[pygobject] Fix GLib override incompatibilities with old static API

commit 80db2a50feab9898d7c5f88ea27aadc3dfb5bec3
Author: Simon Feltman <sfeltman src gnome org>
Date:   Tue Oct 30 18:33:44 2012 -0700

    Fix GLib override incompatibilities with old static API
    Change idle_add, timeout_add, timeout_add_seconds, and
    io_add_watch to accept *args and **kwargs as arguments
    to the callback functions instead of only accepting a single
    user_data arg. This ensures the new overridden introspection
    methods are backwards compatible with the static versions
    they replaced.

 gi/overrides/GLib.py    |   98 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 tests/test_iochannel.py |   37 ++++++++++++++++-
 2 files changed, 90 insertions(+), 45 deletions(-)
diff --git a/gi/overrides/GLib.py b/gi/overrides/GLib.py
index 0085533..3919f5f 100644
--- a/gi/overrides/GLib.py
+++ b/gi/overrides/GLib.py
@@ -569,31 +569,55 @@ __all__.append('Timeout')
 _unspecified = object()
-# backwards compatible API
-def _glib_idle_adjust_callback(function, user_data):
-    if user_data is _unspecified:
-        # we have to call the callback without the user_data argument
-        return (lambda data: function(), None)
-    return (function, user_data)
+def idle_add(function, *args, **kwargs):
+    '''Add idle callback with variable arguments.
+    Accepts priority as keyword argument (default GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT_IDLE).
+    Remaining args and kwargs will be passed to callback.
+    '''
+    newkwargs = kwargs.copy()
+    if 'priority' in newkwargs:
+        priority = newkwargs.pop('priority')
+    else:
+        priority = GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT_IDLE
-def idle_add(function, user_data=_unspecified, priority=GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT_IDLE):
-    (function, user_data) = _glib_idle_adjust_callback(function, user_data)
-    return GLib.idle_add(priority, function, user_data)
+    return GLib.idle_add(priority, lambda _: function(*args, **newkwargs), None)
-def timeout_add(interval, function, user_data=_unspecified, priority=GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT):
-    (function, user_data) = _glib_idle_adjust_callback(function, user_data)
-    return GLib.timeout_add(priority, interval, function, user_data)
+def timeout_add(interval, function, *args, **kwargs):
+    '''Add timeout callback with variable arguments.
+    Accepts priority as keyword argument (default GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT).
+    Remaining args and kwargs will be passed to callback.
+    '''
+    newkwargs = kwargs.copy()
+    if 'priority' in newkwargs:
+        priority = newkwargs.pop('priority')
+    else:
+        priority = GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT
+    return GLib.timeout_add(priority, interval,
+                            lambda _: function(*args, **newkwargs), None)
-def timeout_add_seconds(interval, function, user_data=_unspecified, priority=GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT):
-    (function, user_data) = _glib_idle_adjust_callback(function, user_data)
-    return GLib.timeout_add_seconds(priority, interval, function, user_data)
+def timeout_add_seconds(interval, function, *args, **kwargs):
+    '''Add timeout callback in seconds with variable arguments.
+    Accepts "priority" as keyword argument (default GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT).
+    Remaining args and kwargs will be passed to callback.
+    '''
+    newkwargs = kwargs.copy()
+    if 'priority' in newkwargs:
+        priority = newkwargs.pop('priority')
+    else:
+        priority = GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT
+    return GLib.timeout_add_seconds(priority, interval,
+                                    lambda _: function(*args, **newkwargs), None)
@@ -605,42 +629,33 @@ __all__.append('timeout_add_seconds')
 # - calling without a priority as second argument
 # and the usual "call without user_data", in which case the callback does not
 # get an user_data either.
-def io_add_watch(channel, priority, condition, callback=_unspecified, user_data=_unspecified):
-    if not isinstance(priority, int) or isinstance(priority, GLib.IOCondition):
-        warnings.warn('Calling io_add_watch without priority as second argument is deprecated',
-                      PyGIDeprecationWarning)
-        # shift the arguments around
-        user_data = callback
-        callback = condition
-        condition = priority
-        priority = GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT
-    if user_data is _unspecified:
-        # we have to call the callback without the user_data argument
-        func = lambda channel, cond, data: callback(channel, cond)
-        user_data = None
+def io_add_watch(channel, condition, callback, *args, **kwargs):
+    newkwargs = kwargs.copy()
+    if 'priority' in newkwargs:
+        priority = newkwargs.pop('priority')
-        func = callback
+        priority = GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT
-    # backwards compatibility: Allow calling with fd
-    if isinstance(channel, int):
+    if isinstance(channel, GLib.IOChannel):
+        func_fdtransform = lambda chan, cond, data: callback(chan, cond, *args, **newkwargs)
+        real_channel = channel
+    elif isinstance(channel, int):
+        # backwards compatibility: Allow calling with fd
         warnings.warn('Calling io_add_watch with a file descriptor is deprecated; call it with a GLib.IOChannel object',
-        func_fdtransform = lambda _, cond, data: func(channel, cond, data)
+        func_fdtransform = lambda _, cond, data: callback(channel, cond, *args, **newkwargs)
         real_channel = GLib.IOChannel.unix_new(channel)
     elif hasattr(channel, 'fileno'):
         # backwards compatibility: Allow calling with Python file
         warnings.warn('Calling io_add_watch with a file object is deprecated; call it with a GLib.IOChannel object',
-        func_fdtransform = lambda _, cond, data: func(channel, cond, data)
+        func_fdtransform = lambda _, cond, data: callback(channel, cond, *args, **newkwargs)
         real_channel = GLib.IOChannel.unix_new(channel.fileno())
-        assert isinstance(channel, GLib.IOChannel)
-        func_fdtransform = func
-        real_channel = channel
+        raise TypeError('Expected a GLib.IOChannel, but got %s' % type(channel))
     return GLib.io_add_watch(real_channel, priority, condition,
-                             func_fdtransform, user_data)
+                             func_fdtransform, None)
@@ -702,9 +717,8 @@ class IOChannel(GLib.IOChannel):
             raise ValueError("invalid 'whence' value")
         return self.seek_position(offset, w)
-    def add_watch(self, condition, callback, user_data=_unspecified,
-                  priority=GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT):
-        return io_add_watch(self, priority, condition, callback, user_data)
+    def add_watch(self, condition, callback, *args, **kwargs):
+        return io_add_watch(self, condition, callback, *args, **kwargs)
     add_watch = deprecated(add_watch, 'GLib.io_add_watch()')
diff --git a/tests/test_iochannel.py b/tests/test_iochannel.py
index ec9a307..bc15229 100644
--- a/tests/test_iochannel.py
+++ b/tests/test_iochannel.py
@@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ second line
         # io_add_watch() method is deprecated, use GLib.io_add_watch
         with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as warn:
-            id = ch.add_watch(GLib.IOCondition.IN, cb, 'hello', GLib.PRIORITY_HIGH)
+            id = ch.add_watch(GLib.IOCondition.IN, cb, 'hello', priority=GLib.PRIORITY_HIGH)
             self.assertTrue(issubclass(warn[0].category, PyGIDeprecationWarning))
@@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ second line
             return True
-        id = GLib.io_add_watch(ch, GLib.PRIORITY_HIGH, GLib.IOCondition.IN, cb)
+        id = GLib.io_add_watch(ch, GLib.IOCondition.IN, cb, priority=GLib.PRIORITY_HIGH)
         ml = GLib.MainLoop()
@@ -307,7 +307,38 @@ second line
             return True
-        id = GLib.io_add_watch(ch, GLib.PRIORITY_HIGH, GLib.IOCondition.IN, cb, 'hello')
+        id = GLib.io_add_watch(ch, GLib.IOCondition.IN, cb, 'hello', priority=GLib.PRIORITY_HIGH)
+        ml = GLib.MainLoop()
+        self.assertEqual(ml.get_context().find_source_by_id(id).priority,
+                         GLib.PRIORITY_HIGH)
+        GLib.timeout_add(10, lambda: os.write(w, b'a') and False)
+        GLib.timeout_add(100, lambda: os.write(w, b'b') and False)
+        GLib.timeout_add(200, ml.quit)
+        ml.run()
+        self.assertEqual(cb_reads, [b'a', b'b'])
+    def test_add_watch_with_multi_data(self):
+        (r, w) = os.pipe()
+        ch = GLib.IOChannel(filedes=r)
+        ch.set_encoding(None)
+        ch.set_flags(ch.get_flags() | GLib.IOFlags.NONBLOCK)
+        cb_reads = []
+        def cb(channel, condition, data1, data2, data3):
+            self.assertEqual(channel, ch)
+            self.assertEqual(condition, GLib.IOCondition.IN)
+            self.assertEqual(data1, 'a')
+            self.assertEqual(data2, 'b')
+            self.assertEqual(data3, 'c')
+            cb_reads.append(channel.read())
+            return True
+        id = GLib.io_add_watch(ch, GLib.IOCondition.IN, cb,
+                               'a', 'b', 'c', priority=GLib.PRIORITY_HIGH)
         ml = GLib.MainLoop()

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