[gimp] (15 commits) Created branch tito

The branch 'tito' was created.

Summary of new commits:

  1c83946... Bug 708174 - A text based intent driving tool for GIMP (Tit
  e141805... Bug 708174 - Improve the original search dialog patch.
  93dcbef... app: action-search-dialog opacity now changed by ctrl-scrol
  33a08e0... Bug 708174 - various fixes on tito.
  ef87c40... app: improved algorithm for action search.
  07f9b0a... app: plug-in-recent-*/repeat/reshow filtered from action se
  0b9a520... Add new action search dialog to POTFILES.in
  cccdb57... Fix tests to handle new action search dialog.
  a93fe8e... app: change default value of action-history-size to 100.
  2d3188b... app: when hiding the action search action list, unselect an
  292bed4... app: action search does not display its own action, and it 
  71e13fb... app: do not fuzzy-search actions in the history.
  6581324... app: remove leading/trailing spaces to keyword before actio
  1d5a493... app: normalize all texts and make search word-aware.
  c821dce... app: add an opacity button to the search dialog to change w

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