[vala] (63 commits) Created branch wip/transform

The branch 'wip/transform' was created.

Summary of new commits:

  4707b30... Analyze nodes after they are inserted into the tree
  2dbbd99... Make the semantic analyzer be stateless
  8023673... Collect error_types on demand to allow transformations
  b65ad3e... Code transformer
  d281d45... Move WhileStatement transformation into the code transforme
  ba7c90a... Move DoStatement transformation into the code transformer
  40b5edd... Move ForStatement transformation into the code transformer
  848e7bc... Move ConditionalExpression transformation into the code tra
  414e787... GVariant transformer
  46bec5e... Add ConditionalExpression.replace_expression plus other fix
  00db55b... Add missing replace_expression to code nodes
  3c4be2d... Code builder
  43116a2... Parse expressions from string
  c913e3f... Serialize structs
  4f409bc... Serialize hash table
  932dcdb... Basic gvariant deserialization
  236b509... Deserialize arrays
  4a6a88b... Deserialize structs
  c992d0b... Deserialize hash tables
  798b313... Wrapper methods
  b6e4226... Cache wrapper methods
  b0da065... Use wrapper method for serializing hash table and structs
  02857bb... Resolve symbols during transformation
  630bdc1... Add more to_string() methods to expressions
  1113051... Let the transformer handle recursive transformations
  b586e1c... Simplify some code
  492faaf... Move gvariant helper methods down to CodeTransformer
  faf612d... Drop serialize_expression
  4ea8714... Use wrapper methods for deserializing gvariants
  ba0b194... Complete the gvariant transformer
  196fe50... GDBus client transformer
  83329c7... GDBus server transformer
  207bdea... Drop unnecessary code
  2b383df... Drop build_context from CodeBuilder
  cfe2ae2... Fix nested Variant (de)serialization
  6aa4146... Move ForeachStatement transformation into the code transfor
  4e1b986... Split CodeTrasformer into CCodeTransformer
  1a58b7d... Move BinaryExpression transformation to the code transforme
  dd09f7c... Move ObjectCreationExpression transformation to the code tr
  9719856... Drop GVariant stuff from CCodeBaseModule
  3f99284... Preserve the cast when unboxing gvariant
  b87249c... DOM-like linked list of statements
  06ffd65... Don't navigate the resolver tree if a node has been checked
  d083d04... Use builder for the while statements
  47047b7... Allow floating temp variables with CodeBuilder
  53797a5... Do not handle binary expressions without parent statement
  c618f27... Fix for statement and foreach on GList
  207026d... Fix unary expression and active locals
  54f6867... dbus: Require gio-2.0
  7ed6c87... Fix build after rebase
  3724351... Access SemanticAnalyzer.get_data_type_for_symbol in a stati
  a0b774f... Fix some code-style issues
  93ddde6... Report error for unsupported GVariant (de)serialization
  6bb6dd6... Fix deserialiation of hash tables
  48dcb79... codegen: Fix capture of compiler-generated internal temp va
  1a54678... transformer: Clear wrapper cache for every file
  9f38ebd... dbus: Copy type when declaring temporary variables
  ca865cf... codegen: Fix making local variables and constants active
  14c540d... Added TraverseVisitor for traversing the tree with a callba
  d1eaff5... Convert get_used_variables to TraverseVisitor
  22fe2c7... Make Method.yield_count be stateless
  a5bf3bd... Drop visit_expression from Traverse to avoid checking twice
  b7dbf8c... Visit assignment and reference transfer in traverse

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