[pitivi] mainwindow: Make the timeline toolbar vertical

commit 4b4291a8fe73c2bd75edd167f347170a6c52c6f7
Author: Jean-FranÃois Fortin Tam <nekohayo gmail com>
Date:   Tue Oct 9 17:27:45 2012 -0400

    mainwindow: Make the timeline toolbar vertical
    This makes better use of widescreen monitors.

 pitivi/mainwindow.py |   15 ++++++++++-----
 1 files changed, 10 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
diff --git a/pitivi/mainwindow.py b/pitivi/mainwindow.py
index 9890dbb..0b1441d 100644
--- a/pitivi/mainwindow.py
+++ b/pitivi/mainwindow.py
@@ -441,15 +441,20 @@ class PitiviMainWindow(Gtk.Window, Loggable):
         self.mainhpaned.pack2(self.viewer, resize=False, shrink=False)
         # Now, the lower part: the timeline
+        timeline_area = Gtk.HBox()
         self.timeline_ui = Timeline(instance, self.uimanager)
         self.timeline_ui.controls.connect("selection-changed", self._selectedLayerChangedCb)
-        self.vpaned.pack2(self.timeline_ui, resize=True, shrink=False)
-        self.timeline_ui.show()
-        # Timeline toolbar, below the timeline
         ttb = self.uimanager.get_widget("/TimelineToolBar")
-        vbox.pack_start(ttb, False, True, 0)
+        ttb.get_style_context().add_class("inline-toolbar")
+        ttb.set_orientation(Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL)
+        ttb.set_style(Gtk.ToolbarStyle.ICONS)
+        self.vpaned.pack2(timeline_area, resize=True, shrink=False)
+        timeline_area.pack_start(self.timeline_ui, expand=True, fill=True, padding=0)
+        timeline_area.pack_start(ttb, expand=False, fill=True, padding=0)
+        timeline_area.show()
+        self.timeline_ui.show()
         # Restore settings (or set defaults) for position and visibility

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