[gxml] Created tag GXML_0_3_2

The unsigned tag 'GXML_0_3_2' was created.

Tagger: Richard Schwarting <aquarichy gmail com>
Date: Thu Aug 22 15:08:20 2013 -0400


Changes since the last tag 'GXML_0_3_1':

Arnel A. Borja (1):
      test: Do not install test data files, bug #682708

Daniel Espinosa (2):
      Update NodeList implementation to Gee 0.8. Added missing License.
      Fixed build issues. Adding missing libraries to test/Makefile.am

Javier Jardón (9):
      configure.ac: Do not use deprecated autoconf macros
      configure.ac: Do not AC_SUBT LIBS and CFLAGS
      Depend on a modern version of gobject-introspection
      configure.ac: Generate xz tarball by default
      configure.ac: Use new libtool syntax
      Makefile.am: honor aclocal flags
      Add check for autoreconf and intltool
      autogen.sh: Improve buildsrc != compilationsrc
      Use upstream gettext instead the glib one

Richard Schwarting (91):
      * update requirements for vala and libgee.  Bug 682558.
      Javier Jardón helped clean up and fix the autotools files.  YAY!     Merge remote-tracking branch 
      Give more credit in code. (Need to figure out proper etiquette for Copyright :D)
      Applying patch from bug #682711
      * add missing requires in .pc
      Fix Bug 865625 - Devhelp: called gxml but should be GXml
      configure.ac: change default for building GObject Introspection from system-installed to not
      Fix Bug 865625 - Devhelp: called gxml but should be GXml (part 2)
      Fix Bug 685666 - shared-library not specified in .gir file.  This allows JS, Python, etc. to use GXml 
via introspection again.
      DomNode.vala: add some notes for things to do
      Examples: add examples in C, Vala, JS, and Python on how to create and save documents
      Element.vala: Explain some of the tag_name node caching functionality
      * add the ability to cache at both serialization and deserialization (to avoid duplicates in the cached 
XML, and infinite recursion when an object holds a reference to an ancestor
      Add a test to test serialisation caching, using recursion
      * update libvala dependency from 0.16 to 0.18
      * update NodeList for changes in Traversable interface
      * factor out printing of an object's properties for debugging     * skip pointers     * slightly change 
handling of complex types in Serialization; needs more work
      * add a test for serialising/deserialising TreeSets
      * merging with origin
      * update the libxml-2.0.vapi file to include changes in the upstream one
      * libxml-2.0.vapi: update dump_format signature
      * try using an xmlList to track unattached nodes and free them separately from the tree; (doesn't work)
      Revert "* libxml-2.0.vapi: update dump_format signature"
      * re-commit dump_format commit
      Revert "* try using an xmlList to track unattached nodes and free them separately from the tree; 
(doesn't work)"
      Document.vala, libxml-2.0.vapi: free xmlDoc and Element xmlNode structures; maintain a list of 
GXml-created nodes that might not be in the tree for this.
      Document.vala: close the Xml.TextReader and Xml.SaveCtxt to free memory
      examples/vala/Makefile: include debugging symbols
      DomNode.vala, NodeList.vala: make references to Document weak to break ref cycles preventing 
      libxml-2.0.vapi, Attr.vala, Document.vala, Element.vala: stop leaking memory from xmlAttrs
      Element.vala: fix issue with freeing xmlAttr memory; don't be overzealous, only free when we'd lose 
out-of-tree references; in-tree will be handled by xmlFreeDoc
      test/{Text,GXml,Element,CharacterData}Test.vala: because owner_document is a weak reference now, we 
can't simply create nodes and drop the Document anymore
      Add license headers to source files, bgo#694718
      Set type=xmlChar* on parametres, part 1
      Set type=xmlChar* on parametres, part 2: those with string return types and other nearby changes
      Set type=xmlChar* on fields
      Set type=xmlChar* on method return values
      Fix some cnames in libxml-2.0.vapi
      Update libvala version; need a better solution to this
      Add some TODO items for the future
      Remove unnecessary linking for valadoc command
      Fix < in docs; I swear that I had to use the entity reference before
      Document.vala: update some comments and spacing
      NodeList.vala: fix comment so there's a separate long desc
      Document.vala: convert more entity references to their actual characters
      libxml-2.0.vapi: fix the ctype for dump_memory_format's mem param
      libxml-2.0.vapi: define a few more methods from the C: validate_name, validate_qname, and (commented 
out) has_feature (for later)
      Implementation.vala: add commented out code to use xmlHasFeature in the future
      DocumentType.vala: update comments
      Makefile.am: get rid of -Wall for now; reports a lot of warnings we can do nothing about using vala 
right now
      DocumentFragment.vala: add spec reference
      DomNode.vala: update comments, especially adding references to spec
      DomNode.vala: update documentation, particularly adding references to the spec
      NodeList.vala: improve documentation, particularly adding references to spec
      Attr.vala: update documentation, specifically references to spec
      Element.vala: update documentation, specifically references to spec
      Text.vala: update documentation, specifically adding refs to spec
      DomException.vala: rename file to comply with spec, improve docs, whitespace
      Makefile.am: DomError -> DomException
      Makefile.am: remove -Wall for now, since we can't do anything about most errors, due to vala :'(
      Revert "DomException.vala: rename file to comply with spec, improve docs, whitespace"
      DomException.vala: rename file to comply with spec, improve docs, whitespace
      Revert "Makefile.am: DomError -> DomException"
      Revert "Attr.vala: update documentation, specifically references to spec"
      Revert "Revert "Attr.vala: update documentation, specifically references to spec""
      BackedNode.vala: add a TODO about memory usage
      CDATASection: docfix for an entity reference
      DocumentType.vala: docfix for an entity ref
      ProcessingInstruction.vala: docfix for an entity ref
      Serialization.vala: address some compile-time warnings
      BackedNode: replace copy node logic with new internal gxml_document_copy_node
      SerializationTest.vala: disable a test, since we don't support that collection yet
      Element.vala: update doc for content property on its correct behaviour
      BackedNode.vala: add a couple todo items to to_string
      Document.vala: add depth parametre to copy_node, to facilitate GXmlNode cloning
      NodeList.vala, DomNode.vala, Attr.vala: create some future merge conflicts to fix doc generation now 
while merging changes; whoops
      Serialization.vala: add temporary fix to the no-ref Document problem (Serialization will keep the 
refs); after 0.4, serialize_object will change to return a Document, like in the gsoc2013 branch, currently.
      Document.vala: specify DomNode, since we haven't change Node>DomNode yet in master (just in gsoc2013 
      Serialization.vala: avoid API break; temporarily revert method name change
      README: fix an install typo, write a better valadoc explanation
      NEWS: add list of new things in 0.3.2
      configure.ac: update version to 0.3.2, update LT_VERSION, theoretically no API breaks
      test/SerializationTest.vala: temporarily switch back from clear_caches to clear_cache to prevent API 
      examples/c: add c examples
      test/SerializableTest.vala: temporarily revert clear_changes namefix to avoid breaking API for 0.3.2
      Revert "examples/c: add c examples"
      examples: rename Makefiles for c and vala to avoid collision with automake
      examples: add Makefile.am files so we can catch examples in make distcheck
      examples/vala/Makefile.am: EXTRA_DIST, not EXTRA_FILES
      configure.ac, Makefile.am: make sure examples/ is included in make distcheck
      NEWS: add Daniel's name

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