[rygel/rygel-0-16] renderer: Make docs C-like rather than vala-like.

commit af99a1e3d533240bf3b55c5348eb1131216f7444
Author: Murray Cumming <murrayc openismus com>
Date:   Tue Sep 11 09:39:09 2012 +0200

    renderer: Make docs C-like rather than vala-like.

 src/librygel-renderer/rygel-playbin-renderer.vala |   12 ++++++------
 1 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/librygel-renderer/rygel-playbin-renderer.vala b/src/librygel-renderer/rygel-playbin-renderer.vala
index ab2b1f3..8065279 100644
--- a/src/librygel-renderer/rygel-playbin-renderer.vala
+++ b/src/librygel-renderer/rygel-playbin-renderer.vala
@@ -39,12 +39,12 @@ internal class Rygel.Playbin.WrappingPlugin : Rygel.MediaRendererPlugin {
  * A UPnP renderer that uses a GStreamer Playbin2 element.
- * Using Gst.Playbin2 as a model, it reflects any changes done externally, such as
+ * Using GstPlayBin2 as a model, it reflects any changes done externally, such as
  * changing the currently played URI, volume, pause/play etc., to UPnP.
  * Likewise, the playbin can be modified externally using UPnP.
- * You can retrieve the Gst.Playbin2 by calling rygel_playbin_player_get_playbin()
+ * You can retrieve the GstPlayBin2 by calling rygel_playbin_player_get_playbin()
  * on the default player - see rygel_playbin_player_get_default().
  * You should then set the "video-sink" and "audio-sink" properties of the
  * playbin.
@@ -59,8 +59,8 @@ public class Rygel.Playbin.Renderer : Rygel.MediaDevice {
      * Create a new instance of Renderer.
-     * Renderer will instantiate its own instance of Gst.Playbin2.
-     * The Gst.Playbin2 can be accessed by using Player.get_default().playbin
+     * Renderer will instantiate its own instance of GstPlayBin2.
+     * The GstPlayBin2 can be accessed by using rygel_playbin_player_get_playbin().
      * @param title Friendly name of the new UPnP renderer on the network.
@@ -71,10 +71,10 @@ public class Rygel.Playbin.Renderer : Rygel.MediaDevice {
-     * Create a new instance of Renderer, wrapping an existing Playbin2
+     * Create a new instance of Renderer, wrapping an existing GstPlayBin2
      * instance.
-     * @param pipeline Instance of Gst.PlayBin2 to wrap.
+     * @param pipeline Instance of GstPlayBin2 to wrap.
      * @param title Friendly name of the new UPnP renderer on the network.
     public Renderer.wrap (Gst.Element pipeline, string title) {

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