[gimp/metadata-browser] app: BoundSeg -> GimpBoundSeg, boundary_foo() -> gimp_boundary_foo()

commit aa52eeffbde3f868f52819ec7442afc2203ea477
Author: Michael Natterer <mitch gimp org>
Date:   Mon Mar 19 15:04:20 2012 +0100

    app: BoundSeg -> GimpBoundSeg, boundary_foo() -> gimp_boundary_foo()

 app/core/core-types.h                    |    2 +-
 app/core/gimpbezierdesc.c                |    6 +-
 app/core/gimpbezierdesc.h                |    4 +-
 app/core/gimpboundary.c                  |  487 +++++++++++++++---------------
 app/core/gimpboundary.h                  |   52 ++--
 app/core/gimpbrush-boundary.c            |   22 +-
 app/core/gimpchannel.c                   |  236 +++++++-------
 app/core/gimpchannel.h                   |  194 ++++++------
 app/core/gimpdrawable-stroke.c           |   73 +++---
 app/core/gimpdrawable-stroke.h           |    4 +-
 app/core/gimplayer-floating-sel.c        |   12 +-
 app/core/gimplayer-floating-sel.h        |   18 +-
 app/core/gimplayer.c                     |    2 +-
 app/core/gimplayer.h                     |    2 +-
 app/core/gimpselection.c                 |  190 ++++++------
 app/display/gimpcanvasboundary.c         |   24 +-
 app/display/gimpcanvasboundary.h         |   12 +-
 app/display/gimpdisplayshell-selection.c |   40 ++--
 app/display/gimpdisplayshell-transform.c |    2 +-
 app/display/gimpdisplayshell-transform.h |    2 +-
 app/paint/gimppaintcore-stroke.c         |   41 ++--
 app/paint/gimppaintcore-stroke.h         |   48 ++--
 app/tools/gimpdrawtool.c                 |   12 +-
 app/tools/gimpdrawtool.h                 |    2 +-
 app/tools/gimpeditselectiontool.c        |   12 +-
 app/tools/gimprectangleselecttool.c      |    2 +-
 app/tools/gimpregionselecttool.c         |   22 +-
 app/tools/gimpregionselecttool.h         |    2 +-
 app/tools/gimptransformtool.c            |   18 +-
 29 files changed, 773 insertions(+), 770 deletions(-)
diff --git a/app/core/core-types.h b/app/core/core-types.h
index d03aae1..5bbee26 100644
--- a/app/core/core-types.h
+++ b/app/core/core-types.h
@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ typedef struct _GimpTagged          GimpTagged;      /* dummy typedef */
 /*  non-object types  */
 typedef struct _GimpArea            GimpArea;
-typedef struct _BoundSeg            BoundSeg;
+typedef struct _GimpBoundSeg        GimpBoundSeg;
 typedef struct _GimpCoords          GimpCoords;
 typedef struct _GimpGradientSegment GimpGradientSegment;
 typedef struct _GimpPaletteEntry    GimpPaletteEntry;
diff --git a/app/core/gimpbezierdesc.c b/app/core/gimpbezierdesc.c
index 756b629..6b94042 100644
--- a/app/core/gimpbezierdesc.c
+++ b/app/core/gimpbezierdesc.c
@@ -101,9 +101,9 @@ add_polyline (GArray            *path_data,
 GimpBezierDesc *
-gimp_bezier_desc_new_from_bound_segs (BoundSeg *bound_segs,
-                                      gint      n_bound_segs,
-                                      gint      n_bound_groups)
+gimp_bezier_desc_new_from_bound_segs (GimpBoundSeg *bound_segs,
+                                      gint          n_bound_segs,
+                                      gint          n_bound_groups)
   GArray      *path_data;
   GimpVector2 *points;
diff --git a/app/core/gimpbezierdesc.h b/app/core/gimpbezierdesc.h
index c046d4c..ceccef3 100644
--- a/app/core/gimpbezierdesc.h
+++ b/app/core/gimpbezierdesc.h
@@ -31,8 +31,8 @@ GType            gimp_bezier_desc_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
 GimpBezierDesc * gimp_bezier_desc_new                 (cairo_path_data_t    *data,
                                                        gint                  n_data);
-/* expects sorted BoundSegs */
-GimpBezierDesc * gimp_bezier_desc_new_from_bound_segs (BoundSeg             *bound_segs,
+/* expects sorted GimpBoundSegs */
+GimpBezierDesc * gimp_bezier_desc_new_from_bound_segs (GimpBoundSeg         *bound_segs,
                                                        gint                  n_bound_segs,
                                                        gint                  n_bound_groups);
diff --git a/app/core/gimpboundary.c b/app/core/gimpboundary.c
index 636da46..d6d04b5 100644
--- a/app/core/gimpboundary.c
+++ b/app/core/gimpboundary.c
@@ -33,106 +33,106 @@
 #include "gimpboundary.h"
-/* BoundSeg array growth parameter */
+/* GimpBoundSeg array growth parameter */
 #define MAX_SEGS_INC  2048
-typedef struct _Boundary Boundary;
+typedef struct _GimpBoundary GimpBoundary;
-struct _Boundary
+struct _GimpBoundary
   /*  The array of segments  */
-  BoundSeg *segs;
-  gint      num_segs;
-  gint      max_segs;
+  GimpBoundSeg *segs;
+  gint          num_segs;
+  gint          max_segs;
   /*  The array of vertical segments  */
-  gint     *vert_segs;
+  gint         *vert_segs;
   /*  The empty segment arrays */
-  gint     *empty_segs_n;
-  gint     *empty_segs_c;
-  gint     *empty_segs_l;
-  gint      max_empty_segs;
+  gint         *empty_segs_n;
+  gint         *empty_segs_c;
+  gint         *empty_segs_l;
+  gint          max_empty_segs;
 /*  local function prototypes  */
-static Boundary * boundary_new        (PixelRegion     *PR);
-static BoundSeg * boundary_free       (Boundary        *boundary,
-                                       gboolean         free_segs);
-static void       boundary_add_seg    (Boundary        *bounrady,
-                                       gint             x1,
-                                       gint             y1,
-                                       gint             x2,
-                                       gint             y2,
-                                       gboolean         open);
-static void       find_empty_segs     (PixelRegion     *maskPR,
-                                       gint             scanline,
-                                       gint             empty_segs[],
-                                       gint             max_empty,
-                                       gint            *num_empty,
-                                       BoundaryType     type,
-                                       gint             x1,
-                                       gint             y1,
-                                       gint             x2,
-                                       gint             y2,
-                                       guchar           threshold);
-static void       process_horiz_seg   (Boundary        *boundary,
-                                       gint             x1,
-                                       gint             y1,
-                                       gint             x2,
-                                       gint             y2,
-                                       gboolean         open);
-static void       make_horiz_segs     (Boundary        *boundary,
-                                       gint             start,
-                                       gint             end,
-                                       gint             scanline,
-                                       gint             empty[],
-                                       gint             num_empty,
-                                       gint             top);
-static Boundary * generate_boundary   (PixelRegion     *PR,
-                                       BoundaryType     type,
-                                       gint             x1,
-                                       gint             y1,
-                                       gint             x2,
-                                       gint             y2,
-                                       guchar           threshold);
-static gint       cmp_segptr_xy1_addr (const BoundSeg **seg_ptr_a,
-                                       const BoundSeg **seg_ptr_b);
-static gint       cmp_segptr_xy2_addr (const BoundSeg **seg_ptr_a,
-                                       const BoundSeg **seg_ptr_b);
-static gint       cmp_segptr_xy1      (const BoundSeg **seg_ptr_a,
-                                       const BoundSeg **seg_ptr_b);
-static gint       cmp_segptr_xy2      (const BoundSeg **seg_ptr_a,
-                                       const BoundSeg **seg_ptr_b);
-static const BoundSeg * find_segment  (const BoundSeg **segs_by_xy1,
-                                       const BoundSeg **segs_by_xy2,
-                                       gint             num_segs,
-                                       gint             x,
-                                       gint             y);
-static const BoundSeg * find_segment_with_func (const BoundSeg **segs,
-                                                gint             num_segs,
-                                                const BoundSeg  *search_seg,
-                                                GCompareFunc     cmp_func);
-static void       simplify_subdivide  (const BoundSeg  *segs,
-                                       gint             start_idx,
-                                       gint             end_idx,
-                                       GArray         **ret_points);
+static GimpBoundary * gimp_boundary_new        (PixelRegion     *PR);
+static GimpBoundSeg * gimp_boundary_free       (GimpBoundary    *boundary,
+                                                gboolean         free_segs);
+static void       gimp_boundary_add_seg    (GimpBoundary        *bounrady,
+                                            gint             x1,
+                                            gint             y1,
+                                            gint             x2,
+                                            gint             y2,
+                                            gboolean         open);
+static void       find_empty_segs     (PixelRegion      *maskPR,
+                                       gint              scanline,
+                                       gint              empty_segs[],
+                                       gint              max_empty,
+                                       gint             *num_empty,
+                                       GimpBoundaryType  type,
+                                       gint              x1,
+                                       gint              y1,
+                                       gint              x2,
+                                       gint              y2,
+                                       guchar            threshold);
+static void       process_horiz_seg   (GimpBoundary     *boundary,
+                                       gint              x1,
+                                       gint              y1,
+                                       gint              x2,
+                                       gint              y2,
+                                       gboolean          open);
+static void       make_horiz_segs     (GimpBoundary     *boundary,
+                                       gint              start,
+                                       gint              end,
+                                       gint              scanline,
+                                       gint              empty[],
+                                       gint              num_empty,
+                                       gint              top);
+static GimpBoundary * generate_boundary   (PixelRegion     *PR,
+                                           GimpBoundaryType     type,
+                                           gint             x1,
+                                           gint             y1,
+                                           gint             x2,
+                                           gint             y2,
+                                           guchar           threshold);
+static gint       cmp_segptr_xy1_addr (const GimpBoundSeg **seg_ptr_a,
+                                       const GimpBoundSeg **seg_ptr_b);
+static gint       cmp_segptr_xy2_addr (const GimpBoundSeg **seg_ptr_a,
+                                       const GimpBoundSeg **seg_ptr_b);
+static gint       cmp_segptr_xy1      (const GimpBoundSeg **seg_ptr_a,
+                                       const GimpBoundSeg **seg_ptr_b);
+static gint       cmp_segptr_xy2      (const GimpBoundSeg **seg_ptr_a,
+                                       const GimpBoundSeg **seg_ptr_b);
+static const GimpBoundSeg * find_segment  (const GimpBoundSeg **segs_by_xy1,
+                                           const GimpBoundSeg **segs_by_xy2,
+                                           gint             num_segs,
+                                           gint             x,
+                                           gint             y);
+static const GimpBoundSeg * find_segment_with_func (const GimpBoundSeg **segs,
+                                                    gint             num_segs,
+                                                    const GimpBoundSeg  *search_seg,
+                                                    GCompareFunc     cmp_func);
+static void       simplify_subdivide  (const GimpBoundSeg  *segs,
+                                       gint                 start_idx,
+                                       gint                 end_idx,
+                                       GArray             **ret_points);
 /*  public functions  */
- * boundary_find:
+ * gimp_boundary_find:
  * @maskPR:    any PixelRegion
  * @type:      type of bounds
  * @x1:        left side of bounds
@@ -140,9 +140,9 @@ static void       simplify_subdivide  (const BoundSeg  *segs,
  * @x2:        right side of bounds
  * @y2:        botton side of bounds
  * @threshold: pixel value of boundary line
- * @num_segs:  number of returned #BoundSeg's
+ * @num_segs:  number of returned #GimpBoundSeg's
- * This function returns an array of #BoundSeg's which describe all
+ * This function returns an array of #GimpBoundSeg's which describe all
  * outlines along pixel value @threahold, optionally within specified
  * bounds instead of the whole region.
@@ -152,17 +152,17 @@ static void       simplify_subdivide  (const BoundSeg  *segs,
  * Return value: the boundary array.
-BoundSeg *
-boundary_find (PixelRegion  *maskPR,
-               BoundaryType  type,
-               int           x1,
-               int           y1,
-               int           x2,
-               int           y2,
-               guchar        threshold,
-               int          *num_segs)
+GimpBoundSeg *
+gimp_boundary_find (PixelRegion      *maskPR,
+                    GimpBoundaryType  type,
+                    int               x1,
+                    int               y1,
+                    int               x2,
+                    int               y2,
+                    guchar            threshold,
+                    int              *num_segs)
-  Boundary *boundary;
+  GimpBoundary *boundary;
   g_return_val_if_fail (maskPR != NULL, NULL);
   g_return_val_if_fail (num_segs != NULL, NULL);
@@ -171,33 +171,33 @@ boundary_find (PixelRegion  *maskPR,
   *num_segs = boundary->num_segs;
-  return boundary_free (boundary, FALSE);
+  return gimp_boundary_free (boundary, FALSE);
- * boundary_sort:
+ * gimp_boundary_sort:
  * @segs:       unsorted input segs.
  * @num_segs:   number of input segs
  * @num_groups: number of groups in the sorted segs
- * This function takes an array of #BoundSeg's as returned by
- * boundary_find() and sorts it by contiguous groups. The returned
+ * This function takes an array of #GimpBoundSeg's as returned by
+ * gimp_boundary_find() and sorts it by contiguous groups. The returned
  * array contains markers consisting of -1 coordinates and is
  * @num_groups elements longer than @segs.
  * Return value: the sorted segs
-BoundSeg *
-boundary_sort (const BoundSeg *segs,
-               gint            num_segs,
-               gint           *num_groups)
+GimpBoundSeg *
+gimp_boundary_sort (const GimpBoundSeg *segs,
+                    gint                num_segs,
+                    gint               *num_groups)
-  Boundary        *boundary;
-  const BoundSeg **segs_ptrs_by_xy1;
-  const BoundSeg **segs_ptrs_by_xy2;
-  gint             index;
-  gint             x, y;
-  gint             startx, starty;
+  GimpBoundary        *boundary;
+  const GimpBoundSeg **segs_ptrs_by_xy1;
+  const GimpBoundSeg **segs_ptrs_by_xy2;
+  gint                 index;
+  gint                 x, y;
+  gint                 startx, starty;
   g_return_val_if_fail ((segs == NULL && num_segs == 0) ||
                         (segs != NULL && num_segs >  0), NULL);
@@ -208,9 +208,9 @@ boundary_sort (const BoundSeg *segs,
   if (num_segs == 0)
     return NULL;
-  /* prepare arrays with BoundSeg pointers sorted by xy1 and xy2 accordingly */
-  segs_ptrs_by_xy1 = g_new (const BoundSeg *, num_segs);
-  segs_ptrs_by_xy2 = g_new (const BoundSeg *, num_segs);
+  /* prepare arrays with GimpBoundSeg pointers sorted by xy1 and xy2 accordingly */
+  segs_ptrs_by_xy1 = g_new (const GimpBoundSeg *, num_segs);
+  segs_ptrs_by_xy2 = g_new (const GimpBoundSeg *, num_segs);
   for (index = 0; index < num_segs; index++)
@@ -218,29 +218,29 @@ boundary_sort (const BoundSeg *segs,
       segs_ptrs_by_xy2[index] = segs + index;
-  qsort (segs_ptrs_by_xy1, num_segs, sizeof (BoundSeg *),
+  qsort (segs_ptrs_by_xy1, num_segs, sizeof (GimpBoundSeg *),
          (GCompareFunc) cmp_segptr_xy1_addr);
-  qsort (segs_ptrs_by_xy2, num_segs, sizeof (BoundSeg *),
+  qsort (segs_ptrs_by_xy2, num_segs, sizeof (GimpBoundSeg *),
          (GCompareFunc) cmp_segptr_xy2_addr);
   for (index = 0; index < num_segs; index++)
-    ((BoundSeg *) segs)[index].visited = FALSE;
+    ((GimpBoundSeg *) segs)[index].visited = FALSE;
-  boundary = boundary_new (NULL);
+  boundary = gimp_boundary_new (NULL);
   for (index = 0; index < num_segs; index++)
-      const BoundSeg *cur_seg;
+      const GimpBoundSeg *cur_seg;
       if (segs[index].visited)
-      boundary_add_seg (boundary,
-                        segs[index].x1, segs[index].y1,
-                        segs[index].x2, segs[index].y2,
-                        segs[index].open);
+      gimp_boundary_add_seg (boundary,
+                             segs[index].x1, segs[index].y1,
+                             segs[index].x2, segs[index].y2,
+                             segs[index].open);
-      ((BoundSeg *) segs)[index].visited = TRUE;
+      ((GimpBoundSeg *) segs)[index].visited = TRUE;
       startx = segs[index].x1;
       starty = segs[index].y1;
@@ -253,24 +253,24 @@ boundary_sort (const BoundSeg *segs,
           /*  make sure ordering is correct  */
           if (x == cur_seg->x1 && y == cur_seg->y1)
-              boundary_add_seg (boundary,
-                                cur_seg->x1, cur_seg->y1,
-                                cur_seg->x2, cur_seg->y2,
-                                cur_seg->open);
+              gimp_boundary_add_seg (boundary,
+                                     cur_seg->x1, cur_seg->y1,
+                                     cur_seg->x2, cur_seg->y2,
+                                     cur_seg->open);
               x = cur_seg->x2;
               y = cur_seg->y2;
-              boundary_add_seg (boundary,
-                                cur_seg->x2, cur_seg->y2,
-                                cur_seg->x1, cur_seg->y1,
-                                cur_seg->open);
+              gimp_boundary_add_seg (boundary,
+                                     cur_seg->x2, cur_seg->y2,
+                                     cur_seg->x1, cur_seg->y1,
+                                     cur_seg->open);
               x = cur_seg->x1;
               y = cur_seg->y1;
-          ((BoundSeg *) cur_seg)->visited = TRUE;
+          ((GimpBoundSeg *) cur_seg)->visited = TRUE;
       if (G_UNLIKELY (x != startx || y != starty))
@@ -278,31 +278,31 @@ boundary_sort (const BoundSeg *segs,
       /*  Mark the end of a group  */
       *num_groups = *num_groups + 1;
-      boundary_add_seg (boundary, -1, -1, -1, -1, 0);
+      gimp_boundary_add_seg (boundary, -1, -1, -1, -1, 0);
   g_free (segs_ptrs_by_xy1);
   g_free (segs_ptrs_by_xy2);
-  return boundary_free (boundary, FALSE);
+  return gimp_boundary_free (boundary, FALSE);
- * boundary_simplify:
+ * gimp_boundary_simplify:
  * @sorted_segs: sorted input segs
  * @num_groups:  number of groups in the sorted segs
  * @num_segs:    number of returned segs.
- * This function takes an array of #BoundSeg's which has been sorted
- * with boundary_sort() and reduces the number of segments while
+ * This function takes an array of #GimpBoundSeg's which has been sorted
+ * with gimp_boundary_sort() and reduces the number of segments while
  * preserving the general shape as close as possible.
  * Return value: the simplified segs.
-BoundSeg *
-boundary_simplify (BoundSeg *sorted_segs,
-                   gint      num_groups,
-                   gint     *num_segs)
+GimpBoundSeg *
+gimp_boundary_simplify (GimpBoundSeg *sorted_segs,
+                        gint          num_groups,
+                        gint         *num_segs)
   GArray *new_bounds;
   gint    i, seg;
@@ -311,7 +311,7 @@ boundary_simplify (BoundSeg *sorted_segs,
                         (sorted_segs != NULL && num_groups >  0), NULL);
   g_return_val_if_fail (num_segs != NULL, NULL);
-  new_bounds = g_array_new (FALSE, FALSE, sizeof (BoundSeg));
+  new_bounds = g_array_new (FALSE, FALSE, sizeof (GimpBoundSeg));
   seg = 0;
@@ -332,7 +332,7 @@ boundary_simplify (BoundSeg *sorted_segs,
       if (n_points > 0)
           GArray   *tmp_points;
-          BoundSeg  tmp_seg;
+          GimpBoundSeg  tmp_seg;
           gint      j;
           tmp_points = g_array_new (FALSE, FALSE, sizeof (gint));
@@ -359,14 +359,14 @@ boundary_simplify (BoundSeg *sorted_segs,
   *num_segs = new_bounds->len;
-  return (BoundSeg *) g_array_free (new_bounds, FALSE);
+  return (GimpBoundSeg *) g_array_free (new_bounds, FALSE);
-boundary_offset (BoundSeg *segs,
-                 gint      num_segs,
-                 gint      off_x,
-                 gint      off_y)
+gimp_boundary_offset (GimpBoundSeg *segs,
+                      gint          num_segs,
+                      gint          off_x,
+                      gint          off_y)
   gint i;
@@ -389,10 +389,10 @@ boundary_offset (BoundSeg *segs,
 /*  private functions  */
-static Boundary *
-boundary_new (PixelRegion *PR)
+static GimpBoundary *
+gimp_boundary_new (PixelRegion *PR)
-  Boundary *boundary = g_slice_new0 (Boundary);
+  GimpBoundary *boundary = g_slice_new0 (GimpBoundary);
   if (PR)
@@ -419,11 +419,11 @@ boundary_new (PixelRegion *PR)
   return boundary;
-static BoundSeg *
-boundary_free (Boundary *boundary,
-               gboolean  free_segs)
+static GimpBoundSeg *
+gimp_boundary_free (GimpBoundary *boundary,
+                    gboolean      free_segs)
-  BoundSeg *segs = NULL;
+  GimpBoundSeg *segs = NULL;
   if (free_segs)
     g_free (boundary->segs);
@@ -435,24 +435,24 @@ boundary_free (Boundary *boundary,
   g_free (boundary->empty_segs_c);
   g_free (boundary->empty_segs_l);
-  g_slice_free (Boundary, boundary);
+  g_slice_free (GimpBoundary, boundary);
   return segs;
 static void
-boundary_add_seg (Boundary *boundary,
-                  gint      x1,
-                  gint      y1,
-                  gint      x2,
-                  gint      y2,
-                  gboolean  open)
+gimp_boundary_add_seg (GimpBoundary *boundary,
+                       gint          x1,
+                       gint          y1,
+                       gint          x2,
+                       gint          y2,
+                       gboolean      open)
   if (boundary->num_segs >= boundary->max_segs)
       boundary->max_segs += MAX_SEGS_INC;
-      boundary->segs = g_renew (BoundSeg, boundary->segs, boundary->max_segs);
+      boundary->segs = g_renew (GimpBoundSeg, boundary->segs, boundary->max_segs);
   boundary->segs[boundary->num_segs].x1   = x1;
@@ -465,17 +465,17 @@ boundary_add_seg (Boundary *boundary,
 static void
-find_empty_segs (PixelRegion  *maskPR,
-                 gint          scanline,
-                 gint          empty_segs[],
-                 gint          max_empty,
-                 gint         *num_empty,
-                 BoundaryType  type,
-                 gint          x1,
-                 gint          y1,
-                 gint          x2,
-                 gint          y2,
-                 guchar        threshold)
+find_empty_segs (PixelRegion      *maskPR,
+                 gint              scanline,
+                 gint              empty_segs[],
+                 gint              max_empty,
+                 gint             *num_empty,
+                 GimpBoundaryType  type,
+                 gint              x1,
+                 gint              y1,
+                 gint              x2,
+                 gint              y2,
+                 guchar            threshold)
   const guchar *data  = NULL;
   Tile         *tile  = NULL;
@@ -497,7 +497,7 @@ find_empty_segs (PixelRegion  *maskPR,
       if (scanline < y1 || scanline >= y2)
@@ -509,7 +509,7 @@ find_empty_segs (PixelRegion  *maskPR,
       start = x1;
       end   = x2;
-  else if (type == BOUNDARY_IGNORE_BOUNDS)
+  else if (type == GIMP_BOUNDARY_IGNORE_BOUNDS)
       start = maskPR->x;
       end   = maskPR->x + maskPR->w;
@@ -551,7 +551,7 @@ find_empty_segs (PixelRegion  *maskPR,
           endx = MIN (end, endx);
-      if (type == BOUNDARY_IGNORE_BOUNDS && (endx > x1 || x < x2))
+      if (type == GIMP_BOUNDARY_IGNORE_BOUNDS && (endx > x1 || x < x2))
           for (; x < endx; x++)
@@ -610,19 +610,19 @@ find_empty_segs (PixelRegion  *maskPR,
 static void
-process_horiz_seg (Boundary *boundary,
-                   gint      x1,
-                   gint      y1,
-                   gint      x2,
-                   gint      y2,
-                   gboolean  open)
+process_horiz_seg (GimpBoundary *boundary,
+                   gint          x1,
+                   gint          y1,
+                   gint          x2,
+                   gint          y2,
+                   gboolean      open)
   /*  This procedure accounts for any vertical segments that must be
       drawn to close in the horizontal segments.                     */
   if (boundary->vert_segs[x1] >= 0)
-      boundary_add_seg (boundary, x1, boundary->vert_segs[x1], x1, y1, !open);
+      gimp_boundary_add_seg (boundary, x1, boundary->vert_segs[x1], x1, y1, !open);
       boundary->vert_segs[x1] = -1;
@@ -630,23 +630,23 @@ process_horiz_seg (Boundary *boundary,
   if (boundary->vert_segs[x2] >= 0)
-      boundary_add_seg (boundary, x2, boundary->vert_segs[x2], x2, y2, open);
+      gimp_boundary_add_seg (boundary, x2, boundary->vert_segs[x2], x2, y2, open);
       boundary->vert_segs[x2] = -1;
     boundary->vert_segs[x2] = y2;
-  boundary_add_seg (boundary, x1, y1, x2, y2, open);
+  gimp_boundary_add_seg (boundary, x1, y1, x2, y2, open);
 static void
-make_horiz_segs (Boundary *boundary,
-                 gint      start,
-                 gint      end,
-                 gint      scanline,
-                 gint      empty[],
-                 gint      num_empty,
-                 gint      top)
+make_horiz_segs (GimpBoundary *boundary,
+                 gint          start,
+                 gint          end,
+                 gint          scanline,
+                 gint          empty[],
+                 gint          num_empty,
+                 gint          top)
   gint empty_index;
   gint e_s, e_e;    /* empty segment start and end values */
@@ -671,36 +671,36 @@ make_horiz_segs (Boundary *boundary,
-static Boundary *
-generate_boundary (PixelRegion  *PR,
-                   BoundaryType  type,
-                   gint          x1,
-                   gint          y1,
-                   gint          x2,
-                   gint          y2,
-                   guchar        threshold)
+static GimpBoundary *
+generate_boundary (PixelRegion      *PR,
+                   GimpBoundaryType  type,
+                   gint              x1,
+                   gint              y1,
+                   gint              x2,
+                   gint              y2,
+                   guchar            threshold)
-  Boundary *boundary;
-  gint      scanline;
-  gint      i;
-  gint      start, end;
-  gint     *tmp_segs;
+  GimpBoundary *boundary;
+  gint          scanline;
+  gint          i;
+  gint          start, end;
+  gint         *tmp_segs;
-  gint      num_empty_n = 0;
-  gint      num_empty_c = 0;
-  gint      num_empty_l = 0;
+  gint          num_empty_n = 0;
+  gint          num_empty_c = 0;
+  gint          num_empty_l = 0;
-  boundary = boundary_new (PR);
+  boundary = gimp_boundary_new (PR);
   start = 0;
   end   = 0;
       start = y1;
       end   = y2;
-  else if (type == BOUNDARY_IGNORE_BOUNDS)
+  else if (type == GIMP_BOUNDARY_IGNORE_BOUNDS)
       start = PR->y;
       end   = PR->y + PR->h;
@@ -787,11 +787,11 @@ cmp_xy (const gint ax,
  * (x1, y1) pairs are equal.
 static gint
-cmp_segptr_xy1_addr (const BoundSeg **seg_ptr_a,
-                     const BoundSeg **seg_ptr_b)
+cmp_segptr_xy1_addr (const GimpBoundSeg **seg_ptr_a,
+                     const GimpBoundSeg **seg_ptr_b)
-  const BoundSeg *seg_a = *seg_ptr_a;
-  const BoundSeg *seg_b = *seg_ptr_b;
+  const GimpBoundSeg *seg_a = *seg_ptr_a;
+  const GimpBoundSeg *seg_b = *seg_ptr_b;
   gint result = cmp_xy (seg_a->x1, seg_a->y1, seg_b->x1, seg_b->y1);
@@ -811,11 +811,11 @@ cmp_segptr_xy1_addr (const BoundSeg **seg_ptr_a,
  * (x2, y2) pairs are equal.
 static gint
-cmp_segptr_xy2_addr (const BoundSeg **seg_ptr_a,
-                     const BoundSeg **seg_ptr_b)
+cmp_segptr_xy2_addr (const GimpBoundSeg **seg_ptr_a,
+                     const GimpBoundSeg **seg_ptr_b)
-  const BoundSeg *seg_a = *seg_ptr_a;
-  const BoundSeg *seg_b = *seg_ptr_b;
+  const GimpBoundSeg *seg_a = *seg_ptr_a;
+  const GimpBoundSeg *seg_b = *seg_ptr_b;
   gint result = cmp_xy (seg_a->x2, seg_a->y2, seg_b->x2, seg_b->y2);
@@ -835,9 +835,10 @@ cmp_segptr_xy2_addr (const BoundSeg **seg_ptr_a,
  * Compares (x1, y1) pairs in specified segments.
 static gint
-cmp_segptr_xy1 (const BoundSeg **seg_ptr_a, const BoundSeg **seg_ptr_b)
+cmp_segptr_xy1 (const GimpBoundSeg **seg_ptr_a,
+                const GimpBoundSeg **seg_ptr_b)
-  const BoundSeg *seg_a = *seg_ptr_a, *seg_b = *seg_ptr_b;
+  const GimpBoundSeg *seg_a = *seg_ptr_a, *seg_b = *seg_ptr_b;
   return cmp_xy (seg_a->x1, seg_a->y1, seg_b->x1, seg_b->y1);
@@ -846,26 +847,26 @@ cmp_segptr_xy1 (const BoundSeg **seg_ptr_a, const BoundSeg **seg_ptr_b)
  * Compares (x2, y2) pairs in specified segments.
 static gint
-cmp_segptr_xy2 (const BoundSeg **seg_ptr_a,
-                const BoundSeg **seg_ptr_b)
+cmp_segptr_xy2 (const GimpBoundSeg **seg_ptr_a,
+                const GimpBoundSeg **seg_ptr_b)
-  const BoundSeg *seg_a = *seg_ptr_a;
-  const BoundSeg *seg_b = *seg_ptr_b;
+  const GimpBoundSeg *seg_a = *seg_ptr_a;
+  const GimpBoundSeg *seg_b = *seg_ptr_b;
   return cmp_xy (seg_a->x2, seg_a->y2, seg_b->x2, seg_b->y2);
-static const BoundSeg *
-find_segment (const BoundSeg **segs_by_xy1,
-              const BoundSeg **segs_by_xy2,
-              gint             num_segs,
-              gint             x,
-              gint             y)
+static const GimpBoundSeg *
+find_segment (const GimpBoundSeg **segs_by_xy1,
+              const GimpBoundSeg **segs_by_xy2,
+              gint                 num_segs,
+              gint                 x,
+              gint                 y)
-  const BoundSeg *segptr_xy1;
-  const BoundSeg *segptr_xy2;
-  BoundSeg        search_seg;
+  const GimpBoundSeg *segptr_xy1;
+  const GimpBoundSeg *segptr_xy2;
+  GimpBoundSeg        search_seg;
   search_seg.x1 = search_seg.x2 = x;
   search_seg.y1 = search_seg.y2 = y;
@@ -887,16 +888,16 @@ find_segment (const BoundSeg **segs_by_xy1,
-static const BoundSeg *
-find_segment_with_func (const BoundSeg **segs,
-                        gint             num_segs,
-                        const BoundSeg  *search_seg,
-                        GCompareFunc     cmp_func)
+static const GimpBoundSeg *
+find_segment_with_func (const GimpBoundSeg **segs,
+                        gint                 num_segs,
+                        const GimpBoundSeg  *search_seg,
+                        GCompareFunc         cmp_func)
-  const BoundSeg **seg;
-  const BoundSeg *found_seg = NULL;
+  const GimpBoundSeg **seg;
+  const GimpBoundSeg *found_seg = NULL;
-  seg = bsearch (&search_seg, segs, num_segs, sizeof (BoundSeg *), cmp_func);
+  seg = bsearch (&search_seg, segs, num_segs, sizeof (GimpBoundSeg *), cmp_func);
   if (seg != NULL)
@@ -922,10 +923,10 @@ find_segment_with_func (const BoundSeg **segs,
 /*  simplifying utility functions  */
 static void
-simplify_subdivide (const BoundSeg *segs,
-                    gint            start_idx,
-                    gint            end_idx,
-                    GArray        **ret_points)
+simplify_subdivide (const GimpBoundSeg *segs,
+                    gint                start_idx,
+                    gint                end_idx,
+                    GArray            **ret_points)
   gint maxdist_idx;
   gint maxdist;
diff --git a/app/core/gimpboundary.h b/app/core/gimpboundary.h
index 89c04f0..64d423a 100644
--- a/app/core/gimpboundary.h
+++ b/app/core/gimpboundary.h
@@ -15,22 +15,22 @@
  * along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-#ifndef  __BOUNDARY_H__
-#define  __BOUNDARY_H__
+#ifndef  __GIMP_BOUNDARY_H__
+#define  __GIMP_BOUNDARY_H__
 /* half intensity for mask */
-#define BOUNDARY_HALF_WAY 127
 typedef enum
-} BoundaryType;
+} GimpBoundaryType;
-struct _BoundSeg
+struct _GimpBoundSeg
   gint   x1;
   gint   y1;
@@ -41,26 +41,26 @@ struct _BoundSeg
-BoundSeg * boundary_find      (PixelRegion    *maskPR,
-                               BoundaryType    type,
-                               gint            x1,
-                               gint            y1,
-                               gint            x2,
-                               gint            y2,
-                               guchar          threshold,
-                               gint           *num_segs);
-BoundSeg * boundary_sort      (const BoundSeg *segs,
-                               gint            num_segs,
-                               gint           *num_groups);
-BoundSeg * boundary_simplify  (BoundSeg       *sorted_segs,
-                               gint            num_groups,
-                               gint           *num_segs);
+GimpBoundSeg * gimp_boundary_find      (PixelRegion        *maskPR,
+                                        GimpBoundaryType    type,
+                                        gint                x1,
+                                        gint                y1,
+                                        gint                x2,
+                                        gint                y2,
+                                        guchar              threshold,
+                                        gint               *num_segs);
+GimpBoundSeg * gimp_boundary_sort      (const GimpBoundSeg *segs,
+                                        gint                num_segs,
+                                        gint               *num_groups);
+GimpBoundSeg * gimp_boundary_simplify  (GimpBoundSeg       *sorted_segs,
+                                        gint                num_groups,
+                                        gint               *num_segs);
 /* offsets in-place */
-void       boundary_offset    (BoundSeg       *segs,
-                               gint            num_segs,
-                               gint            off_x,
-                               gint            off_y);
+void       gimp_boundary_offset        (GimpBoundSeg       *segs,
+                                        gint                num_segs,
+                                        gint                off_x,
+                                        gint                off_y);
-#endif  /*  __BOUNDARY_H__  */
+#endif  /*  __GIMP_BOUNDARY_H__  */
diff --git a/app/core/gimpbrush-boundary.c b/app/core/gimpbrush-boundary.c
index 068f912..cc12225 100644
--- a/app/core/gimpbrush-boundary.c
+++ b/app/core/gimpbrush-boundary.c
@@ -45,25 +45,25 @@ gimp_brush_transform_boundary_exact (GimpBrush *brush,
   if (mask)
-      PixelRegion  maskPR;
-      BoundSeg    *bound_segs;
-      gint         n_bound_segs;
+      PixelRegion   maskPR;
+      GimpBoundSeg *bound_segs;
+      gint          n_bound_segs;
       pixel_region_init_temp_buf (&maskPR, (TempBuf *) mask,
                                   0, 0, mask->width, mask->height);
-      bound_segs = boundary_find (&maskPR, BOUNDARY_WITHIN_BOUNDS,
-                                  0, 0, maskPR.w, maskPR.h,
-                                  0,
-                                  &n_bound_segs);
+      bound_segs = gimp_boundary_find (&maskPR, GIMP_BOUNDARY_WITHIN_BOUNDS,
+                                       0, 0, maskPR.w, maskPR.h,
+                                       0,
+                                       &n_bound_segs);
       if (bound_segs)
-          BoundSeg *stroke_segs;
-          gint      n_stroke_groups;
+          GimpBoundSeg *stroke_segs;
+          gint          n_stroke_groups;
-          stroke_segs = boundary_sort (bound_segs, n_bound_segs,
-                                       &n_stroke_groups);
+          stroke_segs = gimp_boundary_sort (bound_segs, n_bound_segs,
+                                            &n_stroke_groups);
           g_free (bound_segs);
diff --git a/app/core/gimpchannel.c b/app/core/gimpchannel.c
index fff221f..4dafa63 100644
--- a/app/core/gimpchannel.c
+++ b/app/core/gimpchannel.c
@@ -138,90 +138,90 @@ static void gimp_channel_invalidate_boundary   (GimpDrawable       *drawable);
 static void gimp_channel_get_active_components (const GimpDrawable *drawable,
                                                 gboolean           *active);
-static void      gimp_channel_apply_region   (GimpDrawable      *drawable,
-                                              PixelRegion       *src2PR,
-                                              gboolean           push_undo,
-                                              const gchar       *undo_desc,
-                                              gdouble            opacity,
+static void      gimp_channel_apply_region   (GimpDrawable        *drawable,
+                                              PixelRegion         *src2PR,
+                                              gboolean             push_undo,
+                                              const gchar         *undo_desc,
+                                              gdouble              opacity,
                                               GimpLayerModeEffects  mode,
-                                              TileManager       *src1_tiles,
-                                              PixelRegion       *destPR,
-                                              gint               x,
-                                              gint               y);
-static void      gimp_channel_replace_region (GimpDrawable      *drawable,
-                                              PixelRegion       *src2PR,
-                                              gboolean           push_undo,
-                                              const gchar       *undo_desc,
-                                              gdouble            opacity,
-                                              PixelRegion        *maskPR,
-                                              gint               x,
-                                              gint               y);
-static void      gimp_channel_set_tiles      (GimpDrawable      *drawable,
-                                              gboolean           push_undo,
-                                              const gchar       *undo_desc,
-                                              TileManager       *tiles,
-                                              GimpImageType      type,
-                                              gint               offset_x,
-                                              gint               offset_y);
-static GeglNode * gimp_channel_get_node      (GimpItem          *item);
-static void      gimp_channel_swap_pixels    (GimpDrawable      *drawable,
-                                              TileManager       *tiles,
-                                              gboolean           sparse,
-                                              gint               x,
-                                              gint               y,
-                                              gint               width,
-                                              gint               height);
-static gint      gimp_channel_get_opacity_at (GimpPickable      *pickable,
-                                              gint               x,
-                                              gint               y);
-static gboolean   gimp_channel_real_boundary (GimpChannel       *channel,
-                                              const BoundSeg   **segs_in,
-                                              const BoundSeg   **segs_out,
-                                              gint              *num_segs_in,
-                                              gint              *num_segs_out,
-                                              gint               x1,
-                                              gint               y1,
-                                              gint               x2,
-                                              gint               y2);
-static gboolean   gimp_channel_real_bounds   (GimpChannel       *channel,
-                                              gint              *x1,
-                                              gint              *y1,
-                                              gint              *x2,
-                                              gint              *y2);
-static gboolean   gimp_channel_real_is_empty (GimpChannel       *channel);
-static void       gimp_channel_real_feather  (GimpChannel       *channel,
-                                              gdouble            radius_x,
-                                              gdouble            radius_y,
-                                              gboolean           push_undo);
-static void       gimp_channel_real_sharpen  (GimpChannel       *channel,
-                                              gboolean           push_undo);
-static void       gimp_channel_real_clear    (GimpChannel       *channel,
-                                              const gchar       *undo_desc,
-                                              gboolean           push_undo);
-static void       gimp_channel_real_all      (GimpChannel       *channel,
-                                              gboolean           push_undo);
-static void       gimp_channel_real_invert   (GimpChannel       *channel,
-                                              gboolean           push_undo);
-static void       gimp_channel_real_border   (GimpChannel       *channel,
-                                              gint               radius_x,
-                                              gint               radius_y,
-                                              gboolean           feather,
-                                              gboolean           edge_lock,
-                                              gboolean           push_undo);
-static void       gimp_channel_real_grow     (GimpChannel       *channel,
-                                              gint               radius_x,
-                                              gint               radius_y,
-                                              gboolean           push_undo);
-static void       gimp_channel_real_shrink   (GimpChannel       *channel,
-                                              gint               radius_x,
-                                              gint               radius_y,
-                                              gboolean           edge_lock,
-                                              gboolean           push_undo);
-static void       gimp_channel_validate_tile (TileManager       *tm,
-                                              Tile              *tile);
+                                              TileManager         *src1_tiles,
+                                              PixelRegion         *destPR,
+                                              gint                 x,
+                                              gint                 y);
+static void      gimp_channel_replace_region (GimpDrawable        *drawable,
+                                              PixelRegion         *src2PR,
+                                              gboolean             push_undo,
+                                              const gchar         *undo_desc,
+                                              gdouble              opacity,
+                                              PixelRegion          *maskPR,
+                                              gint                 x,
+                                              gint                 y);
+static void      gimp_channel_set_tiles      (GimpDrawable        *drawable,
+                                              gboolean             push_undo,
+                                              const gchar         *undo_desc,
+                                              TileManager         *tiles,
+                                              GimpImageType        type,
+                                              gint                 offset_x,
+                                              gint                 offset_y);
+static GeglNode * gimp_channel_get_node      (GimpItem            *item);
+static void      gimp_channel_swap_pixels    (GimpDrawable        *drawable,
+                                              TileManager         *tiles,
+                                              gboolean             sparse,
+                                              gint                 x,
+                                              gint                 y,
+                                              gint                 width,
+                                              gint                 height);
+static gint      gimp_channel_get_opacity_at (GimpPickable        *pickable,
+                                              gint                 x,
+                                              gint                 y);
+static gboolean   gimp_channel_real_boundary (GimpChannel         *channel,
+                                              const GimpBoundSeg **segs_in,
+                                              const GimpBoundSeg **segs_out,
+                                              gint                *num_segs_in,
+                                              gint                *num_segs_out,
+                                              gint                 x1,
+                                              gint                 y1,
+                                              gint                 x2,
+                                              gint                 y2);
+static gboolean   gimp_channel_real_bounds   (GimpChannel         *channel,
+                                              gint                *x1,
+                                              gint                *y1,
+                                              gint                *x2,
+                                              gint                *y2);
+static gboolean   gimp_channel_real_is_empty (GimpChannel         *channel);
+static void       gimp_channel_real_feather  (GimpChannel         *channel,
+                                              gdouble              radius_x,
+                                              gdouble              radius_y,
+                                              gboolean             push_undo);
+static void       gimp_channel_real_sharpen  (GimpChannel         *channel,
+                                              gboolean             push_undo);
+static void       gimp_channel_real_clear    (GimpChannel         *channel,
+                                              const gchar         *undo_desc,
+                                              gboolean             push_undo);
+static void       gimp_channel_real_all      (GimpChannel         *channel,
+                                              gboolean             push_undo);
+static void       gimp_channel_real_invert   (GimpChannel         *channel,
+                                              gboolean             push_undo);
+static void       gimp_channel_real_border   (GimpChannel         *channel,
+                                              gint                 radius_x,
+                                              gint                 radius_y,
+                                              gboolean             feather,
+                                              gboolean             edge_lock,
+                                              gboolean             push_undo);
+static void       gimp_channel_real_grow     (GimpChannel         *channel,
+                                              gint                 radius_x,
+                                              gint                 radius_y,
+                                              gboolean             push_undo);
+static void       gimp_channel_real_shrink   (GimpChannel         *channel,
+                                              gint                 radius_x,
+                                              gint                 radius_y,
+                                              gboolean             edge_lock,
+                                              gboolean             push_undo);
+static void       gimp_channel_validate_tile (TileManager         *tm,
+                                              Tile                *tile);
@@ -372,8 +372,8 @@ gimp_channel_get_memsize (GimpObject *object,
   GimpChannel *channel = GIMP_CHANNEL (object);
-  *gui_size += channel->num_segs_in  * sizeof (BoundSeg);
-  *gui_size += channel->num_segs_out * sizeof (BoundSeg);
+  *gui_size += channel->num_segs_in  * sizeof (GimpBoundSeg);
+  *gui_size += channel->num_segs_out * sizeof (GimpBoundSeg);
   return GIMP_OBJECT_CLASS (parent_class)->get_memsize (object, gui_size);
@@ -721,13 +721,13 @@ gimp_channel_stroke (GimpItem           *item,
                      GimpProgress       *progress,
                      GError            **error)
-  GimpChannel    *channel = GIMP_CHANNEL (item);
-  const BoundSeg *segs_in;
-  const BoundSeg *segs_out;
-  gint            n_segs_in;
-  gint            n_segs_out;
-  gboolean        retval = FALSE;
-  gint            offset_x, offset_y;
+  GimpChannel        *channel = GIMP_CHANNEL (item);
+  const GimpBoundSeg *segs_in;
+  const GimpBoundSeg *segs_out;
+  gint                n_segs_in;
+  gint                n_segs_out;
+  gboolean            retval = FALSE;
+  gint                offset_x, offset_y;
   if (! gimp_channel_boundary (channel, &segs_in, &segs_out,
                                &n_segs_in, &n_segs_out,
@@ -1000,15 +1000,15 @@ gimp_channel_get_opacity_at (GimpPickable *pickable,
 static gboolean
-gimp_channel_real_boundary (GimpChannel     *channel,
-                            const BoundSeg **segs_in,
-                            const BoundSeg **segs_out,
-                            gint            *num_segs_in,
-                            gint            *num_segs_out,
-                            gint             x1,
-                            gint             y1,
-                            gint             x2,
-                            gint             y2)
+gimp_channel_real_boundary (GimpChannel         *channel,
+                            const GimpBoundSeg **segs_in,
+                            const GimpBoundSeg **segs_out,
+                            gint                *num_segs_in,
+                            gint                *num_segs_out,
+                            gint                 x1,
+                            gint                 y1,
+                            gint                 x2,
+                            gint                 y2)
   gint         x3, y3, x4, y4;
   PixelRegion  bPR;
@@ -1025,10 +1025,10 @@ gimp_channel_real_boundary (GimpChannel     *channel,
                              gimp_drawable_get_tiles (GIMP_DRAWABLE (channel)),
                              x3, y3, x4 - x3, y4 - y3, FALSE);
-          channel->segs_out = boundary_find (&bPR, BOUNDARY_IGNORE_BOUNDS,
-                                             x1, y1, x2, y2,
-                                             BOUNDARY_HALF_WAY,
-                                             &channel->num_segs_out);
+          channel->segs_out = gimp_boundary_find (&bPR, GIMP_BOUNDARY_IGNORE_BOUNDS,
+                                                  x1, y1, x2, y2,
+                                                  GIMP_BOUNDARY_HALF_WAY,
+                                                  &channel->num_segs_out);
           x1 = MAX (x1, x3);
           y1 = MAX (y1, y3);
           x2 = MIN (x2, x4);
@@ -1042,10 +1042,10 @@ gimp_channel_real_boundary (GimpChannel     *channel,
                                  gimp_item_get_width  (GIMP_ITEM (channel)),
                                  gimp_item_get_height (GIMP_ITEM (channel)), FALSE);
-              channel->segs_in = boundary_find (&bPR, BOUNDARY_WITHIN_BOUNDS,
-                                                x1, y1, x2, y2,
-                                                BOUNDARY_HALF_WAY,
-                                                &channel->num_segs_in);
+              channel->segs_in = gimp_boundary_find (&bPR, GIMP_BOUNDARY_WITHIN_BOUNDS,
+                                                     x1, y1, x2, y2,
+                                                     GIMP_BOUNDARY_HALF_WAY,
+                                                     &channel->num_segs_in);
@@ -1929,15 +1929,15 @@ gimp_channel_new_mask (GimpImage *image,
-gimp_channel_boundary (GimpChannel     *channel,
-                       const BoundSeg **segs_in,
-                       const BoundSeg **segs_out,
-                       gint            *num_segs_in,
-                       gint            *num_segs_out,
-                       gint             x1,
-                       gint             y1,
-                       gint             x2,
-                       gint             y2)
+gimp_channel_boundary (GimpChannel         *channel,
+                       const GimpBoundSeg **segs_in,
+                       const GimpBoundSeg **segs_out,
+                       gint                *num_segs_in,
+                       gint                *num_segs_out,
+                       gint                 x1,
+                       gint                 y1,
+                       gint                 x2,
+                       gint                 y2)
   g_return_val_if_fail (GIMP_IS_CHANNEL (channel), FALSE);
   g_return_val_if_fail (segs_in != NULL, FALSE);
diff --git a/app/core/gimpchannel.h b/app/core/gimpchannel.h
index 5b1dd77..b0255c1 100644
--- a/app/core/gimpchannel.h
+++ b/app/core/gimpchannel.h
@@ -45,8 +45,8 @@ struct _GimpChannel
   /*  Selection mask variables  */
   gboolean      boundary_known;    /*  is the current boundary valid  */
-  BoundSeg     *segs_in;           /*  outline of selected region     */
-  BoundSeg     *segs_out;          /*  outline of selected region     */
+  GimpBoundSeg *segs_in;           /*  outline of selected region     */
+  GimpBoundSeg *segs_out;          /*  outline of selected region     */
   gint          num_segs_in;       /*  number of lines in boundary    */
   gint          num_segs_out;      /*  number of lines in boundary    */
   gboolean      empty;             /*  is the region empty?           */
@@ -60,53 +60,53 @@ struct _GimpChannelClass
   GimpDrawableClass  parent_class;
   /*  signals  */
-  void     (* color_changed) (GimpChannel     *channel);
+  void     (* color_changed) (GimpChannel         *channel);
   /*  virtual functions  */
-  gboolean (* boundary)      (GimpChannel     *channel,
-                              const BoundSeg **segs_in,
-                              const BoundSeg **segs_out,
-                              gint            *num_segs_in,
-                              gint            *num_segs_out,
-                              gint             x1,
-                              gint             y1,
-                              gint             x2,
-                              gint             y2);
-  gboolean (* bounds)        (GimpChannel     *channel,
-                              gint            *x1,
-                              gint            *y1,
-                              gint            *x2,
-                              gint            *y2);
-  gboolean (* is_empty)      (GimpChannel     *channel);
-  void     (* feather)       (GimpChannel     *channel,
-                              gdouble          radius_x,
-                              gdouble          radius_y,
-                              gboolean         push_undo);
-  void     (* sharpen)       (GimpChannel     *channel,
-                              gboolean         push_undo);
-  void     (* clear)         (GimpChannel     *channel,
-                              const gchar     *undo_desc,
-                              gboolean         push_undo);
-  void     (* all)           (GimpChannel     *channel,
-                              gboolean         push_undo);
-  void     (* invert)        (GimpChannel     *channel,
-                              gboolean         push_undo);
-  void     (* border)        (GimpChannel     *channel,
-                              gint             radius_x,
-                              gint             radius_y,
-                              gboolean         feather,
-                              gboolean         edge_lock,
-                              gboolean         push_undo);
-  void     (* grow)          (GimpChannel     *channel,
-                              gint             radius_x,
-                              gint             radius_y,
-                              gboolean         push_undo);
-  void     (* shrink)        (GimpChannel     *channel,
-                              gint             radius_x,
-                              gint             radius_y,
-                              gboolean         edge_lock,
-                              gboolean         push_undo);
+  gboolean (* boundary)      (GimpChannel         *channel,
+                              const GimpBoundSeg **segs_in,
+                              const GimpBoundSeg **segs_out,
+                              gint                *num_segs_in,
+                              gint                *num_segs_out,
+                              gint                 x1,
+                              gint                 y1,
+                              gint                 x2,
+                              gint                 y2);
+  gboolean (* bounds)        (GimpChannel         *channel,
+                              gint                *x1,
+                              gint                *y1,
+                              gint                *x2,
+                              gint                *y2);
+  gboolean (* is_empty)      (GimpChannel         *channel);
+  void     (* feather)       (GimpChannel         *channel,
+                              gdouble              radius_x,
+                              gdouble              radius_y,
+                              gboolean             push_undo);
+  void     (* sharpen)       (GimpChannel         *channel,
+                              gboolean             push_undo);
+  void     (* clear)         (GimpChannel         *channel,
+                              const gchar         *undo_desc,
+                              gboolean             push_undo);
+  void     (* all)           (GimpChannel         *channel,
+                              gboolean             push_undo);
+  void     (* invert)        (GimpChannel         *channel,
+                              gboolean             push_undo);
+  void     (* border)        (GimpChannel         *channel,
+                              gint                 radius_x,
+                              gint                 radius_y,
+                              gboolean             feather,
+                              gboolean             edge_lock,
+                              gboolean             push_undo);
+  void     (* grow)          (GimpChannel         *channel,
+                              gint                 radius_x,
+                              gint                 radius_y,
+                              gboolean             push_undo);
+  void     (* shrink)        (GimpChannel         *channel,
+                              gint                 radius_x,
+                              gint                 radius_y,
+                              gboolean             edge_lock,
+                              gboolean             push_undo);
   const gchar *feather_desc;
   const gchar *sharpen_desc;
@@ -161,56 +161,56 @@ void          gimp_channel_push_undo          (GimpChannel       *mask,
 /*  selection mask functions  */
-GimpChannel * gimp_channel_new_mask           (GimpImage         *image,
-                                               gint               width,
-                                               gint               height);
-gboolean      gimp_channel_boundary           (GimpChannel       *mask,
-                                               const BoundSeg   **segs_in,
-                                               const BoundSeg   **segs_out,
-                                               gint              *num_segs_in,
-                                               gint              *num_segs_out,
-                                               gint               x1,
-                                               gint               y1,
-                                               gint               x2,
-                                               gint               y2);
-gboolean      gimp_channel_bounds             (GimpChannel       *mask,
-                                               gint              *x1,
-                                               gint              *y1,
-                                               gint              *x2,
-                                               gint              *y2);
-gboolean      gimp_channel_is_empty           (GimpChannel       *mask);
-void          gimp_channel_feather            (GimpChannel       *mask,
-                                               gdouble            radius_x,
-                                               gdouble            radius_y,
-                                               gboolean           push_undo);
-void          gimp_channel_sharpen            (GimpChannel       *mask,
-                                               gboolean           push_undo);
-void          gimp_channel_clear              (GimpChannel       *mask,
-                                               const gchar       *undo_desc,
-                                               gboolean           push_undo);
-void          gimp_channel_all                (GimpChannel       *mask,
-                                               gboolean           push_undo);
-void          gimp_channel_invert             (GimpChannel       *mask,
-                                               gboolean           push_undo);
-void          gimp_channel_border             (GimpChannel      *mask,
-                                               gint              radius_x,
-                                               gint              radius_y,
-                                               gboolean          feather,
-                                               gboolean          edge_lock,
-                                               gboolean          push_undo);
-void          gimp_channel_grow               (GimpChannel      *mask,
-                                               gint              radius_x,
-                                               gint              radius_y,
-                                               gboolean          push_undo);
-void          gimp_channel_shrink             (GimpChannel      *mask,
-                                               gint              radius_x,
-                                               gint              radius_y,
-                                               gboolean          edge_lock,
-                                               gboolean          push_undo);
+GimpChannel * gimp_channel_new_mask           (GimpImage           *image,
+                                               gint                 width,
+                                               gint                 height);
+gboolean      gimp_channel_boundary           (GimpChannel         *mask,
+                                               const GimpBoundSeg **segs_in,
+                                               const GimpBoundSeg **segs_out,
+                                               gint                *num_segs_in,
+                                               gint                *num_segs_out,
+                                               gint                 x1,
+                                               gint                 y1,
+                                               gint                 x2,
+                                               gint                 y2);
+gboolean      gimp_channel_bounds             (GimpChannel         *mask,
+                                               gint                *x1,
+                                               gint                *y1,
+                                               gint                *x2,
+                                               gint                *y2);
+gboolean      gimp_channel_is_empty           (GimpChannel         *mask);
+void          gimp_channel_feather            (GimpChannel         *mask,
+                                               gdouble              radius_x,
+                                               gdouble              radius_y,
+                                               gboolean             push_undo);
+void          gimp_channel_sharpen            (GimpChannel         *mask,
+                                               gboolean             push_undo);
+void          gimp_channel_clear              (GimpChannel         *mask,
+                                               const gchar         *undo_desc,
+                                               gboolean             push_undo);
+void          gimp_channel_all                (GimpChannel         *mask,
+                                               gboolean             push_undo);
+void          gimp_channel_invert             (GimpChannel         *mask,
+                                               gboolean             push_undo);
+void          gimp_channel_border             (GimpChannel         *mask,
+                                               gint                 radius_x,
+                                               gint                 radius_y,
+                                               gboolean             feather,
+                                               gboolean             edge_lock,
+                                               gboolean             push_undo);
+void          gimp_channel_grow               (GimpChannel         *mask,
+                                               gint                 radius_x,
+                                               gint                 radius_y,
+                                               gboolean             push_undo);
+void          gimp_channel_shrink             (GimpChannel         *mask,
+                                               gint                 radius_x,
+                                               gint                 radius_y,
+                                               gboolean             edge_lock,
+                                               gboolean             push_undo);
 #endif /* __GIMP_CHANNEL_H__ */
diff --git a/app/core/gimpdrawable-stroke.c b/app/core/gimpdrawable-stroke.c
index 801e94f..7ee618b 100644
--- a/app/core/gimpdrawable-stroke.c
+++ b/app/core/gimpdrawable-stroke.c
@@ -56,32 +56,32 @@
 /*  local function prototypes  */
-static GimpScanConvert * gimp_drawable_render_boundary     (GimpDrawable    *drawable,
-                                                            const BoundSeg  *bound_segs,
-                                                            gint             n_bound_segs,
-                                                            gint             offset_x,
-                                                            gint             offset_y);
-static GimpScanConvert * gimp_drawable_render_vectors      (GimpDrawable    *drawable,
-                                                            GimpVectors     *vectors,
-                                                            gboolean         do_stroke,
-                                                            GError         **error);
-static void              gimp_drawable_stroke_scan_convert (GimpDrawable    *drawable,
-                                                            GimpFillOptions *options,
-                                                            GimpScanConvert *scan_convert,
-                                                            gboolean         do_stroke,
-                                                            gboolean         push_undo);
+static GimpScanConvert * gimp_drawable_render_boundary     (GimpDrawable        *drawable,
+                                                            const GimpBoundSeg  *bound_segs,
+                                                            gint                 n_bound_segs,
+                                                            gint                 offset_x,
+                                                            gint                 offset_y);
+static GimpScanConvert * gimp_drawable_render_vectors      (GimpDrawable        *drawable,
+                                                            GimpVectors         *vectors,
+                                                            gboolean             do_stroke,
+                                                            GError             **error);
+static void              gimp_drawable_stroke_scan_convert (GimpDrawable        *drawable,
+                                                            GimpFillOptions     *options,
+                                                            GimpScanConvert     *scan_convert,
+                                                            gboolean             do_stroke,
+                                                            gboolean             push_undo);
 /*  public functions  */
-gimp_drawable_fill_boundary (GimpDrawable    *drawable,
-                             GimpFillOptions *options,
-                             const BoundSeg  *bound_segs,
-                             gint             n_bound_segs,
-                             gint             offset_x,
-                             gint             offset_y,
-                             gboolean         push_undo)
+gimp_drawable_fill_boundary (GimpDrawable       *drawable,
+                             GimpFillOptions    *options,
+                             const GimpBoundSeg *bound_segs,
+                             gint                n_bound_segs,
+                             gint                offset_x,
+                             gint                offset_y,
+                             gboolean            push_undo)
   GimpScanConvert *scan_convert;
@@ -106,13 +106,13 @@ gimp_drawable_fill_boundary (GimpDrawable    *drawable,
-gimp_drawable_stroke_boundary (GimpDrawable      *drawable,
-                               GimpStrokeOptions *options,
-                               const BoundSeg    *bound_segs,
-                               gint               n_bound_segs,
-                               gint               offset_x,
-                               gint               offset_y,
-                               gboolean           push_undo)
+gimp_drawable_stroke_boundary (GimpDrawable       *drawable,
+                               GimpStrokeOptions  *options,
+                               const GimpBoundSeg *bound_segs,
+                               gint                n_bound_segs,
+                               gint                offset_x,
+                               gint                offset_y,
+                               gboolean            push_undo)
   GimpScanConvert *scan_convert;
@@ -206,18 +206,19 @@ gimp_drawable_stroke_vectors (GimpDrawable       *drawable,
 /*  private functions  */
 static GimpScanConvert *
-gimp_drawable_render_boundary (GimpDrawable    *drawable,
-                               const BoundSeg  *bound_segs,
-                               gint             n_bound_segs,
-                               gint             offset_x,
-                               gint             offset_y)
+gimp_drawable_render_boundary (GimpDrawable       *drawable,
+                               const GimpBoundSeg *bound_segs,
+                               gint                n_bound_segs,
+                               gint                offset_x,
+                               gint                offset_y)
   if (bound_segs)
-      BoundSeg *stroke_segs;
-      gint      n_stroke_segs;
+      GimpBoundSeg *stroke_segs;
+      gint          n_stroke_segs;
-      stroke_segs = boundary_sort (bound_segs, n_bound_segs, &n_stroke_segs);
+      stroke_segs = gimp_boundary_sort (bound_segs, n_bound_segs,
+                                        &n_stroke_segs);
       if (stroke_segs)
diff --git a/app/core/gimpdrawable-stroke.h b/app/core/gimpdrawable-stroke.h
index 9096143..11a26ef 100644
--- a/app/core/gimpdrawable-stroke.h
+++ b/app/core/gimpdrawable-stroke.h
@@ -24,14 +24,14 @@
 void       gimp_drawable_fill_boundary   (GimpDrawable       *drawable,
                                           GimpFillOptions    *options,
-                                          const BoundSeg     *bound_segs,
+                                          const GimpBoundSeg *bound_segs,
                                           gint                n_bound_segs,
                                           gint                offset_x,
                                           gint                offset_y,
                                           gboolean            push_undo);
 void       gimp_drawable_stroke_boundary (GimpDrawable       *drawable,
                                           GimpStrokeOptions   *options,
-                                          const BoundSeg     *bound_segs,
+                                          const GimpBoundSeg *bound_segs,
                                           gint                n_bound_segs,
                                           gint                offset_x,
                                           gint                offset_y,
diff --git a/app/core/gimplayer-floating-sel.c b/app/core/gimplayer-floating-sel.c
index 66605f8..2f7c795 100644
--- a/app/core/gimplayer-floating-sel.c
+++ b/app/core/gimplayer-floating-sel.c
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ floating_sel_activate_drawable (GimpLayer *layer)
-const BoundSeg *
+const GimpBoundSeg *
 floating_sel_boundary (GimpLayer *layer,
                        gint      *n_segs)
@@ -215,10 +215,10 @@ floating_sel_boundary (GimpLayer *layer,
           pixel_region_init (&bPR,
                              gimp_drawable_get_tiles (GIMP_DRAWABLE (layer)),
                              0, 0, width, height, FALSE);
-          layer->fs.segs = boundary_find (&bPR, BOUNDARY_WITHIN_BOUNDS,
-                                          0, 0, width, height,
-                                          BOUNDARY_HALF_WAY,
-                                          &layer->fs.num_segs);
+          layer->fs.segs = gimp_boundary_find (&bPR, GIMP_BOUNDARY_WITHIN_BOUNDS,
+                                               0, 0, width, height,
+                                               GIMP_BOUNDARY_HALF_WAY,
+                                               &layer->fs.num_segs);
           /*  offset the segments  */
           for (i = 0; i < layer->fs.num_segs; i++)
@@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ floating_sel_boundary (GimpLayer *layer,
           layer->fs.num_segs = 4;
-          layer->fs.segs     = g_new0 (BoundSeg, 4);
+          layer->fs.segs     = g_new0 (GimpBoundSeg, 4);
           /* top */
           layer->fs.segs[0].x1 = off_x;
diff --git a/app/core/gimplayer-floating-sel.h b/app/core/gimplayer-floating-sel.h
index 43ea914..d66114c 100644
--- a/app/core/gimplayer-floating-sel.h
+++ b/app/core/gimplayer-floating-sel.h
@@ -19,15 +19,15 @@
-void             floating_sel_attach            (GimpLayer     *layer,
-                                                 GimpDrawable  *drawable);
-void             floating_sel_anchor            (GimpLayer     *layer);
-gboolean         floating_sel_to_layer          (GimpLayer     *layer,
-                                                 GError       **error);
-void             floating_sel_activate_drawable (GimpLayer     *layer);
-const BoundSeg * floating_sel_boundary          (GimpLayer     *layer,
-                                                 gint          *n_segs);
-void             floating_sel_invalidate        (GimpLayer     *layer);
+void                 floating_sel_attach            (GimpLayer     *layer,
+                                                     GimpDrawable  *drawable);
+void                 floating_sel_anchor            (GimpLayer     *layer);
+gboolean             floating_sel_to_layer          (GimpLayer     *layer,
+                                                     GError       **error);
+void                 floating_sel_activate_drawable (GimpLayer     *layer);
+const GimpBoundSeg * floating_sel_boundary          (GimpLayer     *layer,
+                                                     gint          *n_segs);
+void                 floating_sel_invalidate        (GimpLayer     *layer);
 #endif /* __GIMP_LAYER_FLOATING_SEL_H__ */
diff --git a/app/core/gimplayer.c b/app/core/gimplayer.c
index cd2974b..42f60dc 100644
--- a/app/core/gimplayer.c
+++ b/app/core/gimplayer.c
@@ -492,7 +492,7 @@ gimp_layer_get_memsize (GimpObject *object,
   memsize += gimp_object_get_memsize (GIMP_OBJECT (layer->mask), gui_size);
-  *gui_size += layer->fs.num_segs * sizeof (BoundSeg);
+  *gui_size += layer->fs.num_segs * sizeof (GimpBoundSeg);
   return memsize + GIMP_OBJECT_CLASS (parent_class)->get_memsize (object,
diff --git a/app/core/gimplayer.h b/app/core/gimplayer.h
index a01b97c..cf14eb0 100644
--- a/app/core/gimplayer.h
+++ b/app/core/gimplayer.h
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ struct _GimpLayer
     GimpDrawable *drawable;           /*  floating sel is attached to    */
     gboolean      boundary_known;     /*  is the current boundary valid  */
-    BoundSeg     *segs;               /*  boundary of floating sel       */
+    GimpBoundSeg *segs;               /*  boundary of floating sel       */
     gint          num_segs;           /*  number of segs in boundary     */
   } fs;
diff --git a/app/core/gimpselection.c b/app/core/gimpselection.c
index d67dfcb..e70fcbf 100644
--- a/app/core/gimpselection.c
+++ b/app/core/gimpselection.c
@@ -45,87 +45,87 @@
 #include "gimp-intl.h"
-static gboolean   gimp_selection_is_attached   (const GimpItem    *item);
-static GimpItemTree * gimp_selection_get_tree  (GimpItem          *item);
-static void       gimp_selection_translate     (GimpItem          *item,
-                                                gint               offset_x,
-                                                gint               offset_y,
-                                                gboolean           push_undo);
-static void       gimp_selection_scale         (GimpItem          *item,
-                                                gint               new_width,
-                                                gint               new_height,
-                                                gint               new_offset_x,
-                                                gint               new_offset_y,
+static gboolean   gimp_selection_is_attached   (const GimpItem      *item);
+static GimpItemTree * gimp_selection_get_tree  (GimpItem            *item);
+static void       gimp_selection_translate     (GimpItem            *item,
+                                                gint                 offset_x,
+                                                gint                 offset_y,
+                                                gboolean             push_undo);
+static void       gimp_selection_scale         (GimpItem            *item,
+                                                gint                 new_width,
+                                                gint                 new_height,
+                                                gint                 new_offset_x,
+                                                gint                 new_offset_y,
                                                 GimpInterpolationType interp_type,
-                                                GimpProgress      *progress);
-static void       gimp_selection_resize        (GimpItem          *item,
-                                                GimpContext       *context,
-                                                gint               new_width,
-                                                gint               new_height,
-                                                gint               offset_x,
-                                                gint               offset_y);
-static void       gimp_selection_flip          (GimpItem          *item,
-                                                GimpContext       *context,
-                                                GimpOrientationType flip_type,
-                                                gdouble            axis,
-                                                gboolean           clip_result);
-static void       gimp_selection_rotate        (GimpItem          *item,
-                                                GimpContext       *context,
-                                                GimpRotationType   rotation_type,
-                                                gdouble            center_x,
-                                                gdouble            center_y,
-                                                gboolean           clip_result);
-static gboolean   gimp_selection_stroke        (GimpItem          *item,
-                                                GimpDrawable      *drawable,
-                                                GimpStrokeOptions *stroke_options,
-                                                gboolean           push_undo,
-                                                GimpProgress      *progress,
-                                                GError           **error);
-static void gimp_selection_invalidate_boundary (GimpDrawable      *drawable);
-static gboolean   gimp_selection_boundary      (GimpChannel       *channel,
-                                                const BoundSeg   **segs_in,
-                                                const BoundSeg   **segs_out,
-                                                gint              *num_segs_in,
-                                                gint              *num_segs_out,
-                                                gint               x1,
-                                                gint               y1,
-                                                gint               x2,
-                                                gint               y2);
-static gboolean   gimp_selection_bounds        (GimpChannel       *channel,
-                                                gint              *x1,
-                                                gint              *y1,
-                                                gint              *x2,
-                                                gint              *y2);
-static gboolean   gimp_selection_is_empty      (GimpChannel       *channel);
-static void       gimp_selection_feather       (GimpChannel       *channel,
-                                                gdouble            radius_x,
-                                                gdouble            radius_y,
-                                                gboolean           push_undo);
-static void       gimp_selection_sharpen       (GimpChannel       *channel,
-                                                gboolean           push_undo);
-static void       gimp_selection_clear         (GimpChannel       *channel,
-                                                const gchar       *undo_desc,
-                                                gboolean           push_undo);
-static void       gimp_selection_all           (GimpChannel       *channel,
-                                                gboolean           push_undo);
-static void       gimp_selection_invert        (GimpChannel       *channel,
-                                                gboolean           push_undo);
-static void       gimp_selection_border        (GimpChannel       *channel,
-                                                gint               radius_x,
-                                                gint               radius_y,
-                                                gboolean           feather,
-                                                gboolean           edge_lock,
-                                                gboolean           push_undo);
-static void       gimp_selection_grow          (GimpChannel       *channel,
-                                                gint               radius_x,
-                                                gint               radius_y,
-                                                gboolean           push_undo);
-static void       gimp_selection_shrink        (GimpChannel       *channel,
-                                                gint               radius_x,
-                                                gint               radius_y,
-                                                gboolean           edge_lock,
-                                                gboolean           push_undo);
+                                                GimpProgress        *progress);
+static void       gimp_selection_resize        (GimpItem            *item,
+                                                GimpContext         *context,
+                                                gint                 new_width,
+                                                gint                 new_height,
+                                                gint                 offset_x,
+                                                gint                 offset_y);
+static void       gimp_selection_flip          (GimpItem            *item,
+                                                GimpContext         *context,
+                                                GimpOrientationType  flip_type,
+                                                gdouble              axis,
+                                                gboolean             clip_result);
+static void       gimp_selection_rotate        (GimpItem            *item,
+                                                GimpContext         *context,
+                                                GimpRotationType     rotation_type,
+                                                gdouble              center_x,
+                                                gdouble              center_y,
+                                                gboolean             clip_result);
+static gboolean   gimp_selection_stroke        (GimpItem            *item,
+                                                GimpDrawable        *drawable,
+                                                GimpStrokeOptions   *stroke_options,
+                                                gboolean             push_undo,
+                                                GimpProgress        *progress,
+                                                GError             **error);
+static void gimp_selection_invalidate_boundary (GimpDrawable        *drawable);
+static gboolean   gimp_selection_boundary      (GimpChannel         *channel,
+                                                const GimpBoundSeg **segs_in,
+                                                const GimpBoundSeg **segs_out,
+                                                gint                *num_segs_in,
+                                                gint                *num_segs_out,
+                                                gint                 x1,
+                                                gint                 y1,
+                                                gint                 x2,
+                                                gint                 y2);
+static gboolean   gimp_selection_bounds        (GimpChannel         *channel,
+                                                gint                *x1,
+                                                gint                *y1,
+                                                gint                *x2,
+                                                gint                *y2);
+static gboolean   gimp_selection_is_empty      (GimpChannel         *channel);
+static void       gimp_selection_feather       (GimpChannel         *channel,
+                                                gdouble              radius_x,
+                                                gdouble              radius_y,
+                                                gboolean             push_undo);
+static void       gimp_selection_sharpen       (GimpChannel         *channel,
+                                                gboolean             push_undo);
+static void       gimp_selection_clear         (GimpChannel         *channel,
+                                                const gchar         *undo_desc,
+                                                gboolean             push_undo);
+static void       gimp_selection_all           (GimpChannel         *channel,
+                                                gboolean             push_undo);
+static void       gimp_selection_invert        (GimpChannel         *channel,
+                                                gboolean             push_undo);
+static void       gimp_selection_border        (GimpChannel         *channel,
+                                                gint                 radius_x,
+                                                gint                 radius_y,
+                                                gboolean             feather,
+                                                gboolean             edge_lock,
+                                                gboolean             push_undo);
+static void       gimp_selection_grow          (GimpChannel         *channel,
+                                                gint                 radius_x,
+                                                gint                 radius_y,
+                                                gboolean             push_undo);
+static void       gimp_selection_shrink        (GimpChannel         *channel,
+                                                gint                 radius_x,
+                                                gint                 radius_y,
+                                                gboolean             edge_lock,
+                                                gboolean             push_undo);
 G_DEFINE_TYPE (GimpSelection, gimp_selection, GIMP_TYPE_CHANNEL)
@@ -270,12 +270,12 @@ gimp_selection_stroke (GimpItem           *item,
                        GimpProgress       *progress,
                        GError            **error)
-  GimpSelection  *selection = GIMP_SELECTION (item);
-  const BoundSeg *dummy_in;
-  const BoundSeg *dummy_out;
-  gint            num_dummy_in;
-  gint            num_dummy_out;
-  gboolean        retval;
+  GimpSelection      *selection = GIMP_SELECTION (item);
+  const GimpBoundSeg *dummy_in;
+  const GimpBoundSeg *dummy_out;
+  gint                num_dummy_in;
+  gint                num_dummy_out;
+  gboolean            retval;
   if (! gimp_channel_boundary (GIMP_CHANNEL (selection),
                                &dummy_in, &dummy_out,
@@ -326,15 +326,15 @@ gimp_selection_invalidate_boundary (GimpDrawable *drawable)
 static gboolean
-gimp_selection_boundary (GimpChannel     *channel,
-                         const BoundSeg **segs_in,
-                         const BoundSeg **segs_out,
-                         gint            *num_segs_in,
-                         gint            *num_segs_out,
-                         gint             unused1,
-                         gint             unused2,
-                         gint             unused3,
-                         gint             unused4)
+gimp_selection_boundary (GimpChannel         *channel,
+                         const GimpBoundSeg **segs_in,
+                         const GimpBoundSeg **segs_out,
+                         gint                *num_segs_in,
+                         gint                *num_segs_out,
+                         gint                 unused1,
+                         gint                 unused2,
+                         gint                 unused3,
+                         gint                 unused4)
   GimpImage    *image = gimp_item_get_image (GIMP_ITEM (channel));
   GimpDrawable *drawable;
diff --git a/app/display/gimpcanvasboundary.c b/app/display/gimpcanvasboundary.c
index f87e58d..e3aa9e9 100644
--- a/app/display/gimpcanvasboundary.c
+++ b/app/display/gimpcanvasboundary.c
@@ -52,11 +52,11 @@ typedef struct _GimpCanvasBoundaryPrivate GimpCanvasBoundaryPrivate;
 struct _GimpCanvasBoundaryPrivate
-  BoundSeg    *segs;
-  gint         n_segs;
-  GimpMatrix3 *transform;
-  gdouble      offset_x;
-  gdouble      offset_y;
+  GimpBoundSeg *segs;
+  gint          n_segs;
+  GimpMatrix3  *transform;
+  gdouble       offset_x;
+  gdouble       offset_y;
 #define GET_PRIVATE(boundary) \
@@ -343,12 +343,12 @@ gimp_canvas_boundary_get_extents (GimpCanvasItem   *item,
 GimpCanvasItem *
-gimp_canvas_boundary_new (GimpDisplayShell *shell,
-                          const BoundSeg   *segs,
-                          gint              n_segs,
-                          GimpMatrix3      *transform,
-                          gdouble           offset_x,
-                          gdouble           offset_y)
+gimp_canvas_boundary_new (GimpDisplayShell   *shell,
+                          const GimpBoundSeg *segs,
+                          gint                n_segs,
+                          GimpMatrix3        *transform,
+                          gdouble             offset_x,
+                          gdouble             offset_y)
   GimpCanvasItem            *item;
   GimpCanvasBoundaryPrivate *private;
@@ -364,7 +364,7 @@ gimp_canvas_boundary_new (GimpDisplayShell *shell,
   private = GET_PRIVATE (item);
   /* puke */
-  private->segs   = g_memdup (segs, n_segs * sizeof (BoundSeg));
+  private->segs   = g_memdup (segs, n_segs * sizeof (GimpBoundSeg));
   private->n_segs = n_segs;
   return item;
diff --git a/app/display/gimpcanvasboundary.h b/app/display/gimpcanvasboundary.h
index d45039e..47d37dd 100644
--- a/app/display/gimpcanvasboundary.h
+++ b/app/display/gimpcanvasboundary.h
@@ -49,12 +49,12 @@ struct _GimpCanvasBoundaryClass
 GType            gimp_canvas_boundary_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
-GimpCanvasItem * gimp_canvas_boundary_new      (GimpDisplayShell *shell,
-                                                const BoundSeg   *segs,
-                                                gint              n_segs,
-                                                GimpMatrix3      *transform,
-                                                gdouble           offset_x,
-                                                gdouble           offset_y);
+GimpCanvasItem * gimp_canvas_boundary_new      (GimpDisplayShell   *shell,
+                                                const GimpBoundSeg *segs,
+                                                gint                n_segs,
+                                                GimpMatrix3        *transform,
+                                                gdouble             offset_x,
+                                                gdouble             offset_y);
 #endif /* __GIMP_CANVAS_BOUNDARY_H__ */
diff --git a/app/display/gimpdisplayshell-selection.c b/app/display/gimpdisplayshell-selection.c
index a3521dc..d66211d 100644
--- a/app/display/gimpdisplayshell-selection.c
+++ b/app/display/gimpdisplayshell-selection.c
@@ -61,23 +61,23 @@ struct _Selection
 /*  local function prototypes  */
-static void      selection_start          (Selection      *selection);
-static void      selection_stop           (Selection      *selection);
+static void      selection_start          (Selection          *selection);
+static void      selection_stop           (Selection          *selection);
-static void      selection_draw           (Selection      *selection);
-static void      selection_undraw         (Selection      *selection);
+static void      selection_draw           (Selection          *selection);
+static void      selection_undraw         (Selection          *selection);
-static void      selection_render_mask    (Selection      *selection);
+static void      selection_render_mask    (Selection          *selection);
-static void      selection_transform_segs (Selection      *selection,
-                                           const BoundSeg *src_segs,
-                                           GimpSegment    *dest_segs,
-                                           gint            n_segs);
-static void      selection_generate_segs  (Selection      *selection);
-static void      selection_free_segs      (Selection      *selection);
+static void      selection_transform_segs (Selection          *selection,
+                                           const GimpBoundSeg *src_segs,
+                                           GimpSegment        *dest_segs,
+                                           gint                n_segs);
+static void      selection_generate_segs  (Selection          *selection);
+static void      selection_free_segs      (Selection          *selection);
-static gboolean  selection_start_timeout  (Selection      *selection);
-static gboolean  selection_timeout        (Selection      *selection);
+static gboolean  selection_start_timeout  (Selection          *selection);
+static gboolean  selection_timeout        (Selection          *selection);
 static gboolean  selection_window_state_event      (GtkWidget           *shell,
                                                     GdkEventWindowState *event,
@@ -305,10 +305,10 @@ selection_render_mask (Selection *selection)
 static void
-selection_transform_segs (Selection      *selection,
-                          const BoundSeg *src_segs,
-                          GimpSegment    *dest_segs,
-                          gint            n_segs)
+selection_transform_segs (Selection          *selection,
+                          const GimpBoundSeg *src_segs,
+                          GimpSegment        *dest_segs,
+                          gint                n_segs)
   const gint xclamp = selection->shell->disp_width + 1;
   const gint yclamp = selection->shell->disp_height + 1;
@@ -351,9 +351,9 @@ selection_transform_segs (Selection      *selection,
 static void
 selection_generate_segs (Selection *selection)
-  GimpImage      *image = gimp_display_get_image (selection->shell->display);
-  const BoundSeg *segs_in;
-  const BoundSeg *segs_out;
+  GimpImage          *image = gimp_display_get_image (selection->shell->display);
+  const GimpBoundSeg *segs_in;
+  const GimpBoundSeg *segs_out;
   /*  Ask the image for the boundary of its selected region...
    *  Then transform that information into a new buffer of GimpSegments
diff --git a/app/display/gimpdisplayshell-transform.c b/app/display/gimpdisplayshell-transform.c
index af6f1bd..14bb347 100644
--- a/app/display/gimpdisplayshell-transform.c
+++ b/app/display/gimpdisplayshell-transform.c
@@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ gimp_display_shell_untransform_xy_f (const GimpDisplayShell *shell,
 gimp_display_shell_transform_segments (const GimpDisplayShell *shell,
-                                       const BoundSeg         *src_segs,
+                                       const GimpBoundSeg     *src_segs,
                                        GimpSegment            *dest_segs,
                                        gint                    n_segs,
                                        gdouble                 offset_x,
diff --git a/app/display/gimpdisplayshell-transform.h b/app/display/gimpdisplayshell-transform.h
index 50feb71..0f8b747 100644
--- a/app/display/gimpdisplayshell-transform.h
+++ b/app/display/gimpdisplayshell-transform.h
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ void  gimp_display_shell_untransform_xy_f     (const GimpDisplayShell *shell,
                                                gdouble                *ny);
 void  gimp_display_shell_transform_segments   (const GimpDisplayShell *shell,
-                                               const BoundSeg         *src_segs,
+                                               const GimpBoundSeg     *src_segs,
                                                GimpSegment            *dest_segs,
                                                gint                    n_segs,
                                                gdouble                 offset_x,
diff --git a/app/paint/gimppaintcore-stroke.c b/app/paint/gimppaintcore-stroke.c
index 2b88ffe..1a6dee7 100644
--- a/app/paint/gimppaintcore-stroke.c
+++ b/app/paint/gimppaintcore-stroke.c
@@ -96,26 +96,26 @@ gimp_paint_core_stroke (GimpPaintCore     *core,
-gimp_paint_core_stroke_boundary (GimpPaintCore     *core,
-                                 GimpDrawable      *drawable,
-                                 GimpPaintOptions  *paint_options,
-                                 gboolean           emulate_dynamics,
-                                 const BoundSeg    *bound_segs,
-                                 gint               n_bound_segs,
-                                 gint               offset_x,
-                                 gint               offset_y,
-                                 gboolean           push_undo,
-                                 GError           **error)
+gimp_paint_core_stroke_boundary (GimpPaintCore      *core,
+                                 GimpDrawable       *drawable,
+                                 GimpPaintOptions   *paint_options,
+                                 gboolean            emulate_dynamics,
+                                 const GimpBoundSeg *bound_segs,
+                                 gint                n_bound_segs,
+                                 gint                offset_x,
+                                 gint                offset_y,
+                                 gboolean            push_undo,
+                                 GError            **error)
-  BoundSeg   *stroke_segs;
-  gint        n_stroke_segs;
-  gint        off_x;
-  gint        off_y;
-  GimpCoords *coords;
-  gboolean    initialized = FALSE;
-  gint        n_coords;
-  gint        seg;
-  gint        s;
+  GimpBoundSeg *stroke_segs;
+  gint          n_stroke_segs;
+  gint          off_x;
+  gint          off_y;
+  GimpCoords   *coords;
+  gboolean      initialized = FALSE;
+  gint          n_coords;
+  gint          seg;
+  gint          s;
   g_return_val_if_fail (GIMP_IS_PAINT_CORE (core), FALSE);
   g_return_val_if_fail (GIMP_IS_DRAWABLE (drawable), FALSE);
@@ -124,7 +124,8 @@ gimp_paint_core_stroke_boundary (GimpPaintCore     *core,
   g_return_val_if_fail (bound_segs != NULL && n_bound_segs > 0, FALSE);
   g_return_val_if_fail (error == NULL || *error == NULL, FALSE);
-  stroke_segs = boundary_sort (bound_segs, n_bound_segs, &n_stroke_segs);
+  stroke_segs = gimp_boundary_sort (bound_segs, n_bound_segs,
+                                    &n_stroke_segs);
   if (n_stroke_segs == 0)
     return TRUE;
diff --git a/app/paint/gimppaintcore-stroke.h b/app/paint/gimppaintcore-stroke.h
index 06f7c69..a6e23c2 100644
--- a/app/paint/gimppaintcore-stroke.h
+++ b/app/paint/gimppaintcore-stroke.h
@@ -19,30 +19,30 @@
-gboolean   gimp_paint_core_stroke          (GimpPaintCore     *core,
-                                            GimpDrawable      *drawable,
-                                            GimpPaintOptions  *paint_options,
-                                            GimpCoords        *strokes,
-                                            gint               n_strokes,
-                                            gboolean           push_undo,
-                                            GError           **error);
-gboolean   gimp_paint_core_stroke_boundary (GimpPaintCore     *core,
-                                            GimpDrawable      *drawable,
-                                            GimpPaintOptions  *paint_options,
-                                            gboolean           emulate_dynamics,
-                                            const BoundSeg    *bound_segs,
-                                            gint               n_bound_segs,
-                                            gint               offset_x,
-                                            gint               offset_y,
-                                            gboolean           push_undo,
-                                            GError           **error);
-gboolean   gimp_paint_core_stroke_vectors  (GimpPaintCore     *core,
-                                            GimpDrawable      *drawable,
-                                            GimpPaintOptions  *paint_options,
-                                            gboolean           emulate_dynamics,
-                                            GimpVectors       *vectors,
-                                            gboolean           push_undo,
-                                            GError           **error);
+gboolean   gimp_paint_core_stroke          (GimpPaintCore      *core,
+                                            GimpDrawable       *drawable,
+                                            GimpPaintOptions   *paint_options,
+                                            GimpCoords         *strokes,
+                                            gint                n_strokes,
+                                            gboolean            push_undo,
+                                            GError            **error);
+gboolean   gimp_paint_core_stroke_boundary (GimpPaintCore      *core,
+                                            GimpDrawable       *drawable,
+                                            GimpPaintOptions   *paint_options,
+                                            gboolean            emulate_dynamics,
+                                            const GimpBoundSeg *bound_segs,
+                                            gint                n_bound_segs,
+                                            gint                offset_x,
+                                            gint                offset_y,
+                                            gboolean            push_undo,
+                                            GError            **error);
+gboolean   gimp_paint_core_stroke_vectors  (GimpPaintCore      *core,
+                                            GimpDrawable       *drawable,
+                                            GimpPaintOptions   *paint_options,
+                                            gboolean            emulate_dynamics,
+                                            GimpVectors        *vectors,
+                                            gboolean            push_undo,
+                                            GError            **error);
 #endif  /*  __GIMP_PAINT_CORE_STROKE_H__  */
diff --git a/app/tools/gimpdrawtool.c b/app/tools/gimpdrawtool.c
index 531e46c..94d315b 100644
--- a/app/tools/gimpdrawtool.c
+++ b/app/tools/gimpdrawtool.c
@@ -860,12 +860,12 @@ gimp_draw_tool_add_pen (GimpDrawTool      *draw_tool,
  * indicate the end of connected segment sequences (groups) .
 GimpCanvasItem *
-gimp_draw_tool_add_boundary (GimpDrawTool   *draw_tool,
-                             const BoundSeg *bound_segs,
-                             gint            n_bound_segs,
-                             GimpMatrix3    *transform,
-                             gdouble         offset_x,
-                             gdouble         offset_y)
+gimp_draw_tool_add_boundary (GimpDrawTool       *draw_tool,
+                             const GimpBoundSeg *bound_segs,
+                             gint                n_bound_segs,
+                             GimpMatrix3        *transform,
+                             gdouble             offset_x,
+                             gdouble             offset_y)
   GimpCanvasItem *item;
diff --git a/app/tools/gimpdrawtool.h b/app/tools/gimpdrawtool.h
index 705fae6..5b25892 100644
--- a/app/tools/gimpdrawtool.h
+++ b/app/tools/gimpdrawtool.h
@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ GimpCanvasItem * gimp_draw_tool_add_pen              (GimpDrawTool     *draw_too
                                                       gint              width);
 GimpCanvasItem * gimp_draw_tool_add_boundary         (GimpDrawTool     *draw_tool,
-                                                      const BoundSeg   *bound_segs,
+                                                      const GimpBoundSeg *bound_segs,
                                                       gint              n_bound_segs,
                                                       GimpMatrix3      *transform,
                                                       gdouble           offset_x,
diff --git a/app/tools/gimpeditselectiontool.c b/app/tools/gimpeditselectiontool.c
index 3dce466..68bfcf8 100644
--- a/app/tools/gimpeditselectiontool.c
+++ b/app/tools/gimpeditselectiontool.c
@@ -76,8 +76,8 @@ struct _GimpEditSelectionTool
   gint                x, y;            /*  Current x and y coords            */
   gint                num_segs_in;     /*  Num seg in selection boundary     */
   gint                num_segs_out;    /*  Num seg in selection boundary     */
-  BoundSeg           *segs_in;         /*  Pointer to the channel sel. segs  */
-  BoundSeg           *segs_out;        /*  Pointer to the channel sel. segs  */
+  GimpBoundSeg       *segs_in;         /*  Pointer to the channel sel. segs  */
+  GimpBoundSeg       *segs_out;        /*  Pointer to the channel sel. segs  */
   gint                x1, y1;          /*  Bounding box of selection mask    */
   gint                x2, y2;
@@ -193,8 +193,8 @@ gimp_edit_selection_tool_start (GimpTool          *parent_tool,
   GimpItem              *active_item;
   GimpChannel           *channel;
   gint                   off_x, off_y;
-  const BoundSeg        *segs_in;
-  const BoundSeg        *segs_out;
+  const GimpBoundSeg    *segs_in;
+  const GimpBoundSeg    *segs_out;
   const gchar           *undo_desc;
   edit_select = g_object_new (GIMP_TYPE_EDIT_SELECTION_TOOL,
@@ -282,10 +282,10 @@ gimp_edit_selection_tool_start (GimpTool          *parent_tool,
                          0, 0, 0, 0);
   edit_select->segs_in = g_memdup (segs_in,
-                                   edit_select->num_segs_in * sizeof (BoundSeg));
+                                   edit_select->num_segs_in * sizeof (GimpBoundSeg));
   edit_select->segs_out = g_memdup (segs_out,
-                                    edit_select->num_segs_out * sizeof (BoundSeg));
+                                    edit_select->num_segs_out * sizeof (GimpBoundSeg));
   if (edit_select->edit_mode == GIMP_TRANSLATE_MODE_VECTORS)
diff --git a/app/tools/gimprectangleselecttool.c b/app/tools/gimprectangleselecttool.c
index 62eeed8..6261bfa 100644
--- a/app/tools/gimprectangleselecttool.c
+++ b/app/tools/gimprectangleselecttool.c
@@ -758,7 +758,7 @@ gimp_rectangle_select_tool_execute (GimpRectangleTool *rectangle,
       /*  if the click was inside the marching ants  */
       if (gimp_pickable_get_opacity_at (GIMP_PICKABLE (selection),
-                                        pressx, pressy) > BOUNDARY_HALF_WAY)
+                                        pressx, pressy) > GIMP_BOUNDARY_HALF_WAY)
           gint x1, y1, x2, y2;
diff --git a/app/tools/gimpregionselecttool.c b/app/tools/gimpregionselecttool.c
index dabfdd5..495f18a 100644
--- a/app/tools/gimpregionselecttool.c
+++ b/app/tools/gimpregionselecttool.c
@@ -71,9 +71,9 @@ static void   gimp_region_select_tool_cursor_update  (GimpTool              *too
 static void   gimp_region_select_tool_draw           (GimpDrawTool          *draw_tool);
-static BoundSeg * gimp_region_select_tool_calculate  (GimpRegionSelectTool  *region_sel,
-                                                      GimpDisplay           *display,
-                                                      gint                  *n_segs);
+static GimpBoundSeg * gimp_region_select_tool_calculate (GimpRegionSelectTool *region_sel,
+                                                         GimpDisplay          *display,
+                                                         gint                 *n_segs);
 G_DEFINE_TYPE (GimpRegionSelectTool, gimp_region_select_tool,
@@ -339,13 +339,13 @@ gimp_region_select_tool_draw (GimpDrawTool *draw_tool)
-static BoundSeg *
+static GimpBoundSeg *
 gimp_region_select_tool_calculate (GimpRegionSelectTool *region_sel,
                                    GimpDisplay          *display,
                                    gint                 *n_segs)
   GimpDisplayShell *shell = gimp_display_get_shell (display);
-  BoundSeg         *segs;
+  GimpBoundSeg     *segs;
   PixelRegion       maskPR;
   gimp_display_shell_set_override_cursor (shell, GDK_WATCH);
@@ -375,12 +375,12 @@ gimp_region_select_tool_calculate (GimpRegionSelectTool *region_sel,
                      gimp_item_get_height (GIMP_ITEM (region_sel->region_mask)),
-  segs = boundary_find (&maskPR, BOUNDARY_WITHIN_BOUNDS,
-                        0, 0,
-                        gimp_item_get_width  (GIMP_ITEM (region_sel->region_mask)),
-                        gimp_item_get_height (GIMP_ITEM (region_sel->region_mask)),
-                        BOUNDARY_HALF_WAY,
-                        n_segs);
+  segs = gimp_boundary_find (&maskPR, GIMP_BOUNDARY_WITHIN_BOUNDS,
+                             0, 0,
+                             gimp_item_get_width  (GIMP_ITEM (region_sel->region_mask)),
+                             gimp_item_get_height (GIMP_ITEM (region_sel->region_mask)),
+                             GIMP_BOUNDARY_HALF_WAY,
+                             n_segs);
   gimp_display_shell_unset_override_cursor (shell);
diff --git a/app/tools/gimpregionselecttool.h b/app/tools/gimpregionselecttool.h
index e905bbd..34de05e 100644
--- a/app/tools/gimpregionselecttool.h
+++ b/app/tools/gimpregionselecttool.h
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ struct _GimpRegionSelectTool
   gdouble            saved_threshold;
   GimpChannel       *region_mask;
-  BoundSeg          *segs;
+  GimpBoundSeg      *segs;
   gint               n_segs;
diff --git a/app/tools/gimptransformtool.c b/app/tools/gimptransformtool.c
index 0fa2f76..497b80a 100644
--- a/app/tools/gimptransformtool.c
+++ b/app/tools/gimptransformtool.c
@@ -835,21 +835,21 @@ gimp_transform_tool_draw (GimpDrawTool *draw_tool)
   if (options->type == GIMP_TRANSFORM_TYPE_SELECTION)
-      GimpMatrix3     matrix = tr_tool->transform;
-      const BoundSeg *orig_in;
-      const BoundSeg *orig_out;
-      BoundSeg       *segs_in;
-      BoundSeg       *segs_out;
-      gint            num_segs_in;
-      gint            num_segs_out;
+      GimpMatrix3         matrix = tr_tool->transform;
+      const GimpBoundSeg *orig_in;
+      const GimpBoundSeg *orig_out;
+      GimpBoundSeg       *segs_in;
+      GimpBoundSeg       *segs_out;
+      gint                num_segs_in;
+      gint                num_segs_out;
       gimp_channel_boundary (gimp_image_get_mask (image),
                              &orig_in, &orig_out,
                              &num_segs_in, &num_segs_out,
                              0, 0, 0, 0);
-      segs_in  = g_memdup (orig_in,  num_segs_in  * sizeof (BoundSeg));
-      segs_out = g_memdup (orig_out, num_segs_out * sizeof (BoundSeg));
+      segs_in  = g_memdup (orig_in,  num_segs_in  * sizeof (GimpBoundSeg));
+      segs_out = g_memdup (orig_out, num_segs_out * sizeof (GimpBoundSeg));
       if (segs_in)

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