[gcompris] Fill empty template with mining-activity code

commit f0ca995712bb27439f51f0ce5ce2c9cc0826a90f
Author: Peter Albrecht <pa-dev gmx de>
Date:   Wed Aug 15 20:14:57 2012 +0200

    Fill empty template with mining-activity code
    Ok, the first playable version of the mining-activity is ready. This
    took me a few days, but now it's time to commit it! :)
    Bugfixes and enhancements will follow. ;)
    I adopted some ideas and "ways to do" from other activities like:
      - hexagon
      - penalty
      - seerace
      - anim
    Thanks for your work!

 src/mining-activity/mining.py                      |  669 +++++++++++++++++++-
 src/mining-activity/resources/mining/rockwall.svgz |  Bin 0 -> 10756 bytes
 2 files changed, 636 insertions(+), 33 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/mining-activity/mining.py b/src/mining-activity/mining.py
index a8bec48..4d99c04 100644
--- a/src/mining-activity/mining.py
+++ b/src/mining-activity/mining.py
@@ -17,21 +17,47 @@
 #   along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 # mining activity.
+import math
+import gobject
 import gtk
 import gtk.gdk
 import gcompris
+import gcompris.bonus
 import gcompris.utils
 import gcompris.skin
+import gcompris.sound
 import goocanvas
 import pango
+import random
+import cairo
 from gcompris import gcompris_gettext as _
 class Gcompris_mining:
-  """Empty gcompris python class"""
+  """ GCompis Mining-Activity """
+  # the number of nuggets, we need to collect in this level
+  nuggets_to_collect = 0
+  # the number of nuggets, we already have colleced
+  nugget_count = 0
+  # used to trigger the creation of a new nugget at next opportunity (only at max zoomed out)
+  need_new_nugget = False
+  # used to start new game, after game was won and bonus is displayed
+  is_game_won = False
+  # The factor to shrink the source image with, in order to make it fit on the screen.
+  # This has to be larger than 1 (= source image has higher resolution than screen),
+  # so the image looks still nice, if we zoom in a bit.
+  source_image_scale = 3.0
   def __init__(self, gcomprisBoard):
+    """ Constructor """
     print "mining init"
     # Save the gcomprisBoard, it defines everything we need
@@ -41,64 +67,641 @@ class Gcompris_mining:
     # Needed to get key_press
     gcomprisBoard.disable_im_context = True
   def start(self):
+    """ Load data and start the activity """
     print "mining start"
-    # Set the buttons we want in the bar
+    self.gcomprisBoard.maxlevel = 9
+    self.gcomprisBoard.sublevel = 1
+    self.gcomprisBoard.number_of_sublevel = 1
+    # Set the buttons we want in the bar.
+    # We need to set BAR_LEVEL, in order to see the "help" icon!?!
-    # Set a background image
-    gcompris.set_default_background(self.gcomprisBoard.canvas.get_root_item())
+    gcompris.bar_location(0, -1, 0.8)
     # Create our rootitem. We put each canvas item in it so at the end we
     # only have to kill it. The canvas deletes all the items it contains
     # automaticaly.
-    self.rootitem = goocanvas.Group(parent =
-                                    self.gcomprisBoard.canvas.get_root_item())
-    goocanvas.Text(
-      parent = self.rootitem,
-      x=400.0,
-      y=100.0,
-      text=_("This is the first plugin in GCompris coded in the Python\n"
-             "Programming language."),
-      fill_color="black",
-      anchor = gtk.ANCHOR_CENTER,
-      alignment = pango.ALIGN_CENTER
+    self.rootitem = goocanvas.Group(parent = self.gcomprisBoard.canvas.get_root_item())
+    self.rootitem.connect("button_press_event", self.on_button_press)
+    svghandle = gcompris.utils.load_svg("mining/rockwall.svgz")
+    self.viewport = Viewport(self.gcomprisBoard, self.rootitem, self.on_zoom_change, self.source_image_scale)
+    rockwall_img = goocanvas.Svg(
+      parent = self.viewport.get_gc_group(),
+      svg_handle = svghandle,
+      svg_id = "#BACKGROUND"
+    # the further zoom logic highly depends on the following conditions
+    assert(gcompris.BOARD_WIDTH == (rockwall_img.get_bounds().x2 / self.source_image_scale))
+    assert(gcompris.BOARD_HEIGHT == (rockwall_img.get_bounds().y2 / self.source_image_scale))
+    self.nugget = Nugget(svghandle, self.viewport.get_gc_group())
+    # create sparkling last, so it is on above the nugget
+    self.sparkling = Sparkling(svghandle, self.viewport.get_gc_group())
+    # initialize the level, to start with
+    self.set_level(1)
+  def set_level(self, level):
+    """ Initialize new level and start it. """
+    print("mining set level: %i" % level)
+    self.end_level()
+    # store new level
+    self.gcomprisBoard.level = level
+    gcompris.bar_set_level(self.gcomprisBoard);
+    # load level specific values
+    self.nuggets_to_collect = 3
+    # prepare new game
+    self.is_game_won = False
+    self.nugget_count = 0
+    self.need_new_nugget = False
+    # TODO: set level-function:
+    #  generate nice level with random stones, bones, ...
+    #  and place gold nuggest according to no stone/bone bounding boxes
+    #  perhaps different backgrounds?
+    self.viewport.reset()
+    self.place_new_nugget()
+  def place_new_nugget(self):
+    """ Place a new nugget to collect on the rockwall """
+    # TODO: check for stones/bones
+    # TODO: nugget width / height
+    margin = 50
+    x = random.randrange(margin, gcompris.BOARD_WIDTH - margin) * self.source_image_scale
+    y = random.randrange(margin, gcompris.BOARD_HEIGHT - margin) * self.source_image_scale
+    self.nugget.reset(x, y)
+    (x, y) = self.nugget.get_sparkling_coordinates()
+    self.sparkling.reset(x, y)
+    self.sparkling.animation_start()
+    self.need_new_nugget = False
+  def on_zoom_change(self, state):
+    """ Do something according to specific zoom states (E.g. the nugget is only visible at maximum zoom.) """
+    # As of 2012-08-11 there seems to be no "gcomrpis way" to change the mouse cursor to
+    # a individual png. So we can't change to a pickaxe. :(
+    if state == 'min':
+      self.nugget.hide()
+      if self.need_new_nugget:
+        self.place_new_nugget()
+    elif state == 'mid':
+      self.nugget.hide()
+    elif state == 'max':
+      self.nugget.show()
+    else:
+      assert(False)
+  def on_button_press(self, item, target_item, event = None):
+    """
+    The user clicked somewhere.
+    Since the spark sometimes hides the nugget, click events might be misleaded to the spark-image.
+    So we can't use "nugget.connect()". :(
+    """
+    # don't react on double clicks
+    if event.type != gtk.gdk.BUTTON_PRESS:
+      return
+    # coordinate space fix
+    # Event-coordinates are in the coordinate space of that item, which lies direct under the cursor.
+    # To "normalize" them, we translate those coordinates to canvas coordinate space.
+    (x, y) = self.gcomprisBoard.canvas.convert_from_item_space(target_item, event.x, event.y)
+    if self.nugget.is_visible():
+      # Was the mouse-click over the nugget?
+      # An alternative would be:
+      #    gcomprisBoard.canvas.get_items_at(x, y, True)
+      # But we don't have the nugget_img object here.
+      if self.nugget.is_hit(x, y):
+        self.collect_nugget()
+  def collect_nugget(self):
+    """ The nugget was clicked, so collect it """
+    self.nugget_count += 1
+    self.sparkling.animation_stop()
+    self.nugget.hide()
+    if self.nugget_count >= self.nuggets_to_collect:
+      self.on_level_won()
+    else:
+      # we need to collect more nuggets, so lets place a new one
+      self.need_new_nugget = True
+  def on_level_won(self):
+    """ The user collected enough nuggets """
+    gcompris.sound.play_ogg("sounds/bonus.wav")
+    self.is_game_won = True;
+    # display the lion bonus (I have no idea, why it has the GNU-label)
+    gcompris.bonus.display(gcompris.bonus.WIN, gcompris.bonus.GNU)
+  def pause(self, pause):
+    """ Called by GCompris, when the game is paused (e.g. config or bonus display) """
+    # When the bonus is displayed, this function is called first with pause(1) and then with pause(0)
+    if(pause == 0 and self.is_game_won):
+      # the bonus has been shown, so start a new game in the next level
+      self.set_level(self.get_next_level())
+  def get_next_level(self):
+    """ Determines the next level """
+    next_level = self.gcomprisBoard.level + 1
+    if(next_level > self.gcomprisBoard.maxlevel):
+      next_level = self.gcomprisBoard.maxlevel
+    return next_level
+  def end_level(self):
+    """ Terminate the current level """
+    self.sparkling.end()
   def end(self):
+    """ Terminate the activity """
     print "mining end"
+    self.end_level()
     # Remove the root item removes all the others inside it
-  def ok(self):
-    print("mining ok.")
+  # -----------------------
+  # GCompris interface functions, not needed by mining-activity
+  def config_start(self, profile):
+    print("config_start() not needed by mining-activity.")
+  def config_stop(self):
+    print("config_stop() not needed by mining-activity.")
+  def key_press(self, keyval, commit_str, preedit_str):
+    print("key_press() not needed by mining-activity.")
+  def ok(self):
+    print("ok() not needed by mining-activity.")
   def repeat(self):
-    print("mining repeat.")
+    print("repeat() not needed by mining-activity.")
-  #mandatory but unused yet
-  def config_stop(self):
-    pass
-  # Configuration function.
-  def config_start(self, profile):
-    print("mining config_start.")
+class Viewport:
+  """ The viewport handles zooming in and out with the appropriate translation """
-  def key_press(self, keyval, commit_str, preedit_str):
-    utf8char = gtk.gdk.keyval_to_unicode(keyval)
-    strn = u'%c' % utf8char
+  # viewport transformation
+  x = 0
+  y = 0
+  scale = 1.0
-    print("Gcompris_mining key press keyval=%i %s" % (keyval, strn))
-  def pause(self, pause):
-    print("mining pause. %i" % pause)
+  # zooming
+  # The limit to max zoom out, while still filling all the screen with the rockwall.
+  # This value is set up in the constructor.
+  scale_min = None
+  # The limit to max zoom in.
+  # Try to keep scale_max reachable by  scale_min * zoom_factor ^ n  (with n in [1, 2, 3, 4, ...[)
+  scale_max = 0.9520
+  # the factor to zoom on each zoom event
+  zoom_factor = 1.3
+  # The GooCanvas group, which holds everything that is affected by zooming
+  gc_group = None
+  # see documentation in Gcompris_mining
+  source_image_scale = None
+  def __init__(self, gcomprisBoard, parent, cb_zoom_change, source_image_scale):
+    """
+    Constructor:
+      gcomprisBoard      : the GCompris board
+      parent             : the parent GooCanvas item to add our gc_group
+      cb_zoom_change     : callback function for "zoom changed"-event
+      source_image_scale : see documentation in Gcompris_mining
+    """
+    self.gcomprisBoard = gcomprisBoard
+    self.gc_group = goocanvas.Group(parent = parent)
+    self.gc_group.connect("scroll_event", self.__on_scroll)
+    self.cb_zoom_change = cb_zoom_change
+    self.source_image_scale = source_image_scale
+    self.scale_min = 1.0 / source_image_scale
+  def reset(self):
+    """ Reset the viewport """
+    # zoom out max
+    self.scale = self.scale_min
+    self.x = 0
+    self.y = 0
+    self.__update_transformation()
+  def get_gc_group(self):
+    """ get the GooCanvas group, which holds everything that is affected by zooming """
+    return self.gc_group
+  def __on_scroll(self, item, target_item, event = None):
+    """ Called at scroll (= zoom) events """
+    # item - The element connected with this callback function
+    # target_item - The element under the cursor
+    # event  - gtk.gdk.Event
+    assert(event.type == gtk.gdk.SCROLL)
+    ###
+    # coordinate space fix
+    # Event-coordinates are in the coordinate space of that item, which lies direct under the cursor.
+    # So if the user scrolls over the spark, for example, we have to translate those coordinates to 
+    # the coordinate space of our gc_group.
+    (x, y) = self.gcomprisBoard.canvas.convert_from_item_space(target_item, event.x, event.y)
+    (x, y) = self.gcomprisBoard.canvas.convert_to_item_space(self.gc_group, x, y)
+    ###
+    # remember old values for calculation
+    old_scale = self.scale
+    old_x = self.x
+    old_y = self.y
+    ###
+    # calculate the new scale factor
+    if event.direction == gtk.gdk.SCROLL_DOWN:
+      # zoom out
+      self.scale /= self.zoom_factor
+      if self.scale < self.scale_min:
+        self.scale = self.scale_min
+    elif event.direction == gtk.gdk.SCROLL_UP:
+      # zoom in
+      self.scale *= self.zoom_factor
+      if self.scale > self.scale_max:
+        self.scale = self.scale_max
+    else:
+      assert(False)
+    ###
+    # The pixel under the cursor shall be fixed, while everything else zooms in/out 
+    # (we zoom at the mouse position), so we have to calculate a new position for 
+    # gc_group (displaying primarily the rockwall image).
+    new_x = old_x + x * (old_scale - self.scale)
+    new_y = old_y + y * (old_scale - self.scale)
+    ###
+    # Checks to prevent empty areas on any side of the rockwall
+    min_x = gcompris.BOARD_WIDTH * (1 - self.scale * self.source_image_scale)
+    min_y = gcompris.BOARD_HEIGHT * (1 - self.scale * self.source_image_scale)
+    # block uncovered area on the left
+    if new_x > 0:
+      new_x = 0
+    # block uncovered area on the top
+    if new_y > 0:
+      new_y = 0
+    # block uncovered area on the right
+    if new_x < min_x:
+      new_x = min_x
+    # block uncovered area on the bottom
+    if new_y < min_y:
+      new_y = min_y
+    ###
+    # apply new values
+    self.x = new_x
+    self.y = new_y
+    self.__update_transformation()
+    ###
+    # inform main class about zoom change
+    if old_scale != self.scale:
+      if self.scale == self.scale_max:
+        state = 'max'
+      elif self.scale == self.scale_min:
+        state = 'min'
+      else:
+        state = 'mid'
+      # call the callback function of main class
+      self.cb_zoom_change(state)
+  def __update_transformation(self):
+    """ Update the viewport's transformation matrix """
+    self.gc_group.set_simple_transform(self.x, self.y, self.scale, 0)
+class Nugget:
+  """ The gold nugget """
+  # position of the nugget (in the rockwall/gc_group)
+  x = 0.0
+  y = 0.0
+  # center of the spark in the svg file (used for rotation and positioning)
+  pivot_x = 1000
+  pivot_y = 800
+  # picture of the nugget
+  nugget_img = None
+  def __init__(self, svghandle, parent):
+    """ 
+    Constructor:
+      svghandle      : handle to the svg file, holding the pictures
+      parent         : GooCanvas parent item of the gold nugget
+    """
+    self.nugget_img = goocanvas.Svg(
+      parent = parent,
+      svg_handle = svghandle,
+      svg_id = "#NUGGET",
+      # start invisible, since x/y are not set properly yet
+      visibility = goocanvas.ITEM_INVISIBLE
+      )
+  def reset(self, x, y):
+    """ Move nugget to a new position. """
+    self.x = x
+    self.y = y
+    self.nugget_img.set_simple_transform(self.x - self.pivot_x, self.y - self.pivot_y, 1.0, 0)
+  def show(self):
+    """ Display the nugget """
+    self.nugget_img.props.visibility = goocanvas.ITEM_VISIBLE
+  def hide(self):
+    """ Hide the nugget """
+    self.nugget_img.props.visibility = goocanvas.ITEM_INVISIBLE
+  def is_visible(self):
+    """ Tells whether the nugget is visible (True) or hidden (False) """
+    return self.nugget_img.props.visibility == goocanvas.ITEM_VISIBLE
+  def is_hit(self, x, y):
+    """ 
+    Determines whether the given coordinates are in the nugget's bounding box.
+      x and y are the coordinates in the canvas coordinate space. 
+    """
+    # get the nugget's bounding box in canvas coordinate space
+    bounds = self.nugget_img.get_bounds()
+    if bounds.x1 <= x and x <= bounds.x2 and bounds.y1 <= y and y <= bounds.y2:
+      return True
+    return False
+  def get_sparkling_coordinates(self):
+    """ Get the coordinates, where the sparkling should appear """
+    return (self.x - 10, self.y - 10)
+class Sparkling:
+  """
+  Handles all "sparkling"-stuff of the gold nugget.
+  The sparkling animation consists of "sparkphases", the time when the spark can be seen,
+  and pauses, the time when the spark is hidden.
+  """
+  # position of the spark (in the rockwall/gc_group)
+  x = 0.0
+  y = 0.0
+  # rotation (in degrees)
+  angle = 0
+  rot_delta = 0
+  rot_delta_init = 6
+  # size
+  scale = 0
+  scale_factor = 0.90
+  scale_min = 0.4
+  scale_max = 1.0
+  # animation
+  timer = None
+  timer_milliseconds = 30
+  # the number of timer-events, a pause lasts
+  pause_ticks_total = 25
+  pause_ticks_current = 0
+  pause_tick_variation = 10
+  # spark image
+  spark = None
+  # center of the spark in the svg file (used for rotation and positioning)
+  pivot_x = 600
+  pivot_y = 600
+  def __init__(self, svghandle, parent):
+    """ 
+    Constructor:
+      svghandle : handle to the svg file, holding the pictures
+      parent    : GooCanvas parent item of this spark
+    """
+    self.spark = goocanvas.Svg(
+      parent = parent,
+      svg_handle = svghandle,
+      svg_id = "#SPARK",
+      # start invisible, since x/y are not set properly yet
+      visibility = goocanvas.ITEM_INVISIBLE
+      )
+  def end(self):
+    """ Our "destructor" """
+    if self.__is_animation_playing():
+      self.animation_stop()
+  def reset(self, x, y):
+    """ Prepare a new sparkling animation. """
+    self.x = x
+    self.y = y
+    self.pause_ticks_current = 0
+    # we turn rotation direction at every sparkphase
+    self.rot_delta = self.rot_delta_init
+    self.__sparkphase_start()
+  def __update_transformation(self):
+    """ Updates the transformation matrix of the spark (= calculate new picture of animation). """
+    # we need those values more than once, so lets remember them
+    a = math.radians(self.angle)
+    cos_a = math.cos(a)
+    sin_a = math.sin(a)
+    # create the transformation matrices
+    m_center_to_origin = cairo.Matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, -self.pivot_x, -self.pivot_y)
+    m_scale = cairo.Matrix(self.scale, 0, 0, self.scale, 0, 0)
+    m_rotate = cairo.Matrix(cos_a, sin_a, -sin_a, cos_a, 0, 0)
+    m_to_destination = cairo.Matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, self.x, self.y)
+    # combine all transformation matrices to one
+    matrix = m_center_to_origin * m_scale * m_rotate * m_to_destination
+    self.spark.set_transform(matrix)
+  def __show_spark(self):
+    """ Display the spark """
+    self.spark.props.visibility = goocanvas.ITEM_VISIBLE
+  def __hide_spark(self):
+    """ Hide the spark """
+    self.spark.props.visibility = goocanvas.ITEM_INVISIBLE
+  def __sparkphase_start(self):
+    """ Start a new sparkphase, showing the spark """
+    # setup new values for this sparkphase
+    self.angle += random.randrange(0, 359)
+    self.rot_delta *= -1
+    self.scale = self.scale_max
+    # show the spark at the new state
+    self.__update_transformation()
+    self.__show_spark()
+    # make some noise ;)
+    #TODO: gcompris.sound.play_ogg("sounds/sparkle.ogg")
+  def __calculate_new_state(self):
+    """ Calculate next animation step """
+    self.scale *= self.scale_factor
+    self.angle += self.rot_delta
+  def __animate(self):
+    """ Called every x milliseconds, to animate the sparkling """
+    if self.pause_ticks_current > 0:
+      # pause this tick
+      self.pause_ticks_current -= 1
+      if self.pause_ticks_current <= 0:
+        # pause ends
+        self.__sparkphase_start()
+      return True
+    # no pause
+    if self.scale < self.scale_min:
+      # start pause
+      self.pause_ticks_current = self.pause_ticks_total + random.randrange(-self.pause_tick_variation, self.pause_tick_variation)
+      self.__hide_spark()
+      return True
+    # normal sparkle animation
+    self.__calculate_new_state()
+    self.__update_transformation()
+    # call timeout again
+    return True
+  def animation_start(self):
+    """ Starts the sparkling animation """
+    assert(not self.__is_animation_playing())
+    self.timer = gobject.timeout_add(self.timer_milliseconds, self.__animate)
+  def animation_stop(self):
+    """ Stops the sparkling animation """
+    assert(self.__is_animation_playing())
+    gobject.source_remove(self.timer)
+    self.timer = None
+    self.__hide_spark()
-  def set_level(self, level):
-    print("mining set level. %i" % level)
+  def __is_animation_playing(self):
+    """ Tells us, if there is an animation running at the moment """
+    return self.timer != None
diff --git a/src/mining-activity/resources/mining/rockwall.svgz b/src/mining-activity/resources/mining/rockwall.svgz
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7ea0bf2
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/mining-activity/resources/mining/rockwall.svgz differ

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