]:
-                    default.Script.onCaretMoved(self, event)
-                    return
-            self.message_panel = event.source.parent.parent
-            self.presentMessageLine(event.source, newLocusOfFocus)
-            return
-        # 9) Spell Checking Dialog
-        #
-        # This works in conjunction with code in section 8). Check to see if
-        # current focus is in the table of possible replacement words in the
-        # spell checking dialog. If it is, then we use a cached handle to
-        # the Mail compose window message area, to find out where the text
-        # caret currently is, and use this to speak a selection of the
-        # surrounding text, to give the user context for the current misspelt
-        # word.
-        if self.utilities.isSpellingSuggestionsList(event.source) \
-           or self.utilities.isSpellingSuggestionsList(newLocusOfFocus):
-            debug.println(self.debugLevel,
-                      "evolution.locusOfFocusChanged - spell checking dialog.")
-            # Braille the default action for this component.
-            #
-            self.updateBraille(orca_state.locusOfFocus)
-            if not self.pointOfReference.get('activeDescendantInfo'):
-                [badWord, allTokens] = \
-                    self.utilities.misspelledWordAndBody(event.source,
-                                                         self.message_panel)
-                self.speakMisspeltWord(allTokens, badWord)
-        # 10) Mail view: message area - attachments.
-        #
-        # Check if the focus is on the "go forward" button or the
-        # "attachment button" for an attachment in the mail message
-        # attachment area. (There will be a pair of these buttons
-        # for each attachment in the mail message).
-        #
-        # If it is, then get the text which describes the current
-        # attachment and speak it after doing the default action
-        # for the button.
-        #
-        # NOTE: it is assumed that the last table cell in the table
-        # contains this information.
-        self.rolesList = [pyatspi.ROLE_PUSH_BUTTON, \
-                         pyatspi.ROLE_FILLER, \
-                         pyatspi.ROLE_PANEL, \
-                         pyatspi.ROLE_PANEL, \
-                         pyatspi.ROLE_TABLE_CELL, \
-                         pyatspi.ROLE_TABLE, \
-                         pyatspi.ROLE_PANEL]
-        if self.utilities.hasMatchingHierarchy(event.source, self.rolesList):
-            debug.println(self.debugLevel,
-                          "evolution.locusOfFocusChanged - " \
-                          + "mail message area attachments.")
-            # Speak/braille the default action for this component.
-            #
-            default.Script.locusOfFocusChanged(self, event,
-                                           oldLocusOfFocus, newLocusOfFocus)
-            tmp = event.source.parent.parent
-            table = tmp.parent.parent.parent
-            cell = table[table.childCount-1]
-            allText = self.utilities.descendantsWithRole(
-                cell, pyatspi.ROLE_TEXT)
-            utterance = "for " + self.utilities.substring(allText[0], 0, -1)
-            speech.speak(utterance)
-            return
-        # For everything else, pass the focus event onto the parent class
-        # to be handled in the default way.
-        #
-        # Note that this includes table cells if we only want to read the
-        # current cell.
-        default.Script.locusOfFocusChanged(self, event,
-                                           oldLocusOfFocus, newLocusOfFocus)
     def stopSpeechOnActiveDescendantChanged(self, event):
         """Whether or not speech should be stopped prior to setting the
         locusOfFocus in onActiveDescendantChanged.

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