[gjs] examples: fix http-server.js example

commit 239b0c9230a33b53884e11a370f9a6ad4169645c
Author: Dan Winship <danw gnome org>
Date:   Wed Feb 20 13:22:20 2013 -0500

    examples: fix http-server.js example
    For some reason, this example was reimplementing a bunch of
    SoupServer's functionality itself in JavaScript, rather than using
    SoupServer in the expected way. (This may be because either gi or
    Soup-2.4.gir was not up to the task at the time the example was
    Anyway, fix. Also, spice it up a bit.

 examples/http-server.js |  147 +++++++----------------------------------------
 1 files changed, 21 insertions(+), 126 deletions(-)
diff --git a/examples/http-server.js b/examples/http-server.js
index 9a180e1..36c73f0 100644
--- a/examples/http-server.js
+++ b/examples/http-server.js
@@ -1,133 +1,28 @@
 // This is a simple example of a HTTP server in Gjs using libsoup
-const Lang = imports.lang;
-const GLib = imports.gi.GLib;
 const Soup = imports.gi.Soup;
-function HTTPServer(args) {
-  this._init(args);
-HTTPServer.prototype = {
-    _init : function(args) {
-        this._handlers = [];
-        this._port = 'port' in args ? args.port : 1080;
-        this._server = this._startServer();
-    },
-    run : function() {
-        this._server.run()
-    },
-    addHandler : function(path, handler) {
-        this._handlers.push({ pathRegexp: new RegExp(path), handler : handler });
-    },
-    _startServer : function() {
-        let server = new Soup.Server({ port: this._port});
-        server.connect("request-started",
-                       Lang.bind(this, this._onRequestStarted));
-        server.connect("request-finished",
-                       Lang.bind(this, this._onRequestFinished));
-        return server;
-    },
-    _invokeHandlers : function(message) {
-        let uri = message.uri;
-        for (let i = 0; i < this._handlers.length; ++i) {
-            let handlerGroup = this._handlers[i];
-            if (uri.path.match(handlerGroup.pathRegexp)) {
-                let request = new HTTPRequest({ uri: uri });
-                let response = handlerGroup.handler(request);
-                if (response !== undefined) {
-                    this._setResponse(message, response);
-                    return true;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-      return false;
-    },
-    _setResponse : function(message, response) {
-        message.set_status(response.status);
-        message.set_response(response.mimeType, Soup.MemoryUse.COPY,
-                             response.content, response.content.length);
-    },
-   _onRequestStarted : function(server, message, context) {
-        message._gotBodyId = message.connect("got-body",
-                         Lang.bind(this, this._onMessageGotBody));
-   },
-    _onMessageGotBody : function(message) {
-        if (!this._invokeHandlers(message)) {
-            let error = new HTTPResponse("ERROR: Not found.");
-            error.status = 404;
-            this._setResponse(message, error);
-        }
-   },
-   _onRequestFinished : function(server, message, context) {
-        message.disconnect(message._gotBodyId);
-   }
-function HTTPRequest(args) {
-   this._init(args);
-HTTPRequest.prototype = {
-   _init : function(args) {
-      this._uri = args.uri;
-   },
-   toString : function() {
-       return "[object HTTPRequest uri=" + this._uri.to_string(false) + "]";
-   }
-function HTTPResponse(content) {
-   this._init(content);
-HTTPResponse.prototype = {
-   _init : function(content) {
-      this._content = content
-      this._status = 200;
-      this._mimeType = "text/html";
-   },
-   toString : function() {
-       return "[object HTTPResponse uri=" + this._content + "]";
-   },
-   get content() {
-      return this._content;
-   },
-   get mimeType() {
-      return this._mimeType;
-   },
-   set status(status) {
-      this._status = status
-   },
-   get status() {
-      return this._status;
-   }
-let main = function() {
-   let handler = function(request) {
-       return new HTTPResponse('Index page<br><a href="/hello">Say hi</a>\n', undefined, 200);
-   };
-   let server = new HTTPServer({ port: 1080 });
-   server.addHandler("^/$", handler);
-   server.addHandler("^/hello$", function() new HTTPResponse('Hello!<br><a href="/">Go back</a>'));
-   server.run();
+function main() {
+    let handler = function(server, msg, path, query, client) {
+       msg.status_code = 200;
+       msg.response_headers.set_content_type('text/html', {});
+       msg.response_body.append('<html><body>Greetings, visitor from ' + client.get_host() + '<br>What is 
your name?<form action="/hello"><input name="myname"></form></body></html>\n');
+    };
+    let helloHandler = function(server, msg, path, query, client) {
+       if (!query) {
+           msg.set_redirect(302, '/');
+           return;
+       }
+       msg.status_code = 200;
+       msg.response_headers.set_content_type('text/html', { charset: 'UTF-8' });
+       msg.response_body.append('<html><body>Hello, ' + query.myname + '! \u263A<br><a href="/">Go 
+    };
+    let server = new Soup.Server({ port: 1080 });
+    server.add_handler('/', handler);
+    server.add_handler('/hello', helloHandler);
+    server.run();

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