[vala] xcb: Major changes and fixes.

commit aef4702ccc93c8f10c80afd600e3410be304fc02
Author: Sergio Costas <raster rastersoft com>
Date:   Thu Dec 12 20:15:14 2013 +0100

    xcb: Major changes and fixes.
    Fixes bug 720225.

 vapi/xcb.vapi |  447 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
 1 files changed, 420 insertions(+), 27 deletions(-)
diff --git a/vapi/xcb.vapi b/vapi/xcb.vapi
index 2d64f6f..0f98396 100644
--- a/vapi/xcb.vapi
+++ b/vapi/xcb.vapi
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 /* xcb.vapi
  * Copyright (C) 2009  Jürg Billeter
+ * Copyright (C) 2013  Sergio Costas
  * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
@@ -16,11 +17,12 @@
  * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
  * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301  USA
- * Author:
+ * Authors:
  *     Jürg Billeter <j bitron ch>
+ *  Sergio Costas <raster rastersoft com>
-[CCode (lower_case_cprefix = "xcb_", cheader_filename = "xcb/xcb.h")]
+[CCode (lower_case_cprefix = "xcb_", cheader_filename = "xcb/xcb.h,xcb/xproto.h")]
 namespace Xcb {
        [CCode (cname = "xcb_connection_t", cprefix = "xcb_", ref_function = "", unref_function = 
@@ -32,15 +34,278 @@ namespace Xcb {
                public uint32 generate_id ();
                public Setup get_setup ();
                public GenericEvent wait_for_event ();
+               public GenericEvent poll_for_event();
                public int get_file_descriptor ();
                public VoidCookie create_window (uint8 depth, Window wid, Window parent, int16 x, int16 y, 
uint16 width, uint16 height, uint16 border_width, uint16 _class, VisualID visual, uint32 value_mask, [CCode 
(array_length = false)] uint32[]? value_list);
+               public VoidCookie create_window_checked (uint8 depth, Window wid, Window parent, int16 x, 
int16 y, uint16 width, uint16 height, uint16 border_width, uint16 _class, VisualID visual, uint32 value_mask, 
[CCode (array_length = false)] uint32[]? value_list);
                public VoidCookie map_window (Window wid);
+               public VoidCookie map_window_checked (Window wid);
+               public VoidCookie unmap_window (Window wid);
+               public VoidCookie unmap_window_checked (Window wid);
+               public GetWindowAttributesCookie get_window_attributes (Window wid);
+               public GetWindowAttributesCookie get_window_attributes_unchecked (Window wid);
+               public GetWindowAttributesReply get_window_attributes_reply(GetWindowAttributesCookie cookie, 
out GenericError? e);
                public VoidCookie change_window_attributes (Window wid, uint32 value_mask, [CCode 
(array_length = false)] uint32[]? value_list);
+               public VoidCookie change_window_attributes_checked (Window wid, uint32 value_mask, [CCode 
(array_length = false)] uint32[]? value_list);
                public QueryTreeCookie query_tree (Window wid);
+               public QueryTreeCookie query_tree_unchecked (Window wid);
                public QueryTreeReply query_tree_reply (QueryTreeCookie cookie, out GenericError? e);
+               [CCode (cname = "xcb_intern_atom")]
+               private InternAtomCookie vala_intern_atom(bool only_if_exists,uint16 len, string name);
+               [CCode (cname = "vala_xcb_intern_atom")]
+               public InternAtomCookie intern_atom(bool only_if_exists,string name) {
+                       return this.vala_intern_atom(only_if_exists,(uint16)name.length,name);
+               }
+               [CCode (cname = "xcb_intern_atom_unchecked")]
+               private InternAtomCookie vala_intern_atom_unchecked(bool only_if_exists,uint16 len, string 
+               [CCode (cname = "vala_xcb_intern_atom_unchecked")]
+               public InternAtomCookie intern_atom_unchecked(bool only_if_exists,string name) {
+                       return this.vala_intern_atom(only_if_exists,(uint16)name.length,name);
+               }
+               public InternAtomReply intern_atom_reply(InternAtomCookie cookie, out GenericError? e);
+               [CCode (cname = "xcb_change_property")]
+               private VoidCookie vala_change_property(PropMode mode, Window window, AtomT property, AtomT 
type, uint8 format, uint32 len, void *data);
+               [CCode (cname = "vala_xcb_change_property")]
+               public VoidCookie change_property_uint8(PropMode mode, Window window, AtomT property, AtomT 
type, uint32 len, uint8 *data) {
+                       return this.vala_change_property(mode,window,property,type, 8, len, (void *)data);
+               }
+               public VoidCookie change_property_uint16(PropMode mode, Window window, AtomT property, AtomT 
type, uint32 len, uint16 *data) {
+                       return this.vala_change_property(mode,window,property,type, 16, len, (void *)data);
+               }
+               public VoidCookie change_property_uint32(PropMode mode, Window window, AtomT property, AtomT 
type, uint32 len, uint32 *data) {
+                       return this.vala_change_property(mode,window,property,type, 32, len, (void *)data);
+               }
+               public VoidCookie change_property_atom(PropMode mode, Window window, AtomT property, AtomT 
type, uint32 len, AtomT *data) {
+                       return this.vala_change_property(mode,window,property,type, 32, len, (void *)data);
+               }
+               public VoidCookie change_property_string(PropMode mode, Window window, AtomT property, AtomT 
type, string data) {
+                       return this.vala_change_property(mode,window,property,type, 8, data.length, (void 
+               }
+               [CCode (cname = "xcb_change_property_checked")]
+               private VoidCookie vala_change_property_checked(PropMode mode, Window window, AtomT property, 
AtomT type, uint8 format, uint32 len, void *data);
+               [CCode (cname = "vala_xcb_change_property_checked")]
+               public VoidCookie change_property_checked_uint8(PropMode mode, Window window, AtomT property, 
AtomT type, uint32 len, uint8 *data) {
+                       return this.vala_change_property(mode,window,property,type, 8, len, (void *)data);
+               }
+               public VoidCookie change_property_checked_uint16(PropMode mode, Window window, AtomT 
property, AtomT type, uint32 len, uint16 *data) {
+                       return this.vala_change_property(mode,window,property,type, 16, len, (void *)data);
+               }
+               public VoidCookie change_property_checked_uint32(PropMode mode, Window window, AtomT 
property, AtomT type, uint32 len, uint32 *data) {
+                       return this.vala_change_property(mode,window,property,type, 32, len, (void *)data);
+               }
+               public VoidCookie change_property_checked_atom(PropMode mode, Window window, AtomT property, 
AtomT type, uint32 len, AtomT *data) {
+                       return this.vala_change_property(mode,window,property,type, 32, len, (void *)data);
+               }
+               public VoidCookie change_property_checked_string(PropMode mode, Window window, AtomT 
property, AtomT type, string data) {
+                       return this.vala_change_property(mode,window,property,type, 8, data.length, (void 
+               }
+               public GetPropertyCookie get_property(bool _delete, Window window, AtomT property, AtomT 
type, uint32 long_offset, uint32 long_length);
+               public GetPropertyCookie get_property_unchecked(bool _delete, Window window, AtomT property, 
AtomT type, uint32 long_offset, uint32 long_length);
+               public GetPropertyReply ? get_property_reply(GetPropertyCookie cookie, out GenericError? e);
+               public VoidCookie configure_window(Window window, uint16 value_mask, uint32 *value_list);
+               public VoidCookie reparent_window(Window window, Window parent, uint16 x, uint16 y);
+               public VoidCookie reparent_window_checked(Window window, Window parent, uint16 x, uint16 y);
+       }
+       [SimpleType]
+       [IntegerType (rank = 9)]
+       [CCode (cname = "xcb_intern_atom_cookie_t", has_type_id = false)]
+       public struct InternAtomCookie {
+       }
+       [SimpleType]
+       [IntegerType (rank = 9)]
+       [CCode (cname = "xcb_get_window_attributes_cookie_t", has_type_id = false)]
+       public struct GetWindowAttributesCookie {
+       }
+       [Compact]
+       [CCode (cname = "xcb_get_window_attributes_reply_t", ref_function = "", unref_function = "")]
+       public class GetWindowAttributesReply {
+               public uint8        response_type;
+               public uint8        backing_store;
+               public uint16       sequence;
+               public uint32       length;
+               public VisualID     visual;
+               public uint16       _class;
+               public uint8        bit_gravity;
+               public uint8        win_gravity;
+               public uint32       backing_planes;
+               public uint32       backing_pixel;
+               public uint8        save_under;
+               public uint8        map_is_installed;
+               public uint8        map_state;
+               public uint8        override_redirect;
+               public Colormap     colormap;
+               public uint32       all_event_masks;
+               public uint32       your_event_mask;
+               public uint16       do_not_propagate_mask;
+               public uint8        pad0[2];
+       }
+       [SimpleType]
+       [IntegerType (rank = 9)]
+       [CCode (cname = "xcb_get_property_cookie_t", has_type_id = false)]
+       public struct GetPropertyCookie {
+       [CCode (cname = "xcb_get_property_reply_t", ref_function = "", unref_function = "free")]
+       public class GetPropertyReply {
+               [CCode (cname = "xcb_get_property_value_length")]
+               public int32 value_length();
+               [CCode (cname = "xcb_get_property_value")]
+               public void *value();
+       }
+       [Compact]
+       [CCode (cname = "xcb_intern_atom_reply_t", ref_function = "", unref_function = "free")]
+       public class InternAtomReply {
+               private uint8    response_type;
+               private uint8    pad0;
+               private uint16   sequence;
+               public  uint32   length;
+               public  AtomT    atom;
+       }
+       [SimpleType]
+       [IntegerType (rank = 9)]
+       [CCode (cname = "xcb_atom_t", has_type_id = false)]
+       public struct AtomT {
+       }
+       [CCode (cname = "xcb_prop_mode_t", has_type_id = false)]
+       public enum PropMode {
+               REPLACE,
+               PREPEND,
+               APPEND
+       }
+       [CCode (cname = "xcb_atom_enum_t", has_type_id = false)]
+       public enum Atom {
+               NONE,
+               ANY,
+               PRIMARY,
+               SECONDARY,
+               ARC,
+               ATOM,
+               BITMAP,
+               CARDINAL,
+               COLORMAP,
+               CURSOR,
+               CUT_BUFFER0,
+               CUT_BUFFER1,
+               CUT_BUFFER2,
+               CUT_BUFFER3,
+               CUT_BUFFER4,
+               CUT_BUFFER5,
+               CUT_BUFFER6,
+               CUT_BUFFER7,
+               DRAWABLE,
+               FONT,
+               INTEGER,
+               PIXMAP,
+               POINT,
+               RECTANGLE,
+               RESOURCE_MANAGER,
+               RGB_COLOR_MAP,
+               RGB_BEST_MAP,
+               RGB_BLUE_MAP,
+               RGB_DEFAULT_MAP,
+               RGB_GRAY_MAP,
+               RGB_GREEN_MAP,
+               RGB_RED_MAP,
+               STRING,
+               VISUALID,
+               WINDOW,
+               WM_COMMAND,
+               WM_HINTS,
+               WM_CLIENT_MACHINE,
+               WM_ICON_NAME,
+               WM_ICON_SIZE,
+               WM_NAME,
+               WM_NORMAL_HINTS,
+               WM_SIZE_HINTS,
+               WM_ZOOM_HINTS,
+               MIN_SPACE,
+               NORM_SPACE,
+               MAX_SPACE,
+               END_SPACE,
+               SUPERSCRIPT_X,
+               SUPERSCRIPT_Y,
+               SUBSCRIPT_X,
+               SUBSCRIPT_Y,
+               UNDERLINE_POSITION,
+               UNDERLINE_THICKNESS,
+               STRIKEOUT_ASCENT,
+               STRIKEOUT_DESCENT,
+               ITALIC_ANGLE,
+               X_HEIGHT,
+               QUAD_WIDTH,
+               WEIGHT,
+               POINT_SIZE,
+               RESOLUTION,
+               COPYRIGHT,
+               NOTICE,
+               FONT_NAME,
+               FAMILY_NAME,
+               FULL_NAME,
+               CAP_HEIGHT,
+               WM_CLASS,
+               WM_TRANSIENT_FOR
+       }
+       public const uint8 KEY_PRESS;
+       public const uint8 KEY_RELEASE;
+       public const uint8 BUTTON_PRESS;
+       public const uint8 BUTTON_RELEASE;
+       public const uint8 MOTION_NOTIFY;
+       public const uint8 ENTER_NOTIFY;
+       public const uint8 LEAVE_NOTIFY;
+       public const uint8 FOCUS_IN;
+       public const uint8 FOCUS_OUT;
+       public const uint8 KEYMAP_NOTIFY;
+       public const uint8 EXPOSE;
+       public const uint8 GRAPHICS_EXPOSURE;
+       public const uint8 NO_EXPOSURE;
+       public const uint8 VISIBILITY_NOTIFY;
+       public const uint8 CREATE_NOTIFY;
+       public const uint8 DESTROY_NOTIFY;
+       public const uint8 UNMAP_NOTIFY;
+       public const uint8 MAP_NOTIFY;
+       public const uint8 MAP_REQUEST;
+       public const uint8 REPARENT_NOTIFY;
+       public const uint8 CONFIGURE_NOTIFY;
+       public const uint8 CONFIGURE_REQUEST;
+       public const uint8 GRAVITY_NOTIFY;
+       public const uint8 RESIZE_REQUEST;
+       public const uint8 CIRCULATE_NOTIFY;
+       public const uint8 CIRCULATE_REQUEST;
+       public const uint8 PROPERTY_NOTIFY;
+       public const uint8 SELECTION_CLEAR;
+       public const uint8 SELECTION_REQUEST;
+       public const uint8 SELECTION_NOTIFY;
+       public const uint8 COLORMAP_NOTIFY;
+       public const uint8 CLIENT_MESSAGE;
+       public const uint8 MAPPING_NOTIFY;
+       public enum ConfigWindow {
+               X,
+               Y,
+               WIDTH,
+               HEIGHT,
+               BORDER_WIDTH,
+               SIBLING,
+               STACK_MODE
+       }
+       [Compact]
        [CCode (cname = "xcb_setup_t", ref_function = "", unref_function = "")]
        public class Setup {
                public int roots_length ();
@@ -61,6 +326,57 @@ namespace Xcb {
        public class GenericEvent {
                public uint8 response_type;
+       [SimpleType]
+       [CCode (cname = "xcb_timestamp_t", has_type_id = false)]
+       public struct Timestamp : uint32 {
+       }
+       [SimpleType]
+       [CCode (cname = "xcb_keycode_t", has_type_id = false)]
+       public struct Keycode : uint8 {
+       }
+       [SimpleType]
+       [CCode (cname = "xcb_colormap_t", has_type_id = false)]
+       public struct Colormap : uint32 {
+       }
+       [Compact]
+       [CCode (cname = "xcb_key_press_event_t", ref_function = "", unref_function = "")]
+       public class KeyPressEvent : GenericEvent {
+               Keycode detail;
+               uint16 sequence;
+               Timestamp time;
+               Window root;
+               Window event;
+               Window child;
+               uint16 root_x;
+               uint16 root_y;
+               uint16 event_x;
+               uint16 event_y;
+               uint16 state;
+               uint8 same_screen;
+               uint8 pad0;
+       }
+       [Compact]
+       [CCode (cname = "xcb_key_release_event_t", ref_function = "", unref_function = "")]
+       public class KeyReleaseEvent : GenericEvent {
+               Keycode detail;
+               uint16 sequence;
+               Timestamp time;
+               Window root;
+               Window event;
+               Window child;
+               uint16 root_x;
+               uint16 root_y;
+               uint16 event_x;
+               uint16 event_y;
+               uint16 state;
+               uint8 same_screen;
+               uint8 pad0;
+       }
        [CCode (cname = "xcb_generic_error_t", ref_function = "", unref_function = "")]
@@ -73,13 +389,7 @@ namespace Xcb {
                public uint8 major_code;
-       public const uint8 BUTTON_PRESS;
-       public const uint8 BUTTON_RELEASE;
-       public const uint8 EXPOSE;
-       public const uint8 MOTION_NOTIFY;
-       public const uint8 ENTER_NOTIFY;
-       public const uint8 LEAVE_NOTIFY;
+       [Compact]
        [CCode (cname = "xcb_button_press_event_t", ref_function = "", unref_function = "")]
        public class ButtonPressEvent : GenericEvent {
                public Button detail;
@@ -92,6 +402,7 @@ namespace Xcb {
                public uint16 event_y;
+       [Compact]
        [CCode (cname = "xcb_button_release_event_t", ref_function = "", unref_function = "")]
        public class ButtonReleaseEvent : GenericEvent {
                public Button detail;
@@ -104,8 +415,12 @@ namespace Xcb {
                public uint16 event_y;
+       [Compact]
        [CCode (cname = "xcb_motion_notify_event_t", ref_function = "", unref_function = "")]
        public class MotionNotifyEvent : GenericEvent {
+               uint8 detail;
+               uint16 sequence;
+               Timestamp time;
                public Window root;
                public Window event;
                public Window child;
@@ -113,15 +428,101 @@ namespace Xcb {
                public uint16 root_y;
                public uint16 event_x;
                public uint16 event_y;
+               public uint16 state;
+               public uint8 same_screen;
+               public uint8 pad0;
+       [Compact]
        [CCode (cname = "xcb_expose_event_t", ref_function = "", unref_function = "")]
        public class ExposeEvent : GenericEvent {
+               public uint8 pad0;
+               public uint16 sequence;
                public Window window;
                public uint16 x;
                public uint16 y;
                public uint16 width;
                public uint16 height;
+               public uint16 count;
+               public uint8 pad1[2];
+       }
+       [Compact]
+       [CCode (cname = "xcb_create_notify_event_t", ref_function = "", unref_function = "")]
+       public class CreateNotifyEvent {
+               public uint8 response_type;
+               public uint8 pad0;
+               public uint16 sequence;
+               public Window parent;
+               public Window window;
+               public int16 x;
+               public int16 y;
+               public uint16 width;
+               public uint16 height;
+               public uint16 border_width;
+               public uint8 override_redirect;
+               public uint8 pad1;
+       }
+       [Compact]
+       [CCode (cname = "xcb_destroy_notify_event_t", ref_function = "", unref_function = "")]
+       public class DestroyNotifyEvent {
+               public uint8 response_type;
+               public uint8 pad0;
+               public uint16 sequence;
+               public Window event;
+               public Window window;
+       }
+       [Compact]
+       [CCode (cname = "xcb_unmap_notify_event_t", ref_function = "", unref_function = "")]
+       public class UnmapNotifyEvent {
+               public uint8 response_type;
+               public uint8 pad0;
+               public uint16 sequence;
+               public Window event;
+               public Window window;
+               public uint8 from_configure;
+               public uint8 pad1[3];
+       }
+       [Compact]
+       [CCode (cname = "xcb_map_notify_event_t", ref_function = "", unref_function = "")]
+       public class MapNotifyEvent {
+               public uint8 response_type;
+               public uint8 pad0;
+               public uint16 sequence;
+               public Window event;
+               public Window window;
+               public uint8 override_redirect;
+               public uint8 pad1[3];
+       }
+       [Compact]
+       [CCode (cname = "xcb_map_request_event_t", ref_function = "", unref_function = "")]
+       public class MapRequestEvent {
+               public uint8 response_type;
+               public uint8 pad0;
+               public uint16 sequence;
+               public Window parent;
+               public Window window;
+       }
+       [Compact]
+       [CCode (cname = "xcb_configure_request_event_t", ref_function = "", unref_function = "")]
+       public class ConfigureRequestEvent {
+               public uint8 response_type;
+               public uint8 stack_mode;
+               public uint16 sequence;
+               public Window parent;
+               public Window window;
+               public Window sibling;
+               public int16 x;
+               public int16 y;
+               public uint16 width;
+               public uint16 height;
+               public uint16 border_width;
+               public uint16 value_mask;
        [CCode (cname = "xcb_cw_t", has_type_id = false)]
@@ -154,11 +555,11 @@ namespace Xcb {
-               BUTTON_1MOTION,
-               BUTTON_2MOTION,
-               BUTTON_3MOTION,
-               BUTTON_4MOTION,
-               BUTTON_5MOTION,
+               BUTTON_1_MOTION,
+               BUTTON_2_MOTION,
+               BUTTON_3_MOTION,
+               BUTTON_4_MOTION,
+               BUTTON_5_MOTION,
@@ -254,30 +655,22 @@ namespace Xcb {
                public uint16 height;
+       [CCode (cname = "xcb_visualid_t", has_type_id = false)]
        public struct VisualID : uint32 {
+       [CCode (cname = "xcb_button_t", has_type_id = false)]
        public struct Button : uint8 {
-       [IntegerType (rank = 9)]
-       [CCode (cname = "xcb_drawable_t", type_id = "G_TYPE_INT",
-                       marshaller_type_name = "INT",
-                       get_value_function = "g_value_get_int",
-                       set_value_function = "g_value_set_int", default_value = "0",
-                       type_signature = "i", has_type_id = false)]
+       [CCode (cname = "xcb_drawable_t", has_type_id = false)]
        public struct Drawable : uint32 {
-       [IntegerType (rank = 9)]
-       [CCode (cname = "xcb_window_t", type_id = "G_TYPE_INT",
-                       marshaller_type_name = "INT",
-                       get_value_function = "g_value_get_int",
-                       set_value_function = "g_value_set_int", default_value = "0",
-                       type_signature = "i", has_type_id = false)]
-       public struct Window : Drawable {
+       [CCode (cname = "xcb_window_t", has_type_id = false)]
+       public struct Window : uint32 {

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