[rhythmbox] fading-image: try harder

commit 5e2479ce36300662ce8dac91adb64769c093fbf1
Author: Jonathan Matthew <jonathan d14n org>
Date:   Mon Sep 10 21:23:51 2012 +1000

    fading-image: try harder
    Draw a border around the current image (or the next, if fading)
    rather than around the widget's allocation.  This avoids ugly
    gaps between the edge of the image and the border.
    When already in the middle of a transition when starting another,
    use the current transition state as the start image for the next,
    rather than abruptly jumping to the next or reverting to the previous
    When starting a new transition, replace the current image with the
    next, so current is updated even if the transition doesn't finish.

 widgets/rb-fading-image.c |  164 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------
 1 files changed, 121 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-)
diff --git a/widgets/rb-fading-image.c b/widgets/rb-fading-image.c
index 38f1158..112dded 100644
--- a/widgets/rb-fading-image.c
+++ b/widgets/rb-fading-image.c
@@ -51,11 +51,14 @@ struct _RBFadingImagePrivate
 	gdouble alpha;
 	GdkPixbuf *current;
+	int current_width;
+	int current_height;
 	GdkPixbuf *current_full;
 	GdkPixbuf *next;
 	GdkPixbuf *next_full;
 	GdkPixbuf *fallback;
 	GdkPixbufLoader *loader;
+	gboolean next_set;
 	guint64 start;
 	guint64 end;
@@ -136,20 +139,20 @@ impl_realize (GtkWidget *widget)
 static void
-draw_image (cairo_t *cr, GdkPixbuf *image, int width, int height, cairo_extend_t extend, double alpha)
+draw_image (cairo_t *cr, int image_width, int image_height, int width, int height, cairo_extend_t extend, double alpha, gboolean border)
 	cairo_matrix_t matrix;
-	int image_width;
-	int image_height;
-	image_width = gdk_pixbuf_get_width (image);
-	image_height = gdk_pixbuf_get_height (image);
 	cairo_save (cr);
-	cairo_matrix_init_translate (&matrix,
-				     - (BORDER_WIDTH + (width/2 - image_width/2)),
-				     - (BORDER_WIDTH + (height/2 - image_height/2)));
+	if (border) {
+		cairo_matrix_init_translate (&matrix,
+					     - (BORDER_WIDTH + (width/2 - image_width/2)),
+					     - (BORDER_WIDTH + (height/2 - image_height/2)));
+	} else {
+		cairo_matrix_init_translate (&matrix,
+					     - (width/2 - image_width/2),
+					     - (height/2 - image_height/2));
+	}
 	cairo_pattern_set_matrix (cairo_get_source (cr), &matrix);
 	cairo_pattern_set_filter (cairo_get_source (cr), CAIRO_FILTER_BEST);
 	cairo_pattern_set_extend (cairo_get_source (cr), extend);
@@ -162,73 +165,112 @@ draw_image (cairo_t *cr, GdkPixbuf *image, int width, int height, cairo_extend_t
 	cairo_restore (cr);
-static gboolean
-impl_draw (GtkWidget *widget, cairo_t *cr)
+static void
+render_current (RBFadingImage *image, cairo_t *cr, int width, int height, gboolean border)
-	RBFadingImage *image;
-	int width;
-	int height;
-	image = RB_FADING_IMAGE (widget);
-	width = gtk_widget_get_allocated_width (widget);
-	height = gtk_widget_get_allocated_height (widget);
-	cairo_save (cr);
-	cairo_set_line_width (cr, BORDER_WIDTH);
-	cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
-	cairo_set_operator (cr, CAIRO_OPERATOR_OVER);
-	cairo_rectangle (cr, 0, 0, width, height);
-	cairo_stroke (cr);
-	cairo_restore (cr);
-	width -= 2 * BORDER_WIDTH;
-	height -= 2 * BORDER_WIDTH;
-	/* draw current image */
 	if (prepare_image (cr, &image->priv->current_pat, image->priv->current)) {
 		draw_image (cr,
-			    image->priv->current,
+			    image->priv->current_width,
+			    image->priv->current_height,
-			    1.0 - image->priv->alpha);
+			    1.0 - image->priv->alpha,
+			    border);
 	} else if (prepare_image (cr, &image->priv->fallback_pat, image->priv->fallback)) {
 		draw_image (cr,
-			    image->priv->fallback,
+			    gdk_pixbuf_get_width (image->priv->fallback),
+			    gdk_pixbuf_get_height (image->priv->fallback),
-			    1.0 - image->priv->alpha);
+			    1.0 - image->priv->alpha,
+			    border);
 	} else {
 		cairo_save (cr);
 		cairo_set_source_rgb (cr, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
-		cairo_rectangle (cr, BORDER_WIDTH, BORDER_WIDTH, width, height);
+		cairo_rectangle (cr,
+				 border ? BORDER_WIDTH : 0,
+				 border ? BORDER_WIDTH : 0,
+				 width,
+				 height);
 		cairo_set_operator (cr, CAIRO_OPERATOR_OVER);
 		cairo_clip (cr);
 		cairo_paint (cr);
 		cairo_restore (cr);
-	/* if we're fading to a new image, draw that too */
+static void
+render_next (RBFadingImage *image, cairo_t *cr, int width, int height, gboolean border)
 	if (image->priv->alpha < 0.001) {
 		/* do nothing */
 	} else if (prepare_image (cr, &image->priv->next_pat, image->priv->next)) {
 		draw_image (cr,
-			    image->priv->next,
+			    gdk_pixbuf_get_width (image->priv->next),
+			    gdk_pixbuf_get_height (image->priv->next),
-			    image->priv->alpha);
+			    image->priv->alpha,
+			    border);
 	} else if (prepare_image (cr, &image->priv->fallback_pat, image->priv->fallback)) {
 		draw_image (cr,
-			    image->priv->fallback,
+			    gdk_pixbuf_get_width (image->priv->fallback),
+			    gdk_pixbuf_get_height (image->priv->fallback),
-			    image->priv->alpha);
+			    image->priv->alpha,
+			    border);
 	} else {
 		/* also do nothing */
+static gboolean
+impl_draw (GtkWidget *widget, cairo_t *cr)
+	RBFadingImage *image;
+	int border_width;
+	int border_height;
+	int width;
+	int height;
+	width = gtk_widget_get_allocated_width (widget);
+	height = gtk_widget_get_allocated_height (widget);
+	border_width = width;
+	border_height = height;
+	image = RB_FADING_IMAGE (widget);
+	if (image->priv->alpha > 0.01) {
+		if (image->priv->next) {
+			border_width = gdk_pixbuf_get_width (image->priv->next) + 2 * BORDER_WIDTH;
+			border_height = gdk_pixbuf_get_height (image->priv->next) + 2 * BORDER_WIDTH;
+		}
+	} else if (image->priv->current) {
+		border_width = gdk_pixbuf_get_width (image->priv->current) + 2 * BORDER_WIDTH;
+		border_height = gdk_pixbuf_get_height (image->priv->current) + 2 * BORDER_WIDTH;
+	}
+	cairo_save (cr);
+	cairo_set_line_width (cr, BORDER_WIDTH);
+	cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
+	cairo_set_operator (cr, CAIRO_OPERATOR_OVER);
+	cairo_rectangle (cr,
+			 (width - border_width) / 2,
+			 (height - border_height) / 2,
+			 border_width,
+			 border_height);
+	cairo_stroke (cr);
+	cairo_restore (cr);
+	width -= 2 * BORDER_WIDTH;
+	height -= 2 * BORDER_WIDTH;
+	render_current (image, cr, width, height, TRUE);
+	render_next (image, cr, width, height, TRUE);
 	return TRUE;
@@ -566,6 +608,7 @@ clear_next (RBFadingImage *image)
 		g_object_unref (image->priv->next_full);
 		image->priv->next_full = NULL;
+	image->priv->next_set = FALSE;
 static void
@@ -585,11 +628,36 @@ replace_current (RBFadingImage *image, GdkPixbuf *next, GdkPixbuf *next_full)
 	if (next != NULL) {
 		image->priv->current = g_object_ref (next);
+		image->priv->current_width = gdk_pixbuf_get_width (image->priv->current);
+		image->priv->current_height = gdk_pixbuf_get_height (image->priv->current);
 	if (next_full != NULL) {
 		image->priv->current_full = g_object_ref (next_full);
+static void
+composite_into_current (RBFadingImage *image)
+	cairo_t *cr;
+	cairo_surface_t *dest;
+	int width;
+	int height;
+	width = gtk_widget_get_allocated_width (GTK_WIDGET (image)) - 2 * BORDER_WIDTH;
+	height = gtk_widget_get_allocated_height (GTK_WIDGET (image)) - 2 * BORDER_WIDTH;
+	dest = cairo_image_surface_create (CAIRO_FORMAT_RGB24, width, height);
+	cr = cairo_create (dest);
+	render_current (image, cr, width, height, FALSE);
+	render_next (image, cr, width, height, FALSE);
+	if (image->priv->current_pat != NULL) {
+		cairo_pattern_destroy (image->priv->current_pat);
+	}
+	image->priv->current_pat = cairo_pattern_create_for_surface (dest);
+	image->priv->current_width = width;
+	image->priv->current_height = height;
@@ -605,16 +673,20 @@ rb_fading_image_set_pixbuf (RBFadingImage *image, GdkPixbuf *pixbuf)
 	GdkPixbuf *scaled = NULL;
 	GdkPixbuf *full = NULL;
-	clear_next (image);
 	if (pixbuf != NULL) {
 		scaled = scale_thumbnail_if_necessary (image, pixbuf);
 		full = scale_full_if_necessary (image, pixbuf);
 	if (image->priv->render_timer_id != 0) {
+		composite_into_current (image);
+		clear_next (image);
 		image->priv->next_full = full;
 		image->priv->next = scaled;
+		image->priv->next_set = TRUE;
 	} else {
+		clear_next (image);
 		replace_current (image, scaled, full);
 		gtk_widget_queue_draw (GTK_WIDGET (image));
 		gtk_widget_trigger_tooltip_query (GTK_WIDGET (image));
@@ -684,5 +756,11 @@ rb_fading_image_start (RBFadingImage *image, guint64 duration)
 	image->priv->start = g_get_monotonic_time ();
 	image->priv->end = image->priv->start + (duration * 1000);
+	if (image->priv->next_set) {
+		replace_current (image, image->priv->next, image->priv->next_full);
+		clear_next (image);
+		image->priv->next_set = TRUE;
+	}
 	update_render_timer (image);

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