[gtk+/composite-templates] GActionMuxer: add support for parent muxers

commit b142df82e633e34cd226ad426a60faadb57de50d
Author: Lars Uebernickel <lars uebernickel canonical com>
Date:   Fri Aug 17 13:16:51 2012 -0400

    GActionMuxer: add support for parent muxers
    If a muxer does not contain an action group with the given prefix, chain
    up to the "parent" muxer to look for it.
    This initial implementation is rather inefficient.  It will lead to
    changes on action groups associated with parent muxers being broadcast
    to all children (regardless of if anybody there is interested or not).
    An optimised version will follow soon.

 gtk/gactionmuxer.c |  458 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------
 gtk/gactionmuxer.h |    7 +
 2 files changed, 371 insertions(+), 94 deletions(-)
diff --git a/gtk/gactionmuxer.c b/gtk/gactionmuxer.c
index 532eec4..3c43aa5 100644
--- a/gtk/gactionmuxer.c
+++ b/gtk/gactionmuxer.c
@@ -63,14 +63,24 @@ struct _GActionMuxer
   GObject parent_instance;
-  GHashTable *actions;
+  GHashTable *observed_actions;
   GHashTable *groups;
+  GActionMuxer *parent;
 G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_CODE (GActionMuxer, g_action_muxer, G_TYPE_OBJECT,
                          G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (G_TYPE_ACTION_GROUP, g_action_muxer_group_iface_init)
                          G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (G_TYPE_ACTION_OBSERVABLE, g_action_muxer_observable_iface_init))
+  PROP_0,
+static GParamSpec *properties[NUM_PROPERTIES];
 typedef struct
   GActionMuxer *muxer;
@@ -86,147 +96,243 @@ typedef struct
   gulong        handler_ids[4];
 } Group;
+static void
+g_action_muxer_append_group_actions (gpointer key,
+                                     gpointer value,
+                                     gpointer user_data)
+  const gchar *prefix = key;
+  Group *group = value;
+  GArray *actions = user_data;
+  gchar **group_actions;
+  gchar **action;
+  group_actions = g_action_group_list_actions (group->group);
+  for (action = group_actions; *action; action++)
+    {
+      gchar *fullname;
+      fullname = g_strconcat (prefix, ".", *action, NULL);
+      g_array_append_val (actions, fullname);
+    }
+  g_strfreev (group_actions);
 static gchar **
 g_action_muxer_list_actions (GActionGroup *action_group)
   GActionMuxer *muxer = G_ACTION_MUXER (action_group);
-  GHashTableIter iter;
-  gchar *key;
-  gchar **keys;
-  gsize i;
+  GArray *actions;
-  keys = g_new (gchar *, g_hash_table_size (muxer->actions) + 1);
+  actions = g_array_new (TRUE, FALSE, sizeof (gchar *));
-  i = 0;
-  g_hash_table_iter_init (&iter, muxer->actions);
-  while (g_hash_table_iter_next (&iter, (gpointer *) &key, NULL))
-    keys[i++] = g_strdup (key);
-  keys[i] = NULL;
+  for ( ; muxer != NULL; muxer = muxer->parent)
+    {
+      g_hash_table_foreach (muxer->groups,
+                            g_action_muxer_append_group_actions,
+                            actions);
+    }
-  return keys;
+  return (gchar **) g_array_free (actions, FALSE);
 static Group *
 g_action_muxer_find_group (GActionMuxer  *muxer,
-                              const gchar     **name)
+                           const gchar   *full_name,
+                           const gchar  **action_name)
   const gchar *dot;
   gchar *prefix;
   Group *group;
-  dot = strchr (*name, '.');
+  dot = strchr (full_name, '.');
   if (!dot)
     return NULL;
-  prefix = g_strndup (*name, dot - *name);
+  prefix = g_strndup (full_name, dot - full_name);
   group = g_hash_table_lookup (muxer->groups, prefix);
   g_free (prefix);
-  *name = dot + 1;
+  if (action_name)
+    *action_name = dot + 1;
   return group;
-static Action *
-g_action_muxer_lookup_action (GActionMuxer  *muxer,
-                              const gchar   *prefix,
-                              const gchar   *action_name,
-                              gchar        **fullname)
+static void
+g_action_muxer_action_enabled_changed (GActionMuxer *muxer,
+                                       const gchar  *action_name,
+                                       gboolean      enabled)
   Action *action;
+  GSList *node;
-  *fullname = g_strconcat (prefix, ".", action_name, NULL);
-  action = g_hash_table_lookup (muxer->actions, *fullname);
-  return action;
+  action = g_hash_table_lookup (muxer->observed_actions, action_name);
+  for (node = action ? action->watchers : NULL; node; node = node->next)
+    g_action_observer_action_enabled_changed (node->data, G_ACTION_OBSERVABLE (muxer), action_name, enabled);
+  g_action_group_action_enabled_changed (G_ACTION_GROUP (muxer), action_name, enabled);
 static void
-g_action_muxer_action_enabled_changed (GActionGroup *action_group,
-                                       const gchar  *action_name,
-                                       gboolean      enabled,
-                                       gpointer      user_data)
+g_action_muxer_group_action_enabled_changed (GActionGroup *action_group,
+                                             const gchar  *action_name,
+                                             gboolean      enabled,
+                                             gpointer      user_data)
   Group *group = user_data;
   gchar *fullname;
-  Action *action;
-  GSList *node;
-  action = g_action_muxer_lookup_action (group->muxer, group->prefix, action_name, &fullname);
-  for (node = action ? action->watchers : NULL; node; node = node->next)
-    g_action_observer_action_enabled_changed (node->data, G_ACTION_OBSERVABLE (group->muxer), fullname, enabled);
-  g_action_group_action_enabled_changed (G_ACTION_GROUP (group->muxer), fullname, enabled);
+  fullname = g_strconcat (group->prefix, ".", action_name, NULL);
+  g_action_muxer_action_enabled_changed (group->muxer, fullname, enabled);
   g_free (fullname);
 static void
-g_action_muxer_action_state_changed (GActionGroup *action_group,
+g_action_muxer_parent_action_enabled_changed (GActionGroup *action_group,
+                                              const gchar  *action_name,
+                                              gboolean      enabled,
+                                              gpointer      user_data)
+  GActionMuxer *muxer = user_data;
+  g_action_muxer_action_enabled_changed (muxer, action_name, enabled);
+static void
+g_action_muxer_action_state_changed (GActionMuxer *muxer,
                                      const gchar  *action_name,
-                                     GVariant     *state,
-                                     gpointer      user_data)
+                                     GVariant     *state)
-  Group *group = user_data;
-  gchar *fullname;
   Action *action;
   GSList *node;
-  action = g_action_muxer_lookup_action (group->muxer, group->prefix, action_name, &fullname);
+  action = g_hash_table_lookup (muxer->observed_actions, action_name);
   for (node = action ? action->watchers : NULL; node; node = node->next)
-    g_action_observer_action_state_changed (node->data, G_ACTION_OBSERVABLE (group->muxer), fullname, state);
-  g_action_group_action_state_changed (G_ACTION_GROUP (group->muxer), fullname, state);
+    g_action_observer_action_state_changed (node->data, G_ACTION_OBSERVABLE (muxer), action_name, state);
+  g_action_group_action_state_changed (G_ACTION_GROUP (muxer), action_name, state);
+static void
+g_action_muxer_group_action_state_changed (GActionGroup *action_group,
+                                           const gchar  *action_name,
+                                           GVariant     *state,
+                                           gpointer      user_data)
+  Group *group = user_data;
+  gchar *fullname;
+  fullname = g_strconcat (group->prefix, ".", action_name, NULL);
+  g_action_muxer_action_state_changed (group->muxer, fullname, state);
   g_free (fullname);
 static void
-g_action_muxer_action_added (GActionGroup *action_group,
+g_action_muxer_parent_action_state_changed (GActionGroup *action_group,
+                                            const gchar  *action_name,
+                                            GVariant     *state,
+                                            gpointer      user_data)
+  GActionMuxer *muxer = user_data;
+  g_action_muxer_action_state_changed (muxer, action_name, state);
+static void
+g_action_muxer_action_added (GActionMuxer *muxer,
                              const gchar  *action_name,
-                             gpointer      user_data)
+                             GActionGroup *original_group,
+                             const gchar  *orignal_action_name)
   const GVariantType *parameter_type;
-  Group *group = user_data;
   gboolean enabled;
   GVariant *state;
+  Action *action;
-  if (g_action_group_query_action (group->group, action_name, &enabled, &parameter_type, NULL, NULL, &state))
+  action = g_hash_table_lookup (muxer->observed_actions, action_name);
+  if (action && action->watchers &&
+      g_action_group_query_action (original_group, orignal_action_name,
+                                   &enabled, &parameter_type, NULL, NULL, &state))
-      gchar *fullname;
-      Action *action;
       GSList *node;
-      action = g_action_muxer_lookup_action (group->muxer, group->prefix, action_name, &fullname);
-      for (node = action ? action->watchers : NULL; node; node = node->next)
+      for (node = action->watchers; node; node = node->next)
         g_action_observer_action_added (node->data,
-                                        G_ACTION_OBSERVABLE (group->muxer),
-                                        fullname, parameter_type, enabled, state);
-      g_action_group_action_added (G_ACTION_GROUP (group->muxer), fullname);
+                                        G_ACTION_OBSERVABLE (muxer),
+                                        action_name, parameter_type, enabled, state);
       if (state)
         g_variant_unref (state);
-      g_free (fullname);
+  g_action_group_action_added (G_ACTION_GROUP (muxer), action_name);
 static void
-g_action_muxer_action_removed (GActionGroup *action_group,
-                               const gchar  *action_name,
-                               gpointer      user_data)
+g_action_muxer_action_added_to_group (GActionGroup *action_group,
+                                      const gchar  *action_name,
+                                      gpointer      user_data)
   Group *group = user_data;
   gchar *fullname;
+  fullname = g_strconcat (group->prefix, ".", action_name, NULL);
+  g_action_muxer_action_added (group->muxer, fullname, action_group, action_name);
+  g_free (fullname);
+static void
+g_action_muxer_action_added_to_parent (GActionGroup *action_group,
+                                       const gchar  *action_name,
+                                       gpointer      user_data)
+  GActionMuxer *muxer = user_data;
+  g_action_muxer_action_added (muxer, action_name, action_group, action_name);
+static void
+g_action_muxer_action_removed (GActionMuxer *muxer,
+                               const gchar  *action_name)
   Action *action;
   GSList *node;
-  action = g_action_muxer_lookup_action (group->muxer, group->prefix, action_name, &fullname);
+  action = g_hash_table_lookup (muxer->observed_actions, action_name);
   for (node = action ? action->watchers : NULL; node; node = node->next)
-    g_action_observer_action_removed (node->data, G_ACTION_OBSERVABLE (group->muxer), fullname);
-  g_action_group_action_removed (G_ACTION_GROUP (group->muxer), fullname);
+    g_action_observer_action_removed (node->data, G_ACTION_OBSERVABLE (muxer), action_name);
+  g_action_group_action_removed (G_ACTION_GROUP (muxer), action_name);
+static void
+g_action_muxer_action_removed_from_group (GActionGroup *action_group,
+                                          const gchar  *action_name,
+                                          gpointer      user_data)
+  Group *group = user_data;
+  gchar *fullname;
+  fullname = g_strconcat (group->prefix, ".", action_name, NULL);
+  g_action_muxer_action_removed (group->muxer, fullname);
   g_free (fullname);
+static void
+g_action_muxer_action_removed_from_parent (GActionGroup *action_group,
+                                           const gchar  *action_name,
+                                           gpointer      user_data)
+  GActionMuxer *muxer = user_data;
+  g_action_muxer_action_removed (muxer, action_name);
 static gboolean
 g_action_muxer_query_action (GActionGroup        *action_group,
                              const gchar         *action_name,
@@ -238,14 +344,20 @@ g_action_muxer_query_action (GActionGroup        *action_group,
   GActionMuxer *muxer = G_ACTION_MUXER (action_group);
   Group *group;
+  const gchar *unprefixed_name;
-  group = g_action_muxer_find_group (muxer, &action_name);
+  group = g_action_muxer_find_group (muxer, action_name, &unprefixed_name);
-  if (!group)
-    return FALSE;
+  if (group)
+    return g_action_group_query_action (group->group, unprefixed_name, enabled,
+                                        parameter_type, state_type, state_hint, state);
-  return g_action_group_query_action (group->group, action_name, enabled,
-                                      parameter_type, state_type, state_hint, state);
+  if (muxer->parent)
+    return g_action_group_query_action (G_ACTION_GROUP (muxer->parent), action_name,
+                                        enabled, parameter_type,
+                                        state_type, state_hint, state);
+  return FALSE;
 static void
@@ -255,11 +367,14 @@ g_action_muxer_activate_action (GActionGroup *action_group,
   GActionMuxer *muxer = G_ACTION_MUXER (action_group);
   Group *group;
+  const gchar *unprefixed_name;
-  group = g_action_muxer_find_group (muxer, &action_name);
+  group = g_action_muxer_find_group (muxer, action_name, &unprefixed_name);
   if (group)
-    g_action_group_activate_action (group->group, action_name, parameter);
+    g_action_group_activate_action (group->group, unprefixed_name, parameter);
+  else if (muxer->parent)
+    g_action_group_activate_action (G_ACTION_GROUP (muxer->parent), action_name, parameter);
 static void
@@ -269,11 +384,14 @@ g_action_muxer_change_action_state (GActionGroup *action_group,
   GActionMuxer *muxer = G_ACTION_MUXER (action_group);
   Group *group;
+  const gchar *unprefixed_name;
-  group = g_action_muxer_find_group (muxer, &action_name);
+  group = g_action_muxer_find_group (muxer, action_name, &unprefixed_name);
   if (group)
-    g_action_group_change_action_state (group->group, action_name, state);
+    g_action_group_change_action_state (group->group, unprefixed_name, state);
+  else if (muxer->parent)
+    g_action_group_change_action_state (G_ACTION_GROUP (muxer->parent), action_name, state);
 static void
@@ -289,14 +407,7 @@ g_action_muxer_unregister_internal (Action   *action,
         *ptr = g_slist_remove (*ptr, observer);
         if (action->watchers == NULL)
-          {
-            g_hash_table_remove (muxer->actions, action->fullname);
-            g_free (action->fullname);
-            g_slice_free (Action, action);
-            g_object_unref (muxer);
-          }
+            g_hash_table_remove (muxer->observed_actions, action->fullname);
@@ -319,16 +430,16 @@ g_action_muxer_register_observer (GActionObservable *observable,
   GActionMuxer *muxer = G_ACTION_MUXER (observable);
   Action *action;
-  action = g_hash_table_lookup (muxer->actions, name);
+  action = g_hash_table_lookup (muxer->observed_actions, name);
   if (action == NULL)
       action = g_slice_new (Action);
-      action->muxer = g_object_ref (muxer);
+      action->muxer = muxer;
       action->fullname = g_strdup (name);
       action->watchers = NULL;
-      g_hash_table_insert (muxer->actions, action->fullname, action);
+      g_hash_table_insert (muxer->observed_actions, action->fullname, action);
   action->watchers = g_slist_prepend (action->watchers, observer);
@@ -343,7 +454,7 @@ g_action_muxer_unregister_observer (GActionObservable *observable,
   GActionMuxer *muxer = G_ACTION_MUXER (observable);
   Action *action;
-  action = g_hash_table_lookup (muxer->actions, name);
+  action = g_hash_table_lookup (muxer->observed_actions, name);
   g_object_weak_unref (G_OBJECT (observer), g_action_muxer_weak_notify, action);
   g_action_muxer_unregister_internal (action, observer);
@@ -365,12 +476,27 @@ g_action_muxer_free_group (gpointer data)
 static void
+g_action_muxer_free_action (gpointer data)
+  Action *action = data;
+  GSList *it;
+  for (it = action->watchers; it; it = it->next)
+    g_object_weak_unref (G_OBJECT (it->data), g_action_muxer_weak_notify, action);
+  g_slist_free (action->watchers);
+  g_free (action->fullname);
+  g_slice_free (Action, action);
+static void
 g_action_muxer_finalize (GObject *object)
   GActionMuxer *muxer = G_ACTION_MUXER (object);
-  g_assert_cmpint (g_hash_table_size (muxer->actions), ==, 0);
-  g_hash_table_unref (muxer->actions);
+  g_assert_cmpint (g_hash_table_size (muxer->observed_actions), ==, 0);
+  g_hash_table_unref (muxer->observed_actions);
   g_hash_table_unref (muxer->groups);
   G_OBJECT_CLASS (g_action_muxer_parent_class)
@@ -378,9 +504,68 @@ g_action_muxer_finalize (GObject *object)
 static void
+g_action_muxer_dispose (GObject *object)
+  GActionMuxer *muxer = G_ACTION_MUXER (object);
+  if (muxer->parent)
+  {
+    g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (muxer->parent, g_action_muxer_action_added_to_parent, muxer);
+    g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (muxer->parent, g_action_muxer_action_removed_from_parent, muxer);
+    g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (muxer->parent, g_action_muxer_parent_action_enabled_changed, muxer);
+    g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (muxer->parent, g_action_muxer_parent_action_state_changed, muxer);
+    g_clear_object (&muxer->parent);
+  }
+  g_hash_table_remove_all (muxer->observed_actions);
+  G_OBJECT_CLASS (g_action_muxer_parent_class)
+    ->dispose (object);
+static void
+g_action_muxer_get_property (GObject    *object,
+                             guint       property_id,
+                             GValue     *value,
+                             GParamSpec *pspec)
+  GActionMuxer *muxer = G_ACTION_MUXER (object);
+  switch (property_id)
+    {
+    case PROP_PARENT:
+      g_value_set_object (value, g_action_muxer_get_parent (muxer));
+      break;
+    default:
+      G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, property_id, pspec);
+    }
+static void
+g_action_muxer_set_property (GObject      *object,
+                             guint         property_id,
+                             const GValue *value,
+                             GParamSpec   *pspec)
+  GActionMuxer *muxer = G_ACTION_MUXER (object);
+  switch (property_id)
+    {
+    case PROP_PARENT:
+      g_action_muxer_set_parent (muxer, g_value_get_object (value));
+      break;
+    default:
+      G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, property_id, pspec);
+    }
+static void
 g_action_muxer_init (GActionMuxer *muxer)
-  muxer->actions = g_hash_table_new (g_str_hash, g_str_equal);
+  muxer->observed_actions = g_hash_table_new_full (g_str_hash, g_str_equal, NULL, g_action_muxer_free_action);
   muxer->groups = g_hash_table_new_full (g_str_hash, g_str_equal, NULL, g_action_muxer_free_group);
@@ -403,7 +588,18 @@ g_action_muxer_group_iface_init (GActionGroupInterface *iface)
 static void
 g_action_muxer_class_init (GObjectClass *class)
+  class->get_property = g_action_muxer_get_property;
+  class->set_property = g_action_muxer_set_property;
   class->finalize = g_action_muxer_finalize;
+  class->dispose = g_action_muxer_dispose;
+  properties[PROP_PARENT] = g_param_spec_object ("parent", "Parent",
+                                                 "The parent muxer",
+                                                 G_TYPE_ACTION_MUXER,
+                                                 G_PARAM_READWRITE |
+                                                 G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS);
+  g_object_class_install_properties (class, NUM_PROPERTIES, properties);
@@ -447,17 +643,17 @@ g_action_muxer_insert (GActionMuxer *muxer,
   actions = g_action_group_list_actions (group->group);
   for (i = 0; actions[i]; i++)
-    g_action_muxer_action_added (group->group, actions[i], group);
+    g_action_muxer_action_added_to_group (group->group, actions[i], group);
   g_strfreev (actions);
   group->handler_ids[0] = g_signal_connect (group->group, "action-added",
-                                            G_CALLBACK (g_action_muxer_action_added), group);
+                                            G_CALLBACK (g_action_muxer_action_added_to_group), group);
   group->handler_ids[1] = g_signal_connect (group->group, "action-removed",
-                                            G_CALLBACK (g_action_muxer_action_removed), group);
+                                            G_CALLBACK (g_action_muxer_action_removed_from_group), group);
   group->handler_ids[2] = g_signal_connect (group->group, "action-enabled-changed",
-                                            G_CALLBACK (g_action_muxer_action_enabled_changed), group);
+                                            G_CALLBACK (g_action_muxer_group_action_enabled_changed), group);
   group->handler_ids[3] = g_signal_connect (group->group, "action-state-changed",
-                                            G_CALLBACK (g_action_muxer_action_state_changed), group);
+                                            G_CALLBACK (g_action_muxer_group_action_state_changed), group);
@@ -487,7 +683,7 @@ g_action_muxer_remove (GActionMuxer *muxer,
       actions = g_action_group_list_actions (group->group);
       for (i = 0; actions[i]; i++)
-        g_action_muxer_action_removed (group->group, actions[i], group);
+        g_action_muxer_action_removed_from_group (group->group, actions[i], group);
       g_strfreev (actions);
       g_action_muxer_free_group (group);
@@ -504,3 +700,77 @@ g_action_muxer_new (void)
   return g_object_new (G_TYPE_ACTION_MUXER, NULL);
+/* g_action_muxer_get_parent:
+ * @muxer: a #GActionMuxer
+ *
+ * Returns: (transfer-none): the parent of @muxer, or NULL.
+ */
+GActionMuxer *
+g_action_muxer_get_parent (GActionMuxer *muxer)
+  g_return_val_if_fail (G_IS_ACTION_MUXER (muxer), NULL);
+  return muxer->parent;
+/* g_action_muxer_set_parent:
+ * @muxer: a #GActionMuxer
+ * @parent: (allow-none): the new parent #GActionMuxer
+ *
+ * Sets the parent of @muxer to @parent.
+ */
+g_action_muxer_set_parent (GActionMuxer *muxer,
+                           GActionMuxer *parent)
+  g_return_if_fail (G_IS_ACTION_MUXER (muxer));
+  g_return_if_fail (parent == NULL || G_IS_ACTION_MUXER (parent));
+  if (muxer->parent == parent)
+    return;
+  if (muxer->parent != NULL)
+    {
+      gchar **actions;
+      gchar **it;
+      actions = g_action_group_list_actions (G_ACTION_GROUP (muxer->parent));
+      for (it = actions; *it; it++)
+        g_action_muxer_action_removed (muxer, *it);
+      g_strfreev (actions);
+      g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (muxer->parent, g_action_muxer_action_added_to_parent, muxer);
+      g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (muxer->parent, g_action_muxer_action_removed_from_parent, muxer);
+      g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (muxer->parent, g_action_muxer_parent_action_enabled_changed, muxer);
+      g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (muxer->parent, g_action_muxer_parent_action_state_changed, muxer);
+      g_object_unref (muxer->parent);
+    }
+  muxer->parent = parent;
+  if (muxer->parent != NULL)
+    {
+      gchar **actions;
+      gchar **it;
+      g_object_ref (muxer->parent);
+      actions = g_action_group_list_actions (G_ACTION_GROUP (muxer->parent));
+      for (it = actions; *it; it++)
+        g_action_muxer_action_added (muxer, *it, G_ACTION_GROUP (muxer->parent), *it);
+      g_strfreev (actions);
+      g_signal_connect (muxer->parent, "action-added",
+                        G_CALLBACK (g_action_muxer_action_added_to_parent), muxer);
+      g_signal_connect (muxer->parent, "action-removed",
+                        G_CALLBACK (g_action_muxer_action_removed_from_parent), muxer);
+      g_signal_connect (muxer->parent, "action-enabled-changed",
+                        G_CALLBACK (g_action_muxer_parent_action_enabled_changed), muxer);
+      g_signal_connect (muxer->parent, "action-state-changed",
+                        G_CALLBACK (g_action_muxer_parent_action_state_changed), muxer);
+    }
+  g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (muxer), properties[PROP_PARENT]);
diff --git a/gtk/gactionmuxer.h b/gtk/gactionmuxer.h
index 135f7c9..d791813 100644
--- a/gtk/gactionmuxer.h
+++ b/gtk/gactionmuxer.h
@@ -46,6 +46,13 @@ G_GNUC_INTERNAL
 void                    g_action_muxer_remove                           (GActionMuxer *muxer,
                                                                          const gchar  *prefix);
+GActionMuxer *          g_action_muxer_get_parent                       (GActionMuxer *muxer);
+void                    g_action_muxer_set_parent                       (GActionMuxer *muxer,
+                                                                         GActionMuxer *parent);
 #endif /* __G_ACTION_MUXER_H__ */

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