[gparted/psusi/refactor: 6/19] Thread the internal copy algorithm (#685740)

commit 4cd2f6c62f417fae93d8f56b1b21ed961bb674c0
Author: Phillip Susi <psusi ubuntu com>
Date:   Sun Jan 20 10:33:54 2013 -0500

    Thread the internal copy algorithm (#685740)
    Have the copy code create a background thread to do the actual copying so
    that it won't block the main loop.
    Part of Bug 685740 - Refactor to use asynchronous command execution

 include/Copy_Blocks.h  |   70 +++++++++++++++
 include/GParted_Core.h |   19 ----
 include/Makefile.am    |    3 +-
 src/Copy_Blocks.cc     |  217 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/GParted_Core.cc    |  232 +++---------------------------------------------
 src/Makefile.am        |    3 +-
 6 files changed, 302 insertions(+), 242 deletions(-)
diff --git a/include/Copy_Blocks.h b/include/Copy_Blocks.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c60b9d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/Copy_Blocks.h
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+/*  Copyright (C) 2013 Phillip Susi
+ *
+ *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ *  (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *  GNU Library General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ *  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+#ifndef COPY_BLOCKS_H
+#define COPY_BLOCKS_H
+#include "../include/Operation.h"
+#include <parted/parted.h>
+namespace GParted {
+class copy_blocks {
+	const Glib::ustring & src_device;
+	const Glib::ustring & dst_device;
+	Byte_Value length;
+	Byte_Value blocksize;
+	OperationDetail &operationdetail;
+	bool readonly;
+	Byte_Value & total_done;
+	char *buf;
+	Byte_Value done;
+	PedDevice *lp_device_src;
+	PedDevice *lp_device_dst;
+	Sector offset_src;
+	Sector offset_dst;
+	Glib::Timer timer_total;
+	bool success;
+	Glib::ustring error_message;
+	bool set_progress_info();
+	void copy_thread();
+copy_blocks( const Glib::ustring & in_src_device,
+	     const Glib::ustring & in_dst_device,
+	     Sector src_start,
+	     Sector dst_start,
+	     Byte_Value in_length,
+	     Byte_Value in_blocksize,
+	     OperationDetail & in_operationdetail,
+	     bool in_readonly,
+	     Byte_Value & in_total_done ) :
+	src_device( in_src_device ),
+		dst_device ( in_dst_device ),
+		length ( in_length ),
+		blocksize ( in_blocksize ),
+		operationdetail ( in_operationdetail ),
+		readonly ( in_readonly ),
+		total_done ( in_total_done ),
+		offset_src ( src_start ),
+		offset_dst ( dst_start ) {};
+	bool copy();
+	void copy_block();
+} // namespace GParted
+#endif // COPY_BLOCKS_H
diff --git a/include/GParted_Core.h b/include/GParted_Core.h
index d10ffc1..bea5d88 100644
--- a/include/GParted_Core.h
+++ b/include/GParted_Core.h
@@ -170,25 +170,6 @@ private:
 	bool set_partition_type( const Partition & partition, OperationDetail & operationdetail ) ;
-	void set_progress_info( Sector total, Sector done, const Glib::Timer & timer, OperationDetail & operationdetail, bool readonly ) ;
-	bool copy_blocks( const Glib::ustring & src_device,
-			  const Glib::ustring & dst_device,
-			  Sector src_start,
-			  Sector dst_start,
-			  Byte_Value length,
-			  Byte_Value blocksize,
-			  OperationDetail & operationdetail,
-			  bool readonly,
-			  Byte_Value & total_done ) ;
-	bool copy_block( PedDevice * lp_device_src,
-			 PedDevice * lp_device_dst,
-			 Sector offset_src,
-			 Sector offset_dst,
-			 Byte_Value blocksize,
-			 Glib::ustring & error_message,
-			 bool readonly ) ; 
 	bool calibrate_partition( Partition & partition, OperationDetail & operationdetail ) ;
 	bool calculate_exact_geom( const Partition & partition_old,
 			           Partition & partition_new,
diff --git a/include/Makefile.am b/include/Makefile.am
index 5c3f554..7a8f1df 100644
--- a/include/Makefile.am
+++ b/include/Makefile.am
@@ -56,4 +56,5 @@ EXTRA_DIST = \
 	reiserfs.h  			\
 	ufs.h  				\
 	xfs.h				\
-	PipeCapture.h
+	PipeCapture.h			\
+	Copy_Blocks.h
diff --git a/src/Copy_Blocks.cc b/src/Copy_Blocks.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eb96933
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Copy_Blocks.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+/* Copyright (C) 2004 Bart 'plors' Hakvoort
+ * Copyright (C) 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 Curtis Gedak
+ * Copyright (C) 2013 Phillip Susi
+ *
+ *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ *  (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *  GNU Library General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ *  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+#include "../include/Copy_Blocks.h"
+#include <gtkmm/main.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+namespace GParted {
+bool copy_blocks::set_progress_info()
+	Byte_Value done = llabs(this->done);
+	OperationDetail &operationdetail = this->operationdetail.get_last_child().get_last_child();
+	operationdetail.fraction = done / static_cast<double>( length );
+	std::time_t time_remaining = Utils::round( (length - done) / ( done / timer_total.elapsed() ) );
+	operationdetail.progress_text =
+		String::ucompose( readonly ?
+				/*TO TRANSLATORS: looks like  1.00 MiB of 16.00 MiB read (00:01:59 remaining) */
+				_("%1 of %2 read (%3 remaining)") :
+				/*TO TRANSLATORS: looks like  1.00 MiB of 16.00 MiB copied (00:01:59 remaining) */
+				_("%1 of %2 copied (%3 remaining)"),
+				  Utils::format_size( done, 1 ),
+				  Utils::format_size( length,1 ),
+				  Utils::format_time( time_remaining) );
+	operationdetail.set_description(
+		String::ucompose( readonly ?
+				/*TO TRANSLATORS: looks like  1.00 MiB of 16.00 MiB read */
+				_("%1 of %2 read") :
+				/*TO TRANSLATORS: looks like  1.00 MiB of 16.00 MiB copied */
+				_("%1 of %2 copied"),
+				Utils::format_size( done, 1 ), Utils::format_size( length, 1 ) ),
+	if (done == length)
+		Gtk::Main::quit();
+	return false;
+void copy_blocks::copy_thread()
+	ped_device_sync( lp_device_dst );
+	success = true;
+	if ( done != 0 )
+	{
+		Byte_Value b = blocksize;
+		blocksize = done;
+		done = 0;
+		/* copy partial block first */
+		copy_block();
+		blocksize = b;
+	}
+	Glib::Timer timer_progress_timeout;
+	while( success && llabs( done ) < length )
+	{
+		copy_block();
+		if ( timer_progress_timeout.elapsed() >= 0.5 )
+		{
+			Glib::signal_idle().connect( sigc::mem_fun(
+							     *this,
+							     &copy_blocks::set_progress_info) );
+			timer_progress_timeout.reset();
+		}
+	}
+	//set progress bar current info on completion
+	Glib::signal_idle().connect( sigc::mem_fun(
+					     *this,
+					     &copy_blocks::set_progress_info) );
+bool copy_blocks::copy()
+	if ( blocksize > length )
+		blocksize = length;
+	if ( readonly )
+		operationdetail.add_child( OperationDetail(
+				/*TO TRANSLATORS: looks like  read 16.00 MiB using a block size of 1.00 MiB */
+				String::ucompose( _("read %1 using a block size of %2"), Utils::format_size( length, 1 ),
+					Utils::format_size( blocksize, 1 ) ) ) );
+	else
+		operationdetail.add_child( OperationDetail(
+				/*TO TRANSLATORS: looks like  copy 16.00 MiB using a block size of 1.00 MiB */
+				String::ucompose( _("copy %1 using a block size of %2"), Utils::format_size( length, 1 ),
+					Utils::format_size( blocksize, 1 ) ) ) );
+	done = length % blocksize;
+	lp_device_src = ped_device_get( src_device.c_str() );
+	lp_device_dst = src_device != dst_device ? ped_device_get( dst_device.c_str() ) : lp_device_src;
+	if ( lp_device_src && lp_device_dst && ped_device_open( lp_device_src ) && ped_device_open( lp_device_dst ) )
+	{
+		Byte_Value src_sector_size = lp_device_src ->sector_size ;
+		Byte_Value dst_sector_size = lp_device_dst ->sector_size ;
+		//Handle situation where we need to perform the copy beginning
+		//  with the end of the partition and finishing with the start.
+		if ( offset_src < offset_dst )
+		{
+			blocksize -= 2*blocksize;
+			done -= 2*done;
+			offset_src += ( (length / src_sector_size) - 1 );
+			/* Handle situation where src sector size is smaller than dst sector size and an additional partial dst sector is required. */
+			offset_dst += ( ((length + (dst_sector_size - 1))/ dst_sector_size) - 1 );
+		}
+		buf = static_cast<char *>( malloc( llabs( blocksize ) ) );
+		//add an empty sub which we will constantly update in the loop
+		operationdetail.get_last_child().add_child( OperationDetail( "", STATUS_NONE ) );
+		if ( buf )
+		{
+			Glib::Thread::create( sigc::mem_fun( *this, &copy_blocks::copy_thread ),
+					      false );
+			Gtk::Main::run();
+			free( buf ) ;
+		}
+		else
+			error_message = Glib::strerror( errno );
+		//reset fraction to -1 to make room for a new one (or a pulsebar)
+		operationdetail.get_last_child().get_last_child().fraction = -1;
+		//final description
+		operationdetail.get_last_child().get_last_child().set_description(
+			String::ucompose( readonly ?
+					/*TO TRANSLATORS: looks like  1.00 MiB of 16.00 MiB read */
+					_("%1 of %2 read") :
+					/*TO TRANSLATORS: looks like  1.00 MiB of 16.00 MiB copied */
+					_("%1 of %2 copied"),
+					Utils::format_size( llabs( done ), 1 ),
+					Utils::format_size( length, 1 ) ),
+					FONT_ITALIC );
+		if ( !success && !error_message.empty() )
+			operationdetail.get_last_child().add_child(
+				OperationDetail( error_message, STATUS_NONE, FONT_ITALIC ) );
+		total_done += llabs( done );
+		//close and destroy the devices..
+		ped_device_close( lp_device_src );
+		ped_device_destroy( lp_device_src );
+		if ( src_device != dst_device )
+		{
+			ped_device_close( lp_device_dst );
+			ped_device_destroy( lp_device_dst );
+		}
+	}
+	operationdetail.get_last_child().set_status( success ? STATUS_SUCCES : STATUS_ERROR );
+	return success;
+void copy_blocks::copy_block()
+	Byte_Value sector_size_src = lp_device_src ->sector_size;
+	Byte_Value sector_size_dst = lp_device_dst ->sector_size;
+	//Handle case where src and dst sector sizes are different.
+	//    E.g.,  5 sectors x 512 bytes/sector = ??? 2048 byte sectors
+	Sector num_blocks_src = (llabs(blocksize) + (sector_size_src - 1) ) / sector_size_src;
+	Sector num_blocks_dst = (llabs(blocksize) + (sector_size_dst - 1) ) / sector_size_dst;
+	//Handle situation where we are performing copy operation beginning
+	//  with the end of the partition and finishing with the start.
+	if ( blocksize < 0 )
+	{
+		offset_src += (blocksize / sector_size_src);
+		offset_dst += (blocksize / sector_size_dst);
+	}
+	if ( blocksize != 0 )
+	{
+		if ( ped_device_read( lp_device_src, buf, offset_src, num_blocks_src ) )
+		{
+			if ( readonly || ped_device_write( lp_device_dst, buf, offset_dst, num_blocks_dst ) )
+				success = true;
+			else {
+				error_message = String::ucompose( _("Error while writing block at sector %1"), offset_dst );
+				success = false;
+			}
+		}
+		else
+			error_message = String::ucompose( _("Error while reading block at sector %1"), offset_src );
+	}
+	if ( blocksize > 0 )
+	{
+		offset_src += (blocksize / sector_size_src);
+		offset_dst += (blocksize / sector_size_dst);
+	}
+	if( success )
+		done += blocksize;
+} // namespace GParted
diff --git a/src/GParted_Core.cc b/src/GParted_Core.cc
index 8f1c7cc..095a766 100644
--- a/src/GParted_Core.cc
+++ b/src/GParted_Core.cc
@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@
 #include "../include/hfsplus.h"
 #include "../include/reiser4.h"
 #include "../include/ufs.h"
+#include "../include/Copy_Blocks.h"
 #include <set>
 #include <cerrno>
 #include <cstring>
@@ -2743,7 +2744,7 @@ bool GParted_Core::copy_filesystem( const Glib::ustring & src_device,
 				      operationdetail .get_last_child(),
-				      total_done ) ;
+				      total_done ).copy();
 		timer.stop() ;
 		operationdetail .get_last_child() .get_last_child() .add_child( OperationDetail( 
@@ -2771,14 +2772,14 @@ bool GParted_Core::copy_filesystem( const Glib::ustring & src_device,
 	if ( succes && llabs( done ) < src_length )
 		succes = copy_blocks( src_device, 
-				    dst_device,
-				    src_start + ( dst_start > src_start ? 0 : (done / src_sector_size) ),
-				    dst_start + ( dst_start > src_start ? 0 : (done / dst_sector_size) ),
-				    src_length - llabs( done ),
-				    optimal_blocksize,
-				    operationdetail,
-				    readonly,
-				    total_done ) ;
+				      dst_device,
+				      src_start + ((done > 0 ? done : 0) / src_sector_size),
+				      dst_start + ((done > 0 ? done : 0) / dst_sector_size),
+				      src_length - llabs( done ),
+				      optimal_blocksize,
+				      operationdetail,
+				      readonly,
+				      total_done ).copy();
 	operationdetail .add_child( OperationDetail( 
 		String::ucompose( readonly ?
@@ -2798,8 +2799,6 @@ void GParted_Core::rollback_transaction( const Partition & partition_src,
 	if ( total_done > 0 )
-		operationdetail .add_child( OperationDetail( _("roll back last transaction") ) ) ;
 		//find out exactly which part of the file system was copied (and to where it was copied)..
 		Partition temp_src = partition_src ;
 		Partition temp_dst = partition_dst ;
@@ -2814,6 +2813,7 @@ void GParted_Core::rollback_transaction( const Partition & partition_src,
 			temp_src .sector_end = temp_src .sector_start + ( (total_done / temp_src .sector_size) - 1 ) ;
 			temp_dst .sector_end = temp_dst .sector_start + ( (total_done / temp_dst .sector_size) - 1 ) ;
+		operationdetail.add_child( OperationDetail( _("roll back last transaction") ) );
 		//and copy it back (NOTE the reversed dst and src)
 		bool succes = copy_filesystem( temp_dst, temp_src, operationdetail .get_last_child() ) ;
@@ -2936,216 +2936,6 @@ bool GParted_Core::set_partition_type( const Partition & partition, OperationDet
 	return return_value ;
-void GParted_Core::set_progress_info( Byte_Value total,
-				      Byte_Value done,
-				      const Glib::Timer & timer,
-				      OperationDetail & operationdetail,
-				      bool readonly ) 
-	operationdetail .fraction = done / static_cast<double>( total ) ;
-	std::time_t time_remaining = Utils::round( (total - done) / ( done / timer .elapsed() ) ) ;
-	operationdetail .progress_text = 
-		String::ucompose( readonly ?
-				/*TO TRANSLATORS: looks like  1.00 MiB of 16.00 MiB read (00:01:59 remaining) */
-				_("%1 of %2 read (%3 remaining)") :
-				/*TO TRANSLATORS: looks like  1.00 MiB of 16.00 MiB copied (00:01:59 remaining) */
-				_("%1 of %2 copied (%3 remaining)"),
-				  Utils::format_size( done, 1 ),
-				  Utils::format_size( total,1 ),
-				  Utils::format_time( time_remaining) ) ; 
-	operationdetail .set_description( 
-		String::ucompose( readonly ?
-				/*TO TRANSLATORS: looks like  1.00 MiB of 16.00 MiB read */
-				_("%1 of %2 read") :
-				/*TO TRANSLATORS: looks like  1.00 MiB of 16.00 MiB copied */
-				_("%1 of %2 copied"),
-				Utils::format_size( done, 1 ), Utils::format_size( total, 1 ) ),
-				FONT_ITALIC ) ;
-bool GParted_Core::copy_blocks( const Glib::ustring & src_device,
-				const Glib::ustring & dst_device,
-				Sector src_start,
-				Sector dst_start,
-				Byte_Value length,
-				Byte_Value blocksize,
-				OperationDetail & operationdetail,
-				bool readonly,
-				Byte_Value & total_done ) 
-	if ( blocksize > length )
-		blocksize = length ;
-	if ( readonly )
-		operationdetail .add_child( OperationDetail( 
-				/*TO TRANSLATORS: looks like  read 16.00 MiB using a block size of 1.00 MiB */
-				String::ucompose( _("read %1 using a block size of %2"), Utils::format_size( length, 1 ),
-					Utils::format_size( blocksize, 1 ) ) ) ) ;
-	else
-		operationdetail .add_child( OperationDetail( 
-				/*TO TRANSLATORS: looks like  copy 16.00 MiB using a block size of 1.00 MiB */
-				String::ucompose( _("copy %1 using a block size of %2"), Utils::format_size( length, 1 ),
-					Utils::format_size( blocksize, 1 ) ) ) ) ;
-	Byte_Value done = length % blocksize ; 
-	bool succes = false ;
-	PedDevice *lp_device_src = ped_device_get( src_device .c_str() );
-	PedDevice *lp_device_dst = src_device != dst_device ? ped_device_get( dst_device .c_str() ) : lp_device_src ;
-	if ( lp_device_src && lp_device_dst && ped_device_open( lp_device_src ) && ped_device_open( lp_device_dst ) )
-	{
-		Byte_Value src_sector_size = lp_device_src ->sector_size ;
-		Byte_Value dst_sector_size = lp_device_dst ->sector_size ;
-		//Handle situation where we need to perform the copy beginning
-		//  with the end of the partition and finishing with the start.
-		if ( dst_start > src_start )
-		{
-			blocksize -= 2*blocksize ;
-			done -= 2*done ;
-			src_start += ( (length / src_sector_size) - 1 ) ;
-			/* Handle situation where src sector size is smaller than dst sector size and an additional partial dst sector is required. */
-			dst_start += ( ((length + (dst_sector_size - 1))/ dst_sector_size) - 1 ) ;
-		}
-		Glib::ustring error_message ;
-		buf = static_cast<char *>( malloc( llabs( blocksize ) ) ) ;
-		if ( buf )
-		{
-			ped_device_sync( lp_device_dst ) ;
-			succes = true ;
-			if ( done != 0 )
-				succes = copy_block( lp_device_src,
-						lp_device_dst,
-						src_start,
-						dst_start, 
-						done,
-						error_message,
-						readonly ) ;
-			if ( ! succes )
-				done = 0 ;
-			//add an empty sub which we will constantly update in the loop
-			operationdetail .get_last_child() .add_child( OperationDetail( "", STATUS_NONE ) ) ;
-			Glib::Timer timer_progress_timeout, timer_total ;
-			while( succes && llabs( done ) < length )
-			{
-				succes = copy_block( lp_device_src,
-						     lp_device_dst,
-						     src_start + (done / src_sector_size),
-						     dst_start + (done / dst_sector_size),
-						     blocksize,
-						     error_message,
-						     readonly ) ; 
-				if ( succes )
-					done += blocksize ;
-				if ( timer_progress_timeout .elapsed() >= 0.5 )
-				{
-					set_progress_info( length,
-							   llabs( done + blocksize ),
-							   timer_total,
-							   operationdetail .get_last_child() .get_last_child(),
-							   readonly ) ;
-					timer_progress_timeout .reset() ;
-				}
-			}
-			//set progress bar current info on completion
-			set_progress_info( length,
-			                   llabs( done ),
-			                   timer_total,
-			                   operationdetail .get_last_child() .get_last_child(),
-			                   readonly ) ;
-			free( buf ) ;
-		}
-		else
-			error_message = Glib::strerror( errno ) ;
-		//reset fraction to -1 to make room for a new one (or a pulsebar)
-		operationdetail .get_last_child() .get_last_child() .fraction = -1 ;
-		//final description
-		operationdetail .get_last_child() .get_last_child() .set_description( 
-			String::ucompose( readonly ?
-					/*TO TRANSLATORS: looks like  1.00 MiB of 16.00 MiB read */
-					_("%1 of %2 read") :
-					/*TO TRANSLATORS: looks like  1.00 MiB of 16.00 MiB copied */
-					_("%1 of %2 copied"),
-					Utils::format_size( llabs( done ), 1 ),
-					Utils::format_size( length, 1 ) ),
-					FONT_ITALIC ) ;
-		if ( ! succes && ! error_message .empty() )
-			operationdetail .get_last_child() .add_child( 
-				OperationDetail( error_message, STATUS_NONE, FONT_ITALIC ) ) ;
-		total_done += llabs( done ) ;
-		//close and destroy the devices..
-		ped_device_close( lp_device_src ) ;
-		ped_device_destroy( lp_device_src ) ; 
-		if ( src_device != dst_device )
-		{
-			ped_device_close( lp_device_dst ) ;
-			ped_device_destroy( lp_device_dst ) ;
-		}
-	}
-	operationdetail .get_last_child() .set_status( succes ? STATUS_SUCCES : STATUS_ERROR ) ;
-	return succes ;
-bool GParted_Core::copy_block( PedDevice * lp_device_src,
-			       PedDevice * lp_device_dst,
-			       Sector offset_src,
-			       Sector offset_dst,
-			       Byte_Value block_length,
-			       Glib::ustring & error_message,
-			       bool readonly ) 
-	Byte_Value sector_size_src = lp_device_src ->sector_size ;
-	Byte_Value sector_size_dst = lp_device_dst ->sector_size ;
-	//Handle case where src and dst sector sizes are different.
-	//    E.g.,  5 sectors x 512 bytes/sector = ??? 2048 byte sectors
-	Sector num_blocks_src = (llabs(block_length) + (sector_size_src - 1) ) / sector_size_src ;
-	Sector num_blocks_dst = (llabs(block_length) + (sector_size_dst - 1) ) / sector_size_dst ;
-	//Handle situation where we are performing copy operation beginning
-	//  with the end of the partition and finishing with the start.
-	if ( block_length < 0 )
-	{
-		block_length = llabs( block_length ) ;
-		offset_src -= ( (block_length / sector_size_src) - 1 ) ;
-		/* Handle situation where src sector size is smaller than dst sector size and an additional partial dst sector is required. */
-		offset_dst -= ( ( (block_length + (sector_size_dst - 1)) / sector_size_dst) - 1 ) ;
-	}
-	if ( block_length != 0 )
-	{
-		if ( ped_device_read( lp_device_src, buf, offset_src, num_blocks_src ) )
-		{
-			if ( readonly || ped_device_write( lp_device_dst, buf, offset_dst, num_blocks_dst ) )
-				return true ;
-			else
-				error_message = String::ucompose( _("Error while writing block at sector %1"), offset_dst ) ;
-		}
-		else
-			error_message = String::ucompose( _("Error while reading block at sector %1"), offset_src ) ;
-	}
-	return false ;
 bool GParted_Core::calibrate_partition( Partition & partition, OperationDetail & operationdetail ) 
 	if ( partition .type == TYPE_PRIMARY || partition .type == TYPE_LOGICAL || partition .type == TYPE_EXTENDED )
diff --git a/src/Makefile.am b/src/Makefile.am
index 8c0541f..16c0277 100644
--- a/src/Makefile.am
+++ b/src/Makefile.am
@@ -66,7 +66,8 @@ gpartedbin_SOURCES = \
 	reiserfs.cc			\
 	ufs.cc				\
 	xfs.cc				\
-	PipeCapture.cc
+	PipeCapture.cc			\
+	Copy_Blocks.cc
 gpartedbin_LDFLAGS = -lparted

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