[rhythmbox/wip/python3: 19/35] convert sendto plugin to python3

commit 418f69c353d0bb1f92c725a7a02937216d3c9da9
Author: Jonathan Matthew <jonathan d14n org>
Date:   Mon Apr 15 22:32:11 2013 +1000

    convert sendto plugin to python3

 plugins/sendto/sendto.py | 66 ++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------
 1 file changed, 33 insertions(+), 33 deletions(-)
diff --git a/plugins/sendto/sendto.py b/plugins/sendto/sendto.py
index 036482a..76d1aed 100644
--- a/plugins/sendto/sendto.py
+++ b/plugins/sendto/sendto.py
@@ -32,44 +32,44 @@ import gettext
 gettext.install('rhythmbox', RB.locale_dir())
 class SendToPlugin (GObject.Object, Peas.Activatable):
-    __gtype_name__ = 'SendToPlugin'
+       __gtype_name__ = 'SendToPlugin'
-    object = GObject.property (type = GObject.Object)
+       object = GObject.property (type = GObject.Object)
-    def __init__(self):
-        GObject.Object.__init__(self)
+       def __init__(self):
+               GObject.Object.__init__(self)
-    def do_activate(self):
-       self.__action = Gio.SimpleAction(name='sendto')
-       self.__action.connect('activate', self.send_to)
+       def do_activate(self):
+               self.__action = Gio.SimpleAction(name='sendto')
+               self.__action.connect('activate', self.send_to)
-       app = Gio.Application.get_default()
-       app.add_action(self.__action)
+               app = Gio.Application.get_default()
+               app.add_action(self.__action)
-       item = Gio.MenuItem()
-       item.set_label(_("Send to..."))
-       item.set_detailed_action('app.sendto')
-       app.add_plugin_menu_item('edit', 'sendto', item)
-       app.add_plugin_menu_item('browser-popup', 'sendto', item)
-       app.add_plugin_menu_item('playlist-popup', 'sendto', item)
-       app.add_plugin_menu_item('queue-popup', 'sendto', item)
+               item = Gio.MenuItem()
+               item.set_label(_("Send to..."))
+               item.set_detailed_action('app.sendto')
+               app.add_plugin_menu_item('edit', 'sendto', item)
+               app.add_plugin_menu_item('browser-popup', 'sendto', item)
+               app.add_plugin_menu_item('playlist-popup', 'sendto', item)
+               app.add_plugin_menu_item('queue-popup', 'sendto', item)
-    def do_deactivate(self):
-       shell = self.object
-       app = Gio.Application.get_default()
-       app.remove_action('sendto')
-       app.remove_plugin_menu_item('edit', 'sendto')
-       app.remove_plugin_menu_item('browser-popup', 'sendto')
-       app.remove_plugin_menu_item('playlist-popup', 'sendto')
-       app.remove_plugin_menu_item('queue-popup', 'sendto')
-       del self.__action
+       def do_deactivate(self):
+               shell = self.object
+               app = Gio.Application.get_default()
+               app.remove_action('sendto')
+               app.remove_plugin_menu_item('edit', 'sendto')
+               app.remove_plugin_menu_item('browser-popup', 'sendto')
+               app.remove_plugin_menu_item('playlist-popup', 'sendto')
+               app.remove_plugin_menu_item('queue-popup', 'sendto')
+               del self.__action
-    def send_to(self, action, data):
-       shell = self.object
-        page = shell.props.selected_page
-        if not hasattr(page, "get_entry_view"):
-            return
+       def send_to(self, action, data):
+               shell = self.object
+               page = shell.props.selected_page
+               if not hasattr(page, "get_entry_view"):
+                       return
-        entries = page.get_entry_view().get_selected_entries()
-        cmdline = 'nautilus-sendto ' + " ".join(entry.get_playback_uri() for entry in entries)
-        GLib.spawn_command_line_async(cmdline)
+               entries = page.get_entry_view().get_selected_entries()
+               cmdline = 'nautilus-sendto ' + " ".join(entry.get_playback_uri() for entry in entries)
+               GLib.spawn_command_line_async(cmdline)

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