[gnome-tweak-tool] tweak_group_interface: Added the Shell Theme Tweak

commit 1c743e78dba77bf4c86776cce3504739535a9523
Author: Alex Muñoz <alexmudoz gmail com>
Date:   Thu Aug 8 23:54:12 2013 -0400

    tweak_group_interface: Added the Shell Theme Tweak

 gtweak/tweaks/tweak_group_interface.py |  177 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 1 files changed, 173 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
diff --git a/gtweak/tweaks/tweak_group_interface.py b/gtweak/tweaks/tweak_group_interface.py
index d8ead3b..709af6e 100644
--- a/gtweak/tweaks/tweak_group_interface.py
+++ b/gtweak/tweaks/tweak_group_interface.py
@@ -16,14 +16,24 @@
 # along with gnome-tweak-tool.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 import os.path
+import logging
+import zipfile
+import tempfile
+import json
+import pprint
 from gi.repository import Gtk
 from gi.repository import GLib
 import gtweak
-from gtweak.utils import walk_directories, make_combo_list_with_default
-from gtweak.widgets import ListBoxTweakGroup, GSettingsSwitchTweak, GSettingsComboTweak, DarkThemeSwitcher, 
+from gtweak.utils import walk_directories, make_combo_list_with_default, extract_zip_file
+from gtweak.gshellwrapper import GnomeShellFactory
+from gtweak.gsettings import GSettingsSetting
+from gtweak.widgets import ListBoxTweakGroup, GSettingsSwitchTweak, GSettingsComboTweak, DarkThemeSwitcher, 
Title, build_combo_box_text,build_label_beside_widget, FileChooserButton
+_shell = GnomeShellFactory().get_shell()
+_shell_loaded = _shell is not None
 class GtkThemeSwitcher(GSettingsComboTweak):
     def __init__(self, **options):
@@ -117,6 +127,164 @@ class WindowThemeSwitcher(GSettingsComboTweak):
                     os.path.exists(os.path.join(d, "metacity-1")))
         return valid
+class ShellThemeTweak(Gtk.Box, Tweak):
+    THEME_EXT_NAME = "user-theme gnome-shell-extensions gcampax github com"
+    THEME_GSETTINGS_SCHEMA = "org.gnome.shell.extensions.user-theme"
+    THEME_GSETTINGS_DIR = os.path.join(GLib.get_user_data_dir(), "gnome-shell", "extensions",
+                                       THEME_EXT_NAME, "schemas")
+    LEGACY_THEME_DIR = os.path.join(GLib.get_home_dir(), ".themes")
+    THEME_DIR = os.path.join(GLib.get_user_data_dir(), "themes")
+    def __init__(self, **options):
+        Gtk.Box.__init__(self, orientation=Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL)
+        Tweak.__init__(self, _("Shell theme"), _("Install custom or user themes for gnome-shell"), **options)
+        #check the shell is running and the usertheme extension is present
+        error = _("Unknown error")
+        self._shell = _shell
+        if self._shell is None:
+            logging.warning("Shell not running", exc_info=True)
+            error = _("Shell not running")
+        else:
+            try:
+                extensions = self._shell.list_extensions()
+                if ShellThemeTweak.THEME_EXT_NAME in extensions and 
extensions[ShellThemeTweak.THEME_EXT_NAME]["state"] == 1:
+                    #check the correct gsettings key is present
+                    try:
+                        if os.path.exists(ShellThemeTweak.THEME_GSETTINGS_DIR):
+                            self._settings = GSettingsSetting(ShellThemeTweak.THEME_GSETTINGS_SCHEMA,
+                                                              schema_dir=ShellThemeTweak.THEME_GSETTINGS_DIR)
+                        else:
+                            self._settings = GSettingsSetting(ShellThemeTweak.THEME_GSETTINGS_SCHEMA)
+                        name = self._settings.get_string(ShellThemeTweak.THEME_GSETTINGS_NAME)
+                        ext = extensions[ShellThemeTweak.THEME_EXT_NAME]
+                        logging.debug("Shell user-theme extension\n%s" % pprint.pformat(ext))
+                        error = None
+                    except:
+                        logging.warning(
+                            "Could not find user-theme extension in %s" % ','.join(extensions.keys()),
+                            exc_info=True)
+                        error = _("Shell user-theme extension incorrectly installed")
+                else:
+                    error = _("Shell user-theme extension not enabled")
+            except Exception, e:
+                logging.warning("Could not list shell extensions", exc_info=True)
+                error = _("Could not list shell extensions")
+        if error:
+            cb = build_combo_box_text(None)
+            build_label_beside_widget(self.name, cb,
+                        warning=error,
+                        hbox=self)
+            self.widget_for_size_group = cb
+        else:
+            #include both system, and user themes
+            #note: the default theme lives in /system/data/dir/gnome-shell/theme
+            #      and not themes/, so add it manually later
+            dirs = [os.path.join(d, "themes") for d in GLib.get_system_data_dirs()]
+            dirs += [ShellThemeTweak.THEME_DIR]
+            dirs += [ShellThemeTweak.LEGACY_THEME_DIR]
+            valid = walk_directories(dirs, lambda d:
+                        os.path.exists(os.path.join(d, "gnome-shell")) and \
+                        os.path.exists(os.path.join(d, "gnome-shell", "gnome-shell.css")))
+            #the default value to reset the shell is an empty string
+            valid.extend( ("",) )
+            #build a combo box with all the valid theme options
+            #manually add Adwaita to represent the default
+            cb = build_combo_box_text(
+                    self._settings.get_string(ShellThemeTweak.THEME_GSETTINGS_NAME),
+                    *make_combo_list_with_default(
+                        valid,
+                        "",
+                        default_text=_("<i>Default</i>")))
+            cb.connect('changed', self._on_combo_changed)
+            self._combo = cb
+            #a filechooser to install new themes
+            chooser = FileChooserButton(
+                        _("Select a theme"),
+                        True,
+                        ["application/zip"])
+            chooser.connect("file-set", self._on_file_set)
+            build_label_beside_widget(self.name, chooser, cb, hbox=self)
+            self.widget_for_size_group = cb
+            self.widget_sort_hint = TWEAK_SORT_LAST
+    def _on_file_set(self, chooser):
+        f = chooser.get_filename()
+        with zipfile.ZipFile(f, 'r') as z:
+            try:
+                fragment = ()
+                theme_name = None
+                for n in z.namelist():
+                    if n.endswith("gnome-shell.css"):
+                        fragment = n.split("/")[0:-1]
+                    if n.endswith("gnome-shell/theme.json"):
+                        logging.info("New style theme detected (theme.json)")
+                        #new style theme - extract the name from the json file
+                        tmp = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+                        z.extract(n, tmp)
+                        with open(os.path.join(tmp,n)) as f:
+                            try:
+                                theme_name = json.load(f)["shell-theme"]["name"]
+                            except:
+                                logging.warning("Invalid theme format", exc_info=True)
+                if not fragment:
+                    raise Exception("Could not find gnome-shell.css")
+                if not theme_name:
+                    logging.info("Old style theme detected (missing theme.json)")
+                    #old style themes name was taken from the zip name
+                    if fragment[0] == "theme" and len(fragment) == 1:
+                        theme_name = os.path.basename(f)
+                    else:
+                        theme_name = fragment[0]
+                theme_members_path = "/".join(fragment)
+                ok, updated = extract_zip_file(
+                                z,
+                                theme_members_path,
+                                os.path.join(ShellThemeTweak.THEME_DIR, theme_name, "gnome-shell"))
+                if ok:
+                    if updated:
+                        self.notify_information(_("%s theme updated successfully") % theme_name)
+                    else:
+                        self.notify_information(_("%s theme installed successfully") % theme_name)
+                    #I suppose I could rely on updated as indicating whether to add the theme
+                    #name to the combo, but just check to see if it is already there
+                    model = self._combo.get_model()
+                    if theme_name not in [r[0] for r in model]:
+                        model.append( (theme_name, theme_name) )
+                else:
+                    self.notify_information(_("Error installing theme"))
+            except:
+                #does not look like a valid theme
+                self.notify_information(_("Invalid theme"))
+                logging.warning("Error parsing theme zip", exc_info=True)
+        #set button back to default state
+        chooser.unselect_all()
+    def _on_combo_changed(self, combo):
+        val = combo.get_model().get_value(combo.get_active_iter(), 0)
+        self._settings.set_string(ShellThemeTweak.THEME_GSETTINGS_NAME, val)
@@ -127,8 +295,9 @@ TWEAK_GROUPS = [
         Title("Theme", "", uid="title-theme"),
-       IconThemeSwitcher(),
+        IconThemeSwitcher(),
+        ShellThemeTweak(loaded=_shell_loaded),

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