[gegl] utils: fix indentation

commit bba4cb16ec18246c940c7064f238c3ba97c05db7
Author: Øyvind Kolås <pippin gimp org>
Date:   Mon Apr 8 23:10:39 2013 +0200

    utils: fix indentation

 gegl/gegl-utils.c |  452 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------------
 1 files changed, 225 insertions(+), 227 deletions(-)
diff --git a/gegl/gegl-utils.c b/gegl/gegl-utils.c
index 38250ad..812a9e8 100644
--- a/gegl/gegl-utils.c
+++ b/gegl/gegl-utils.c
@@ -26,236 +26,234 @@
 #include "gegl-types-internal.h"
-  inline gint
-  _gegl_float_epsilon_zero (float value)
-  {
-    return value > -GEGL_FLOAT_EPSILON && value < GEGL_FLOAT_EPSILON;
-  }
-  gint
-  _gegl_float_epsilon_equal (float v1, float v2)
-  {
-    register float diff = v1 - v2;
-    return diff > -GEGL_FLOAT_EPSILON && diff < GEGL_FLOAT_EPSILON;
-  }
-  void
-  gegl_rectangle_set (GeglRectangle *r,
-                      gint           x,
-                      gint           y,
-                      guint          w,
-                      guint          h)
-  {
-    r->x      = x;
-    r->y      = y;
-    r->width  = w;
-    r->height = h;
-  }
-  void
-  gegl_rectangle_bounding_box (GeglRectangle       *dest,
-                               const GeglRectangle *src1,
-                               const GeglRectangle *src2)
-  {
-    gboolean s1_has_area = src1->width && src1->height;
-    gboolean s2_has_area = src2->width && src2->height;
-    if (!s1_has_area && !s2_has_area)
-      gegl_rectangle_set (dest, 0, 0, 0, 0);
-    else if (!s1_has_area)
-      gegl_rectangle_copy (dest, src2);
-    else if (!s2_has_area)
-      gegl_rectangle_copy (dest, src1);
-    else
-      {
-        gint x1 = MIN (src1->x, src2->x);
-        gint x2 = MAX (src1->x + src1->width, src2->x + src2->width);
-        gint y1 = MIN (src1->y, src2->y);
-        gint y2 = MAX (src1->y + src1->height, src2->y + src2->height);
-        dest->x      = x1;
-        dest->y      = y1;
-        dest->width  = x2 - x1;
-        dest->height = y2 - y1;
-      }
-  }
-  gboolean
-  gegl_rectangle_intersect (GeglRectangle       *dest,
-                            const GeglRectangle *src1,
-                            const GeglRectangle *src2)
-  {
-    gint x1, x2, y1, y2;
-    x1 = MAX (src1->x, src2->x);
-    x2 = MIN (src1->x + src1->width, src2->x + src2->width);
-    if (x2 <= x1)
-      {
-        if (dest)
-          gegl_rectangle_set (dest, 0, 0, 0, 0);
-        return FALSE;
-      }
-    y1 = MAX (src1->y, src2->y);
-    y2 = MIN (src1->y + src1->height, src2->y + src2->height);
-    if (y2 <= y1)
-      {
-        if (dest)
-          gegl_rectangle_set (dest, 0, 0, 0, 0);
-        return FALSE;
-      }
-    if (dest)
-      gegl_rectangle_set (dest, x1, y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1);
-    return TRUE;
-  }
-  void
-  gegl_rectangle_copy (GeglRectangle       *to,
-                       const GeglRectangle *from)
-  {
-    to->x      = from->x;
-    to->y      = from->y;
-    to->width  = from->width;
-    to->height = from->height;
-  }
-  gboolean
-  gegl_rectangle_contains (const GeglRectangle *r,
-                           const GeglRectangle *s)
-  {
-    g_return_val_if_fail (r && s, FALSE);
-    if (s->x >= r->x &&
-        s->y >= r->y &&
-        (s->x + s->width) <= (r->x + r->width) &&
-        (s->y + s->height) <= (r->y + r->height))
-      return TRUE;
-    else
-      return FALSE;
-  }
-  gboolean
-  gegl_rectangle_equal (const GeglRectangle *r,
-                        const GeglRectangle *s)
-  {
-    g_return_val_if_fail (r && s, FALSE);
-    if (r->x == s->x &&
-        r->y == s->y &&
-        r->width == s->width &&
-        r->height == s->height)
-      return TRUE;
-    else
+inline gint
+_gegl_float_epsilon_zero (float value)
+  return value > -GEGL_FLOAT_EPSILON && value < GEGL_FLOAT_EPSILON;
+_gegl_float_epsilon_equal (float v1, float v2)
+  register float diff = v1 - v2;
+  return diff > -GEGL_FLOAT_EPSILON && diff < GEGL_FLOAT_EPSILON;
+gegl_rectangle_set (GeglRectangle *r,
+                    gint           x,
+                    gint           y,
+                    guint          w,
+                    guint          h)
+  r->x      = x;
+  r->y      = y;
+  r->width  = w;
+  r->height = h;
+gegl_rectangle_bounding_box (GeglRectangle       *dest,
+                             const GeglRectangle *src1,
+                             const GeglRectangle *src2)
+  gboolean s1_has_area = src1->width && src1->height;
+  gboolean s2_has_area = src2->width && src2->height;
+  if (!s1_has_area && !s2_has_area)
+    gegl_rectangle_set (dest, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+  else if (!s1_has_area)
+    gegl_rectangle_copy (dest, src2);
+  else if (!s2_has_area)
+    gegl_rectangle_copy (dest, src1);
+  else
+    {
+      gint x1 = MIN (src1->x, src2->x);
+      gint x2 = MAX (src1->x + src1->width, src2->x + src2->width);
+      gint y1 = MIN (src1->y, src2->y);
+      gint y2 = MAX (src1->y + src1->height, src2->y + src2->height);
+      dest->x      = x1;
+      dest->y      = y1;
+      dest->width  = x2 - x1;
+      dest->height = y2 - y1;
+    }
+gegl_rectangle_intersect (GeglRectangle       *dest,
+                          const GeglRectangle *src1,
+                          const GeglRectangle *src2)
+  gint x1, x2, y1, y2;
+  x1 = MAX (src1->x, src2->x);
+  x2 = MIN (src1->x + src1->width, src2->x + src2->width);
+  if (x2 <= x1)
+    {
+      if (dest)
+        gegl_rectangle_set (dest, 0, 0, 0, 0);
       return FALSE;
-  }
-  gboolean
-  gegl_rectangle_equal_coords (const GeglRectangle *r,
-                               gint                 x,
-                               gint                 y,
-                               gint                 w,
-                               gint                 h)
-  {
-    g_return_val_if_fail (r, FALSE);
-    if (r->x == x &&
-        r->y == y &&
-        r->width == w &&
-        r->height == h)
-      return TRUE;
-    else
+    }
+  y1 = MAX (src1->y, src2->y);
+  y2 = MIN (src1->y + src1->height, src2->y + src2->height);
+  if (y2 <= y1)
+    {
+      if (dest)
+        gegl_rectangle_set (dest, 0, 0, 0, 0);
       return FALSE;
-  }
-  gboolean
-  gegl_rectangle_is_empty (const GeglRectangle *r)
-  {
-    g_return_val_if_fail (r != NULL, FALSE);
-    return r->width == 0 && r->height == 0;
-  }
-  static GeglRectangle *
-  gegl_rectangle_dup (const GeglRectangle *rectangle)
-  {
-    GeglRectangle *result = g_new (GeglRectangle, 1);
-    *result = *rectangle;
-    return result;
-  }
-  GeglRectangle
-  gegl_rectangle_infinite_plane (void)
-  {
-    GeglRectangle infinite_plane_rect = {G_MININT / 2, G_MININT / 2, G_MAXINT, G_MAXINT};
-    return infinite_plane_rect;
-  }
-  gboolean
-  gegl_rectangle_is_infinite_plane (const GeglRectangle *rectangle)
-  {
-    return (rectangle->x      == G_MININT / 2 &&
-            rectangle->y      == G_MININT / 2 &&
-            rectangle->width  == G_MAXINT     &&
-            rectangle->height == G_MAXINT);
-  }
-  void
-  gegl_rectangle_dump (const GeglRectangle *rectangle)
-  {
-    g_print ("%d, %d, %d×%d\n",
-             rectangle->x,
-             rectangle->y,
-             rectangle->width,
-             rectangle->height);
-  }
-  GType
-  gegl_rectangle_get_type (void)
-  {
-    static GType our_type = 0;
-    if (our_type == 0)
-      our_type = g_boxed_type_register_static (g_intern_static_string ("GeglRectangle"),
-                                               (GBoxedCopyFunc) gegl_rectangle_dup,
-                                               (GBoxedFreeFunc) g_free);
-    return our_type;
-  }
+    }
+  if (dest)
+    gegl_rectangle_set (dest, x1, y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1);
+  return TRUE;
+gegl_rectangle_copy (GeglRectangle       *to,
+                     const GeglRectangle *from)
+  to->x      = from->x;
+  to->y      = from->y;
+  to->width  = from->width;
+  to->height = from->height;
+gegl_rectangle_contains (const GeglRectangle *r,
+                         const GeglRectangle *s)
+  g_return_val_if_fail (r && s, FALSE);
+  if (s->x >= r->x &&
+      s->y >= r->y &&
+      (s->x + s->width) <= (r->x + r->width) &&
+      (s->y + s->height) <= (r->y + r->height))
+    return TRUE;
+  else
+    return FALSE;
+gegl_rectangle_equal (const GeglRectangle *r,
+                      const GeglRectangle *s)
+  g_return_val_if_fail (r && s, FALSE);
+  if (r->x == s->x &&
+      r->y == s->y &&
+      r->width == s->width &&
+      r->height == s->height)
+    return TRUE;
+  else
+    return FALSE;
+gegl_rectangle_equal_coords (const GeglRectangle *r,
+                             gint                 x,
+                             gint                 y,
+                             gint                 w,
+                             gint                 h)
+  g_return_val_if_fail (r, FALSE);
+  if (r->x == x &&
+      r->y == y &&
+      r->width == w &&
+      r->height == h)
+    return TRUE;
+  else
+    return FALSE;
+gegl_rectangle_is_empty (const GeglRectangle *r)
+  g_return_val_if_fail (r != NULL, FALSE);
+  return r->width == 0 && r->height == 0;
+static GeglRectangle *
+gegl_rectangle_dup (const GeglRectangle *rectangle)
+  GeglRectangle *result = g_new (GeglRectangle, 1);
+  *result = *rectangle;
+  return result;
+gegl_rectangle_infinite_plane (void)
+  GeglRectangle infinite_plane_rect = {G_MININT / 2, G_MININT / 2, G_MAXINT, G_MAXINT};
+  return infinite_plane_rect;
+gegl_rectangle_is_infinite_plane (const GeglRectangle *rectangle)
+  return (rectangle->x      == G_MININT / 2 &&
+          rectangle->y      == G_MININT / 2 &&
+          rectangle->width  == G_MAXINT     &&
+          rectangle->height == G_MAXINT);
+gegl_rectangle_dump (const GeglRectangle *rectangle)
+  g_print ("%d, %d, %d×%d\n",
+           rectangle->x,
+           rectangle->y,
+           rectangle->width,
+           rectangle->height);
+gegl_rectangle_get_type (void)
+  static GType our_type = 0;
+  if (our_type == 0)
+    our_type = g_boxed_type_register_static (g_intern_static_string ("GeglRectangle"),
+                                             (GBoxedCopyFunc) gegl_rectangle_dup,
+                                             (GBoxedFreeFunc) g_free);
+  return our_type;
 #define GEGL_ALIGN 16
-  gpointer
-  gegl_malloc (gsize size);
-  /* utility call that makes sure allocations are 16 byte aligned.
-   * making RGBA float buffers have aligned access for pixels.
-   */
-  gpointer gegl_malloc (gsize size)
-  {
-    gchar *mem;
-    gchar *ret;
-    gint   offset;
-    mem    = g_malloc (size + GEGL_ALIGN + sizeof(gpointer));
-    offset = GEGL_ALIGN - (GPOINTER_TO_UINT(mem) + sizeof(gpointer)) % GEGL_ALIGN;
-    ret    = (gpointer)(mem + sizeof(gpointer) + offset);
-    /* store the real malloc one pointer in front of this malloc */
-    *(gpointer*)(ret-sizeof(gpointer))=mem;
-    return (gpointer) ret;
-  }
-  void
-  gegl_free (gpointer buf);
-  void
-  gegl_free (gpointer buf)
-  {
-    g_assert (buf);
-    g_free (*((gpointer*)buf -1));
-  }
+gegl_malloc (gsize size);
+/* utility call that makes sure allocations are 16 byte aligned.
+ * making RGBA float buffers have aligned access for pixels.
+ */
+gpointer gegl_malloc (gsize size)
+  gchar *mem;
+  gchar *ret;
+  gint   offset;
+  mem    = g_malloc (size + GEGL_ALIGN + sizeof(gpointer));
+  offset = GEGL_ALIGN - (GPOINTER_TO_UINT(mem) + sizeof(gpointer)) % GEGL_ALIGN;
+  ret    = (gpointer)(mem + sizeof(gpointer) + offset);
+  /* store the real malloc one pointer in front of this malloc */
+  *(gpointer*)(ret-sizeof(gpointer))=mem;
+  return (gpointer) ret;
+gegl_free (gpointer buf);
+gegl_free (gpointer buf)
+  g_assert (buf);
+  g_free (*((gpointer*)buf -1));

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