[gparted] Add fallback implementation to new delete LVM2 PV warning dialog (#670171)

commit 590f1377f9dd5999564ddb93b2e2054fc2f6750d
Author: Mike Fleetwood <mike fleetwood googlemail com>
Date:   Tue Jul 24 13:49:44 2012 +0100

    Add fallback implementation to new delete LVM2 PV warning dialog (#670171)
    The new delete non-empty LVM2 Physical Volume warning dialog uses
    Gtk::MessageDialog::get_message_area() in the display of Volume Group
    members.  This function was new in gtkmm 2.22, released September 2010,
    which is not available in a number of current distributions including:
    Unbuntu 10.04 LTS, RHEL 6.3, SLES 11-SP2, Debian 6.0.
    Implement fallback method to display the VG name and member PVs in the
    warning dialog for when get_message_area() is not available.
    Bug #670171 - Add LVM PV read-write support

 configure.in       |    6 +++++
 src/Win_GParted.cc |   53 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------
 2 files changed, 48 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)
diff --git a/configure.in b/configure.in
index 2bf4224..12e61c6 100644
--- a/configure.in
+++ b/configure.in
@@ -258,6 +258,12 @@ PKG_CHECK_EXISTS([gtkmm-2.4 >= 2.16.0],
+dnl Check for gtkmm >= 2.22 to determine availability of Gtk::MessageDialog::get_message_area().
+PKG_CHECK_EXISTS([gtkmm-2.4 >= 2.22.0],
+  [AC_DEFINE([HAVE_GET_MESSAGE_AREA], 1, [Define if gtkmm provides Gtk::MessageDialog::get_message_area() function.])],
+  [])
 dnl check whether to build documentation - Gnome-Doc-Utils
diff --git a/src/Win_GParted.cc b/src/Win_GParted.cc
index a64cc02..c90da06 100644
--- a/src/Win_GParted.cc
+++ b/src/Win_GParted.cc
@@ -2708,10 +2708,46 @@ bool Win_GParted::remove_non_empty_lvm2_pv_dialog( const OperationType optype )
 	              "LVM commands to free the Physical Volume before attempting this operation." ) ;
 	tmp_msg += "\n\n" ;
 	tmp_msg += _( "Do you want to continue to forcibly delete the Physical Volume?" ) ;
-	dialog .set_secondary_text( tmp_msg ) ;
-	//WARNING: Uses Gtk::MessageDialog::get_message_area() which was new in
-	//  gtkmm-2.22 released September 2010.  Not all distributions will have it.
+	LVM2_PV_Info lvm2_pv_info ;
+	Glib::ustring vgname = lvm2_pv_info .get_vg_name( selected_partition .get_path() ) ;
+	std::vector<Glib::ustring> members ;
+	if ( ! vgname .empty() )
+		members = lvm2_pv_info .get_vg_members( vgname ) ;
+	//Single copy of each string for translation purposes
+	const Glib::ustring vgname_label  = _( "Volume Group:" ) ;
+	const Glib::ustring members_label = _( "Members:" ) ;
+	//Basic method of displaying VG members by appending it to the secondary text in the dialog.
+	tmp_msg += "\n____________________\n\n" ;
+	tmp_msg += "<b>" ;
+	tmp_msg +=       vgname_label ;
+	tmp_msg +=                    "</b>    " ;
+	tmp_msg +=                               vgname ;
+	tmp_msg += "\n" ;
+	tmp_msg += "<b>" ;
+	tmp_msg +=       members_label ;
+	tmp_msg +=                     "</b>" ;
+	if ( ! members .empty() )
+	{
+		tmp_msg += "    " ;
+		tmp_msg +=        members [0] ;
+		for ( unsigned int i = 1 ; i < members .size() ; i ++ )
+		{
+			tmp_msg += "    " ;
+			tmp_msg +=        members [i] ;
+		}
+	}
+#endif /* ! HAVE_GET_MESSAGE_AREA */
+	dialog .set_secondary_text( tmp_msg, true ) ;
+	//Nicely formatted method of displaying VG members by using a table below the secondary text
+	//  in the dialog.  Uses Gtk::MessageDialog::get_message_area() which was new in gtkmm-2.22
+	//  released September 2010.
 	Gtk::Box * msg_area = dialog .get_message_area() ;
 	Gtk::HSeparator * hsep( manage( new Gtk::HSeparator() ) ) ;
@@ -2723,23 +2759,17 @@ bool Win_GParted::remove_non_empty_lvm2_pv_dialog( const OperationType optype )
         msg_area ->pack_start( * table ) ;
 	int top = 0, bottom = 1 ;
-	LVM2_PV_Info lvm2_pv_info ;
-	Glib::ustring vgname = lvm2_pv_info .get_vg_name( selected_partition .get_path() ) ;
 	//Volume Group
-	table ->attach( * Utils::mk_label( "<b>" + Glib::ustring( _( "Volume Group:" ) ) + "</b>" ),
+	table ->attach( * Utils::mk_label( "<b>" + Glib::ustring( vgname_label ) + "</b>" ),
 	                0, 1, top, bottom, Gtk::FILL ) ;
 	table ->attach( * Utils::mk_label( vgname, true, Gtk::ALIGN_LEFT, Gtk::ALIGN_CENTER, false, true ),
 	                1, 2, top++, bottom++, Gtk::FILL ) ;
-	table ->attach( * Utils::mk_label( "<b>" + Glib::ustring( _("Members:") ) + "</b>"),
+	table ->attach( * Utils::mk_label( "<b>" + Glib::ustring( members_label ) + "</b>"),
 			0, 1, top, bottom, Gtk::FILL ) ;
-	std::vector<Glib::ustring> members ;
-	if ( ! vgname .empty() )
-		members = lvm2_pv_info .get_vg_members( vgname ) ;
 	if ( members .empty() )
 		table ->attach( * Utils::mk_label( "" ), 1, 2, top++, bottom++, Gtk::FILL ) ;
@@ -2754,6 +2784,7 @@ bool Win_GParted::remove_non_empty_lvm2_pv_dialog( const OperationType optype )
 	dialog .add_button( Gtk::Stock::CANCEL, Gtk::RESPONSE_CANCEL );
 	dialog .add_button( Gtk::Stock::DELETE, Gtk::RESPONSE_OK );

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