[mutter/wayland] wayland: Update to latest xdg-shell

commit 7009d1e470d7cf6df9763b725e70036322c88372
Author: Jasper St. Pierre <jstpierre mecheye net>
Date:   Tue Dec 17 15:04:16 2013 -0500

    wayland: Update to latest xdg-shell
    We don't use the new maximize / fullscreen request system yet, leading
    to broken maximization / fullscreen. This will be fixed in a followup.

 protocol/xdg-shell.xml             |   83 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------
 src/wayland/meta-wayland-surface.c |    4 +-
 2 files changed, 69 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)
diff --git a/protocol/xdg-shell.xml b/protocol/xdg-shell.xml
index e1249b0..4e5cff8 100644
--- a/protocol/xdg-shell.xml
+++ b/protocol/xdg-shell.xml
@@ -223,9 +223,6 @@
        area might adjust its content position to leave the viewable
        content unmoved). Valid edge values are from resize_edge enum.
-       The maximized parameter informs if the surface is in a maximized
-       state. Same for the fullscreen parameter.
        The client is free to dismiss all but the last configure
        event it received.
@@ -236,8 +233,6 @@
       <arg name="edges" type="uint"/>
       <arg name="width" type="int"/>
       <arg name="height" type="int"/>
-      <arg name="maximized" type="uint"/>
-      <arg name="fullscreen" type="uint"/>
     <request name="set_output">
@@ -255,16 +250,43 @@
       <arg name="output" type="object" interface="wl_output" allow-null="true"/>
+    <event name="request_set_fullscreen">
+      <description summary="server requests that the client set fullscreen">
+       Event sent from the compositor to the client requesting that the client
+       goes to a fullscreen state. It's the client job to call set_fullscreen
+       and really trigger the fullscreen state.
+      </description>
+    </event>
+    <event name="request_unset_fullscreen">
+      <description summary="server requests that the client unset fullscreen">
+       Event sent from the compositor to the client requesting that the client
+       leaves the fullscreen state. It's the client job to call
+       unset_fullscreen and really leave the fullscreen state.
+      </description>
+    </event>
     <request name="set_fullscreen">
       <description summary="set the surface state as fullscreen">
        Set the surface as fullscreen.
-       The compositor must reply to this request with a configure event
-       with the dimensions for the output on which the surface will be
-       made fullscreen.
+       After this request, the compositor should send a configure event
+       informing the output size.
+       This request informs the compositor that the next attached buffer
+       committed will be in a fullscreen state. The buffer size should be the
+       same size as the size informed in the configure event, if the client
+       doesn't want to leave any empty area.
-       Once the fullscreen state is set, a "fullscreen_set" event will
-       be sent to the client.
+       In other words: the next attached buffer after set_maximized is the new
+       maximized buffer. And the surface will be positioned at the maximized
+       position on commit.
+       A simple way to synchronize and wait for the correct configure event is
+       to use a wl_display.sync request right after the set_fullscreen
+       request. When the sync callback returns, the last configure event
+       received just before it will be the correct one, and should contain the
+       right size for the surface to maximize.
        Setting one state won't unset another state. Use
        xdg_surface.unset_fullscreen for unsetting it.
@@ -274,19 +296,48 @@
     <request name="unset_fullscreen">
       <description summary="unset the surface state as fullscreen">
        Unset the surface fullscreen state.
+       Same negotiation as set_fullscreen must be used.
+    <event name="request_set_maximized">
+      <description summary="server requests that the client set maximized">
+       Event sent from the compositor to the client requesting that the client
+       goes to a maximized state. It's the client job to call set_maximized
+       and really trigger the maximized state.
+      </description>
+    </event>
+    <event name="request_unset_maximized">
+      <description summary="server requests that the client unset maximized">
+       Event sent from the compositor to the client requesting that the client
+       leaves the maximized state. It's the client job to call unset_maximized
+       and really leave the maximized state.
+      </description>
+    </event>
     <request name="set_maximized">
       <description summary="set the surface state as maximized">
        Set the surface as maximized.
-       The compositor must reply to this request with a configure event
-       with the dimensions for the output on which the surface will be
-       made maximized.
+       After this request, the compositor will send a configure event
+       informing the output size minus panel and other MW decorations.
+       This request informs the compositor that the next attached buffer
+       committed will be in a maximized state. The buffer size should be the
+       same size as the size informed in the configure event, if the client
+       doesn't want to leave any empty area.
-       Once the maximized state is set, a "maximized_set" event will be
-       sent to the client.
+       In other words: the next attached buffer after set_maximized is the new
+       maximized buffer. And the surface will be positioned at the maximized
+       position on commit.
+       A simple way to synchronize and wait for the correct configure event is
+       to use a wl_display.sync request right after the set_maximized request.
+       When the sync callback returns, the last configure event received just
+       before it will be the correct one, and should contain the right size
+       for the surface to maximize.
        Setting one state won't unset another state. Use
        xdg_surface.unset_maximized for unsetting it.
@@ -296,6 +347,8 @@
     <request name="unset_maximized">
       <description summary="unset the surface state as maximized">
        Unset the surface maximized state.
+       Same negotiation as set_maximized must be used.
diff --git a/src/wayland/meta-wayland-surface.c b/src/wayland/meta-wayland-surface.c
index 832c700..7452c42 100644
--- a/src/wayland/meta-wayland-surface.c
+++ b/src/wayland/meta-wayland-surface.c
@@ -1161,9 +1161,7 @@ meta_wayland_surface_configure_notify (MetaWaylandSurface *surface,
   if (surface->xdg_surface.resource)
     xdg_surface_send_configure (surface->xdg_surface.resource,
-                                edges, new_width, new_height,
-                                meta_window_get_maximized (surface->window),
-                                meta_window_is_fullscreen (surface->window));
+                                edges, new_width, new_height);

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